L'Association Euro-Méditerranéenne des Echanges, Volontariats, Evénements (AEMEVE)

National Network

Complexe de jeunesse de nabeul Av; Taib mehiri 8000 nabeul

+216 97 492002
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L'Association Euro-Méditerranéenne des Echanges, Volontariats, Evénements (AEMEVE) is a cultural non-governmental organization: Structure of the organization, more then 100 young volantary, Sources of funding: the subscription, grants and donations ect ...
Mission and Objectives

objectives are :
- To increase knowledge of youth and children and better develop their cultural level so that they get involved in the re-building of the country.
- To highlight the notions of open-mindedness, tolerance, and the acceptance of others in different social strata.
+ To contribute to the building of a cultural bridge between Tunisian youth and Euro-Mediterranean youth for exchange of knowledge, experiences and access to other cultures.
+ To contribute to the integration of our Tunisian culture in the Euro-Mediterranean space.
+ To contribute to the expanding of principles and values of democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

The association also works to strengthen the relationships between Tunisian and Euro-Mediterranean youth through:
+ The establishment of youth exchange programmes and travels.
+ The enhancing of Voluntarism.
+ The planning and organization of cultural youth events on the national and international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

finding other Euro-Mediterranean partners

Contact (1) Full Name
kais soui
Head of the organisation
kais soui
Contact (2) Full Name
saida ben ali

jeune chambre international de tataouine (jci tataouine)

National Network

maison de peuple 3200 tataouine-Tunisie

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
*association , 20 membre et 5 bureau exécutif , tout le association les ligues le fondation international national local . * sponsoring,subvention , les actions . * sponsoring,subvention . *cours de formation , forum , séminaires , projets . * PNUD
Mission and Objectives

Mission :Pour être le réseau le leader mondial dans le domaine des acteurs jeunes citoyens.
Objectifs :Offrir des possibilités de développement pour les jeunes en leur donnant la possibilité de faire des changements positifs

Main Projects / Activities

changements positifs et leadership

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

crée de association sur la démocratie et le bon gouvernance

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour obtenir l'expérience et développé le société civil et les associations

Contact (1) Full Name
wail ataallah
Head of the organisation
ataallah chihab
Contact (2) Full Name
ghrab khalifa

Sdruzhenie Yuni Partners/ Association Euni Partners

National Network

jk. Zapad 40

00359/ 889 81 86 07
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Association “Euni Partners” is a non-profit organization that works to promote and expand the cooperation between the academia, the business, the authority and educational institutions. Euni Partners has three full time employees, between 4 and 6 contractual agents yearly assigned with specific missions and nearly 80 members, experts in various fields. The budgetary resources of the organization available for the current year amounts on 35 000 BGN. The organization's main sources of funding are members’ contributions, consultancy fees from local authorities, and funds for the implementation of main project activities. The association’s main project is “European Tales and Legends” aiming at the valorization of the intangible cultural heritage and its exploitation for cultural tourism. The association is member of two international networks – “Route Europeenne des Legendes” (France) and ELSIR (Italy).
Mission and Objectives

Association “Euni Partners” aims to meet the common themes and ideas, the joint projects and the research of scientists, the artists and young people from different cultural, professional, social etc. backgrounds. We strive to develop and implement innovative projects in cooperation with national and international organizations, institutions and professionals. Among our main objectives are: promoting, developing and supporting values in civil society, private enterprises and citizens’ initiatives; promoting social integration, personal fulfillment and protection of human rights; supporting the transnational and cross-border cooperation, good neighborliness and building local, regional and transnational partnerships; promoting intercultural dialogue, exchange of good practices in different areas and directions; developing and disseminating projects in the field of: arts, culture, education, science, sport, tourism, agriculture, environment, regional development, economic, humanitarian, social and other sciences;

