European Confederation of Youth Clubs

National Network

Rue de Capucins 30, 1000, Brussels

0039 479 633 577
Mobile Phone
0039 479 633 577
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organization is governed by the General Assembly and a 2 year mandate Bureau comprised of a President, 3 VicePresidents and a Treasurer. The General Assembly is made of 19 different Member states of the Council of Europe. The has a running office in Brussels with two employees on an administrative budget of around 100.000 euro/ year. The organization is mainly founded by the European Commission, the COuncil of EUrope and member organizations.
Mission and Objectives

ECYC represents a European network of youth work and youth club organisations that practice and promote open youth work and non-formal education. The organisation has at its heart the supporting of youth clubs and other forms of neighbourhood youth work.
Involving young people and helping them participate actively in their community is the leading principle of Open Youth Work as delivered by ECYC members. ECYC uses open youth work and non-formal education methods in providing young people with the skills and knowledge to make their own informed decisions.
At ECYC, we believe that young people have the right to pick and choose for themselves. Therefore young people need to be supported and empowered to develop their own values and attitudes.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities run by ECYC are centered around learning seminars and trainings, the main themes being Human Rights, intercultural learning. The organization also runs events tailored to the specific needs of the member organizations (2013 some of the themes were: measuring the impact of open youth work, sexual education and quality of youth work). The organisation also develops and publishes materials related to training and education. For instance in 2015 our main trainings are related to: Human RIghts, Intercultural learning and working with migrant youth.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by continuing to organize international learning seminars on the themes or Human Rights and Intercultural learning.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The two main reasons are: exchange of information and developing partnerships with other ALF Network members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Craiut Rares - Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Elena Lotrean - President

association de developpement et de sauvgarder l'environnement EL AIN

National Network

ROUTE EL AIN Km 8 centre Aloulou sfax

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
12 membre de la comité 5-10 milles dinars gouvernement
Mission and Objectives

sensibilisation les jeunes diplômés en chômage a crée des projets
sauvegarder l'environnement et formation en une cultures environnemental

Main Projects / Activities

création des micro-projets
implantation et protéger l'environnement

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

conférences et création des partenaire

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

avantages technique et formation

Contact (1) Full Name
Dabbechi hamdi
Head of the organisation
Cherif abdelatif
Contact (2) Full Name
Yousfi ahmed

Art Motile

National Network

C/ Diputació 374 5º 2ª


+34 615 25 86 82
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Art Motile is a platform that conducts research and provides information on Spanish artist in residence programmes and other issues related to artist mobility. Art Motile is an independent, non-commercial organisation. Art Motile has two staff: the director and the responsible for communication and web development. The yearly average of funding that the organisation has received for the last 5 years is 4500 euros. Art Motile also receives important in-kind contributions from its partners. Some of the funding bodies are: Spanish Ministry of Culture, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme, Dutch Embassy in Madrid and EU Culture Programme. Our modalities of action are: online information platform, advice, research, projects, workshops and presentations. Art Motile has ongoing partnerships with Trans Artists, Interarts Foundation and Nau Ivanow. We are also partner of the Green Art Lab Alliance, a European network and project on artist mobility and environmental sustainability supported by the European Comission.
Mission and Objectives

- To support Spanish artist mobility at a national and international level.
- To promote cooperation and networking among Spanish residency programmes, other residency programmes and national and international networks and information platforms.
- To foster relationships and intercultural exchange between Spain and other countries.
- To contribute with new perspectives and content to the international artist mobility and AIR programme phenomenon.

Main Projects / Activities

Online News on calls for Spanish artist in residence programmes, exchange programmes, mobility grants for Spanish artists and other related issues.
Online Database providing searchable, up-to-date information on Spanish AIR programmes currently in operation.
Advice on how to find a residency programme that fits your needs or what to take into account before setting up a new residency programme.
Research on artist in residence programmes to contribute with new perspectives and content to the international AIR programme phenomenon.
Projects on fields related to artist mobility and art production in collaboration with residencies and other national and international organisations.
Workshops and Presentations on artist in residence programmes and mobility aimed at creators, residency directors as well as other cultural workers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By developing projects and activities based on intercultural exchange through artist mobility and residency programmes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in encouraging productive and durable links as well as the exchange of knowledge and experiences between individual programmes and networks in the Mediterranean area. We also want to contribute from the field of artist mobility to the purposes of the Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Gracia
Head of the organisation
Marta Gracia

