Danish Red Cross Youth (DRCY) // Ungdommens Røde Kors (URK)

National Network

Hejrevej 30, 2 sal
2400 KBH NV

+ 45 35 37 25 55
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
DRCY is an independent youth organisation under DRC. DRCY is organized in a number of volunteer-driven steering and thematic committees. The volunteer-driven activities are supported and facilitated by a secretariat, including 18 full-time advisors. The youth volunteers are the core force of the DRCY activities, a concept which underline the capacities of both the volunteers as the staff and their ability to engage support youth in their active involvement as volunteers. Our budgetary resources and sources of funding can be found through the following link: https://issuu.com/ungdommensroedekors/docs/aarsrapport_2015 In our international activities the DRCY acts as one Red Cross society with the Danish Red Cross and our efforts always aim to support the national Red Cross/Crescent partners and other partners to sustainably carry out the work in their own territory. In addition to local reach, being part of the International Federation of The Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) gives DRCY a global potential. Partnering with the IFRC, our effort to strengthen youth capacity and involvement is global. Aligned with and in support of the IFRC strategy 2020 attention on Youth action, DRCY strive for youth influence and inclusion within the entire Red Cross/Red Crescent movement and beyond.
Mission and Objectives

The DRCY work towards supporting the most vulnerable children and youth. This mission stems from the seven Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement:
The 7 fundamental principles of the Red Cross are:
Voluntary service
Since 2008, the international activities of the Danish Red Cross Youth (DRCY) have proliferated and grown in several new directions. From a focus on cultural exchange youth programmes, new activities have increasingly engaged in youth-focused development projects, gradually building a competence in working with ever more vulnerable youth groups in Africa, the Middle East, Greenland and Europe
The priorities od the DRCY international activities aims to further expand international activities while developing core competencies in working with the most vulnerable youths and in strengthening youth influence on their own lives, their communities and the global Red Cross Movement. This builds directly on the strategic ambitions in the general DRCY’s Strategy on expanding activities, targeting more vulnerable groups and enhancing quality and social impact of DRCY’s programmes in Denmark and abroad.
The Danish Red Cross Youth apply a holistic approach to enable youth to pursue healthy viable lives and seek influence upon and inclusion within their societies. Doing this, we will advocate for a strengthened attention to youth development, showing that youth can act as key partners in development, if only we invest in their potential.

Main Projects / Activities

DRCY has vast experience with the coordination and cooperation with local stakholders and authorities through national activities such as summer camps, mentor projects, telephone hotlines, sport and health projects, support for children at asylum and women crisis centers and so on. DRCY has substantial experience within international projects, dating back to 1986 and currently working on youth projects in Palestine, Jordan, Zimbabwe, Greenland and Europe. Within the technical field of youth work DRCY has a strategic focus on youth engagement and development. DRCY works through a multidimensional approach addressing youth as leaders, as volunteers, and as beneficiaries by employing participatory and evidence-based methodologies. DRCY's core competencies are life skills, peer-to-peer support and gender responses, vital in responding to the needs of young people as volunteers, leaders and beneficiaries. In addition the DRCY has a great deal of experience and expertise in organisational youth development that encourages youth engagement and influence, youth leadership development as well as ensuring a special attention to youth as beneficiaries. In DRCY projects nationally and internationally there is a focus on sustainability of the activities. In Denmark, DRCY has been one of the leading and innovative civil society organizations in collaborating with local authorities. The DRCY also have a yearly Leadership Academy every August with a focus on training International NRCS's in different psychosocial methods. Currently the DRCY is developing g global platform for youth volunteers in which they can find resources, engage in youth dialogue and undergo online training on topics such as Life Skills, Youth Leadership, Psychosocial Support and Innovation in social inclusion work with refugees and migrants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

