CapoeirArab - Syria

National Network

PO BOX:34512, Jamia Faruk, Baghdad St., Damascus - Syria

00963 (0) 9339 25 704
Mobile Phone
00963 (0) 9339 25 704
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
PARTICIPANTS Our programs encourage youth participation from all sectors of Syrian society. Our regular training sessions attract a diverse constituency of residents in Damascus who wish to benefit from regular fitness and nurture a passion for the art form. We also pursue collaborative workshops and seminars with internationally renowned capoeira mestres from Brazil and Europe, in addition to regional gatherings with schools based in Lebanon, Oman, Dubai and Turkey.
Mission and Objectives

CapoeirArab is dedicated to social development of youth through the means of capoeira. The organization embraces values such as heterogeneity, cooperation and respect for the other, using capoeira as a common ground for social integration and discourse.

Main Projects / Activities

Social activity Free for Kids
Classes are aimed at taking the kids off the streets to unite and educate them all Kids who are interested in Capoeira and can’t afford the Training will not be charged.
Khaled bin Al-Walid Youth Reformatory
Dates: Start October 2008
Activity: Capoeira training and performance with the teenage inmates,
(boys) music and traditional Brazilian Dance.
Location: Khaled bin Al-Walid Youth Reformatory for boys, Damascus
Performance required: Sport and re - socialisation activities with over 250 teenagers
In cooperation with UNICEF and Caritas Damascus, Syria
Dates: Start October 2008 - twice a week
Activity: Capoeira training and performance with the Iraqi refugee children,
music and traditional Brazilain Dance
Performance required: “Child Protection Specialists”- Program in Geramana with over 600 children
Location: Zeizuna Church, Bab Sharque
NGO Terres des hommes Italia;
Title: Al Tanf – Refugee Camp
Dates: 7th and 8th of May 2009
Activity: Capoeira training and performance with the local teenagers,
music and traditional Brazilian Dance
Performance required: Sport and re - socialisation activities with over 200 teenagers
Location: Al Tanf – Camp; Syrian – Iraqi boarder

Contact (1) Full Name
Tarek Alsaleh
Head of the organisation
Tarek Alsaleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Isaac Heinrich


National Network
Czech Republic

Manesova 63

Mobile Phone
+420 603202035
Mobile Phone (other)
+420 603500575
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation has a five member committee-chairwoman Ms Petra Regnerova, vice chairperson Miss Dominika Razkova and Mrs Hana Kazimirovicova.The supervisory board has three members.The organisation has for the time being 30 individual members and five companies as members.There is one full time employee and one half time one. The others employees of secretariat are unpaid volunteers/students/. The budget for the year 2009 amounts to 1450000 Kč/approx. 58000 Euro/ We are trying to get several further grants and gifts for this year -roughly about 10000 Euro. The main sources of funding are Czech and multinational companies active in Czech republic and abroad.We are asking also for grants from Czech governmental sources-eg.ministry of culture,ministry of foreign affairs ,Prague municipality etc. Our biggest project this year is concentrated on education of high schools students in Czech republic.We are publishing textbooks and DVD film to be distributed to schools.Further we are organising seminars in individual schools accompanying by film screenings and music performances. Our main partners are ministry of schools and education,individual schools,club cinemas, Czech writers and journalists,pop-singers and youth organisations.
Mission and Objectives

Peceptio o.s. is an organisation oriented on dissemination of information fighting against racism,xenophobia,misuse of drugs and supporting dialogue between cultures and friendship among people,promoting human rights and democracy.
We are concentrated mostly on young generation,cooperating both with official bodies/ministries,schools/ and youth organisations in Czech republic.
One of our aims is to involve in our activities members of minorities living in Czech republic,especially those with roots in Mediterranean area.The official recognized minorities in our country e.g.Slovak,Ukrainian,Vietnamese etc have established their organisations and connections here but the Mediterraneans are a bit neglected.

