association rawafed de développement

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
ONG? 11 MEMBRES. +200 Adhérents, 5000 DINARS. SOURCES: frais d'adhésion et dons, projets concrets et séminaires.
Mission and Objectives

motiver les gens à utiliser et bénéficier de leurs proprietés

Main Projects / Activities

organiser des cycles et des actes de sensibilisation et de formation, organiser des séminaires

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

faire une relation entre les ONG, les citoyens et l'état,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

afin de trouver des autres axes d'activités et des autres collaborateurs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamrouni Mohamed
Head of the organisation
Hamrouni Mohamed

"El Jesr "

National Network

13 , rue des Narcisses _ MENZAH 5

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
C’est une association socioculturelle , les membres fondateurs de l'association: Nada Latiri (présidente) Mohamed Ailes Khiari (secrétaire général) Mohamed Zied Bien Charrada (trésorier) Noureddine Bien Tahar (membre) .Autofinancement e subventions des différents organismes présents sur le territoire . .Modalités d'actions :Evénements culturels , excursions écologiques , concerts de musique , animation radio ... . ministère Tunisien de la culture , Institut Culturel Italien de Tunis (section ambassade d’Italie ); Il Corriere di Tunisi , Radio Platine touness....
Mission and Objectives

L'association poursuit les buts suivants:
•Objectifs de l'association:
L'association poursuit les buts suivants:
1- Consolider les liens d'amitié, de solidarité et de fraternité entre les sociétés civiles Tunisiennes et Italiennes en particulier et entre les peuples de la rive de la méditerranée en général .
2- Favoriser les échanges culturels entre la Tunisie et les pays de la rive méditerranéenne pour soutenir le dialogue interculturel entre les jeunes membres des pays Euro méditerranéens.
3- Renforcer le partenariat Tuniso-Italien sur le plan social, culturel et humain.
4- Soutenir la réalisation de microprojets communs pour le développement.
5- Promouvoir le tourisme alternatif tel que le tourisme culturel, écologique, randonnées, circuits gastronomiques, activités nautiques, visant même à faire découvrir l'artisanat e les produits du terroir.
6- Créer des occasions de rencontre bilatérale sur le plan économique et culturel .

Main Projects / Activities

Echange culturel
Tourisme culturel et écologique

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participer aux appels à propositions de la FAL .
Organiser des activités en commun avec la FAL visant à la concrétisation et la réalisation des objectifs visés .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Les objectifs du réseau FAL définissent le champ d’activité de notre association socio-culturelle .

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Latiri
Head of the organisation
Nada Latiri

"People's Roots" Foundation

National Network

11, Knyaz Dondukov bul., fl. 2, P.O.Box 1000

+359 889 777 994
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The foundation's managing bodies are: The Board of Trustees with 3 / three / years’ term mandate, consisting of: PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA – DONOVA, MARIETA KOLEVA NAYDENOVA, PERUZ HAYK EGIKYAN. The chairman of the Board of Trustees: MARIETA KOLEVA NAYDENOVA. The manager of the foundation: PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA - DONOVA. The Foundation is represented by the Manager and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees jointly and separately.
Mission and Objectives

The People’s Roots Foundation was established to work towards achieving the following goals:
• Supporting the mobility of artists and other professionals in the sphere of culture and performing arts;
• Development and diversification of cultural and rural tourism and popularization of cultural heritage, including intangible, through fostering and reviving traditional crafts and practices;
• Building capacity and fostering entrepreneurship in the cultural and artistic industries;
• Encouraging investment in culture and the arts;
• Promoting cooperation and interaction among cultural and educational institutions and organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