At the DRCY we believe that we can contribute to the network with the many years of experience with international youth work as well as with new and innovative ideas and approaches to cooperation across sectors, organisations and institutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is an important part of the DRCY strategy to broaden the cooperation with other stakeholders in the field of youth, who work in Europe and the Mediteranean. By joining the Anna Lindh Foundation Network the DTCY hopes to broaden the scope of potentiel partners, associated partners and alliances in the global youth work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maj Vestergaard Navntoft
Job Title
International Advisor
Head of the organisation
Anders Folmer Buhelt
Contact (2) Full Name
Kara Djuurhus
Job Title (2)
Head of International Department

Arthropology llc

National Network

Calle Caballeros 18-2
46001 Valencia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Arthropology is a private, self funded collective of international artists focused on Journeys of necessity. From West african migrants to Syrian refugees we partner with NGOs like Greenpeace and the Red Cross to create installations detailing the why's and who's behind human migrations. Our first project SENEGAL:Econimic migration was shown on three continents in 2012. The number of members has now grown to 6 with the addition of four filmmaking professionals including Mike Jackson at Paramount studios LA and Fady Farran cinematographer in Beirut. We are experimenting with film and have a feature film in the works alopng with an installation featuring DISPLACED CREATIVES.
Mission and Objectives

The intention of our group is to promote awareness to under reported segments of society and the difficulties they are experiencing. Using art to transend the 'media clip' or 'sound bite' mentality of todays busy world creates space for reflection and interaction from which empathy can begin to grow. We pride ourselves in being submersed in whatever it is we are researching often spending many months living among those we are studing.
Our mission is best stated by Bill Moyers when he said "Our very lives depend on the ethics of strangers, and most of us are always strangers to other people."

Main Projects / Activities

The Book of Journeys is an ongoing series of travel narratives, short stories and images detailing our installation work. The work is the blanket under which most of Arthrpology's pieces are created. Our  Senegal project was begun in Dakar and we folloed migrants to North Africa then the Spanish enclaves and finally to Europe, it took one year.
The last two years have been devoted to a series of both non fiction and fictional pieces on Syria and the civil war there. Some of these works include a feature film script, a novel and an installation. 
We are also beginning to look towards central Africa for our next work on WATER.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since our practice is one of collaboration we are always sharing ideas and knowledge with artists we are in contact with. Our current project has the potential to aid newly arriving artists from the Middle East by highlighting their experiences and giving them exposure they would not find in their countries of origin. If we are to make our art our voice the louder that voice can project the greater its affect on our societies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As our premise is always to break down walls we constantly are seeking new intellectual dialogs to engage ourselves in, being a member of ALF we believe would only aid us in making that happen for both creatives and 'others' in our society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elizabeth wood
Job Title
Co-founder, creative director
Head of the organisation
Elizabeth Wood, MFA
Contact (2) Full Name
Dan Hefty
Job Title (2)
Managing director, Co-founder

Ungdom Mot Rasism (Youth against Racism)

National Network

Box 140 30
16873 Bromma

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Ungdom Mot Rasism (Youth against Racism), or UMR, is an anti-racist civil society organisation. It organises children and young people in the fight for a more anti-racist Sweden. They do this through political influence, local organisation, educational activities and grassroots activism.

UMR has been around since 1996. In 2018, the union reappeared in a new national organisation.

Mission and Objectives

Ungdom mot Rasism is a youth organisation for everyone up to 30 years who believe in equal rights and want to organise for an open society free of racism. We are an organisation by and for young people.

Ungdom Mot Rasism has no political affiliations. We work against racism and xenophobia and for democracy and diversity. We use peaceful methods such as dialogue and education. UMR aims for a society where everyone has the right and opportunity to define themselves such as they want to. A society that values democracy and equality, and where discriminatory and excluding structures are identified and challenged. A society that makes a stand for inclusion and openness and where intolerance and unequal power structures are not accepted.

