D.G.T. Association (Asociatia D.G.T.)

National Network

Intre Garduri Street, No. 3, Postal Code: 077065 , Corbeanca, Ilfov
Corbeanca, ILFOV

(004) 0724.36.44.55
Telephone (other)
(004) 0762.64.22.22
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
D.G.T. Association is a non-governmental organisation which officialy started it’s activity in March 2011. The base activity and the main reason why we started this is an idea that is a couple of years old. This idea was born from the will and passion to take attitude and change something, first of all, in the community of each of our members and afterwards at a national and european level. Also, at the base of D.G.T.’s coming to life, stays the wish of the founding members to give back all the beautiful things that they learned and experienced in the period of the previous years of volunteering. The name, „ D.G.T. „ represents the acronym from: „Do Great Things” and the motto is: „Do Great Things and leave your mark...”. Structure of the organisation is composed of 7 core members and approximately other 10 youngsters spreaded across Romania. Budgetary resources available in a year : Depends on the funds that we manage to attract in that year. For the year of 2013 we're planning to attract almost 80.000 euros for youth projects that we will have to implement. Sources of funding: Youth in Action programme, self budgeting, Europe for Citizens, others... Modalities of action: Youth Exchanges, Training Courses. Main partners involved: We're involving all the time local ngo's but also international associations.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of D.G.T. Association is centered on the creation and setting-up of a national and international network of youngsters, students, trainers and teachers of various nationalities and backgrounds.
This network tackles topics like getting to know other cultures and cultural exchange, non-formal education, ecology and climate change, sustainable development, european citizenship and, not the least, geopolitics.
Among all of these we add facilitation of the youngsters to accumulate, through voluntary activities, the necessary experience to efficiently adapt to the labour market, and also by offering the possibility to students to practice the theory learned in university.

Main Projects / Activities

We have a vast experience regarding international projects like Youth in Action Programme, Action 1.1. Youth Exchange, Action 3.1.a, Action 3.1.b and Action 4.3., and we are also involved in local projects.
D.G.T. works, for now, as a one united block, in the way that all the members contribute at the realization of the project in the making. In the future, once we will increase our number of members and projects, we are planning to create coordinated departments, each of them having their own projects: Human Resources, Communication, International Relations, Local Projects.
Through it’s projects and activities, the organisation facilitates for it’s members, the development, after the university studies, of the interpersonal and communication competences that are essential on the labour market. More than that, D.G.T. assures a good preparation and practice in various areas of management and other fields related to it. For now, the youth exchanges and trainings are our primordial preoccupation because through these projects we can send in the best way our own message and we can learn lots of important things for ourselves, for the „elders” of the organisation and for the others.
Among our local activities we can enumerate intercultural workshops, various social events, round-tables and conferences. As of September 2011, D.G.T. together with 13 other Romanian youth NGOs, participated in the national scale project "A Different Kind Of Education" (in romanian: "Educatia Altfel"), funded by the EU Commission through Youth in Action (Action 5.1). In the year of 2012, we started to be partners at the second 5.1. project, which is the follow-up of this project, called : "A Different Kind Of Education II ".
Because we want all the time to have great quality approved projects, the president of the association took part in many „writing YiA projects” trainings. In this way he learned the writing and the format (from the view of the organiser) of this type of projects and passed the know-how to the rest of the members. Besides this, our volunteers, along with the founding members that have quite a lot experience in this kind of this projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with experience, know-how, new ideas, partners, relations, connections, motivation, passion, "man power", determination and many more ...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we're sure we can use our experience in creating and implementing great ALF projects in Romania and not only, with the help of our international and local partners.
We have all the resources that we need to succeed and we're confident that we will ... :)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Meeting for Friendship amongst Peoples

