National Network

8 Borochov St
Tel Aviv 61999

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
ZUMU aims to fill the gap of cultural access and participation in underprivileged communities in the country. It is a diverse cultural hub, conceived as a moving museum (the first in Israel) built entirely of shipping containers, that reaches a new city every three months. It brings the best of Israel's contemporary art scene to the country's peripheries, and develops and operates cultural participatory projects with the objective of engaging the communities it visits, collaborating to enhancing their cultural capital, promoting their values, identity and artistic creativity. The organization has a staff of seven people, and is currently looking for funding in order to launch its activities in the spring of 2017, in the Negev. We are proud of having as our partners the municipalities of Sderot and Yeruham, the Matnassim of Yeruham, OutBox and Tnuat Or. We have pending fundings from The Beracha Foundation, Negev Placemaking Challenge and UNESCO.
Mission and Objectives

ZUMU believes that a museum is a place to be creative, to be inspired and to connect to others. ZUMU will visit a collection of locations around Israel which lie on Israel’s seamline of social issues. By placing an emphasis on people, ​ZUMU seeks out locations that can bring together different socio-­economic classes, religions and ethnicities and will serve as a symbol of coexistence in each of its locations.
ZUMU seeks to:
- To provide access to contemporary arts and participatory arts education to the children and youth of Israel’s periphery;
- To build channels of access and collaboration between periphery arts organizations and artists and leading Israeli arts professionals and institutions;
- To create accessible, sustainable cultural experiences which cross socio­economic, religious and ethnic divides in Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

ZUMU seeks to flip the traditional role of the museum and its participants, inviting each city to become the host of this ambitious and exciting project. In its cargo containers, adapted in order to become art laboratories, especially commissioned artworks will be displayed, inviting people to partake into an adventurous cultural and contemporary art journey.
Besides the museum, ZUMU consists of four sub-projects, which altogether collaborate to enhance local cultural capital and promote coexistence, heritage conservation, artistic creativity and individual empowerment. They are: “Time Capsule”, an on-going documentary of Israel’s periphery, through the digital catalogue of artifacts, brought by the project’s participants from their own homes, which translate into culture and heritage significance; “What’s Your Story”, that works with children, youth and adults in order to develop their writing tools, aiming the production of original stories which will turn into theater plays featuring professional actors; “Community Container”, a designated container which displays local artists’ works, and the “Public Program”, a lively multicultural platform for individuals of all ages, which invites the audience to participate in events and activities connected to multi-disciplinary forms of art and culture expressions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Given that the path to an inclusive socio-economic development is substantially rooted in culture, which includes diverse value systems, traditions and beliefs, ZUMU acts bringing together different socio-economic classes, religions and ethnicities, providing the space for equal representation of belittled cultures in the Israeli society, serving as a symbol of (and working towards) coexistence.
We believe that ZUMU can strongly contribute to enriching the dialogue about coexistence in Israel, and culture as an essential part of inclusive socio-economic development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that participating in a forum whose members carry such different experiences and operate in diverse backgrounds can definitely contribute to our learning from their practices, and understand the intrinsec aspects of being a non-profit in Israel. Also, participating in a network with like-minded groups can help us improve our potential to serve more people more effectively.

Contact (1) Full Name
Patricia Casoy Inbar
Job Title
Resource Development Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Milana Gitzin Adiram

Romsko društvo Romani kafenava dobrota, socialno podjetje

National Network

Gorkega ulica 34
2000 Maribor

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
Romani kafenava dobrota is an association, responsible for the first Roma restaurant in EU, called Romani kafenava.
Mission and Objectives

Employing people with disadvantages or people with fewer opportunities (Roma people).

Main Projects / Activities

First Roma restaurant in EU with the unique Roma cuisine.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mario Mehmedović
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mario Mehmedović, representative

EPEKA Scientific and Research Association, Social Enterprise

National Network

Koroška cesta 8
2000 Maribor

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
EPEKA Scientific and Research Association was established in 2008 as a union of associations. The association was primarily founded to integrate creators in the fields of culture, art, education, science, and technology for the project European Capital of Culture 2012 in Maribor. EPEKA´s main activites are exhibitions in EPEKA Gallery, education and social entrepreneurship. In 2014 a sister organisation of EPEKA; EPEKA Türkiye, was opened in Sinop, Turkey. EPEKA now has sister organisations in Austria, Czech republic, Armenia and Serbia.
Mission and Objectives

The mission and aims are grounded in the interdisciplinary approach of art and science on a local, regional, and international level, with the focus on Slovene culture in the context of a global crossroads. The main targeted fields are: music, visual arts, ecology, education, youth programmes, and social entrepreneurship.

