National Network

Avda. de Andalucía 1, (41007)

+34954 979872
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
"We want to help improve opportunities for new generations promoting their talent, supporting culture, and enhancing training and employment in the world of hospitality." Cruzcampo Foundation contributes to the promotion and recognition of Andalusian culture and heritage and promotes the generation of shared wealth through boosting employment-oriented and innovative entrepreneurship programs. The Foundation Cruzcampo Sevilla rehabilitated the old brewhouse historical Cruzcampo factory in Seville, Avda. De Andalucía. With a concert of Spanish music by the group House of the Royal Seville Symphony Orchestra, and attended by several representatives of social economic, political and Andalusian capital, October 27, 1998 the headquarters was opened Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Activities and projects that are constituted as the link between the needs of society and the commitment of the institution.
focus on three areas:
Support culture in Andalusia and promote new expressions as guarantee for the future.
Support and enhance the talent of young people of Andalusia as a tool for transformation and improvement of society.
Train the best professionals for the hospitality industry, with a special focus on youth with difficulties for employment, promoting their employment.

Main Projects / Activities

RED INNPRENDE: the initiative can participate entrepreneurs and startups and SMEs with less than three years or new projects tractor companies that generate value in the Andalusian territory in the agri-food sectors, tourism and hospitality.
Participation is free, funded by the Cruzcampo Foundation.
#TALENTAGE: This is a unique and different experience for those young Andalusian wood leader who want to walk with firm step towards their future.
Through a program of workshops focused on three sessions, this initiative is aimed at the identification, recognition and appreciation of emerging talent in Andalusia. Hand of prominent business leaders, 40 Andalusian universities will have the opportunity to discover the importance of business management, creativity, teamwork, external openness, innovation and leadership models.
SCHOOL HOSPITALITY; The School of Hospitality Foundation Cruzcampo was born in Seville in 2000 and currently has three centers located in Seville, Jaen and Valencia.
Over the past 16 years, they have been formed in all the headquarters of the School of Hospitality Foundation Cruzcampo around 15,000 students from all courses, and have given more than 900 among all existing modalities.
UNIVERSO SANTI: Universe Santi, the first fine dining restaurant in the world attended 100% of people with disabilities, was presented to society in Jerez de la Frontera on Tuesday February 16, where it is planned that this innovative space opens its doors this year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

social and business projects undertaken FOUNDATION CRUZCAMPO in Andalucia, Valencia and Madrid, will bring value to the network and will enable the realization of projects in partnership with other entities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

the objectives and values of the res, align with onjetivos and priorities cruzcampo foundation.
the exchange of best practices, work with other network partners and the ability to share experiences are the reasons why Cruzcampo Foundation wants to join this important network.

Contact (1) Full Name
sol Cruz Guzman
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network


+34 954508201
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Cajasol Foundation, is an Andalusian foundation,  which has more than 20 years working with a common goal: to help the Andalusian society to progress and restore everything we receive from it. Its activities cover all social and business sectors in Andalusia. The Foundation develops numerous congresses, conferences and seminars that are intended to support business Cajasol Foundation activities are defined in 4 areas: entrepreneurship, culture and sport, social action and training. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Activities in order: impetus to the socioeconomic development of Andalusia Conventions, workshops entrepreneurship. Program "a hundred paths to success". (Program to support the start up) CULTURE AND SPORT activities such as exhibitions, music concerts, theater, dance, film and support for sport as an integration tool, is part of this section. These actividaes are complemented by educational programs. SOCIAL ACTION Cajasol Foundation creates plans aimed at promoting social integration and equal opportunities with the aim of achieving a more balanced and just society. The actions are developed generally directed to four groups: elderly, disabled, people in health risk and social exclusion. TRAINING Cajasol Foundation works establishing agreements with universities, creating scholarships and developing a program of own activities or in partnership. Cajasol Studies Institute offers a wide training activity having an experience of over 25 years training professionals. All information of our entity: well as the latest report of activities of the entity ACTIVITIES MEMO FUNDACION CAJASOL: LINK:    
Mission and Objectives