National Network

Via Flaminia, 18

+ 39 0541 783100
Telephone (other)
+ 39 0541 1832541
+39 0541 786422
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 348 6294487
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Apart from a small group of 14 people who work full-time, Meeting is organized, prepared, managed and then dismantled by the impassioned and generous efforts of 3500 volunteers. The Foundation is primarily engaged in the annual realization of the week of meetings, exhibitions, shows and initiatives taking place in Rimini under the name of "Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples". The Foundation also organizes: • meetings, conferences, international meetings, holding exhibitions and shows; • productions and editions of documents, books, films; • travel in Italy and abroad to visit places, to search for documents, for the acquisition of information, including the purpose of meeting individuals or groups; The annual budget amounts to approximately 9 million Euros that come mainly from sponsorships and contributions of more than 200 corporate (for example Enel, Finmeccanica, Intesa Sanpaolo and Wind participating as main partners - Eni, Lottomatica, Nestle, Coop, Ferrovie dello Stato, Fiat, Sisal, Sky as official partners).
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the Foundation is to promote cultural and social growth of human beings, as a priority resource for building relations of friendship and solidarity among peoples. In its activity the Foundation intends protecting and promoting all authentically human values for the building up of a co-existence more respectful of the real dignity of human beings. , having as its priority reference, on the one hand, the principles contained in Mgr. Luigi Giussani’s book “Il rischio educativo” and, on the other, making reference to the “fundamental principles” laid down by the constitution of the Italian Republic with special reference, as regards international relations, to the provisions of art.11.

Main Projects / Activities

An encounter among persons of different faiths and cultures. A place for friendship where peace, socialization, and a friendship among peoples may be established. These are encounters born from people that share a tension towards what is true, good, and beautiful. Since then every year great political personalities, managers, representatives of different religions and cultures, intellectuals and artists, athletes and protagonists of the world scene visit it. It offers stories of men and women through conferences, exhibitions, shows, and sporting events. For each edition thousands of volunteers go to Rimini from Italy and from all over the world; they pay for their own trip and lodging, and organize, stage, manage, and dismantle the Meeting. A living witness of how gratuitousness is a possible and testable value; the beauty of people that freely offer their work in order to live the experience of truth and to give witness to it.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Relying on large numbers (Every edition counted 800,000 visitors from 20 nations, 4,000 volunteers, 130 conferences, 250 speakers, 8 exhibitions, 35 shows, 10 sporting events, 170,000 sq. m of staged spaces, 1,000 accredited journalists, more than 200 partners and sponsors) we believe we can give proper emphasis to the efforts of the Network.
The competent offices of the Meeting are at work throughout the year in order to promote the activities to be defined for the current edition, Personality and through relationships with national and international institutions. The Press Office promotes the Meeting of all the national newspapers and leading international publications.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sharing the purpose and being the protagonists of the same radius of action (education, arts and culture, religion and spirituality, peace, etc ...), we believe we can contribute to bringing our network characteristics. A certain identity, an infinite openness. This human and cultural position is the starting point for a gaze towards the whole world. The Meeting is a place where it is possible to value each other, where the other’s differences are a positive provocation, a help to discover the truth that corresponds to the human needs. For this reason every year Jews, Buddhists, atheists, Orthodox, and Muslims attend it.

Each year, starting from a particular title, we speak about economy, art, literature, science, politics, social affairs, and different kinds of music. For thirty years a association, now a foundation, every year the Meeting dialogues with institutions, diplomatic delegations, public and private corporation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Aluigi (Vice Director Foundation)
Head of the organisation
Prof.ssa Emilia Guarnieri
Contact (2) Full Name
Matteo Turchi (Congress Manager)


National Network

Tunis, Tunisia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

- structure: 3 personnes : un président, un secrétaire général et un trésorier - budget: 500 € - sources of funding: British Council et Goethe Institut - main action: Parlement des Jeunes Tunsiens - main partners European Youth Parliament

Mission and Objectives

L’apprentissage à la citoyenneté ;  L’apprentissage aux processus parlementaires ;  Apprendre à respecter leurs différences, et à travailler ensemble pour le bien commun ;  Apprendre à négocier, discuter et convaincre ;  Encourager les jeunes à participer à la vie civique, sociale et démocratique et à prendre des initiatives ;  Opportunité de débattre de problèmes nationaux et internationaux ;  Rédiger des recommandations pour nos gouvernants ;  Etre un forum des points de vus des jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

Parlement des Jeunes Tunsiens

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Par notre expérience dans la vie associative, notre savoir faire gagné au travers de nos multiples formation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour faire partie d'un réseau euro-méditerranéen d'association et pour bénéficier d'une aide financier en cas de besoin