Main Projects / Activities

The premises of the association also offer a gallery space known as EPEKA Gallery. Works by Jernej Forbici (SLO), Bojana Radulovič (MNE), Marko Lipuš (SLO), and others have been on display there.
In 2013 a major exhibition, entitled Intergenerational Comics Exhibition – Together for a Better Living, was opened and hosted 50 adult and 50 young artists. The exhibition was a part of an international EU-funded project coordinated by Info Project from Romania involving 11 organisations from various countries (Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom).
In 2014 EPeKa was invited to co-curate 100 years in the Balkans – The comic strip in resistance with Stripforum from Zagreb, an exhibition conducted in partnership with Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée and the Bosnian Cultural Center from Sarajevo and Stripartnica Buch. This most significant exhibition on comics from the region, which also features Slovene comics, is on display at the Belgian Comic Strip Center in Brussels. The exhibition features artists from former Yugoslavia: Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia (featuring artists Kostja Gatnik, Miki Muster, Tomaž Lavrič, Zoran Smiljanić, Iztok Sitar, Jelko Peternelj).
In 2015 and 2016 EPEKA GAllery has hosted several exhibitions of several deifferents artist: Selma Selman (BiH), Alan Kosmač (SLO), Marjan Amalietti (SLO), Serena Luna Raggi (ITA), Stojan Grauf (SLO).
The association is also concerned with socially engaged education, especially when it comes to marginal social groups. In the past it has organised several workshops, lectures, and projects aimed at an inclusive approach for local and international protagonists (such as English lessons for Roma, intercultural dialogue, lessons of Romani language, etc.).
The education projects are closely related with the European Volunteer Service (EVS), an organisation with which EPEKA extensively collaborates. Among other sources, EPEPEKA is also financed through institutions that promote European mobility and education: the Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS), MOVIT – a Service for the Promotion of Youth Mobility, and the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund.
Social entrepreneurship
The most well-known EPEKA´s project is Romani kafenava, the first Roma restaurant in Slovenia, which opened its doors in 2014. The project was supported by the EU Social Fund and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Rights of the Republic of Slovenia.
Other projects include lectures and debates on social economy, the destigmatisation of vulnerable social groups, and other relevant themes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Štefan Simončič
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr Štefan Simončič, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Matej Tisaj
Job Title (2)


National Network

18 Miltiadou str
10596 Athens

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Aephoria.net is a sustainable-business education and incubation program for startup companies operating in Greece. Its goal is to help entrepreneurs transform their dreams into good business with a positive economic, environmental, and social impact.

Mission and Objectives

Provide participating startups with education that will enable them to create scalable and replicable business models that have a positive impact on the environment and society. Foster an ever-growing network of sustainability-minded people and companies with deep connections into markets, technologies, and funding. Contribute passionately to the creation of thriving economic, employment, and social conditions in Greece.

Main Projects / Activities

We foster an ever-growing network of people and companies, so that our startups always have access to a wide opportunity of deal flow. After completing the Aephoria.net program, our alumni are better prepared to secure capital and have the necessary foundations for growing a profitable and sustainable business.   Blue Growth   http://bluegrowth.gr/

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Great ideas need the right support system to grow into great products and services. We provide workspaces with modern equipment and strong internet access, in addition to free legal and accounting consultancy. Each company in the Program receives mentoring from our network of professionals. New opportunity flows are necessary to create fast-growing businesses. Being part of Aephoria.net means being a lifelong partner in our network of individuals and companies committed to sustainability. This enables our teams to reach out across the network and secure deal flow with customers, partnerships, or venture capital. We provide knowledge that will help shape business plans through our deep experience in triple-bottom-line business strategy, strong corporate identities and effective communication strategies. A good business model that scales and has strong market potential is critical to startup success. Equaly important, is designing processes for zero waste to fit the restorative, circular economy we envision for the future. We believe that innovative entrepreneurship can solve the world’s resource, economic and social issues, and that Greece is well-positioned to lead this change. The complex economic situation combined with our natural resources makes our entrepreneurs very well equipped to tackle issues of restarting the Greek economy through better, sustainable business practices. Efficiency, transparency, and trust are the core values by which we run the Aephoria.net Program.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to share out vision with also the organisation of ALF network and support sustainable entrepreneurship development and job creation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreas Stefanidis
Job Title
Accelerator Director
Head of the organisation
Petros Kokkalis
Contact (2) Full Name
Stamatia Giasirani
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Blue Umbrella for training and community development