Cajasol Foundation works a staff of professionals specialized in various areas (social project management and development cooperation, cultural activities, administration, communication, etc.) that combine technical skills with social vocation.
In addition Fundacion Cajasol, it has hundreds of partners including institutions, social organizations, associations, universities and foundations.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

cajasol Foundation is one of the largest foundations in Spain
25 years working consolidate it as a reference in the field of social support, business support and promotion of culture and sport.
For this reason, participate in the European network will expand its range and transfer the results of their projects more beneficiaries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The cajasol Foundation is developing a plan of action to develop European projects, allowing to carry out projects with European partners
participate in the network will allow the exchange of best practices and share experiences and results

Contact (1) Full Name
sol Cruz Guzman
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

41 Dobrudja str., entr.B, floor 3, office10
7500 Silistra

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Our NGO has a Management Board of three people, who gather together on a regulas basis to discuss current initiaitves. The organizational activities are funded mainly by grants and contracted services.  Main projects: Our main projects include activities, encouraging the adoption of intercultural education in multi-cultural school environment, funded by EEA grants. We are working with children and young people from multi-ethnic communities and improving their intercultural awareness to inspire empathy and tolerance. At the same time we involve the community teachers in experiential intercultural learning to change their cultural perspective and improve their comptences in dealing with multi-ethnic students.  Our main partners, inlcude: Transperancy International - Bulgaria, Regional Inspectorate-Silistra, Municipal Department of Education and local schools, Ruse University      

Mission and Objectives

Mission:Our NGO unites professionals, supporters and volunteers working for community development, intercultural communication and cooperation and in the areas of human rights, gender equality, intercultural education and sustainable development. Our main goals: 1.Enforcement of European values in civil society; 2.Implementation of new educational programs, encouraging intercultural dialogue and promoting Euro-Med cooperation; 3.Granting chances for young people and supporting their personal development;