Contact (1) Full Name
Zied Naceur TOUZANI
Head of the organisation
Zied Naceur TOUZANI
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

sebkha, ilot basra 1A? LOT N0310

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
L'organisation constitue 15 membres fondateurs. le ressources budgétaires est de 7.117500UM/annuelle ce projet qui appuie plusieurs activités,peut nous garantir une subsistance,grâce à votre participation et bien entendu,et celles des adhérents qui sont détermines à lutter contre l'oisiveté et la dépendance. modalité d'action:projet concrets. les principaux associés aux projets de l'organisme sont: Aichetou youssouf diagana,halimata tandia,waldé mamadou,binta dia,oumou dianguo,AMI SI,hanta youssouf c notre sources de financement est de garantir une subsistance GRÂCE à votre participation et bien entendu et cell
Mission and Objectives

notre mission est d'améliorer le milieu urbain dans quartier et d'anticiper sur les effets de la violence urbaine,nous envisageons de mettre notre main à la place.
l'objectif es de: lutter contre la pauvreté.
- la déperdition scolaire des jeunes
- augmenter les revenus monétaires des femmes.

Main Projects / Activities

le projet est: pour la réalisation d'un centre d'informatique, de la couture,de la coiffure et le tressage et la commercialisation des produits artisanaux.
Nos activités:
Organiser des sessions des formations.
-Organiser des cours d’alphabétisations.
-Promouvoir l'education civique et citoyenne.
-Promouvoir les droits des personnes vulnérables.
-Mettre des activités génératrices de revenus.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Grâce à nos compétences dans les domaines de la couture,coiffure et tressages, artisanats et autres formations pour les jeunes en déperditions scolaires,nous vous signalons également à assurer notre contribution pour le réseau de notre pays.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

nous n'ignorons pas la pauvreté qui sévit dans nos quartiers populaires,c'est pourquoi nous cherchons à rejoindre le réseau du FAL,pour intégrer les femmes et les jeunes dans le développement, pour stopper leurs situations désastreuses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Halimata Tandia
Head of the organisation
Aichetou Youssouf Diagana
Contact (2) Full Name
Walde Mamadou

Demetra Association

National Network

Sheinovo str. 102A,

+359 56 815618
+359 56 836667
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+359 897 516996
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: General Meeting, Board of Directors, President and Control Committee. The general decisions about the Association's organizational life are made by the General Meeting that takes place once-a-year. On-going decisions about the Association's activities are made at meetings of the Board of Directors that takes place once-a-month. Day-to-day activities are coordinated by the Chairperson who is responsible for the implementation of the Board of Directors' decisions. For the Programs implementations and projects managment there is Project Coordinator that is reposnsible. Administrative office - 5 rooms, 6 computers, 2 printers, 3 copiers, telephone fax;Crisis Center for victims of violence and trafficking and Consultative Center for victims of violence and Crime. Number of full time staff: 16; Number of half time: 22. Financial status:2012-24 7980euro;2011- 218 325euro; 2010- 63 401euro. Sources of funding: private donors and governmental funds.
Mission and Objectives

Demetra Association has been working on women and children’s issues with main focus on the domestic violence and discrimination. It participates in many lobbying initiatives, projects and campaigns. All these activities are related to social work and community work with people and youngsters in risk and with fewer opportunities.The Association has developed long-term program for youngsters. We are working towards prevention of violence, crime and discrimination. Demetra Association has been providing legal and psycho-social support to victims of violence and discrimination since 2001. We also provide consultations – individually and group.
Our main objectives that we are working on are:
Development and improvement of social strategies and practices
Supporting the formulation and implementation of public policies in social, health, education and culture based on identified priorities and needs;
Achieving Gender Equality and women’s empowerment
Work for social inclusion of young people, adults and disadvantaged families and people;
Identification, protection and advocacy for developing and implementing policies for young people;
Improving the quality of vocational education and training for different groups of professionals;
Support the integration of minorities in Bulgarian society
Supporting the formulation and implementation of public policies in social, health, education, culture, ecology and sport based on identified priorities and needs;
To increase the sensitivity of the society, the institutions and the professional workers on the problem of violence.
To support women -victims of violence and their children and to protect women’s reproductive and sexual health and rights an to raise awareness in the society on the topics of prevention of human trafficking and human exploitation
Very strong and durable over time, we have developed social - psychological and legal counseling that we offer to victims of violence and discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