Main Projects / Activities

-Organising special seminars for students both as a part of a formal education and separately
-Supply schools with respective literature published and compiled by us
-Create films on DVD for use at schools
-For all these projects and activities to cooperate with writers and journalists living in Czech republic ,especially with those of foreign roots
-To cooperate with popular singers,movie stars to involve them in our projects so that they can be more interesting for young generation

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Regnerova,Eng.
Head of the organisation
Ms Petra Regnerova,chairwoman
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Dominika Razkova

Ondokuz Mayis University International Ofiice

National Network



+90.362.445 0118 / 7501
Telephone (other)
+90.362 312 1919 / 3429 - 3427
+90.362.445 0300
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Ondokuz Mayıs University recognises internationalisation as a major mean to improve the quality of education and research through the created interactions and cooperation leading to innovation. In that sense, the integration of the university to the European Education and Research areas, and involvement in cooperative activities with European Education Institutions are considered crucial. Moreover, the university recognises the demand of its students for preparing them for an international career and sees it important to give students the opportunities to become familiar with other European cultures and educational systems through mobility. The mobility of students is also recognised as a means for improving the quality of education. With these strategic motivations defined, the Office of International Relations was established in Spring 2001 with the mission of coordinating the activities related to the internationalisation of the university and improving the participation of the university in cooperation activities and raising the reputation of the university in the international area.
Mission and Objectives

Since 1988 Ondokuz Mayis University is a member of the European University Association (EUA) and has been a Signatory to the Magna Charta of European Universities (The Observatory) since 2002.
The University was awarded the Erasmus Extended Charter in August 2007 and since then international cooperation with European universities has intensified greatly. Today we have 94 Erasmus partners.

Main Projects / Activities

Erasmus Projects, Youth Projects and all kind of International Exchanges Projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suleyman Tarman
Head of the organisation
Prof.Dr. Huseyin Akan (Rector)
Contact (2) Full Name
Emine Bol Yazici

Europe House Slavonski Brod

National Network

A. Barca 30
Slavonski Brod 35000

+385 35 415 190
Mobile Phone
+385 98 341 754
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

EHSB structure:  1 employee; 1 full time associate  3 part time associates in office;  Education team of 12 pedagogues, psychologist, professors of ethic and philosophy;  45 active volunteers;  150 volunteers. Sources of funding are based on projects (during the years main sources of funding were/are European Commission, Croatian Ministries, Local Authorities and different Embassies) Modalities of action are thematic projects which include organisation and impelmentation of education for youth and youth workers, seminars and conferences, work with media and informing of public/citizens, translation, writing and publishing of books, brochures in field of human right education, youth participation and democracy and citizenship, etc. Main partners in work of EHSB are local authorities, national and international NGOs. Associates are Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Republic of Croaita, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of RC etc.

Mission and Objectives

EUROPE HOUSE SLAVONSKI BROD (EHSB) – established 1998 Is nongovernmental, nonprofit organization with the aim to spread the positive information about Croatian citizens into the world, mobilizing the society for the positive aims of tolerance, equality, dignity, human rights and democracy. EHSB main aims are: support for the peace process, inter-entity co-operation and ethnic reconciliation in the region; education about intercultural understanding; human rights promotion; cooperation with people and states around the world; NGO development and training; creation of a functioning market-oriented democracy; promotion of sustainable economic development and democracy etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects: Toward Human Rights; Youth Parliament; National Association of Youth Parliaments of Republic of Croaita; European Clubs; Role and responsibility of Local Community's Youth in Euro-integration Processes; Youth - decision -makers in local community; Itercultural and Intereligious Youth Dialogue; Intecultural Education; Radio and TV broadcasting; Translation and Publishing

Contact (1) Full Name
Bozica Sedlic
Head of the organisation
Božica Sedlić

LABO BECKETT pour les Arts Contemporains de la Scène

National Network

Institut National des Beaux Arts
AV/ Mohamed V, quartier scolaire
BP: 89


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
C'est un laboratoire indépendant pour produire et diffuser de nouvelles formes de l'arts contemporains de la scène. Il vise à participer au développent de l'être humain et diffuser la culture et des valeurs universelles. Il poursuit ses activités au sein de l'Institut National des Beaux Arts. Quand aux représentations, elles s'effectuent à la maison de la Culture, et à la salle de l'Institut Français de Tétouan. Le laboratoire contracte divers artistes de toutes nationalité pour produire et diffuser des œuvres selon les besoins et le budget.
Mission and Objectives

- Animation d'une saison théâtrale en continuité dans l'une des institutions culturelles de la ville de Tétouan au profit des jeunes, des étudiants, des femmes et des handicapes.
- Organisation de spectacles au Maroc et à l'étranger en collaboration avec d'autres institutions et organisations nationales et internationales du même intérêt.
- Organisation des séminaires de formation sur les techniques du théâtre expérimental et les arts visuels.
- Publication des textes des spectacles produits par le laboratoire.
- Publication d'essais, de documentations et de critiques visant à sensibiliser les gens à la valeur des arts visuels comme matières fondamentales dans les programmes scolaires et universitaires.
- Organisation de tournées au Maroc et en étranger.
- Formation continue des membres du Laboratoire.
Objectif à long terme
- Salle de représentation alternative privée du Laboratoire afin de se communiquer en continuité avec le public alléché pour le théâtre contemporain et les arts visuels.

