Association des amateurs des l'environnement souk lahad tunsie

National Network

menchia souk lahad

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
we are so glad to receive a maessage frome your association our group is interested in raising environnemental awareness anong children. As we mentioned before, most members of the assocaition live in the south of tunisia and we have been fighting against desertification for ages we started acting ourselves by recyling our waste and revsing ( wheels , plastic...) to make new vasable materials (bins )
Mission and Objectives

- protection de l'environnement
- La création d'une conscience environnementale
- la stimulation de l'investissement dans les énergies renouvelables.

Main Projects / Activities

we are so glad to receive a maessage frome your association our group is interested in raising environnemental awareness anong children. As we mentioned before, most members of the assocaition live in the south of tunisia and we have been fighting against desertification for ages we started acting ourselves by recyling our waste and revsing ( wheels , plastic...) to make new vasable materials (bins )

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaled Issam
Head of the organisation
Khaled Issam


National Network

11 rue chaligny
75012 PAris


06 20 28 14 46
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association 1901 dont le siège social est à Paris et la création d'une antenne sur Nouakchott en cours.
Mission and Objectives

Objet :
- la mise en valeur du patrimoine artistique français et africain (plus particulièrement de la Mauritanie)
- la diffusion de la culture et de la langue française.
- Favoriser les échanges inter-culturels et de création permettant à chaque être humain de construire son rapport aux autres et son rapport au monde.
- participer au développement durable à travers la culture et le respect des spécificités culturelles de chaque pays.
- Offrir la possibilité à chacun de devenir producteur / acteur de culture et de dépasser le stade de simple consommateur de divertissements.

Main Projects / Activities

Projet de formation professionnelle audiovisuelle sur Nouakchott, en collaboration avec la Maison des Cinéastes de Nouakchott, membre de votre réseau. Je suis en recherche de partenaires et de subventions pour accompagner et rendre possible le projet.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sur les conseils de La Maison des Cinéastes de Nouakchott (Monsieur Abderrahmane Salem), et afin de pouvoir participer à la réunion destinée au développement et au renforcement du réseau mauritanien les 17 et 18 Septembre à Nouakchott.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Visões Úteis Associação

National Network

Fábrica Social, Rua da Fábrica Social S/N 4000-211 Porto

351 222006144
Telephone (other)
351 931765475
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Not for profit association with a staff of 3 persons plus several regular colaborators. Funded by portuguese and european public institutions and also by co-producers. Average anual budget between 75.000 and 175.000 euros. Producing performing arts (performances, workshops, community based work)with several public and private partners (national theatres, foundations, neighbourhood authorities etc).
Mission and Objectives

Visões Úteis (which in portuguese stands for “Useful Visions”) is an artistic project, with a theatrical inspiration, based in Porto since 1994. A very personal artistic project, producing itself, a multidisciplinary project, using collaborative processes which invite all artists involved to take part in a very special commitment.
In Visões Úteis, the aesthetical project has been growing along with a very strong ethical— we can even say political— commitment, in a constant reflexion about the contemporary sense of making art— and specially performing arts— which is decisive to the daily working options and gives us an accurate sense of our political and social responsibility towards the community we live in.

Main Projects / Activities

Considering the year of 2013 we could point: A bycicle opera along the city river (inspired by the pollution of the water), a community performance in the underground (inspired by the boarders between social groups) and a theatrical performance (inspired by the relation between information and democracy). And also the participation in several learning/networking projects with partners from Greece, Ireland, France, Italy, Sweden and Germany.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are members of PLATEIA (the only formal association of theatre companies in Portugal). And also one of the few portuguese members of IETM - International Network for the contemporary performing arts. So we could say networks are a vital part of our DNA. Thus, we belive that, after some time, we could contribute to bring more members (mainly from the north region but not only) to the network. And of course, we would give more visibility to the network by linking our mission to the one of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, in the last years, networking and collaborating with south european partners has become crucial for us. Not only for pratical reasons (trying to escape to the finantial constraints of working alone) but specially to make a proper sense of our role in Europe, both as portuguese and artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carlos Costa
Head of the organisation
Ana Vitorino and Carlos Costa
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Vitorino