The newly established foundation has submit a project under Bulgaria - Macedonia CBC IPA Programme and awaits for assesment at the moment. The project is called "Digital school bridges" and aims at creating conditions for promotion of social cohesion and cross-border cooperation in the cross-border region of Bulgaria and FYRM (Macedonia). The main objective will be contributed by achieving the following goals: elaboration of cross-border relations/bridges between cultural resourses/institutions and people through use of ICT based-solutions and creation of digital libraries with Bulgarian and Macedonian novels, stories,poems etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the field of culture and arts "People's Roots" Foundation can contribute to the achievement of the following goals : Facilitation of joint productions between artists and cultural groups from the two shores of the Mediterranean; Promotion of translation as a key element for improving mutual understanding and in support of partnership-building; Development of regional programmes aimed at supporting the access to literature and story-telling by and for young people; Building of the capacity of trans-cultural leaders to develop their productions with an interculttual approach.
PRF can contribute also to the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Values. PRF members will share personal and organization experience and information. They will provide personal expertise for the benefit of the network activities, when it is needed. The foundation will pay respect and tolerance towards the other and strive to accomplish conscientiously the undertaken commitments and obligations. The foundation will be active and responsible in the processes of decision making and problem solving. In all activities PRF will respect the methods for achievement of significant goals. PRF will support and recognise Anna Lingh Foundation’s values through promoting and implementing its objectives and activities. It will strive to build sustainable partnerships in Bulgaria and in the Euro-Mediterranean region. PRF will propose interpellations and suggestions for the activity of the Network and its management structure and participate in the common initiatives of the Network. Furthermore, PRF will colaborate in order to help achievement of the missions and objectives of the National Network; actively disseminate information for the activity of the Network and to involve potential members in its activities and maintain the trust and tolerance between the Network Members. All engagements will be implemented conscientiously. Through implementaion of projects PRF will strive to contribute to the AFL network and National network objectives by realising specific aims at the fields of training, peace, democracy, transparency and partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

"People's Roots" Foundation (PRF) promotes the values of ALF: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms. They are essential for the development of human society. Becoming a member of ALF Network will give an opportunity for PRF to contibute to sustainable development of Euro-Mediterranean Region through mutual respect of the abovementioned values. FTR wants to be a part of the organisation that affects the capacity for individuals and groups to share values and live together in the region. PRF also wants to contribute for maintaining the dialogue between cultures, which is the roadmap of the Anna Lindh Foundation in a long-term strategy to address the true causes - political, ideological
and social - that have deepened and radicalised the human gap between the two shores of the
Mediterranean. Furthermore, PRF wants to join ALF Network, because the Anna Lindh Foundation is addressing the ‘clash of ignorance’ between people living across the Mediterranean. Bacause the ALF's causes are shared and supported by the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Foundation can bring together the civil society of the region for intercultural dialogue and to work for a common future. The PRF can be of use for the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Culture and Arts; Values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petya Angelova Georgieva - Donova
Head of the organisation
Petya Angelova Georgieva - Donova

Foundation for Transparent Regulations

National Network

11 Dondukov Blvd., floor 2, Sofia 1000

+359 889 777 994
Telephone (other)
+359 2 987 13 14
+359 2 987 33 05
Mobile Phone
+359 889 777 994
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
The foundation's managing bodies are the Board of Trustees and the Manager. The Board of Trustees is with 3 / three / years’ term mandate, consisting of: PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA – DONOVA, VESELINA STOYKOVA YOSIFOVA, VIOLETTA ATANASOVA DZHUKELOVA. The chairman of the Board of Trustees is VESELINA STOYKOVA YOSIFOVA. The manager of the foundation is PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA - DONOVA. The Foundation is represented by the Manager PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA - DONOVA and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees VESELINA STOYKOVA YOSIFOVA jointly and separately. The sources of funding are mainly EU funds and economic activity. The means of achieving the aims and implementing the activities of the Foundation are: Conducting working meeting, seminars and conferences; Organizing various forms of training; finding and disseminating of information related to the realization of Bulgarian and international programmes in the field of Information Technology; Providing organizational, financial and Legal advice; Creating role models that provide conditions for the realization of the individual; Creation and distribution of printed and electronic publications; Publishing reports and other papers, related to the activities of the foundation; Elaborating of expert opinions and analyzes, organizing debates and proposals for legislative changes; Organizing research and implementation of research projects; Rendering methodological and technical support. Main partners of FTR are television Bulgaria On Air, Association European Movement - Nis, Bulgarian National television, Bulgarian national radio, National association of municipalities in Bulgaria, foundation "Professor John Atanasov", foundation "People's roots foundation", Bulgarian Association of Microenterprises, Institute for programmes and project management, Pension Assurance Company Doverie and others.
Mission and Objectives