Main Projects / Activities

UMR works with non-formal education as a method for educating members, school students, as well as other organizations and actors. We believe that the dissemination of knowledge about racism, its history and its current existence is a way for us to fight it. Organizing locally is key at UMR, and activists are located in different parts of Sweden. In a local group, study circles on racism or post-colonialism are common, but also external trainings and lectures, demonstrations or paying special attention to important days in the fight against racism.

The overall organisation also has smaller projects across Sweden and arranges campaigns and seminars as well as working with advocacy and public debates. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Jorge María Londoño
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jorge María Londoño (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Sona Rashid
Job Title (2)
Vice president

Jeunesse et Non-violence

National Network

12100 MILLAU

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information
The organization " Youth and Non- violence " is intended for the training of young people in non-violence by organizing Youth camps, international exchanges, training courses, artistic workshops in the field of performing arts, support young people in employement insertion, seminars, hosting and sending young European voluntary service, festivals, interventions in schools,  international network for the resolution of conflicts through non-violence, peace  education and the defense of the environment. Development of European projects for young people. Conflict management (prevention, action and reconciliation). Artistic groups (dance, theater, music). Ecology and environmental protection. Media, communication and information for young people. International solidarity. Fight against discrimination, racism and xenophobia. Intercultural and interreligious dialogue. Structure : NGO. Staff employed : 1 ; Partners : Free Euro Mediterranean University of Performing Arts Budget : around 30000 € /year Sources of funding: fee members and grants for the youth Erasmus + program;  grants from others fundations 
Mission and Objectives

The organization " Youth and Non- violence " is intended for the training of young people in non-violence, Conflict management (prevention, action and reconciliation). Performing arts (dance, theater, music). Ecology and environmental protection. Media, communication. International solidarity. Fight against discrimination, racism and xenophobia. Intercultural and interreligious dialogue.
Our objectives are the reinforcement of a peace culture through the education, giving the opportunity to young volunteers learn about conflict resolution in the non-violence way. What is very important in the pedagogic level, is that the trainers use their competencies to manage the exchanges dynamic but we construct the theory together sharing experiences of each one. The workshop give us tools to find answers to the different's practical  issues linked with our really life.
The non-formal education let us free be in the same time organizers and participants each one, the intercultural exchanges encourage the good understanding and the solidarity, the construction of a Youth international network about non-violence is a project for international solidarity in conflicts situation but also a place for active communication and the freedom of movement of the information and Knowledge's.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth camps, international exchanges, training courses, artistic workshops in the field of performing arts, support young people in employement insertion, seminars, hosting and sending young European voluntary service, festivals, interventions in schools,  international network for the resolution of conflicts through non-violence, peace  education and the defense of the environment.
Field’s intervention:
- Peace and Non-violence education
- Struggle against racism and discrimination
- Intercultural and inter-religious dialogue
- Conflict resolution (prevention, action and Post conflict/post-disaster rehabilitation)
- Ecology and environment awareness
- Arts (Dance, theatre, music, painting, calligraphy)
- Media's, communication and Youth Information
- International solidarity (Africa, Middle East, South America)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will contribute to the network activities and partnership of the ALF network, promoting the visibility of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in France and with our partners in the Euromed region. 
We will inform the public and the participants in our activities of the ALF program and activities. We will encourage them to join the network. 
We can apport documents and ressource manuals for the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To participate in the promotion of the dialogue between cultures in the Mediterranean region.
To promote intercultural exchanges and development of projects with partners of the Euro-Mediterranean region
To develop projects with the objectives to fight against  racism and xenophobia and to promote  peace, democracy and  human rights .
To participate in the creativity in common projects between diferents cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
International projects manager
Head of the organisation
Elsa Royo
Contact (2) Full Name
Elsa Royo
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

