Stichting If I Can't Dance I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution

National Network

Westerdok 606 - 608
1013 BV Amsterdam

+31 20 3378711
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+31 6 21554931
Mobile Phone (other)
+31 6 11903015
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The foundation has 5 administrators. Frederique Bergholtz - Financial and Artistic Director Annie Fletcher - Artistic Director Maaike Gouwenberg - Production/Curator Hans Schamle - Finances Marcel van den Berg - Communication Flora Lysen - Research Budgetary resources: Euro 350.000 Funding: EU Culture Programme 2007 - 2013, Mondriaan Foundation, SNS Reaal Fonds, Prins Bernhard Culture Foundation, Amsterdam Foundation for the Arts See for further projects and partners our website:

Mission and Objectives

If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution is a rolling curatorial platform, departing from a spirit of open questioning and long term enquiry with artists. The undercurrent is its interest in visual art practices related to performance and performativity. From there it investigates topics relevant in both art and the cultural and societal sphere. Inspired by the quote of the anarchist Emma Goldman, the platform explores the critical and celebratory implications of this statement in artists’ work, curatorial and theoretical practice. If I Can’t Dance… works along the systematic of collaboration. It doesn’t have a ‘house’, but instead produces and develops projects and programmes that have different manifestations in different institutions within the Netherlands and abroad. Each edition, defined by a certain field of investigation, engages a set of partners and unfolds along a travelling trajectory. If I Can’t Dance… believes in this unique potential of art, being both critical and celebratory. Emma Goldman’s statement we like to embrace, as it suggests that the search for agency and the potential for empowerment lies in all elements of life and cannot be regulated to a firmly cordoned-off arena named the political. Thus it is embedded and reflected in art too.

Main Projects / Activities

IF I CAN'T DANCE TONIGHT: The monthly event If I Can’t Dance Tonight functions as a zone of experimentation and as a recurring element within the various, moving activities of If I Can’t Dance... as a rolling platform. Hosted by Frascati Theatre in Amsterdam, If I Can’t Dance Tonight offers a programme of performances, instantaneous exhibitions, conversations with artists, screenings, readings, music etc. The Tonight events desire to provoke new ideas in the field of performative art practice in general, and to investigate notions of the masquerade in particular. EDITION III - MASQUERADE If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution presents in 5 different cities in Europe of Edition III, Masquerade The aim of If I Can’t Dance… is to explore an alternative conceptual framework of the masquerade. This can be read in the light of If I Can't Dance...'s continuing exploration, since its inception in 2005, of paradigms such as theatricality (Edition I, 2005) and feminism(s) (Edition II, 2006-2007). Edition III - Masquerade will touch on aspects such as ritual, gesture, normalized as opposed to transgressive behaviour, covert as well as manifest action and differing approaches to role playing, power positions and appearance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frederique Bergholtz
Head of the organisation
Frederique Bergholtz
Contact (2) Full Name
Annie Fletcher

Partnership for Social Change

National Network

Faculty of Law
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
We support the development of 15 human rights service-learning courses in 12 different universities and colleges, which allow some 300 students to study theories of human rights while practicing at civil society organizations. Through the courses the knowledge is jointly processed throughout the year by the students the faculty members and NGO’s leaders in a manner that creates synergy between the field and the academic research, creating new knowledge, both for the organizations and for the academic research in the field. Our program provides organizations which are usually understaffed and overburden with committed enthusiastic students who learn to be involved and aware citizens active for human rights. Our regional and state-wide seminars provide shared spaces for joint learning of NGO’s, faculty members and students.
Mission and Objectives

Based at the Hebrew University Law school, we are the only state wide program, working with tens of civil society organizations (human right organizations, women’s organizations, social eights organizations ---link—and with faculty members and students from art schools, teachers training colleges, planning’ legal clinics and social work schools around the country.

Main Projects / Activities

15 human rights courses
Jewish and Palestinian students seminars
Graduate course with students and faculty from Belfast and three Jerusalem institutions of higehr education
Annual conference

Contact (1) Full Name
Hannah Green
Head of the organisation
Daphna Golan
Contact (2) Full Name
Devorah Menkin

Centro de Investigacao em Educacao

National Network

Campo Grande Ed C6, P1
1749-016 Lisboa


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
CIE-FCUL is a research Centre located in the Department of Education of the University of Lisbon. The centre has 55 members (Professors and researchers of the Department of Education and other Higher Education Institutions) plus 75 associates (doctoral students mostly). It is funded by the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. This year the funding was: 151,250.00 Euros. There are 3 staff.
Mission and Objectives

It provides the resources and support for its members' research who have several national and international projects and are involved and European Networks.

