Association Des Activites de jeunes Centre culturel d'El-Atteuf

National Network

Centre culturel d'el-atteuf 47120


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Bureau directeur 11 membres Sources de financement : les collectivites locales Minister - DJS - DC
Mission and Objectives

AAJ est une Association qui a comme objectifs :
l'animation et l'insertion des jeunes par des activites culturel Sportif et loisir .....
l'organisation des echanges de jeunes
l'organisation des formations pour les jeunes

Main Projects / Activities

Camp Scientifique des jeunes - national
7 villes 7 Arts regrouppement des Artistes

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association pour la promotion de la lecture enfantine - Le Petit Lecteur

National Network

Palais de la culture Zeddour Brahim - 01, rue Hamou Boutlelis - Oran

00 213 41 39 40 27
Telephone (other)
00 213 41 45 48 64
00 213 41 39 40 27
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 213 7 71 57 12 69
Mobile Phone (other)
00 213 7 70 98 6170
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
- Association à but non lucratif, constitué d'une assemblée générale (35 membre) et du bureau (10) - partenaires: associations culturelles, collectivités locales et instututions et ONGs au niveau international - ressources finnacières: cotisations des membres, vente des livres édités par notre association - subventions des pouvoirs publics (collectivités locales, ministère de la culture) -appels à projets: commission européenne, coopération technique belge, ambassade du canada,...
Mission and Objectives

L'objectif c'est la promotion de la lecture enfantine, faire rencontrer le livre et l'enfant par :
- la circulation des valises itinérantes dans les établissements scolaires
- multiplier les espaces de lecture
- encourager la création dans le domaine de la littérarture jeunesse par l'édition de manuscrits ( 65 titres édités)

Main Projects / Activities

- Mise en place d'une bibliothèque jeunesse qui comprend plus de 900 adhérents
- organisation de l'évènement culturel autour du conte intitulé "une paix contée dés l'enfance" (trois éditions; 2007 - 2008 - 2009)
- projet éducation à l'environnement en partenarait avec le secteur de l'éducation
- mise enplace classes d'activités citoyennes au profit de 150 jeunes (ateliers artistiques, écritures, gestion des conflits, drois de l'enfant, interculturalité,...)
- chef de file du réseau des bibliothèques associatives et espaces culturels communaux

Contact (1) Full Name
Rahal Jamila
Head of the organisation
Izarouken Amina
Contact (2) Full Name
Kouti Zoubida

association essaada enfance & adolescence

National Network

BP N° 58 HB
Bou-Saâda 28200


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L'Association ESSAADA , est une association apolitique(ONG), fondée le 19 mars1999 par un groupe des étudiants, et fonctionnaires. Son siège social est àBOUSAADA , L’Association ESSAADA a pour but principal d’œuvrer pour l’épanouissement intégral des enfants, de soutenir et promouvoir toutes initiatives se proposant d’assurer le bien être physique, morale et spirituelle de l’enfance au BOUSAADA sans distinctions.
Mission and Objectives

Association ESSAADA enfance & adolescence »
L'Association ESSAADA , est une association apolitique(ONG), fondée le 19 mars1999 par un groupe des étudiants, et fonctionnaires. Son siège social est àBOUSAADA ,
L’Association ESSAADA a pour but principal d’œuvrer pour l’épanouissement intégral des enfants, de soutenir et promouvoir toutes initiatives se proposant d’assurer le bien être physique, morale et spirituelle de l’enfance au BOUSAADA sans distinctions.
Cependant elle se donne pour tâches :
**De susciter, soutenir ou entreprendre les programmes d’aide de l’enfance ;
**D’accompagner les enfants dans leur éducation et formation afin qu’ils recouvrent leur autonomie
**De rechercher à coordonner et à multiplier des efforts en faveur des enfants notamment déshérités

