National Network

Piazza Santa Maria, 4 60121

071- 202074
071 - 202074
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
CVM has three offices in Italy (Ancona, Porto San Giorgio, Pescara) with various competences: General Management, accounting, fund raising, project team, training and general activities on development and intercultural education addressed to Italian civil society, intercultural centre, schools education. Its staff is composed by 6 people full time employed, 3 part-time employed, 95 local staff in Africa and 4 civil service volunteers. Budgetary resources available in a year are around € 1.741.590 and they mainly come from donations, fund-raising campaigns, and projects funding mainly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, private foundations, local institutions. In Africa, CVM works in partnership with APA (Irish NGO) and with local organizations and institutions, while in Italy it collaborates with several NGO and local associations and institutions. Main modalities of action are: concrete projects in Africa and Italy, training courses, seminars, laboratories in schools, sensibilization campaigns
Mission and Objectives

C.V.M. – Comunità Volontari per il Mondo – is a Non-Governamental Organization that has been working to promote new forms of cooperation and justice between different people and countries all around the world. It was founded by a group of returned volunteers who, after some years of voluntary work in Africa and South America, had a deep interest to help people in their struggle to exist. The group had a vision of the need for appropriate and global development, and based on this vision, CVM formulated its mission statement as follows: “working for a more human world through the development of the whole person and of all persons both in the North and in the South of the World”. In order to reach this general aim, C.V.M. has been developed since its birth a lot of activities in two main areas of intervention: International cooperation and intercultural and development education.

Main Projects / Activities

C.V.M. is carrying on cooperation and development projects in two African countries (Tanzania and Etiopia) in partnership with local organizations and institutions. The projects concern the prevention and cure of HIV/AIDS, water provisions and the construction of wells.
C.V.M. realizes activities in the area of Development Education and it’s accredited from The Ministry of Education able to realize activities in the area of intercultural education with teachers and students. Main projects:
- laboratories with students;
- The National Seminar on Intercultural Education opened to teachers coming from all over Italy;
- Training courses for teachers, educators and volunteers
- Publication of the Religions Calendar;
- The regional Campaign “Target 2015 – I poveri non possono aspettare” aimed to promote the UN Millennium Development Goals.
- The project “Insieme contro l’AIDS”, aimed at educating Italian youth on the risks of HIV/AIDS and at fighting against prejudices existing around this illness.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisa Cionchetti
Head of the organisation
Mario Moriconi
Contact (2) Full Name
Attilio Ascani

Sapienza, Università di Roma/ Dipartimento di Architettura

National Network

Via Flaminia 359, 00196

0039 06 49699020
Telephone (other)
0039 06 49699029
0039 06 49699050
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 338 1125654
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Department of Architecture is formed by 40 tenure track professors and 16 staff employed. The DiAR is a research institution founded in 2005 as the result of a merging of two departments of Sapienza born in 1980 the DAAC and DPAUPI. The structure has been developing for many years now, highly multidisciplinary knowledge, bringing together expertise in architecture, urban design and landscape, but also in other related disciplines as social sciences, the humanities and natural science (anthropology, geography, ecology) with a special focus on issues concerning the contemporary metropolis. The Department benefits from partnership with other public institutions such as the Municipality of Rome, the Anas, the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, etc. which become sources of funding of the structure together with the sources deriving from budget of the Ministry of the University and Research. Research projects, seminares, conferences are some of the modalities of action. The yearly balance sheet is around 900.000 euro.
Mission and Objectives

Drawing on this multidisciplinary knowledge, the DiAR applies an analytical cross-disciplinary and project-based approach in its research. The Department is endeavouring to develop a structure for ongoing co-operation among institutions to help it share this knowledge. In today's environment of globalized debates on landscape and the environment, this kind of international networking is essential for analyzing emerging issues. International exchanges and relations in particular with the mediterrannean cultures are part of the mission of the department.
Among the objectives there are:
- understanding the role of landscape in social recomposition, the emergence of new uses and revitalization
of rural spaces, in connection with urban-to-rural migration processes;
- characterizing and managing of landscapes with heritage value (analysis of historic places) and tourist appeal;
- sustainable development and new approaches to the environment;
- characterizing the social and cultural appreciation and experience of urban spaces and suburbs;
- developing goals and approaches for landscape projects, with attention to sociocultural and environmental