Main Projects / Activities

Being a member of the international network “Route Europeene des Legendes”, "Euni Partners" has been implementing the project “European tales and legends” in Bulgaria, aiming at the creation of sustainable thematic tourism networks on local, national and international level. Since then, strategies for the development and marketing of tourism of several municipalities have been concluded, and are now at the stage of implementation. We carry out research and provide professional consultancy for the local authorities of South West Bulgaria. Our team offers consultancy to its members and partners in the field of fund-raising and project building, starting from project idea to actual implementation. Since 2012 we have assisted local authorities in the development and implementation of four projects in the field of culture, tourism and education. We maintain acting and English language school for children where we mainly aim at learning the spoken language throughout interactive games and theater.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that, as our goals are in line with the objectives of the ALF Network, we can contribute to the development of the Foundation's priorities through actions and projects in different fields, aiming at fostering intercultural dialogue and uniting different actors on national and international level. Our interdisciplinary network of experts and cross-sectoral approaches are in the core of the work of the association, which can contribute to the ALF Network with expertise in the fields of academia (archeology, folk arts, ethnography, history, literature, psychology, mathematics, musicology), international relations, journalism, education, culture and the arts, banking and tourism services, youth and democracy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization shares the majority of the values and objectives of the ALF Network, such as: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms. Our main activities are focused on bringing people from different cultural, religious, social etc. backgrounds together and creating cultural bridges and sustainable cooperation networks and projects. We believe that Anna Lindh Foundation Network will allow us to connect with people and organizations whose ideas and goals are common to ours, will contribute to our activities and will provide us with opportunities for new partnerships. It will also offer to our team the possibility to share and exchange experience with members of the Foundations’ wide network and give us new views and potentials to promote our ideas and objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilina Yakova
Head of the organisation
Ilina Yakova

Art Gallery Ruse, Bulgaria

National Network

39 Borisova Str.

+ 359 82 / 821 735
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 887318701
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 899654243
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Art Gallery of Ruse was founded in 1933. From 1979 onwards the gallery is situated in the Exhibition Hall on 39 “Borisova” Str. There is ample space (covering an area of 2800 square meters) provided for standing exhibitions of painting, sculptures and graphic works from the gallery’s own collection, as well as for visiting exhibitions. Today there are 2 700 art works in the gallery fund. They illustrate the progress and the attainments of the Bulgarian pictorial arts from the end of the 19 century to the present day. Standing exhibitions in the Art Gallery of Ruse are: Founders of the gallery, Bulgarian painting from the 1920s and the 1930s, The Icon in the Past and Today”. During the period 1979-2006 many international art meetings took place at the Gallery. As a result a lot of foreign artists’ works were added to the fund. There are pictures and drawings by authors from Germany, China, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, etc. We should also mention some of the graphic works by foreign artists - Liu Sen Shen, Robert Yanchovich, Sousoumou Endo. In the last years an average of 30 exhibitions per year are hosted by the Gallery. Among them there are exhibitions connected to the March Music Days Festival, which managed to break up with traditionalism and also some unconventional exhibitions like Music-Vision, Music in Material, etc. Apart from the Bulgarian exhibitions, the gallery hosts also international ones. Visiting exhibitions display a variety of trends in pictorial arts in the halls of the gallery. Some of them are organized with the support of foreign cultural establishments, embassies or galleries. In the years of its existence the Art Gallery of Ruse became a significant cultural institute in the town and the region and a place for storing the achievements of the modern plastic culture. The future plans of the Art Gallery include on the one hand improving the dialogue between different generations of artists, and integration of traditional events and unorthodox approaches on the other. The organization has a 7-members staff: a Director, 3 Curators, an Accountant, a Host, and a security guard. The available budgetary resources in a year amount to 39 810 EUR. The Art Gallery of Ruse is being financed by the Ministry of Culture, Ruse Municipality and participations in international projects. In the last years the Art Gallery of Ruse implements joint projects with contemporary Bulgarian and foreign artists from Serbia, Romania, Austria, Germany, Poland and France. Partners - The Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, The Cultural Institutes of Italy, The Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, The Union of Bulgarian Artists and other Bulgarian and foreign galleries and museums.
Mission and Objectives