’Groups for support for girls victims of sexual violence’
“Increase of the awarennes of the society on the problem human trafficking and inclusion of the institutions “
“Preventing trafficking and human exploatations in Burgas schools”
“Burgas against sexual violence and trafficking of young people”
2005 - 2006 Educational activities trainings for prevention of sexual violence for children 2010-2013"Skills for successful social integration after institutional care .Funded by: OAK Foundation Switzerland .
“Let’s help young Romani girls to be successful in life” -Open Society Budapest
“Yes! In Action!”, “Yes! In Action-2”, “Hate speech online” . 2010-2012, European Youth Foundation
Project under the Ministry of Justice Bulgaria- “Increasing the effectiveness of NGOs to deal with socially significant issue by providing comprehensive care for victims of domestic violence and conducting training programs to prevent violence among young people”
“ASBAE Addressing Sexual Bullying Across Europe (ASBAE)” and IOR / Impact on Relationship"- DAPHNE II

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Demetra Association is part of the Bulgarian Alliance for Protection Against Domestic Violence, Bulgarian Network for Children, Astra Network, Bulgarian Platform of Wide Network and Demetra is the founder of Bulgarian Platform of European Women’s Lobby. Work for social inclusion of young people, adults and disadvantaged families; Identification, protection and advocacy for developing and implementing policies for young people; We would like to be informed about the current initiatives and acticities in the field and to establish good working relationship with other partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Demetra Association is part of the Bulgarian network of NGOs working with the issues of human and children’s rights. Our main aim is to support and to work with and for young people. The representatives of the organization are highly motivated to work also at European level and establish contacts with other countries and to bring back information for the NGOs in Bulgaria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Teodora Taneva
Head of the organisation
Ms. Ana Burieva

Asociatia Mod of Life

National Network

Str. Kisseleff nr 39, Drobeta Turnu Severin,Judetul Mehedinti, Romania
Drobeta Turnu Severin

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Mod of Life association is gouverned by the General Assembly and a board of 3 people: President, Vice-president and General Secretary. In order to achieve his objectives our association is organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, public campaigns, training courses, symposia and debates, is communicating with the state institutions and civil society and in the same time participating to other association activities in the country and abroad. We are more than 50 members that beside regular activities are running also a youth centre coordinated by our volunteers. 22 of our volunteers conduct workshops and field work with other youth in our community. Our staff are people with huge working experience in the youth field and administration. Our main sources of funding are EU founds, national and sponsorships flom local donours.
Mission and Objectives

Mod of Life association Association was registered as an NGO in 2010. The organization was formed and operates out of the strong need of its members to be proactive in the society and time they live in. Since than we are oriented towards creation of opportunities for youth to grow and adapt to the upcoming changes. By that goal, we have developed a program of active participation of youth to ensure the rising of their awareness, in short, to prepare them to become youth of Europe with all the benefits and responsibilities.

Main Projects / Activities

Mod of Life is also experienced in the realisation of transnational and European projects; since 1993, a Research and Training Department has been developing and managing initiatives funded by European Programmes, such as: LLP, Youth in Action, Daphne, LLP, Equal, Interreg, Framework Programme, AAL, Europeaid, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our experience in the field, experience gained mostly through cooperation with other European NGO`s, our resources and fresh new ideas. We will try to join all the initiatives prposed to us by the head of the Network in our country and to propose them possible activities to be jointly organized

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network because we want to expand our activities beyond the European border, to have the chance to cooperate with countries from other regions of the world -other that we usually work with. ALF Network is an opportunity for sustainable partnerships, exchange of experience and intercultural learning.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mihailescu Catalin
Head of the organisation
Lupu Razvan

