Aurora GPS

National Network

Avinguda Marti Genis i Aguilar 20


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
616 70 27 75
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Aurora is composed of two members: one head of the organization, in charge of the administration and the organization of local projects. The second member is employed and in charge of the implementation of international projects. Our resources for 2013: €50,000 Our sources of funding are mainly from the European Commission, as our main projects are settled at a European-scale. Other sources can be punctually the local administration or money collection from the selling of objects or entrances for specific projects. We are working on concrete projects, both at a European and local level. Our main partners linked to our European projects: - Fundació humanitaria Dr Trueta (working with people with mental diseases) - Foundation San Tomas (working with people with mental and physical disabilities) - Cruz Roja Española - Social Services of the town of Manlleu Our partners linked to our local projects: - Organization AquíSpot - Organization Katakrak…
Mission and Objectives

AURORA aims to increase the welfare and development of society through social projects, providing services to the community. In general, AURORA aims to promote equal opportunities, social inclusion and fight against youth unemployment. It also promotes social cohesion and intercultural dialogue between communities and wants to establish itself as an active platform to serve social entrepreneurs to develop their own projects, both personally and collectively.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities and projects carried out by the organization are based on three distinct areas of activity: youth, social action and migration.
In youth field, we promote youth exchanges, trainings, voluntary programs and traineeship in social organizations. We implement activities and workshops based on non-formal education, giving tools for developing innovative social projects.
In social action field, develops legal advice and social economy for entrepreneurs who want to carry out projects and produce innovative social studies and plans in communities and social exclusion
In the field of migration, workshops and activities are implemented that encourage interaction between communities and develop education interventions and alternative dispute resolution in the neighborhoods, communities and schools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Spain, we can get into contact with other organizations and work together developing the Network at a national level, helping in the organization of national meetings, participating in those meetings, and become active members regarding projects linked to youth exchanges, youth volunteering and youth entrepreneurship, especially in Catalonia region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In our social sector, we feel that gathering all-size organizations working towards the same aims and objectives can make a big difference when it comes to impacts and results. As a young organization, located in the Euro-Mediterranean area, we are convinced we have much to learn and to share with others. Hence, ALF Network is for us a great opportunity to meet and speak online and, later on, face to face with people with great ideas, with which to exchange best practices and to build strong Euro-Mediterranean projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ramon Furriols Franch
Contact (2) Full Name
Feliu Fusté

Alexandria Students' Scientific Association

National Network

Alexandria Faculty of Medicine 5th floor Academic Building-Khartoum Square, Azzarita

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Alexandria Students' Scientific Associatiation (ASSA) is a non-political, non-religious, non-profit organisation run by medical students in Alexandria faculty of Medicine. ASSA is officially recognized as a scientific association by the administration of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine – Alexandria University since 1969. ASSA does not belong to the students’ union or follow its activities. ASSA is a full member of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations–Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt) which itself is a full member of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). ASSA has its own operational office located at the 5th Floor – Academic Building – Alexandria Faculty of Medicine – Khartoum sq. – Alexandria – Egypt and has its bank account in the NSGB Bank – Alexandria monitored by the financial authorities of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to qualify medical students and empower them with a sense of social responsibility to achieve community welfare. ASSA aims at improving medical education and increasing the awareness of medical students about public health issues as well as providing them with a fruitful impressive social life inside the faculty through carrying up different activities based on the purpose of serving medical students and enhancing their role in community service and through this mission ASSA supports the values of teamwork, devotion, friendship, respect and passing the knowledge and experience to newer generations who will exert their efforts to accomplish the same mission.

Main Projects / Activities

ASSA is involved in the common vision of IFMSA and its scope activities in the field of public health, medical education, human rights and peace, reproductive health including HIV/AIDS and clinical- and research exchanges

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Mukhtar Salman
Head of the organisation
Omar Mukhtar Salman
Contact (2) Full Name
Moemen Nader

ACT for SOCIETY Center

National Network

Rruga,"Arkitekt Sinani", Pallati ALBAN,H.2, Tirana Albania

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

ACT for SOCIETY Center has the Executive Director, two full - time, two part - time staff and four volunteers. The available budget in a year is 40.000 Euro. Sources of funding are national and international programs and funds. Among the Concrete projects we can mention " A different Day in the Elders Asylum in Tirana" " Research study on Rural Women conditions and needs", "Supporting Women Head of Families in the Unit No.1 in Tirana"." Monitoring the Daily Press in Albania about reports on Corruption", etc. Main partners involved in the organization's activities are local government units, other NGO and beneficiaries of the projects and activities that we have implemented.

