Ecumenical Women's Initiative

National Network

Četvrt kralja Slavca 3
21310 Omiš

021 862 599
021 757 085
Mobile Phone
098 447 310
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Organisation: 5 member Governing Board; 4 full time staff; 3 part-time external experts. Annual budget approx 300.000 EUR. Current funding sources: international ecumenical / church networks; women’s foundations. Support of grassroots women’s initiatives through distribution of small project grants through twice annual public Calls for Proposals. Through monitoring, training and networking EWI also supports the formation of cross-border partnerships, particularly those with an ecumenical/inter-religious dimension. Local partners: formal and informal women’s groups; women theologians who have potential to bring about change in the community; mixed gender groups with women in leadership and decision making roles where the majority of activities implemented by women. In the interest of sustainability of activities, EWI and local partners build in communication with local and municipal authorities, lobbying for greater recognition and change where appropriate. EWI has an extensive informal network of local partners across its region, cooperating also with religious institutions and faculties.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: A non-governmental, non-profit making organisation which supports women as initiators and actors of change in faith communities and in society by supporting and connecting individuals and groups working in the fields of gender equality, peace building and reconciliation, ecumenical and inter-religious cooperation in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, encouraging networking and cross border cooperation. Aims: - all women will be free to develop their personal abilities, make choices without limitations set by strict gender roles and actively participate in decision making processes in their communities; - an inclusive and sustainable process towards a peaceful and reconciled society through the full contribution of women in the countries where EWI operates; - a deeper understanding and respect of religious diversity as a positive dimension to the development of civil society in the countries where the EWI operates; - EWI as a strong and sustainable regional organisation.

Main Projects / Activities

Project: Women Peacemakers & Instigators of Social Change (2007) 18 grassroots activities implemented with local partners in the EWI region (939 direct & 1.510 indirect beneficiaries). Within this number: - 27 workshops in non-violent communication, conflict resolution, peace building & reconciliation; - 15 literacy workshops; - 8 inter-religious workshops - 3 inter-religious conferences; - 2 research activities; - 1 anti-trafficking awareness raising campaign. Project: Women Peacemakers (2008) 42 grassroots activities implemented with local partners in the EWI region (1.918 direct & 2.810 indirect beneficiaries). Within this number: - 47 workshops in non-violent communication, conflict resolution, peace building & reconciliation in which 543 women participated; - 5 new & innovative channels of communication developed across the region; - 5 cross border exchanges; - 346 women from different religious communities are actively using newly gained expertise in conflict transformation in their communities; - 1 new network established.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carolyn Boyd Tomasović
Head of the organisation
Carolyn Boyd (Managing Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Raffai (President)

Municipality of Raanana

National Network



E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Our organisation is a municipality which is a Public Law Body, in charge of the administration of our city: Raanana. It is our responsibility to satisfy to the needs (education, infrastructures, environment, culture, security…) of our citizens offering them the maximum number of services and services of quality. As a municipality, we have an equip who is working in different areas whose one is dedicated to the Culture. In 2008, our total budget was about 17800 000euros. Our principal financial source is the government. In the area of the culture, Raanana is a very active city: we have a hall, festivals, dance and theatre companies…But actually, we would like to develop it, to connect it with other areas like education, environment care…and to make it more international.
Mission and Objectives

As we already said, we try to fulfil the needs of our inhabitants and we believe that the Culture is one of these needs to get to the dialogue and an eventual harmony. We would like to welcome more international shows to get to know other culture and to send artist from our region for people to get to know our culture, and to keep alive our traditions. We think to have the same goals than the Anna Lindh Foundation, and joining this organisation would make easier to realize the previous objectives as it would permit to develop the cooperation between countries surrounding the Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

The municipality of Raanana realize and take part in lots of projects, whose lots of them participate to the cultural stimulation of our territory.
One of them is related to the ALF (and we would like to do more like it), we have the project to realize and to develop the Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas in Raanana (and maybe to extend it to other regions). This project is based on the artistic mobility. So, during the Festival in Raanana, we welcome artists who are part of our Cultural network (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Morocco and maybe this year Tunisia) and we are sending artists from our region to play in these countries. There are, as well, other projects, like the creation of Mediterranean orchestra. It is a very rich project for our citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Avishai Ya’ar
Head of the organisation
Nahum Hofree (mayor)