Creating opportunities for publicity in the management via introducing management and working upon regulations, showing thorough transparency for decision-making on all levels. Constructing systems for counteracting the corruption practices and creating prerequisites for their elimination. Optimizing the training systems, raising the qualification and knowledge testing. Creating systems for tuition of children, school children, teachers and tuition personnel and specialists for working in anti-corruption environment. Stimulating the civil activity in the conditions and terms of the membership of Bulgaria in the European Union - business and behavior models. Making popular the democratic mechanisms and practices of the states with advanced democracy in the area of the public manifestation - access to media, communications. Stimulating innovation entrepreneurship. Stimulating the dialogue and interaction with the state, the local self-government and the business organizations when it comes to resolving problems of public interest - education, qualification, local self-government and democracy. Consulting state organizations and institutions for creating forms, structures and contacts between people, institutions and organizations with the neighbouring states of Bulgaria - Bulgaria, culture and education exchange. Ensuring transparency in the activity of the organization and stipulating mechanisms ensuring the performance of the will of the founders and donors.

Main Projects / Activities

The following initiatives have been implemented by the foundation:
• On 26 November 2008 FTR jointly with Foundation “Human resources in Bulgaria and the EU integration”, “Funds, programmes, projects” magazine and "National Association of the Municipalities in Bulgaria" delivered round table on the topic “Evaluation procedures – a catalyst for the effective absorption of the EU funds”;
• On 8 June 2009 FTR delivered round table on the topic “The implementation of EU financed projects – an image activity or necessity” with the special participation of Vice Premier Meglena Plugchieva and Boriana Pencheva, Director of the Management of EU Funds Directorate within the Ministry of Finance;
• On the 30th of September 2009 FTR delivered a round table discussion on "Who Elaborates and Whose Interests are Served by the Terms of References of the Public Procurement Tenders Under the Public Procurement Law, Ordinance on Small Public Contracts and 55th Council of Ministers Ordinance;
• In the period 07.2011 - 07.2012 Foundation for tranparent regulations together with European movement - Nis implemented cross-border cooperation project "Publicity, Transparency and Partnership - a Basis for Social and Regional Development" under Bulgaria - Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme with main objective to drawing out of good practices for improvement of the collaboration between the civil sector and local authorities; project under European Projects and Development of Civil Society - "Inquiry, systematization and adaptation of existing practices concerning the functioning of Public Councils in Bulgaria and elaboration of interaction rules between Sofia Municipal Council and Public Councils in Sofia", a project under Operative programme Administative capacity - “Transparency and publicity in the actions of the regional and municipal administrations – a guarantee for honest and worthy local management”.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