OMCOM – Osservatorio Mediterraneo sulla Criminalità Organizzata e le Mafie

National Network

Via Baldasseroni, 25

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
OMCOM – Osservatorio Mediterraneo sulla Criminalità Organizzata e le Mafie –  si pone come obiettivi il monitoraggio e l’analisi di quanto succede nei paesi dell’area mediterranea affrontando con una visione geopolitica le problematiche criminali organizzate e mafiose. Compito dell’Omcom è anche quello di formare gli addetti ai lavori per metterli in grado di leggere le infiltrazioni presenti sul territorio e di informare le opinioni pubbliche del mediterraneo sui pericoli che tali infiltrazioni comportano.
Mission and Objectives

OMCOM – Osservatorio Mediterraneo sulla Criminalità Organizzata e le Mafie –  si pone come obiettivi il monitoraggio e l’analisi di quanto succede nei paesi dell’area mediterranea affrontando con una visione geopolitica le problematiche criminali organizzate e mafiose. Compito dell’Omcom è anche quello di formare gli addetti ai lavori per metterli in grado di leggere le infiltrazioni presenti sul territorio e di informare le opinioni pubbliche del mediterraneo sui pericoli che tali infiltrazioni comportano

Main Projects / Activities

OMCOM – Osservatorio Mediterraneo sulla Criminalità Organizzata e le Mafie –  si pone come obiettivi il monitoraggio e l’analisi di quanto succede nei paesi dell’area mediterranea affrontando con una visione geopolitica le problematiche criminali organizzate e mafiose. Compito dell’Omcom è anche quello di formare gli addetti ai lavori per metterli in grado di leggere le infiltrazioni presenti sul territorio e di informare le opinioni pubbliche del mediterraneo sui pericoli che tali infiltrazioni comportano

Contact (1) Full Name
Salvatore Calleri
Head of the organisation
Salvatore Calleri


National Network

Rruga Pinollopi Pirro, Lagjia 29 Nenori

00355 694050291
Telephone (other)
00355 685042255
Mobile Phone
00355 694050291
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

New Epoch’ organization works with youth and for youth. The centre opened in 2005 to address the need of youth to self organize and to become an active part of their community. Its members are young people of Fier aged from 14 to 30. Youth Parliament of Fier is a structure within the ‘New Epoch’ organization since 2005. Youth Parliament is comprised of elected young Senators elected through democratic elections conducted in these institutions. New Epoch youngsters are active part of different programs and activities such as: peer eduation, environmental protection, advocacy and lobbing campaigns, regional and national debates, etc. New Epoch builds their capacities in informal learning and different trainings, such as: Advocacy and Lobbing, Drafting projects, Conflict Menagement, Public speaking, Human rights, Gender issues, Women equality, etc.  The organization has a board of directors of five people, the executive director, the staff (5 people) and volunteers.The centre operates in Fier through ongoing partnerships with the local Municipality and other regional organizations. Funding sources are from different donors: municipality of Fier, SIDA (Olof Palme International Center Program in Balcans, Soros, USAID, etc). We have about 50.000 Euro of budget/year. 

Mission and Objectives

The goal of the organization is to aid the processes of social change, development, democratic progress, and improving the life of the community through youth collaboration. Objectives: • Making public and supporting the principles, ideas and the advantages of the citizens participation on the country life; • To increase the capability of the society to reach the equality; • To increase the level of education for the youth people. • To encourage the movement of citizens and the initiatives for the community consciences regarding the improvement of the local and central policies of: governing, the environmental issues, people health , youth, woman , vulnerable groups, culture and science; • To establish a forum for full discussion with all interest subjects; • To increase awareness and enable the citizens to protect their health in preventing different risky diseases; and to assist the invalid individual or those people suffering from different pathological diseases through facilitating their conditions for a better life and a qualitative social life;