TDM 2000

National Network

Via Sant'Andrea, 11 - 09129 Cagliari - Italy

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The board at TDM 2000 is composed mostly from people under the age of 30. We have a core group of 20 people stably working for the organization and around 40 that give a hand according to the activities and projects they are interested in. We are all unpaid volunteers. We have more then 200 members. We have branches in Malta, Latvia, Germany and Estonia. We have established an international network called TDM 2000 International. We organize reception projects, training courses, seminars, youth exchanges, conferences, campaigns and other concrete projects for the local development. Supporters: the European Commission, Council of Europe, Foundation of the “Banco di Sardegna”, University of Cagliari, Municipality of Cagliari, Regional Government and other local Public Bodies. We receive financial and in-kind contributions by private. We have quite good connections with local media. TDM 2000 cooperates with other Sardinian young peoples groups and associations. We work with an average budget of 200.000 € per year.
Mission and Objectives

TDM 2000 is an independent, non profit organisation with educational aims that manage young people willing to participate in the volunteer sector.
It contributes to the development of personal and professional skills organizing intercultural activities and involving the participants in practical experiences of life that allow sharing and exchanging of ideas, opinions and experiences.
Field of interest: human rights education, intercultural learning, environment, democracy, active citizenship, interfaith dialogue, non formal education, international cooperation.
All the activities we implement are thought, planned and realized by young people. Members’ age: from 15 to 36. They are students, workers, unemployed, disadvantaged youngsters.
We also work to foster cooperation among public bodies like local municipalities and the regional government with their counterparts at the international level.
The activities it undertakes include the organization of various multicultural projects according to the aim of enhancing Sardinia (its culture and its territories).

Main Projects / Activities

TDM 2000 has branches in Malta, Latvia and Germany and Estonia. We have an international network called TDM 2000 International. We implement around 10 projects per year at local level and around 30 projects abroad (in which we are partially organizers and partially partners).
The organization and the realization of these projects contribute to development of young people by making them responsible for the activities that they undertake and by broadening their understanding of cultural differences. We organize two big reception projects: International Summer Week and International Winter Week. Both are aimed at intercultural integration. ISW is realized in Sardinia and IWW is organized abroad as it aims to promote regions of Europe that are not so well known.
We are accredited as hosting, sending and coordinating organization through the European Voluntary Service.
We have been recognized as Non Government Voluntary Organization by the Government of Sardinia.
We participate in Leonardo Da Vinci Programme.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianluca Massimiliano Frongia
Head of the organisation
Gianluca Massimiliano Frongia
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesca Puddu

Foreda Toscana

National Network

Via di Ripoli, 88

Telephone (other)
055 6818346
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
Foreda Toscana ha un coordinatore, un vicecoordinatore, un amministrativo, diversi collaboratori Le risorse disponibili annuali circa 60.000€ Provengono dalla partecipazionea bandi U.E., da Enti pubblici ( Comunali, altro) Corsi per Adulti, progetti, scambi interculturali, formazione profesionale Altre agenzie formative, Enti Pubblici e di Ricerca
Mission and Objectives

FOREDA TOSCANA ha come finalità principale l'educazione lungo tutto l'arco della vita, l'orientamento al lavoro, la ricerca sui temi della formazione permanente, l'intercultura e scambi tra Paesi. Collabora, in questa direzione con gli Enti Pubblici (Comunità montane), Comuni, Province, agenzie formative che si interessano di temi contigui.

