جمعية كل الناس للتنمية وحقوق الانسان

National Network

42 ش عمر بن عبد العزيز شركة فريال اسيوط

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
يوجد بالجمعية جهاز تنفيذى مكون من 85 عامل تعمل الجمعية من خلال التبرعات وجمع الاشتراكات من الاعضاء والمنح المختلفة تعمل الجمعية مع اكثر من هيئة فى اكثر من مشروع مثل
Mission and Objectives

خدمة المجتمعات الفقيرة والفئات الاكثر احتياجاوالاقل حظا مثل الطفل والمراة والاميين والشباب والمعاقين فى الحصول على الخدمات المختلفة(التعليميةوالصحيةوالاقتصادية

Main Projects / Activities

-مشروع تشغيل الفتيات فى مبادرات العناية بصحة الام والطفل 2-مجتمعات اكثر امانا للاطفال بالتعاون نع هيئة اليونسيف مشروع الطاقة المتجددة لتنمية الريف المصرى (البايوجاس ) مشروع تمكين من هيئة كوبتك اورفانس

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نقل الخبرات والتدريبات من خلال التشبيك مع الجمعيات المحليةورفع كوادر الشبابية التى تعمل معها الجمعية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتبادل الخبرات والتشبيك وحصول الجمعية على التدريبات المختلفة الى تقدمها الشبكة

Contact (1) Full Name
عادل حشمت توفيق
Job Title
مدير تنفيذى
Head of the organisation
د/ نانسي عوض
Contact (2) Full Name
نانسي عوض
Job Title (2)
رئيس المنظمة

Association pour la Promotion de la Démocratie et l'Education Citoyenne(APDEC)

National Network

Cité BMCI n°220A Nouakchott

00222 46 57 31 30 - 00 222 22 21 24 66
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
L'organisation a une assemblée générale et un bureau exécutif qui est composé de cinq membres. Les ressources budgétaires annuelles sont constituées des cotisations des membres.Nous soumettons des projets aux partenaires pour avoir des financements que nous exécutons.
Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir le dialogue
Promouvoir l’éducation citoyenne et civique
Consolidation et enracinement de la démocratie
Contribuer à toutes les politiques de développement du pays

Main Projects / Activities

Assurer l’élaboration d’un code de bonne conduite ou pacte républicain
Assurer la formation des pairs éducateurs à la citoyenneté
Assurer le renforcement des capacités des OSCS en matière de procédures législatives et les thématiques transversales (droits humains, approche genre, jeunes)
Assurer le renforcement de la gouvernance démocratique Assurer l’éducation et l’inclusion des jeunes
Droits des femmes, légalité et l’équité entre les genres, l’inclusion des femmes à toutes les sphères de décision ;
Promouvoir le contrôle citoyen de l’action publique ;
Former des observateurs électoraux.
Lutter contre la pauvreté

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Dans le cadre du réseautage, il est important d'etre membre des réseaux pour plus d'échanges

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahima Moctar BA
Head of the organisation
Ibrahima Moctar BA
Contact (2) Full Name
Aminata Sall

Association Jeunes de l'avenir à Bargou ( A.J.A.B)

National Network

Av Habib Bourguiba , immeuble municipal, Ege 1, Bargou 6170- Tunisie

00 216 22 84 88 87
00 216 78 89 68 78
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 216 22 84 88 87
Mobile Phone (other)
00 216 23 69 98 46
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
comité directeur formé de 11 membres dont deux femmes. principales ressources: conribution des adhérents, sponsorng.
Mission and Objectives

l'objectif principal est d'etre le porte parole des jeunes de la région, notamment les moins démunis, et d'être l'intermédiaire entre les citooyens avec le gouvernement, ou meme le bailleurs de fonds internationaux pour garantir leur part du développement économique local.