FTR can contribute to the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Culture and Arts; Peace and Co-existence; Values.
FTR members will share personal and organization experience and information. They will provide personal expertise for the benefit of the network activities, when it is needed. The foundation will pay respect and tolerance towards the other and strive to accomplish conscientiously the undertaken commitments and obligations. The foundation will be active and responsible in the processes of decision making and problem solving. In all activities FTR will respect the methods for achievement of significant goals. FTR will support and recognise Anna Lingh Foundation’s values through promoting and implementing its objectives and activities. It will strive to build sustainable partnerships in Bulgaria and in the Euro-Mediterranean region. FTR will propose interpellations and suggestions for the activity of the Network and its management structure and participate in the common initiatives of the Network. Furthermore, FTR will colaborate in order to help achievement of the missions and objectives of the National Network; actively disseminate information for the activity of the Network and to involve potential members in its activities and maintain the trust and tolerance between the Network Members. All engagements will be implemented conscientiously. Through implementaion of projects FTR will strive to contribute to the AFL network and National network objectives by realising specific aims at the fields of training, peace, democracy, transparency and partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Foundation for Transparent Regulations accepts and supports the values of ALF: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms. They are core for the development of human society. Becoming a member of ALF Network will give an opportunity for FTR to contibute to sustainable development of Euro-Mediterranean Region through mutual respect of the abovementioned values. FTR wants to be a part of the organisation that affects the capacity for individuals and groups to share values and live together in the region. FTR also wants to contribute for maintaining the dialogue between cultures, which is the roadmap of the Anna Lindh Foundation in a long-term strategy to address the true causes - political, ideological
and social - that have deepened and radicalised the human gap between the two shores of the
Mediterranean. Furthermore, FTR wants to join ALF Network, because the Anna Lindh Foundation is addressing the ‘clash of ignorance’ between people living across the Mediterranean. Bacause the ALF's causes are shared and supported by the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Foundation can bring together the civil society of the region for intercultural dialogue and to work for a common future. The FTR can be of use for the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Culture and Arts; Peace and Co-existence; Values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petya Angelova Georgieva - Donova
Head of the organisation
Petya Angelova Georgieva - Donova

DBM Network الرقص في المتوسط

National Network

Waldemarstr. 95 – Kreuzberg
10997 Berlin – Germany


004915146411592 (Temporary)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
DBM is an international network and non for profit organization existing since 1998, that aims to facilitate artistic and cultural exchanges within the Euro-Arab Mediterranean Region and between this region with the rest of the world.
Mission and Objectives

DBM connects various independent artists, art professionals and organisations from the Balkans, Europe, North Africa and Middle East, working with contemporary dance and the performing arts in general and who are interested in bringing to their practices interdisciplinary and cross sectorial approaches.
DBM network facilitates communication and exchange among artists, art professionals and organisations of the region and the development of projects that enhance artistic exchange and collaboration within the region and between the region with the rest of the world. DBM also support by different means,member-based projects that share the values of the network.

Main Projects / Activities

DBM network facilitates communication and exchange among artists, art professionals and organisations of the region and the development of projects that enhance artistic exchange and collaboration within the region and between the region with the rest of the world. DBM also support by different means, member-based projects that share the values of the network.
DBM ( Danse Bassin Méditerranée AISBL) is an international organisation and network of artists, art professionals and organisations existing since 1998. Over the past 15 years, a vast number of projects were realised under the leadership of DBM.
Among other projects, DBM network has supported the creation and distribution of dozens of contemporary dance productions, training initiatives and seminars, facilitated the organisation of contemporary dance festivals and regional platforms and, above all, the meeting of hundreds of artists and art professionals of the region in a series of small and larger international DBM meetings that took place in Casablanca / Morocco (2001), Thessaloniki / Greece (2002); Lisbon / Portugal (2002), Amman / Jordan (2003, cancelled only a few days before its realization because of the outbreak of Gulf War II), Cagliari / Italy (2003); Tunis / Tunisia (2004), Gerona / Spain (2004), Istanbul /Turkey (2007), Beirut / Lebanon (2007), Barcelona / Spain (2008), El Jadida / Morocco (2008) and Istanbul / Turkey (2010).
In 2005-2006 and 2011-2012, DBM passed through several structural changes that were considered deeply necessary by its members. A new organisational structure and a series of activities are being designed aimed to take advantage of the know-how already achieved in the past within the frame of the DBM network.
Since 2013, DBM Central Coordination office is based in Berlin working in close collaboration with DBM regional antennas spread all over the Mediterranean Region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Bringing in our know how from the work we have been developing in the Mediterranean region since 1998.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share the same values and objectives of the ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Rui Silveira
Head of the organisation
Rui Silveira