National Network

Amman, Al-Rabieh circle, building number (11), second floor

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Blue Umbrella strives to provide the necessary support to these people who are so desperately in need of employment, education, and hope. Number of staff employed and/or partners: 5 Full-Time Positions, 2 Internship, 2 Freelance Target group: (1) Local nonprofit organization (2) Youth activists' (3)Community leaders  
Mission and Objectives


Strengthens the capacity of local community’ and provides a platform for Jordanian youth and civil society organizations to engage and collaborate with the global community in order to achieve harmony, unity, and prosperity in Jordan.
Build civil society of underdevelopment areas affected by the impact of asylum through capacitybuildingand development for local nonprofits and build networks of peers and promote resource sharing to drive effectively all civil society components in order to maximize their positive change in the community, in turn generating more resources for local nonprofits.
Civil society organization are fully integrated, and strengthened through partnership between of our partners in the Private and Public Sectors, as well as International Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations.

Building and development and expansion of projects and programs that provide by Blue Umbrella Group are the result of the constant balance between the needs of the participating individuals, the collective as a whole, and our surrounding community, within cooperation between of our partners in the Private and Public Sectors, as well as International Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations we are confident we can achieve this goal of growth, peace, and ultimate success in the region affected by the impact of asylum.

Main Projects / Activities

We seek to help local nonprofit organizations and young individuals to develop and enhance their capabilities and other core functions that nonprofits and causes desperately need, but often lack. Through offering :
1. Workspace
2. Legal training and access.
3. IT and Media assistance.
4. Development seminars and classes
5. Grant writing
6. HR and networking opportunities for nonprofit staff and volunteers.
In order to achieve such capacity building and development, Blue Umbrella Group has started a partnership with the American Refugees Community (ARC) to:
1. Build capacity for Blue Umbrella Group itself.
2. Design, develop and partner with Blue Umbrella Group in Jordan to implement the capacity building programs.
We help nonprofits develop and enhance their capabilities and other core functions, through offering workspace, classes, trainings, seminars, webinars and networking opportunities to nonprofit staff and volunteers. Local nonprofits count on Blue Umbrella Group to increase their knowledge and improve their skills and know-how with quality educational experiences.
For youth activists and community leaders, we provides toolkits for starting their own initiative, support, training, consulting and Legal-Logistic sponsorship services for community activists to help them become as efficient and effective so long as they are passionate about their missions. They may also receive free and discounted services and access valuable resources. Help with everything from governance and leadership, to mission, vision and strategic planning
Blue Umbrella Group seek to create useful links, both within and among communities, organizations, and societies, in order to mobilize resources and achieve various goals.
Blue Umbrella Group will connect private and public sector partners, as well as international organizations and non-governmental organizations that are capable and interested in the development field, assistance needs, as well as vulnerable members of impacted communities.  It will build bridges and enhance communication with civil society affected by the impact of asylum.
In order to achieve the networking and share resources program, Blue Umbrella will undertake three projects:
Annual networking Umbrella
The Annual Networking Umbrella offers annual networking opportunities for international development, international leadership and community leaders as well as member education for personal and business development. Through our panel discussions, interviews with leaders, topic-specific breakout sessions and establishment of  new contacts, participants are able to both learn from industry experts and explore solutions with potential partners.
Compass interactive community
A flexible and stylish participatory mapping platform, to promote an online community devoted to the sharing of ideas and information regarding the programs and projects which are provided by local organizations. This visualizes and pinpoints development shortages and performance degradation.
The Compass has facilitated consultation on a variety of projects including service-learning projects, neighborhood planning, and local sustainable development.
Compass interactive community is a series of engaging and informative live events addressing issues in areas affected by the impact of asylum, including poverty, education, unemployment, dialog and peace building. Each event is free and open to the public and offers an opportunity to participate in a solution-driven conversation on the challenges and potential solutions to these pressing issues.
This helps to proactively identify the development process or business services that need immediate attention and start resolving the problems . These community maps can encourage dialogue and collaboration across sectors, within organizations, or amongst communities.