Association for Intercultural Dialogue

National Network

Elena Cuza Street, No.9
Curtea de Arges

004 0248727433
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
004 0741104347
Mobile Phone (other)
004 0721536337
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The members of our association are trainers, activists for human rights, teachers, artists who work voluntary. In our organization, many volunteers belong from vulnerable groups such as: unemployed people, emigrants groups, Roma people, LGBT who are actively involved in all the Association’s activities. As sources of funding for developing project activities are the projects grants from : “Empowerment Against Discrimination” –YIA, “Dare to be Yourself” –YIA, “The Art of Fire” – AFCN, “Core”- Grundtvig project. We’ve also developed many activities such as: The First March of Tolerance, The Affirmative Action, My Language is Humanity etc using volunteering work and natural contribution. We are collaborating with authorities and other NGOs such as: The Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, The Romanian Institute for Human Rights, The National Museum of Romanian Peasant, National Colleges,“Immediate Theatre”- UK, “ “Society for the Promotion of Social Initiatives Alpi”- Poland, “Manai mazpilsētai Aknīstei”- Latvia, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The Association For Intercultural Dialogue offers and supports education in the spirit of the European values by promoting values of democracy and tolerance, fighting against any kind of discrimination and understanding the role of diversity.
Our expertise is based on developing partnerships projects, European projects, working with young people groups as well as vulnerable groups, exchanging experience, organizing workshops and trainings .

Main Projects / Activities

We’ve developed projects : “Empowerment Against Discrimination” -YIA, in order to empower young people from vulnerable groups , “Dare to be Yourself” –YIA in order to dismount stereotypes and prejudices regarding the LGBT community, “The Art of Fire” – AFCN : in order to rise the inclusion or young rroma people and now we are implementing Grundtvig project “Core” for gender equality and against domestic violence. We’ve also achieved activities such as: The First March of Tolerance, My Language is Humanity, The Affirmative Action, Arising Awareness Campaign or we have celebrated – developing a partnership with National Romanian Commission for UNESCO – UNESCO international days.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being a part of this network I could increase its visibility and I think that I could create a little network part of that network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is one of the most important network which will offer a lot of opportunity sharing the experience and support in the field of human right education and combating any sort of discrimination.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tania Nicolau
Head of the organisation
Tania Nicolau
Contact (2) Full Name
Lucretia Baluta

Association Droits et Citoyenneyé

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information We hope to participate with you to develop new skills we are in great need our country is entering a new air of democracy to succeed we need to acquire new skills Hope is our girls and boys association Rights and Citizenship Support young people to exercise their rights at the same time do their homework by successful active participation in all spheres of life local regional and international Association Rights and Citizenships aim to: -Creates positive communication between managers and moderators of young -the birth of a partnership between managers and moderators of young - Explore opportunities for young people's contribution in enabling the efforts of associations in the state - Compatibility between dreams and aspirations of youth and what is actually available from the perspectives of development - An inventory of projects / areas or people or youth groups can take the initiative to invest - Inventory of available funding sources of which may benefit young - Consensus on evaluation of its stations and upcoming changes We must give our citizens hope Citizens must see that the situation improves First the young If this is not the disaster Reform and job creation require candidates to a period of time While waiting for unemployed youth volunteering projects in the global civil society is very beneficial for all Thank you
Mission and Objectives

See above

Main Projects / Activities

See above

Contact (1) Full Name
Ghomed Mahdi
Head of the organisation

جمعية النادى الاجتماعى

National Network

قحافة اعلى الشهر العقارى - طنطا الغربية

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
6 عمال مصادر التمويل اشتركات الاعضاء والتبرعات وبعض مشاريع وانشطة للجمعية
Mission and Objectives

اقامة مجتمع متعاون

Main Projects / Activities

اقامة معارض - مشاريع خدمة البيئة - كفاله الايتام - تعليم الحاسب الالى - رحلات -

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لزيادة التعاون وخدمة المجتمع

Contact (1) Full Name
عزت محمد نبية شراقى
Head of the organisation
عزت محمد نبية شراقى

جمعية شمعة الحياة لرعاية الاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة

National Network

سوهاج - اخميم عرب الاطاولة ش صهيب الرومى امام صيدلية المحمدى

لا يوجد
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
تتشكل الجمعية من اعضاء مجلس الادارة وهم ٥ افراد وتتكون الجمعية العمومية من 150 فرد/عدد الموظفين 16 موظف ويشملون مديروا مشروعات ومحاسب ومنسقون ومتابعون فنيون واداريون.(جميع اعضاء الجمعية والموظفين من الاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة المختلفة) تشمل مصادر التمويل ( منح -اشتراكات الاعضاء - تبرعات مالية وعينية- مشروعات) انشطة الجمعية تهدف الى الوصول الى مجتكع دامج للاشخاص ذوى الاعاقةتشمل ( مبادرات مناصرة عن القضايا التى تهم الاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة- لقاءات توعية - تدريبات -ورش عمل ) يوجد لدى الجمعية كثير من الشركاء منهم (المجاش القومى لشئون الاعاقة - المجلس القومى للمراة - المجلس القومى للامومة والطفولة - جمعيات اهلية داخل المحافظة وخارجها- الاتحاد النوعى المصرى لمنظمات الاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة)
Mission and Objectives

