Stichting If I Can't Dance I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution

National Network

Westerdok 606 - 608
1013 BV Amsterdam

+31 20 3378711
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+31 6 21554931
Mobile Phone (other)
+31 6 11903015
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The foundation has 5 administrators. Frederique Bergholtz - Financial and Artistic Director Annie Fletcher - Artistic Director Maaike Gouwenberg - Production/Curator Hans Schamle - Finances Marcel van den Berg - Communication Flora Lysen - Research Budgetary resources: Euro 350.000 Funding: EU Culture Programme 2007 - 2013, Mondriaan Foundation, SNS Reaal Fonds, Prins Bernhard Culture Foundation, Amsterdam Foundation for the Arts See for further projects and partners our website:

Mission and Objectives

If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution is a rolling curatorial platform, departing from a spirit of open questioning and long term enquiry with artists. The undercurrent is its interest in visual art practices related to performance and performativity. From there it investigates topics relevant in both art and the cultural and societal sphere. Inspired by the quote of the anarchist Emma Goldman, the platform explores the critical and celebratory implications of this statement in artists’ work, curatorial and theoretical practice. If I Can’t Dance… works along the systematic of collaboration. It doesn’t have a ‘house’, but instead produces and develops projects and programmes that have different manifestations in different institutions within the Netherlands and abroad. Each edition, defined by a certain field of investigation, engages a set of partners and unfolds along a travelling trajectory. If I Can’t Dance… believes in this unique potential of art, being both critical and celebratory. Emma Goldman’s statement we like to embrace, as it suggests that the search for agency and the potential for empowerment lies in all elements of life and cannot be regulated to a firmly cordoned-off arena named the political. Thus it is embedded and reflected in art too.

Main Projects / Activities

IF I CAN'T DANCE TONIGHT: The monthly event If I Can’t Dance Tonight functions as a zone of experimentation and as a recurring element within the various, moving activities of If I Can’t Dance... as a rolling platform. Hosted by Frascati Theatre in Amsterdam, If I Can’t Dance Tonight offers a programme of performances, instantaneous exhibitions, conversations with artists, screenings, readings, music etc. The Tonight events desire to provoke new ideas in the field of performative art practice in general, and to investigate notions of the masquerade in particular. EDITION III - MASQUERADE If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution presents in 5 different cities in Europe of Edition III, Masquerade The aim of If I Can’t Dance… is to explore an alternative conceptual framework of the masquerade. This can be read in the light of If I Can't Dance...'s continuing exploration, since its inception in 2005, of paradigms such as theatricality (Edition I, 2005) and feminism(s) (Edition II, 2006-2007). Edition III - Masquerade will touch on aspects such as ritual, gesture, normalized as opposed to transgressive behaviour, covert as well as manifest action and differing approaches to role playing, power positions and appearance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frederique Bergholtz
Head of the organisation
Frederique Bergholtz
Contact (2) Full Name
Annie Fletcher