Main Projects / Activities

Negli ultimi anni sono stati attivati dei progetti nel territorio toscano sui temi della educazione permanente: Circoli di Studio(So.Stare 1 e 2; Veglia, CIMOFI 1,2 e 3; Cittadini Extr@ 1 e 2),Dedalo e Per un adulto cittadino sulla formazione degli immigrati in Italia, R2F per la formazione permanente; BELL (in collaborazione con IRRE TOSCANA) sulla formazione degli insegnanti; TRAME (in colaborazione con il comune di Firenze) per la valorizzazione di competenze artigianali di donne anziane e relativo trasferimento a giovani ragazze; ADA per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro di donne che sono state espulse per impegni familiari. Ricerche su temi pedagogici e interculturali.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Ianni
Contact (2) Full Name

Il Nostro Pianeta

National Network

Via Bligny 11, 10122 Turin, Italy

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
“Il Nostro Pianeta” is a non-profit cultural association with a staff of 6 persons employed. Budgetary resources available in a year it's around 150.000 euros. The sources of funding and the main partners involved in the organization's projects and activities are private companies and public institutions. In order to reach its goal, the Association is promoting in and out of Italy: - educational and training activities; - activities in order to enhance concern and information; - meetings, conferences, debates and seminars; - intercultural exchanges and responsible tourism journeys; - study and research activities - editorial activities (magazine publishing, books, catalogues: all both in traditional and electronic form); - cooperation activities.
Mission and Objectives

Its purpose is to promote intercultural dialogue with cultural and training activities, in and out of Italy.
It promotes education, active citizen hood and social cohesion, the culture of cooperation, exchange and peace.
“Il Nostro Pianeta” is focused on the migration phenomenon and on a fair, democratic, participative and sustainable European development.
Its main concerns are sociocultural transformations, educational processes and the promotion of personal and social rights on all levels (local and international).

Main Projects / Activities

The project "Orientamento e successo formativo" ("Orientation and training success") has been realized within the “Immigrati nuovi cittadini” ban (“Immigrants, new citizens”) – Compagnia di San Paolo. Agreement Protocol of the Compagnia di San Paolo – City of Turin involving immigration, integration and interculturality.
Specific service that helps the orientation of teachers and families of Turin’s secondary schools, led putting non Italian speaking students next to successfully included young immigrants, who are now capable to work for them. This project acknowledges the necessity to operate on behalf of the young, so that they can become active citizens with training success and well inserted in our social life. The collaboration of young immigrants is innovative and represents a challenge too: we want to work with them, not for them.
The project’s goal is to search for, collect and help good experiences grow, so that they’ll be available to everyone in order to optimize resources and promote growth, dialogue, exchange and release from a localistic and individualist point of view that makes each school, when faced by a social transformation, to start al lover again. New technologies allow to reach this goal: just one year of “Area Scuola” started interactions and thought Exchange between several referent teachers for the inclusion of immigrant students of Turin’s high schools.
“Orientamento e successo formativo” makes the schools’ net stronger by meeting and experiencing things together: the interpersonal relation - launched in a wider context that Area Scuola has given in its meetings, seminars and activities promoted during the school year – allowed exchanges and the creation of alliances, so that common goals could be achieved.
The project includes:
• amortizing of some emergencies, such as the upgrade to high school for an immigrant student, during the school year, by creating a temporary centralized service that can include and not exclude, that way avoiding disorientation for the families and loss of precious school weeks for the young.
• helping – with a spirit of co-operation and ait – the COSP service (Professional Scholastic Center for the Orientation of Turin) to support the new generation of immigrants, enhancing the service’s utilities, because orientation is crucial for the evolution of work in our city.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Giani
Head of the organisation
Paola Giani


National Network

Jekerstraat 26
3521 EG Utrecht

00 31 (0) 30 2992895
00 31 (0) 30 2992894
Mobile Phone
00 31 (0) 6 23816185
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Extravaleren, owned and directed by Ine van Emmerik provides consultancy- services (coaching, mentoring, business consultancy, project management, conflict resolution, research) to organizations, both profit and non-profit. As the name expresses, the consultancy aims to enhance the learning capacities of the clients, thus creating extra value for the organization or person that is involved.
Mission and Objectives

Extravaleren, owned and directed by Ine van Emmerik provides consultancy- services (coaching, mentoring, business consultancy, project management, conflict resolution, research) to organizations, both profit and non-profit. As the name expresses, the consultancy aims to enhance the learning capacities of the clients, thus creating extra value for the organization or person that is involved.