أول جمعية بمحافظة سوهاج يكون كل أعضائها من الأشخاص ذوى الاعاقة وذلك للحس بالمشكلات التي يعانى منها المعاقين أنفسهم
رؤية الجمعية
جمعية فعالة ومبتكرة مشاركة للمجتمع لديها امكانيات وموارد التي تمكنها من أداء دورها نحو الاشخا ص ذوى الإعاقة ، قادرة على تلبية احتياجاتهم وتحسين نوعية الخدمات المقدمة لهم وذلك فى اطار التصدى لقضايا ذوى الاعاقة
رسالة الجمعية
جمعية شمعة الحياة للمعاقين ب سوهاج جمعية تهتم بالاشخاص ذوى الإعاقة ، ولدينا كوادر متميزة بالعمل فى هذا المجال ، ونطمح فى توفير الحياة الكريمة
للأشخاص ذوى الإعاقة

Main Projects / Activities

مبادرات مناصرة لقضايا الاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة لتعيل بعض القوانين - وادماج الاشخاص والنساء من ذوات الاعاقة ومشاركتهم فى جوانب الحياة المختلفة- وضع اولويات قضايا الاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة على اجندة صناع القرار
عمل دراسات عن احتياجات الاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة
تدريبات لوسائل الاعلام المختلفة لتغير نظرة المجتمع للاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة واظهار الصورة الايجابية لهم من قدرات وامكانيات
لقاءات توعية للاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة وخاصة فى المشاركة السياسية وتعريفهم بحقوقهم وكيفية الحصول عليها
تدريبات وورش عمل لصناع القرار للضغط عليهم لوضع اولويات قضايا الاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة على اجندتهم

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق نقل خبرات للمؤسسات المشاركة فى الشبكة فى كيفية التعامل مع الاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة وعرض الدراسات التى توصلنا اليها من اعداد المعاقين واولويات احتياجاتهم وكيفية ادماجهم فى المجتمع وعرض المشروعات التى اثمرت بنتائج ملموسةوعرض نتائج تبادل زيارات للاشخاص ذوى الاعاقة فى ثقافات مختلفة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لان المؤسسة تهدف إلى المقاربة بين الشعوب للارتقاء بالاحترام المتبادل بين الثقافات. وانها تدعم النشاطات في شتى المجالات التي تؤثر على الإدراك المتبادل بين الشعوب من الثقافات والمعتقادات المختلفة، وتقوم ايضا تضم شبكة تضم عدد كبير من مؤسسات المجتمع المدنى فى كثير من المناطق الجعرافية المختلفة.

Contact (1) Full Name
حلا السيد مهدى
Head of the organisation
حلا السيد مهدى
Contact (2) Full Name
عمر حمام جاد

citoyenneté pour tous

National Network

22 rue salem bchir 5000 monastir

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Structure de l'organisation : Bureau excécutifs, bureaux membres : 60 Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles Sources de financement : adhésions, appels à projets ...
Mission and Objectives

Vulgarisation des valeurs des droits de l'homme, de la démocratie et de la citoyenneté
- Education à la citoyenneté.

Main Projects / Activities

projets en cours "c'est facile d'accéder aux services municipaux"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

améliorer le résoutage associaitif
oeuvrer pour participer aux différents actions

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le Réseau FAL incite à partager des valeurs en commun et à vivre ensembles avec l'espace géographique de la région Euro-méditerranéenne, et c'est l'une de nos objectifs principale, de plus l’association Citoyenneté pour Tous essaye d’extendre les activités en vue l'amélioration de la vie citoyenne.

Contact (1) Full Name
besbes zied
Head of the organisation
neji jomaa

association national fidélité au développement ROHIA

National Network

Cité essada ROHIA 6150

00216 78893222
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
00216 92897868
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
-l'association fidélité aux développement est une association a but non lucratif . nombre de l’équipe 11 nombre de salariée 4 -l'association octroi des micro crédits a l'ordre de 350 milles dinars tunisiens par une convention annuel avec la banque de solidarité tunisienne - l'association leurs financement des projet est - la ligne des micro crédits avec la banque - les projets réaliser avec l'union européenne -banque mondiale - différentes bailleurs de fond - l'association a crée des centaines des projets depuis leurs création dans différentes domaines de développement . - partenaire principaux ( banque tunisienne de solidarité et délégation de l'union européenne et l’état ....)
Mission and Objectives

