Ashkal Alwan - The Lebanese Association for Plastic Arts

National Network

Jisr el Wati, street 90, Bldg. 110, 1st foor

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Ashkal Alwan team is comprised of 3 full-time employees and 1 part-timer. Furthermore the association has an It-consultant, web-master, editors, accountant, lawyer and cleaning personal. Ashkal Alwan collaborates with a number of partners in relation to our programs and events. Among our partners are Metropolis Art Cinema, Zico house, Beirut Art Center and many more. Ashkal Alwan has a strong international network with other institutions internationally among those are the Townhouse Gallery in Cairo and Platform Garanti in Istanbul. Ashkal Alwan is funded by the Ford Foundation, the Heinrich Boll Foundation and the Foundation for Arts Initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

The Lebanese Association for Plastic Arts, Ashkal Alwan is a non-profit organization based in Beirut, Lebanon. Over the past 15 years, the association has been committed to the production, facilitation and diffusion of artistic practices across a range of disciplines and media, such as installation, video art, film, photography, performance and written works, and to the documentation and compilation of an archival record of contemporary intellectual and creative endeavors. Ashkal Alwan’s program includes the Home Works Forum on Cultural Practices, curated projects in Lebanon and abroad, producing literary and artistic books and publications, artists in residency programs, art production grants and compiling its own library and archive.

Main Projects / Activities

Home Works Forum Artist-in-Residency Program The Research Archive Hub Publishing Video Works and the Production Grants and Commissions Curating The Home Works Academy

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Christine Tohme
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Christine Tohme

Sapienza University of Rome

National Network

P.le Aldo Moro ,5

06 49766860
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Sapienza carries out the mission of contributing to the development of a society of knowledge through research, excellence and quality education as well as international cooperation. It offers a wide range of fields of study that includes 370 first cycle and second cycle degrees and over 300 professional university masters (continuing education courses). It carries out scientific research in various fields, achieving high-standard results, which are acknowledged both on a national and an international level. The branches involved cover every field of knowledge from pure science to technical branches and classical studies, historical, philosophic and economic-juridical subjects, from Sociology to Psychology, from Communication Sciences to Medicine.
Mission and Objectives

Sapienza carries out the mission of contributing to the development of a society of knowledge through research, excellence and quality education as well as international cooperation.
It offers a wide range of fields of study that includes 370 first cycle and second cycle degrees and over 300 professional university masters (continuing education courses). It carries out scientific research in various fields, achieving high-standard results, which are acknowledged both on a national and an international level.
The branches involved cover every field of knowledge from pure science to technical branches and classical studies, historical, philosophic and economic-juridical subjects, from Sociology to Psychology, from Communication Sciences to Medicine.

Main Projects / Activities

Sapienza carries out the mission of contributing to the development of a society of knowledge through research, excellence and quality education as well as international cooperation.
It offers a wide range of fields of study that includes 370 first cycle and second cycle degrees and over 300 professional university masters (continuing education courses). It carries out scientific research in various fields, achieving high-standard results, which are acknowledged both on a national and an international level.
The branches involved cover every field of knowledge from pure science to technical branches and classical studies, historical, philosophic and economic-juridical subjects, from Sociology to Psychology, from Communication Sciences to Medicine.Many of the 145,000 students attending the University come from abroad: there are more than 5,000 foreign students and incoming and outgoing Erasmus students are about 1,000 per year. There are more than 4,500 professors and the administrative and technical staff counts approximately 5,000 people.
Sapienza is a city within a city. The decentralisation process, started in 1999, has led to the creation of five Confederate Universities including 21 faculties and over 100 departments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulio Querini
Head of the organisation
Rector Luigi Frati
Contact (2) Full Name
Carmen Bizzarri

