Stichting Pera

National Network

Stichting Pera
Weteringschans 6-8
1017 SG Amsterdam


+31 (0)20 6268790
Telephone (other)
+31 (0)20 6222721
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
The Pera foundation was set up in april 2007. Serdar Manavoglu is the Producer/Programmer of the foundation. Pera is supported by the Paradiso Foundation in Amsterdam. Pera is making use of the expertise, premises and staff of Paradiso to furher develop as an organisation. Financial sources of Pera are project based funds from the municipality of Amsterdam, Stichting Doen en AFK fund. Furthermore the main part of the finances comes from ticket revenues. Pera organizes festivals, exhibitions, Concerts, debates and conferences and strongly focusses on exchange between the Pera networks in Holland and Turkey, bringing these networks together in unique coproductions. Network partners are in Istanbul: Ghetto, Babylon, Doublemoon, LambdaIstanbul, OtherSide, Garajistanbul etc. In Amsterdam our network partners are: Paradiso, Melkweg, De Balie, COC Amsterdam, COC Netherlands, HTIB, 33 events,
Mission and Objectives

- Linking artistic Amsterdam and Istanbul (with a focus on stage art, youth culture, audio-visual arts),
- Creating a mixed audience for music and dance from Turkey (bringing Turkish and Dutch youth together)
- Offering a stage for Turkish artistic talent in the Netherlands,
- Offering an artistic programme that focusses on socio-political issues in the Turkish/Dutch community in both countries. Art as an input in the discours on freedoms, rights, equality and democracy within the Turkish community.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects of Pera are: Pink Istanbul (gay art and dance event focussing on gay rights in Istanbul and Amsterdam, with debates, films, music and dance performances) The Istanbul-Amsterdam Festival, focussing on contemporary art and socio-political life in both cities with special focus on the Turkish youth culture in both cities and what comes out of this bi-cultural background of Turkish/Dutch youth. And The Club Pera nights in Paradiso focussing on contemporary Turkish and Dutch artist from both cities who blend audio-visual art, music and dance to an Amsterdam/Istanbul club night breaking all prejudices and expectations!

Contact (1) Full Name
Serdar Manavoglu
Head of the organisation
Serdar Manavoglu
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnes Salverda

Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles

National Network

30,Rue de la Régence

00 32 2 735 24 99
Telephone (other)
00 32 2 344 89 17
00 32 2 735 24 99
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 32 497 89 56 74
Mobile Phone (other)
00 32 497 37 55 20
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Ecole supérieure des arts,domaine des arts de la parole et musique ancienne,classique,contemporaine,jazz. Ecole subventionnée par la Communauté française de Belgique,enseignement supérieur.Développe un festival pour tous les étudiants"Courants d'airs",organise des séminaires,échanges(Erasmus),est associé à l'Ensav la Cambre et l'Insas au sein d'une entité dénommée ARTes,pour développer des complémentarités et des projets susceptibles de développer les échanges internationaux;avec des pays extra européens ;
Mission and Objectives

Formation aux arts de la scène dans les domaines précités,avec pour objectifs de permettre aux étudiants de
s'ouvrir au monde et développer leur art dans la confrontation culturelle des différences,visant à l'universalité.

Main Projects / Activities

Faciliter l'accès des futurs musiciens et comédiens à la profession,dans la polyvalence,l'autonomie,en leur
assurant des formations plurielles,paradoxales,singulières.Stages,spectacles,concerts,performances,pouvant permettre une détermination efficiente.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pierre Pivin
Head of the organisation
Frédéric de Roos
Contact (2) Full Name
Yves Claessens

St Kozma and Damyn Foundation

National Network

cherni vruh street26
Veliko Turnovo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
* Structure of the organization: The foundation has a managing board of 4 personsand and is represented by the Executive Director * Number of staff employed and/or partners: 4 employees * Budgetary resources available for 2008: 16 000 EUR * Sources of funding: EC, UNDP, NGO , OSI * Modalities of action: concrete projects, seminars, information campaigns * Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: NGO organizations, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, media
Mission and Objectives

to collaborate for the endorsement of democratic values, to work for the protection of human rights and to develop sustainable politics oriented towards the respect of the personality of the individual, a group and the society, to develop social and humanitarian politics in favour of marginalized groups and communities; to endorse the spirit of understanding among the nations and the ethnical groups, to realize programs for the development of intercultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