Mission and Objectives

The main aim of ACT for SOCIETY Center is to bring positive change in the Albanian Society, to promote good governance, human rights and integration processes as well as fight corruption and promote transparency in different levels of governance in Albania. Objectives: - Stimulate good governance, fight of corruption and transparency; - Promote human rights and inclusiveness of marginalized groups having in focus gender issues, Roma community, and other vulnerable groups; - Contribute to integration processes; - Enhance youth activities, initiatives and projects; - Embrace think-tank ideology and stimulate research; - Promote Decentralization and Regional and Cross- Border Cooperation; - Peace – building.

Main Projects / Activities

"A different Day in the Elders Asylum in Tirana" "Research study on Rural Women conditions and needs", "Supporting Women Head of Families in the Unit No.1 in Tirana"."Monitoring the Daily Press in Albania about reports on Corruption", etc. different Day in the Elders Asylum in Tirana" "Research study on Rural Women conditions and needs", "Supporting Women Head of Families in the Unit No.1 in Tirana"."Monitoring the Daily Press in Albania about reports on Corruption", etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Joining the ALF Network will be a great responsibility for us. We will do everything to contribute to the dissemination of the ALF values. We will contribute as much as possible to the activities, projects that ALF will implement in Albania and in other countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ACT for SOCIETY Center wants to join the ALF Network, because it strongly evaluates the work done until now by ALF, and we share and we are bound to the same values that ALF promotes in the countries where it works.

Contact (1) Full Name
Armela Pengili
Head of the organisation
Armela Pengili
Contact (2) Full Name
Florenca Korbi

International Foundation of Conservation of Culture Heritage

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The structure of the company includes the owner, chair, 5 international board members, a lawyer, accountant and 5 conservators of culture heritage with different areas of interest in conservation.
Mission and Objectives

The International Foundation for Conservation of Cultural Heritage aims to be a forum for conservators and related professionals and all over the world to share experiences, thoughts and ideas through achieving the following objectives:
• Assistance in solving problems related to conservation of monuments through the provision of technical consultancy by a group of experts in this field.
• Attention to cultural exchange and to open channels of communication, formal and informal, between Egyptian conservators and conservation experts all over the world.
• Organizing local and international conferences.
• Carrying out specialized and advanced conservation training programs.
• Carrying out restoration and conservation projects at all types of archaeological sites and in museums, especially in Egypt and Arabic speaking countries.
• Creation of a database of Egyptian conservators and international conservators who have work experience in Egypt with CV’s in Arabic and English to share with international institutions, universities and archaeological foreign missions.
• Helping Egyptian young researchers to prepare proposals for master's and doctoral research and other services related to postgraduate studies.
• Helping Egyptian conservators to Publish their work through IFCCH website and magazine in English and Arabic.
• To develop business cooperation protocols between the foundation and foreign missions operating in Egypt to leverage the expertise of Egyptians and international conservators on a larger scale. So missions announce job opportunities available for Egyptian conservators or international conservators with work experience in Egypt then through the database on the website 5 applicants of required qualifications will be nominated for interviews.