Main Projects / Activities

Among some of the most recent works:
- the research Anas/DiAr on the Grande Raccordo Anulare
- the Workshop for the new university campus in Pietralata
- projects for the requalification of hill towns in Umbria
- the investigation on the contemporary city for the "Carta per la Qualità" of the new Master Plan of Rome
- the selection of works of artistic and historical relevance of the second half of XIX Century for the DARC - Direzione generale
per l'Architettura e l'Arte contemporanee del Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali.
- researches on contemporary forms of housing
- temporary housing for earthquake areas
- workshops on landscape issues together with the Chaire Unesco en environnement et paysage

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Alessandra Capuano
Head of the organisation
Prof. Antonino Terranova
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Fabrizio Toppetti

Stichting Arab West Foundation

National Network

's-Gravenweg 400
2905LC Capelle aan den IJssel

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Organisation structure: 3 persons as an executive board, 4 persons, including our Arab World advisor, as a general board. Budget: €2000 from individuals and organisations. Modalities of action: promoting intercultural dialogue, meetings between peoples of different convictions to promote dialogue in the Middle East and the Netherlands. Main partners: Centre of Intercultural Dialogue and Translation in Cairo - Egypt for database building for dialogue and Centre for Arab-West Understanding in Cairo for intercultural student internships. 

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Encouraging intercultural dialogue in Egypt and the West. Aims: To advance the mutual understanding, in the widest sense of the word, between the Arabic World and the Western World

Main Projects / Activities

Activities: establishing and maintaining contacts in Egypt and in Europe to promote dialogue in the society and establishing a network of organisations which are willing to work with us for our aim.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the last week of June 2024 we were elected Head of Network in the Netherlands and aim to develop projects in good consultation with all members of the network,

Contact (1) Full Name
D. van der Steen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Koen Vliegenthart
Contact (2) Full Name
Kees Hulsman
Job Title (2)
Name of Organisation
Stichting Arab West Foundation

Widzew Community Centres (Widzewskie Domy Kultury)

National Network

al. Pilsudskiego 133
92-318 Lodz, Poland


0048 42 673 32 90
Telephone (other)
0048 42 673 35 99
0048 42 673 35 99
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
'Widzew Community Centres' is a municipal institution of culture and cultural education. It unites three centres ('Widok' 'Ariadna' and '502') located in the same city's district. 'Widzew Communnity Centres' employs 50 people. The City Hall's yearly subsidies for the entire institution amount to about 370 000 euros. Other sources of funding (usually obtained for specific activities and projects) are mainly grants awarded by The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, various foundations and grant schemes. 'Widzew Community Centres' offers artistic and educational activities for children, youth and adults. It also runs a few specific educational and cultural projects every year. The main partners of the institution are local and regional authorities, NGO's, local schools, other educational and cultural organisations, public and private non-profit foundations.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of 'Widzew Community Centres' is to promote artistic activity and offer cultural education to the general public. It works towards achieving this by providing high standard services which give a wide range of educational, recreational, and social opportunities. Educational projects are an important part of 'Widzew Community Centres' work. It is especially visible in the case of the Community Centre '502'. These projects cover various areas such as: arts, cultural heritage, cross-cultural relations, gender and cultural identity. 'Widzew Community Centres' aims to work in consultation with the local community and other statutory and voluntary agencies in developing its programme and responding to new initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

The institution organises exhibitions, workshops, concerts, music and dance competitions, theatre performances. It runs several art clubs and courses.
Among the latest educational projects organised and co-organised by 'Widzew Community Centres' are:
2006: 'Moja saska - moja polska siostra' [My Saxon - My Polish Sister]: the project devoted to Polish-Saxon relations in the history of Lodz;
2007-2008: 'Kamienica' [The Tenement House]: the project related to the history of the Lodz Ghetto;
2008: '60 lat animowane po polsku' [60 Years Animated in Polish]: the project was a celebration of the Year of Polish Animated Films;
2008: 'Machiny do poznawania świata' [World-teaching Machines]: the project based on the idea of the kinetics sculptures;
2009: 'Glos wlokniarski pokolenia wnukow' [Textile Workers' Voice of the Grandchildren Generation]: the project explores the history of Lodz through the history of its textile industry;
2009: 'Widzew na starych i nowych widokówkach' [Widzew in Old and New Postcards].