We have Organized the Compass interactive community geographically to find out not just the specific problematic, development but also where it is located visually.
International cultural house
From the mission of Blue Umbrella Group we aim also to strengthen communities, and foster civic responsibility and engagement through service. Service-learning is an educational method that intentionally connects community service to classroom learning, and is expected to provide;
•    Deeper understanding of community needs to both  youths and adults.
•    Greater awareness of issues in the community and development of a sense of responsibility to solve those issues.
•    Exposure  to diverse communities therefore dispelling misconceptions.
•    An increase of social responsibility.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Jordan, in recent years, has become home to millions of displaced citizens/refugees of surrounding countries who are seeking safety and stability. These refugees include women, children, various religions, races, and ethnicities. Today, 40% of Jordan’s population is displaced citizens of neighboring countries, placing a heavy burden on the economy and social structure of the country, requiring assistance with food, medicine, shelter, and education for the young. In reality, the majority of this growing number of refugees is largely attributed to the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the conflicts of neighboring countries like Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq. The amount of time that these conflicts may continue is unknown, and the extremist movement’s continued attempts to recruit the teen and young adult aged refugees is of increasing concern.
All of the aforementioned events have had a burden on the Jordanian government, both country-wide and local, as well as private organizations who have worked in the field. The majority of the efforts made by these international organizations and government programs have been on the refugee camps and the displaces citizens residing there, with little to no help extended to the hundreds of thousands living in slums on the outskirts, or those living in remote border areas. Those who have been left continue to face extreme difficulties in their work, and daily lives, yet live peaceably with the local populations.
The organizations in place have failed to provide support to those people and it has affected the cultural, and social well-being of both themselves, and the inhabitants of the surrounding villages and rural dwellings. Initial arguments were the limited resources that are available, as well as the social fallout that has resulted from so many being without proper employment, education, or shelter such as prostitution, rape, and involuntary servitude. Blue Umbrella strives to provide the necessary support to these people who are so desperately in need of employment, education, and hope.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sharing experiences and networking.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Hussien Al Tarawneh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohammad Hussien Altarawneh

Rede Inducar

National Network

Rua da Fábrica Social SN
4000-201 Porto

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Inducar is a cooperative organization with 17 members.  Inducar have an anual budget of 20000,00€. Our principal sources of funding are financied projets (nacional and european funds) and services. Inducar is a training and consultancy organization specialised in the field of non-formal education. In the past years we have worked with a variety of clients and partners at national and international level – from public administration to the private and non-for-profit sector.  Our work is to design, implement and evaluate training strategies and learning processes.
Mission and Objectives

Inducar - organisation for the promotion of non formal learning and social integration is an international agent operating in the context of partnerships and networks for an integrated society, based on the empowerment of the individual person, in a culture of collective responsibility and mutual learning. We take on the mission to contribute, in articulation with others, through a diversity of innovative and quality responses, for the facilitation of processes oriented to the transformation of attitudes. 

Main Projects / Activities

The core of our action is the development of organisations, their human capital and the public's in general. Inducar conceptualizes, develops, implements and assesses projects directed to governmental, third sector, and private organisations (http://www.inducar.pt/portfolio). We offer know-how and expertise in areas such as Non Formal Learning / Education, Human Rights Education, Cultural Diversity, Gender Balance, Citizenship and Participatory Democracy. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We take on the mission to contribute, in articulation with others, through a diversity of innovative and quality responses, for the facilitation of processes oriented to the transformation of attitudes. We hope contribute to this network with our expertise and contacts. We also have a strong knowledge of the social and cultural portuguese reality that can be useful.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are align with the ALF Network principles. Mostly are very envolved with the subjects that ALF Networks wants to work out. We will be very please to join this network and help to disseminate is work. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Susana Constante Pereira
Job Title
President of the board
Head of the organisation
Susana Constante Pereira