AJEM Organisation

National Network

Axilleos 7-9
GR 17562 Paleo Faliro


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Thw youth association AJEM is the headquarters and coordinating bureau of a network of 7 youth associations in 7 countries of Europe and in North Africa - arab countries-, with approximately 400 youth members and two dozen youth leaders and project managers, with whom we maintain permanent communications. The objectives and activities and our network is to organise contacts and exchanges of the young people of the network , and thus work toward mutual understanding among the european and mediterranean youth. We do this by first finding funding and then organising various meetings, trainings, seminars, colloquia and exchanges for the young people or their leaders.
Mission and Objectives

bringing together people from across Euromed region to share and exchange experiences ,opinions and values, to learn from history and to build for the future
fostering action, debate and reflection related to active citizenship and democracy. common history and culture
encouraging interaction between citizens and civil society organisations
bringing people in euromed area together by promoting values and achievements, while preserving the memory of its past

Main Projects / Activities

contribute to informal learning for active citizenship
promote the volunteering
present trans-nationality aspects and have a local dimension reaching citizens in their every day life
have a cross- fertilisation effect by involving different kinds of organisation
give to all equal access to the projects - gender balance

Contact (1) Full Name
Christoforos Pavlakis
Head of the organisation
Christoforos Pavlakis
Contact (2) Full Name
Edith Alexandra Kiss

Association Européenne pour la Culture Juive

National Network

45, rue La Buyère
75009 Paris

+33 (0)1 43 15 08 03
Mobile Phone (other)
+33 (0)6 62 36 41 89
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association à but non lucratif loi de 1901 L'Association européenne pour la culture juive est une organisation indépendante créée conjointement, par l'Alliance israélite universelle à Paris et par l'Institute for Jewish Policy Research à Londres. L'AEJC bénéficie du soutien de la Commission Européenne, Programme Culture 2000.
Mission and Objectives

La mission de l'Association européenne pour la culture juive est de mettre en valeur et favoriser l'épanouissement de la vie et de la diversité de la culture juive. Ses priorités : donner un nouvel élan à l'expression, à la créativité, à la sensibilité intellectuelle et artistique juive. Ses objectifs : encourager de nouveaux talents, la recherche sous toutes ses formes, ouvrir de nouvelles voies dans la création et être présents sur tous ses fronts, favoriser l'éclosion des cultures juives en Europe. Créer des synergies entre artistes, représentants des institutions culturelles, mécènes et le grand public. Favoriser une meilleure compréhension de la culture juive dans l'ensemble des communautés juives européennes Promouvoir les richesses et la vitalité du patrimoine culturel juif à travers le monde. Développer les liens entre les acteurs culturels en Europe. Mettre en valeur les liens culturels entre la diaspora et Israël. Encourager et participer à des échanges d'expositions, de spectacles et d'artistes en Europe. Contribuer à accroître le potentiel des nouvelles technologies et encourager les artistes à s'exprimer en ce domaine.

Main Projects / Activities

Arts visuels : Expositions de peintures sculpture, photographie et art électronique Théâtre : Commandes de créations théâtrales Musique : Compositions et créations originales Enregistrements d'oeuvres contemporaines nouvelles

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Jacques Wahl
Head of the organisation
Jean-Jacques Wahl


National Network

14 avenue René BOYLESVE 75016

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
association française à but non lucratif de loi 1901. Source de financement : participation des membres de l'association, et soutien logistique de la Mairie de Paris (hébergement de l'association et de ses activités) Modalité pratiques : transfert de savoir-faire et de technologie à travers deux axes de travail : 1. séminaire et formation qualifiante au profit des cadres sud-méditerranéens (organisation d'une série de séminaires en Algérie sur les norme IFRS au profit des experts comptables,commissaires aux comptes et des analystes financiers algériens) 2. organisation en Europe de forum pour informer et encourager les opérateurs européens sur les opportunités d'investissement dans les pays sud-méditerranéens (exemple : organisation du forum sur les NTIC en Algérie le 8 mars 2008 à Paris) 3. encouragement et accompagnement de l'entrenariat innovant dans les pays sud-méditerranéens (la mise en place d'ALINOV en Algérie : www; 4. promotion de la solidarité et du rapprochement entre les peuples autour de la méditerranée (organisation de manifestations culturelles et de solidarité comme la soirée culture et solidarité organisé à Paris le
Mission and Objectives

