HATC NLPt - Hrvatsko-austrijski trening centar za neuro-lingvističku psihoterapiju

National Network

Rusanova 10
Zagreb 10000

+385(0) 1/ 23 08 060
Telephone (other)
+385(0) 1/ 24 09 298
+385(0) 1/ 23 08 060
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385(0) 91/ 75 39 818
Mobile Phone (other)
+385(0) 91/ 60 40 424
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Croatian-austrian training center for NLPt is a non-profit association for practical psychological education and counseling/coaching/psychotherapeutic services. The Center has a director, vice-director and general secretary. There are no employees. The Center developed based on collaboration with the Austrian Training Center for NLP & NLPt (OETZ) and has a network of partners in terms of exchange of ideas and joined projects – the European Association for NLPt, Slovenian institute “Sprememba”, Rumanian association “Mind Master”, Croatian Association for Hospice and palliative care. The budgetary resources available in a year depend on the number of people participating in the courses, seminars, education offered by the Center. There were so far no additional sources of funding. The Center offers education in Neurolinguistic psychotherapy, education for volunteers in palliative care, programs for schools and kindergarten, supervision and occasionally other short programs, coaching and psychotherapy for individual clients.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Center is to support people in achieving personal excellence and educate professionals in different fields to use the theoretical understanding and methods of NLPt to increase the quality of their work.
The objectives of NLPt in coaching/therapy are accompanying and supporting people to:
- Develop a clear definition and vision of the goals they want to realize.
- Analyse the current situation and discover the elements that need to be changed/added.
- Define and position the inner and outer resources needed for the process of change.
- Define the steps and develop a strategic plan to reach the goals.
Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy is a systemic imaginative method of psychotherapy with an integrative-cognitive approach, which also has developed a number of psychological tools that people can use to manage their thinking, emotions and behavior in a more satisfactory and ecological way.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently the main projects and activities are:
- Introductory courses in NLPt
- Practitioner course in NLPt – a 30-day intense training for professionals conducted by international trainers leading to a Certificate as Professional Coach on NLPt Practitioner Level
- Master course in NLPt- a 30-day intense training for professionals conducted by international trainers leading to a Certificate as Professional Coach on NLPt Master Level
- Supervision of teachers working in Clinic for children
- Lectures and workshops for teachers in school for mentally handicapped children
- Support groups for parents of mentally handicapped children

Contact (1) Full Name
Melita Stipančić, mag. ECP
Head of the organisation
Melita Stipančić, mag. ECP
Contact (2) Full Name
Renata Đonđ Perković, prof.

Centar Mladih Ribnjak

National Network

Park Ribnjak 1

Telephone (other)
01 4814734
01 4814735
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Centar mladih Ribnjak is a non profit public institution established in 1953.Throughaut 55 years of existence the institution was focused on the leisure time activities for children and the youth through sports and cultural programms.The Centre also acted as institution for the promotion of new ideas,new techniques,new approaches in the work with the youth through four artistic fields:drawing,music,drama and dance.It employs 9 workers on the permanent basis and about 40 part time experts and students.The institution is situated in the building in the very centre of the city in the central park.We get about 45% of our budget from the city budget.The rest we collect from the fees,sponsors and donators.Our vision is to keep the very high position and the leading role among similar instituitons which we achived before the war in CROATIA.
Mission and Objectives

The centar for the youth "Ribnjak" is a cultural institution the field of education in cultural activities for preschool,school children and the youth up to 25 years. It also provides social preventive work and researches in the field of art including drama,dance,music and drawing pedagogical work.Our objectives are the struggle for affirmation of positive values in the life of young people,to fight against boredom,drugs and alcohol among young people,to engage young people in useful and prospectus activities that promote peace,love,brotherhood among people and nations,to educate teachers and other experts to use artistic language as educational mean.

Main Projects / Activities

DRAMA ACTIVITIES;preschool groups 2 school groups 4,high school group and student group.Presentation at institutional level and participation on amateur festivals and presentations and seminars for educators on workshops.DANCE:2 preschool groups,modern dance for school children, basic ballet dance,students groups of modern dance.DRAWING:work is organized in hobby art workshops,drawing groups for school children,exibitions.MUSICAL ACTIVITIES:"klinci s Ribnjaka" big choir of pre and younger school children,drama and music group,Rock academy for young from 9 years,participation in city concerts,international festivals and visits.Beside group activities we also organize winter,easter,summer holiday programmes for all children which is free of charge.From 14.June to 28. we organize Summer festival "Park in ZAGREB".It contains workshops, theatre performances, exhibitions, concerts,book promotions in the open air and inside the building.It is free for everybody.All year around we organize numerous shows,performances and outdoor activities such as carnivals,animal day,be friendly to the park,toy festival ...