Main Projects / Activities

organisation de forums et de journées ouvertes.
paricipation à l'élaboration des programmes de développement communaux
exécution de projets financés par des organismes internationaux (banque mondiale )
missions de suivi de projet mis en place par d'autres ONG ( bureau international du travail )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

l'AJAB, étant un maillon en plus , apportera à son tour son réseau à elle et enrichirait d'avantage le réseau national Tunisien. nous sommes persuadés que chaque organisation est unique! unique par son personnel , et unique par son expérience! de ce fait nous aimerions mettre à la disposition de tout le réseau nos qualités et notre savoir faire , et profiter à notre tour de ceux des autres organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

l'AJAB croit en la collaboration et en la force de l'interaction. nous souhaiterions profiter des autres expériences et également faire profiter de la notre.
des possibilités de partenariat pour l'exécution de projets seraient fortement appréciées par notre équipe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Issam Eddine RAJHI
Head of the organisation
Mr Issam Eddine RAJHI
Contact (2) Full Name
Mlle Chaima BARGAOUI

Association troisième millénaire pour le développement de l'action associative au sud-est du Maroc

National Network

N°3 1er étage,complexe commercial BD Moulay Ali Cherif,

+212 35 57 04 47
Telephone (other)
+212 35 57 03 00
+212 35 57 04 47
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+212 18 37 57 80
Mobile Phone (other)
+212 65 65 32 93
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
L'association est structurée en trois niveaux: l'assemblée général, un conseil d'orientation et un bureau exécutif. Elle dispose de trois locaux et une importante équipe opérationnelle. Ses principaux partenaires sont Oxfam, l'union européenne, Ned et bien d'autres. L'association a toujours travaillé sur des axes relatifs au renforcement de capacités du tissu associatif au Sud Est du Maroc, sur la sensibilisation et la mobilisation, mais aussi sur le plaidoyer.
Mission and Objectives

L'association Troisième Millénaire est association qui œuvre pour l'ancrage de la démocratie et la promotion des valeurs de la citoyenneté et des droits humains dans leur universalité et indivisibilité

Main Projects / Activities

Des dizaines d'activités et d'actions ont été menées il y a plus de quatorze ans, notamment au niveau du renforcement des capacités, la sensibilisation et la mobilisation, le plaidoyer

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

C'est via le partage que nous pouvons assurer avec des dynamiques locales, mais aussi le partage que nous avons déjà avec beaucoup d'associations membres du réseau Anna Lindh (Maroc)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le réseau partage les mêmes valeurs et le même référentiel que notre association. Il pourrait nous servir notamment en termes du plaidoyer que nous menons pour l'ancrage de la démocratie la citoyenneté et les droits humains

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdenbi Taloucht
Head of the organisation
président : Abedenbi Taloucht /directrice : Samira banani
Contact (2) Full Name
Boumlik Mohamed


National Network

Alsharq, Simon Welte, Uferstraße 10 a, 35037 Marburg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Alsharq is a non-profit association based in Berlin that serves as a platform for independent journalism and thorough analyses about the Middle East. As a team of young professionals, we also offer political study trips to the region, including to Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Israel, and Palestine. By means of political education, our aim is to promote intercultural dialogue between Germany and the Middle East. Founded in 2005 by a student initiative, Alsharq consists of eleven permanent members. While we are all working on a voluntary basis, most of us live or have lived in different places all over the Middle East. This means that we are well connected to promote the local perspectives that are integral for an understanding of the current events in the Middle East. We are currently finalizing the official registration of our association as a non-profit-organisation in order to apply for and secure permanent funds.
Mission and Objectives

As a non-profit association, Alsharq promotes the exchange of balanced, comprehensive and sound information about the Middle East in order to further public and political education and contribute to a culture of tolerance and reciprocity between Germany and the Middle East.
Through its public blog, Alsharq reports on recent events and developments in the Middle East. By promoting nuanced perspectives, we seek to refine common perceptions in Germany about the Middle East. To this end, Alsharq picks up local voices and reflects socio-political discourses from the region to make them accessible for the German public. The main focus is on processes and challenges of democratization in the context of the so-called Arab spring.
With its participatory work, Alsharq supports the exchange between researchers, journalists and civil society actors from Germany working in and on the Middle East and promotes their cooperation with young professionals, bloggers, and activists from the MENA-region.