Main Projects / Activities

Apart from regular consultancy for several organisations;
Partner in the research program Literacy of women for leadership, Foundation Carin for the Future, Lisbon
Partner in Belieforama, project of Centre Européen Juif d’Information, Brussels
Phd/DBA at the University of Humanistics, Utrecht, program "Humanising organisations" , subject: slow learning of professionals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ine van Emmerik
Head of the organisation
Ine van Emmerik
Contact (2) Full Name
Elly Konig

Ocre - Associação para a Valorização do Ambiente, Cultura, Património e Lazer

National Network

Corredoura de São Roque, 9/11, Apartado 80, 7320-999 Castelo de Vide - PORTUGAL
Castelo de Vide

00 351 245908157
Telephone (other)
00 351 245908158
00 351 245908159
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 351 969847939
Mobile Phone (other)
00 351 969847938
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
OCRE – Association pour la Valorisation de l’Environnement, la Culture, le Patrimoine et le Loisir, est une organisation civique sans but lucratif, située à Castelo de Vide, dans le nord de l’Alentejo. Elle existe depuis juin 1998 et est active dans six communes (Castelo de Vide, Nisa, Marvão, Portalegre, Crato et Arronches). La vision d’OCRE pour ce territoire est celle d’une région riche par son potentiel et sa diversité, qui puisse conjuguer tradition et modernité, à partir de ses spécificités propres.
Mission and Objectives

OCRE promeut l’implication progressive des personnes par un processus de discussion, échange et recherche de réponses, et par l’élaboration d’actions adaptées au contexte qui constitue notre espace de vie. En tant qu’espace de recherche, elle travaille sur le Territoire-Idée, qui croît avec tous ceux qui partagent la même quête, indépendamment des distances, âges, croyances, origines ou formations.
OCRE réalise des études, projets et actions, destinés à valoriser les spécificités locales et régionales, et ayant pour finalité l’inversion des effets négatifs de la croissante intégration spatiale, économique et culturelle, par la valorisation des caractéristiques locales et la promotion de l’identité régionale. L’accompagnement des jeunes dans la société, l’exercice de la citoyenneté active et la qualification de la vie collective sont les axes prioritaires de notre intervention. Nos trois grands champs d’action et objectifs sont actuellement
- Faire découvrir le monde aux jeunes, ainsi que les valeurs locales et régionales ;
- Contribuer pour une meilleure perception de la réalité locale ;
- Favoriser l’échange d’expériences et d’information, l’ouverture au changement;
- Accompagner la formation civique des jeunes, ayant pour objectifs la dotation de capacités pour le changement et l’apprentissage au long de la vie ;
- Proposer des activités et expériences originales ajustées, saines et éducatives, en valorisant la perspective du futur et du travail ;
- Développer l’esprit critique et l’amour-propre individuel et collectif.
- Ajuster l’offre de formation aux nécessités locales;
- Innover à partir des potentialités locales ;
- Intégrer les bonnes pratiques extérieures (ajustées au contexte), par le biais de partenariats de longue durée.

Main Projects / Activities

Mobilité des jeunes: organisations d’échanges et de séminaires, accueil et envoi de jeunes volontaires (EVS) dans le cadre du Programme Jeunesse de Commission Européenne.
Formation d’adultes: Cours de cuisine pour chômeuses, cours d’initiation aux technologies d’information et communication
Apprentissage non formel: participation au programme Socrates - Grundtvig 2 (avec partenaires français et italiens); ateliers créatifs et de tradition pour enfants
Environnement et Patrimoine: actions de sensibilisation (débats, visites guides, publications…)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Francisca Ribeiro Ferreira Neto
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiago Fragoso Malato

Agencia INOVA - Assoc para a Cultura e a Criatividade

National Network

Rua Formosa, 253, 4º dto 4000-247 Porto

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
équipe: 10 persone budget annuelle: 1 000 000 euros sources de financemente: privé et auto-financemente
Mission and Objectives

To promote the development of cultural economics, politics and management, by implementing training, consulting and capacity projects targeting cultural professionals.