association victoire pour femme rurale

National Network

شارع احمد التليلي سيدي بوزيد 9100
سيدي بوزيد

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
durant 2013, notre association a suivi une stratégie basée sur la formation d'un cadre associatif parmi nos membres pour cela nous avons participé aux plusieurs formations que les organisations tel que PNUD programme des nations unis pour le développement en Tunisie, IADH institut arabe des droits humains, Centre Cawtar, AFTURD association des femmes tunisiennes pour la recherche et développement ont organisé. et nous trouvons que notre participation était active pour cela ces organisations ont accepté aussi autrefois notre participation aux sessions de formations des formateurs/trices et facilitateurs/trices qui ont organisé et on a maintenant des formateurs en approche de planification stratégique basée sur les droits humains et approche de gestion axée sur résultats, cadre juridique et suivi financière des associations, gestion des conflits et lutte contre la violence, formateur et formatrice des observateurs des élections, journalisme citoyenneté, et des facilitateurs/trices en constitution, en CEDAW convention d'élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l'égard des femmes et sensibilisation pour la participation aux élections pour les jeunes et les femmes. et dès Mars 2013 notre association a rejoints le programme soyons actifs/actives réseau de 46 associations et organisations françaises et tunisiennes et nous avons travaillé au phase pilote jusqu’à décembre 2014 questionnaire pour préciser les problématiques autour l'éducation, les droits des femmes et relation femmes/autorité locale et régionale à sidi Bouzid dans la plus grande zone rurale de notre gouvernorat. Dans ce programme notre association était élu depuis des quelques mois membre de comité de pilotage de ce programme d'où nous allons continuer le travail suite de la phase enquête sur les thèmes éducation, droits des femmes et autonomisation économique des jeunes. Aussi programme Bassmat Watan empreinte de patrie dont l'objectif global la promotion de la participation active et responsable des jeunes et des femmes aux élections tunisiennes 2014. Programme ma citoyenneté c'est ma participation pour encourager la participation des femmes et des jeunes des quartiers municipales aux élections. Programme MRA W NOSS femme est fière dont l'objectif la promotion des droits des femmes dans les zones rurales et l'arrivé des femmes rurales aux postes de décisions aux assemblés de développement locale et régionale. a part les formations et les activités qu'on a organisé: des formations pour les handicapés, des ateliers de formations en convention d'élimination des toutes formes de discrimination à l'égard des femmes CEDAW, expliquer le constitution pour les femmes aux zones rurales et journées d'animation pour les élèves des écoles aux zones rurales aussi. Aussi des activités aux écoles de la zone rurale avec les enfants. Et au lien suivant notre page FB si vous voulez voir nos activités :https://www.facebook.com/associationvictoirepourfemmesrurales Notre association membre comité de pilotage programme Soyons actifs/actives Tunisie financé par Solidarité Laïque. Nous sommes engagés aussi aux  échanges volontariat Tunisois-Français avec France Volontaires Tunisie et on a notre membre qui a terminé un stage service civique avec la Ligue de l'Enseignement Bourgogne. Notre association aussi en contacte avec la ville Choisy-le-Roi pour jumelage entre cette ville et Sidi Bouzid et on a choisi les thèmes comme  la femme, décentralisation.
Mission and Objectives

association Victoire pour Femme Rurale, association était fondée en juillet 201
le bureau constitutionnel se compose de 7 jeunes 5 femmes et 2 hommes dont les objectifs sont; défendre les droits humains/droits humaines des femmes et surtout dans les zones rurales, l'autonomisation économique et sociale ainsi que politique des femmes rurales et son arrivée aux postes de prise de décision, développement culturelle et économique au zones rurales, lutter contre la violence et la discrimination à l'égard des femmes et l'éducation dans les zones rurales et soutenir les enfants handicapés.