Main Projects / Activities

1.  Youth against corruption 2005 UNICEF 2.  Youth Parliament Fier 2006 UNICEF 3.  Election Campaign “Youth Center Fier: ”A Dream that together will realize” 2006 USAID, Partners Albania. 4.  Summer School, August 2007 2007 Fier Municipality 5.  “Participatory budgeting” 2007 Fier Municipality and CoPlan 6.  Preventing  HIV/AIDS- Roma community in Fier 2008-2009 Global Found 7.  Environmental Group Fier 2009 US Ambassy 8.  Sport-Health-Life 2009 UNODC 9.  Youth Agent for Change 2008 -2011 Olof Palme International Centre 10.  Dream and Reality 2010-2011 Soros Albania 11.  House holding Women  2011 Soros Albania 12.  Matura.al  2012 Soros Albania 13.  Apolonia International Students Film Festival 2013 Swedish Institute 14.  Decide together – Empowerment of Citizen Council- Levan  2013 AMSHC 15.  Youth empowerment for a better local decision making 2012-2015   Olof Palme Center 16.  Youth– Police –Community 2014-2015 SACP Program - SIDA 17.  Yes, Youth Can – Youth Advisory groups Fier and Patos 2014-2015 USIAD – ASISST IMPACT 18.  Democratic participation of Young people at local level 2016-2018 Olof Palme Center

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

CVM - Comunità Volontari per il Mondo

National Network

Piazza Santa Maria , 04
Via delle Regioni, 06

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
_MG_2451 (800x613) (640x490)   Il CVM (Comunità Volontari per il Mondo) è un gruppo di persone che condividono ideali, esperienze e un'utopia: un mondo migliore è possibile. Da oltre trent'anni, la nostra ONG promuove, nel Sud del Mondo, progetti di autosviluppo e, in Italia, iniziative di sensibilizzazione dell'opinione pubblica sui problemi dello squilibrio fra Paesi. Breve Storia Nel 1978 alcuni giovani, rientrati da esperienze di volontariato nel Sud del Mondo, recavano con sé il desiderio di non far morire ciò che intensamente avevano condiviso con le comunità locali. Forti di questo anelito, si misero assieme e decisero di dar vita a una ONG per proseguire nella lotta alla povertà e alle ingiustizie sociali. Così nacque il CVM, Centro Volontari Marchigiani. Dall'anno della sua fondazione il CVM è membro a pieno titolo della FOCSIV (Federazione Organismi Cristiani). Nel 1979 viene inserito nella lista delle Ong che posseggono i requisiti per operare nei PVS (Paesi in Via di Sviluppo) con la Commissione della Comunità Europea e, nel settembre 1980, invia i suoi primi due volontari in Etiopia per un progetto idrico nei villaggi rurali del Wolayita.
Mission and Objectives

L'obiettivo ultimo di tutto il nostro operare resta invariato. Oggi come trent'anni fa la sfida rimane lo "sviluppo di tutto l'uomo e di tutti gli uomini". La fame, l'AIDS, la mancanza di beni primari – cibo, acqua pulita, un'abitazione dignitosa, l'istruzione- e altre forme di ingiustizia ed emarginazione, privano uomini e donne della possibilità di una vita normale e della loro dignità di persone.
Per CVM, lo sviluppo è prima di tutto un processo di liberazione dall'oppressione della povertà. Liberare le potenzialità insite in ognuno è la strategia ricorrente in tutte le attività e proposte da CVM.

Main Projects / Activities

La prima parola chiave per l’esistenza del nostro organismo sono “i poveri”. Alla base del nostro operare c’è il desiderio di lottare contro le tante forme di povertà, a partire dalla povertà economica. Vogliamo lottare contro forme di vita disumana, operare perché il grido dei poveri venga ascoltato dai “potenti di turno”. Mosè, Gesù, Francesco, Gandi, Martin Luter King e tanti altri sono i nostri punti di riferimento.

