Global Help Initiative for Palestine ''HI''

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
We are a group of educated youths live inside the suffer of Palestinian people within the refugee camps strive to empower our quality of life. We seek to help the Palestinian to hold the grip of the life. We try our best in order to remove some of the hardship cases that Palestinian live. Now a days we are at our beginning, trying to regroup our abilities and power for better Palestine. Among the other working association here in Palestine, HI tries to find a place to itself by the good reputation and credibility it seeks. Thus, trust is highly important concept to us. HI members are seen as respected and valued persons in their areas. The members have the spirit of helping and giving others. As a start, we are still an initiative, but we have the great ambition to be widely well-known help association. We have around 45 volunteers at the moment in Gaza strip. We have fundraisers from USA, Canada, Japan, France, Spain, Norway, UK and Libya WHO is behind HI? Individual, Local and International associations which support to bring a bright life for Palestinians. HI has a combination of people committed to serve their societies. HI works far from factional and political problems. It's an independent organization that aims at serving equally all Palestinians. Partners: ISM-France Palestinian Youth Network PYN Human Relief Foundation Save Human
Mission and Objectives

Our vision
We aspire to enhance the Palestinian social and cultural living situation for better Palestine
Our mission
Our initiative is global by a group of Palestinian youths seeks to develop the current Palestinian situation via the financial and moral support . This support comes out through individuals, societies, and those who sympathize with Palestinian issue .
1-Integrate youths in all levels locally and globally to bridge the cultural gaps
2-Helping the Palestinian people in their different healthy sides
3-Create job programs to youths in order to match the stability of the region
4-Participate in reinforcement of small business projects in order to enhance the country economical and intellectual levels
5-Help the needy families

Main Projects / Activities

We honored within a party the members of the European Parliament who came to the Gaza strip on Dignity Ship to break the siege. We grant dignity medal to the solidarities who were about 24 person.
1- October 19, 2008, ISM-France launched a global call "Help us to break the siege of Gaza!" to break the siege on Gaza by asking for a financial helps to HI in order to help needy families.
2- We started to produce a permanent program '' Help to make a difference in the lives of in need families that suffer
3- Disposing a campaign by the help of ''Smile of Hope'' to help sick children smile and not complain about other thinks, which was conducted by the caricaturist '' Abonoon '' , who is a member in HI by bringing financial support to buy gifts and presents to sick children and visit them at December 18, 2008 with Ewa Jasiewicz (Ewa Jasiewicz is a writer, journalist, human rights activist and union organiser. She is currently in Gaza as a volunteer organiser with the Free Gaza Movement.) .to decrease their suffering.
4- Opening a flying campaign '' Gaza Relief '' to save Gaza after the last war and we still give money and food packages to 30 family in many regions in the strip, special those in the middle of Gaza.
5- Receiving the British lifeline convoy to Gaza ( Viva Palestina)
6-30/3-6/4/2009 we are preparing a caricature exhibition in Spain, under vision Abonoon ( an artist in HI ) in cooperation with Palestinian Youth Network (PYN).
7-Attempting to get more support in order to establish a unique broadcasting station for children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Hamza Eltawil - Chairman, Amr Hassouna,

Forsan Al Erada Radio For The Disabled

National Network
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
* Section Editing * News Section * Program * Administration * Marketing Department * Services Section * Public Relations
Mission and Objectives

* To change the stereotypes prevalent in Palestinian society and Arab societies in general for the category of the disabled.
* Linking the problems experienced by the disabled and the information put forward by the momentum of the central officials and decision makers in order to enforce the obligation of their responsibilities entrusted to them.
* The exercise of the disabled for their media to express their problems Bolnohm.
* Community awareness about the law and the resulting disabilities and the importance of application and commitment by everyone at the grassroots level and the level of decision-makers.
* To be broadcast as a starting point towards further cooperation with the founders T. civil society to promote the demands and rights of this marginalized group.
* Radio aims to integrate the disabled with their non-disabled, both at the level of professional work within the radio or through the ideas and concepts that broadcast to the public.
* Follow-up and documenting the activities of rehabilitation institutions and others within the community and media coverage.

