EURISPES - Istituto di Studi Politici, Economici e Sociali

National Network

Via Cagliari, 14
00198 Roma RM

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Nella sua trentennale attività l’Eurispes ha realizzato centinaia di ricerche. Racconta l’Italia attraverso il Rapporto Italia, giunto alla 28a edizione; 13 Rapporti Nazionali sull’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza realizzati in collaborazione con il Telefono Azzurro; 3 Rapporti sulle Eccellenze italiane; 4 edizioni del Rapporto sui crimini agroalimentari, realizzato in collaborazione con Coldiretti. Sono più di 900mila le pagine di studi, analisi, indagini e riflessioni prodotte; oltre 100 le audizioni politiche e istituzionali; costruito un archivio stampa che copre gli ultimi 29 anni contenente oltre 2 milioni di articoli catalogati per oltre 400 voci tematiche raccolti dalla stampa periodica e quotidiana. L’Eurispes ha contribuito all’emersione di numerosi fenomeni sociali nascosti o poco noti, realizzando una vera e propria opera di “scouting sociale”. L’attività dell’Eurispes ha spesso animato negli ultimi trent’anni il dibattito sociale, politico ed economico, ispirando, in numerose occasioni, l’attività del Legislatore, come nel caso della legge sull’obbligatorietà del casco, la legge sulla pornografia, e quella sull’alcol.

Mission and Objectives

L’Eurispes, Istituto di Studi Politici, Economici e Sociali fondato e presieduto da Gian Maria Fara, è un ente privato e opera nel campo della ricerca politica, economica e sociale, dal 1982. Nella sua trentennale attività l’Eurispes ha realizzato centinaia di ricerche. Racconta l’Italia attraverso il Rapporto Italia, giunto alla 28a edizione; 13 Rapporti Nazionali sull’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza realizzati in collaborazione con il Telefono Azzurro; 3 Rapporti sulle Eccellenze italiane; 4 edizioni del Rapporto sui crimini agroalimentari, realizzato in collaborazione con Coldiretti. Sono più di 900mila le pagine di studi, analisi, indagini e riflessioni prodotte; oltre 100 le audizioni politiche e istituzionali; costruito un archivio stampa che copre gli ultimi 29 anni contenente oltre 2 milioni di articoli catalogati per oltre 400 voci tematiche raccolti dalla stampa periodica e quotidiana. L’Eurispes ha contribuito all’emersione di numerosi fenomeni sociali nascosti o poco noti, realizzando una vera e propria opera di “scouting sociale”. L’attività dell’Eurispes ha spesso animato negli ultimi trent’anni il dibattito sociale, politico ed economico, ispirando, in numerose occasioni, l’attività del Legislatore, come nel caso della legge sull’obbligatorietà del casco, la legge sulla pornografia, e quella sull’alcol. La risonanza mediatica dell’Istituto è testimoniata dagli oltre 150.000 articoli, titoli di stampa, radio e Tv nazionali e internazionali pubblicati sulla sua attività.

Main Projects / Activities

Progetto Russia Emedus Progetto Argentina Progetto Libia

Contact (1) Full Name
Fara Giovanni Maria
Head of the organisation
Fara Giovanni Maria

Emergenza Sorrisi - Doctors for smiling children

National Network

Via Salaria 95

06 8413845
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Emergenza Sorrisi è un’Organizzazione Non Governativa che si occupa di bambini affetti da labbro leporino, palatoschisi, malformazioni del volto, esiti di ustioni, traumi di guerra, cataratte e altre patologie invalidanti nei Paesi in Via di Sviluppo. Emergenza Sorrisi unisce 369 medici e infermieri volontari, grazie ai quali vengono realizzate missioni chirurgiche in  17 paesi nel mondo, dove fino ad ora 3.878 bambini sono stati operati e hanno ritrovato il sorriso. Uno dei pilastri della nostra attività è la formazione e l’aggiornamento dei medici e degli infermieri locali; dei nostri percorsi formativi beneficiano attualmente 570 professionisti dei Paesi che ospitano le missioni.
Mission and Objectives

Emergenza Sorrisi è una ONG di medici volontari che operano gratuitamente bambini che necessitano di cure mediche.

