Anazitites Theatrou

National Network

26th Oktovriou str. 15
54627 Thessaloniki

+30 2310 500034
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Our non-profit organization has been active since 2011. The purpose of the organization is to contribute to get the performing arts center position in education (formal or no-formal) and also to contribute to the search of approaches and techniques for theater as an art form and as educational tool. The organization places great emphasis on the development of educational and cultural projects in the promotion of non-formal and informal education, social and creative entrepreneurship and networking between organizations, to share experiences and enhance their potential. Our vision is the Revival of old FIX factory , a landmark and historical monument of 24 000 sq.m. into a creativity idea factory that will foster all kinds of art. We are already using 1200 sq.m. which we restored and brought back to life, we are in the process of renting 2000 sq.m. more, and we plan to restore it and transform it into workshop areas and in the first academy of technical circus in Greece in collaboration with Professors from Aristotle University, Street Artists and Acrobats. Main activities of the organization are: • Organization and participation of local and international practices, drama workshops, seminars, conferences and other training activities, as in the evaluation workshops, promotion and diffusion of effective practices • Organization and implementation of programs in and out of schools • Organization and participation in research groups • Publishing of books, periodicals, educational material, studies or publications • Organization and participation in artistic productions and cultural events • Create networks of partners to promote the arts in education and in all matters related to the purposes of the Association The objectives of the organization accelerated through the implementation of regional and international actions, always with the initiative and participation of young people in all stages of operations. The projects of the association are innovative and provide a variety of learning opportunities in the educational activity. In the association there is not employed paid staff, but works with the support of youth volunteers . Volunteers are people from all social and cultural classes, without any distinction, and are also the target group of the organization. Members of the organization include people who have experience and expertise in the organization, implementation and monitoring of festivals, conferences, bilateral and multilateral projects, but also people with a university education, including Education and Social Policy graduates: Adult Education (Specialist in Continuing education and Consulting), Law, Psychology, Literature, Social Worker and other specialties that are necessary when one deals with young people. The organization is located in Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece, a city of one million with the largest number of youngsters due to many universities that exist in the city. The city in history has been the crossroads of cultures and movements, with a strong position on the world map. Also in modern history has been the capital of culture and youth, leaving a rich legacy to future generations, but also a great obligation to continue to respond to what has been build so far.