The Art Gallery of Ruse participates actively in the present and future development of art and culture in Bulgaria. One of our main objectives is the preservation, conservation, safeguarding, research, exhibiting and popularization of visual art from the end on 19th century to the present. The exhibitions include classical painting, graphic arts and sculpture, as well as contemporary art in its unconventional forms, often combined with multimedia. Apart from exhibitions, a great diversity of cultural events take place in the Gallery, such as concerts, literary readings, film screenings and theater performances, which is indicative of the tendencies for interdisciplinarity and synthesis of different kinds of art.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the main activities of the Gallery is the presentation of Bulgarian and foreign art. In the recent years there has been a tendency for expansion of international cultural relations via organization of joint events. Some of the most successful initiatives were the visiting exhibitions from Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania and Italy, and in 2013 – from Israel and Palestine. In 2012 - 2013 collective exhibitions of artists from Ruse were organized in Ukraine, Romania and Israel.
The Gallery participates in international projects:
2013 – 2011 – ABC - The Art of the Book, Culture Programme 2007-2013
2011 - Cross-Border University Network for Intercultural Communication of the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2007-2013
2009 – Аnimaliter – project, funded with support from the European Commission in Strasbourg and in partnership with the Cities of Warsaw, Brno, Debrecen, Košice and Ruse.
2008 – Cross-border Romanian-Bulgarian project Danube Spirit
2007 – Theatre in Passepartout – performance – Bulgarian- Serbian theatre project
2006 – Shrinking Cities – International Exhibition, organized in collaboration with Robert Bosch Foundation, Berlin and The International Association “Elias Canetti
2005/2006 – Der Ohranzeuge – 50 Characters. Art Gallery of Rouse, National Palace of Culture-Sofia, Bulgarian Cultural Centers in Vienna, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava, and Budapest.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Art Gallery of Ruse can participate in joint projects with the other member organizations by using already established relationships with the institutional representatives and individual artists. The joint efforts and activities would contribute to the achievement of our common goals for effective social dialogue between different cultures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Art Gallery of Ruse shares the principles and objectives of the Anna Lind Foundation in respect of intercultural dialogue as part of the priority sphere of culture and art. The Gallery as an institution strives to raise the awareness of civil society through initiatives in the field of visual arts. It is a place for presenting achievements of different cultures and religions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Todorova
Head of the organisation
Elena Velikova

ONG Initiative Pour Tous de Défense, de protection et de promotion des droits de l'homme

National Network

Ilot G42, Prés Ecole 7, Commune de Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott Mauritania

00 222 46 70 47 57
Telephone (other)
36 30 20 03
00 222 45 25 19 47
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
22 95 68 40
Mobile Phone (other)
00 222 45 25 58 89
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Notre ONG est composée d'un bureau exécutif de neuf membres ( 5femmes et 4 hommes), d'une assemblée générale extraordinaire ou ordinaire. Elle est soutenue par deux partenaires. Ses ressources se limitent aux cotisations, achats de cartes de membres, de dons et de subvention qui ne depasse pas annuellement 2 500 Euros. Nos actions sont dictées par les rapports de visite sur le terrain et l'expression des besoins des populations le plus souvent démunis. Ces rapports se transforme en projets qui passent par l'organisation des ateliers ou de séminaires pour validation. Notre principal partenaire se trouve en France et appui en outils informatiques pour la lutte contre l'ignorance.
Mission and Objectives

Notre mission reste dans la défense, la protection et la promotion des droits humains.
Nos objectifs s'orientent vers la défense, la protection et la promotion des plus faibles particulièrement.

Main Projects / Activities

Ecoute, assistance, orientation, éducation et poursuite des plaintes,

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons contribuer par la jonction des efforts, d'expérences et de proximité avec les populations par la mise en place d'un plan d'action guidé par des objectifs du réseau mondial.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La pertinence du combat du réseau, les objectifs et les réalisations déjà enregistrées nous ont amené à rejoindre ce cadre pour plus d'échanges et de rencontres d'expériences.

Contact (1) Full Name
El Hussein DIENG Ivoukou
Head of the organisation
El Hussein DIENG Ivoukou
Contact (2) Full Name
Moustapha El Mamy

Focus Magreben de Democratie et de DEveloppement "FMDD"

National Network

56 Rue Iran Etage III Bloc 06
Tunisier Belvedere

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
• Cadre légal : Le Focus Maghrébin sur la Démocratie et le Développement est un centre d'études prospectives,présenté en tant qu’organisation régionale non gouvernementale basée en Tunisie et pouvant ouvrir des succursales dans les pays de l'Union du Maghreb Arabe.
Mission and Objectives