Contact (1) Full Name
LJiljanka Glavina
Head of the organisation
Branka Veseli
Contact (2) Full Name
Ksenija Rožman

Juhoud for Community & Rural Development

National Network
+972 2 2811629
+972 2 2811831
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 599 229729
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Sources of funding: USAID EC
Mission and Objectives

- To empower Palestinian youth and women in rural areas
- To actively engage youth and women in their communities
- To preserve and strengthen Palestinian identity

Main Projects / Activities

Juhoud's activities focus on:
- training and consulting
- women and youth empowerment
- democracy and good governance

Contact (1) Full Name
Peter Bagin
Contact (2) Full Name
Taghreed Naser

Holy Land Trust

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Holy Land Trust is lead by a 9 member local board of directors that is elected every two years by a 40 member general assembly. The Executive Directors (Sami Awad) reports to the board and oversees the operations of the departments and administrative staff (total 30 staff members). Funding for HLT depends on outside donations and contribution (grants, gifts, proposals, etc.) and other forms of revenue generating mechanism like the travel and encounter program. HLT engages in trainings, meetings, conferences, curriculum development, media work and travel programs for foreigners. Holy Land Trust works with many local and international partners such as, Nonviolence International, Middle East Fellowship, Musicians without Borders, others are available on the following link http://www.holylandtrust.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1...
Mission and Objectives

Through a commitment to the principles of nonviolence, Holy Land Trust seeks to strengthen and empower the Palestinian community in developing spiritual, pragmatic, and strategic approaches that will allow it to resist all forms of oppression and built a future that makes the Holy Land a global model and pillar of understanding, respect, justice, equality and peaceful coexistence.

Main Projects / Activities

Holy Land Trust is divided into Four major Departments /Projects:
- Nonviolence Program: promoting Nonviolence within the Palestinian community.
- Making the Impossible Possible: Non-linear Leadership training program.
- Travel and Encounter: Alternative tourism program for fact finding trips to Palestine / Israel.
- Palestine News Network: Alternative web, audio and video press agency.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sami Awad
Head of the organisation
Sami Awad
Contact (2) Full Name
Eilda Zaghmout


National Network
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
ALFAJR PALESTINIAN YOUTH ASSOCIATION Founded dawn in the efforts of youth in 2000, and the completion of many courses and workshops and help the needy. Obtained a license from the Ministry of the Interior on 30 \ 10 \ 2002 No. 7230, and continued to be a General in the civil society, which contributed to the establishment of a cadre of youth and youth a solid cells and interdependent, and contributed to the success of the democratic electoral process in various forms (institutes and universities and districts and local councils and legislative).The association worked with many partners in the local area ,and also with many international orgnization such as CHF,Canadian Fund for Development.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to establish strong capacity for constructive dialogue through the achievement of the objectives of the Assembly for the refinement of a Palestinian youth towards democracy and activating the staff through the reintegration of youth in civil society in order to grow and develop their abilities and also help them and eliminating them, which Ienoh by the practices of the occupation and the reduction of tendencies and negative societal problems they face.

Main Projects / Activities

1-Emergency relief projects for the poor.
2-making Summer work camps for young people.
3-The establishment of a sports hall.
4-Crafts Projects.
5-Courses in the field of health and first aid.
6-Youth initiatives project (Fine Art).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr.Fady Alastal
Head of the organisation
Mr.Dawod Alastal

The Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has an elected board of administration, latest elections were held in October 2008 and next elections will be October 2010. The board consists of 7 members all members of the general assembly of the organization. The organization has an executive body, headed by the Executive Director. There are six other staff employed on part-time and full-time basis. Our turnover in the year 2008 was around 80,000 Euro The organization receives funding from few organizations for projects only. Yet, the running cost is covered by individual donations, and the readers of the news website that we are running in addition to the administration fees from the running projects. The organizations that fund PCR projects: 1- Oxfam-GB - UK 2- Mennonite Central Committee - USA/Canada 3- United Methodist Church - USA 4- Canadian Friends Service Committee - Canada 5- A.J. Muste Memorial Institute – USA 6- A La Calle – Italy 7- NOVA For Social Change - Spain Our main partners: Palestine Vision - Jerusalem Ansar Center – Walajah Bethlehem The Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center (Wiam) - Bethlehem Family Defense Society – Nablus Palestinian Art Court-Jerusalem Network of United Radio Stations (NUR) - Founding Member Nonviolence Network in Arab Countries (NNAC) - Founding Member
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: PCR works to bridge the gap between Palestinians and peoples from all around the world, informing the public about the reality in Palestine, and empowering the community through nonviolent direct action.
Our Goals:
1) Promote arriving at a just and peaceful Palestine
2) Promote harmony and rapprochement within society and between societies
3) Raise awareness Provide accurate and first hand information about Palestine
4) Enhance civic duty and civic responsibility especially for empowering youth, women, and for marginalized segments of our society.