Nos activités sont structurées en trois pôles :
1. MédafCO-Forum
Organisation de forums ou de colloques spécialisés en vue de :
>> renforcer la coopération technique et scientifique entre les opérateurs euro-méditerranéens,
>> promouvoir les opportunités d’investisse­ments et informer les opérateurs internatio­naux sur les nouvelles donnes législatives et économiques des pays méditerra­néens.
2. MédafCO-Consulting
>> Conseil et accompagnement des inves­tisseurs dans les pays méditerranéens,
>> Conseil en stratégie de partenariat entre les opérateurs méditerranéens.
MédafCO-Consulting met aussi à votre disposition un panel d’outils de travail :
• études sectorielles ,
• guides sectoriels,
• textes officiels,
• revues de presse spécialisées.
3. MédafCO-Solidarité
>> Oeuvrer pour la généralisation de l’accès à la scolarité et aux soins rudimen­taires dans tous les pays méditerranéens,
>> Contribuer à la promotion du dialogue et de l’amitié entre tous les peuples de la Méditerranée.
Au-delà d’une approche classique de coopération entre les pays méditerranéens, nous avons l’ambition de constituer le maillon qui, jusqu’ici, faisait défaut aux échanges effectifs de technologies et de savoir-faire autour de la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos activités sont structurées en trois pôles :
1. MédafCO-Forum
Organisation de forums ou de colloques spécialisés en vue de :
>> renforcer la coopération technique et scientifique entre les opérateurs euro-méditerranéens,
>> promouvoir les opportunités d’investisse­ments et informer les opérateurs internatio­naux sur les nouvelles donnes législatives et économiques des pays méditerra­néens. Exemple : notre forum sur le marché algérien des NTIC organisé à Paris le 8 mars 2008
2. MédafCO-Consulting
>> Conseil et accompagnement des inves­tisseurs dans les pays méditerranéens,
>> Conseil en stratégie de partenariat entre les opérateurs méditerranéens.
Projet en cours : mise en place du dipsoitif de formation et d'accompagnement à l'entreprenariat innovant en Algérie "ALINOV" :
MédafCO-Consulting met aussi à votre disposition un panel d’outils de travail :
• études sectorielles ,
• guides sectoriels,
• textes officiels,
• revues de presse spécialisées.
3. MédafCO-Solidarité
>> Oeuvrer pour la généralisation de l’accès à la scolarité et aux soins rudimen­taires dans tous les pays méditerranéens,
>> Contribuer à la promotion du dialogue et de l’amitié entre tous les peuples de la Méditerranée.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation


National Network

69004 Lyon

(0033) 0984364140
Mobile Phone
(0033) 0651929321
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Association Loi 1901 à but non lucratif  basée à Lyon. 
Mission and Objectives

Karakib agit en tant qu’entrepreneur du spectacle vivant et en tant que producteur. Organise des évènements culturels et artistiques en France et à l’étranger.
Encourageant la création, la production, la diffusion et la promotion de toute forme d’œuvre artistique et activité culturelle, Karakib n’hésite pas à collaborer avec toute structure ou artiste désireux de développer un projet artistique.  En véritable plateforme de rencontres, nous mettons à disposition tous les moyens humains, logistiques et compétences au service de la création vivante et de l’action culturelle.
Karakib a également mis en place un programme d’échange entre Lyon et Amman (Jordanie). Le projet World Beat Wahad consiste à mettre en lien des artistes des deux régions et de les faire participer à des résidences de création. World Beat Wahad propose également des ateliers d’éveil musical auprès de divers publics en Jordanie ainsi que des master-classes de musique orientale en Jordanie mais également en région Rhône-Alpes. 