Main Projects / Activities

Fields of Activities:1. Educational Integration: ‘Different Kids with equal Rights’ – funded by the EEA Grants The project provides innovative education on children's rights for students, including those from minority groups. It enhances the application of interactive educational tools in order to promote tolerance and multicultural understanding. For this purpose the project also gets together students from different ethnicities and encourages multicultural communication among them. Thus it defends the idea that trainings on children's rights should be performed in multiethnic classes to successfully achieve its goals As a result of its implementation an effective educational model for tolerance, anti-racism and anti-discriminatory behavior will be tested and promoted among children living in isolated communities, but studying in mixed ethnic groups by using a specialized methodology. ‘We succeed together due to our diversity’ - funded by OP Human resources via Development Center for educational Integration of children and young people from minorities, Ministry of Education (2014-2015) The project aims to promote the integration of children and youth from different communities in the Municipal sports school "Drustar" by introducing an educational program on intercultural education in the school curriculum. For this we cooperated with the school sports teachers to define a set of certain tools, which were included in the classroom curriculum as ice-breakers, warming up or teambuilding stimulus. The project activities promoted tolerance and respect in the whole school life through the conversion of ethno-cultural diversity into a source of mutual understanding and cooperation. ‘A quality education for all’ - funded by OP Human resources via Development Center for educational Integration of children and young people from minorities, Ministry of Education (2015-2016) The aim of the project proposal is to ensure equal access to quality education for children and students from ethnic minorities in its central primary school "Hristo Botev", Alfatar Municipality. Project activities introduce innovative educational organization of educational process using modern audio-lingual method for teaching a second language, as well as the methodology and themes of Global Education. 2. Youth Activities ‘European Youth Network Antennas - Europe 2020’ – funded by ‘Youth in Action’ 2015 The main objective of the project ‘European Youth Network Antennas - Europe 2020’ is to train and motivate groups of young people (aged 16 – 30) to develop and create a sustainable network of European Youth antennas in five areas of North Bulgaria / Veliko Tarnovo, Razgrad, Targovishte, Shumen, Silistra /. Through interactive educational module for distance training and career development Europe 2020, the young participants receive and maintain current knowledge and exchange of information related to European values, opportunities for education and work, knowledge and skills for self-development . The project builds a sustainable network of active youth groups to exchange information, to participate in joint youth initiatives and to carry the European perspective and opportunities in communities in different types of settlements. Paralel-Silistra coordinates the youth activities in Silistra region. Integration activities with the ‘Youth Forum’ - Silistra funded by the Municipality of Silistra (2013-2015) Together with the Municipality of Silistra we plan and implement annual trainings to promote educational integration and tolerant coexistence among ethnic communities in the region. In 2014-2015 we developed and provided a set of trainings to raise awareness on diversity issues and the behavioral impact of stereotyping as well as to encourage youth entrepreneurship. Examples of the first include: ‘Me and my rights’, ‘Tolerance, communication and Internet’, ‘Stereotypes and media’. All these trainings use interactive educational methods, which emotionally involve the participants in the explored topics and question their perceptions and understandings of culture, social status and division among ethnic groups. In 2015 we also established cooperation with the Junior Achievement Entrepreneurship Programme on school level by supporting and participating in the ‘Manager for one day’ in Silistra. 3. Training and Expert Activities ‘Index of local integrity system in Bulgaria’ - financed by the Foundation ‘America for Bulgaria’ NGO "Parallel - Silistra" is a partner of the Association "Transparency without borders" for the implementation of the ‘Index of local integrity system in Bulgaria" in Silistra. The monitoring report covers the municipalities of all 28 regional centers. As a result yearly index of local integrity system will be assembled, discussed and published in order to improve the local governance system. ‘National Rural Network – Silistra’ – funded by the National Rural Network via Ministry of Agriculture and Food In 2013-2015 NGO ‘Parallel Silistra’ was a coordinator of the National Rural Network in Silistra region, as a partner of the National Rural Network, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. This partnership enhanced the discussion and identification process of the priorities for rural development, the changes that should be made to the current policy in order to improve the impact of its implementation. The cooperation achieved excellent results in improving the dialogue with civil society, expanding participation in decision-making and in the process of planning, programming, monitoring and implementation of the policy for rural development. Partnership with the NGO "Local Action Group - Isperih" - funded by the relevant contract with Ministry of Agriculture and Food In 2014-2015 NGO "Parallel Silistra" was a partner of the NGO "Local Action Group - Isperih" for developing, organizing and conducting information meetings and happenings. The activities were carried out within the local development strategy – Isperih, under a contract with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Teachers’ Trainings – funded by different sources In 2014 -2015 the NGO provided a set of TOTs for teachers on topics like: ‘Improving presentation skills’, ‘Global Education – Why and How’ and ‘Improving Teachers’ Intercultural Competence’. 4. Euro-Med Cooperation under Erasmus Plus - we have developed partnership projects with NGOs from the Euro-Med region, which were submitted for funding under Erasmus Plus.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We intend to contribute to ALF Network in Bulgaria by: 1.Promoting its objectives and initiatives, 2. Establsihing partnerships with entities from the Euro-Med region; 3. Designing and implementing joint project activities in the Euro-Med region, in fields which are essential for peaceful co-existence among nattions: Intercultural training for youth and adults, Human Rights and Co-existence; Cross-border development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the last years our NGO has been targeted at working internationally and establishing partnerships with other civil society organizations in EU and non-EU countries, like Romania, Greece, Turkey and Italy. Thus by joining the ALF Network we intend to build up cooperation with partners from the MED countries and jointly work on designing, implementing and exchanging intercultural trainings in order to share common values and improve our communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Nedelcheva Bebenova-Nikolova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Diana Nedelcheva Bebenova-Nikolova
Contact (2) Full Name
Tsvetelina Manolova

Rahela Jurković

National Network

Vukoviceva 5
10000 Zagreb

+385 98 922 8805
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
I graduated history of art and French language and literature from the Zagreb University. I also hold three master degrees: one in marketing and two in European studies (the last one obtained from the College of Europe, Brugge-Natolin). I have many years of experience working in international development cooperation and EU programmes/projects. Currently I am a doctoral student of cultural anthropology and my area of research is integration of refugees into Croatian society.
Mission and Objectives

My goal is to meet new people from the Mediterranean region and the European Union with whom I could cooperate in the areas of cultural understanding, migration, integration of refugees, protection of human rights, as well as in other areas that overlap with the aims of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation.