Main Projects / Activities

Development of radio equipment

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Shadi Al Qatrawi
Head of the organisation
Mr. Khaled Abu Shoeb

Bureij Cultural Forum

National Network
+970 - 8 - 2565 280
+970 - 8 - 2565 280
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+970 599 867 570
Mobile Phone (other)
+970 599 434 436
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The BCF has a board member consists of 7 members and a general assembly consists of 39 members. The BCF has a permanent staff consists of 10 staff and 35 volunteers; the BCF was one of the 8 founders of the General Union of Cultural Centers (GUCC) on June 1997 and its representative occupies a member seat of the GUCC Board since 1997. The BCF receives funding from the World Bank, the Palestinian Center for Micro projects Development, the Swiss Government, the Welfare Association, the NGO Development Center, and the Ministry of Culture. The BCF has three main units that work as programs; the youth, children, and women. The BCF is a member of the Palestinian Committee for Election Monitoring where it coordinates its program of election monitoring of the all election processes including the Presidential election, the Legislative election, and the local election in the Middle Gaza District.
Mission and Objectives

The Bureij Cultural Forum (BCF) aims to provide communities by the required space and facility where they can explore their innovations through culture outlets and use its means to shape their future better.
Bureij Cultural Forum Goals: The BCF aims to:
1) Enhancing commitment, ethics, and values among Palestinian community.
2) Enabling communities to explore the innovation of culture towards shaping a better future.
3) Strengthening linkages between communities and mutual understanding.
4) Facilitating communities' efforts towards overcoming their challenges and meeting their needs.
5) Expanding democratic principles and practices among Palestinians.
6) Addressing Palestinian Culture and creating linkages with other cultures in the region.

Main Projects / Activities

The BCF has three main units that work as programs; the youth, children, and women; the youth program is targeting youth in the area of youth life skills, civic education, role of citizen in democracy, and responsibility.
The woman program targets the women in the awareness area and capacity building to educate them especially house wives, student females, and illiterates through workshops, counseling, computer, librarian activities, and basic education needs for the illiterates.
The children program targets children in the areas of capacity building, psychosocial treatment and support, and strengthening their capabilities through formal education empowerment lessons, Computer education, Forming art, Literature, Drama, and Theatre.
The BCF has a public Library of about 7,000 books and a Computer training lab with 23 computers, several training halls, and required facilities and equipments. The BCF conducts activities vary between festivals, drama and theatre shows, surveys, animation productions, training workshops, civic education and advocacy training, open community meetings with decision makers, debates about novels, and cultural events including poet, reading campaigns for children, proposing educational movies, and literacy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rabab Abu Kamail, Director
Head of the organisation
Maher Mahmoud Issa
Contact (2) Full Name
Naser Awad, General Secretary

Beirut Dance Studio | Beirut Dance Company

National Network

Victoria Bldg., 9th floor, Corniche Nahr (facing Fiat)
Beirut 1100

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Le Beirut Dance Studio est dirige par Nada Kano qui enseigne aupres d'environ 150 eleves. Elle est assistee de 4/5 professeurs locaux. Une personne tient l'accueil pendant les cours. Une administratice mi-temps/ freelance. La Beirut Dance Company est composee de 8 danseurs (meilleurs eleves du studio et quelques danseurs libanais installes a l'etranger) Chiffre d'affaires annuel d'environ 100.000 USD Revenus principalement issus des cours. Aides ponctuelles sur productions/ spectacles Beirut Dance Company (fondations, institutions, sponsors). Enseignement permanent, stages, creation/production de spectacles, creation d'une filiere professionnelle.
Mission and Objectives

Nada Kano se démène depuis plusieurs années pour créer une véritable filière professionnelle pour la danse. Souffrant de la fragilité du processus de reconstruction du pays et de l’exil des danseurs les plus talentueux, la structure doit faire face au manque d’institutions et structures promouvant le développement de la danse au Liban. La principale ambition de la structure est de devenir une solide plate-forme pour la promotion de la danse professionnelle dans le pays et d’assurer des débouchés pour les danseurs en quête d’une carrière dans ce domaine. Ses objectifs consistent en - la formation d’une compagnie professionnelle (danseurs, directeur artistique, maitre de ballet, professeurs contemporains, administrateur) - la production de créations et de pièces de jeunes talents locaux et internationaux et leur diffusion - la transformation de l’école de danse en une institution de danse reconnue internationalement et dotée d’un cycle de formation professionnel et diplômant.