Main Projects / Activities

LABO BECKETT pour les Arts contemporains de la scène prend en charge la réalisation de deux projets :
1- La Contagion Beckett.
2- Aimer la vie.. Aller au Théâtre.
3- Fest Mono (Shakespeare for Kids)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatima Zohra SGHIR

Association Marocaine d'Aide à l'Enfant et à la Famille (AMAEF) - Section El Jadida - Centre Dar Al Amal

National Network

62 Avenue Pasteur
El Jadida (code postal 24 000)

(00212) 5 23 34 07 97
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(00212) 6 61 23 34 53
Mobile Phone (other)
(00212) 6 48 17 26 03
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Le centre Dar Al Amal compte 7 salariés (1 chef de projet, 2 formateurs, 1 animateur, 2 cuisinières. Nous travaillons en partenariat avec les différentes délégation marocaines (enseignement, santé, jeunesse et sports). Le centre est financé par l'Entraide Nationale, la Province (région Doukkala Abda), la Fondation de France et des bienfaiteurs. L'action du centre consiste en des projets concrêts déstinés aux enfants en situation précaire.
Mission and Objectives

Le centre Dar al amal est un centre d'accueil de jour destiné aux enfants en situation précaire et à leur famille. Elle a pour but l’insertion familiale, scolaire et professionnelle des enfants présents dans la rue. Ses objectifs sont :
Reconstituer une ambiance familiale au sein du centre pour les enfants vivant dans la rue, souvent en rupture familiale.
Prendre en considération le rôle de la famille de l’enfant dans sa réinsertion
Renforcer l’autonomie des enfants et des jeunes
Mettre l’accent sur les compétences que les enfants ont développées dans la rue
Valoriser l’enfant et favoriser sa participation
Travailler en coordination avec les différentes délégations (enseignement, formation professionnelle, jeunesse et sports, entraide nationale)

Main Projects / Activities

Les principales activités du centre sont :
- La scolarisation : Un programme d'éducation non formelle a démarré en octobre 2008 grâce à un partenariat avec la Fondation de France et la Délégation de l'Enseignement. Deux classe accueillent actuellement 30 enfants âgés de 8 à 15 ans)
- L'accueil : 20 enfants mangent chaque soir au centre et peuvent prendre leur douche. L'équipe est présente en permanence pour les recevoir.
- Le soutien scolaire : Afin de prévenir l'abandon scolaire 100 enfants assistent chaque semaine à des séances de soutien animées par 25 bénévoles
- Le suivi médical
- Animation et activités éducatives
- Les colonies de vacances
Nous sommes partenaire du projet porté par l'association française ALBATROS qui a été soumis à la Fondation Anna Lindt (programme à long terme) et qui devrait se dérouler du 23/07/10 au 02/08/10.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bouchra EL OURIAGHLI (Présidente)
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Eric GOLHEN (Chef de projet)

Interkulti Association

National Network

Szent Laszlo utca 8

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners no staff employed
Budgetary resources available in a year 2019: 4000 USD
Sources of funding. Donations Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) weekly Radio show (Caravan) on Radio Tilos (90.3 FM Budapest) since 1999 , yearly art residency project (Masters of Palestinian Art) since 2016, yearly exhibitions, yearly film production about the art residencies. (Since 2016)
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Radio Tilos Budapest (not for profit NGO), Károlyi Palace (Fehérvárcsurgó), Bartók1 Gallery (Budapest), Barjeel Art Foundation (UAE), Arabelle Association (Israel), Municipality of Csókakő (Hungary), Centre For Cultural Heritage Preservation (Palestine), Palestine Museum USA

Mission and Objectives

Promotion of intercultural dialogue through art, film and music.