Main Projects / Activities

I initiated and developed a workshop on intercultural learning in Croatia in 201. It was funded by the EU and gathered participants from Bulgaria, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Turkey and the UK. I was also involved in other intercultural projects. My publications related to intercultural projects are 2 papers: „How to keep learners motivated and excited in technology enhanced learning” and “How to motivate adult learners through e-learning" - both written with two colleagues/researchers from the UK and Sweden. I have also participated in the 2nd Alexandria Education Convention organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation in December 2012 in Alexandria, Egypt.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I will regularly attend the meetings of the Croatian Network and will participate in its activities wherever my skills and knowledge proves to be useful to the Network.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I have already participated in the ALF network through a membership of a Croatian company where I worked until 1st April 2016. I think that this Network is very important for gathering people all over the Mediterranean and Europe who share common values and who can make that the whole Euro-Mediterranean area is a better place for life to all of us.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rahela Jurković
Head of the organisation
Rahela Jurković


National Network

TILLT AB, Packhusplatsen 2
41113 Gothenburg

+46 (0)31-60 82 10
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

TILLT is a social enterprise specialized in linking together the cultural/creative sector with other sectors of society, acting as an intermediary catalyst for sustainable growth, radical innovation, and mind-set change, working with artistic interventions as a method. TILLT is owned by association Skådebaban Västra Götaland, itself a chapter of the national association Riksskådebanan. TILLT employees 5 people full time: 1 director and 4 employees with different thematic responsibilities.

As possible to see on the yearly published activity and financial reports, TILLT has a yearly budget of around 500.000€, consisting of private income from independent customers, grants from regional and national authorities, and temporary projects financed by the EU or other international bodies. TILLT focus is almost exclusively on implementation of development projects, occasionally producing seminars as part of international cooperation projects, or as conclusion/public activities of implemented projects.

TILLT, through its parent association, also has a group of member organisations, comprised of companies, working places, non-profit organisations and cultural institutions from the whole region of Västra Götaland.    

Mission and Objectives

TILLT helps organizations/communities to explore creativity and innovation in several social arenas. This way, new ideas, a new approach to a particular issue or perhaps on the entire organization is created. TILLT gives artists the opportunity to work with their artistic approach and practices in other non-artistic sectors and new social contexts. Artists working in all art forms are trained and specialized in seeing things from a new perspective, twisting and turning questions to find new solutions. By developing and implementing projects in which art meets societal issues, TILLT moves the aesthethics and creativity of the arts into new social arenas and thereby develops both art and society.

Why? TILLT´s mission is to support the development of individuals, organizations and society. We want art and culture to have a bigger role in society and societal development, and thus create a better and more creative world.

How? TILLT curates projects in which artists and organisations meet to develop creative and innovative processes, around topics such as communication, innovation development, idea generation, leadership, values and diversity, many times focusing on sustainable development and societal issues, e.g. diversity and intercultural dialogue, gender equality and human rights, environmental action, etc.

What? Our projects can run from just a few hours to a year, or more. In our projects, we create individual, organisational, and artistic development. A process leader follows and supports the process.

Main Projects / Activities

TILLT's activities during the past few years have been focused on art and culture as tools in social development. TILLT implements TILLT 25-50 projects annually, where artists meet societal challenges of various kinds.

TILLT is responsible for initiating projects, finding the relevant challenges, the client/partners, the financing and matching of the right artist to the process. TILLT curates and leads the process, and oversees quality control of the implementation, also guiding the agreement on the action plan, monitoring and planning, documentation, and planning for future developments. TILLT also works internationally and has led or participated in a dozen EU or SI-funded projects.