Mission and Objectives

1. The aim of this association is scientific, artistic, educational, inquiring and by no means profit. In particular, the association’s purpose is the research of Theatre in Education, as it has already scientifically developed and the applying of theatre, educational drama, and in general performing arts in all forms of education. 2. The goal for the association is to contribute, so as the performing arts will gain a main part in Education (formal and non-formal), while helping the research of approaches and techniques in the use of Theatre both as an art form and a learning tool. Specifically the goals are: a. The initial and continuous education on issues such as i) techniques on theatre and in general on performing arts like direction, scenography, choreography, dramaturgy, music, e.t.c.  ii) Establishment and operation of educational and theatrical groups.  iii) Theatre, educational drama and theatrical game utilization to approach cognitive subjects in and out of the school curricula at all levels.  iv) Social theatre, drama therapy, psychodrama, music education, e.t.c. b. The exchange of experience, contact and acquaintance with educational systems and scientific and artistic institutions of other countries. c. The critical presentation of contemporary trends over the theater in education and the other relevant educational  and theatrical sciences, the presentation of young researchers work, the addressing-presentation of current issues and cooperation - communication with relevant institutions, both on a national and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Indicatively, our participations in festival/concerts/actions since 2015 :  InArt Cinema (May 2016 – October 2016), free film screening every Wednesday.  In art Cinema is an all year round community building event,  via the screenings we organize parallel events like discussions around psychoanalysis and cinema , blind taste tests , mystery games , and through these events we aim to the strengthening of the social ties within our community. Until October 2016 we are screening French movie. In art Cinema was inaugurated with the screening of FESTIMAJ an international short film festival for amateur  directors ages 4 – 30. Festimaj, (May2016- June 2016) a short movie Festival. In collaboration with the French Institute of Thessaloniki, it was the first time that people in Greece could watch the festimaj movies and vote for them. There was free screening of all the categories of the festival for a month.  FREE 3 weeksPercussions and Drums Workshop (June 2016), with Victor Carme, a 25 years old French musician  FREE 2 weeks Humanitarian Clown Theatre Workshop (June 2016), with Guillaume Vermette, who is 28 years old and he is professional and experienced humanitarian clown .  Theatrical Seminar of 20hrs about the theatrical game and its use as an education tool (June 2016), with Nick Tsoleridis, a professional actor and teacher.   Stand-up Comedy Workshop (June 2016) , with Robert Coohe who is 24 years old and his workshop focused on the devising and development of new comedy material.  Festimaj, (May2016- June 2016) a short movie Festival. In collaboration with the French Institute of Thessaloniki, it was the first time that people in Greece could watch the festimaj movies and vote for them. There was free screening of all the categories of the festival for a month.  School performance with autistic children (June 2016). 19 – 25 years old volunteers of our organization prepared and organized a full theatrical performance, in which the actors were kids with special needs. The theatrical performance could not take place without the support from our volunteers.  El Aqua Negro (17th of June 2016). A theatrical play where the actors were between 19-22 years old and the whole team were under 30 years old. The 4 months rehearsals for this Play were also at FIX premises.  Antigone Project (May 2016), in collaboration with Anna Rossman Kiss(age 21)  a 4day theatrical workshop took place, that led to a performance.  1st Thessaloniki Opera Festival (September 2015) , a collaboration with the Archaelogical Service of Thessaloniki, the Concert Hall and the artistic team Skull of Yorick, that was attended by over 4000 people.(Norma, Carmen, Dido &Aeneas, Sister Angelica). During the opera festival we gave the oppurtinity to upcoming lyrical artists to participate in a professional performance. The artists in the chorus were as young as 17 years old.  Art direction of “Argyria 2015” (May 2015), a series of events of the Municipality of Thermaikos in Epanomi community, by organizing 5 concerts and several side events. Art direction and technical support of the Municipality of Thermaikos series of events, in art Cinema, with free outdoor movies in the communities of Municipality of Thermaikos under the auspices of the Italian Institute.    

Contact (1) Full Name
Evanthia Stavrou
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Zafiridis Dionisis
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Vasileiou
Job Title (2)


National Network

70 rue samatan
13007 Marseille

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
En résidence permanente à la Cité de la Musique de Marseille, nous œuvrons dans le domaine de la chanson, du spectacle musical et de la formation. Depuis 15 ans nous créons  et composons  des spectacles musicaux et menons un grand nombre de formation et d’actions culturelles dur le département : formation de professeurs de musiques, ateliers et formations à la création et interprétation de chansons pour des amateurs et des collégiens dans le cadre d’actions artistiques avec le Conseil Départemental 13. Depuis 2 ans, nous intervenons auprès des équipes de professionnels  des entreprises du secteur sanitaire et social ​En 2016, nous avons créé PAROLES DE MEDITERRANEE, récital poétique à partir de l'Anthologie des Poètes de la Méditerranée. Sur scène : Anne Gastine au piano et chant, Fouad Didi à l'oud, violon et chant et Philippe Gastine au texte et au chant :"Voyages sur les rives de la Méditerranée en musique "    
Mission and Objectives

Développer la création musicale et poétique auprès d'un large public multiculturel : enfants, adultes, personnes âgés, scolaires et universitaires

Main Projects / Activities

- Création de spectacles musicaux qui mêlent textes, chansons et musiques
- Formation à l'écriture et à la composition de chansons
- Formation à la l'interprétation de chansons : mise en jeu, justesse vocale, rythme ...
- Ateliers auprsè de collégiens ou de résidants en maison de retraite à l'écriture, à la mise en musique de texte..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons mettre en relation avec les écoles de musiques, les organisateurs de spectacles toute compagnie qui souhaite présenter son travail en France

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour établir des contacts afin de diffuser notre spectacle PAROLES DE MEDITERRANEE et les ateliers / conférences sur la poésie et la musique avec des partenaires qui siègent et oeuvrent autour de la Méditerranée : formation, culture, échanges, jeunesse ...