Main Projects / Activities

programme Bassmat Watan empreinte de patrie dont l'objectif global la promotion de la participation active et responsable des jeunes et des femmes aux élections tunisiennes 2014.
Programme ma citoyenneté c'est ma participation pour encourager la participation des femmes et des jeunes des quartiers municipales aux élections.
Programme MRA W NOSS femme est fière dont l'objectif la promotion des droits des femmes dans les zones rurales et l'arrivé des femmes rurales aux postes de décisions aux assemblés de développement locale et régionale.
a part les formations et les activités qu'on a organisé: des formations pour les handicapés, des ateliers de formations en convention d'élimination des toutes formes de discrimination à l'égard des femmes CEDAW, expliquer le constitution pour les femmes aux zones rurales et journées d'animation pour les élèves des écoles aux zones rurales aussi.
Aussi des activités aux écoles de la zone rurale avec les enfants.
Et au lien suivant notre page FB si vous voulez voir nos activités :https://www.facebook.com/associationvictoirepourfemmesrurales
Notre association membre comité de pilotage programme Soyons actifs/actives Tunisie financé par Solidarité Laïque.
Nous sommes engagés aussi aux  échanges volontariat Tunisois-Français avec France Volontaires Tunisie et on a notre membre qui a terminé un stage service civique avec la Ligue de l'Enseignement Bourgogne.

Contact (1) Full Name
kacem zied
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
amami karima

Zavod Tri

National Network

Tavčarjeva 18a
4220 Škofja Loka

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Our main goal is ENCOURAGING AND IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY PRACTICES. In Institute Three we have currently three employees. Our office is occasionally used as co-working space and also as social space which means that we are organizing local and regional events. We are aiming to be a part of vibrant international community with variation of projects according to our goal, capacities, potencial and wishes. With participating in international projects we would like to ensure the transfer and sharing of knowledge and skills. Currently we have cca. 80 000 € of yearly budget, main income is from European Social Fund. Biggest project is a Regional support network for NGOs in north-west Slovenia. We are also implementing smaller and more activist-oriented actions for gender equality and intercultural understanding.. Our main partners are NGOs from the region and from Slovenia and we are establishing a network of partners from international environment.
Mission and Objectives

Institute Three is: -implementing REGIONAL SUPPORT NETWORK FOR NGOs IN GORENJSKA (REGION OF NW SLOVENIA). We are providing supportive environment for regional and local NGOs. We are implementing counseling, training, mentoring for NGOs in the way that they can develop their full potential; we are cooperating with local communities to encourage them towards more transparent and supportive measures towards NGOs; we are cooperating with regional development agencies to plan future development of the region; on the national level we are cooperating with other networks; we developing cross-sectoral connections and cooperation; we are researching possibilities of innovative financing for NGOs and connections between NGOs and social entrepreneurship.
Our focus themes for the next four years is: refugees, gender equality, youth, cultural NGOs, tourism and other business with impact and/or social responsibility etc.
- implementing PILOT PROJECT OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP by founding a Knitting Cooperative. Inside the Cooperative we are connecting and networking experts in management, design and artisans to create, produce and market innovative Slovenian wool products; we are trying out new economies and innovative financing; we are connecting local community with events which are focusing on transfering of skills and knowledge

Main Projects / Activities

- Regional support network for NGOs in north-west Slovenia - project Grozd
- Pilot project of social entrepreneurship: Knitting Cooperative Breja preja 
- Within Breja preja we are also implementing weekly knitting meeting with women refugees and locals and building international network of partner NGOs to develop a project together.
- Avenue of prominent women in Škofja Loka - activist action for reaching recognition of women and gender equality.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to network with our different approach, fresh ideas and regional involvement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to contribute with some meaningful projects and/or project ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
NIna Arnuš
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Ana Pintar
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Pintar
Job Title (2)


National Network


00 90 212 240 33 61
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Hrant Dink Foundation (HDF), as of 2015, has 22 full time employees including 1 secretary, 1 accountant, 1 cook, 2 guards (one on both premise) paid on a regular basis and 17 project staff employed on project basis. Foundation’s Board of Directors and Advisory Board closely work with and support project teams. The Foundation staff members have experience in overall project and grant management, fundraising, budgeting, financial reporting, organisation of international events/conferences/exchanges, communication, international team management, working with volunteers and interns, archiving and publishing. For funding, each project team applies for the appropriate funding opportunity in line with their activities. In 2015, Foundation’s projects were supported by the European Union, French Embassy, Swedish Embassy, Chrest Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Henrich Böll Stiftung, Open Society Foundation, Niras. Also based on the thematic field of the projects, the Foundation collaborated with different civil society organisations both from Turkey and also from different institutions abroad. For the international conference organized in 2015, the Foundation collaborated with three of the major universities in Istanbul which are Boğaziçi University, Sabancı University and Bilgi University. In 2013, in cooperation with TOG Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (Community Volunteers Foundation in Istanbul) and YIC (Youth Initiative Centre in Armenia), we have been able to experience the European Voluntary Service by co-hosting EVS volunteers hosted by TOG as the coordinating organisation as part of ‘Rolling Istanbul’ project. In line with our protocol with TOG, since 2013, we had the chance to co-host 6 EVS volunteers from Armenia and France at the Hrant Dink Foundation.  
Mission and Objectives