TILLT today has an extensive international network and partners around the applications, development and implementation projects in several countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ola Wirtberg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ola Wirtberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Mebius-Schröder
Job Title (2)
Project Leader

One dream pour le développement durable

National Network

401 rue moulay slimane azib derai Safi
46000 SAFI

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
One Dream est une association qui travaille dans le dommaine de reforcement des capacités des jeunes dans différents domaines  
Mission and Objectives

La mission : L'investissement dans le capital humain à travers les formations et l'encadrement.
Les objectifs : Renforcement des capacités des jeunes

Main Projects / Activities

Nous avons mis en pratique plusieurs projets ;
Un programme de formation dans le domaine informatique
Un projet de l'orientation scolaire et du développement personnel au profit des lycéens

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A travers le partage 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour améliorer et développer nos compétences 

Contact (1) Full Name
adil kassabi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
othmane charki
Job Title (2)
secretaire général

Action Art/Εικαστική Δράση

National Network

Filikis Eterias 33
54621 Thessaloniki

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information

Action Art/Eikastiki Drasi is a non-profit civil association, founded in 2009 by people with experience and knowledge in the field of the art of narration, of education, and in the development of voluntary work in social and cultural issues. Their motivation for the founding of the body was their vision to contribute to the revival and propagation of Global Heritage, namely fairy tales, the democratization of Art, contributing to the encouragement of cultural and social participation of children, youngsters, and adults, to the development of voluntary action, and to the exchange of experiences and information in order to promote non-formal and informal learning. Some of our actions include training, seminars, educational programs, and performances. For the materialization of the above we cooperate with groups or individuals, bodies and NGOs in Greece and abroad. The funding of the programs and actions in progress derives from the members’ contribution, donations, and sponsorships by other bodies such as the Municipality or by the private sector etc.

Mission and Objectives

• The propagation of Oral Heritage, and the contribution to the restoration of the social and pedagogical function of the fairy tale • The propagation of the non-formal and informal learning • Young people’s encouragement to participate in cultural creation • The development of actions for vulnerable groups • The promotion of multicultural projects for foreign young people, and immigrants aiming at the building of communication, solidarity, and peaceful coexistence • The promotion of the importance of volunteering • The contribution to the forming of a strategy for the political groups of the young in Greece • The development of cooperation between bodies, and NGOs in Greece or in

Main Projects / Activities

Projects in Greece: • Τhere is experience in planning and setting of narration festivals which include multilingual narration, performances, seminars, and round tables. • Narrations, and visual educational projects at schools, museums, other bodies, and NGOs • Teachers’ training in fairy tale narration • Participation in festivals with narrations and workshops • Participation with multilingual narrations, workshops, and lectures in festivals, conventions and symposia on Multilingualism Cooperation with bodies and networks of other countries: • Participation in International Fairy Tales Festivals • Cooperation with foreign narrators in order to organize seminars on Narrator Training • Cooperation with the Ateliers de la rue Raisin, a NGO into programs and actions to propagate Global Oral Heritage, Art, and the non-formal and informal learning

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With activities such as • The promotion and dissemination of the World Intangible Heritage Narrative Art, and the furtherance of the value of personal and collective creative expression through the Arts. • The planning and materialization of seminars, reeducation, workshops festivals, performances, and other forms of activities such as Multicultural training programs for children and adults, research programs, and material collection, study, and publication. Promotion of non-formal and informal learning, developing activities for vulnerable groups. • Multilingual narrations with the participation of foreigners, immigrants, students, volunteers narrating in their mother tongue. • Foreigners and immigrants’ participation in the Action Art/Eikastiki Drasi programs through exchange programs or invitations. Action Art/ Eikastiki Drasi participation in other countries programs. • The development of cooperation between bodies or NGOs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because the cooperation of bodies of different countries contributes to the promotion of communication, ideas, views, and experiences exchange among peoples. It contributes instrumentally to the knowing, the designation of similarities and differences, and the elimination of stereotypes. It leads to extroversion, creative communication, tolerance, and creative cohabitation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rodanthi Dimitresi
Job Title
story-teller, artiste
Head of the organisation
Rodanthi Dimitresi
Contact (2) Full Name
Evgenia Simeonidou
Job Title (2)

Association des Voyageurs Tunisiens

National Network

Pas de local

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

L’Association des Voyageurs Tunisiens est une association à but non lucratif qui s’appuie sur des principes de neutralité confessionnelle, politique et syndicale. Elle cherche à réunir les passionnés de voyages et d’aventures afin de favoriser les échanges d’informations pour permettre à chacun de mieux préparer son périple et, au retour, de communiquer son expérience. Son local sera d’une part un club et d’autre part un centre de documentation. Il constituera un gîte du voyageur où seront organisés des soirées projections, des débats et des ateliers voyages. L’association vise, à l'instar des grandes associations internationales en la matière, à organiser le festival du voyageur et à éditer un magazine.