Main Projects / Activities

The IFCCH offers specialized conservation training courses for international and Egyptian conservators in Egypt, including conferences, scientific symposia, workshops and seminars, including classroom and field components, online training courses, professional translation and interpretation from English to Arabic and vice versa, announcement of employment opportunities for Egyptian conservators and international conservators with good work experience in Egypt with foreign missions, providing advisory services in conservation of culture heritage, specialized computer courses about computer skills used in conservation such as 3D, AUTOCADE, PHOTOSHOP, FILE MAKER PRO, ACCESS and other databases and documentation programs, advanced courses on creating models of archaeological objects, especially ship models in original scale, developing cultural exchange programs with some international universities, institutions and museums, facilitate access to scholarships in the institutes and research centers international members, a digital library divided according to the disciplines of conservation and archaeology, including both English and Arabic publications, publishing scientific research of Egyptian and international conservators in both English and Arabic which will be judged by the Advisory Committee for Scientific Research.
In addition to special services for foreign missions working in conservation of Egyptian antiquities such as providing conservation materials and supplies, Testing and analysis of their samples locally in Egypt and professional translating services.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have well qualified staff in conservation of culture heritage, long experience in training conservators and archaeologists. We provide a range of services which is listed above and would be happy to provide them to your members and mission.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is important to work with international foundations like yours especially to conduct international activities such as workshops, seminars and exchange programs. Both of our members and your members can benefit from our joint events and programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr.Saied Abdel Hamid Hassan
Head of the organisation
Dr. Saied Hamed
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs.Amal Ali Mohamed

Voice by Voice

National Network

Søndre Fasanvej 67, 4.
2000 Frederiksberg

+45 30690147
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+45 30690147
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
Voice by Voice is a grassroots organization, non-profit, non-religious, non-political, led by a team of 6 persons (1 Danish, 1 German, 2 Israelis, 2 Palestinians). The structure is not yet formalized legally. So far no funds. Our aim and project is to video interview people about personal experiences in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, presented on our website. In relation to this: workshops in Israel and Palestine. The following organization have expressed partnership (in the process of being documented): Holy Land Trust, Bethlehem. So far all is built from voluntary work, no employees. We hope to be able to employ a part time daily leader in 2014, and to pay a small salary for the production of each video clip.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to contribute to transparency in the conflict in Israel and Palestine, by holding a space for personal experiences of the conflict. Much of the available information on the conflict is about dramatic events, solutions and politics, whereas we aim to provide personal information. From this information, we trust that understanding and a sense of community will emerge, and from that common solutions towards sustainable peace in the region. To support the persons telling their story, and our whole work in the project, we use Nonviolent Communication. Our aim is to add video to video and hold the space for more and more voices, until enough understanding and community is generated.

Main Projects / Activities

Our team of 6 persons make video interviews with people who are influenced by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. An interview usually takes 2 hours. It can be people who have contacted us through our website or have otherwise heard about the project, or it can be people that WE ask to share a personal experience related to the conflict. The interview is edited to a 5 min.s video clip and published on our website. In this way a forum for sharing personal consequences of the conflict system is held, for stories to inspire stories, especially in the non-blaming way they are told with Nonviolent Communication. On the website, people can comment on the videos. So far we have 13 video clips on our site, the 14th is on the way. A further prospect is to have the website and all video clips subtitled in English, Arabic and Hebrew, to ensure equal language access to the material (so far all is in English only). Please see attached budget for planned activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have been uncertain about where to apply for membership. We want to stay both-sided in the conflict, so we don't want to only join a network in either Israel or Palestine. Since it seems we can't choose both, we have chosen Denmark. We are aware that our field of work is not directly in Denmark (although the conflict is worldwide), only when it comes to addressing Danish interest in peace building, human rights and democratic development in the Middle East and playing a leading role in that, but also a Danish interest in mere cultural exchange. NB: We have asked the ALF office (by email) what network to apply to, but have received no answer yet.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network to get access to inspiration, partnership and funding. We reckon that there might very well be similar projects and activities and we want to get to the synergy of sharing ideas. Voice by Voice is a new project and organization and we have much to learn in building our organization and project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Peter Ulrik Jensen
Head of the organisation
Peter Ulrik Jensen

STEP - Surf the Earth Project

National Network

Bacau, street Muncii, nr 19A, jud Bacau, Romania

0040 740251518
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
0040 740251518
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
6 members and a dozen of volunteers stand behind the activities of this organization. The organization is non-political, non-govemmental, non-profit association, promoting civil society values, and stimulating personal development through sport and creative expression. Based on multi cultural and youth exchanges, training, equal chances, culture, sport activities, training, youth initiatives, travelling, volunteering, as well as sustaining the interests of the youth. Although we are a young NGO we are planning to spread our ideas and multiply our believes in different countries under a common goal and name, therefore we are planning to create a strong network of young professionals through out the European continent. We are creating seminars, youth exchances, training courses and meetings, supported with the help of European Comission and individual sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

