Women - Adults - Youth (WAY)

National Network

Awkaf Bldg., Gemmayzat street, Suite 607
Tripoli 1600

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Women-Adult-Youth (WAY) is a Lebanese local Non-Profit organization with a background in supporting Women and youth sectors through all capacity building necessities. The organization was registered in 2009 and consists of 34 registered members and a network of 800 persons. WAY aims to accomplish sustainable development in Lebanese society; managed by a five-member council elected by a general committee for two years. It implements several activities and projects in cooperation with various Lebanese, Territorial, and International Civil Society Organization in order to accomplish its aims. WAY has directed its activities towards developmental projects that aim at empowerment, especially those aimed at local communities and the youth groups and in various sectors. Funding for the organization stems primarily from project funding, which has included generous donations from the YMCA, the al-Fayha municipalities alliance, and several partnerships with municipalities in the Akkar region. Members also pay nominal fees for membership. WAY also recently implemented a regional project with SIDA entitled “Young Women Leadership Development” that worked to empower 600 young women to engage in politics.
Mission and Objectives

WAY Mission
WAY is a Lebanese cooperation for development NGOs and Youth which acts locally with communities to promote sustainable social change by improving the living conditions of vulnerable populations, especially Women and Youth, and by acting upon the causes of poverty and inequality.
WAY Vision
WAY achieves sustainable changes over a medium term in the areas where it acts through the efficient management of resources, the active participation of the community and the involvement of public institutions.
WAY Principles
Coherence Our solidary action reflects an institutional ideology which is harmonious with the public development policies and the priorities of the local community. Transparency Our work is based on honesty, mutual responsibility and maximum access to information, as pillars of social and economic accountability. Participation We promote democratic and participative principles as means necessary for social transformation and as an inherent aim of development Professionalism We promote processes based on the optimization of resources and the quality of our teams' work, which seek the greatest impact. Sustainability We pursue a balance between social and economic development and respect for and protection of the environment as a means of reducing the causes of vulnerability in a lasting way.
WAY Values
Human dignity We work towards people's well-being based on ethics, respect for diversity and the promotion of human rights. We consider poverty and inequality to be an affront to social justice. Social justice Our approach to development is centered on equity and the promotion of people's ability to enjoy basic human freedoms and access to fair opportunities. Critical reflection The promotion of a critical spirit, which defines solidary action and frames development as a learning process, is a necessary factor for bringing about social transformation. Solidarity We consider joint responsibility in integral human development a value essential to achieving the common good and the defense of human dignity. Moving forward in a clear direction Improve the living conditions of impoverished communities, and especially those of Women and Youth to give them a chance, this is our mission, one guided by the shared principles and values defined in our organization’s philosophy. But to fulfill this mission, we need a well-laid plan, a roadmap. We have defined our path, we have set our course, and we invite you to participate.

Main Projects / Activities

WAY recently implemented a regional project with SIDA entitled “Young Women Leadership Development” that worked to empower 600 young women to engage in politics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Fadi El Jamal
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Fadi El Jamal
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Mohamad Baroudi
Job Title (2)

مركز النيل للدراسات القانونية والإعلامية

National Network

جمهورية مصر العربية -محافظة الدقهلية - المنصورة

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
أسس المركز كمنظمة حقوقيه مصريه فى 20ابريل 2009 كمؤسسة مدنيه غير هادفه للربح عدد العاملين 6 أفراد وبالنسبة للموارد فهي من خلال مساهمات الأعضاء ويهدف المركز الى نشروتعزيز ثقافة حقوق الأنسان وخاصةحرية الرأى والتعبير ومكافحة الفساد ويعمل المركز من خلال إعداد الدراسات والبحوث الأكاديميه المتعلقه بالقوانين والمواثيق والإتفاقيات الدوليه كما يعمل المركز على تأهيل القانونين والإعلامين للتعامل مع القضايا المجتمعيه من خلال التدريب والتطوير وإستخدام النظم المتطوره.
Mission and Objectives