Contact (1) Full Name
Padovani Paolo
Head of the organisation
Padovani Paolo

Center for Cross-cultural Communication

National Network

Divanyolu Caddesi Erçevik İş Hanı No:54 / 110 Sultanahmet
34122 Istanbul/

+90 (212) 526 3063
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90 532 2479948
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 507 5242470
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Established in 2010 we are a non-profit organisation with 3 paid members of staff and around 50 volunteers. The majority of our volunteers are fluent in English and some are native speakers of different European languages including German, French, Polish, Spanish, Danish, Swedish etc. Our budget is humble, around 70000 TL in 2015 so we highly rely on donations of materials and staffing our activities through volunteers. We have donations from other charities and we were awarded a project by the Ministry of Interior, Turkey in 2014 to run a training event for HR purposes. We have regular training for volunteers mainly in English language, seminars on various subjects, daily information sessions in our cultural centres in Istanbul etc. Majority of our activities are in English with occasional sessions in different languages. Our publications foster cross-cultural communication and understanding and widely distributed in Istanbul, Edirne and Antalya. We are EVS accredited by the EU and we partner with other organisations on a project base.
Mission and Objectives

Our organisation (Center for Cross-cultural Communication) aims to cater for different groups. First of all it aims to raise cross-cultural awareness among young Turkish citizens. Secondly it aims to establish platforms where people from different cultural backgrounds can meet, discuss their viewpoints and realize their commonalities as well as differences.So far we have been actively engaging young Turks and international visitors in the most attractive locations in a historically pluralist city, Istanbul. Sultan Ahmed and Suleymaniye Mosques and Sinan Pasha Complex are some of these places for example.It has ben commented as an important part of their visit by most of our visitors in the guest book, in their emails and tripadvisor.com comments.Regular activities are presentations to groups of visitors, individual discussions after presentations, question and answer sessions and training for the volunteers on various subjects including intercultural communication skills, public speaking and presentation workshops, seminars on history and architecture.

Main Projects / Activities

Info sessions: To tourists in Sultan Ahmed, Suleymaniye and Sinan Pasha centres in the form of group presentations and one-to-one 
Publications: On cultural sites in Istanbul and Edirne as well as on various aspects of Turkish and Islamic culture. One such project was funded by TURING and more than 100000 brochures in 8 languages were distributed in Istanbul and Edirne.
Training: Differentiated training for volunteers at different levels, basic communication skills, intercultural competence, presentation skills (elementary to advanced), Judaism and Christianity, Architecture, History fo the Qur'an etc. 
Iftari: During Ramadan every year we host iftaris for non-Muslim visitors in the historical sites of Istanbul

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a large but maybe underrepresented network of volunteers and other organisations who may be useful in advancing international, intercultural and interfaith relations among members of the Anna Lindh Foundation's network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

National and international activities, providing/receiving training on various subjects of interest, exchange of volunteers, joint workshops on common challenges of the time and area that we live in.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatih Özkan
Job Title
General Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Dr. Enes Eryarsoy
Contact (2) Full Name
Osman Yapar
Job Title (2)
Vice Chair

Istituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionali - CNR

National Network

Via dei Taurini, 19

06 49937667
06 44340025
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
L’Istituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionali (ISGI), organo scientifico del CNR svolge attività di ricerca, formazione e alta consulenza nel campo del diritto internazionale ed europeo, con particolare attenzione al settore dei diritti umani, alla protezione dell’ambiente, al diritto del mare, al diritto dello spazio, e alla disciplina delle questioni bioetiche. Principale oggetto di studio dell’ISGI è il fenomeno giuridico internazionale, inteso non solo come l’insieme delle regole e delle istituzioni che disciplinano la vita e le relazioni della comunità degli Stati, ma anche come livello normativo distinto e superiore rispetto a quello statale, capace di condizionare l’ordinamento italiano e, quindi, l’attività delle istituzioni nazionali e la vita della collettività presente in Italia.
Mission and Objectives

Le finalità perseguite dall’ISGI sono ambiziose e articolate: accrescere la conoscenza del diritto e delle organizzazioni internazionali ed europee, contribuendo al loro sviluppo normativo e istituzionale; far avanzare la consapevolezza dell’importanza della dimensione giuridica internazionale per affrontare i problemi della società contemporanea e del mondo “globalizzato”; contribuire alla formazione di quanti operano nelle istituzioni pubbliche, nelle organizzazioni sociali, nell’imprenditoria e nel mondo del diritto.