- prevention of domestic violence
- center for protection of old people`s rights
- teaching social skills to psychiatric patients
- network building, lobbying and intermediation for protection of women, adolescents and children, victims of violence
- The choice is yours - organising of meetings among young people and candidate-mayors in order to increase young people`s social responsibility
- Workshop for development of social skills among hospitalized psychiatric patients
- Social integration of young people with mental problems
- Donative campaigns
- Program social assistant
- Organising and implementing a public forum
- Increasing the level of awareness among the residents of Municipality Elena concerning the aspects of the mental health assistance
- Teaching young people from different ethnical groups and nationalities to work in a team. Overcoming the interethnic conflicts. The role of art in the overcoming of interethnic conflicts
- Forum theatre - means for the development of intercultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Teodora Getsova
Head of the organisation
Teodora Getsova
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Todorova

CASAMEMOIRE association de sauvegarde du patrimoine architectural du XX siècle

National Network

7è étage, Esc C
14-18 avenue Hassan Seghir
20 000 Casablanca


+212 5 26 51 58 29
+212 5 22 47 49 99
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Casamemoire, association non gouvernementale marocaine à but non lucratif, se compose d'un bureau de 6 personnes et d'une vingtaine de membres actifs. Son staff permanent est composé de 6 personnes. Ses sources de financement sont diverses et spécifiques à chaque action. Sa reconnaissance s’est faite notamment à travers ses visites guidées pour lesquelles elle est de plus en plus sollicitée. En 2009, Casamémoire s’engage sur un projet de 3 ans avec des partenaires méditerranéens (Tunisie, Palestine, France) dans le cadre de Euromed heritage IV financé par des fonds européens. Elle a la gestion également des anciens abattoirs de Casablanca pour un an pour y organiser des événements culturels et les transformer en « fabrique culturelle » avec une programmation variée consacrée aux arts urbains.
Mission and Objectives

Les principaux objectifs de l’association sont de sensibiliser l’opinion publique, les acteurs sociaux et
politiques concernant le patrimoine du XX° siècle, de valoriser les actions de restauration ou de
réhabilitation et de participer à des travaux de recherches avec des laboratoires nationaux et internationaux (Maroc, Europe, Maghreb). Casamémoire propose une (re)découverte de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme du XX° siècle constituant le patrimoine récent marocain. Ceci au moyen d’actions de compréhension comme: les visites, la journée méditerranéenne du patrimoine récent, le conseil, la réalisation de support de diffusion, ...

Main Projects / Activities

- Visites architecturales de Casablanca (centre ville, périphérie, thématique) - Journée
méditerranéenne du patrimoine - Portes ouvertes des monuments de Casablanca - Participation à des colloques, séminaires, conférences - Participation
aux commissions esthétiques de l’Agence urbaine - Réalisation de document de diffusion (carte-guide, guide) - Partenariat à des évènements valorisant la ville (Matango, festival de Tango à Casablanca) - Conseil et soutien auprès du ministère de la culture, de la wilaya de Casablanca et du Conseil de la Ville – Travail d’inventaire architectural sur le Grand Casablanca (avec la Direction régionale du Ministère de la Culture et en collaboration sur les plans d’aménagement).

