Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (A.C.F.O.S.)

National Network

"Bardhyl" Str., Pll. 13/A, Sh. 2, Ap. 5, Tirana-Albania

+355 4 234 42 14
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 69 24 76 219
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 67 65 33 028
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (ACFOS-Albania) is founded at the beginning of 2007, in Tirana, Albania. The aim to open this organization (NGO) in Albania was the need and missing of such studying field in Albania, and for that reason is considered the first and the only organization in Albania which is working in giving a contribution about Oriental Studies. The long history of links between Albanians and the Orient, notably the Islamic Orient, since before the domination of Ottoman State in Albania (for about 5 centuries), also under the Ottoman domination, and even after the detachment of Albania from the Ottoman State and the Orient in general, display for a large connection with the Orient. The same aim is even for the Albanian Center for Oriental Studies, to enable the cultural links between Albanians and the Orient. A large importance in this aspect we have given to the Albanians living and working in the Orient, known as Arnaouts. In the name of this Center we have offered and promoted many Albanian personalities from the Albanian lands (Albania, Kosova and Macedonia), also we have presented many Albanians (Arnaouts) who live and work in Oriental countries, such as the famous worldwide well-known personalities which has given many contributions in the field of Oriental Studies, but also scholars of linguistics, history, literature, scholars of the Balkans region, Albanians who live or study in Oriental countries, scholars of Orient-Occident relations and the role of Albania etc.

About the achievements of this center, from 2007 till now, we can rank some contributions, publications, activities, seminars, representations etc.: 1. Official opening of Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (ACFOS-Albania), Tirana 2007 2. Translation and publishing of some books from the oriental literature, mainly from Arabic, translated into Albanian language (since 2009) 3. Publishing of the yearly cultural and scientific journal “URA” (the Bridge), a journal dealing with Oriental Studies, since second half of 2008 4. Member of ALF (Anna Lindh Foundation), since 2009 5. Attending in ALF Forum 2010, Barcelona, Spain 6. Contributor in World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development activity, May 21, 2011, organized by ALF Albanian National Head of Network, AFALC, Tirana, Albania 7. First exhibition about Oriental manuscripts and documents by the orientalist Ermal Bega, executive director of Acfos Albania, November 2011 8. Attending the 2nd Alexandria Education Convention, Alexandria, Egypt, December 2012, organized by ALF 9. Attending the Anna Lindh Mediterranean Forum, Marseille, April 2013 10. Participant at the national book fair in Tirana, Albania, since 2008 11. Presenting our works in many newspapers, magazines and TVs in Albania, Kosova, North Macedonia, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, USA etc.

Mission and Objectives


1. Doing studies on connections of the Albanians with Oriental countries and make closely connections with Albanians who live or work in Oriental countries 2. To do connections with different centers, institutes and organizations inside and outside Albania, who have the same activity with our organization 3. To open the Albanian Institute for Oriental Studies 4. Contacting with people from the Mediterranean region who work on oriental studies field 5. Organizing some seminars, conferences, symposiums and promotions on the relation of Albanian and Albanian with the Arab countries in the south of the Mediterranean In the following years, for 2024-2027, Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (ACFOS-Albania) is planning to have some activities as mentioned below: 1. Publishing some new books from the Arabic and Turkish literature (Oriental literature – including essays, novels, poems etc.) 2. Publishing of the new issues of the “URA”, cultural-scientific journal for Oriental Studies 3. Will organize trainings and work-shops about the importance of Oriental languages and literature in Albanian and among Albanians 4. Will organize seminars and debates with scholars and officials about the preservation of the Oriental heritage in Albania and among Albanians 5. Opening of a cultural language center to learn Arabic and Turkish languages for different students, etc. As for all the above-mentioned, we are asking from the interested parts (foundations, donators, organizations, cultural centers, institutions etc.) to contribute with donations for our organization, where everything will be open and declared in detail.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Publishing of our Center’s magazine, called "URA" - "The Bridge", which goal is to be like a "Bridge" between Orient (East) and Occident (West) by means of Cultural partnerships. 2. As soon as possible the first exhibition on the personal oriental manuscripts, by the Orientalist Ermal Bega in Tirana-Albania 3. Some seminars and conferences on Oriental Studies in Albania 4. Publishing some books in Albania on Oriental Studies 5. Organization of some cultural trips in Albania and abroad to know more about the impact of Orient & Islam in Albania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ermal Bega
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ermal Bega (Executive Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Azem Xheladini