Main Projects / Activities

Our work comprises three pillars:
First, Alsharq offers a critically acclaimed blog (www.alsharq.de). Founded in 2005, the blog is Germany’s most read news-outlet on the Middle East. A final nominee in the 2013 “Grim-me-Online Awards”, the Alsharq-team provides nuanced information from and about the Middle East. To this end, we write articles, conduct interviews and compile regular news-reviews to capture current debates. With the blog, we also offer a platform for young journalists and academics from both the MENA-region and Germany to contribute.
Second, Alsharq offers substantial analyses on selected topics. This is contractual work for political organizations (e.g. Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Goethe-Institute) and news-channels (Deutsche Welle, Detector FM) that hire Alsharq for its expertise.
Third, Alsharq offers political study trips to the MENA-region, including to countries such as Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Palestine. For this, Alsharq cooperates with local partner and German educational institutes (e.g. Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we have been working in the MENA-region for several years, our team is very well connected in countries such as Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Morocco, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt and Iran. We thus want to share with the ALF Network the personal contacts and professional networks we have established with individuals and political, civil society and academic organizations in those countries. Likewise, as we are engaged with the political, journalistic and academic spheres, we want to incentivize German institutions and organizations to contribute to a fruitful exchange between Germany and the Middle East. Finally, for our blog is the most read German news-website on the Middle East, we can publish and promote projects and cooperation in line with the values and aims of ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we believe in and seek to promote the virtue of shared civic action. The ALF Network is a great opportunity to connect with the political, social and cultural actors who are involved across the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Moreover, we believe in and want to fulfill the equal and dialogue-oriented approach between “Europe” and the “Arab world” that the ALF Network promotes.
As a major blog on the Middle East, we are especially interested in the media activities that the ALF Network helps to support and facilitate. In order to reach a broader public through our shared endeavors, we hope the ALF Network helps us enhance the cooperation with and between German universities, political foundations and journalists that work on the Middle East through joint workshops, conferences and publications.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amina Nolte
Head of the organisation
Robert Chatterjee
Contact (2) Full Name
Johannes Gunesch

Association Paramedicalis

National Network

Hôpital Habib Thameur, Montfleury
BAB MNARA Tunis Tunisie


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
* Président : Hamza GHEDAMSI (Technicien Biologiste) * Secrétaire Générale : Sarbine JEMAIEL (Technicien Biologiste + Master en Microbiologie) * Secrétaire Général d'Honneur : Hamza BELLOUMI (Master en Sciences Juridiques + Animateur radio Shems FM) * Trésorier : Ahmed NABLI (Licence Appliquée en Ergothérapie + entrepreneur social) * Chargée des Projets : Dorsaf ABID (Physiothérapeute) * Chargé des Projets adjoint -Responsable des programmes scientifiques- : Bilel ARIDHI (Licence Appliquée en Biologie Médicale) * Membres Fondateurs : Alia BOUDHRAA (Licence Appliquée en Ergothérapie) Abdelkader ZNAIDI (Licence Appliquée en Ergothérapie) Hanen SEBAI (Technicien Supérieur de la Santé Publique en Bloc opératoire et Instrumentation) Safa HAMLAOUI (étudiante en ergothérapie) * Président d’honneur : Mr. Fayçal GHARIANI (Directeur Général Hôpital Habib THAMEUR de Tunis)
Mission and Objectives