Main Projects / Activities

Operiamo bambini con malformazioni del volto

Operiamo bambini con esiti di ustioni e traumi di guerra

Realizziamo missioni oculistiche

Formiamo medici locali

Progetti in Italia e impegno per l'ambiente


Contact (1) Full Name
Fabio Massimo Abenavoli
Head of the organisation
Fabio Massimo Abenavoli

National Network

Via Lieti a Capodimonte, 51

06 64013345
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Associazione di promozione sociale denominata che persegue il fine esclusivo dell'inclusione sociale, della partecipazione attiva a livello individuale, familiare, organizzativo e comunitario, dell'accrescimento e della promozione del benessere individuale e collettivo.
Mission and Objectives

La Mission della Psionlus, da oltre 6 anni è quella di dare un contributo nel campo della formazione specialistica di professionisti in ambito sanitario : Medici, psicologi, laureati in scienze cognitive ed affini, logopedisti, Neuropsicomotricisti, Terapisti della riabilitazione ed occupazionali, ed anche nel campo della scuola, istruzione, Università e Ricerca scientifica : insegnanti di ogni ordine e grado, ricercatori di Istituti di ricovero e cura a carattere scientifico (IRCCS), di Università, e del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (CNR).

Main Projects / Activities

Progetto per la realizzazione di un Network per la sensibilizzazione, prevenzione, formazione, clinica e la ricerca dedicata alla prima infanzia (0-6 anni), denominato Osservatorio per la prima infanzia.

    Progetto per la realizzazione di un Network per la sensibilizzazione, prevenzione, formazione, clinica e la ricerca dedicata all'età evolutiva (6-18 anni), denominato Osservatorio Scuola e Età evolutiva.

    Progetto per la realizzazione di un Network per la sensibilizzazione, prevenzione, formazione, clinica e la ricerca dedicata alle malattie e danni acquisiti in età adulta, denominato Osservatorio per il Danno cognitivo acquisito in età adulta. ( Traumi cranici, Stroke, malattie del snc, danni cognitivi e modificazioni della personalità dovute ad altre condizioni di tipo medico ( patologie oncologiche, cardiovascolari, etc.)

    Progetto per la realizzazione di un Network per la sensibilizzazione, prevenzione, formazione, clinica e la ricerca dedicata alle patologie involutive, denominato osservatorio per le patologie di tipo involutivo (Demenze, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Malattia di Alzheimer, Involuzione Cerebrale, etc.)

Contact (1) Full Name
Manuela Manzoni
Head of the organisation
Immacolata Di Napoli

Obiettivo Solidarietà - Onlus

National Network

Via Lavinio, 25

327 1691374
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ASSOCIAZIONE  DI  VOLONTARIATO  -  ONLUS"  persegue  esclusivamente finalità  di  solidarietà  nel  campo dell'assistenza sociale e dello sviluppo culturale dei minori, delle loro famiglie e delle comunità che vivono in Italia e all’estero in condizioni di svantaggio sociale ed economico
Mission and Objectives

ASSOCIAZIONE  DI  VOLONTARIATO  -  ONLUS"  persegue  esclusivamente finalità  di  solidarietà  nel  campo dell'assistenza sociale e dello sviluppo culturale dei minori, delle loro famiglie e delle comunità che vivono in Italia e all’estero in condizioni di svantaggio sociale ed economico

Main Projects / Activities

    Sostegno a distanza

    Speranza dopo la tempesta

    Il fiore del deserto


    Il Chicco


    I bambini di Manazary


    Lebbrosario de Il Cairo

    Caritas diocesana di Frascati


    Albanian Children Foundation


    X Francesco

    Le farfalle di Gaza


Contact (1) Full Name
Modesto Sorrentino
Head of the organisation
Modesto Sorrentino


National Network

Via Lavinio, 25
00183 Roma

327 1691374
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
L’Associazione     di     volontariato     denominata     "OBIETTIVO     SOLIDARIETA’,     ASSOCIAZIONE     DIVOLONTARIATO  PER  LA  SOLIDARIETA’  E  LA  PROMOZIONE  SOCIALE  FRA  I  DIPENDENTI  DELLABANCA D’ITALIA E DELL’UFFICIO ITALIANO DEI CAMBI, Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Socialeai  sensi  dell’art.  10,  punto  8,  del  d.lgs.  4/12/97,  n.  460  (G.U.  2/1/98,  n.1)"
Mission and Objectives