Contact (1) Full Name
Abderrahim Kassou
Head of the organisation
Abderrahim Kassou
Contact (2) Full Name
Laure Augereau

Mar Yakub Monastery

National Network

Monastery Saint James the Mutilated (Deir Mar Yakub) - Qâra - Syria

00963 11 7851700
Telephone (other)
00963 11 7852700
00963 11 7852701
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00963 944 244 248
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The community has a Superior and a vicar. It has 11 resident members and 6 non resident. More than 20 employees collaborate in the mission of the monastery. The ressources needed for one year today are around 25000 US$, proceeding mainly from auto-sufficient ressources liket agriculture, religious hand made, herbs and other biologecal output. Our sources are our work We work through global projects. Our main partners arefrom Euro mediterranean projects like: Manumed, Ressourcenet, Icon Networking
Mission and Objectives

The monastery of Saint James the Mutilated is one of the most antics monasteries in the region of Qalamun. Its foundation goes up to the 6th century. It has been several times destroyed and rebuilt. In 1994 the works of restoration begun under the guidance of Mother Agnes-Mariam of the Cross with the supervision of the Syrian General Directorate of Antics. Today an international community of 14 members is living in this monastery. The aims of the new settlement is to work to safeguard the genuine heritage of Orient culture and to promote by all means the dialogue through international cultural relations and exchanges including workshops, congresses, exhibitions, spiritual tourism, etc..

Main Projects / Activities

The entire restoration of the antic monastery of Saint James the mutilate. Restoration and rehabilitation of the byzantine Qânats of the fifth century. The restoration of the medieval frescoes in the church. Oriental genuine iconography, helping preserve manuscript heritage and libraries. Creation of and agricultural cooperative to boost creativity amoung youth. Helping in promote Ecological biodiversity in the forest AL TAIBEH in the surrounds of the monastery, trying to implemant a hostel course for adults, etc...

Contact (1) Full Name
Fadia Laham
Contact (2) Full Name
Carmel Dawalibi

UNESCO Club Association

National Network

2,Han Kubrat str.

+359 38 620 248
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 889 346836
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
General Assembly is the supreme body of management Executive management board takes current solutions 14 members. Staff: 4 persons on full-time and 3 on part-time, 14 young volunteers about 20 000 Euros budget a year Budgetary resources - from projects, donation and own contribution from theatre performances Projects: 2002 -“The Golden Key of Peace and Understanding Is in Every Child’s Heart” financed by PHARE-Access Programme 2006 – “To Create a Blue Zone of Non-violence” , financed by State Agency for Youth and Sports 2008 – Establishing Youth Informational and Consultative Centre for Haskovo region, financed by State Agency for Youth and Sports 2008 -2009 “ I Know, I Can Is My Strength”, financed by ЕЕA UNESCO Club volunteers have taken part in youth exchange projects. UNESCO Club has participated in projects of other non-governmental organizations, as well as in the drawing up of the “Municipal Strategy for Child Protection”, the “Municipal Program for Development /2007-2013/” and the “Regional Strategy for Stable Development /2007-2013/”It has been a partner in the conduction of the campaigns for raising the electoral activity of the young people - “You Choose” - 2003 and “I am young and I vote” – 2005. UNESCO Club is a founder-member of International Association of Non-governmental Organizations from Trace Region and a member of Regional Community Council for People with Disabilities. UNESCO Club is member and participating in Anna Lindh "1001 actions"
Mission and Objectives

We are social and pedagogical workers, actors, journalists and psychologists that work together with our volunteers “To build the man of peace – citizen of 21 century”. UNESCO Club is working with and in favour of young people with special needs, from different social groups, students, children and their families for improving their social skills and increasing their civic activities. UNESCO Club is working in the field of non-formal education, culture, art and science in the towns of Haskovo region. UNESCO Club is Euro-desk point.

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing educational seminars for increasing the knowledge of young people in Human rights; democracy and good governance; prevention of violence, abusing and trafficking of children; providing information about youth activities and projects; organizing international youth exchanges; making charity theatre performances.