Main Projects / Activities

Le Beirut Dance Studio est un espace de 600 m2 environ, composé de 3 salles (2 salles de 90m2 et 1 grande salle de 145m2) destinées à accueillir des cours de danse et des répétitions. -Cours de danse classique enfants et adultes 150 élèves dès l’âge de 5 ans répartis en 6 niveaux + adultes Plus de 30h de cours dispensés du lundi au samedi Un spectacle dansé par les élèves clôture les cours chaque fin d’année. -Autres cours A côté des cours permanents de danse classique, des cours sont dispensés par des professeurs externes en danse orientale, flamenco, salsa, contemporaine… -Espace de répétition Le studio offre à la location ses 3 salles pour des petites compagnies et artistes indépendants à la recherche d’un espace de travail. -Stages/ masters-classes Le Beirut Dance Studio invite régulièrement des professionnels internationaux pour des stages de perfectionnement et des masters-classes ouverts aux élèves mais aussi aux danseurs externes à l’école. La Beirut Dance Company -Entraînement quotidien du lundi au samedi Stages de perfectionnement et master-classes -Performances Conception et présentation d’un spectacle par an Participation concours et diverses manifestations autour de la danse ((Jeux de la Francophonie, appels à candidature internationaux, Journée Internationale de la Danse…) -Structuration de la compagnie La compagnie aurait besoin d’un total de 10 danseurs avec un nombre équivalent d’hommes et de femmes. Le personnel d’encadrement se composerait d’un directeur artistique, d’un maître de ballet, d’un professeur de danse contemporaine et d’un administrateur. Filière professionnelle Le but est de transformer l’école en expansion, en institution de danse à part entière avec une reconnaissance internationale. L’école fournirait la formation nécessaire aux jeunes danseurs désireux de mener une carrière professionnelle en leur offrant un programme rigoureux conçu en partenariat avec des conservatoires et divers professionnels étrangers (accueil de professeurs, jumelages…). L’école encouragerait l’inscription de personnes venues de tous horizons sociaux et culturels libanais et offrirait des bourses aux jeunes danseurs qui n’auraient pas les moyens financiers de poursuivre une telle formation (voir ci-après « Projet enfants »). Projets pour enfants défavorisés Le but du projet est d’assurer une formation de danse classique à un groupe d’enfants issus de milieux défavorisés ou orphelins en alternance, en parallèle de leurs études scolaires. D’une part, la danse leur offrirait une échappatoire et les aiderait à surmonter leurs problèmes. D’autres part, ces enfants pourraient être le noyau qui débuterait une compagnie de danse nationale, voire internationale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Nada Kano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Nada Kano

Maison du Livre (MDL)

National Network

Quartier jésuite Rue de l'Université Saint-Joseph BP 16-6775
Achrafieh 1100

+961-1-421000 ext. 5310
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
La MDL est une association à but non lucratif avec un permanent et des responsables de projets. L'association n'ayant pas de soutien permanent, elle fonctionne à partir de projets qui, quand ils sont financés permettent de faire travailler plus d'une personne. Le financement des projets est assuré par le Ministère de la culture du Liban, la Mission culturelle française, l'Université Saint Joseph, l'AILF et d'autres partenaires concernés par le livre et par les perspectives que les projets de la MDL ouvrent.
Mission and Objectives

La MDL se propose de diffuser et promouvoir le livre et la lecture, de favoriser les animations et les rencontres entre le public et les professionnels, de faciliter la communication entre les professionnels et mettre à leur doisposition des formations qualifiantes. La MDL travaille sur 3 axes: la diffusion de l'information l'animation autour du livre et la formation professionnelle

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation et participation à des expositions locales et internationales dont le Festival itinérant du livre de jeunesse, le Salon de Paris et la Foire du livre jeunesse de Bologne, Participation à plusieurs projets et colloques professionnels et interprofessionnels, Organisation de formations professionnelles aux métiers du livre et participation à plusieurs sessions de formations internationales Création, dans le cadre de l'Université Saint Joseph, du Master professionnel des métiers du livre Publication sémestrielle de Qiraat saghira, revue critique sur la littérature jeunesse libanaise et arabe et de brochures sur les auteurs, illustrateurs et editeurs jeunesse au Liban pour le Ministère de la culture. Projets en route: La Madrasa du conte pour la réhabilitation des traditions orales au Liban et dans le bassin méditerranéen Un Festival de la nouvelle Bande dessinée avec l'ambassade de france, d'italie et la Wallonie internationale Un site internet sur la littérature et l'édition jeunesse qui, à terme, sera un site pour la littérature générale au Liban et dans les pays arabes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Nadim Tarazi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Nadim Tarazi

Sapiens Productions

National Network

Observantenweg 25
6212 EN


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Sapiens Productions is an eco-documentary film production company specialised in the Middle East and environmental issues such as climate change, water shortage and sustainable development. We produce TV documentaries for channels such as BBC World and Al Jazeera International. We also work for non-profit organisations such as Save the Children and Television trust for the Environment. Most recently we have worked on a film for the EU-MEDA water programme based in Amman. We regularly work with media partners in Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to tell environmental stories of sustainable development from a human perspective regardless of religion, politics and nationality. Our films feature the voices of the grassroots and the people most affected by problems like water shortage, floods and climate change. In our subjects we always look for a way how people can cooperate and create ecopeace though common environmental interests. We focus especially on the Middle East.