ASSOCIAZIONE  DI  VOLONTARIATO  -  ONLUS"  persegue  esclusivamente finalità  di  solidarietà  nel  campo dell'assistenza sociale e dello sviluppo culturale dei minori, delle loro famiglie e delle comunità che vivono in Italia e all’estero in condizioni di svantaggio sociale ed economico

Main Projects / Activities

Progetto: MAIS - YEOVILLE MAIS. Sostiene le spese scolastiche di studenti poveri della zona. Nel 1995 il programma coinvolgeva 26 studenti. Attualmente, 305 studenti beneficiano del sostegno del programma. Le quote versate anche tramite l’Associazione Obiettivo Solidarietà consentono di pagare le rette scolastiche degli studenti, le uniformi e la cancelleria.

Progetto: MAIS - MADAGASCAR.  In Madagascar il Mais Onlus è presente dal 1994 ed attualmente sostiene più di 190 bambini e ragazzi in quattro distinti progetti finalizzati all'istruzione: Antsiranana, Antsirabe, Fianarantsoa e Antananarivo.Il progetto Antsirabe ci è stato proposto da Jean François Ratsimbazafy, uno psicologo malgascio che ha incontrato il Mais onlus durante il  suo periodo di  studi a Roma, attualmente presidente della ong Tsinjo Lavitra con sede ad Antsirabe e referente Mais Onlus per i progetti ad Antsirabe e Antananarivo. Il progetto è nato per garantire l'istruzione ai bambini che vivono in campagna e che quindi hanno enormi difficoltà logistiche ed economiche nel frequentare la scuola. Grazie al sostegno a distanza del Mais Onlus per i bambini individuati dalla Tsinjo Lavitra è stato possibile frequentare le migliori scuole della città.

Progetto: VISBA - Centro Studi Tagore. V.I.S.B.A. Volontari Internazionali Scuola Beato Angelico è un ONG (Organismo non governativo) – di Faenza(RA).
E' stata fondata a Milano per organizzare corsi di arte varia, nel tempo esauritisi; quindi è rimasta in essere la Filiale di Faenza, che pure ospitava ragazzi del terzo mondo, soprattutto per corsi di preparazione nell’arte della ceramica, ed ora si occupa di aiuti al Terzo Mondo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Modesto Sorrentino
Head of the organisation
Modesto Sorrentino

Internationaler Versöhnungsbund - österreichischer Zweig (International Fellowship of Reconciliation Austria)

National Network

Lederergasse 23/3/27
1080 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 408 53 32
+ 43 (0)1 408 53 32
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
General Information
Internationaler Versöhnungsbund - österreichischer Zweig (International Fellowship of Reconciliation Austria) is a registered NGO (ZVR number: 497260243) with an office in Vienna. We have 500 members, a steering committee consisting of six members, three employees and several volunteers. The yearly budget is around 100.00 Euros, the organization is mainly funded by its members. The Austrian Fellowship of Reconciliation is a branch of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), an association of around 60 full and associate members worldwide. For the financing of individual programs and projects, we work together with governmental and non-governmental funding bodies, taking into account our mission statement. We are working on four different areas of action promoting peace and nonviolence. To achieve and accomplish in the areas of action, programs, and projects, we cooperate with partner organizations in Austria (e.g. Pax Christi, Diakonie Austria, Amnesty International, IPPNW-OMEGA) and internationally (e.g. FOR Peace Presence in Colombia, Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel, the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo and Belgrade) either in long-term programs or on a project-to-project basis. We are member of the Austrian Peacebuilding Platform, Abolition 2000, the Control Arms Campaign, and the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission
As a part of the international peace movement, the Austrian branch of the Fellowship of Reconciliation is actively and non-violently working for a just and sustainable peace.
Our Vision

The Fellowship of Reconciliation strives for a world in which the life, dignity, freedom, and individuality of every person are at the center of society and politics, and non-violence is realized as the principle of action. In this world, guided by the idea of reconciliation, suppressing, inhuman structures and ideologies are replaced with a culture of peace, stemming from religious and humanitarian traditions.