هذا و يعمل المركز و يباشر أنشطته من خلال ثلاثة برامج أساسية :
• البرنامج الاول
و هو برنامج حرية الرأي و التعبير فمركز النيل للدراسات القانونيه والأعلاميه على قناعة بان حرية التعبير هي المداد الاساسية لكافة الحريات و انه لن يكون هناك لاي من الحقوق دون التمتع بالحق في حرية الرأي و التعبير
• البرنامج الثانى
برنامج الدرسات والأبحاث و يتناول هذا البرنامج أعداد الأبحاث القانونيه والتقارير الأعلاميه حول القوانين المقيده لحقوق الأنسان ودعم المواثيق والأتفاقيات الدوليه
• البرنامج الثالث
و هو برنامج مكافحة الفساد و الذي يسعى المركز من خلاله على مراقبة تطور التحول الديمقراطي في مصر و من زاوية اخرى يحاول رصد و توثيق جرائم الفساد والتصدى لها فى أطار قانونى و نشر تلك التجارب كذا يحاول نشر الوعى بضرورة مكافحة الفساد.

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع أعداد 100 طالب ككوادر متطوعين فى الأنشطة الأنسانيه بالتعاون مع رابطة متطوعى الدقهليه.
تأسيس "رابطة مكافحة الفساد" بأقليمالدلتا بالتعاون مع 20 منظمه حقوقيه
دراسات وأبحاث :
-دراسه تحليليه حول "المشاركه السياسيه "
-دراسه "حول قانون تنظيم وسائل البث واحترام حرية الرأى والتعبير"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق نقل الخبرات المتبادلة والعمل البناءوتقديم كافة الابحاث والتقارير والتوصيات

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

العمل من خلال منظومة جماعيه والتواصل المثمر والبناء مع أعضاء الشبكة من خلال التشبيك
نقل الخبرات والعمل علي تطبيقها بالمركز

Contact (1) Full Name
أحمد سعيد الشربيني
Head of the organisation
أحمدجسعيد الشربيني

Montazah Association for Cultural Development ( mac )

National Network

6 Fadali Street Of Abu Arab St.- Miami - Montazah - Alexandria

03 -5546645
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Number of employees consists of four workers - - Self-financing and partnership with other civil associations such as United Group in various human rights projects such as the fight against torture and community development

Mission and Objectives

Change the reality of human rights and awareness of the main rights of the Egyptian people Monitoring and defending the rights of the Egyptian citizen Goals The defense of the poor and marginalized Legal assistance and human rights

Main Projects / Activities

- Legal protection for victims of torture - Monitoring the elections - Take care of the families of prisoners - Orphan Day celebration - special needs care - Support for National Unity

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The headquarters of the Assembly and state aid from the staff of the Assembly and their staff and provide trainers

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Support for joint action and an agreement with the objectives of the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Louis Lotfy
Job Title
Chaiman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Louis Lotfy
Contact (2) Full Name
سوزان حيدر
Job Title (2)
عضو مجلس الادارة

elmidan for development and human rights

National Network

qaluopia- elqanater elkhire-send peace
el qanater

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
amenesty from ford foundation
Mission and Objectives

Vision: - it helps the citizens in Egypt for the effectiveness share to achieve political, economic and social development and helping the poor to get their rights for achievement citizenship in the country of

Main Projects / Activities

raising awarnes about human rights

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The organization aims at the helping the citizens to get economic and social rights to achieve the social justice.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Raise the awareness of the Egyptian people about their rights and duties in order to reach Egypt into a democratic state.

Contact (1) Full Name
nagla morshed
Head of the organisation
human rights
Contact (2) Full Name
ahmed nagib

Association Méditerranéenne d'Arts et Culture - A.M.A.C

National Network

Auberges des jeunes Tunis Madina

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
- l'association est dirigée par 6 membres de bureau, elle a 14 membres permanent et une vingtaine de volontaires; - Partenariat avec des associations Tunisiennes et étrangères ::  TAMSS  Foreign Youth Association (FYA – Tunisie)  l’association « DNB » (Caire – Egypte)  Association Troupe Soleil Théâtrale ( Tunisie)  Partenariat avec LSFAR (libyan society for firstaid and response)  Partenariat avec l’Association des Jeunes Initiateurs (Tunisie)  Essadeka – France  Mahbouba – France - Les activités sont sous la forme de: - Ateliers - Séminaires - Echanges culturels et artistiques nationaux et internationaux - Panel de discussion - Voyages - Festivals - Symposium
Mission and Objectives