Main Projects / Activities

Forum Cultura e Criatividade (
Cultdigest (
Cultural Observatory of the CPLP

Contact (1) Full Name
Jorge Cerveira Pinto
Head of the organisation
Jorge Cerveira Pinto
Contact (2) Full Name
Manuel Silvestre Mota

Savez udruga Klubtura/Clubture Network

National Network

Baruna Trenka 11
10000 Zagreb

+385(0)1 4572 591
+385(0)1 4572 592
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385(0) 91 25 82 567
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Clubture network gathers organizations of the independent cultural sector in Croatia and functions as a collaborative platform within which they exchange programs, i.e. directly collaborate on specific projects. There are currently 31 member organizations. Network is managed by the Management Board, which is consisted of representatives of member organizations, as well of prominent figures in independent cultural sector. Other administrative body is the General Assembly which is the highest body. Current number of staff in project team is 3. Expected budget for year 2009 is about EUR 150 000. Clubture’s activities are funded by: National Foundation For Civil Society Development, Ministry of Culture of republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb – Office For Culture, Education and Sports, City of Zagreb – Zagreb holding. Previously, Clubture has been founded by Balkan Trust for Democracy, State Institute for Protection of Family, Maternity and Youth, European Cultural Foundation, Office for culture of the City of Zagreb, INA – The Industry of Petrol, Open Society Institute Croatia, The Royal Netherlands Embassy in Zagreb, Ministry of the Family, Veteran’s Affairs, and Intergenarational solidarity – Unit for Youth, USAID-AED as well.

Mission and Objectives

Clubture network is a non profit, inclusive, participative network of organizations, that works on empowering the independent cultural sector in Croatia and region trough program sharing, raising public visibility, encouraging organizational development of the sector, and trough strenghtening it's influence on changing the institutional framework.

Main Projects / Activities

ClubtureHR (program exchange), Clubture’s regional initiative, internet portal, Clubture Forum&Festival

Contact (1) Full Name
Domagoj Šavor
Head of the organisation
Domagoj Šavor

Museum of Modern Greek Art - Municipality of Rhodes

National Network

Koundouriotou 8 square,
Rhodes 85100


0030 22410 43086
Telephone (other)
0030 22410 43080
0030 22410 43081
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Museum of Modern Greek Art is a non-profitable foundation at the service of the society, open to all people independently of nationality, origin or religion. Its aims are the research, acquisition, study, preservation, exhibition and promotion of works of art that have been created in the Greek cultural area or that relate to the Greek culture, during modern times mostly, namely 15th century and onwards, and more specifically from the foundation of the modern Greek nation (1832) and onwards. The final goals of its activities are the promotion of the above-mentioned to the local, national and international public, and especially from a cultural, educational, national and social aspect.
Mission and Objectives

The Modern Greek Art Museum presents a wide range of painting and engraving collections not to mention numerous sculptures, drawings and documents of historical value. The collections represent efficiently the Modern Greek art of the 20th century. One of the Museum's fundamental concerns apart from the exhibitions and the publications is to set the foundations for the communication between the public and the world of art. The Museum, having this objective and following the contemporary and international philosophy of converting the museums into educational spaces - has created in 2000 the department of Educational programs.
The basic goals of the department
To familiarize the public with the world of art
To have constant contact with schools and groups of every age
To publish books of art and other educational material
To maintain good relations with the local community
To communicate through art with the Greeks that live abroad

Main Projects / Activities

The Museum of Modern Greek Art exhibits, upkeeps and renews collections of painting, engraving and sculpture of Modern Greek Art and aims at informing and educating the public on issues of art and culture. During the last 5 years the Museum has created the Department of Educational Programmes, which is creatively cooperating with the Primary and Secondary Education Offices, the University of the Aegean, as well as many other organizations. The specialized personnel organizes educational programmes and offers a wide variety of workshops and educational material to the children and adolescents of Rhodes, Dodecanese and the rest of Greece. At the same time, the Museum, according to the international museum practice, publishes books and catalogues of Art, educational books and CD Rom for children, produces museum objects and gifts that expand modern Greek art and promote the creators to the everyday life of the public and the young generation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karagianni Christina
Head of the organisation
Kampouropoulou Mary