Main Projects / Activities

In our concrete actions, we connect peace activism with peace policy. In this, we offer all those who would like to engage in peace work the possibility to learn the theoretical and spiritual principles as well as the practical methods of active non-violence. The four areas of action described constitute the framework of our commitment, which is further developed in our programs. Furthermore, all initiatives and activities of our members in line with our statement of purpose are welcome.
Peace Culture
"That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed" (UNESCO Constitution). In this sense the Fellowship of Reconciliation strives for the advancement of basic attitudes and values, which overcome our present culture of war and violence.
Program: Thinking Peace! Living Peace!'
With workshops, conferences, non-violent actions, and media campaigns we would like to contribute to a change of public discourse, which portrays violence as an essential means to conflict resolution. We would like to make accessible the diverse possibilities of non-violence to as many people as possible. In particular, we focus on the idea that peace can only be established together rather than against each other. We pay special attention to the role of religions in justifying war and violence, but also in achieving peaceful coexistence, the disclosure of discreet reasons for war, and for taking responsibility of people for violence and war on personal, social, and political level.
Peacebuilding and Demilitarization
The Fellowship of Reconciliation advocates for an active, nonviolent peace policy in Austria, the European Union, and beyond. This means a pacifist foreign and domestic policy, which strictly opposes the in participation in wars, which enacts comprehensive disarmament and promotes mediated conflict de-escalation on an international level. It also promotes financing of peace-related research and initiatives for nonviolent conflict resolution domestically and abroad. By actively participating in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, active peace policy contributes to the overcoming the economical and environmental causes of war and violence.
Program: Priority for Civilian Means
With public campaigns and lobbying, we advocate for the introduction of Civil Peace Services in Austria and the EU.
Through our participation in the "Austrian Peacebuilding Platform" and through statements and advocacies with government agencies, we promote the priority of civil conflict resolution and aim to have this approach reflected in Austrian foreign and peace policy and strategy.
International Solidarity and Cooperation
The Fellowship of Reconciliation supports nonviolent initiatives in war and conflict zones through solidarity action, mutual visits, delegations and pilgrimages, etc. We also send peace workers in pilot projects of nonviolent conflict resolution, which serve as a model for the planned introduction for the Civil Peace Services. This can include a variety of measures such as, human rights monitoring, protection accompaniment, advocacy, training, mediation, etc. Any support measure of the Fellowship of Reconciliation is carried out at the request of local nonviolent initiatives in a non-patronizing, cooperative, and culturally sensitive manner.
Peace Presence in Colombia
eacebuilding in the Near and Middle East
econciliation in the Western Balkans
Economy for Peace
We are working on the analysis of the relationship between capitalism, war, and the destruction of the environment. The Fellowship of Reconciliation is primarily concerned with political control and the eventual elimination of the military-industrial complex, as it is a main factor in arms races and war causes. We wish to contribute to the termination of this immense waste of intellectual and material resources for war, and the preparations of war.
Program: Life Without Armaments
As a contribution to the efforts to establish a fair and ethical economy, we pursue the goal of arms control and conversion in Austria.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to provide our long term expertise in nonviolence, nonviolent communication, education and training. Our broad source of nonviolent theory and practical experience can be an added value to the abundant knowledge of how to strengthen democracy, human rights and humanistic values. We can contribute analysis of structures and conflicts and how to promote dialogue and mutual understanding.
We are able to share our long term experience in networking on national, international and intercultural level and how to include diverse prospects and concepts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the UN "International Decade for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World" (2001-2010) the Fellowship of Reconciliation was one of the leading organizations to promote the aims of the Decade in Austria and we would like to continue the exchange of ideas for the advancement of basic attitudes and values, which overcome our present culture of war and violence.
We would also like to exchange and deepen  the discovery of spiritual and humanitarian roots and patterns of peace and nonviolence in various cultures, ideologies, and religions as well as promoting the spiritual empowerment of non-violence. Thus we hope to strengthen the social fabric and solidarity on a national, international and intercultural level.
Having a long relationship with nonviolent organizations in Israel and Palestine, we would like to broaden and deepen relationships with organizations of the Mediterranean that share the values of a culture of peace and dialogue. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Irmgard Ehrenberger
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Heinz Spindler