L’Association Méditerranéenne d’Arts & Culture est une association culturelle crée en avril 2012, (visa du 08/05/2012), et vise à :
 Développer, encourager et promouvoir des activités artistiques et culturelles.
 Favoriser la coopération et la coordination culturelle, artistique, scientifique et environnementale.
 Promouvoir la culture et les arts de toutes sortes (dessin, peinture, sculpture, histoire de l'art, théâtre, poésie ...).
 Soutenir la formation des jeunes et de les préparer à la vie professionnelle.
 Trouver un cadre de connaissance, de dialogue et d’échange d’idées, de compétences et d’expériences entre les jeunes qu’ils soient en Tunisie, dans le monde arabe ou à l’internationale.
 Publier des bulletins d’information comprenant un résumé des activités et des programmes et des comptes rendus des actions qu’elle organise.
 Organiser des activités sociales et environnementales de nature à créer un cadre agréable favorisant le contact, l’échange d’idées et la concertation entre les jeunes en Tunisie ainsi qu’à l’étranger.
 Promouvoir l’engagement Civique & Démocratique des jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

- Participation à 4 échanges internationaux (Espagne, Italie, Grèce et Portugal);
- Des activités pour les enfants(visite du parc du Belvédère, ateliers de peinture…)
- Séjour culturel ( Chat Mami);
- Formations : Assurées par notre partenaire TAMSS
- Nettoyage de la plage de de la région de Bizerte (Metline) & Kerknah ;
- Organisation des Pique-niques et des activités sportive en faveurs des volontaires d’AMAC
- Lutter contre l'analphabétisme : Equipement des Bibliothèques en livres et matériels informatiques: écoles primaires Tabouba et Tabeba ( Béja) ( Projet en cours de réalisation ;
- Parrainage du one man show « ya Destoury» : spectacle théâtrale organisé par AMAC en collaboration de Mr Fethi CHANOUFFI, évoquant la situation actuel en Tunisie et la transition démocratique gouvernementale en Tunisie, le spectacle a été diffusé à 2 reprises;
- Visite à l’hôpital d’enfants de Jendouba ( en cours)
- Cultures sans Frontières (Décembre 2013);
- La Mise en place des toilettes sèche ( Tbourba)
- Journées Tuniso – Coréenne
- Participation : échange à Malte
- Participation : échange en Libye
- Exposition

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Participer aux activités;
- Mettre à disposition du réseau les moyens humains, les expériences acquis, ainsi que les partenaires de l'association nationaux et internationaux.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Participer aux activités du réseau;
- Partager les expériences avec les membres du réseau;
- Participer aux formations organisés par le réseau;
- Postuler pour les appels à candidatures proposés par le réseau

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Border Centr For Development Studies and The Human Rights(BDSHR)