Développement durable : AFDPR donne l'exemple…
l'association fidélité au développement a mis en place une politique interne de développement durable :
- politique d'achats favorisant les éco-produits ;
- choix de prestataires responsables (entreprises d’insertion, entreprises sociales…) ;
- réduction de ses consommations d'eau, d'énergie, de papier ;
- sensibilisation et la formation au développement durable de son personnel ;
- gestion du tri et du recyclage des déchets ;
- soutien à la mobilité durable de ses salariés (prise en charge des abonnements de location de vélo…)
L'association fidélité au développement est un groupe de pression et de proposition visant à faciliter l'intégration du développement durable au cœur des politiques universitaires (éducation, recherche et services à la société). Plus particulièrement, elle vise à:
Sensibiliser la communauté au rôle dans la promotion du développement durable;
Contribuer à bâtir les citoyens transmettant les connaissances nécessaires à la réalisation du développement durable;
Travailler à l'intégration dans toutes les activités de développement durable liée à la société
Favoriser les échanges entre la communauté universitaire et la société pour promouvoir le développement durable;
Soutenir une promotion de base sur les éléments qui conduisent à la dégradation de l'environnement, aux disparités, et aux injustices entre générations ou entre individus.
Voir Activités

Main Projects / Activities

Chargé / Chargée de mission développement de zones d'activités
n Chargé / Chargée de mission développement durable - Agenda 21
n Chargé / Chargée de mission développement économique
n Chargé / Chargée de mission développement local
n Chargé / Chargée de mission développement urbain
n Chargé / Chargée de projet de développement social urbain
n Chargé / Chargée de projet en aménagement du territoire
n Chargé / Chargée de projet en gestion urbaine de proximité
n Chef de projet contrat de ville
n Chef de projet de développement local
n Conseiller / Conseillère en développement local
n Coordonnateur / Coordonnatrice de dispositif de développement local
n Coordonnateur / Coordonnatrice de projet de développement local
n Développeur / Développeuse économique
n Développeur culturel / Développeuse culturelle
n Responsable de développement territorial
n Responsable de projet de développement local
n Urbaniste

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

notre association va contribuer au réseau en appuyant a leurs expérience dans le domaine de développement au niveau culturel

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-notre association cherche a promouvoir leurs expérience avec tout les organisations du monde

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Life Foundation for Development and Integration

National Network

Sharqiya Governorate, Alexandria, 13017 ,Egypt
Alexanderia andSharqiya

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Life Foundation for Development & Community Reintegration  (LFDCI) first started as an initiative for community justice in 2013 in Abo Hammad city, Sharqia Governorate for the rehabilitation and social reintegration of former prisoners in addition to the marginalized group. Founded by a former female prisoner and a group of lawyers and volunteers, the organizations delivers programs for the rehabilitation and reintegration of post-release prisoners and there children (And young girls and teenagers at risk ) in all community (Legal, educational, cultural, and economic empowerment and psychological rehabilitation as well as the marginalized group, with the aim of reducing re-offending and rebuilding lives. Life Foundation Previously Start Initiative for rehabilitation and training engages in efforts to reduce stigma and discrimination, and to strengthen access to justice with the promotion of women’s empowerment, And the integration of educational programs and the development of ways and means to combat the stigma of children and adolescents in schools and community . The Foundation is the only organization providing these services in all of Egypt to the target group.


Mission and Objectives


Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration is a rehabilitation and reintegration institution for former prisoners. Life was founded by a former female prisoner and a group of lawyers and volunteers. It offers rehabilitation programs for released prisoners to prevent recidivism, protect society, and rebuild the life of the individuals released from prison. Our mission is to rebuild the life of former female prisoners and their families and to protect society through the rehabilitation and social reintegration of former prisoners, immigrants, and marginalized women, in order to prevent repeated violations, promote gender equality, and support women who are victims of community violence.

Main Projects / Activities

- Rehabilitation and community integration of marginalized groups, and support of women in all matters of equality to economically empower them and eradicate the stigmatization of women as females with incomplete rights.
- Defending women’s rights, promoting gender equality, and fighting sexual violence.
- Life works in compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW, 1979). Life also adheres to and implements the texts resulting from the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo (1994) and the World Conference on Women in Beijing (Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995).
- Economic empowerment of all women, particularly former prisoners, immigrants, and victims of violence.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to improve the quality of our service exchange experience to support us by courses

Contact (1) Full Name
Nirmeen Bhtiti
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Nirmeen Bahtiti
Contact (2) Full Name
mohamed gamal
Job Title (2)
امين الصندوق