Pomorski Oddział Ligi muzułmańskiej w RP

National Network

Partyzantów 14/5
80-254 Gdańsk

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Religion
General Information
Oddział Pomorski Ligi Muzułmańskiej jest częścią Ligi Muzułmańskiej w RP, która działa w Polsce od 2004 roku. Głównym celem jej działalności jest między innymi integracja muzułmanów z polskim społeczeństwem przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu tożsamości muzułmańskiej. *Pomorski Oddział LM w RP został reaktywowany w 2015
Mission and Objectives

Oddział Pomorski Ligi Muzułmańskiej jest częścią Ligi Muzułmańskiej w RP, która działa w Polsce od 2004 roku.
Głównym celem jej działalności jest między innymi integracja muzułmanów z polskim społeczeństwem przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu tożsamości muzułmańskiej.
Liga swoje działania koncentruje przede wszystkim na krzewieniu wiedzy o Islamie na podstawie wiarygodnych źródeł, przełamywaniu stereotypów, edukacji antydyskryminacyjnej oraz promowaniu idei wielokulturowości i różnorodności. Prowadzi dialog międzykulturowy i międzywyznaniowy.
Istotnym elementem działalności Ligi Muzułmańskiej jest działalność charytatywna na rzecz ubogich i uchodźców.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Liga Muzułmańska grała z WOŚP: Kto ratuje jedno życie...
Zupę z soczewicy dla zmarzniętych gdańszczan rozdawali przez trzy godziny na Targu Węglowym członkowie Ligi Muzułmańskiej w ramach działań Orkiestry. Smakowała!
2- Katolicka młodzież karmi głodnych. Muzułmanie pomagają
3-  Poznaj swojego muzułmańskiego sąsiada
4- Wieczór Ramadanowy z muzułmanami
5- Wywiad,35635,19675290,polski-narod-j...
6-Muzułmanka – kobieta wyzwolona czy zniewolona? (relacja)
7- Spotkania z Islamem,a,5...
8- współpraca z Towarzystwem sw. Brata Alberta,114012.html?tag=liga+muzu%B3m...
i wiele inne wydarzenia :)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Atoun
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Atoun
Contact (2) Full Name
Rawan Basit
Job Title (2)
English Teacher

SAMAR Media (ZSCJ Media Limited)

National Network

Ithaki Building (Off 401). 12, Michalacopoulou Str.
1642 Nicosia

+357 22 767160
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 6 73 26 80 09
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

SAMAR Media (corporate name: ZSCJ Media Limited) is a Limited Liability Company registered in Cyprus. It mainly operates from Lebanon and covers the whole MENA region. SAMAR Media is headed by Ziyad Clot and Jana Jabbour. Its staff includes 4 employees working from Beyrouth, Cairo and Paris and a network of free-lancers throughout the MENA region. Its yearly budget is within the range of 100,000/150,000 EUR and is generated by sponsorship revenues, grants and donations.  SAMAR’s most recent web programs “Me & My country, 5 years into the Arab uprisings”, “Rap Generation: the Beat of the Street” and “Arabic Dialects” have generated more than 1,5 million views since the start of the year 2016. SAMAR Media often partners with other media outlets, which relay its web programs to wide audiences worldwide. It has worked with international news websites such as The Guardian, France 24, El Pais, The Christian Science Monitor, Jaddaliya etc. SAMAR also coordinates on a project-basis with local actors (NGOs, universities, local institutions) to organize on the ground events such as workshops, conferences or debates on both sides of the Mediterranean.