Main Projects / Activities

Areas of research in Education:
Teacher Education in the Sciences, Math and ICT; Didactics; Educational Administration and Policy studies; Supervision; Adult education; Evaluation; Intercultural Education; Gender studies, etc.
All its members are involved in research projects. Some are funded by FCT others by the EU or EC.
Membership in CICE (Erasmus Academic Network for Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe);

Contact (1) Full Name
Florbela Luiz de sousa
Head of the organisation
Jao Pedro Ponte

Association et Lounda

National Network

74, rue Roger martin du Gard 84500 BOLLENE

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
association loi 1901, contenant 50 membres actifs, subventionnée par le Conseil Général de vaucluse, et la région PACA, partenaires : commune de Lapalud (84) nos ressources budjetaires sont de 25 000€ par ans environ sans les projets, pris en charge par la vente de spectacle, action dans les écoles et collèges, workshop.... notres activité principale est la Danse contemporaine nous nous associons à différents projets culturels (expos,séminaires, rencontres, festivals)
Mission and Objectives

valorisation de l'individu par le biais de la danse , la musique, le théatre, et des arts rendre accessible au delà des clivages de conditons sociales, de culture,et d'âges, les metiers du spectacles vivants,encadré par des professionels favoriser l'épanouissement personnel par la pratique d'un ART, mettre en situation scénique,lors de work shop ou échanges culturels creer un lien, un tissus social, grace aux rencontres et aux échanges entre publics et artistes participer activement au rapprochement des cultures entre différent pays

Main Projects / Activities

l'activité principale de la Compagnie ET LOUNDA est la danse contemporaine, mais participe à des expositions de peinture et photos, propose des festivals incluant différentes formes d'ART (Avignon, Lyon, Lapalud...) nouvelle création de la chorégraphe Balkis Manoukian sur les cultures orientales et européennes, jouant sur les tableaux et sculptures d'époque et creer une similitude avec la gestuelle d'aujourd'hui

Contact (1) Full Name
Balkis Manoukian
Head of the organisation
Sylvia Manoukian

EMUNI University

National Network

Trevisini Palace Kidričevo nabrežje 2 , Slovenia
6330 Piran

+386 59 25 00 51
Telephone (other)
+386 59 25 00 50
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 59 25 00 50
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The establishment of EMUNI University started with the inauguration of the EMUNI (Piran, 9 June 2008). The next step was taken with the meeting of the University’s General Assembly (Barcelona, 26 November 2008), where 115 members from 32 states adopted the University statute and elected the institutional bodies. In February 2009, EMUNI University became a legal entity in Slovenia. Through a cooperation network of partner universities and other institutions in the Euro-Med region, the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) provides study, research and training programmes, and thus advance the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education, Science and Research Area. The fact that the universities, higher education-, research- and other institutions from all the Euro-Mediterranean countries act as the co-founders of the EMUNI, gives this university a unique character. Acting as a coordinator and facilitator of joint academic and research activities, the EMUNI is becoming a focal point for exchange of staff and students of partner institutions.

Mission and Objectives

EMUNI is an international University with its seat in Slovenia and plays an important role in building cultural and educational bridges between the North and South, East and West of the Mediterranean. The University certainly encourages cooperation in higher education, following up the objectives of the Catania Process and the First Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Higher Education and Scientific Research (Cairo, June 2007).
EMUNI objectives:
• to elevate the quality of graduate education by providing enriched educational opportunities
• to build international, strong, university-wide culture of excellence in education and research
• to ensure a university environment that is inclusive as well as diverse and that fosters a spirit of community among faculty, staff, and students
• to engage the University in outreach and collaborative partnerships with the greater community
• to ensure an administrative, operational, and physical infrastructure that fully supports a first-class university by establishing a top-performing University Relations Operation

Main Projects / Activities

One of the main activities of the EMUNI University is education at the postgraduate level. EMUNI’s Master study programmes are:
MBA in Kinesiology of Human Performance (KHP)

EMUNI newly launched Master’s programme in Kinesiology of Human Performance draws from EMUNI international standing and the excellence in the field of Kinesiology and Ergonomics developed within the Koper Science and Research Centre. With EMUNI’s signature “Blended learning” course delivery method, students will be able to tailor their education around their personal needs and careers. The KHP Master’s mission and vision is to train the next generation of Kinesiology professionals and equip them with the skills that fulfil the highest standard at international level on matters of healthcare. Join our master’s today: feed your desire for knowledge, stretch your potential and jump into your professional future.