Main Projects / Activities

* Titre du projet : « j'apprend l'environnement »
Ville : Bou-Saâda Wilaya : M'sila
N° de référence du projet : 2008/121-59
* la mis en place de commission de suivé pédagogique "éducation à l'environnement "
* realiser un espace multimédia de l'enfant
*conseption des espaces verts aux écoles de la région de BouSaada
* creation des clubs verts aux établissement scolaire
coût de projet : 3700000.00 DA
collaborateurs : 22 écoles de la région de BouSaada
Durée : Aout 2008: Date de fin : Aout 2009
*Adoptez un jardin aux écoles de Bousaâda
Category: Tree Planting
Local Supporters: groupe BADR "sma"
l'association aura un projet d’encadrer le projet «Adoptez un jardin» pour 12 écoles ‘pilotes’ à Bousaada "Algérie" . Il s’agit d’une intervention originale en milieu scolaire, de sensibilisation aux jardins et à l’environnement, aboutissant à la réalisation d’un jardin.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Cinéma et Mémoire

National Network

06 rue fugiel

00 213 (0)7 93 74 02 61
Telephone (other)
00 213 (0)7 71 93 93 70
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Cinéma et Mémoire est un collectif de 15 professionnels du cinéma et d’animateurs associatifs ayant pour but d’agir dans le domaine de la formation professionnelle et la diffusion culturelle. Les membres de Cinéma et Mémoire activent depuis plus de 15 ans dans le domaine socioculturel. Cette association est basée à Béjaia mais ses actions rayonnent au niveau des communes environnantes mais aussi au niveau national par ses actions de formation. Initiateur des Rencontres du Film Documentaire de Bejaia, dont la première édition s’est déroulée en octobre 2007.
Mission and Objectives

Se veut être un lieu de formation et de structuration d’un pôle de ressources documentaire et de création d’images de mémoire, reflet des évolutions de la société algérienne.

Main Projects / Activities

Le projet socio-culturel de l’association algérienne Cinéma et Mémoire consiste, dans le cadre d’ateliers de formation aux métiers du cinéma proposés à des jeunes algériens, à encourager la création de ciné-clubs en milieu associatif et scolaire à travers le territoire algérien.
Il se matérialisera par la mise en œuvre opérationnelle d’un centre de ressources audiovisuelles œuvrant pour la diversité et le dynamisme de la création cinématographique :
Il sera composé, d’une part, d’une vidéothèque et, d’autre part, d’un espace permanent de formation professionnelle et d’accompagnement de projets, qui proposera les services suivants :
→ accueil
→ conseil
→ orientation
→ échanges artistiques
→ accompagnement pédagogique de la diffusion des films auprès des publics
→ mise en réseau
→ perfectionnement des pratiques professionnelles
→ transmission des savoirs pour l’émergence des jeunes talents

Contact (1) Full Name
Habiba Djahnine
Head of the organisation
Abdenour Ziani
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdenour Ziani


National Network

Tayyareci Hayrettin Sok. Selma Ap. No 6 D 7 Bakırköy

+90 212 252 6516
Telephone (other)
+90 212 543 3648
+90 212 452 8698
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 543 34 02 877
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 543 34 01 877
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Ç.N. (initials for "translator's note" in Turkish), publishes world literature in translation and organises literary events. It has published 8 issues since 2007. Further information can be found in web site address.
Mission and Objectives

C.N. is the only Literature in Translation Magazine in Turkey. Beside Puplishing the Magazine C.N. is also working on a project named Word Express. The project aims to:
- create a platform for intercultural dialogue through literary exchange in the in the region of South-East Europe
- extend its network into the region through cooperation among local organisations
- create an informal network of literary organisations, magazines, publishers and individuals in
the South-East Europe region in view of future on-going cooperation
- encourage translation and publication of literary work by younger authors from the region
- create opportunities for literary translator training and translation and editing skills development