Main Projects / Activities

We produce eco-documentaries for television broadcast and in the process try to create media platform and outlets for local filmmakers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joshka Wessels
Head of the organisation
Joshka Wessels
Contact (2) Full Name
Franscesca de Chatel

la Maison des Cinéastes

National Network

Ilot A, Rue 410-05

00 222 525 68 68
Telephone (other)
00 222 525 03 30
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 222 230 52 15
Mobile Phone (other)
00 222 221 99 62
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
La Maison des Cinéastes est un établissement culturel indépendant non lucratif, créé en 2002 par Mr Abderrahmane Ahmed Salem, puis parrainé en 2003 par le réalisateur Abderrahmane Sissako. La Maison des Cinéastes œuvre à créer une culture et une industrie cinématographiques en Mauritanie à travers ses programmes qui visent la formation, la production, la diffusion et l'archivage. La Maison des Cinéastes fait travailler 35 fonctionnaires permanents et 200 jeunes volontaires. Moyens de financement l'appui de l'Etat par l'intermédiaire du ministère de la culture, soutien des partenaires internationaux comme la coopération culturelle française, l'UNESCO, le Ministre Français des Affaires Etrangères, l'Ambassade d'Espagne, la Coopération Allemande, la Région Île-de-France RIF, le Conseil Urbain de Nouakchott, Association française de volontaires de progrès.. etc.. et La production audiovisuel
Mission and Objectives

La maison du cinéaste œuvre pour la cohésion sociale et le rapprochement des communautés à travers l'utilisation de l'image.
Le souci de la maison des cinéastes est de rapprocher les jeunes mauritaniens des différentes communautés du pays. Montrer l’autre pour faire disparaître les méfiances réciproques

Main Projects / Activities

nos programmes:
Les ABCinéma
Leur objectif est d’initier des jeunes aux techniques et à l’analyse cinématographiques.
Le Ciné-Parc
Pour offrir aux habitants de la Mauritanie la possibilité de mieux connaître le grand écran,
L’Ecran dromadaire
La caravane cinématographique visite les zones intérieures du pays,
La semaine nationale du film (SENAF)
unique festival de cinéma en Mauritanie , a lieu chaque année.
La rencontre
encourager le dialogue entre générations ainsi que la transmission d’expériences et de connaissances,
Vivons ensemble:
un programme culturel, social et éducationnel visant la concrétisation d’objectifs nobles dans le but de raffermir les valeurs de fraternité et de cohabitation pacifique en Mauritanie
Elle s’inscrit dans le cadre de notre politique de décentralisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abderrahmane Ahmed Salem
Head of the organisation
Abderrahmane Ahmed Salem
Contact (2) Full Name
Taleb Sidi

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

National Network

The Authority for Research and Development, Sherman Building, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel’s first university, is a multidisciplinary institution of higher learning and research, where intellectual pioneering, cutting-edge scientific discovery, and a passion for learning flourish. Structure of the organization: The University community: 1,200 tenured academic faculty, 1,500 full-time administrative and technical staff. Students: There are 23,500 students are enrolled at the University, including 11,700 undergraduates, 6,900 master's degree students, 2,700 doctoral candidates, and 2,200 other students. Budgetary resources: $577 million Total Income in 2006/2007. Sources of funding: NIH, DFG, EU, Human Frontier, ERC, Howard Hughes, ISF Modalities of action: Research projects in all diciplines and fields of schoalrships, international exchanges of students and faculty, conferences, seminars, workshops and colloquiums. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Local and international academic institutions, community organizations and industrial partners.
Mission and Objectives