MBA in Intercultural Business Communication (IBC)

This Master’s Degree is an interdisciplinary study programme integrating knowledge and skills to support the communication of market actors (enterprises and non-profit organisations). The emphasis is on contemporary modes of business administration, including internet marketing and international strategies, as well as the key soft skills of intercultural dialogue and intercultural relations. Particular attention is also paid to developing an excellent command of English and other Mediterranean languages. The variety of themes covered by the modules delivers a well-rounded, holistic business programme.

Other Activities and Projects

Annual conferences

Scientific journal IJEMS (International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies)
The Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Camp

Euro-Mediterranean Summer School on Sustainable Blue Economy

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module: Blue Economy and Sustainability - the EU and the Mediterranean

Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE – FishAqu

Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE - MED2IAH”


Erasmus+ Mobility for Staff and Students KA103, KA131 and KA107

Erasmus+ project OER-CODEX

Erasmus+ CHESS

Erasmus+ MORHEL

Research and Development Projects


Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Abedlhamid El-Zoheiry
Job Title
Head of the organization
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Abedlhamid El-Zoheiry
Contact (2) Full Name
Polona Oblak
Job Title (2)

EMUNI Ustanova / EMUNI Foundation

National Network

Sončna pot 20

+386 5 671 36 07
Telephone (other)
+386 5 671 36 07
+386 5 671 36 05
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
051 607 246
Mobile Phone (other)
051 607 236
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Composed of the director, 1 administrative staff, one advisor budget 500.000 EUR/year sources of funding: companies, states and other donors funding: MA programmes, scholarships, other projects, support to EMUNI University main partners: members of EMUNI University, Slovenian ministries

Mission and Objectives

support Euro-Mediterranean University by its establishment, support programmes and activities in line with priorities of the Union for Mediterranean, gender and development studies

Main Projects / Activities

PR for the university promotion funding MA programmes

Contact (1) Full Name
Katja Kustec
Head of the organisation
Andreja Viher
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiuana Grlj

Tűzraktér Independent Cultural Center –Art Sector Foundation

National Network

Art Sector Foundation- H-1087-Budapest, Százados út 3-13

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The T?zraktér Independent Cultural Center’s background foundation is called Art Sector Foundation. In the inner staff is working 6 people. In the bigger staff there is 4 more people working. We have some voluntaries. The members of the T?zraktér group mostly are doing voluntary job. Our budget is based on the tendering operation, the cultural supports .The enormous Art factory is a meeting point of various types of cultural events, workshops, short and long art projects with a lot of partners, as civil organizations, theaters, embassies, art centers, etc. dramatic performances, exhibitions and even more. We have opened exhibitions, concerts and theatre shows every day, and we constantly try to keep them free for the public. The T?zraktár also contains a bar & garden open from 5pm-3am.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to give place artists to work, to give possibilities for creating new and alternative special art. We support young artists in every type of art, we make art workshops for children. We make festivals, and in the summer period we have different cultural programs every day, which are free or almost free for the people.
We invite artist from different countries every year, for concerts, literal performances, exhibitions or workshops.

Main Projects / Activities

T?zraktér has one of the biggest gallery part of Budapest, which gives place for exhibitions from different part of the world. It has a concert hall, with lot of concerts. Usually 5-10 theater group or dance group are working in the same period.
We give ateliers for artist- it is also free or almost free, as the studios for musicians. Artist create their own parts. We make workshops for artist, for children, for anyone who is interested in art. We support high level art, but that means for us that professionals and alternatives can be next to each other.
We support the artist with big media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simor Ágnes
Contact (2) Full Name
Balla Zoltán

Social Media Exchange (SMEX)

National Network

Najib Abou Akar Bldg., 4th floor, Pierre Gemayel street, Ain Remmeneh
Beirut 1102

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
We are a startup organization that provides strategic Internet training to civil society actors and activists in Lebanon. We have two principals, and employ others on an as-needed basis. Our funding sources so far have been from the Office of Transition Initiatives' Lebanon Civic Initiative. We have often partnered with Women in Technology and the Collective for Research Training and Development Action to give trainings.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help expand each individual and every community's agency over their own lives through strategic communication and community building on the Internet. We partner with those who are already working for positive social change and sustainable development and help them integrate new, affordable media into their programs and projects as a means of self-empowerment and self-advocacy.