* Objectifs :
- Promouvoir et faire connaître au grand public toutes les spécialités paramédicales existantes en Tunisie de la maternelle aux universités en passant par la rue.
- Impliquer les jeunes dans la vie Associative et Sociale à travers les actions volontaires et Humanitaires, les activités et séminaires scientifiques tout en restant à jour par rapport à la sensibilisation contre les fléaux, les pandémies et les maladies graves (Tabagisme, MST, Cancer, Tuberculose, Paludisme, Autisme…).
- Aider à la formation et l’encadrement des étudiants/diplômés des différentes sections des Sciences et Techniques de la Santé en trouvant des cadres volontaires des différentes spécialités pour le suivi, l’encadrement et la formation des étudiants stagiaires, sans oublier les forums de discussion , les conférences et les meetings.
- Aider les diplômés des différentes sections des sciences et Techniques de la Santé dans leur quête du travail et leur intégration et insertion dans la vie socio-professionnelle en créant une base de données et un forum électronique en collaboration avec les bureaux d’emploi et l’Office National de Coopération Technique pour leur faciliter la recherche d’emploi et le dépôt de leurs Curriculum Vitae.
- Ouvrir les frontières aux jeunes du secteur paramédical afin d’explorer l’expérience dans le domaine ailleurs sous forme de stages, d’expéditions scientifiques. Essayer aussi de trouver des pistes de jumelages et d’échange avec des écoles étrangères.
- Sensibiliser et lutter contre l'exclusion des personnes porteuses de handicap dans le domaine social, économique et culturel.
- Faciliter la communication entre particuliers et professionnels de la santé.

Main Projects / Activities

- Journées santés - culture sanitaire
- compagne anti-tabac
- Village ergothérapique
- séminaire Sciences et techniques de la santé

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

l'élaboration de projets en partenariat avec des associations du domaine et le partage d'éxperiences/

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

afin d'élargir les chances d'échange d’expérience et de réseautage avec d'autres associations dans le domaine de la santé et des droits de l'Homme.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
ABID Dorsaf

Association ALagaya pour la solidarité et le développement social

National Network

centre akka Province du Tata maroc

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
alagaya Association de solidarité et de développement social organisation non gouvernementale des organisations de la société civile intéressés par le travail social, y compris le développement et la culture, de l'environnement et du patrimoine. Cible dans ses activités principalement des femmes et des enfants et tout cela signifie pour l'environnement et pour maintenir l'Oasis et le patrimoine matériel et immatériel, en particulier depuis que l'Assemblée appartiennent au domaine de désert géographique est caractérisée par le manque de moyens et de ressources humaines qui augmenteraient le niveau de développement social et culturel, en particulier pour les femmes et les enfants qui sont plus stable dans ce domaine en face de l'homme.
Mission and Objectives

L'association avec plusieurs institutions nationales et internationales dans plusieurs projets, y compris l'alphabétisation de l'alphabétisation et à la fois le secteur agricole fonctionnelle et de réadaptation et l'industrie traditionnelle et la pêche, et de l'éducation non formelle et des campagnes de sensibilisation dans le domaine de la santé reproductive et de la sécurité routière et l'organisation de visites médicales et sur le terrain convois aux organisations et organes définition internationale et nationale d'intention dans la région. Et des activités culturelles et de loisirs pour les enfants et les festivals d'organisation et de réunions impliquant tous les acteurs dans les sociétés et les associations et organisations internationales de la région dans le cadre de l'échange d'expériences.

Main Projects / Activities

-Programme visant à renforcer la capacité de tissu associatif local et régional.
- Renforcer la capacité des conseillers collective
- Encourager la pratique de la représentation et les candidats des femmes,
- La création de projets générateurs de revenus

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En créant un réseau de plus de 23 Association assure la mise en œuvre de projets signés

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

C'est en raison de sa corrélation avec l'objectif global de votre organisation

Contact (1) Full Name
El bachir chargaoui
Head of the organisation
molod jaa
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed laghdafe

Social Association of the Media Profession

National Network

21 Mohamed El-Baz Street - Cabo
34 Prince Ibrahim Street, Elhadra Elkeblia

203 - 5452053
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Organization of civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations involved with associations and various institutions of society according to the needs of the projects is also cooperating with authorities and universities and a number of its members up to 2,000 members of the interested public work and the media - are available to the Association of resources through member subscriptions and training courses, and some of the projects that receive funding and be work Assembly in workshops to train young people to work in the media as well as the actual practices of the media as the work of Tama also in civic education and community development projects of violence against family and slums, pollution and other projects of interest to the community
Mission and Objectives