The Hrant Dink Foundation was established in 2007 following the assassination of Hrant Dink in order to carry on his dreams, his struggle, his language and his heart. The Hrant Dink Foundation, which defines the development of culture of dialogue, peace and empathy as the basis of all its activities, carries out distinctive projects within the framework of different programs such as ‘Culture and Arts’, ‘Education’, ‘History’, ‘Democratization and Human Rights’ and ‘Turkey-Armenia Relations’. Some of the aims and activities of the Foundation are as follows:
• To ameliorate cultural relations among the peoples of Turkey, Armenia and Europe
• To support Turkey’s democratization process and to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights, minority rights and cultural rights
• To support efforts to write histories devoid of nationalism and racism; to encourage academic studies on violations of minority rights and human rights
• To conduct oral history studies that aim to question the official narrative and to create a collective memory
• To combat hate and discriminatory speech through documentation and awareness raising activities
• To carry out projects and activities in order to preserve and promote Armenian history and culture
• To design projects on dealing with the past that will contribute to building a healthy future
• To archive and publish articles, pictures and documents of Hrant Dink
Hrant Dink Foundation will undertake multifaceted activities in these areas, such as publishing books, creating archives, organizing summer schools, organizing film, music, visual arts, dance and literature festivals, and giving awards in memory of Hrant Dink.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation defines the development of culture of dialogue, peace and empathy as the basis of all its activities. In this light, the Foundation carries out various activities under 5 major programmes ‘Culture and Arts’, ‘Education’, ‘History’, ‘Democratisation and Human Rights’ and ‘Turkey-Armenia Relations’. Amongst others, the Foundation has been regularly working on expanding its existing projects ‘Media Watch on Hate Speech’, ‘Films about Conscience’, ‘Oral History Studies of Anatolia’, ‘Multicultural Heritage of Anatolia’, ‘Turkey-Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme’, ‘Turkey-Armenia Travel Grant’, ‘Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme’, ‘International Hrant Dink Award’, ‘Annual International Conferences’, and also publishing on these topics. The Foundation has taken remarkable steps to move from program based operation to division based operation. ASULIS LAB, Armenian Research Institute, Site of Memory, Turkey-Armenia Program and the International Hrant Dink Award will be the core divisions of the Hrant Dink Foundation.
Hrant Dink Foundation has established a research library specialized on Armenian Studies and minorities in Turkey within the Anarad Hığutyun Building. The Library aims to serve researchers, students and the Armenian community by providing systematic knowledge and scientific information with particular focus on Armenian culture and history. With the capacity of 20,000 volumes, and currently featuring books, periodicals, photographs, DVDs, tapes and maps, the Library and its archive will be expanded further thanks to the exclusively donated private archives and collections. With the use of Library of Congress Classification (LCC) system, the library offers a research capacity with international standards.
ASULIS LAB: ASULIS is the first social sciences laboratory in Turkey that struggles against discrimination and produces studies on discourse. ASULIS aims to conduct studies in the fields of theoretical discussion, education, media, law and politics, and aspiring to be a pioneering, innovative and interdisciplinary structure.

ARMENIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE: Moreover, the HDF aims to establish an Armenian Research Institute in 2016. For the preparation, the project team is researching about the history, the scope and the context of Armenian Studies from past to present. To define the scope of the fields of research the project team has got into contact with different institutes both in Turkey and abroad. The Institute will function as a place for both research and production. Researchers, academics, scholars or any other interested individuals will be able to enhance their research in Armenian Studies, with an access to a resource-rich archive and library.  HDF gives special importance to projects related to Cultural Heritage. Documenting, creating information about Turkey’s non-Muslim cultural heritage has been one of the priorities of the Hrant Dink Foundation and making these information accessible is important to us.  Activities like field research, documentation, oral history and raising awareness about the protection and creative reuse of cultural heritage structures will continue under the roof of Armenian Research Institute.
SITE OF MEMORY: The former Agos office where Hrant Dink’s office is located will be turned into a site of memory and conscience. With a special focus on Hrant Dink, the site will be a place where Armenians’ culture and history, minority rights in Turkey, the story of Agos Newspaper will be presented from various angles.
INTERNATIONAL HRANT DINK AWARD:   Since 2009, the Hrant Dink Foundation presents the International Hrant Dink Award on Hrant Dink’s birthday, September 15th, to remind those individuals, organizations and groups who give inspiration and hope to people for holding on to their struggle, work for a more liberal and fair world free from discrimination, racism and violence, take personal risks for achieving those ideals and use the language of peace that they are not alone. Each year the award is granted to two individuals, organizations or groups; one from Turkey and one from outside of Turkey.
TURKEY-ARMENIA RELATIONS PROGRAM: The Foundation strives to eliminate mental and physical borders between the two neighboring countries by promoting direct contact and cooperation. With its project coordinators in Turkey and Armenia, the Foundation continues to expand its activities for increasing people-to-people contacts, promoting cooperation of professionals, organizing exchanges for journalists and various experts, raising awareness on the impact of the sealed border.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In all of the programmes, the Foundation targets to reach out to civil society organisations, grassroots organisations, academia, media, young people and public at large.  Since March 2015, the Hrant Dink Foundation continues its activities in its new venue Anarad Hığutyun Building, which used to be an Armenian school until it was closed in 2004 due to lack students. The 800 m2 building has four floors, and hosts work spaces, an archive, a library, an exhibition hall, a conference hall for seventy people, spaces for workshops, an open courtyard and a terrace. The Foundation has been organising and hosting series of workshops, conferences, film screenings at the new venue.  The new venue also offers us greater opportunities to enhance our collaboration and communication with young people, academia and other civil society organisations and host joint panels, workshops or activities. Being a part of the Network will enhance cooperation and collaboration with other civil society organisations working in the fields which are similar with the foundation activities and foster awareness on cultural diversity and coexistence by organising public events. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The foundation aims to contribute development of a secure and healthy environment economically, socially and culturally, as well as individuals with democratic citizenship awareness, respecting the cultural diversity and differences. In this context, it develops programs and provides services with the aim of increasing the intercultural dialogue, ending discrimination of all kinds, improving the inter generation communication, ensuring the gender equality, improving the education and communication opportunities, social adoption of peace and reconciliation culture. Being a part of the ALF Network will allow the foundation to reach out to other people as well as civil society organisations that are working with the similar goals and organise or participate in joint activities. Moreover the foundation will also learn from the experiences of other members of the network and share the HDF’s experiences too. The network will enable us to promote our work in a range of international circles and also will provide a distinct opportunity to be aware of the work conducted in similar fields and learn from other country experiences.  As we are organizing a variety of conferences, panels and workshops on regular basis, inviting experts from other countries and promoting best practices in other countries surely widen our horizons and create new avenues for cooperation. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Msarat Organizational And Professional Development

National Network

Salah Adin 2315
Tura'an 16950

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We are “youth for change” organization, which include a group of 15 youth, boys and girls, living in the village of Tura'an in the Galilee region. Our group is working together for almost 2 years, during this period we managed to take part in several activities, such like “the good initiatives day” in our village, and an action for preserving “Galilee Park” near Cana of galilee.
Mission and Objectives

We care about the peace and education for all youth around the world, and see a huge importance in building a bridge between youths around the world, from different cultures and countries, as a motivator for the youth to realize the power in their hands if we take part in decision making process and initiate actions in the issues that related to us.
especially in the issues concern the future, a time which we are the ones that will be living in. we believe this is our struggle to insure our rights in life.

Main Projects / Activities

Our last full operated activity was the day of higher education event, which took place in Tura'an high school, and meant to bring information for high school students about planning the academic studies in a better way.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we are a group of arab youth, initiated our activities by our selves and would bring a special point of view about the arabic comunity in israel specolay there is a small number of groups working in the arab youth sector.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

no doupt that ALF is a major network in the field of civil society empowerment and development and being part of it would help us bring our opjectives to reality.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sa'eed Diabat
Head of the organisation
Sa'eed Diabat