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Dorota Kaniewska
Head of the organisation
Mr. Jerzy Dyszkiewicz
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Jadwiga Mostowska


National Network

10000 ZAGREB


+ 385 1 3098 247
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 385 91 8930 675
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 385 91 5315205
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Restart is an non governmental organization established by group of documentary filmmakers and video activist from Croatia. At the moment there are 9 people on daily basis involved in the work of Restart, but for our projects we cooperate with many others. Sources of funding are mainly different local and international funds that promote civil society media projects and our annual budget until now was 35.000 €. At the moment we are increasing number of our projects and widen our focus. Our most important projects are: video activism courses, documentary film courses, Restart laboratory, Interactive web portal for uploading videos, production of socially engaged documentaries and opening of small cinema only for documentary films in Zagreb, Croatia.
Mission and Objectives

RESTART is an organization, whose aim is to create alternative media channels through education, production, distribution and technical help.
Our main focus is to educate about how to use video in order to promote activism, human rights and independent culture. In collaboration with festivals, local organizations, associations as well as institutions we help in creating and networking various activist productions in order to create an effective alternative to mainstream media.

Main Projects / Activities

Restart Media Center is a continuous program of media and educational programs that sprang out of associations Fade In and Attack from Zagreb and represents a central point for education and production of socially engaged video. The educational program started in July 2003. Until July 2008 through 7 different programs we held 90 workshops, screenings and presentations encompassing roughly 300 days in 40 cities with 2500 participants from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia.
The program consists of 3 phase:
a.) Introduction to video activism – screening with discussions
b.) Basic video workshop (3 to 7 days)
a.) Advanced workshop of documentary film, engaged journalism and organizational skills
b.) Intership with local TV
a.) Establishing centers of video activism in Croatia
b.) Networking

Contact (1) Full Name
Oliver Sertic
Contact (2) Full Name
Vanja Jambrovic

Farma v jeskyni [Farm in the Cave]

National Network
Czech Republic

S. K. Neumanna 11
Praha 8, 182 00

0042 257 318 664
0042 257 318 664
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0042 739 592 481
Mobile Phone (other)
0042 739 592 482
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Farma v jeskyni is a civic association. Its supreme authority is General Assembly. Other authority is a Commitee. 1 employee. Other artists and members of the company work on freelance basis. The company has 2 volunteers of European Voluntary Service. - Budgetary resources: 100 000 EUR - Sources of funding: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and City Hall of the Capital of Prague, European Voluntary Service, Culture 2000 (year 2006/2007), Visegrad Fund on specific projects - Modalities of Action: Projects with international partners (theatre festivals, performing events, workshops, artistic exchanges, seminars, lectures, scholarships, international anthropolical researches) Main partners: Svandovo Theatre in Prague, NoD/ROXY Theatre in Prague, Theatre Academy in Prague, Truc Spherique, The Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw, Poland.
Mission and Objectives

Farm in the Cave - An international theatre studio focused on the creation, development and research of human expression. It is defined by the relations between I-you, body-voice, culture-nature, public-intimacy, research-creation. It looks for a bodily articulation of that which cannot be expressed by word, by any other medium.
Inspiration is drawn from the irregular terrain of music, from the torsos of cultural manifestations, from the human touch, from the architecture of space and a personal statement. The ensemble speaks about those realities which its members consider personally and socially appealing. The studio works under the leadership of its founder – director Viliam Docolomanský.
An integral part of Farm in the Cave´s work is not only creation of performances, but also educational activities, basic research of actors´ art and selected cultural minorities.

Main Projects / Activities

Theatre festivals, performing events, workshops (Expression as a transmission of human experience), artistic exchanges, seminars, lectures, scholarships, international anthropolical researches.
Performance SCLAVI / The Song of an Emigrant is based on field research the Farm in the Cave did in villages of eastern Slovakia, on old Ruthenian and Ukrainian songs, on letters of Slovak emigrants, and on the story of Karel Capek ’s Hordubal.
Performance Waiting Room - memory versus the presence of a place – the railway station Zilina-Zariecie; from here, Jews from the Slovak State were deported during the second world war. In the waiting-room, a place in-between, „accidental“ travellers meet and the dead return, not by accident. In this banal triangle of relations, private violence accumulates, evoking the unhealed historical trauma, which is still the root of silent nationalism.
FARM IN THE CAVE - WORK DEMO is a concert – performance – meeting. A composed evening which is different every time. Certain parts of various performances are intermingled with the examples from the ensembles journeys for inspiration. ...