L'Association Euro-Méditerranéenne des Echanges, Volontariats, Evènements

National Network

Complexe de jeunesse de nabeul
av.taieb mehiri 8000 nabeul


+216 97 49 20 02
Telephone (other)
+216 72 286 689
+216 72 221 401
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L'Association Euro-Méditerranéenne des Echanges, Volontariats, Evénements (AEMEVE) is a cultural non-governmental organization. our ressources is form members ans some subventions
Mission and Objectives

our objectives are :
To increase knowledge of youth and children and better develop their cultural level
To highlight the notions of open-mindedness, tolerance, and the acceptance of others in different social strata.
To contribute to the building of a cultural bridge between Tunisian youth and Euro-Mediterranean youth for exchange of knowledge, experiences and access to other cultures.
To contribute to the integration of our Tunisian culture in the Euro-Mediterranean space.
To contribute to the expanding of principles and values of democracy

Main Projects / Activities

The establishment of youth exchange programmes and travels.
The enhancing of Voluntarism.
The planning and organization of cultural youth events on the national and international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

grow our activitys and take advantage of the experience of other countries for our developer

Contact (1) Full Name
kais soui
Head of the organisation
kais soui
Contact (2) Full Name
saida ben ali

Association Tunisienne d'Echange Culturel

National Network

316 rue de Florence 4054 Sahloul 3

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association Tunisienne d’Échange Culturel: A.T.E.C Dépôt: n° 657 du 30.12.2010 Gouvernorat de Sousse Attestation n° 180 du 01.02.2011 2011A00088APSF1 Bureau : • Président : Alexander NAAS • Vice président : Raouf BEN YAGHLENE • Secrétaire Génaral : Dr. Abdelbaki NAAS • Secrétaire Général Adjoint : Sabrine HRIRA • Trésorier : Ahmed DALDOUL Membres : • Ouanes ELHAFIENE • Zouhaier BEN AMOR • Mahrez KAROUI • Karim HAMMOUDA Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles: 80000 TND l’équivalent de 40000 euro. Sources de financement: fondation Russkiy Mir, ministère de la culture de la république tunisienne, ministère du tourisme tunisien, diverses société privée Modalités d'action: organisation annuelle du Festival du Cinéma Russe en Tunisie. Partenaires principaux associés aux projets: Ministère de la Culture de la république tunisienne
Mission and Objectives

Créée le 1er Février 2011, à l’initiative du jeune cinéaste tuniso-russe Alexander Naas en collaboration avec un groupe de professionnels du cinéma et de cinéphiles tunisiens, l’A.T.E.C est une association à but non lucratif qui œuvre essentiellement pour le développement des échanges culturels entre la Tunisie et les autres pays.
Son objectif est de mettre en place une série d’actions culturelles susceptibles de favoriser un brassage intelligent entre la Culture tunisiennes et les différentes cultures et civilisations du monde. Partant du principe que l’Art est universel et que la Culture est un facteur de rapprochement entre les hommes et les peuples, l’A.T.E.C tente d’instaurer une véritable ouverture et un vrai dialogue entre la jeunesse tunisien et les jeunes des pays frères et amis.
Son moyen pour y parvenir est d’encourager toutes les formes d’expression artistique et notamment les arts de spectacle tel que le cinéma. Elle compte ainsi participer au rayonnement international de la culture et des artistes de la Tunisie.