Main Projects / Activities

International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) www.imemc.org
Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies
Education for All project
Video Production Training Project
Tunes for Peace Project

Contact (1) Full Name
George N. Rishmawi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mazin Qmsiyeh

NOVA - Centre per a la Innovació Social

National Network

C/ Joncar, 19 4º 1ª. 08005

(+34) 615 577731
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure of the organization: NOVA is divided in 3 main units: citizens participation unit, economical democracy unit and peacebuilding and nonviolence unit. The 3 units has a direction department and administrative unit giving support. Human resources and material resources: 12 people working the team, one headquarters in Barcelona with a delegation office in Ramallah (Occupied Palestinian Territories) with one local staff. around 15 personal computers and equipment to support this structure (furniture, phones, copy machine, etc) Last year budget was around: 400,000 EUR from public donor mainly: Barcelona Council, Catalan Agency of Cooperation for Development, Spanish Agency for International cooperation, Ministry of Culture of Spain, the Office for the promotion of human rights form Catalan Government and the Office for the promotion of human rights of Spanish Government. Modalities: we have 3 main lines of action. (i) international peace projects to support nonviolent movements in Middle East; (ii) awareness campaigns in Spain and Europe to promote a culture of peace and support to nonviolent voices in Middle East; (iii) advocacy actions to Spanish and European public institutions to streghten their public policies regarding peacebuilding and Middle East.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: NOVA is non-profit organization that support peacebuilding and sustainable societies through social innovation, nonviolent initiatives, citizens participation and transparency. We are able to implement this through international cooperation projects, research, publications and public debates.general objective: to promote a culture peace in Europe and Middle East through internacional peace operations and advocacy actions
Specific objective 1: To implement international peace operation to protect human security and support nonviolence movements
Specific objetive 2: To Advocate to our governments for sustainable peacebuilding programmes in Middle East

Main Projects / Activities

- Support to the Nonviolence Network in the Arab Countries: trainers of trainers, publications on nonviolence, strategic coordination;
- Support to popular nonviolent movements in Israel and oPt: cooperation with popular committees of Bil'in, Nil'in,etc and to nonviolent organizations in Israel like Betselem, Alternative Information Center. Media trainings, campaining;
- Reinforcing the Iraqi civil society throug the Group LaOnf: 150 nonviolence organization from the whole country. Nonviolence actions, protection of Human rights, media and advocacy actions.
- Advocate for the Civil Peace Service at european and national level: prepartion of civil professional to interve and deal with conflict situations and exchange of people from different cultures;
- Awarenees, communication and advocacy for all the projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Felipe Daza (+34) 615 577731
Head of the organisation
Marti Olivella i Solè

Waag Society

National Network

Nieuwmarkt 4

+31 (0)20 557 98 98
+31 (0)20 557 98 80
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
Waag Society is non profit foundation. There is around 50 peoplpe working amounting to 42 fte. The yearly budget is 3.1 miljon euro which is financed by both public and private partners. Most inportant public funding (30% of budget) comes from the arts budgets of the Ministy of Cultural Affairs and the city of Amsterdam. Private partners, amongst others, are the RaboBank, Culturural Heritage institutions, KPN etc.etc. Waag Society is a projectorganisation that realises thirty projects a year. Centered around innovation in digital technology it concentrates on the societal domains Arts&Culture, Healthcare, Education and the Public Domain. Many project have been awarded for their groundbreaking impact. They are all dissiminated through the website.
Mission and Objectives