Involving young people in non-formal education projects on a variety of topics , organizing national and international projects , workshops , seminars , trainings , camps, volunteering , festivals and other activities
* Supporting young people to become active citizens of society today
* Supporting and encouraging youth creativity
Promoting and implementing the principles of non -formal learning and intercultural learning through experience
* Supporting young people about the choice of the form of education, a career and financial independence
* The organization of leisure activities for young people
* Promoting volunteering among young people
* Support international cooperation between young people from Romania and young people from other European countries and beyond
* Implement activities that support and promote the observance of human rights and child
* Social integration and support disadvantaged young people

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of the organization are being focused on the youth and their development. STEP is implementing events and activities that are very actual and that are in close conection with art, environment and psyhical activities.
We are the initiators of the 2nd biggest streetball tournament in Romania -Bacau Streetball Challenge with 4 editions
1st ever Speedcubing tournament in East part of Romania+Rep. Moldova - Moldova Speedcubing Open
and several Training Courses, financed by the European Comission and the Youth in Action Programme
TC: Peer Education as a Youth work tool, Forest is our ally, How your European Volutnary Service should look, STAS- Solidarity through Art and Sports,
YE: Rise Above

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would share and disseminate the results of our activities on our network, together with our website and facebook page, that currently hits more than 2000 fans. During the event or project the visibility of the network and foundation will be made by all the meanings. We benefit from our expertise in coordinating grants.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that ALF provides a good range of funding oportunities and the perfect environment to design new projects with the other members. The networking opportunities that are provided through this network are the biggest resource. Our members and volunteers will put their effort in co-operating on the all networks activities in order to make the cooperation successfull. They will share ideas, thoughts, skills and experiences gained from previous exchanges to create environment which all participants can feel satisfied in. Moreover, they are looking forward to meeting new people so as to gain knowledge of their cultures, traditions, customs, languages, and cultural heritage, too. Besides, they will also offer the other participants opportunity to learn about our culture, traditions, customs, cultural and natural heritage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Codrin Cobzaru
Head of the organisation
Bondalici Razvan

Association Idles - Ighzer Amokrane - Aouzellaguen

National Network

BP 78 A Ighzer Amokrane 06010
06100 Ouzellaguen

+213 34 35 12 17
+213 34 35 12 17
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+213 550 55 91 62
Mobile Phone (other)
+213 771 72 92 63
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

- Organisation de rencontre de jeunes - encouragement des arts et des lettres - accompagnement des jeunes - Bibliothèque

Main Projects / Activities

- Bibliothèque - Organisation et animation Artistique - Concertation associations (Société civile) pouvoirs public

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

l’expérience de l'association et de ces membres vu leurs implication dans la gestion de la commune (élus)et les actions menées depuis plus de 10 ans avec UE, FDF, PCPA seront d'un apport considérable.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

notre association a cherché a joindre ce réseau depuis le temps ou l'ex directeur de la bibliothèque nationale Mr AMINE ZAOUI a été a la tête mais sans résultat, et maintenant grâce au contact de Salhi nous nous sommes lancer dans la dynamique.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bakhouche Arezki
Head of the organisation
Bakhouche Arezki
Contact (2) Full Name
Ait Braham Samir

Assadakah Sardegna - Centro Italo Arabo del Mediterraneo

National Network

viale Bonaria, n. 98

+39 0705435166
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The structure of organization includes the Members’ Meeting, the Board of Directors, the President, the General Secretary, the Honors Committee and 2 employees. Except for the 2 employees, the mentioned posts are carried out for free. The budgetary resource available in a year is around 55.000 €. The main sources of funding are European, national and regional funds. The modalities of action are projects of international cooperation (concerning cultural activities, media, Mutual understanding, intercultural learning), workshops, conferences, scholarships, seminars and campaigns of raising awareness. Main partners are Lebanese, Syrian, Sudanese and Egyptian Embassy, the Centre du Tapis (Tunis), Sardinian Regional Authority; Sardinia Bank Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Assadakah Sardegna is the Sardinian branch of the Assadakah Italian-Arab and Mediterranean Centre set up in Rome. It has been founded with the aim of promoting even in Sardinia the development cooperation, the peace and the stability in the Arab countries through cultural, political and economic exchanges among Sardinia and the Arab and Mediterranean countries.
The main Assadakah objective is to guarantee the social, civil and cultural solidarity and operate for improving the quality of life of people in trouble because of physical, psychic, economic, social or familiar situations. Assadakah works in several field such as social and medical assistance, promotion of culture and arts, education and training, environmental protection and development and protection of fundamental rights and freedom.