National Network

5st kasr elhagar kornish el nile

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
a- Border Center For Developmental Studies and Human Rights (BDSHR) is a Civilian company and a non-profit organization which was established in the forefront of 2013 in accordance with the provisions of the Civil law concerning the civil companies by a group of youth who have an experience in the field of community’s development and human rights. They met after a popular revolution to defend a deep issues related to the border areas and also related to the marginalized categories of the tribal minority character and, highlight them. Their aims are achieving the human dignity, defending his rights , giving awareness about his duties towards the community, and support the development and human rights for different classes, and preparing the conscious cadres in order to a real and a comprehensive construction for the community. We believe that the opportunity of changing the society to the better won’t achieve unless concentrate the high principles for which the people came out. b- Border Center (BDSHR) is seeking to target the unknown social categories which lives on the border areas. The Center also seeks to build bridges of communication and integration between these categories and each other, and the defense of their own social issues in the perspective of human rights through : 1- Permanent observation of the problems of society and to identify obstacles to development through monitoring and research unit. 2- Preparation of promising cadres to be able to lead locomotive effective community development to the advancement of society. 3- Raising the level of awareness and establish the concept of citizenship and active participation among target groups. 4- Defending the rights of indigenous peoples and racial and ethnic minorities and women and children's rights in accordance with the customs and traditions of human in rights’ areas, exercise and activation of democracy and political reform. 5- Human capacity’s development for uninhibited institutions (governmental or non-governmental ) and the provision of continuous professional education in order to qualify them to perform their role effectively in the community. 6- Building bridges of partnership and integration between the center and various institution of civil society in order to achieve the maximum benefit for community from the various developmental efforts. 7- The concept of mutual responsibility and decency partnership become stable between civil society organizations and governments in the formulation and implementation of plans for community’s development c- Centre Borders (BDSHR) seeks to create practical opportunities for giving developmental support to the target groups through the involvement of its members in making social solutions and to try the experiment of development with the concept of social participation and the giving opportunity to the distinct elements in participating in the design of the Centre's future activities or editing some existing activities, thereby helping to increase their effectiveness. d- Center Borders (BDSHR) is a civilian non-profit Company consisted of three local partners and foreign partner representing the administration Council of the Centre in addition to the organizational structure of the center which is consisted of: -  Committee of Planning, coordination and information.  Committee of preparation for seminars, courses, conferences and campaigns.  Committee of Public Relations and the media.  Finance Committee.  Projects Committee There are 3 employees with fixed salary beside 6 volunteers. The center includes 64 regular members in its constituent assembly Making decision process: The decisions of the Council are taken by an absolute majority (50% of the members + 1) except the decision related to modify the main system or the integration of the center which must be issued by a two-thirds majority. e- The organization’s team work has participated more than one the initiative after the first 18 days of the revolution twenty-fifth of January. we don~t have Sources of funding
Mission and Objectives

1- Using systematic and continuous research to determine the problems of society and study accurate and better development’s curriculum's through research and monitoring unit within the center, which will provide a real database for community.
2- Creating practical opportunities to provide development support to the target group through the involvement of the same target group in the creation of solutions development and experience the concept of community participation.
3- To activate the role of women and youth and permanently promote the level of their participation in the development of their communities as a cornerstone in the development of the family and then the whole society.
4- To raise awareness and innovation among young people and youth and giving support from the side of human rights and development.
5- Against all forms of discrimination in the society in terms of gender, race or color ......... etc.
6- To support the democratic transition and motivate target groups for political participation in the societal mobility.
7- Enabling women to participate in political work and work to spread the concept of bilateral participation in community
8- Raising the awareness of the community on economic, social, political, religious and international agreements and charters, and handling minority issues and find solutions and alternatives of the community.
9- To shed light on the problems and obstacles in the border areas and work on the handling of these problems by the state.
10- Support for civil society organizations and institutions to increase awareness of technical and scientific support and how monitoring and documentation.
11- Using the methodology and modern means of communication with the societal character to raise the capacity of the community in finding solutions to problems in sophisticated technological nature.

Main Projects / Activities

We have a small initiatives to double the funding of the organization

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Will be joining the network contributions effective , mainly the expansion of network activity in Egypt to include the southern border , including directly through our organization , especially as it enjoys the south of km from the issues of others confined to human rights, the most important minority Nubian as well as the problems of women in tribal communities closed as well as the form of political participation in remote areas such as isolated Halayib and Shalateen . will also contribute to our organization in the presence of Tqaar minutes from the human rights situation in Upper Egypt and South because of the organization within the community , making it the most accurate without central organizations that work in these places are named

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We seek to join the network a desire to work hard with organizations that have expertise in the field of economic, social and political humans
And developing the performance of the organization through this vast network to ensure a good level of results through our projects future
We also seek to break the barrier of the central stationing of most civil society organizations and human rights in Cairo to address the problems at the Amos