Amwaj Association for Social Development an Improvment

National Network

Gaza – Al-Nasser – In front of Al-Quds Open University
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Theatrical performances for children and adults,  Civic education, recreational, and psychosocial support activities Volunteering  and community initiatives provided by youth Awareness campaigns Emergency relief aids program
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the activation of the cultural movement and enable citizens to access cultural and artistic activities in Gaza Strip
To alleviate poverty and unemployment level by providing emergency aids and job opportunities for youth.
To encourage voluntary work and community participation among youth.
To promote the culture of Democracy and Human Rights by providing cultural and artistic activities that encourage dialogue, tolerance, and ways of dealing with conflict.

Main Projects / Activities

Children, Youth, and women including persons with disabilities

Contact (1) Full Name
Yehia Idrees
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation

Spafford Children Center

National Network

Sheikh Lulu Street Nr. 1, Har't Sadiyeh, Old City, Jerusalem
East Jerusalem

972- (0)2 6284875
072- (0)2 6282631
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
972 (0)546 598 476
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Daily management is executed by a CEO, COO, Financial Officer & secretary, closely scrutinized by a Board of 14 directors. The Center employs 26 staff in different fields: medical, educational staff,social workers. Many are part timers. The budgetted income is $ 650.000 , 25% from local income, 25 % unrestricted funds from grants and private donations, 50% project-related grants from local and foreign donors. Projects are connected with promoting physical development through preventive health care, social-intellectual-emotional development through psychological, social and special education services, and promoting cultural development through a variety of cultural heritage activitis. Projects are aimed at bringing young people together from different areas of Palestine that are divided by political circumstances (occupation) through events, holiday camps. Also hosting international student camps We cosely work together with other organizations in the Old City, East Jerusalem and other areas of Palestine like African Society, Juzoor, Burj AlLuglug, Ibda, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Vision|: Spafford Children Center envisions a time of peace, health and opportunity for all people in the Holy Land Mission: To provide a holistic continuum of medical, psychological, social, and cultural services to children and families in need regardless of race, religion, or cultural background

Main Projects / Activities

Medical Department: promoting physical health and development Psycho-Social-Educational Department: addressing post traumatic stress disorders resulting from the (often violent) political situation, promoting education through psychological counseling and special education for children with school problems, including Play therapy and speech therapy. Addressing gender issues, promoting democracy and human rights, environmental issues. Motivating women/mothers to further education through women empowerment programs. Cultural Deapartment: promoting cultural heritage activities (dancing, music, art) for children and youth. Empowering youth through cultural and social exchange programs, inside Palestine where people become more and more separated and isolated through barriers, and with the outside world through hosting foreign volunteers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jantien Dajani
Head of the organisation
Dr. Jantien Dajani
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Marwan Khadder

Hebron University

National Network
Telephone (other)
970 2 2220840
970 2 2229303
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Hebron University is a non-profit, non-political tertiary education insitution which offers academic programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees to qualified students from all socio-economic backgrounds. The University has a staff of around 250. Sources of funding include tuition, private donations, and donations through the Palestinian Authority. The total budget for this year is approximately $6.5 million. HU is governed by a Board of Trustees, which appoints Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Department Deans. Administrative Departments include Public Relations, Student Affairs, Financial, and Human Resources. Academic Departments include the Faculties of Arts, Nursing, Science and Technology, Al-Shari`a, Finance and Management, Agriculture, Education, and Graduate Studies.
Mission and Objectives