Mission and Objectives

L'association est animée par de nombreux bénévoles qui se retrouvent dans ses valeurs. Ils mettent leurs différents savoir-faire à son service de chez eux, ou lors de ses évènements. Ses orientations sont proposées par un conseil d’administrateurs bénévoles et adoptées en Assemblée Générale. L’association cherchera, à travers des conventions de partenariats avec les associations tunisiennes et étrangères actives dans les domaines touristique, écologique et patrimonial, à promouvoir la culture et les voyages favorisant la relation, l’échange et le dialogue entre les citoyens du monde.

Main Projects / Activities

L’AVT propose à ses membres les activités suivantes : - Journées culturelles, - Randonnées et campings, - Sorties culturelles, - Voyages culturels à l’étranger, - Soirées projections de films de voyageurs, - Encadrement de voyageurs, - Education au voyage à travers des ateliers thématiques.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Participer aux appels à propositions de ALF Network - Organiser des activités en commun avec le ALF Network visant à la concrétisation et à la réalisation des objectifs visés

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Les objectifs de ALF Network définissent le champ d'activité de notre association

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire général

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Margherita Sport e Vita

National Network

Via Pietro Mascagni 1
76016 Margherita di Savoia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
ASD Margherita Sports and Vita (MSV) has been appointed to carry out one of the most important missions of any modern city; to create conditions for the development of the sports activity of the inhabitants of Margherita di Savoia and its surrounding territory. Every year, many implement various projects are to enjoy the sport to thousand of young athletes from 5 to 18 years of Margherita di Savoia. That we organize events bring many fans of physical activity especially in the growth of the cultures of youth basketball. We organize thousand of free recreational activities, all of which can benefit everyone, regardless of age or ability. We are equipped with urban infrastructure outdoor / indoor, thus creating aesthetic and functional space for sports. That we realize international projects allow us to exchange experience with major European countries. Constantly we face popularize sports Margherita di Savoia in Italy and in the world. P I C NUMBER 943543833 Type of organisation : Non profit organization VAT 07259610728 Fiscal Code 90026630716 Commercial orientation : Not for profit Scope : European Legal Status : Private Economic sector : Third  sector Size (staff) Staff : 1 to 20 Size (pupils/learners/trainees) : 90 pupils – 3 trainers Budget : 25000-29000  
Mission and Objectives

-The contribution to the regional development and the widening of opportunities for the local community. In this frame, our sectors of activity includes all aspects that are related with the viable growth, the trans-regional collaboration, the professional training and the social cohesion.
- Contribution to the preparation of analyzes and studies for the training of teachers and students through inter-school partnerships; probing activities and cooperation between trainers of the Italian Basketball Federation and Basketball school teachers.
-The planning, the preparation and the realization of actions that aim to the reduction of social inequalities.
-Introduction, planning and management of new proposals that are subsidized by the European Union or by other European and international organisms.
-Realization of programs of prevention and information that aim to the achievement of the welfare state, for the support and reconstruction of basic social institutions as the family, the educational community, etc.
-Participation to any kind of voluntary organizations (national, European, cross-border, international).
-Development of studies, provision of educational support to vulnerable social groups, enterprises, educational and administrative staff, aiming at the promotion of scientific knowledge sports, pedagogic and social research.
- Organization of seminars and debates in the field school, Sport and Youth Nutrition.