Main Projects / Activities

Festival du Cinéma Russe en Tunisie (Printemps Russe en Tunisie) évènement annuel
Sousse : du 30 Mars au 07 Avril 2013
Tunis : du 13 au 20 Avril 2013
Après le succès rencontré lors des Journées du Cinéma Russe en Tunisie qui ont eu lieu du 26 Mars au 06 Avril 2010 dans trois villes tunisiennes (Tunis – Sousse – Sfax), et à l’initiative d’un groupe de cinéphiles et de professionnels de cinéma dont le jeune cinéaste tuniso-russe Alexander Naas, une nouvelle association a été créée en 2011 sous le nom de « Association Tunisienne d’Echange Culturel » (A.T.E.C). La dite association décide, en partenariat avec les Studios Mosfilm à Mouscou de créer en 2012 un festival dédié au cinéma russe appelé : Festival du Cinéma Russe en Tunisie. Cette nouvelle manifestation cinématographique qui aura lieu sous le thème « Printemps russe en Tunisie » s’est fixé les objectifs suivants :
• Montrer et faire connaitre en Tunisie les plus récentes productions du nouveau cinéma russe.
• Promouvoir les accords de coproductions et les échanges entre les professionnels du cinéma en Tunisie et en Russie.
• Participer d’une manière générale au développement des liens culturels tuniso-russes et ainsi favoriser les échanges commerciaux, touristiques et autres entre les deux pays.
Le Festival accueille une sélection de films inédits (Documentaires, longs et courts métrages de fiction) réalisés récemment, en présence des réalisateurs et ce dans le cadre d’une compétition devant un jury de personnalités du cinéma tunisien. Une section rétrospective intitulée « Retrouvailles » sera consacrée aux films cultes russes et permettra au public tunisien de redécouvrir les chefs d’œuvre du cinéma russe et soviétique. Le Festival consacrera également une Section Spéciale pour rendre hommage à la Révolution Tunisienne à travers une sélection de films documentaires et de courts métrages réalisés après le 14 Janvier 2011.
Une importante délégation de cinéastes, critiques et journalistes russes sera présente durant le festival dont le réalisateur Karen CHAKHNAZAROV, président des Studios MosFilm et Secrétaire Général de l’Union des Cinéastes Russes ainsi que le grand producteur et distributeur Alekseï RIAZANTSEV, directeur de Karo Films.
Parallèlement aux projections des films, une série de rencontres, de tables rondes, et de séances de débats aura lieu en marge de cette manifestation :
• Table ronde 1 : Cinéma russe d’aujourd’hui : Tendances et enjeux (animée par des critiques et des cinéastes russes)
• Table ronde 2 : Evolution des rapports cinéma et télévision dans la production cinématographique en Russie (animé par des professionnels russes)
• Workshop : Perspectives et opportunités de coopération cinématographique entre la Tunisie et la Russie : tournages, coproduction, distribution et exploitation (Cet atelier est réservé strictement aux professionnels du cinéma)
• Leçon de cinéma (destinée aux étudiants tunisiens du cinéma et d’audiovisuel) : Présentée par le cinéaste russe Karen Chakhnazarov.
Ainsi cinq sections meubleront le programme de ce festival. Pas moins de 30 films entreront en compétition pour décrocher l’un des prix suivants :
• Grand Prix du Meilleur film (Long métrage de fiction)
• Prix du Meilleur Court Métrage
• Prix du Meilleur Documentaire
• Prix de la Meilleure Image
• Prix du Meilleur Scénario
• Prix du Public

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L’ATEC regroupe des personnalités culturel tunisienne important et en s’intégrant au réseau nous pourrons former une dynamique positive indispensable a toute initiative culturel international

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous pensons que notre association et la fondation ont des objectif en commun et que ensemble nous pourrons former une dynamique positive pour le développement et le rayonnement culturel de la Tunisie est des autre pays membre de la fondation

Contact (1) Full Name
Naas Alexander
Head of the organisation
Naas Alexander
Contact (2) Full Name
Naas Abdelbaki


National Network

7 rue Hooker Doolittle, immeuble SMART, bureau n°24, 7ème étage.1002 Tunis – Belevedere

+216 71 287 857
+216 71 287 857
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L'association est forme d'une dizaine de membres tous benevoles volontaires. Les ressources budgetaires sont obtenus a partir de dons prives et sont aux alentour de 30000 DT par an Remise en l'etat d'infrastructure et creation de clubs au sein des exoles
Mission and Objectives