Main Projects / Activities

1. INTERNATIONAL ART COLONY: organization of special focus art residencies for selected and curated leading visual artists, organization of visual art exhibitions at the end of the art residencies, documentary film making about the art residencies and the participating visual artists. Since 2016 held 3 art residencies dedicated to introducing the very masters of contemporary Palestinian art, and held 5 major exhibitions presenting more than 120 artworks. The 4th art residency for 2020 has been postponed to 2021.

2. Caravan - weekly world music radio show on Radio Tilos (Saturdays 12:30 - 13:30) since 1999, introducing and propagating music tracks  mainly from India, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America through 60 minutes of uninterrupted mix.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Amir Abdi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Amir Abdi

Franz Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest

National Network

Liszt Ferenc tér 8.


+36 1 462 4648
Telephone (other)
+36 1 462 4644
+36 1 462 4644
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
State university, led by the president. State funding.
Mission and Objectives

It was the tradition left by its founders and professors that formed the mission of the Liszt Academy. The Liszt Academy is striving to train creative and performing artists, teachers, who are in possession of values laying in universal and national culture, especially in music. Having received an exceptionally demanding training, students of the Liszt Academy graduate from the institution as real masters of their profession, who are ready to start their musical career as creative and performing artists, musicologists, church musicians or music teachers. Aside from developing the students artistically, training at the Liszt Academy is focusing on the teaching profession as well. The Liszt Academy not only provides students with a universal cultural education, but also lays emphasis on courses in pedagogy, psychology and methodology, therefore, graduates of the institution are ready to pass on their knowledge to future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Music Education

Contact (1) Full Name
Borbála Dornbach
Head of the organisation
President András Batta
Contact (2) Full Name
Beáta Furka

DEŠA - Dubrovnik

National Network

Frana Supila 8

+385 20 420 145
Telephone (other)
+385 20 311 625
+385 20 411 033
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Structure: president, executive board, supervisory board, 5 employees, 25 volunteers Budgetary resources: 1 200 000,00 kn Sources of funding: Local government and self-government, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Ministeries Modalities of action: projects for education, tradition renewal, social inclusion, voluntary work, sustainable tourism, rural development; actions: seminars, workshops, lectures, exhibitions. Main partners: The City of Dubrovnik – Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Neretva County, National foundation for civil society development, Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Ministry of Health and Social Care, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Rural Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy, COSPE - Firenze, Marche Region, Italy

Mission and Objectives

DESA-Dubrovnik is humanitarian and peacekeeping organization, founded in 1993, aiming to stimulate and develop various activities in order to help a woman and her family in the war and post-war period. Today, DESA-Dubrovnik, with its activities gives a contribution in identification of the needs of the local community. Through its educational programs, DESA stimulates and motivates citizens to take active part in economic life, promotes traditional values and supports the activities on revival of traditional values and heritage preservation.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre for responsible tourism: education of young people, entrepreneurs, public officers, community; supporting small family entreprises; supporting autentic products; valorising local resources; tradition revitalizing. By the education to the social inclusion: education of people with aim of social inclusion. Silk project - revival of sericulture: revitalizing tradition of silk production. Jam made of wild oranges from Dubrovnik: supporting autentic products making, gathering small family economies, education of potential producers. By means of voluntary work to positive changes in the community - supporting voluntary work

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Cvjetković
Head of the organisation
Ana Cvjetković

Associazione Differenza Donna ong

National Network


0039 06 6780537
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Associazione Differenza Donna ong is composed of 100 volonteers Budgetary resource in this year are about 950.000 € Municipality and Province of Rome Ministry of Social Affairs Ministry of Equal Opportunity UNIFEM Italian Cooperation European Commission concrete project: trainig, manage shelter ecc
Mission and Objectives

Differenza Donna is an organization of women against violence, its main objective to combat violence against women by opening shelters in Italy and abroad, but also to provide women professional specialized training to help women in difficulty and to provide a vast array of services to child witnesses of family violence and / or victims of violence. Differenza Donna’s mission is focused on:
Modifying the image of the female role in the society
Assessing women’s human and civil rights
Supporting a wise legislation focused on women rights
Developing awareness- raising activities for preventing and combating violence in the civil society and in the communities

Main Projects / Activities

Modifying the image of the female role in the society
Assessing women’s human and civil rights
Supporting a wise legislation focused on women rights
Developing awareness- raising activities for preventing and combating violence in the civil society and in the communities

Contact (1) Full Name
Emanuela Moroli
Head of the organisation
Emanuela Moroli