Since its inception in 1925, research has been one of the central goals of the Hebrew University. The University was established in the tradition of the classic research institutions, where members of the faculty are expected to be actively involved in research on an international level in the disciplines they teach.
The University strives at all times to maintain its status as a leader in research in Israel and to justify its international reputation for high-level research.
Within this framework the University is committed to active research that enriches human knowledge, both in the theoretical and practical spheres, and to place this knowledge at the service of society in Israel and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Research and creativity have always been the cornerstone of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem since its inception in 1928. For over 80 years, Hebrew University researchers have not only carried out outstanding basic research, but have also responded to the needs of society. The University is justly proud of its position at the cutting edge of world science. Its researchers publish widely in leading international scientific and scholarly journals, conduct collaborative research projects with noted scholars from other countries and compete successfully for research grants from international and national funding sources. HU researchers figure at the forefront of international science - from biotechnology and computer science to astrophysics and cancer research, from microbiology to solar energy and genetic engineering, as well as the humanities, social sciences and law.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Jane Turner

Nieuw Maan Adviseurs Maatschappelijke Vernieuwing

National Network

Danzigerkade 9b
1013 AP Amsterdam


+31 (0)20 6707800
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Religion
General Information
Nieuwe Maan creates coalitions of governmental, non profit, commercial and social organisations around social issues. The social issues Nieuwe Maan works on are for instance sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, integration, diversity, intercultural cooperation, livelyhood. For every initiative a budget is generated by the involved parties. Nieuwe Maan is often initiative taker and proces manager. Nieuwe Maan has 6 partners, 3 employees and a network of freelancers. The total revenue of the organisation was 800.000 in 2008. Nieuwe Maan books the hourrates x the hours of its people that work on the intiatives on the projectbudget. There is no other profit goal.
Mission and Objectives

Nieuwe Maan creates coalitions of governmental, non profit, commercial and social organisations around social issues in order to raise awareness, create publicity, find solutions, create change.

Main Projects / Activities

Examples of projects are Amsterdam and the Netherlands in Dialogue, the communication around the Pavem (Participation of Women of minority groups, Maxima) Commission, training on intercultural cooperation, projects with young muslims in Amsterdam, Purmerend and Maastricht, advise on sustainable development to the ministerie of Agriculture, CSR projects with Fortis Foundation, a programma the social housing organisation, citizens and the local government on livelyhood issues in Amsterdam, etc. For more information see

Contact (1) Full Name
Olga Plokhooij

CIPMO - Centro Italiano per la Pace in Medio Oriente

National Network

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele 11/12 20121 Milano
20121 Milano

02 866109
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
CIPMO’s staff includes: Janiki Cingoli (Director), Magda Censi (Accountant and Events), Maurizio Debanne (Web site), Elena Cerretelli (Project officer). The Center have several external co-workers. The budgetary resources are available on request. The main source of funding come from: Municipality of Milano, Province of Milano, Lombardy Region, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chamber of Commerce of Milano, Fondazione Cariplo and Compagnia di San Paolo. CIPMO develops its actions through 4 different fields: Paradiplomatic activities (international private seminars, EU Project), Peace Education (Public and international conferences), Research activities, publications, web site and newsletter. Its main partners are: Panorama Center, Peres Center for Peace, Palestinian Peace Coalition, Geneva Initiative Israel, Keshev, Miftah.
Mission and Objectives

CIPMO is among the principal Italian organizations committed to the issues regarding conflict in the Middle East and support for the peace process. Among its main objectives are both the promotion of Israeli-Palestinian-Arab dialogue, creating opportunities for discussion and debate between the parties in conflict, and the promotion of the various forms of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation with the deepening of principal thematic articulations in the area. Since December 2003 it has been the promoter and coordinator of the Italian Committee for the Support of the Geneva Accord, the model of peace agreement promoted by ex-Minsters Yossi Beilin (Israel) e Yasser Abed Rabbo (Palestine).

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1993, CIPMO has been acting as an intermediary NGO for private seminars reserved for political and cultural figures and people of Israel and Palestine involved in peace process negotiations. The track II involves relevant personalities from the Israeli and ANP governments, experts and policy makers. Furthermore, the Center organizes private seminar for representatives of the civil society such as young leaders, women, young journalist and teachers from both sides. Since 1990, the Centre has organized some 100 public Conferences, with an average of 120-150 attendants per conference on subjects concerning the Middle East and Mediterranean areas. CIPMO has always paid attention to the research activity concerning the situation in the Middle East. Through its website and its monthly newsletters the Centre acts as a “Think Tank” on the Middle East’s issues for policy and opinion makers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Janiki Cingoli
Head of the organisation
Janiki Cingoli
Contact (2) Full Name
Magda Censi