Main Projects / Activities

Summer 2008: We led a six-month project to introduce civil society to the potential of the social web and offered hands-on training and one-on-one consulting. Summer 2009: We're offering a 10-week course in Social Media for Peacebuilding and Youth Empowerment for local civil society and community-based organization personnel. We'll also host a concept note competition for organizations seeking help in developing media projects for peacebuilding and youth empowerment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Jessica Dheere
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ms. Jessica Dheere
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Mohamad Najem
Job Title (2)
Advocacy Director

Women's Room - Center for Sexual Rights

National Network

Maksimirska 51 a

+3851 61 19 174
Telephone (other)
+3851 61 19 444
+3851 61 19 175
Mobile Phone
+38591 61 19 222
Mobile Phone (other)
+38591 61 61 223
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Women's Room has 5 employees (Coordinator of the organization, Coordinator of Center for Victims of Sexual Violence, Finance and Office Cordinator, Coordinator of Educational Program and assistent on the program) on full time. In 2008 Women's Room had a total budget of 1.173.911,00 kunas from different funders, such as PHARE 2006, Global Fund for Women, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Office for Human Rigths, Kvinna till Kvinna, National Fundation for Civil Society Development, Ministry of Health and Social Care, City of Zagreba. At the moment Women's Room has 13 projects/programs, some of them are Zero Tolerance toward Sexual Violence which has an overall objective to improve quality of life of victims sexual violence; YES! For Protocol!( overall objective: implementing Protocol of conducting in case of a sexual violence). Partners of Women's Room are mostly other nongovernmental organizations through the region and goovernmental institutions as Office for Gender Equality.
Mission and Objectives

- Active advocacy against all forms of sex-, gender- and sexual
- Empowering women in their active seeking and protection of basic human
- Promotion and protection of sexual rights in accordance with the
Declaration of Sexual Rights;
- Introducing comprehensive sexual education based on scientific facts
at all levels of education;
- Promotion of positive attitudes about women's sexuality, sexual health
and freedom of choice;
- Active advocacy against discrimination on the basis of gender
expression and/or identity, sexual orientation and inter-sexual
- Prevention of sexual violence against women, sexual- and gender
- Providing direct help to women, survivors of sexual violence;
- Empowerment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, intersexual and
queer (LGBTIQ) population on demanding their basic human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Project title: Zero Tolerance Towards Sexual Violence
Object and results of the action:
the objective of the project is the development and implementation of public policies related to human rights of victims of sexual violence and increasing quality of life of survivors of sexual violence by insuring direct and indirect assistance and support.
The result is the process of developing the Protocol of conduct in cases of sexual violence, the education of professionals that work in this field, as well as the young people and students. Also, the development of local actions related to prevention and awareness of sexual violence through cooperation with the community based organizations and institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Mamula
Head of the organisation
Maja Mamula
Contact (2) Full Name
Maja Vukmanic


National Network

Vlaska 91
Zagreb 10000

+385 1 4573 445
+385 1 4573 457
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 98 429 208
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
General Information
Number of General Assembly membets: 16 Governing Board: Vatroslav Zovko, Davor Gjenero, Nebojsa Gavrilov, Predrag Bejakovic, Srdjan Dvornik Staff: 4 Associates: 12 Average budget over last three years: 120.000EUR Sources of funding: EC, Croatian government and many other. For the complete list, please visit section Donors. Modalities of action: concrete projects and programs. Main partners: For the comprehensive list, please visit section Partners.
Mission and Objectives

ZaMirNET is a citizen association (non-profit organization) dedicated towards developing civil society, promoting a culture of peace and the idea of sustainable development in Croatia and the region.
Programme areas:
- strategic use of ICT,
- non formal education,
- networking,
- policy advocacy,
- providing support to independent media initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

Strategic use of ICT:
- E-learning
- E-portfolio
- ICT for employment
- eInclusion
- eGovernance
Non-formal education:
- introduction to the information society
- digital media
- human rights, women’s rights etc. in collaboration with other civil society organizations
- technology planning in collaboration with other civil society organizations and IT SMEs
- distribution of information relevant for civil society
- logistics for civic campaigns
- mailing lists, hosting, and web site design for civil society
Policy advocacy:
- National ICT Policy Monitor/ Information Society Watch
- studies, research
Support to independent media:
- online newsletter for civil society and urban culture
- network of independent online media
- collaboration with MIR – Network of Internet Radio Stations
- training of young journalists

Contact (1) Full Name
Danijela Babic, Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Vatroslav Zovko, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Srdjan Dvornik, Board member