Association Tunisienne des Villages d'Enfants SOS

National Network

Boulevard de l'environnement, 1057 Gammarth

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
- Nombre de villages SOS en Tunisie: 4 (Gammarth, Mahrès, Siliana, Akouda) - Nombre de salariés: 172 - Comité Directeur: 07 membres élus par les membres actifs, 3 membres élus des sections, 2 représentants de la fédération internationale des Villages d’Enfants SOS - Budget de fonctionnement (2011): 3 578 860 DT - Sources de financements: parrainage national et international, fonds propres, dons - Partenaires: Ministère des Affaires de la femme, Réseau des actions sociales et de solidarité, Structures sanitaires, Autorités régionales et locales, Organisations à base communautaire (OBC), Associations œuvrant dans la protection de l’enfance
Mission and Objectives

- Améliorer la qualité de vie des enfants sans soutien familial sans discrimination de race, de nationalité, de religion, de sexe ou de statut social
- Implanter et vulgariser la culture de droits de l’enfant sur la base des principes et valeurs de la convention internationale des droits de l’enfant et du code de protection de l’enfance
- Notre intervention est basée sur la Convention internationale des droits de l'enfant et nous agissons toujours dans l'intérêt de l'enfant
- Contribuer à offrir un environnement chaleureux et familial à nos enfants et nos jeunes, s'assurant qu'ils sont au fait de leurs droits et leurs devoirs

Main Projects / Activities

- Des programmes d'accueil familial prenant en charge les enfants qui ont perdu la prise en charge familiale
- Des programmes de renforcement de la famille qui visent à prévenir l'abandon des enfants à risque de perdre la prise en charge familiale
- Un soutien à l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes dans le cadre des différents programmes mis en oeuvre
- Un plaidoyer pour renforcer et défendre les droits de l'Enfant

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Intégration à des projets existants
- Lancements de nouveaux projets
- Echanges de jeunes, chantiers de jeunes,...
- Participation aux événements du réseau
- Communication sur le réseau

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Actuellement dans une phase de développement des partenariats institutionnels, l'ATVESOS souhaite créer des partenariats (financiers ou autres) avec des acteurs publics, institutions, ONG, associations locales, etc. dans le but d'enrichir et de renforcer ses actions au bénéfice des enfants et des jeunes défavorisés et de leurs familles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Cognée (Responsable des Partenariats Institutionnels)
Head of the organisation
Yousra Chaibi (Présidente) / Karim Ben Maïz (Directeur)

Association Tahadi

National Network

Cité SOPRPLS Im13 App43 -Elmenzeh8 ARIANA

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

la structure : ONG NOMBRE:500 Ressources budgétaire annuelles: il ny'a pas des ressources annuelles Sources de financement:CENTRE CAWTAR - INSTITUE ARABE DE DROIT DE l'homme Modalités d'action :projets - FESTIVAL- FORMATION Partenaire:association tahadi- defi est partenaire avec 70 initiative +réseaux +association local