Stichting COME

National Network

Morsweg 38
2312 AE Leiden

0031 71 5142807
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 6 4624 2511
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
COME Foundation is a private Dutch foundation that organizes annually an 11 day dialogue seminar for young Palestinians and Israelis (20-35 years old), providing them with the opportunity to encounter, dialogue, and familiarize with each other. Such seminars have been organized by the COME foundation since 1976 under the name Midden Oosten Communicatie Project, which became ‘Stichting COME’ in 1993. A group of 30 young adults participates yearly in the seminar. Participants are comprised of three groups of origin: Jewish Israelis, Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians residing in the occupied Palestinian territories. COME Foundation has a Dutch board, which guarantees the continuity of the organization of the seminars and raises financial resources for this. The board members are involved on a voluntary basis. Two advisers, connected to the foundation for years, can help determine the vision. One Dutch paid project leader (0,3 fte, hired on a freelance basis) carries out the actual organization of the dialogue seminar and other connected tasks. The resources available yearly are around € 45.000, received from churches, private donators, and funds (like Solidaritietsfonds, Haëlla stichting, Alexander & Otto and stichting Mundo Crastino Meliori). The project leader is the chair of a committee with Israeli and Palestinian members. These ‘local committee members’ are former seminar participants. The committee is responsible for preparing, implementing and evaluating the program and for recruiting, selecting and preparing the participants of the three groups. Every couple of years, a meeting takes place between the Dutch board and the Israeli and Palestinian committee members, sometimes in The Netherlands and sometimes in Israel/Palestine. Through the website and a two-yearly newsletter the Dutch supporters are being informed about the work.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the foundation is to organize dialogue seminars on neutral ground in which Israeli and Palestinian youth can meet and get to know each other, based on equality and without any political purpose. COME Foundation wants to facilitate an open dialogue between the participants.
With the organization of these seminars, we hope to give Israeli and Palestinian youth six opportunities, which can be seen as the six sub-objectives of COME Foundation. We wish to provide them a safe space in which they will have:

the opportunity to meet, which in daily life is difficult and not always possible;

the opportunity to express what people are really concerned about;

the opportunity to experience and see the human side of the conflict and to look differently at  the other and at the situation;

the opportunity to hear and understand the interests, impact and motives of the other;

the opportunity for self-examination and reflection;

the opportunity to broaden one’s perspectives, which can be applied in daily life.
The seminars create safe spaces for participants to develop a more hopeful perspective on their often difficult situation, in a crucial stage of their life and in which there is nearly no significant mutual contact between Jewish Israelis and Palestinians. By organizing these seminars, COME wants to convey its multiple commitment to both sides.

Main Projects / Activities

Yearly the foundation organizes an 11-day dialogue seminar on neutral ground for 30 Israelis and Palestinians. The seminar takes place in Cyprus. The Dutch project leader has the end responsibility for the seminars, but content-wise the Israeli and Palestinian committee members (former participants) determine the program and conditions for participation. The Palestinian and Israeli committee members also recruit and select participants, who are recruited by word of mouth. Participants become ambassadors of the seminars. During the intensive 11-day program, participants get to know each other, learn about the different narratives, discuss what is on their mind, reflect on their own position, and sometimes become friends. The program consists of different activities, developing from personal acquaintance to national and political knowledge, and using several techniques like small group discussions, big group discussions and personal appointments for 2 or 3 people.
Every two or three years, a meeting takes place between the Dutch board and the Israeli and Palestinian committee members, to get to know each other and discuss in what direction the organization should develop.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

COME Foundation will contribute to the network by sharing our experience and knowledge that we have developed in more than twenty years of organizing seminars and meetings for groups that are hostile towards each other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

COME Foundation wants to join the ALF Network to develop and expand our experiences and knowledge, to share it with other members, and to learn how other organizations deal with certain issues. Workshops or instructions about fundraising will be very useful as well.