Contact (1) Full Name
Gastine Philippe
Job Title
Directeur artistique
Head of the organisation
Philippe GASTINE


National Network


Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation


National Network

batna rue ch elhadaik
05005 batna

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم     الصلاة و السلام على النبي الكريم  يسعدني ان اتقدم اليكم بطلب الانظمام وكلي امل في دعم جهودكم في ترقية التواصل و تحاور الثقافات       كل الشكر و التقدير لكم في انتظار ان نتواصل معكم قريبا
Mission and Objectives

جمعيتنا تعنى بتهيئة البيئة و المحيط نشاط الشباب التربية و التعليم وتبادل الثقافات

Main Projects / Activities

النشاط التربوي الثقافي

Contact (1) Full Name
saidi hocine
Head of the organisation

EDEN center

National Network

Rr“Bogdani”, Nd.7 H.13 Ap.8, Kodi Postar 1025

00355 42 227615
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
EDEN center is a nongovernmental, not politically oriented, not for profit organization aiming to contribute in a sustainable development and healthy environment through informing, educating and offering services in partnership with the interested actors. The organization is established in March 2004 drawing on the expert assistance received from Milieukontakt International  and has within its structure:                     A well-established group of trainers who commit themselves in offering assistance and capacity building to its target groups;                     A group of Nature Guides which consist of young people prepared to offer guides and environmental education in nature                     A youth group which consist of volunteers motivated and engaged for different project awareness with community.                     A resource centre with a diverse library with editorials and environmental information, which is created by centre's staff, individual donation and partner's contribution.                    The first and the only environmental education center in the premises of Tirana Zoo. To complete our strategic mission and objectives, EDEN is focusing its work in four thematic pillars:                     Capacity Building                     Environmental Education                     Environmental Management Practices                     Public Information and Participation We have 6 full time and 2 part time staff in our organization and a handful of freelance experts, volunteers and nature guides who are mobilized upon center's needs. Organisation budget over the last 10 years has been app 70.000 Euro/year mainly coming from projects financed by EU, GGF, American Ambassy, REC etc
Mission and Objectives

We believe that a sustainable development and a healthy environment is possible.

Main Projects / Activities

Albanian civil society in their respond to development projects – September 2007- December 2009) “Strengthening Albanian Civil Society for an Improvement Environment” ( Implementing partner for capacity building component 2008 – 2010)
“Joining forces for a Sustainable Future in western Balkans” – Milieukontakt International & EDEN as partner organization for Albania for the capacity building component of the program (2007 -2010)
Green agenda in 3 communities in Albania – capacity building component ( 2007 -2010) Partnership for Local Green Agendas (March 2010 – December 2011)
“SEE through culture “(December 2007- March 2008)
“Young environmentalist Kit” ( June 2008- December 2011)
“Bringing Karavasta Lagoon back to Life” (October 2010 – October 2011)
“Education 4 Sustainability in Albanian high schools!” ( May – December 2013)
“We walk towards the Sustainable Development!” (May – December 2015)
“For cleaner cities with European governance” (September 2011 - Jun 2012)
“For cleaner cities and a step towards a democratic society” (September 2012 - July 2013)
”Separate waste collection in schools and communities” (April 2012- April 2013)
“The Project for Support of Waste Minimization and 3R Promotion In The Republic of Albania” (January – April 2015)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EDEN is the pioneer organisation working in the environmental watchdoging in the country.  Since 2014 we have initiated a national network of watchdoging organisation ( 6 members so far) and we are willing and commited to expand this initiative and ofer expertise and service to other organisations that would like to explore more in this field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our working philosophy is " jointly we can reach more". this is also the reason we are very active and members/ or affiliated members of several national and international networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Merita Mansaku - Meksi
Job Title
Board Member
Head of the organisation
Ermelinda Mahmutaj
Contact (2) Full Name
Albana Bregaj
Job Title (2)
Project coordinator