Contact (1) Full Name
Veneta Antonova
Head of the organisation
Kostadin Kalapov

Regional Union of NGOs

National Network

4 "K.Pastouhov" st,
Plovdiv 4000

+359 32641622
Mobile Phone
+359 899144059
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Structure: Regional Union of NGOs– Plovdiv is a registered non-governmental organization founded on 25 July 1995 by ten NGOs in the Plovdiv region. Currently, the Association has 35 member organizations. The Union unites NGOs working in different fields. Its purpose is neither to restrict the autonomy of its members nor to duplicate their priority activities, but rather to provide regional NGOs /not only members/ with information, counsel and technical services, and to initiate activities that are of interest to the nongovernmental sector in the region. Average budget yearly- 20000 -30000BGN The Union has established relationships with the Plovdiv Municipality and the Community Council, and works actively in cooperation with the CSDF, Open Society Foundation and UBFA, as well as with similar NGO centers. Since 1995 the Union has implemented 15 projects for informational and consultation support for NGOs in the region /Central Southern Bulgaria/, TRAININGS on NGO management and marketing, and meetings with local authorities to discuss and solve local problems.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the RU NGO – Plovdiv is to help regional NGOs fulfill their missions by sharing with them our management skills and knowledge, and providing them with information, responsible advice and technical assistance, strengthening the civil society in the Region.
- Stimulate the development of philanthropy in the Plovdiv region
- Defend members’ interests
- Gather and store information data base
- Provide technical assistant and counsel on NGO
- Organize and coordinate regional seminars, conferences and symposia
- Provide regional NGOs with technology and information to facilitate their contacts with local and foreign organizations
- Support the international cooperation between Bulgarian NGOIs and Bulgarian municipalitites

Main Projects / Activities

Plovdiv Volunteer Corps 1998-2000;
Building a Day-Center for Street Children;
Enhancing Third Sector Democracy Practices;
“HELPING OURELVES” – PHARE LIEN a macro project for ROMA communities around Plovdiv/2000-2002/
Training in the area of the fight against Fraud
Results; - Training of 40 NGO leaders, mainly from S.Bulgaria
- Founding of National Anticorruption Network
01.10.2007 – 10.04.2008 г
"Развитие на гражданското общество в граничните райони чрез изграждане на НПО мрежа за застъпничество" /” DEVELOPMENT OF TE CIVIL SOCIETY IN BORDER AND MOUNTAIN AREAS OF S.BULGARIA” - 2005-2007 г. – партньор в коалиция на НПО
CEE Trust (Тръст за Ц. И. Европа) BG-03-04/09.12.2004
финансирано от Европейска инициатива за демокрация и човешки права
- Black Sea NGO Forum -2008
- NGOs and the Municipalities -new joint venture - 2008/2009

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolay Bliznakov
Head of the organisation
Board and President

The Cultural Project of the Syria Trust of Development - Rawafed

National Network

P.O.B 2783 Damascus, Syria

+963 11 612 50 26
+963 11 612 50 30
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Syria Trust for Development (The Trust) is a newly-formed not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation. Funded by grants and donations, its aim is to provide people and communities throughout Syria with the tools, the skills, the confidence and the opportunity to take charge of their lives and to benefit society. At present comprising 130 staff, and running three major public projects, The Trust aims to grow substantially as an organisation over the next few years. The scope of its project work ranges from non-formal learning to rural development to cultural and heritage initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

The Trust inspires and empowers individuals and communities throughout Syria. It initiates and manages projects in partnership with people to develop capabilties, attitudes and opportunities that enable them to realize their potential, take charge of their lives and benefit society.

Main Projects / Activities

The three broad types of projects that form the work of the Trust are: Rural Development, Learning and Culture & Heritage

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Osman, Project Manager
Head of the organisation
The Trust is governed by a board of TrusteesThe

Responsible Presse

National Network

C/O The Danish Union of Journalists
Gl. Strand 46
1202 København


+45 5190 8919
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+45 5190 8919
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Responsible Presse is a privately funded NGO founded by a group af danish journalists. The members of the organization are voulenteres and apply only for funding to cover the expences for specific projects. The Organization just finished its 2 year project on media activism involving secondary schools and highschools, explaining the role of the media, and how mediaconsumers can influence mediapractisioners to better there coverage on minorities and combat the use of stereotypes.
Mission and Objectives

The organizations overall objective is to increase awareness about the media's role and responsibilities in society, among both the mediapractissioners as well as mediaconsumers. Thus, the aim is to provide information on media coverage in general and contribute to a discussion of the ethics of journalistic work in multiculturel society.
The purpose is twolegged.
Both to inform mediaconsumers about the presse's role, including journalistic practices, routines, editorial cultures and media structures that underlie the media's selection and dissemination of newsstories.
And to contribute to a discussion and debate on the above within the mediapractissioners, including qualifying and nuancing journalistic practices, how to break with stereotypes and focus on journalistic accountability and responsibility.
The objective is pursued by information such as lectures, workshops and debateactivities and seminars as well as lobbyism.