• Présentation :
Le Focus Maghrébin sur la Démocratie et le Développement est un centre d'études prospectives oeuvrant à établir la démocratie et le développement dans les pays de l'Union du Maghreb Arabe à travers la création de mécanismes et d'outils de travail innovants qui aideront à réaliser l'intégration maghrebine et à en faire une réalité palpable.
L’espace maghrebin est important et comprend des ressources multiples et variées. Tel est le cas du gaz naturel et du pétrole (Libye et Algérie), des mines de phosphates et de fer (Tunisie, Maroc, Mauritanie) et bien d'autres ressources naturelles (richesses agricoles et marines,tourisme, services, industrie et commerce, etc.). Il en est de même du climat et de notre emplacement stratégique.
Malgré cette abondance de ressources et d'énergies variées, l’espace maghrébin n'a pas été tout à fait en mesure d’atteindre le niveau minimum de vie décente pour le peuple de la région qui n'a pas encore jouit de la prospérité économique et du progrès social.
La création de l'Union du Maghreb Arabe a été annoncée depuis plus de 25ans, mais cette union n'a abouti à aucun résultat positif sur le niveau des aspirations des citoyens, étant donné la nature des régimes politiques totalitaires qui ont créé cette entité et ont soutenu en même temps la tyrannie sous toutes ses formes et contribué à l’expansion de la corruption dans les institutions de chaque Etat de l’union.Cela a empêché la réalisation des résultats escomptés de l’édification d’une entité maghrébine.
Aujourd'hui, la réalité est autre.En Tunisie et en Libye,les peuples qui ont vécu leurs révolutions respectives contre la tyrannie ont pris les choses en main et sont maintenant en train de passer par une transition démocratique afin de reconstruire le paysage politique et de repenser le développement économique et social.
Plusieurs voix se sont élevées pour activer l'Union du Maghreb Arabe. Il ya eu des appels et des tentatives intentionnées pour organiser un sommet maghrébin à cet effet. Mais la situation est restée inchangée en raison des difficultés des transitions démocratiques post-révolutionnaires.
Fort de notre conviction; le changement positif dans l'intégration maghrébine ne peut être atteint qu’à travers un effort collectif dans lequel toutes les composantes de la société doivent contribuer.
La création de cette organisation est une contribution à la réalisation des aspirations des citoyens en diagnostiquant et en scrutant les problèmes pourréaliser des études prospectives visant à élaborer des percéptions et à proposer des solutions pratiques qui sont, hélas, devenues une nécessité urgente dictée par la réalité d’aujourd'hui.

Main Projects / Activities

• Le développement des capacités
Les ressources humaines et les compétences qui abondent dans cet espace représentent l'un des affluents de cet ambitieux projet dans la région du Maghreb. Nous y travaillerons afin de renforcer les canaux de communication et de circulation de l'information entre les différents acteurs politiques,économiques et sociaux, et où nous allons concentrer notre attention sur le diagnostic de la réalité afin de l’étudier de manière scientifique et proposer des plans et des programmes adéquats pour élaborer des solutions appropriées aux différents problèmes et ce en mettant l'accent sur les thèmes suivants:
• Les axes principaux
1. Les ONG: ponts de communication
2. La Réhabilitation pour l'intégration dans le marché de l’emploi et l’incitation à l'initiative privée
3. Le Reflet du développement et la responsabilité sociale des institutions

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participer aux différents actions et l'améliorer

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Améliorer nos activités et faire de coualation et partenariat

Contact (1) Full Name
Idoudi Abdelfattah
Head of the organisation
Idoudi Abdelfattah
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdellatif Ibtihel


National Network

Rue Ahmed Aloulou, Imm. Esia 9eme etage Apt. 1 Sfax

Telephone (other)
Hassen Ayech (directeur exécutif) 58452503
Mobile Phone
Hedi Jalouli (chargé coopération internationale) 58452508
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