Hebron University's main objectives are as follows:
-To provide students with high quality education.
-To advance knowledge and to solve local community problems through scientific research.
-To contribute to the development and improvement of the cultural, social and economic status of the Palestinian society.
-To provide higher education opportunities for underprivileged students

Main Projects / Activities

Hebron University offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in an array of programs, including the arts and sciences, religious law, education, agriculture, nursing, and finance. In addition, we maintain agricultural and scientific research facilities, run a model school, operate a Media Center and radio station, and provide opportunities for continuing education and vocational training to the community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nimer Abuzahra
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nabil Al-Jabari, Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Zajel Youth Exchange Program

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Palestine Media Unit is part of Zajel Youth Exchange Program, based at the Public Relations Department of An-Najah National University, Nablus-Palestine.
Mission and Objectives

The Palestine Media Unit is part of Zajel Youth Exchange Program, based at the Public Relations Department of An-Najah National University, Nablus-Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

The Palestine Media Unit seeks to promote Palestinian culture, heritage, history and news. We seek to give a voice to those usually overlooked by a media obsessed with conflict. This is the Palestine behind the news stories. Our mission is to open the door to Palestine to all those who are interested in her past, present and future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Ala' Abu Dheer

Palestinian National Theater

National Network
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Palestinian National Theater (PNT) plays a vital role in the Palestinian community and until recently was the only center for culture and art in the Occupied Territories. Since its inception in 1984, the theatre has served to actively encourage and promote artistic and cultural activities. The PNT was founded by the Palestinian El-Hakawati Theatre Company. After one year, the management of the center was handed over to a Board of Directors comprised of artists, writers, and notable persons in the Palestinian community. The PNT serves as a forum for cultural and artistic activities, and is working to upgrade and rekindle interest in the arts at the national level. Its mandate goes beyond preserving Palestinian culture, folklore and tradition and includes the active search for new ideas and innovative approaches to Palestinian self-expression.
Mission and Objectives

The Palestinian National Theatre (PNT) is a Palestinian non profit cultural institution which strives to create and to develop a unique cultural life in Jerusalem, by way of producing and presenting artistic, educational and entertaining programs that reflect the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Main Projects / Activities

The PNT shall work on the basis of a national cultural policy that stems its spiritual strength from the pluralistic history, culture and heritage of Palestine.
Our aim is to raise the literary and intellectual awareness of Palestinians by expanding their horizons and developing their awareness in order to produce a community of people that have confidence and pride in themselves and respect for the differences of others.
Because children and youth represent the majority of the Palestinian people, the PNT shall give priority to programs that address this vital component of Palestinian society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dir: Jamal Ghosheh
Head of the organisation
Dir: Jamal Ghosheh

HADAF Center For Human Rights

National Network
+ 972 8 2820216
+ 972 8 2881016
Mobile Phone
+ 972 599 998880
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
HADAF Center for Human Rights, a national, autonomous, non – profit, and professional specialized human rights organization, was established in the Gaza Strip by a group of human rights, democracy, good governance, and peace activists. Licensed in 2004 from the Ministry of Interior Affairs under the number 7401, and the Ministry of Culture under the number 82/G/2004800, HADAF is one of the pioneer national organizations specialized in the field of enhancing respect and advocacy of human rights, and educating and disseminating the culture of human rights, democracy and good governance in the Palestinian society, with the aim of ,contributing with others, in establishing a democratic, developed, civilized, and civil Palestinian society. HADAF has (7) staff, in addition to 5 volunteers. Regarding financial resources for 2009, we have 120000 EURO. For its sources, HADAF depends on WFD, NHRF, UNDP, and EU. Actions include: research, education and awareness, and advocacy.
Mission and Objectives