Waag Society develops creative technology for social innovation. The foundation researches, develops concepts, pilots and prototypes and acts as an intermediate between the arts, science and the media. Waag Society cooperates with cultural, public and private parties.
Waag Society is housed in two historic monuments in Amsterdam, de Waag and Pakhuis de Zwijger.
Waag Society was founded in 1996 by Caroline Nevejan and Marleen Stikker. Stikker initiated the Digital City, the first internet community in The Netherlands. It has developed into a interdisciplinary medialab, where besides research and development there is room for experiment with new technology, art and culture. Waag Society divides its activities in five social domains: Healthcare, Culture, Society (public domain), Education and Sustainability.
Waag Society is one of the founders of Creative Commons Netherlands, the altenative licensing system that enables authors, artists, scientists and teachers to handle their copyright in a flexible way.
Waag Society has a strong focus to to let user groups participate in internet, new media and technology that otherwise have limited access. Examples are The Storytable, a multimedia table for elderly people to share stories and BoardMessenger, a tool for mentally impaired people to communicate.
In 2003, Waag Products was established to market the ideas and concepts developed by Waag Society. In 2006, the new cultural hotspot Pakhuis de Zwijger was opened, a renovated warehouse in the former Amsterdam Dock area that houses Media Guild, an incubator for creative start-ups, the Creative Learning Lab and Waag Society's Fablab. Many of the projects of Waag Society found national and internal acclaim and were awarded over the years.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of Waag Society are centred around four domains: Education, Healthcare, Society and Culture. In 2008, the domain Sustainability was added.
Beside the domains, we have the focus areas of our technological expertise called Ateliers:
* Atelier Locative
* Atelier Collaborative
* Atelier Sensitive
* Atelier Narrative
Atelier Locative: how does an enriched relation between humans and location lead to new forms of interaction?
Atelier Collaborative: how to let people co-operate, create and participate in interactive, cultural productions?
Atelier Sensitive: how to design sensitive, tactile environments and objects, that can realize an intelligent interaction?
Atelier Narrative: how to tell stories and what is the role of technology.
There are two other support activities that operate for whole organisation:
* Creative Research (also comprises Usability Research) and
* Communication
Each Atelier has a manager responsible for the research within the atelier. They carry the relevant knowledge and expertise and will develop new challenges and projects within their Atelier.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bart Tunnissen
Head of the organisation
Marleen Stikker
Contact (2) Full Name
Frank Kresin

Taleb cherche midi- videokaravaan-

National Network

1000CV Amsterdam

+ 31 203301933
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Taleb Cherche Midi is a Mixed media Art collective directed by Film-makers and Mixed Media Artists: Abdelaziz Taleb and Abdellatif Benfaidoul. It is a Media Art collective with an aim to diversify and deepen the traditional artistic view of the western audience towards the Arab media art culture, provide a platform for Arab and north African media art artists to gain more exposure by facilitating the circulation of their works.
Mission and Objectives

The collective organizes events, which focuses on the development of an artistic exchange between the north and south. The nature of the activities is based on all fields of media art forms, from digital video-film, to installations and interactive art. It organizes media art exhibitions “ Video and interactive installations” in collaboration with different institutions. It produces also works in field of Digital Filmmaking. Taleb Cherche Midi also contributes in the circulation of works from the Arabic and North African countries by programming and showing a compilation of film and video works in different International video and film festivals with the collaboration of media art associations and foundations around the globe.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the very recent and successful project initiated by the collective is videokaravaan: A "nomadic program", which, amongst other things includes a database of video artists from the Arab and North African region. Videokaravaan is traveling through various countries using presentations and discussions to expand the current aesthetics of video and media practices, diversify the Western perspective of art from the Arab world, and to acquaint the West with Arab artists. An additional goal is to generate a network of interdisciplinary cooperation. Since 2002, Videokaravaan initiated a series of Film workhops in Morocco, in order to help local artists and young filmmakers to deal with their own image, and have access to new methods and technologies of filmmaking. Until now more than 10 videos and short films were produced.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
A. Benfaidoul

Society Free Music Agency (BRĪVĀS MŪZIKAS AĢENTŪRA)

National Network

11.novembra krastmala 35-208, Riga

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Free Music Agency Latvia is Latvian culture and music management society, with an objective to promote, organize and support all kinds of cultural and especially musical expressions within Latvia and abroad.
Mission and Objectives

Tasks and methods of activity:
Promotion and assistance to the creative and free activities of composers, musicians, ensembles and musical units;
Promotion and assistance of all kinds of public music events - concerts, festivals, musical performances, as well as seminars, lectures and other educational activities;
Attraction of donations, sponsorships and other financial sources for the support of free musical activities in Latvia and abroad;
Co-ordination and provision of accessible information on cultural activities in Latvia, internationally, and exchange of this information;
To perform other cultural activities within the framework of law.
Co-operation with like related organizations in Latvia and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

World Sun Songs - Youth choir "Kamer..." international project (2008). Partitipation of this excellent choir at World choir symposium in Copenhagen (2008), at World Choir games in China (2006) etc. Support and assistance of Latvian musicians, composers and performers. CD and concert production of contemporary music group ALTERA VERITAS from Latvia, performing new music on Latvian old traditional music instruments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Egils Stals