Main Projects / Activities

Project: "The presse and the new Danes"
The project is a lecture and workshop series, organized by young Danish journalists with a minority background. Activities a targeting young people in the Danish secondary and high schools and deals with facts, prejudices and fiction in media-related questions about the "new Danes".
The Workshops objective is to equip students with knowledge and tools to analyze the products of journalistic bias, stereotypes and documentation. The goal for the students is to evolve from passive mediaconsumers to active and critical mediaconsumers.
Besides giving examples from there journalistic work, speakers will include their own stories about growing up in Denmark with the ambition to help to change society to the better and working as a journalist with a minority background.
The project is aimed at students from 8th grade in seconary schools to all highschool class' in all over Denmark - both in the immigrant-rich schools in the towns and schools in rural areas where the meeting with a new and alien Dane is not part of everyday life.
The workshops are free and funded by private danish funds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fikré Filali El-Gourfti
Head of the organisation
Norma Martinez

Union of Greek Cities with Medieval Castles

National Network

26, Andrea Metaxa str, 10681 Athens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Board of Directors of the “Union of Greek Cities with Medieval Castles” Miltiadis Klapas, Mayor of Preveza, Chairman. Konstantinos Taraslias, Vice-Mayor of Rhodes, Vice-Chairman. Minos Alefantinos, Municipal Officer of Rethymnon, Secretary. Christos Lazos, member of INMEST, Cashier. Christos Bouchourias, Chairman of Municipal Council of Servia Kozani, Member. Dionysios Rallatos, Prefectural Officer of Zakynthos, Member. Nikolaos Katsikarelis, Prefectural Officer of Aitoloakarnania, Member. 70.000euros expenses in 2008 The Municipalities, Communities, Prefectures of our country, as well as any other entity, legal or natural person, can become members of the Union with a simple application, according to the terms of the Memorandum of Association of the Union.
Mission and Objectives

The “Union of Greek Cities with Medieval Castles”, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) founded as a Union, based on the No 7408/207 decision of the Athens Court of the First Instance, in January 2008.
By now, the Union counts about 47 members – entities of Prefectural and Local Administration, representing the totality of the Greek Territory, while the Ministry of Culture has actively expressed its support to the objectives, visions and imminent targets of the Union.
The initiative for the foundation of the Union was taken by the Institute of Medieval Studies (INMEST) founded in November 2005 by leading officers of the Local Administration, with the citadel of Mystras as its focal point.
The main objective of the Institute and the Union is the effort for the publicity, promotion, and maintenance of the medieval defense and residence buildings, that is to say, the castles of the Greek and European territory in general.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Mapping and depiction of castles with the use of new technologies.
2. Marking and illumination of castles.
3. Study planning and construction of access roads for all castles, irrespective of size.
4. Study planning and gradual implementation of restoration plans in the interior and exterior of the castles.
Β. Projects for the exploitation of castles
1. Creation of spaces for athletic and cultural activities.
2. Selective castle integration, where possible, with the construction of communication paths and the creation of intermediary recreation spots.
C. Promotion and publicity actions
1. Elaboration of documented and historically circumstantial information material for all castles.
2. Creation of relevant interactive webpage and internet communication.
3. Use of new technologies for the publicity, promotion and creative exploitation of medieval defense and residence buildings – compilation of databases, geographical and historical classification, comparative data, etc.
4. Organization of promotional meetings at a national and international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikolas Delivorias
Head of the organisation
Nikolas Delivorias (Director)