Contact (1) Full Name
Sarka Pavelkova
Head of the organisation
Sarka Pavelkova
Contact (2) Full Name
Marta Adamova

Stichting SeeS

National Network

Rechtboomssloot 64-4, 1016 CV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

0031 6 17969911
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
SeeS is an organization that aims at connecting people globally with artistic means, mainly (location) theatre and (documentary) film. The organization is a foundation without employees. The board decides to hire people on a per project basis. The budgetary resources differ according to the needs of the project, summing up to about one hundred thousand euro on average. The foundation has different sources of income varying from revenues of ticket sales to gifts, cultural funding and development cooperation resources. Partners of the organization range from universities to production houses, festivals and television broadcast companies.
Mission and Objectives

SeeS lives to explore and experience how people can foster curiosity for each other and see the world through different eyes. In a globalized, shrunken world, xenophobia is a natural human reflex. Curiosity and meeting 'the other' does help. Art is our passion and our means to accomplish just that.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Sven Olav Jense
Head of the organisation
Sven Olav Jense

Stichting New Vision Solutions

National Network

Egeldonk 100w
1103 AK Amsterdam


Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
NeViSo stands for the improvement of socially - economic position of young people, with special emphasis on young migrants in the surroundings where we operate. Because we started in Amsterdam Southeast, the activities are very much focussed in this area. Our activities create a platform for young people to develop their potentials and provide an outlet for young people to manifest their skills in a positive way. Moreover the projects we undertake must contribute positively in the lives of young ones in their process of becoming responsible adults. At the moment we have more than 5 dedicated young professionals who are working (on volunteering basis) for the foundation each for a minimum of 15 hours a week. We believe we are capable of completing this project, as we all have done a lot of international volunteer work, as project managers or coordinators. Moreover we have a lot of experience in hosting groups from different countries. The past period a lot of young people have applied to work for our organisation, so we believe with this team we will be able to bring this project to a successful end. We only receive project funding. In 2008 we received funding about 50.000 euro. We organise 4 seminars every 2 months, minimum of 1 international exchange per year. We have partners in Rusia, Poland, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ghana, Surinam, Sierra Leone and UK. In the Netherlands we work with vocational schools, universities, local goverments, job agencies, youth organisations.
Mission and Objectives

NeViSo is a migrant youth organisation that aims to improve the social economical position of young migrants. To realise this we have the following mission:
"NeViSo wants to be an indispensable social partner in its surroundings, the largest provider of social - economic stimulating projects for the youth (young migrants) in the field of culture, education, integration, leisure activities and employment.
To achieve our mission the following objectives are formulated:
1. Offering possibilities for young people (young migrants) to exploit their talents;
2. Initiating, developing and implementing projects that promotes active participation of young people (young migrants);
3. The promotion of interaction between businesses and young people (young migrants) and offering relevant development possibilities (work experience).
4. To reinforce and professionalize mentorship for young people (young migrants) within several communities
5. To stimulate and supporting entrepreneurship under young people (young migrants) by providing training and facilities

Main Projects / Activities

Our Activities
1. General
a. Training
b. Dissemination of information
c. Consultation & Advice
d. Coaching
e. Research
2. Project development
Stimulating educational projects for young people (young migrants) in the field of:
1. Empowerment
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Employment
4. (youth) culture participation
5. Useful free time spending
6. Sport stimulating activities
Moreover we envision creating a platform where we will be able to:
A. Develop and improve the capacity and effectiveness of African & Caribbean Diaspora youth-serving organizations to affect youth empowerment & employment;
B. Facilitate the interaction between businesses (SME’s) and the Diaspora youth within the European, Caribbean and African context.
C. Develop innovative and effective youth empowerment & employment initiatives.
D. Raise awareness of issues that affect the Afro- Caribbean Diaspora youth, such as Education, Employability, Employment Creation, Entrepreneurship, and Empowerment.
E. To improve the leadership and staff capacity of Afro-Caribbean Diaspora youth-serving organizations;
F. To influence migration and development policies through research, information, advocacy and coalition building;
Although we have a special focus is on young people from the Diaspora community, we are open for everybody as we believe that every young person needs assistance. As such we help every young person who comes to us. Moreover learning from other culture will help us to help our youngster and prepare them to be able to succeed in a diversified community as we are living now