Mission and Objectives

Notre Mission : - Résister à la marginalisation des groupes vulnérables et défavorisés avec une approche Humanitaire et Développementale. - Elaborer une approche pour former de nouvelles compétences à travers des ponts entres les arts et les domaines de droits de l'homme - la citoyenneté - la démocratie – droits de la femme - le plaidoyer et la pression- la violation des droits de l'homme. - Travailler avec les groupes marginalisés et vulnérables des quartiers populaires et le désert afin de déterminer leurs besoins et decomprendre leurs désirs et leurs aspirations et essayez de rechercher des partenaires et sponsors - Concevoir de nouvelles stratégies dans le domaine des violations des droits de l'homme et les moyens de protéger et de défendre, en particulier dans les quartiers populaires et les zones désertiques. Notre vision: *Les groupes marginalisés et vulnérables, avec les quelles nous travaillons, acquièrent les droits que leur garantissent la dignité et la participation active et efficace, consciente et positive dans un environnement démocratique Garant et un incubateur pour la pleine citoyenneté. *Association TAHADI est fondateur et fournisseur en matière de formation, de gestion de compétences de documentation avec des bonnes pratiques dans l’adoption des arts à défendre des questions des groupes marginalisés et de violations des droits humains aussi dans le domaine de la planification et de la mise en œuvre pour apporter des changements dans leur vie comme au sein de leurs communautés pour leur assurer parvenir à la liberté et à la dignité. Les concepts et les pratiques adoptées par TAHADI : - MANIFESTO : L'énoncé n'a aucun sens sans l'impulsion d'espace et la collectivité où se trouve le récepteur et les personnes dont la citoyenneté et de la population et la participation C'est la rue et les gens, symbolique et la mémoire vivante du public, une voix du peuple dans la pluralité culturelle individuelle et collective C’est la plate-forme pour les manifestations individuelles et de l'Assemblée des acteurs. Elle est aussi l’expression des arts, de la culture alternative et progressive. C’est un tableau illustratif et l’expression de la résistance à la marginalisation. Stratégie globale de l’association - Notre stratégie générale : *Inviter les partenaires, les supporters et les organisations à contribuer et participer à renforcer notre présence nos activités et projets à travers lesquels nous voulons apporter des changements au cœur de ce chemin révolutionnaire basé sur les opérations transitionnelles vers la démocratie en tant qu'organisation non-gouvernementale qui travaille dans les communautés locales, dans les quartiers populaires, dans les zones désertiques et les groupes marginalisés et vulnérables. *Création de laboratoire de formation et gestion de compétence de documentation, de pratiques, de plaidoyer politique, de promotion et de réseautage basé sur les liens entre les arts avec les domaines des droits de l'homme et des droits des citoyens et les droits des femmes *Créer des centres pour le soutien et l'autonomisation, l'éducation et la sensibilisation dans les quartiers, afin de démocratiser les communautés locales et l'activation du droit de participer *Planifier d'ouvrir un observatoire qui observe et défend les groupes marginalisés et vulnérables et fragile et qu’on a violé leurs droits - économique - social - Droit civil - culturelle - politique *Créer la différance en cadrant les jeunes des deux genres et surtout ceux qui peuvent exprimer la réalité de leur communauté locale, illustrer leurs orientations comme groupes qui pratiquent l’expression artistique et numérique et visuelle et interprétation • Domaine d’activité de l’association - Droits de l'enfant de sensibilisation dans les bidonvilles et les zones désertiques - La zone de défendre les droits des femmes dans les bidonvilles et les zones désertiques - La défense des droits de l'homme et les questions des groupes marginalisés - Le domaine de la citoyenneté et des élections - Domaine des droits culturels - Pression et plaidoyer - La mise en œuvre de projets fondés sur la planification stratégique axée sur le développement et les droits de l'homme - Zone de réseautage pour plaider en faveur des questions des groupes marginalisés et les régions - Formation et gestion de compétences

Main Projects / Activities

• Domaine d’activité de l’association - Droits de l'enfant de sensibilisation dans les bidonvilles et les zones désertiques - La zone de défendre les droits des femmes dans les bidonvilles et les zones désertiques - La défense des droits de l'homme et les questions des groupes marginalisés - Le domaine de la citoyenneté et des élections - Domaine des droits culturels - Pression et plaidoyer - La mise en œuvre de projets fondés sur la planification stratégique axée sur le développement et les droits de l'homme - Zone de réseautage pour plaider en faveur des questions des groupes marginalisés et les régions - Formation et gestion de compétences

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

pour l'association tahadi elle peut donner les plus au réseaux grâce au compétence et les ré source humaine presque en à plus que 1000 jeune artiste créateur dans les quartier populaire et aussi l'association tahaddi elle a une expérience en matiére et méme elle travaille avec une nouvelle vision et approche c'est des d'etablir un pont entre l'art -culture et le droit humaine et aussi pont entre les deux rives des méditeranné

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour résutage avec les ong en europe pour l'echange culturelle et artistique pour défendre ensemble le droit culturelle universelle pour la paix

Contact (1) Full Name
Ghaour Abou Elala
Head of the organisation
Fatma Jegham
Contact (2) Full Name
Ben Yousf Souhail

association bledii

National Network

Avenue Habib Thameur N20 Immeuble GABBANA 2eme Etage, 1200 Kasserine

Telephone (other)
92257904 SG
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

il s'agit d'une association locale située a la region de kasserine tunisie.ses membres sont en general des etudiants et des lycéens, des jeunes qui veulent contribuer au developpement de leur region et de leur pays.les ressources budgetaires sont a l'origine des dons et des profits realisés lors des activités organisées par l'association tels que les sorties et les concerts.notre premier projet realisé etait destiné pour encourager les Tunisiens pour consommer les produit locaux afin de renforcer l'economie nationaler. le deuxieme est en cours d'execution qui developpe la notion de citoyenneté chez les enfants et les ecoliers.Nos partenaires pendant les deux projets sont USAID et un groupe d'echange belge tunisien.