Mission and Objectives

SAMAR is a web media organization dedicated to the Arab world. It produces and broadcasts videos on the internet in Arabic, English and French and aims to make knowledge, arts and culture available to the widest audience. SAMAR’s main editorial goal is to address the realities and underlying dynamics which are reshaping the Arab region, rather than to cover its most sensational stories. SAMAR also promotes a more positive image of the Arab region and its people through inspiring individuals and innovative projects. SAMAR shares this aspiration with the widest number in the MENA region: SAMAR also finally offers to its followers the opportunity to share their video production and picks with its growing online community.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2012, SAMAR Media has produced and broadcast more than 200 videos as part of the following web programs: The Cartoonists of the Arab world, Tahrir, my revolution, The Arab Summer, This is Palestine, Turkey and the Arab World, The New Arab media, The Lebanese of West Africa, Me and my Country: 5 Years into the Arab Uprisings, Rap Generation: The Beat of the street, Arabic Dialects. These web video series have generated more than 3 million views on the Internet. SAMAR also regularly organizes public screenings of these series. In June 2016, SAMAR Media also held a conference and a concert at the Villa Méditerranée in Marseilles on the theme « Exile & Migrations in the Mediterranean ». This public event featured musicians and Spoken Words artists from the Arab region and experts of migration issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SAMAR’s media coverage follows a ‘Slow Media’ approach and its video production emphasises the positive energies and creativity of the Arab world and its diaspora. With an ambition to strengthen intercultural dialogue throughout the Mediterranean, SAMAR hopes to develop a synergy with Anna Lindh’s network members in order to shed light on the potential of Mediterranean societies and contribute positively to the many challenges faced in this region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Pan-Arab editorial approach of SAMAR Media led us to work on many projects in and outside the MENA region. We are aware that many challenges Arab countries face today (migrations, security, environment etc.) are shared throughout the Mediterranean zone. However, the perception of these challenges and the way they are addressed often tend to vary from one side of the Mediterranean to the other. Developing partnerships around the Mediterranean with ALF network members will allow SAMAR to cover these challenges through the lens of a regional perspective. Thus, we hope to multiply in the future events that embody a multicultural vision of leading issues related to the Mediterranean region. Joining the ALF Network is an important step towards this ambition.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziyad Clot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ziyad Clot
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Jabbour
Job Title (2)
Beirut Bureau Chief

SAMAR Media (ZSCJ Media Limited)

National Network

Ithaki Building (Off 401). 12, Michalacopoulou Str.
1642 Nicosia

+357 22 767160
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 6 73 26 80 09
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
SAMAR Media (corporate name: ZSCJ Media Limited) is a Limited Liability Company registered in Cyprus. It mainly operates from Lebanon and covers the whole MENA region. SAMAR Media is headed by Ziyad Clot and Jana Jabbour. Its staff includes 4 employees working from Beyrouth, Cairo and Paris and a network of free-lancers throughout the MENA region. Its yearly budget is within the range of 100,000/150,000 EUR and is generated by sponsorship revenues, grants and donations.  SAMAR’s most recent web programs “Me & My country, 5 years into the Arab uprisings”, “Rap Generation: the Beat of the Street” and “Arabic Dialects” have generated more than 1,5 million views since the start of the year 2016. SAMAR Media often partners with other media outlets, which relay its web programs to wide audiences worldwide. It has worked with international news websites such as The Guardian, France 24, El Pais, The Christian Science Monitor, Jaddaliya etc. SAMAR also coordinates on a project-basis with local actors (NGOs, universities, local institutions) to organize on the ground events such as workshops, conferences or debates on both sides of the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

SAMAR is a web media organization dedicated to the Arab world. It produces and broadcasts videos on the internet in Arabic, English and French and aims to make knowledge, arts and culture available to the widest audience. SAMAR’s main editorial goal is to address the realities and underlying dynamics which are reshaping the Arab region, rather than to cover its most sensational stories. SAMAR also promotes a more positive image of the Arab region and its people through inspiring individuals and innovative projects. SAMAR shares this aspiration with the widest number in the MENA region: SAMAR also finally offers to its followers the opportunity to share their video production and picks with its growing online community.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2012, SAMAR Media has produced and broadcast more than 200 videos as part of the following web programs:
The Cartoonists of the Arab world, Tahrir, my revolution, The Arab Summer, This is Palestine, Turkey and the Arab World, The New Arab media, The Lebanese of West Africa, Me and my Country: 5 Years into the Arab Uprisings, Rap Generation: The Beat of the street, Arabic Dialects.
These web video series have generated more than 3 million views on the Internet.
SAMAR also regularly organizes public screenings of these series. In June 2016, SAMAR Media also held a conference and a concert at the Villa Méditerranée in Marseilles on the theme « Exile & Migrations in the Mediterranean ». This public event featured musicians and Spoken Words artists from the Arab region and experts of migration issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SAMAR’s media coverage follows a ‘Slow Media’ approach and its video production emphasises the positive energies and creativity of the Arab world and its diaspora. With an ambition to strengthen intercultural dialogue throughout the Mediterranean, SAMAR hopes to develop a synergy with Anna Lindh’s network members in order to shed light on the potential of Mediterranean societies and contribute positively to the many challenges faced in this region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Pan-Arab editorial approach of SAMAR Media led us to work on many projects in and outside the MENA region. We are aware that many challenges Arab countries face today (migrations, security, environment etc.) are shared throughout the Mediterranean zone. However, the perception of these challenges and the way they are addressed often tend to vary from one side of the Mediterranean to the other. Developing partnerships around the Mediterranean with ALF network members will allow SAMAR to cover these challenges through the lens of a regional perspective. Thus, we hope to multiply in the future events that embody a multicultural vision of leading issues related to the Mediterranean region. Joining the ALF Network is an important step towards this ambition.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziyad Clot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ziyad Clot
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Jabbour
Job Title (2)
Beirut Bureau Chief