Alianza Foundation

National Network

Dar chabab Annaser, Guelmim, Morocco
81000 Guelmim

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
In order for the development of a country to be successful, there must be adequate participation and involvement from its youths, who demonstrate the potential to integrate in the policy-making process at local, regional, and national community levels. It is with this consideration that the Alianza Founadtion was founded in 2015  by a team of young volunteers, with the objective of creating a space for dialogue that is open to all young Moroccans in order to work toward promoting their participation in the decision-making process regarding issues that affect their lives.
Mission and Objectives

Our objectives:
Through its activities, the َAlianza Foundation aims to:
• Participate in the promotion and perfection of youth participation in the process of development,
• Support the spirit of initiative among youths,
• Cultivate the values of citizenship, democracy, and human rights among youths,
• Participate in the realization of development objectives.
Our identity:
The identity of the Moroccan Youth Forum derives from Moroccan culture and identity in an open cultural framework.

Our principles:

• Democracy
• Mutual respect
• Responsibility and engagement
Our bodies:
• The National Congress
• Local subsidiaries
• The Executive National Office

Main Projects / Activities

* Young Moroccan Voices
* Boite a Culture - Annalindh Foundation
* The munathara initiative 
* The Local Council of Youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• The organization of training programs for youths,
• The participation in activities that interest youths at both national and international levels,
• The organization of cultural debates,
• The organization of conferences, seminars, and study days,
• The publication of articles and research regarding youths,
• The partnership with various collaborators and institutions,
• The installation of local and national development projects in the interest of youths.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network of the Anna Lindh in order to benefit from their experiences internationally with the projects they are working on, as we aspire to work through the network to develop joint projects .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Elhaiba Rdait
Job Title
Financial framework
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Elhaiba Rdait
Contact (2) Full Name
Rabiaa Elkabous
Job Title (2)
programme manager


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
L'association Les Créants, basée à Bordeaux, développe des projets artistiques et culturelles, dans une approche collaborative et multimédia (arts vivants, arts visuels, audiovisuels, écriture...) Codirigée par Mathilde Rousseau et Jean-Philippe Raymond, l'association a été crée en Novembre 2014, elle est administrée par un bureau de membres bénévoles et bénéficie d'un réseau partenarial riche et varié (centres d'animation, festivals, bibliotèques, associations locales, organismes culturels, compagnies, producteurs, collectivités territoriales ...) Les Créants est une petite structure qui développe ses activités sur un budget annuel d'envrion 70 000€, il n'y a pas de salariés permanents. Ses ressources sont constituées d'aides publiques (au fonctionnement ou au projet), de ventes de spectacle et de partenaraits privés. En 2016, Les Créants met en oeuvre trois projets principaux, multiformes : ARDENTS (scenario de série TV / pièce de théâtre / projet numérique), LE MULET A 5 PATTES (collectif d'improvisation théâtrale et de bande dessinée) et SPECTRES COMMUNS (résidences croisées d'artistes visuels et projet de documentaire)
Mission and Objectives

L'ambition des Créants est d'aborder la narration sous toutes ses formes (scenario, textes poétiques, écriture littéraire, écriture spontanée...), de créer, par ce biais, des passerelles entre les disciplines, les cultures dans les différents projets développés par l'association.
Créée en novembre 2014, l'assocation à déjà mis un oeuvre un grand nombre de projets;