Main Projects / Activities

EASME/COSME AcTES 55+ 01/2015 676735 MSV BASKET (IT)
ERASMUS+KA2 E-KEYS+ 04/2015 1256946 MSV BASKET (IT)
ERASMUS+ SPORT DECA 05/2015 567188-EPP-1-2015-2-DE-SPO-SCP Der Senator fur Inneres und Sport(GER)
EASME/COSME AcTES 55+ 06/2015 699564 MSV BASKET (IT)
ERASMUS+KA1 Sport activities for social inclusion 02/2016 2016-1-BG01-KA105-023340 Association Children’s Sport(BG)
ERASMUS+KA2 – Western Balkan NoCBoH 02/2016 573246-EPP-1-2016-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBY-WB Kosarkaski Savez Grada Nisa(SY)
ERASMUS+KA2 ICCPWE 03/2016 1353956 PROVET llc(TK)
ERASMUS+KA2 Lavander Garden in Yuntdagi 03/2016  Yunusemre Municipality
ERASMUS+ SPORT WINNERS 05/2016 579862-EPP-1-2016-2-IT-SPO-SCP Municipality of Trani (IT)
ERASMUS+ SPORT SCP EYBF 05/2016 579628-EPP-1-2016-1-EL-SPO-SSCP Union of Halkidiki Basketball Clubs (GR)
ERASMUS+ SPORT P.L.A.Y 05/2016 579831-EPP-1-2016-2-FI-SPO-SCP Fimu ry (FI)
ERASMUS+ SPORT SCP Get Fit 05/2016 579638-EPP-1-2016-1-SI-SPO-SSCP Zavod TREND-PRIMA Maribor (SI)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For young people Margherita di Savoia and its surrounding area ensures an adequate quality and a wide range of school and extracurricular sports activities, and an opportunity for adults to spend their free time actively. The city, within the own budget, also supports sports clubs, both professional and amateurs, sports training funds for children and young people, and successfully organizes competitions of different levels in many disciplines.
Margherita di Savoia has earned the title of the sports community; because of not only supporting sports initiatives eagerly, but also for the repute it created the perfect conditions for their implementation. The town for many years has been carrying out a project of construction and upgrading sports facilities. As a result, every year we open large complexes as well as small multifunctional school pitches. Below, we present with pride and joy the largest investments made in Margherita di Savoia in the last few years.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

MSV wants develop intercultural relations, heritage, religion, research, human rights, democracy and community development, arts, youth and education, gender, environment and sustainable development, and media. MSV has been engaged in project supporting social integration of all citizens including marginalized, disadvantaged persons, people with disabilities and immigrants. Through trainings, workshops and seminars the organization has reached out to vulnerable social groups and communities including school children and youth activating them to take part in sports activities. Our activities have helped to reduce the social inequalities and has supported the integration of all participants in social groups. MSV has linked schools with sports organization and has involved local decision makers such as local departments of Municipalities, Regional Government Institutions in promoting and sustaining sports activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Spartaco Grieco
Job Title
EU Project Sport Manager
Head of the organisation
Spartaco Grieco

Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy

National Network

02Rue Somaa Mourouj5 –Ben Arous Tunis
2047 Mourouj

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Religion
  5. Research
General Information
Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy (FHIRD) is an independent non-profit international Tunisian NGO based in Tunis. It is an academic body of research that works at the both national and international levels in fields such as research, training, consultancy in issues of media, democracy and politics as well as democratic changes. In order to reach our goals, we are willing to work with different research and scientific bodies, governmental and non govermental organizations and associations that show similar interests and specialities according to the requirements of these domains. Our institute publishes research studies and reports, organises trainings, conferences and workshops that are open to experts and common people. The institute also organises and supervises an annual polls project as part of our attempt and contribution in facilitating the democratic process and helping in the establishment of democratic institutions. It is an initiative developed by a group of Tunisian young civil society activists, teachers and thinkers
Mission and Objectives

We seek to :
-Promote concepts of democracy and active citizenship.
-Control elections and support democratic changes.
-Guarantee the transparency of the administrative and financial behaviour and resist its corruption
-Support efforts invested to make the democractic transition successful and achieve transitional justice.
-Disseminate the culture of corruption resistance.
-Promote and work on human and women rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Fields of work :
Democracy/Active citizenship
Human rights
Women rights .
Conflict resolution
Intercultural dialogue
Religious harmony
How we work :
We seek to reach our goals through youth exchange programs, discussions, conferences and studies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Amine Kouki
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Amine KOUKI