Main Projects / Activities

Production, booking, concerts, action culturelle, master-classes, théâtre, danse, photo et/ou vidéo, arts plastiques… 

Contact (1) Full Name
ABDOH Iyad et GORLET Ornella
Job Title
personnes contacts
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Madame MICHELON Garance
Job Title (2)
Head of the organisation

Institut Panos Paris

National Network

10 Rue du Mail.

75002 / Paris

00 33 1 40 41 15 30
Telephone (other)
00 33 1 40 41 13 30
00 33 1 40 41 03 30
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 33 6 67 36 00 31
Mobile Phone (other)
00 33 6 12 55 77 88
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
- 22 salariés, (9 au siège parisien ; 13 en Afrique centrale). Réseau permanent d’experts associés. - Budget 2007 : 3369766€ - Sources de finanement: Union Européenne coopération bilatérale suédoise, irlandaise, britannique, belge, espagnole, suisse…. ONG internationales : CORDAID, CCFD GIP France Coopération Internationale (FCI) Collectivités territoriales (France) Agences étatiques (France) : ACSE, Ministères Fondations: O.S.I., FORD - Modalités d'action et partenaires: Formation aux techniques de base de l’investigation journalistique, spécialisation thématique des journalistes, Ntic, ateliers, voyages d’étude, échanges d’expériences Appui à la production et diffusion d’informations Renforcement des institutions partenaires : diagnostic, développement des capacités (gestion et du management, planification stratégique, maîtrise du cycle de projets, techniques de recherche de financements) Mise en réseau aux niveaux nationaux et régionaux, échanges de compétence et d’expertise. Échelle nationale : soutien aux réseaux de radios de proximité, notamment à travers des Pôles d’Appui aux Radios Indépendantes Échelle trans-régionale : échanges d’expertises sud sud Recherches, études et publications : livres, outils pédagogique, analyses, capitalisation.
Mission and Objectives

L'Institut Panos Paris fonde son action sur la conviction que le pluralisme des médias et de l'information constitue un facteur essentiel de démocratie, de paix et de citoyenneté.
Il entend favoriser un environnement médiatique reflétant la diversité de nos sociétés contemporaines, où toutes les communautés, y compris les plus marginalisées, peuvent exprimer leurs points de vue, exercer leur influence et contribuer aux débats publics, locaux ou internationaux.

Main Projects / Activities

5 activités principales développées en 2009 dans le cadre du programme Med de formation, de publication, de sensibilisation et plaidoyer dans les domaines d'intervention ci-dessous :
1* Promouvoir un cadre législatif et réglementaire favorable aux libertés d’expression; (voyage d'étude, publication d'un manuel)
2 * Développer une recherche approfondie sur l’espace médiatique arabe qui connait de rapides et profondes mutations; (2 publications)
3* Renforcer les organisations de journalistes et de médias, à l’échelle nationale, sous-régionale et régionale;
4* Compenser le niveau très faible de l’offre en formation actuellement disponible dans la région en offrant des opportunités de formation ad-hoc pour les journalistes et pour les organisations de la société civile soucieuses de faire entendre leurs points de vue (notamment les femmes et les jeunes); (Formations Maroc, Algérie, Jordanie, Syrie, Tunisie)
5* Accroître la capacité des organisations de la société civile à s’exprimer au travers des médias : appui à 3 associations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Françoise Havelange
Head of the organisation
Président: M. Jacques Soncin / Directrice: Mme Françoise Havelange
Contact (2) Full Name
M. Pascal Berqué

Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola

National Network

Largo Vasco da Gama
7750 328 Mértola


+ 351 286 610000
+ 351 286 610001
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 351 962703284
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Association of Defence of the Patrimony of Mértola - ADPM was constituted in December of 1980, developing since then a strategy centred in the qualification of the individuals and the promotion of the endogenous resources. ADPM mission is basically the economic development, social and cultural of the territories where it intervenes, sharing strategically with public and private entities, but equally with the citizens, the responsibility of active participation in the dynamic of its proper processes of local development. Since the beginning based on the orientation, principles and values that in everything are closely connects us to the concept of sustainable development, which would only get World-wide recognition in 1987, in the report of the World-wide Commission for the Environment and Development - Brutland Report Deepening its paper in the local development of the council of Mértola, ADPM widened in the last decade the thematic and geographic scope of its areas of intervention. The projects that develop individually or in partnership, in Portugal and other countries, have configure ADPM a trans-national dimension, fact that more it enriches the local experience. In a logic of thinking Global – To act Local, we understand the multicultural and the diversity as bases for the development of the people. Supported daily by a multidiscipline working team of three sets of ten technicians, ADPM assumes each time more as an entity turned to the future, preparing itself to share the challenges that come through for the agricultural territories, in particular for the countries and the depressed regions as well as for the excluded people. Supported daily by a multidiscipline working team of three sets of ten technicians, ADPM assumes each time more as an entity turned to the future, preparing itself to share the challenges that come through for the agricultural territories, in particular for the countries and the depressed regions as well as for the excluded people. Institution of Public Utility and considered by the Ministry of the Portuguese Foreign Affairs as ONG - Non Governmental Organization for the Development, ADPM is an associated and founder of other regional and national associations. It is equally a charter member of the “Alentejo Idea” and Confederation of the Associations of Defence of the Environment. It is Member and collaborates with Associations, International nets and Platforms, in particular in the areas of the Cooperation and Education for the Development, Conservation of the Nature and Biodiversity, Sustainable development and Support to other Countries.
Mission and Objectives

• Study and safeguards the environmental values through the implementation of demonstrative projects of a maintainable administration of the natural resources and of the accomplishment of scientific studies and practical actions of conservation of the nature;
• Promotion of the environmental education as an a little privileged one of educating the local populations, especially the more youths, in the importance of participating in the improvement of the existent environmental conditions, promoting a more balanced relationship between the potential natural present and the local communities;
• Implementation of a process of integrated development that involves different public and private, individual agents and collectives, in a logic of intervention multisectorial that motivates the increment and invigoration of a diversified group of activities, respecting the tradition and secular culture of the area (revitalizes the traditional activities and another of innovative character adapted to the conditions and existent resources);
• Valorisation of the local human resources and incentives of the constitution of a fabric diversified economic and enterprising through the materialization of technical cabinets of support and consulting, professional formation and managerial administration;
• Diagnose of local and regional lacks, and to involve and to capture interests for the definition of programs and projects capable to reach the ends of its satisfaction, redistributing resources and motivating the creativity with view to the solemnity-sustained development;
• Promotion of exchanges and cooperation among groups, especially the more poor and the ones that represent special lacks;
• Promotion of initiatives that seek the education for the development, at the level of the attitudes of the economics and political agents but also on schools and of the youths with private attention for the equality between men and women.

Main Projects / Activities

Social diagnosis, direction and people's integration with special lacks;
Occupation of free time from children and young and development activities with view to the promotion of healthy lifestyles;
Vocational Education and Training;
Support actions that seek the activities development that seek the local and regional development;
Study and safeguard of the natural and cultural heritage;
Touristical animation;
Biological production of aromatical herbs and teas;
Environmental education;
Cooperation with third countries (Mozambique, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe);
Education for Development;
Rural Extension;

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Isabel Palminha Cascalheira
Head of the organisation
Jorge José Horta Revez
Contact (2) Full Name
Marta Isabel Afonso Guerreiro