Mission and Objectives

le travail de l'association est divisé sur tris voies dirigés par trois comités: environnement, citoyenneté et culture..notre objectif est encourager les jeunes tunisiens pour etre actifs et pour faire partie de la sociéte civile afin de contribuere au developpement de notre pays surtout aprés la revolution tunisienne.. tout en decouvrant les experiences d'autre pays qui ont vécu la transition democratique

Main Projects / Activities

.notre premier projet realisé etait destiné pour encourager les Tunisiens pour consommer les produit locaux afin de renforcer l'economie nationaler. le deuxieme est en cours d'execution qui developpe la notion de citoyenneté chez les enfants et les ecoliers.Nos partenaires pendant les deux projets sont USAID et un groupe d'echange belge tunisien.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

notre association est riche en jeunesse, innovation , potentiel et talent.. ses membres sont pretes a s'epanouir et a decouvrir d'autres horizons.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

c'est un reseau interessant qui nous aidera a achever nos projets et nos objectifs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Attouri Emna
Head of the organisation
Attouri Emna
Contact (2) Full Name
Abbassi Hazar

Association Mosaic

National Network

Ivan Vasov Str.12
Kableshkovo 8210

00359 888 666 270
Telephone (other)
00359 878 883 163
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Association Mosaic was set up in December 2012 in Kableshkovo, a small town in the Municipality of Pomorie. The Mosaic Association consists of 15 members. It is managed by a board of 3 members. The main partners of Mosaic are Association d'Éducation Populaire i.PEICC (France, Montpellier), Elvis Platinee (France, Sumene), Bouillon Cube,(France, La Grange), the Municipality of Pomorie, Bulgaria, In cooperation with these partners Mosaic is going to execute its first project funded by Youth in Action Programme, action 1.3. Youth Democracy Projects. In foreseeable future Mosaic plans to organize activities such as volunteering services, youth exchanges, and preparation of local events.

Mission and Objectives

The establishment of the Association was motivated by the idea of increasing the activity and mobility of the young people from small towns and villages through their involvement in youth initiatives and exchanges. The mission of Mosaic is to make a difference in the social life of the young people. The objectives of the Association are: - to support personal and professional development of the young people from geographically isolated villages and rural areas; - to encourage their participation in the life of the community; - to stimulate the exchange of ideas and intellectual values, and the cooperation between the young people - to support the creation and implementation of youth policies.

Main Projects / Activities

The pilot project of Mosaic called JEUNES CITOYENS: A VOUS LA PAROLE starts in June 2013. Mosaic is a project partner of i.PEICC. Public partners of the project are the Municipality of Pomorie, Bulgaria and Department Herault, France. The project is funded by Youth in Action Programme. The project aims to meet young people living in two rural areas of Europe. In the framework of the project these young people will exchange ideas for leisure activities and youth participation in local community life. Through the tools of music and dance the project will contribute for livening up the towns in which it will take place.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Mosaic team consists of highly motivated young people who have a wide range of social and intercultural competencies, plus considerable experience in the creation and management of youth projects and leading youth groups. We would like to work in cooperation with organizations part of the ALF Network (Bulgaria) and to execute common initiatives, to exchange best practices, ideas and experience. We would like to work for increasing the recognition of the ALF Network among the NGOs, young people and community in the region of Burgas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

With its activities Mosaic aims to contribute for encouraging the young people living in small towns in Bulgaria feel a part of Europe and the world as it offers them various opportunities for leisure activities, mobility, inclusion in voluntary services and training courses. Through the participation in the ALF Network Mosaic could find new partners within the network and by this way the organization would be able to increase its range of activities for young people. It is really important for us to offer young people opportunity to explore cultures and traditions of many and different countries as well as encouraging them to present their own country. We also believe that it is important to improve constantly the skills and competencies of the team members through training courses and forums in the field of non-formal education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Gogova
Head of the organisation
Evgeniya Meserdzhieva