Contact (1) Full Name
Japke van Malde
Head of the organisation
Casper van Dongen
Contact (2) Full Name
Maaike Hoffer

Marrakech alliance pour le développement et œuvres sociales

National Network

maison des jeunes hay mohamadi Boite postale 7153 marrakech maroc

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
le bureau constitué de 7 membres et des 3 comités gèrent l'association qui travaille par projet. les ressources financières sont principalement les subvention du conseil municipale de la ville de marrakech en plus de partenaires et des sponsors selon le projet.
Mission and Objectives

-contribuer a l'action volontaire citoyenne et culturelle de la ville de marrakech.
-offrir un espace épanouissement d'apprentissage et d’échange à des jeunes voulant faire du bénévolat.
-sensibiliser à l'importance de l’héritage et de la culture.
- contribuer à l’éducation d'une génération de jeune leader à travers les principes de la citoyenneté et bénévolat.

Main Projects / Activities

Projet l’élève citoyen 1/2/3/4 édition
Projet d’échange
Projet événement autour du livre
Projet une heure de lecture
Projet caravane sociale et solidaire
Projet TEDx

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

conduire des projets en partenariat avec les membre du réseau au niveau de la ville de Marrakech

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Avoir l’opportunité d'intégrer un réseau fort en expérience réussies
- Agrandir aux membres l'espace et partenaires d’échange

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatine elharouni
Head of the organisation
Elharouni Fatine
Contact (2) Full Name
kalaaji amal

Human Rights for Charity

National Network

El-Salamoy Village - Akhmim - Sohag - Egypt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
it's 36 person including 5 persons forming the staff Sources of funding are mainly from gifts and the income of the organizations' projects. seminars i human rights and women rights, charity as orphans' day
Mission and Objectives

providing help for poor families, health care and medications for poor people, care for orphans and widows , financial support for poor people.

Main Projects / Activities

Healthy care (medical center with low fees) and poor families as (food Boxes and meat) projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for more projects and more exchange thoughts

Contact (1) Full Name
Nagwa Abd El-Rady Mohammed
Head of the organisation
Osama Hashim Abo El Ezz
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Mohammed Khalil

جمعية طيبة للتنمية و الخدمات الاجتماعية

National Network

مصر -سوهاج - مدينة العرائس عمارة (1) شقة (3 )

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Association good for development and social services in Sohag Unpublicized number 910 for the year 2008 Field work of the Assembly  community development  care of the family, childhood and motherhood  services and assistance to the social and economic  cultural and scientific services  health and education services  care and orphans Achievements of the Assembly Work in the field of literacy and contributed to the Assembly in this national project an effective contribution as a national project
Mission and Objectives

Association works good for development and social services - Sohag to empower those most in need of integration and interaction and active in the community through the provision of direct services to provide and improve the health status and the environmental and economic those communities and enable local NGOs to carry out their roles of development and human resource development in those communities to take responsibility for development and networking with good Association for Development and social Services - Sohag to form public opinion on issues of marginalized and coordination with the decision-makers and stakeholders in order to provide a decent life

Main Projects / Activities

1 - Work to raise the spirit of cooperation and solidarity and assistance
2 - help citizens and improve their living conditions and the framework and taking into their own hands in various fields as much capacity Assembly
3 - Providing health care among members of the community awareness campaigns medical fumbling with the importance of hygiene and health
4 - to work to strengthen and activate the role of women and safeguard their dignity in the society.
5 - to activate the role of women, children and youth in development

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

And contribute to the lifting of all forms of discrimination and neglect, marginalization and exclusion, and work on poverty alleviation in the region
Do all the work helps to achieve the objectives of the Association in collaboration with the associations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Integration and interaction and positive role in the community through the provision of direct services to provide and improve the health status and the environmental and economic empowerment of these communities and local NGOs to carry out their roles and the development of human resources development in those communities to take responsibility for development and networking

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanan Yosre Mahgob Ahmed
Head of the organisation
Khairy Ahmed Salim Abdullah
Contact (2) Full Name
Mustafa Hassan Mohamed