Contact (1) Full Name
rasha abd elfatah
Head of the organisation
mohamed azmy
Contact (2) Full Name
mohamed noor

citoyens pour le developpement

National Network


+216 55 90 89 69
Telephone (other)
+216 98 90 89 69
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Une association nouvellement crée mais pleine de compétences et activistes, L’association compte une vingtaine de membre qui ont participer à mainte d’activité associative et de formations dans plusieurs disciplines telles que la citoyenneté, la justice transitionnelle, le montage des projets, le cadre légal associatif, ces compétences se sont réunies au sien de l’organisation pour partager leur expérience et de participer à la diffusion et la promotion de la culture de démocratique et civique dans la région de Gafsa
Mission and Objectives

Cette association est active conformément aux dispositions du numéro de décret en date du 88 Septembre 24 2011 Sur les organisation des associations
Et respectés dans leurs activités et les principes de financement de l'Etat de droit, la démocratie, le pluralisme et la transparence, l'égalité et les droits humains.
Et s'engage à la non-violence et d'appeler à la haine, de l'intolérance et de la discrimination sur la base de la religion ou de la nationalité ou régional.
Il ne recueille pas l'argent ou fournir un soutien pour les partis politiques ou les candidats à l'élection au niveau local ou national ou régional.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Nansenstrasse 22
12047 Berlin


0049 30 26345933
0049 30 26345935
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0049 172-3045022
Mobile Phone (other)
0049 1729123642
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Public Share Productions is a working plattform of a Berlin-based group of arstists, cultural managers & academics that opens itself to other collaborators & genres depending on specific projects. While all of us have been working together nationally & internationally in changing constellations for different projects of performing arts (interventions in public spaces, performances, installations, mixed-media), Public Share Productions is our umbrella to combine those ressources & develop new projects together from scratch with partnes in MENA-countries. With the aim to establish long-term relations with artists of (different) various fields from different (Arab) countries, we seek to enter an artistic exchange that will intersect and reflect the political, social and cultural contexts of our society as well as the other participating countries. For each project, we look for opportunities and changes for funding since we do not have any foundation or organization that generates income. For each project, we develop an individual funding plan that reflects our agility and general approach to equal collaborations.
Mission and Objectives

With our projects we aim to establish so-called “laboratories” that will facilitate the meeting and encounter between German and Arab artists & other actors of the cultural realm/sector, exchanging ideas, debating different theoretical approaches and developing shared ideas and projects for interventions in public space. Coming from different fields such as Performing Arts, Architecture, Dance and Academic fields such as Cultural and Postcolonial Studies we seek to bring together experts from different disciplines in order to generate exchange and mutual learning processes. We understand arts as an inclusive and political tool that invites people to get involved and take their share in political and social transformations.

Main Projects / Activities

One of our main aims is to establish long-term relations with partners from MENA, get to know their practices in and around the notion of public space and work together in joint collaborations.
Projects can revolve around the question of the importance and meaning of the public, its borders and transgressions and the implication of public space(s) for the Arab spring
Trade-marks of all our projects have been so far an will be in the future:
- Leaving the pre-defined spaces of art-production & consumption in favor of scenes & settings of the everyday & its own surprises
- Crossing the boundaries between genres of performance, media, music
- Developing site-specific works with & for many different communities that often do not receive high visibility in art
- Producing discurses as an integral part of performative projects
- Collaborating with specialists & theoreticians from all kinds of fields that may be relevant for a chosen topic
establish long-term relations with partners from MENA, get to know their practices in and around the notion of public space
Projects can revolve around the question of the importance and meaning of the public, its borders and transgressions and the implication of public space(s) for the Arab spring.
For the years 2014/15 we are working on „COMMON SPACES“: A series of travelling artist-labs that will settle in temporary camps in Amman, Casablanca & Berlin. With a group of artists whose practices are based in one of the coop-cities we will research & develop works for public spaces. Fluid interventions & collective manipulations/irritations that pose questions & collect material to be taken along the journey & placed somewhere else again. Mapping the state of the „common“ - this sphere where people generate public, where ressources belong to the community & a vivid society is built around common issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we are already working in and about the Arab world since the year 2010, our project-team is very well connected in some MENA countries, such as Jordan, Palestine, Morocco, Libanon and Iran. We have established important contacts and networks with individuals and organizations in those countries which we are very willing to share with people. Moreover, we are very much involved in the political and cultural scene here in Germany and we know many institutions and organizations who can contribute to a fruitful exchange between Germany and the Middle East and who could help us to promote the work and aims of the Anna Lindh Network in Germany.
Last but not least, one of our major activities is to organize public events such as urban interventions, performances, lectures and workshops with our partners from Arab countries in which we reach out to a broad public audience and in which we can and want to promote the goals of the Anna Lindh Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of the Anna Lindh network because we see it as a great chance and opportunity to connect us with the political, social and cultural actors who are involved in and between countries of the Mediterranean an the Middle and Near East. We do believe in an equal and dialogue-oriented approach between "Europe" and the "Arab world", which the Anna Lindh network helps to promote. Equally, we are convinced of the importance of a connection to other German and European countries which are interested in working in the MENA-region, so getting connected and sharing thoughts, ideas and projects is one of our biggest aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanne Vincenz*
Head of the organisation
Lukas Matthaei, Susanne Vincenz
Contact (2) Full Name
Lukas Matthaei

Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

National Network

Str: Bylis, 12, Kashar, Tirana,Albania

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The organizational structure of Co-PLAN is expertise-oriented, whereby each expertise or theme is developed by individual teams. The activity of Co-PLAN is built upon four expertise areas: namely Urban and Regional Development, Municipal Finance Management, and Urban Environmental Management, with Research constituting a cross-cutting, shared feature by all teams.

Mission and Objectives

Co-PLAN is a non-profit organization that has contributed to sustainable development by enabling good urban and regional governance, tackling key environmental issues, developing civil society, impacting policies, and promoting community participation since 1995.Co-PLAN has a long-standing experience in the realm of good governance and decentralization in Albania and in the wider region, through knowledge exchange activities and direct consultancy services. The projects, in which Co-PLAN has engaged over the years, have been its own designed projects, or projects in which Co-PLAN has acted as a key local counterpart for major donor funded projects on decentralization. The organizational structure of Co-PLAN is expertise-oriented, whereby each expertise, or theme is developed by individual teams. The activity of Co-PLAN is built upon three expertise areas: namely Urban and Regional Development, Municipal Finance Management, and Urban Environmental Management, with research constituting a cross-cutting, shared feature by all three teams.

Main Projects / Activities

Co-PLAN has a long-standing experience and an extensive research portfolio in matters pertaining to our thematic areas, particularly in the realm of environmental assessments, territorial management, local government service provision, informal settlements integration. Over the years Co-PLAN has implemented projects ranging from 10,000 USD 1,500,000 Euro all implemented with the same dedication and accountability. For more detailed information please visit our website: www.co-plan.org.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our 18 years of experience and know how on matters of habitat; at Co-PLAN we are passionate about driving urban change to further improve and develop where we live. Over the years we have engaged in numerous projects on urban city planning as part of a spatial development reform.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network because we share common objectives with one of your programme goals, which is Urban Spaces and Citizenship.Co-PLAN has encouraged the development of a regional citizenship. Also,Co-PLAN is interested in networking and developing Partnerships with member organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dritan Shutina
Head of the organisation
Dritan Shutina, Executive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Aida Ciro

Association for the Protection of the Lebanese Heritage (APLH)

National Network

P.O.Box 544 , Keserwan
Zouk Mosbeh 1200

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
APLH is governed by an administrative comittee who is elected every 2 years. funding is either from donors, individual sponsors or from the members themselves. APLH is an independent entity, not influenced nor sponsored by a single party. the association has its blog, site, facebook page and printed gazette, Of Men & Ruins
Mission and Objectives

APLH is a group of committed scholars aiming to protect lebanese heritage and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

APLH's target is to achieve the implementation of a law to protect lebanese heritage and to have it enforced properly. APLH's scope includes cultural/environmental awareness, legal action and online/on-field activism.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Josef Haddad
Head of the organisation
Ms. Pascale Ingea
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Pascale Ingea