Centered strategic vision of the association's social media about building a community of media neo who seek to establish a media purposefully based on citizen media who are looking for the truth unhindered and disseminate it through his tools media personal or collective, is also seeking Assembly to contribute to the development of society and try to contribute in solving problems Vision The Society seeks to engage with civil society builders in all its forms at the local level and the Arab and international levels in the areas of media, and community posts. Vision requirements • a media conscious youth • Dealing with technology in a positive way means • instilling a culture of voluntary participation • the combined efforts of all civil society associations

Main Projects / Activities

Training of junior middle school students to use the media community and citizenship through the sessions during the period from 5/2010: 8/2010 and seven units from 5/3/2011. - water conservation project in cooperation with the (University of Alexandria - Project development of awareness and political participation of youth in cooperation with the (College of Medicine, Alexandria University( - literacy project in cooperation with the junior high school Brahma - Alexandria clean-up project of garbage in cooperation with the initiative of Press Action - Media coverage of the draft simulation of the Arab League in cooperation with the Library of Alexandria Activities - Cooperation with the orphanages and the establishment of plays for children and weekly radio programs involving children Dar - the establishment of a variety of radio programs on the Internet and the opening (Radio Ajayb ( the establishment of a weekly magazine on behalf of (Ajayb)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can contribute to projects Bashcla and Assembly in a special deal with the Alexandria University students directly and daily as Assembly could train young people to work on the Media and Civil Education of citizen dialogue with each other and other

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i like to participate in the network so I can identify new projects and I join with the various associations in multiple activities benefit the association and its members also try to benefit other associations

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Mohamad Farag
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed Faraj
Contact (2) Full Name
Nashwa Hassan Awad


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+370 678 13788
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1) Our organization are created just 2013 April, so we are new and small like organization. But 9 founders of the association has a different yet useful experience which, we are sure, will contribute to our success and good results. We work like volunteers, no staff employed. Partners are city municipality, universities, schools and a lot of different organizations. 2) Depends on idea and project, can be very huge, because some members are good businessmans, so they can support (lets say till 100000 Eur) 3) Municipality, government support in some support programs, various funds of support,private money. 4) We are new, for now we applied for 4 projects, 2 funds, some answers are negative, for some still waiting. Every year, through our big contact network we send about 60-80 people to different international projects, exchanges, seminar in all world. For so young organization its big number, because in Lithuania international meetings its just starting to be more popular.A lot of people do not know about these big opportunities. 5) Partners are city municipality, universities, schools and a lot of different organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of AKTYVISTAI is to gather a company which would not only realize itself and its ideas but would also spend their free time. The association is open not only for the youth but everyone who likes an active lifestyle, is positive, looks for friends or wants to teach or learn something new. It is also possible to test yourself in various activities, find new friends, have a good time and even to earn some experience. Our attitude involves being ACTIVE, POSITIVE and ENJOYING life. We are trying not to limit our activities to one direction, allowing people of different ideas to express themselves freely. For this reason, we will encourage people to implement their own or their friends’ ideas. This will help to perform our tasks more effectively; our members will be better motivated and active and the internal atmosphere of the association will be more balanced.