Main Projects / Activities

2009. Depistage Du Cancer du sein-Lebanon. The project promoted in collaboration with the Hospital of Carbonia (Sardinia) and the Di Zahle Gouvernamental Hospital (Lebanon) contributed to the breast cancer prevention in Lebanon, in the north region of Bekaa where the incidence of breast cancer is relevant.
2011. “Let’s dress up” was a bilateral Youth Exchange that saw the participation of 18 young people plus 4 youth leaders from Italy and Lebanon. It lasted 7 days and it was implemented in Sardinia. The project aimed to contribute to the intercultural learning seen as the first step towards the mutual understanding.
2012. Dialogue interculturel à traves l’art du tapis-DIART was promoted in partnership with the
Centre Technique de Création (Tunis), d’Innovation et d’Encadrement dans le Secteur du Tapis. The project had the aim to improve the intercultural dialogue between Sardinia and Tunisia through the mutual exchange of the traditional arts and craft.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to join the ALF Network Italy in order to contribute to the general mission of ALF by offering our skills and our experience in the field of international cooperation, in particular in the countries of the Southern Mediterranean. Furthermore, Assadakah has been working in projects that aim to support the integration of immigrants in the Italian community. And also, Assadakah works to support the intercultural exchange with Arab countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The reason why we want to join the ALF network is because we have been working in the field of the international cooperation for years. We would like to empower our networks in order to improve our experience and our skills through the mutual exchange with the ALF's members. Thus, we consider this platform an occasion to compare our approaches and our vision regarding the cooperation with the other members. At the same time, we want to offer our knowledge to the network in order to develop a global perspective of cooperation in the contemporary society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Casta


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are small NGO of 20 persons. We work as volunteers, only one person is employed. The source of funding is donations. Our project is a center of education for children.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of “Holistic Education” Association is to contribute to physical, social and moral welfare of society, providing informational, social and moral assistance to those in need.
Its objectives are to organize educational activities for young people so as they participate in community life, to be involved in youth policies, to have private initiative in fighting discrimination, and to promote volunteerism, cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, values, principles and practices of democratic Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

- Social activities: volunteer in community service
- Educational programs - mentoring for children
- Thematic Camps
- Campaigns against smoking, drug, for promoting a healthy lifestyle

Contact (1) Full Name

Kulturno društvo Prostorož

National Network

KD ProstoRož
Rimska ulica 22
1000 Ljubljana


+386 (0)590 19 088
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The ProstoRož association sprung into life in 2004 as a spontaneous answer to our desire to explore and understand open city space. As we are an association we do not have employees but associates who work on specific project and their number is constantly changeing in respect to the needs of a specific project. The budgetary resources fluctuate in response to projects (in 2013 we had a budget of cca. 100,000 EUR). We are funded primarely by grants. Our main partners are MOL and Slovenian Ministry of Culture.
Mission and Objectives

It is a continuous project of public space cultivation, its goal developing a method of reviving and arranging of the degraded urban spaces. In doing this, we believe in joint efforts of experts from various fields of spatial planning, architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, nature conservation, cultural heritage and tourism. Our space interventions are always followed by public discussions in which we try to include experts as well as laymen.

Main Projects / Activities

ProstoRož explores, examines and opens new possibilities of public space use in accordance with the needs of its inhabitants and tries to reveal how sometimes minimal means and small interventions are enough to present the city’s inhabitants and visitors with pleasant spaces for hanging out, playing or working in the open air. Our interventions are not mere artistic installations in public areas but also in-depth searching for new city planning options of space use. We believe that in applying the appropriate approach to space planning as well as appropriate contents the amount of various forms of vandalism in public areas can be reduced.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maša Cvetko