Main Projects / Activities

Diritto internazionale, organizzazioni internazionali, integrazione europea: il contributo dell’Italia e la prassi applicativa

Diritto e cooperazione internazionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile, la protezione dell’ambiente, la gestione delle risorse naturali e dello spazio

La tutela multilivello dei diritti umani tra diritto internazionale, diritto europeo e diritto interno

Diritti umani dei richiedenti asilo in Italia e Ungheria – Impatto del diritto internazionale e del diritto comunitario sui ricorsi interni

Le relazioni tra Unione europea, Paesi del’Est Europa e Russia. La Crisi Ucraina.

Unificazione e integrazione del diritto in Europa e America Latina

Network of experts on the legal aspects of maritime safety and security (Marsafenet)

Preventing, redressing and inhibiting hate speech in new media (PRISM)

Cooperazione scientifica con la Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

European Migration Network – Italian National Contact Point

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppe Palmisano
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Palmisano

Associazione Osservatorio Salute e Sicurezza

National Network

via Veturia, 44

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
L’Associazione,  perseguendo  finalità  di  solidarietà  sociale,  culturale  e  di  tutela  delle condizioni    dell’ambiente  di  vita,  lavoro,  ecologiche  del  sistema  di  vita  nel  loro complesso  e  varietà,  nei  settori  dell'educazione,  della  formazione,  dei  servizi dell’ambito  sociologico,  culturale,  scientifico  e  psicologico  della  tutela  dei  diritti  e della promozione della cultura in generale si prefigge i seguenti scopi: rappresentarele  istanze  e  le  progettualità  di  chi  opera  sul  territorio  con  progetti  socioculturali fondati  sull’affermazione  del  diritto  alla  cittadinanza  attiva.  L'associazione  potrà esercitare la propria attività su tutto il territorio nazionale ed anche all’estero.
Mission and Objectives

L’Associazione,  perseguendo  finalità  di  solidarietà  sociale,  culturale  e  di  tutela  delle condizioni    dell’ambiente  di  vita,  lavoro,  ecologiche  del  sistema  di  vita  nel  loro complesso  e  varietà,  nei  settori  dell'educazione,  della  formazione,  dei  servizi dell’ambito  sociologico,  culturale,  scientifico  e  psicologico  della  tutela  dei  diritti  e della promozione della cultura in generale si prefigge i seguenti scopi: rappresentarele  istanze  e  le  progettualità  di  chi  opera  sul  territorio  con  progetti  socioculturali
fondati  sull’affermazione  del  diritto  alla  cittadinanza  attiva.  L'associazione  potrà esercitare la propria attività su tutto il territorio nazionale ed anche all’estero.

Main Projects / Activities

L’Associazione,  perseguendo  finalità  di  solidarietà  sociale,  culturale  e  di  tutela  delle condizioni    dell’ambiente  di  vita,  lavoro,  ecologiche  del  sistema  di  vita  nel  loro complesso  e  varietà,  nei  settori  dell'educazione,  della  formazione,  dei  servizi dell’ambito  sociologico,  culturale,  scientifico  e  psicologico  della  tutela  dei  diritti  e della promozione della cultura in generale si prefigge i seguenti scopi: rappresentarele  istanze  e  le  progettualità  di  chi  opera  sul  territorio  con  progetti  socioculturali
fondati  sull’affermazione  del  diritto  alla  cittadinanza  attiva.  L'associazione  potrà esercitare la propria attività su tutto il territorio nazionale ed anche all’estero.

Contact (1) Full Name
Flavia Maria Margaritelli
Head of the organisation
Flavia Maria Margaritelli