Instituto de Cultura Ibero-Atlântica

National Network

Largo Dr. Bastos, 13 – 8500-654 Portimão

00351 282470822
Telephone (other)
00351 282470822
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00351 962514062
Mobile Phone (other)
00351 966793019
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Instituto de Cultura Ibero-atlântica is a cultural association, collective person of public utility, founded in 1995, in Portimão (Portugal). Is ruled by a Headquarter composed by 5 members. The budget available in a year is 83.000 €. The sources of funding are public institutions. Our main action is seminars, editions, cultural visits, cultural meetings, post-graduations and courses. Our partners in scholarships are the University of Lisbon and the University of Algarve. The main partners are the Municipality of Portimão, the Minister of Education and the Minister of Culture.
Mission and Objectives

Development and divulgation of Latin-American and Mediterranean History and Culture, promotion of patrimony’s studies and the dialogue between the Mediterranean and Atlantic cultures

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1995 we organize, every year, internationals meetings about the identity of the Iberian and Latin-American history and culture.
Since 1998 we have an agreement with two public universities that allowed us to offer post-graduations in Local and Regional Studies.
Since 2002 we are partners, with the Ministers of Education and Science, in a Latin-American project to promotion the historical and cultural identity.
Our headquarters are in Manuel Teixeira Gomes’s house the algarvian President who lived and died in Bejai (1925-1941). So, we are presenting a project to the municipality of Portimão to increase the Mediterranean studies and the relations between cities from bolt edges, mainly morocco and Algerian cities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria da Graça Ventura
Head of the organisation
Maria da Graça Ventura

Open Academy Step by Step

National Network

Ilica 73

+385 1 4854 935
Telephone (other)
+385 1 4854 936
+ 385 1 4854 022
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 91 4674 980
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 91 4854 222
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
OA Step by Step (OASbS) has the Governing Board of five members. OASbS has 4 full-time staff: Nives Milinović, director; Helena Burić, preschool program coordinator; Sanja Brajković, school program coordinator; Sunčana Vidaković, administrative and accountant assistant. OASbS has the network of 53 trainers all over Croatia. The trainers are preschool and school teachers, psychologists, pedagogues, and university professors. The 2006 budget was 201.000 €, in 2007 was 190.000 €, and in 2008 was 238.000 €. About 20-35% comes from donations, and 65-80% is earned income. Main activities are seminars for teachers and projects in partnerships with kindergartens and schools. OASbS is the Council member of the International Step by Step Association.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is quality improvement of education and promotion of child-centered kindergartens and schools in which children are able to participate actively in the educational process, express themselves freely and creatively, develop critical thinking skills, independence, responsibility and care for others, and to reach their full potential in line with their interests and abilities, in an environment which supports democratic relationships and respects diversity. By promoting child-centered kindergartens and schools, we encourage partnerships with families and the broader community.
All our activities relate to our mission. Main activity of the Open Academy Step by Step is education of preschool teachers, school teachers, and education specialists working in kindergartens and schools for the areas:
• Child-centered methods of teaching
• Inclusion of Children with Disabilities
• Education for Social Justice – Anti-bias Education
• Quality Improvement of Teaching - Applying ISSA Pedagogical Standards in the Classroom and Mentoring

Main Projects / Activities

We train about 1300 teachers a year and have extensive cooperation with many kindergartens and schools, local governments, and the Education and Teacher Training Agency.
Some of the recent projects:
‘Inclusion of Children with Special Needs’ was implemented in cooperation with the Centre for Preschool Education in Osijek in 2008/2009, and funded by the Co-operating Netherlands Foundations.
‘Education for Social Justice – Anti-bias education for students of the University of Osijek’ was implemented in 2007 and funded by the Netherlands Embassy and the World Bank.
‘Education for Social Justice – Anti-bias education’ was implemented in 2007 in the Town of Knin, and funded by the US Embassy.
‘Education for social justice – Program for children’ was implemented in 2007 in Beli Manastir, and funded by the Open Society Institute.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nives Milinović, Director
Head of the organisation
Nives Milinović, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Sanja Brajković, School program coordinator