HADAF is dedicated to enhancing respect and advocacy of human rights, and promoting the culture of human rights, democracy and good governance among all Palestinian categories, with focus on women and youth issues, through implementing relevant programs, and activities using the most modern and professional approaches.
1. To strengthen the capacity building of HADAF.
2. To get better understanding of issues relating to the state of human rights with focus on rights, their well-being and protection in the Gaza Strip.
3. To contribute in promoting human rights, democracy, good governance and the rule of law among Palestinian citizens with focus on youth.
4. To enable a more responsive social, political, legal and economic support for human rights, democracy and good governance at community and national levels.
5. To enhance democracy and the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Promoting Palestinian Legislative Council Elections
2. Palestinian Youth Draw Their Rights
3. Promoting Youth Rights Advocacy Campaign
4. Youth Rights Club
5. Youth Key Step
6. Civil Society Campaign to promote Understanding of the Legislative Process and Status of the Legislation in Palestine
7. Promoting Youth Rights Based On Media Activities
8. Promoting Youth Rights and Civic Engagement

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Yusef Safi - Director General
Head of the organisation
Dr. Yusef Safi - Director General

Bani Naim Charitable Society

National Network
00972 -2 2227130
Telephone (other)
00972 - 2 2227187
00972 2 2218680
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00972 599259101
Mobile Phone (other)
00972 599
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
It was established in 1965 to meet the needs of local commnnity in Bani Naim and surrounding villages in Hebron district. The Society has a public assembly (public members ) about 2200 and administrative committee consists of seven members who are elected every two have 36 employer , our budjet about500000$ from differnt enternational funders, our work take usail activites and concerete project ,Bani Naim Charitable Society through her different activities in the mentioned fields, seeks to develop people’s abilities to fit in to normal and social life facing the ever –changing situatons in all field
Mission and Objectives

mission and vision
The Society works on providing people with services in different aspects such as educational , cultural , social and health services through wide range of programs and activities to improve the different abilities of people to face the ever –increasing changes in life.

Main Projects / Activities

To provide people with culturle ,educational and health services
To motivate children to be smart and skilful which reinforces in novations . Spreading awareness and Knowledge through differents sections of society .
Sharing women in the activities of the siciety and activating her through different training courses.
Helping poor people through delivering different services with little money.
Widening planted area of the village.

Contact (1) Full Name
Islam manasrah
Head of the organisation
mr Islam Manasrah
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Mosa

The Gulf Educational Association (GEA)

National Network
+ 970 8 2886691
+ 970 8 2886692
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+970 59 9783350
Mobile Phone (other)
+970 59 8872226
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
NO. staff 10 Budgetary 226000$ Donars (OFID, NPA, Swiss Agency for Development, UN Office for Humanitarian Aid, AFESD, and other)
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to direct Palestinian, Arab and international energies and potentials both physical and ethical to work on supporting and developing the education sector in all levels in Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

• Contribute to the development of human resources in the education sector in Palestine, to meet future challenges of economic and social growth.
• Contribute to the easing of financial and psychological pressures facing the Palestinian students in various levels of education "basic and higher".
• Contribute to the development of higher education through the promotion and financing of needed rare postgraduate disciplines in Palestine
• Contribute in close cooperation with interested parties to the formulation of a strategic plan for the development of higher education outputs; to fit with the labor market needs in Palestine.
• Advocating the right of every citizen to get high quality education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Hani A. Thuraya (Executive Manager)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohamed K. Abo Jayyb (General Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Said J. Rajab (Projects Manager)

Al Mostaqbal Association for Violence Victims'' Care

National Network

Al Issi Building, 1st floor,Omar Al Mukhtar St. Al Samer area
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Social, legal and providing services for the society.
Mission and Objectives

* Saving Health care to Violence Victims and their families and work to overcome and eliminate the damages.
* Saving treatment and psychological extension for Violence Victims and work to clear away psychological precipitates as a result of violence that practiced over them.
* Increasing Social level for victims and increasing their income through creating job opportunities due to available possibilities.
* Offering legal consultations to Victims and stepping up lawsuits on causal of violence.
* Stepping up the cultural level for Victims and their sons & families through brochures, panels and Programs implementation in related fields, and in our ambitious to establish a center for non-violent studies.
* Increasing the employment opportunities for Palestinian violent victims of both men and women through the vocational training and income generating activities throughout Gaza Strip

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayman Al Sersawi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ayman Al Sersawi