Main Projects / Activities

WORD EXPRESS: Project Structure and Timetable
The project will be led by CN magazine (Istanbul) with main partners in the UK, Croatia, Romania and Israel, as
well as other partners in Armenia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Cyprus, Greece, Macedonia and Serbia.
Phase 1 (May-June 2009)
creation of the wider network of organisations, magazines and individuals (authors, translators) ready to be
involved in the project – by email – consulting the members and incorporating their input into the design of the project;
Phase 2 (July-September 2009)
a) Select authors and works – poetry, short prose and essays; identify translators.
b) Translation and editing of selected texts into English – these will be published in the UK in print and online(LAF's online magazine Transcript, Eurozine etc.) and will serve as source / bridge for translation into languages of the region into/from which there may not be literary translators. Translation will be done via email and in a specially organised workshop.
c) virtual translations workshops to achieve draft translation of the selected texts
Phase 3 (October 2009)
Train journey from Turkey through Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Romania. The journey will
take a changing group of authors / translators to cities where they will take part in readings and debates. The journey will also serve as the final phase of the translation workshops during which the translations will be finalized. The events will be broadcast on the internet to the other participating locations to create a sense of belonging and to reach as wide audiences as possible.
Phase 4 (November-December 2009)
Authors participating in the journey produce a piece of writing inspired by it. The texts are circulated and
Phase 5 (January – May 2010)
Publication in print and online in all the partners' locations followed by a meeting of project participants in Istanbul in May 2010 to evaluate the project and plan further joint activities. The meeting will be planned as part of the celebrations of 2010 Istanbul European City of Culture.
Phase 6 (June – September 2010)
Produce final report.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zerrin Celebioglu
Head of the organisation
Gokcenur Celebioglu
Contact (2) Full Name
Gokcenur Celebioglu

ASK Eurasia Art Collective

National Network

Leylek Sok. Cansu Apt. 9/1 Kadikoy

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Eurasia Art Collective is a civil society organization aiming to be a common meeting point of intercultural and interdisciplinary character and is established on the land where Europe meets Asia . Although the name of the collective seems to be suggesting some content of geopolitical character, the collective is essentially concerned with the cultural and artistic projects of artists from Asia and Europe , which will be formed by the artists collectively.
Mission and Objectives

Eurasian Art Collective is to take the concept of Eurasia , in this sense all the relation styles in the context of space, and the tradition as its reference point. The need for project lies in the interesting field created by the cultures that once lived and still lives on the Eurasian land.

Main Projects / Activities

The collective explores, performs and exhibits modern and contemporary art works and exhibitions; web, video, film, contemporary dance, dramatization and the performing arts works in interaction with all kinds of traditional and modernist views with the thesis that the consciousness and the culture of the Collective and these works are determined by the form.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zuhre Sozeri
Head of the organisation
Nadi Guler
Contact (2) Full Name
Tijen Savaskan

Goncu Tourism Agency

National Network

Ataturk Bulvari Sair Sevket Mh. Firat Apt. No.34/F

+90 414 347 7914
Telephone (other)
+90 414 215 7504 ext.121
+90 414 313 9325
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 532 433 8564
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 535 842 3945
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Goncu Tourism with its 128 employees has many success-stories all over the region and Turkey and has become one of the first and pioneering tourism companies of Southeast Anatolian region.Estimated yearly budget of the company is approximately 3 billion Turkish Liras.Having put its signature under many national and international organizations for many years Goncu Tourism has a significant place in seminar and congress with its experienced staff.To promote the cultural heritage of the region as well as increase our competitiveness against both national and international tourism agencies, Goncu Tourism will go on invigorating its structure permanently.Additionally, Goncu Tourism is one step ahead of the other tourism agencies in the city thanks to our strong partnership with Sanliurfa Chamber of Commerce and Trade,whose aim is to establish new cultural and business-based relationships with both domestic and foreign investors to develop the regional economy.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to serve the protection and promotion of the cultural heritage of Sanliurfa, the history of which goes back to 12.000 BC demonstrated by the latest excavations in Gobeklitepe as well as all other evidences showing that Sanliurfa was the core of approximately all Mesopotamian civilations as it happens now.To promote such a prosperous history, we would like to act as a cultural attache by organizing regular events both nationally and internationally having similar concept with the project of Abraham Path.

Main Projects / Activities

Goncu Tourism offers the following services with respect to congress organizations; tracking of participant records and booking procedures (hotel, flight, car rental etc.) / pre - and post meeting city tours, shopping tours or expeditions for entertainment - culture purposes / transfers between airport - hotel - congress / fair venue during arrival and departure / procurement of technical services / preparation and following up of printed materials / procurement of temporary staff.Goncu Tourism Incoming department organizes private and business meetings, tour programs, flight tickets and daily excursions of individuals and/or groups who come from abroad, with experienced and professional guides.