Contact (1) Full Name
Richard Yeboah
Head of the organisation
Richard Yeboah
Contact (2) Full Name
Orville Goedhart


National Network

Admiraal de Ruijterweg 43hs
1057 JV Amsterdam


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We have an independent board (3 persons), 4/5 FTE and some interns. Our budget is approximately 800k-900k a year, with funding from DOEN and Hivos and projectfunding. We organise a vareiry of projects, from TV programmes to festivaldebates to magazines to online projects, with partners like MTV, Hyves, Boomerang etc.
Mission and Objectives

Our missions if to provide a platform for the expression of citizenship for young people

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are at this moment Coolpolitics&Hyves Go Europe (, Coolpolitics Cinema (, Lowlands University (, and Cooolpolitics CultureClash

Contact (1) Full Name
Jaap Spreeuwenberg
Head of the organisation
Jaap Spreeuwenberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Pieter De Stefano

Urban Cosmopolitans

National Network

Silodam 365, 1013 AW Amsterdam

Mobile Phone
0031 (0) 6-242 30 821
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Urban Cosmopolitans is an independent NGO founded in 2009 and based in Amsterdam. Mrs. Nurnaz Deniz, initiator and chairwoman, has long standing experience both in the field of the arts and culture and cultural diversity. Urban Cosmopolitans is in the midst of negotiations with several funds, governmental institutions, cultural oganizations, the head of Antwerp Book Capital 2010, the head of Istanbul Cultural Capital 2010 and several professional individuals, whome all have already committed themselves to the main project which is called 'Exchange for a Cosmopolitan Future'.
Mission and Objectives

Urban Cosmopolitans has made a concept for the development of a transnational and multidisciplinary platform for the arts, the main goal of which is to stimulate artistic excellence through long-term structural exchange for the occasion of 2010 (Istanbul Cultural Capital of Europe) extending into and beyond 2012 (for the 400 years of trade relations between Turkey and the Netherlands).
Urban Cosmopolitans is the culture of artists who are rooted in the European city, where they have grown up together as migrant children from elsewhere and contributed to the city's diversity. But they are also connected to places and cultures further away. For them, moving to and forth between their two cultures is often also a movement between Europe and non-Europe or rather Europe as a wider, globalized continent. Our current focus is on Istanbul, Amsterdam and Antwerp and is meant to explore two of such connections between urban cosmopolitans in Europe and a particular city of origin: the link between Amsterdam and Antwerp on the one hand an istanbul on the other; and also the link between Amsterdam and Antwerp as two major European cities of migration.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is called 'Exchange for a Cosmopolitan Future', which aims to initiate and develop a structural and long term transnational and multidisciplinary artistic platform. Our point of departure is a widely shared need to both document and record, visualize and theorize the diverse cultures of the contemporary European city that have come about as a result of major flows og migration since the 1960s. In major cities of Europe such as in Amsterdam and Antwerp, Berlin and hamburg, Brussels and rotterdam, Paris and Lyon, postcolonial migration together with migration of workers have generated a new transnational culture that distinguishes itself by its multiple identities.
This project is divided into three sub-projects: Arts and Locality; Arts and Memory and an Underground Cafe for Theory. These three projects together envisage an interdisciplinary exhibition, events in the performing and visual arts and fashion, literary residencies, as well as an Underground Cafe for Cultural Theory and Urbanism. These will be developed through intensive collaboration between artists and professionals from the cities of Istanbul, Antwerp and Amsterdam.
The exhibition, performances, art and the Underground Cafe generated first in Istanbul in 2010 will travel back to Antwerp and Amsterdam with a deepened understanding and expression of urban cosmopolitan identity. As in Istanbul this return to Europe entails a cross-fertilization of artists and their audiences from both centre and periphery: exhibitions and performances in parts of the cities outside the cultural infrastructure, but also on established stages. An explicit aim of the project is not just to explore new forms of artistic expression, but also the reach out to new audiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Nurnaz Deniz (Artistic Director)
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Nurnaz Deniz