President: Amir Ben Ameur Secretary General: Med Arous Vice Secretary General: Sirine Ben Brahim Treasurer:Hassen Bouaicha Media and Communication Officer: NajmEddine Harrabi WeYouth ,also, have five ( 5) departments : 1 – External and Internal Relationships Department , headed by Oussema Bouaicha 2- Financial Resources Department , 3-Human Resources, 4- Control Department, 5- Cultural and Entertainment Department We Got a mini-grant from the world learning ins and the state department. As a matter of fact, even ere obtaining the legal visa, WeYouth has been successful in spreading its visions and aspirations. We had our Vice President present in Youth Town Meeting 2013, WorldLink, JBK Institute for Peace & Justice, University of San Diego, USA. 24th January 2013 and presenting WeYouth to cross-cultural youth. After having the visa, however, our first local initiative was holding an informative general assembly in which members from the executive board had presented WeYouth, its mission and goals, and the different departments. The next step was a recruitment session of new members, moderated my some members of the executive board. WeYouth then held a meeting in the format of workshops under the name “get to know each other”, an event to narrow the gap between the newly recruited members. We took part in an international campaign with UNO\C called Do One Thing For Diversity. We have also started in April our project called "Leadership-Up Project" that aims at developing youngsters leadership skills through holding workshops and training on soft-skills (Leadership skills, communication skills, entrepreneurship skills, debate skills, emotional intelligence, gender equality…). In June, we have launched our new project called ‘WeDebate’ which is assisted by professional debaters and debate trainers who shared with the participants their experience, knowledge and information, allowing them to learn more techniques and strategies and to further build your personal argumentation skills and that project would end up with a Local Debate Tournament. In September, we are willing to organize the North African Model United Nations (the first edition in Tunisia) that would allow 200 participants from north Africa to take part in model united nations. Our upcoming project which focuses on Education Reform in Tunisia after the revolution we seek organized program that we would work on the capacities of teachers, professors and trainers so that we could implement an effective educational strategy and program that would consider soft skills (entrepreneurship skills, leadership skills…) a top priority in the educational journey. We believe personal skills are the right and needed tools for an individual to face challenges, be an active agent within his / her society and be creative.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: We will work towards the creation of sustainable and gender sensitive nationwide umbrella organization that will fully mobilize the youth population to actively participate in personal and social development strengthening the civil society movement through active participation in social issues, transformation of the country's socio-cultural situation and uplifting the economic conditions with the long term aim of improving the youth situation. Goals: • To provide the youth with the necessary and the right tools to improve the skills that will offer them the opportunities and the confidence to create the positive change that We Youth aims to achieve in our beloved Tunisia. • Open the doors for the youth to discover and to take advantage from the opportunities concerning exchange program, workshops, international and national conferences, jobs and grants… through sharing unlimited resources. • To create a strong, sustainable national youth umbrella organization that would become a vehicle in strengthening the relationship of youth organizations • To actively advocate for youth issues in development, human rights movements and promote a positive image of Tunisia youth to motivate more participation and contribution for the country's development.. • To improve the social-cultural role and condition of the youth preserving the youth’s cultural identity.

Main Projects / Activities

As a matter of fact, even ere obtaining the legal visa, WeYouth has been successful in spreading its visions and aspirations. We had our Vice President present in Youth Town Meeting 2013, WorldLink, JBK Institute for Peace & Justice, University of San Diego, USA. 24th January 2013 and presenting WeYouth to cross-cultural youth. After having the visa, however, our first local initiative was holding an informative general assembly in which members from the executive board had presented WeYouth, its mission and goals, and the different departments. The next step was a recruitment session of new members, moderated my some members of the executive board. WeYouth then held a meeting in the format of workshops under the name “get to know each other”, an event to narrow the gap between the newly recruited members. We took part in an international campaign with UNO\C called Do One Thing For Diversity. We have also started in April our project called "Leadership-Up Project" that aims at developing youngsters leadership skills through holding workshops and training on soft-skills (Leadership skills, communication skills, entrepreneurship skills, debate skills, emotional intelligence, gender equality…). In June, we have launched our new project called ‘WeDebate’ which is assisted by professional debaters and debate trainers who shared with the participants their experience, knowledge and information, allowing them to learn more techniques and strategies and to further build your personal argumentation skills and that project would end up with a Local Debate Tournament. In September, we are willing to organize the North African Model United Nations (the first edition in Tunisia) that would allow 200 participants from north Africa to take part in model united nations. Our upcoming project which focuses on Education Reform in Tunisia after the revolution we seek organized program that we would work on the capacities of teachers, professors and trainers so that we could implement an effective educational strategy and program that would consider soft skills (entrepreneurship skills, leadership skills…) a top priority in the educational journey. We believe personal skills are the right and needed tools for an individual to face challenges, be an active agent within his / her society and be creative.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We do believe that joining the ALF network would give us the opportunity to make higher contributions to the youth development in Tunisia, as well as enlarging ALF's projects like the Young Arab Voices that should be enlarged especially in our region Sfax... ALF would open the doors so we can further the youth opportunities in non-formal and vocational education, exchange programs, intercultural dialogue and committed to create “change agents” and Youth Leaders within community

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In our endeavor to enlarge the realm of WeYouth and further actively advocate youth issues in development, human rights movements and promote a positive image of Tunisia youth to motivate more participation and contribution for the country's development, we seek to establish new links and gain partnership with other different organizations that share the same goals. In fact, we seek to set up a network with Anna Lindh Foundation, for we deem its programs as highly complementary and compatible with ours. You have as a main objective to up-lift the newly unleashed youth in countries that are in the process of democratization and whit their political engagement; these are goals that have a common ground with ours: social and civic engagement, furthering youth opportunities in non-formal and vocational education, exchange programs, intercultural dialogue and committed to create “change agents” and Youth Leaders within community. Hence, since the goals are quite the same, we WeYouth long for part taking in upcoming programs and taking part in your Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amir Ben Ameur
Head of the organisation
Amir Ben Ameur
Contact (2) Full Name
Najmeddine harrabi