La lutte contre l'echec scolaire.
L’inégalité dont pâtissent les enfants en matière d’Education est ressentie comme une atteinte indigne et flagrante à l’article premier de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme dont nous partageons les valeurs.
L’objectif est de remettre sur pied les écoles naufragées et d’y créer un climat propice à la réussite scolaire permettant aux élèves de l’école primaire qui incarnent l’avenir de notre pays, d’échapper au conditionnement de la pauvreté

Main Projects / Activities

- La remise en état infrastructurelle des écoles et l’installation d’un mobilier approprié après accord des autorités de tutelle
- La fourniture du matériel scolaire aux enfants
- Création de clubs – arts plastiques, observation de la nature, sport, informatique – afin que l’école devienne, pour ces enfants qui vivent dans l’austérité du dénuement, un lieu où la notion de travail peut être associée à celle de plaisir.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Faire profiter de notre experience les autres membres du reseau

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Appartenir a un reseau est toujours un enrichissement pour une ONG dans le sens ou nous pouvons creer des synergies avec les autres associations de ce reseau.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association Ibn Sina Pour Traitement des Malades Et Sinistrés

National Network

Nouakchott/ Mauritanie ;Hay Saada Secteur:5 ;Toujounine

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Notre association est une ONG travaillant dans le domaine de santé, et le traitement des malades. Notre association se compose de 112 membres et a plusieurs partenaires dont le Ministère de la santé , Les hôpitaux et certaines mairies.
Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs de l'association sont:
1-Traitement des malades et sinistrés
2-Sensibilisation contre les maladies
4-La lutte contre la fraude des médicaments
- Coopération avec les laboratoires d'industries de médicaments/

Main Projects / Activities

Les projets que nous avons exécutes sont essentiellement des projets de sensibilisations contre le Sida et les maladies infectieuses en Mauritanie. Nous avons aussi supervisé plusieurs ateliers de formation du personnel de santé au profit de certains hôpitaux de la place.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous allons contribuer à la réussite de la société civile à travers le partage de nos expériences avec les autres membres , mais aussi avec les acteurs de la société civile.
En effet , nous avons une grande expérience en matière de formation et sensibilisation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous postulons pour être membre parce que nous partageons les mêmes objectifs , et parce que aussi j'aime contribuer a l'atteinte des objectifs que nous poursuivons en commun.

Contact (1) Full Name
Habib Dah Bojoure
Head of the organisation
Habib Dah Bojoure
Contact (2) Full Name
Elbar Chaikh


National Network

Arafat, secteur 11, Route Lekbeid, ilot 667, Nouakchott - Mauritanie

00222 22 04 37 03
Telephone (other)
00222 36 64 36 90
00 222 46 80 70 74
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00222 22 04 37 03
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
l'ONG GLOBE est une structure à but non lucratif gérée par deux instances: l'Assemblée Générale est l'instance suprême de prise de decision et qui nomme et revoque toutes les autres instances de gestion de l'ONG GLOBE. le Bureau Exécutif est nommé par l'Assemblée Générale et composé de six personnes. Il est chargé de l’exécution des décisions de l'Assemblée Générale et la gestion quotidienne des affaires de l'ONG GLOBE . les membres de l'ONG GLOBE sont au nombre de 50 personnes. le budget de l'ONG GLOBE est constituée des cotisations et des dons de ses membres et des conventions ou dons de ses partenaires privés ou publics.
Mission and Objectives

La contribution à la lutte contre la pauvreté et la promotion et la protection des droits humains.

Main Projects / Activities

Campagnes de formations et des vulgarisations des lois et conventions de protection des droits humains.
Amelioration des capacités de gestion des élus locaux et des acteurs des communautés à la gestion des ffaires politiques locales dans par une démarche inclusive et participative.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Par l’échange d’expériences et d'informations et la promotion des outils du réseautage et de la communication interreseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Partager notre expérience et acquérir celle des membres du réseau.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Yahya
Contact (2) Full Name
Khadi Mint Nah