Contact (1) Full Name
Murat OZ
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Nimet INCE

Baskent Kadin Platformu Dernegi (Capital City Women's Platform

National Network

Gulseren sok. No:22/4 MALTEPE

00 90 312 231 99 21
Telephone (other)
+90 312 332 03 16
+90 312 232 12 50
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90505 777 02 23
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Capital City Women’s Platform (CCWP), is an NGO, based in Ankara, Capital of Turkey. Its main aim is to enhance women’s participation into social life through education, employment and political life. As our members are mainly women above 25, we try to keep them update as the technology has recently changed immensely. For that reason we have offered them technical education such as computer courses, language courses. In addition to our 50 students, we have a larger group around 400 hundred women, we come together regularly and we share our opinions on sensitivity on gender equality and that helps them refresh their world view. Although the main activites are supproted by it members, the CCWP made projects and supported by other organizations such as the Euroean union and the Islamic Bank.
Mission and Objectives

A aforementioned our main objecives are empowering women in social, political and economic life. We are questioning the gender gap in the society and support the gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

To serve women's needs we organize some activities:
1. Trying to keep up with the global women movement, we come together and read books
2. Offering language courses
3. We carried out some projects, like "more active and participant women", supported by the European Union, Rehabilittaion of the mother of the Handicapped Children, supported by the Islamic Conference, preventive Health Care supported by Islamic Bank

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatma Bostan Unsal
Head of the organisation
Nesrin Semiz
Contact (2) Full Name
Emel Topcu

ILKDER (The Women Association of Knowledge Culture and Solidarity)

National Network

Ivedik cd. Ozelif sit. No. 4/74 Demetevler- Yenimahalle

+90 312 3363179
Telephone (other)
+90 312 3348881
+90 312 3363179
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 535 2551269
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 532 3652704
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
the association was founded by women only and the members are the women who are contributing voluntarily. ILKDER works with NGOs having the similar aims and objectives in cooperation. the source is monthly payments of the members and donations.
Mission and Objectives

to help people who are in need, suffering from poverty, victimised by wars and natural disasters, to financiallly assist orphans around the world, building orphanages, providing water pumps in rural areas, improving women's situation through seminars, conferences, increasing level of awareness of women, supporting democtarisation, human rights and rule of law. voicing up against oppressions, violence and violations of human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

protecting family project is going on for 3 years to sponsor orphaned children in various countries and at home. animal sacrificing (Qurbani) donation project is done every year to the less developed countries and people. constructing water well project for Africa and eartquake victoms in Pakistan. Building a kindergarden for disabled children in Palestine. child education seminars, towards a better communication psychology seminars, health checks for women in poverty by doctor members, publishing regular bulletin, declaring press releases and joining street activities when needed with other NGOs, etc...

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Hadiye Kilic (Deputy Director)
Head of the organisation
Ms. Ozden Sonmez
Contact (2) Full Name
Tuba Nur Sonmez (Foreign Affairs)

Al Bayader Theater Group

National Network

Palestinian Territories

+970 599 891232
Telephone (other)
+970 599 701 387
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+970 599 891232
Mobile Phone (other)
+970 599 701 387
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Bayader Theater Group has a board of 7 persons who work in the theater field.We has in addition twenty actors and actress who are members in the group. The budgetary resources differ from one year to another. We do not have a fixed budget. Sometimes we have forty thousands and in another years we fifty thousand dollars. We get our resources from the donor organizations who work in the same field. We produce theater plays, training and cultural exchange in the regional and international levels. We are partners in EON meeting.
Mission and Objectives

Raising up the democratic dialogue and argument among the audience around their political economic and social problems which might push them to find solutions to them . Am attempt to creat artificial celebration atmosphere in order to renew the hope among people at the time that they almost lost hope . Restoring the dignity for the theater and its impotance through presenting seriouse theater shows . Creat a new aspiration that push people to get out of their isolation and break their silence .

Main Projects / Activities

We produce theater plays, training and cultural exchange in the regional and international levels. We are partners in EON meeting. We participate in the different activities at the arab, regional and international levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali abu Yaseen
Head of the organisation
Ali Abu Yaseen
Contact (2) Full Name
Wael Afana