Sama El Horrya

National Network

Alexandria - sedi bsher- malak hefny st. el madina el monwar tower 2nd floor

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Organization consists of 14 fourteen member, resources only from donations and The budget according to the charity initiative that will be held for example: Help orphans, blanket for the winter, etc...In addition to this free computer courses, free lessons for poor children , fund amount of money to help poor girls for marriage requirements and Cultural educational seminars from time to time to discusses good books
Mission and Objectives

develop local community by searching in depth about its real needs ex: free computer courses for fresh graduates,free lessons for poor children , fund amount of money to help poor girls for marriage requirements and Cultural educational seminars

Main Projects / Activities

Taking Care of orphans,Helping poor brides,cultural activities,Financial and educational assistance for poor children to complete their education

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By giving greater attention to the local community which have been described by the-slums- and the biggest contributions comes from the first step which is start of the marginalized poor areas

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

being part of the network will give me a great opportunity to expand experience in the field of community services, further more I believe it will learn new mechanisms to help my local community

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasha Abd El Salam El deeb
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Ayat swedan


National Network

270 Gamal Abdel Nasser Street - Miami

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
- 12 employed - Sources of funding - MIPY (U.S. Embassy) - Provide medical assistance, educational and legal for prisoner women and marginalized - Legal Protection for Girls in Egyptian Shelters project (U.S. Embassy)
Mission and Objectives

1. Defending women’s rights in Egypt
2. Publishing educational literature on women’s rights
3. Encouraging women in professional syndicates to take on leadership roles
4. Presenting legal assistance to marginalized women in Egyptian society, especial female prisoners
5. Presenting legal, social, and educational services to women in shelters and care homes in Egypt
6. Presenting single or divorced women with economic assistance in form of microfinance projects
7. Issuing identification documents for underprivileged women
8. Encouraging illiterate women to obtain legal documents, such as IDs, proof of marriage, and to seek identification for her children.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Conducting legal trainings for lawyers on mechanisms for assisting marginalized women, especially women in prison
2. Issuing publications that educate society on women’s rights
3. Conducting trainings for women on the importance of their political engagement and participation
4. Conducting workshops for women in professional syndicates to enhance their role in organized labor
5. Issuing identification documents for marginalized women, especially in underdeveloped areas of Egypt, such as the Sinai andUpper Egypt
6. Issuing a yearly report on the status of women’s rights in Egypt and their progress or regression
7. Presenting microfinance loans to women through charity fundraisers or grants received.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Active network in my country are very important and will help me to provide my services to the target group better

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To participate in activities that are performed in ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadin Issa Hassan Fayed
Head of the organisation
Nadin Issa Hassan Fayed
Contact (2) Full Name
Atef Sayed Hafez


National Network



00216 25 023 319
Telephone (other)
00216 24 739 342
00216 73 461 216
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00216 25 023 319
Mobile Phone (other)
00216 24 739 342
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
-1- organisation artistique et culturelle . -2- est formee de 12 membres -3- les resources viennent des donts + adhesions des adherants + revenues des activitees de l'organisation -4- on organise des festivaux internationaux de dances folkloriques + volontariats + echanges culturels des jeunes -5- on a des partenaires de : RUSSIA-ALGERIA-EGYPTE-MOROCCO-ITALY-TURKEY-CROITIA-SERBIA-MALTE-SPAIN- FRENSH-
Mission and Objectives

• It is a Cultural and Artistic organisation . the objectives are to: Entertainment opportunities for youth to contribute to formation of their personalities, and enable them to renew their energies and cultivate their qualifications.
• Structuring the young in educational activities and sports
• The empowerment of young people from the opportunities for familiarization and contribute to the strengthening of Tunisian distinctive identity.
• Indicating the benefits of sports and physical activities and the provision of opportunities for the exercises regularly.
• The organization of youth forums mandates dialogue of civilizations and rejection of radical intolerance.
• Forums to encourage young people to volunteer work.
• Encourage youth to openness to the other.
** Engage young people and elites in all fields and cultural arts and sports for good attempts by the youth houses monastir.
** Strengthen links between youngers and its environment.
** Improve the Activities in the field of youth and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

1- echanges culturels des jeunes
2- organisation des festiveaux internationaux de dances folkloriques et volontariats

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-1 pour avoir d'autres partenaires
-2- aider nos jeunes a souvrire a d'autres cultures et cevilisations

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
BECHIR SALMI : président
Contact (2) Full Name