Ahlan Egypt

National Network

8. el gorfa el togareya

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are 6 partners, 1 Italian and 5 Egyptians, the employes are 10 Egyptians. Budget is around 25.000 euros per year. we are a private sector, most of our funds are coming from school fees for learning languages. We teach Arabic to foreigners and Italian for the local community, also translation service for company. We are also consulalting for international company based in free zone as HR and egyptians mind. We offer 5 scholarship a year for students coming from Menton and Venice University and 5 scholarship for people coming from check republic.
Mission and Objectives

We like think the two sides of the Mediterranean can deal and stay together, we work on languages to permit and help people to find friends and opportunities, is it may be a dream, but why do not think can became true?

Main Projects / Activities

The activity we more follow are the tandem meetings, people are coming to study Arabic are mixed with local are studying languages in our centers. trough different activities and approach, simply going together at cinema, or envolving in special intercomunications games.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can work to make Anna Lindh in Cairo and Alexandria more visible

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to be part of a bigger Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Benedetta Sala
Head of the organisation
Benedetta Sala
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristina Verga

Fatyat Al-Ghad for Development

National Network

9 Mahmoud Ghareb St. Giza

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Fatyat El-Ghad for Development consists 7 employees in addition to a board of members consists of 5 members. The total budget differs from one year to another yet last year its budget was about 700000 EGP comes from different donors and membership fees. We had many projects in different fields but mainly we concentrate on the gender issues. we had FGM project, maternity health project, illiteracy eradication project, vocational training project, etc. we have many partners from the government like ministry of social solidarity, also partners from out side the government like WHO, UNDCO, USaid.
Mission and Objectives

vision: To be an effective association that help in creating a better future for the Egyptian girls.
Mission: we are a group of girls who are interested in the development of the Egyptian girl through empowering her economically, socially, culturally and medically.
objectives: empowering the Egyptian girl, vocationally train the girls, educating girls, increasing the awareness of the Egyptian girls in different issues related to health, culture,etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Fatyat Al-Ghad for Development made many projects for girls like FGM project to increase the awareness of the families about the danger of such issue. Also we gave a great care to the maternity health and the child health after born.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we have a sound experience in the field of Gender issues in Egypt we will be able to share this with other NGOs and work together for better future of Egyptian girls.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Fatyat Al-Ghad wants to expand its activities to be able to reach the maximum number of girls all over Egypt and being part of the ALF network will enable us to view different experiences and share knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Randa Rizk
Head of the organisation
Dr. Randa Rizk

Carpe Vitam Egypt

National Network

2 El-Gegawy Street, El-Messaha, Doki, Giza, Egypt

0020 2 3748-6476
Telephone (other)
0020 2 3335-9318
0020 2 3335-9417
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0020 1004100804
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
CThe Carpe Vitam Egypt is a non-profit organization which was established under the provisions of law 84 of the year 2002: Registration number is 2012, Giza. Registration Date: 09.05.2004 NGO fields:  Scientific and Cultural Services  Childhood and Motherhood  Family Counseling Carpe Vitam Egypt is focusing on sustainable social development, education and culture, based upon the human values of respect for other people and social responsibility including tolerance and compassion. Carpe Vitam is created with the purpose to strengthen people’s social commitment in projects that gain a long-term development of the society. Its mission is to improve social entrepreneurship and support projects within education and cultural heritage The goal is to create, stimulate and attract attention to vital cultural, social and pedagogical contributions. Carpe Vitam is an inspirer, initiator, catalyses and sponsor within the areas of culture and research. The work is managed from a number of strong basic principles and manifests itself in both ongoing and finished projects. The basic principles are, among others, about learning and education, commitment and leadership. Carpe Vitam means Seize Life! Employees no.: 40 Sources of funding: Donations and grants
Mission and Objectives

The goal is to create, stimulate and attract attention to vital cultural, social and pedagogical contributions.

Main Projects / Activities

- Learning Development Center
- Live for Others
- Hearts Full of Arts
- Explorers
- Open Minds Egypt

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through different NGO that we work with.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because ALF network is one of the best community networks. And to find more opportunities and partnerships with other NGOs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ola Atef
Head of the organisation
Ambassador Ahmed Abo El-Kheir
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Adel