SAMAR Media (ZSCJ Media Limited)

National Network

Ithaki Building (Off 401). 12, Michalacopoulou Str.
1642 Nicosia

+357 22 767160
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 6 73 26 80 09
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
SAMAR Media (corporate name: ZSCJ Media Limited) is a Limited Liability Company registered in Cyprus. It mainly operates from Lebanon and covers the whole MENA region. SAMAR Media is headed by Ziyad Clot and Jana Jabbour. Its staff includes 4 employees working from Beyrouth, Cairo and Paris and a network of free-lancers throughout the MENA region. Its yearly budget is within the range of 100,000/150,000 EUR and is generated by sponsorship revenues, grants and donations.  SAMAR’s most recent web programs “Me & My country, 5 years into the Arab uprisings”, “Rap Generation: the Beat of the Street” and “Arabic Dialects” have generated more than 1,5 million views since the start of the year 2016. SAMAR Media often partners with other media outlets, which relay its web programs to wide audiences worldwide. It has worked with international news websites such as The Guardian, France 24, El Pais, The Christian Science Monitor, Jaddaliya etc. SAMAR also coordinates on a project-basis with local actors (NGOs, universities, local institutions) to organize on the ground events such as workshops, conferences or debates on both sides of the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

SAMAR is a web media organization dedicated to the Arab world. It produces and broadcasts videos on the internet in Arabic, English and French and aims to make knowledge, arts and culture available to the widest audience. SAMAR’s main editorial goal is to address the realities and underlying dynamics which are reshaping the Arab region, rather than to cover its most sensational stories. SAMAR also promotes a more positive image of the Arab region and its people through inspiring individuals and innovative projects. SAMAR shares this aspiration with the widest number in the MENA region: SAMAR also finally offers to its followers the opportunity to share their video production and picks with its growing online community.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2012, SAMAR Media has produced and broadcast more than 200 videos as part of the following web programs:
The Cartoonists of the Arab world, Tahrir, my revolution, The Arab Summer, This is Palestine, Turkey and the Arab World, The New Arab media, The Lebanese of West Africa, Me and my Country: 5 Years into the Arab Uprisings, Rap Generation: The Beat of the street, Arabic Dialects.
These web video series have generated more than 3 million views on the Internet.
SAMAR also regularly organizes public screenings of these series. In June 2016, SAMAR Media also held a conference and a concert at the Villa Méditerranée in Marseilles on the theme « Exile & Migrations in the Mediterranean ». This public event featured musicians and Spoken Words artists from the Arab region and experts of migration issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SAMAR’s media coverage follows a ‘Slow Media’ approach and its video production emphasises the positive energies and creativity of the Arab world and its diaspora. With an ambition to strengthen intercultural dialogue throughout the Mediterranean, SAMAR hopes to develop a synergy with Anna Lindh’s network members in order to shed light on the potential of Mediterranean societies and contribute positively to the many challenges faced in this region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Pan-Arab editorial approach of SAMAR Media led us to work on many projects in and outside the MENA region. We are aware that many challenges Arab countries face today (migrations, security, environment etc.) are shared throughout the Mediterranean zone. However, the perception of these challenges and the way they are addressed often tend to vary from one side of the Mediterranean to the other. Developing partnerships around the Mediterranean with ALF network members will allow SAMAR to cover these challenges through the lens of a regional perspective. Thus, we hope to multiply in the future events that embody a multicultural vision of leading issues related to the Mediterranean region. Joining the ALF Network is an important step towards this ambition.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziyad Clot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ziyad Clot
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Jabbour
Job Title (2)
Beirut Bureau Chief