Main Projects / Activities

For a few years when AKTYVISTAI association was being found, its founders, their friends, acquaintances and recommended people were actively participating in international projects and meetings. Our members represented Lithuania in over 40 various international events which created plenty of opportunities. At the end of 2013, together with experienced organisations from foreign countries we are about to establish a worldwide network of organisations, which will be designed to educate people using our experience and time-tested practical trainings. We want to encourage our young people to get involved into these activities or at least to try this type of projects as it might give them a chance to travel, get acquainted with other countries and their cultures and get some interesting experience.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The founders of the association are nine good friends and colleagues who earned each other’s trust over the years in various events, projects and other activities. Each of them has a different yet useful experience which, we are sure, will contribute to our success and good results. Some of them are entrepreneurs (businessman) so for good idea should be not difficult to get some support. Also they can help with contacts and their friends. It is very important in such small country like Lithuania. In our City Kaunas, we like organization,like people, have close contact with city municipality.If You need, we can be Your information distributor (source) for Lithuania or Kaunas city, because we know and have good contacts with a lot of organizations. By the way, in 5-7 years or our experience we have many different contacts in all Europe, so we believe that we can be really useful for this network too, with our contacts, our good and positive energy, our big experience and huge activity or energy ;) If You have any question please write.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We get good recommendations and review about your network from our international friends and organizations. we believe that this network are perspective and most organizations are active. More active organizations, more active network, more good and useful aims or ideas we can make real. In 5-7 years or our experience we have many different contacts in all Europe (some world countries), so we believe that we can be really useful for this network too, with our contacts, our good and positive energy, our big experience and huge activity or energy ;)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Ms. Asma Khader

National Network

Wasfi Tal street- Building number 145P.O box 4716 Amman 11953
Amman 11953

962 6 5543863
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
SIGI has established in 1998 as a non-governmental, not-for-profit, independent organization operating in Jordan. It commenced by a group of Jordanian women for women. The main goal of SIGI-Jo is to increase the society attitudes and practices to mainstreaming women issues within the entire society plans, programs, strategies and reform processes. SIGI-JO advocates for respecting women rights to consolidate her role as key contributor in social development, reforming policies and strategies, and security for the family or any other spheres.
Mission and Objectives

Mission To increase advocacy for women's rights and enable women to enjoy, defend and protect these rights and ensure their recognition. Goals 1. To increase awareness among women themselves about their rights as stated in international human rights conventions and national legislations through implementing out-reach programs in different regions in Jordan. 2. To empower and build women's capacity and skills through implementing specialized training, and educational programs in political and leadership topics. 3. To protect violated women rights especially due to honor crimes through offering direct aid and services in psychological, social and legal consoling.
Asma Khader was the former director of the organization.

Main Projects / Activities

I- Building Capacity - Conducted specialized trainings on topics related to political participation “leading to choices and leadership” . The training content has designed by our strategic partner Women Learning Partnership Organization (WLP) and it has adopted according to the national context of each partner country. SIGI-JO has reached grassroots women as individuals and organizations to empower them to become more effective advocators for the issues and priorities. - Held weekly basis gathering “Cultural Wednesday”, it aims to engage women leaders and other community leader members into open debate to discuss political or social, medical topics and its relation to women movement. This weekly gathering is used to remark innovative ideas and efforts related to women status on national level like honoring successful stories in economic and political spheres. - Conducted legal literacy workshops and sessions targeted women in local communities to educate them about their rights within international and national legislations and introduce them to national documents like; women national strategy, and national campaigns related to key women issues: nationality, personal status law, honor crimes -Panel Code provisions especially art. 308 which stated to the rapper to marry the victim rapped girl. Milestones: - SIGI-JO trained more than 13500* trainees participated in several awareness workshops covered topics related to violence against women, women rights within international conventions, local legislations and laws. - SIGI-JO trained more than 50 women to be trainers in political participation theme and leadership, those were responsible to conduct workshops at their regions and local communities. - Three graduated trainees who participated in political participation won parliamentarian positions (Ms. Amal Refou’a, Ms Adeb Alsou’od, Ms. Hind Al-Fayez). II- Civil Society Engagement - SIGI-JO has involved in establishing the National Coalition of Civil Society on Development Agenda post 2015, the national coalition succeeded to conduct consultation sessions all around the Kingdom during the year 2013 to collect civil society organizations and individuals feedback on MDGs and drafting a statement reflecting Jordanian as civil society priorities post 2015 to be included a national document describing Jordan priorities. - Creating and managing several committees representing several specialties in media, youth, human rights, transitional justice and solidarity committee like: Coalition for International Criminal Court (CICC), Human Rights Trainers Committee, Regional Forum for Women Rights in Transitional Justice- NADA. Those are composed from experts, activists and civil society organizations and others. The key mandate of those committees is to ensure reflecting women rights and SIGI-JO position regarding national, regional, or international issues. - Managing a group of field volunteer coordinators acting as SIGI-JO liaison officers in Jordan governorates, their role is to ensure engaging women who are living in local communities and rural areas in SIGI-JO awareness and educational activities. Milestones: - Built long-term partnership with CBOs located in rural areas in Jordan, their role is to transfer SIGI-JO specialized training methodology on political participation and leadership to women. - Conducted more than 880 trainings formed as sessions or workshops or lectures cumulatively since establishment targeted 25146 participants representing youth, women, girls, men from local communities from all around the Kingdom. III- Advocacy: - SIGI-Jo has issued daily press releases on daily basis published through visual and electronic media tools, most of published releases analyzed international or national reports and documents in purpose to interrelate the facts and figures to women rights status. Means it is a tool of advocacy spot the light on how are policies, programs in national and international are emerging or ignoring women rights. - Managed a library existed inside SIGI-JO contains all resources, references and studies and researches related to women. This is a source for students, activists and researchers who are interested to analyzed women issues on national, regional or internationally. - Managed a regional forum to protect women rights in transitional countries representing seven regional countries, it is under establishment process but will aim to document the violation actions that occurred among region countries and implement regional campaigns that address regional women concerns like protecting leaders and activists women rights especially after Arab Spring revolutions which hart women rights and historical gains. Milestones: - Issued more than 130 press releases published through local and regional media channels, the topics were selected based to newly issued international reports and figures and link them with women issues for more information visit – www.amanjordan.org. - Issued a reference document described pros and cons of the new amendments of Personal Status Law 2010 in regards to key women rights especially marriage age, inheritance rights (takharuj), custody, etc. - Issued guidelines (tool kits) targeting decision makers to influence them to play role in ending violence against women like lawyers, parliamentarians, religious leaders, media professionals. - Celebrating International Women Day by remarking Jordanian women leaders according to UN selected theme each year in different aspects economic, social and political. - SIGI-JO promoted the International Campaign 16 days to eliminate violence against women. The campaign formed as awareness sessions on topics related to violence against women implemented in rural areas and west Amman where the higher percentage of violence is existed, forming a national forum for men representing different fields and areas in Jordan, in addition to collecting signed commitment cards from all the regions. - Conducted annual youth tech festival targeted more than 500 Jordanian youth to engage them about women rights issues from theoretical and practical aspects. The festival used to cover topics related violence against women, women and election process, job employment opportunities for women, women rights and transitional justice, etc. The participated youth practiced advocacy techniques by applying social media and technology. IV Direct social and legal Aid services - SIGI-JO provides legal and social services to women, girls, and children who are victims of violence and discrimination. The services begin from listening service, problem analysis, mediation service with the victim family to determine the best solutions and alternatives. - SIGI-JO provided legal representation service within the judge system. SIGI-JO is working in all governorates in Jordan to reach women in rural areas or those who cannot access the service. - SIGI-JO reached honor crimes women/girls victims who detained in prison or other women under administration detention for many years, SIGI-JO aims to provide psychological support and seek for solutions with their families and partners in order from them to be released from prison. Milestones: - SIGI-JO reached more than 3309* cases received psychological, social and legal support. - SIGI-JO reached more than 964* cases as legal representation in front of court as free services. - SIGI-JO released detained women in prison due to honor crimes, SIGI-JO collaborated with Correction Rehabilitation Center to provide services to those women.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SIGI-JO has intensive experience in: - Community mobilization through providing technical and advanced trainings on women human rights targeting women in local communities and remote areas. - to design a regional awareness campaign on women human rights in partnership with CSOs among the region countries. -

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SIGI-Jo thinks it will be an opportunity to achieve our goal in advocacy to advocate for women rights at different spheres. SIGI-JO seeks for regional partnerships and networking. The ALF will be the path to enrich our experience in human rights and advocacy

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Asma Khader
Head of the organisation
Ms. Asma Khader