Main Projects / Activities

Les projets développés par l'association sont abordés de manière collaborative et multimédia ; ils sont impulsés par les directeurs artistiques. En 2016, voici les principales activités en cours de réalisation :
ARDENTS est un scenario de série TV en cours d'écriture dont l'histoire donne lieu à la création d'une pièce de théâtre intégrant de la projection. Ce projet se décline également dans un projet de cération numérique d'une bande-dessinée interactive.
LE MULET A 5 PATTES est collectif d'improvisation théâtrale et de bande dessinée, qui propose des spectacles mélant comédie, dessin en live et musique improvisée. Il est composé d'une vingtaine d'artistes professionels (comédiens, dessinateurs et musiciens)
SPECTRES COMMUNS traite du témoignage de vie, pris sous le prisme de la couleur. C'est en premier lieu un programme de résidences de recherche croisées entre artistes français et palestien ; ce projet entre dans le cadre d'une convention Instititut Français / Ville de Bordeaux. (NOUS JOIGNONS UNE PRESENTATION DE CE PROJET). Par ailleurs Mathilde Rousseau et Jean-Philippe Raymond développe un projet de documentaire, produit par Mara Films pour 2017. Il présentera des récits de vie d'habitants de Ramallah sur leur rapport à leur territoire ; ces témoignages de vie, vu sous le prisme du rapport aux couleurs, seront illustrés en séquences animés.
AUTRES PROJETS : Les Créants ont déjà réalisé et/ou écrit des courts métrages, écrit des textes poétiques, participé à l'animation de formations etc...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Etant située à Bordeaux, notre association sera à même d'informer sur le réseau Anna Lindh et ses actions dans le Sud Ouest de la France.
Nous souhaitons également continuer à développer des actions de partenariat, de formation et d'échange entre professionnels du milieu artistique des deux côtés de la Méditerranée.
A ce titre, notre projet Spectres Communs met en réseau des artistes palestiens et français et permet de développer les partenariats institutionnels et de la société civile entre Bordeaux et Ramallah. Ainsi nous agissons à la fois comme artistes dans la création et le travail d'écriture qui entourent le projet, tout en mettant en relation les différents participants au projet entre les deux villes. Nous envisageons de reconduire ce projet dans d'autres villes de l'espace méditerranéen afin de poursuivre le développement d'un dialogue culturel autour de la couleur.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

En tant que femme engagée dans la création artistique, Mathilde Rousseau est convaincue de l'importance de la mise en réseau de professionnelles et de représentantes de la société civile. A l'intersection de ces pratiques culturelles et citoyennes se crée un espace de partage, de pratique et de mobilisation en faveur de la place des femmes dans la société. Son premier court-métrage a eu la chance d'être soutenu par le réseau Women in Film and Television International qui lui a attribué son second prix en 2015.
En outre, le travail de création de Mathilde et Jean-Philippe à travers les Créants reflète leur intérêt pour les thématiques sociétales fortes, tout en leur accordant un traitement sensible. Ainsi leur projet Spectres Communs permet de mettre en lumière la réalité de l'occupation israélienne à Ramallah à travers le prisme des couleurs. Ce projet de résidences croisées crée également un lien et une possibilité d'échanges entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée et vise à une meilleure compréhension culturelle mutuelle que ce soit pour les artistes participant aux résidences ou pour le public.
Le travail en réseau avec d'autres associations poursuivant le même objectif nous semble particulièrement pertinent en termes d'efficience, d'échange de bonnes pratiques et de communication autour des initiatives développées par ses membres. C'est notamment pour cette raison et parce que nous partageons les valeurs et les objectifs de la fondation Anna Lindh que nous souhaitons rejoindre le réseau ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

globe - Gesellschaft für internationale Kooperation e.V.

National Network

c/o DIMA, Sieglindestr. 6
12159 Berlin

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

1. Board / Executve commitee (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer); members: natural persons; staff employed and freelancers 2. 15.000 - 150.000 € 3. donations, membership fees, depending on grants (private foundations, EU, German ministries) 4. Projects, seminars 4. Local partners in Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey. 

Mission and Objectives

Support and implementation of cultural, social, social-economical and rural development co-operation projects between Germany, European and developing countries especially countries of the Near & Middle East and Africa; Support of international understanding and development cooperation and in addition vocational training;

Main Projects / Activities

Key words and projects: youth entrepreneurship, marketing for women handicraft cooperatives, income generating projects for refugees and migrants, small business start ups, youth exchange.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing expert counseling services in different areas e.g. methods of managing and administrating NGOs, conceptual development. Network of contacts to organizations and experts in the Near and Middle East as well as in Germany.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Interested in working contacts to other organizations and exchange of knowledge and experience in different sectors is one of the necessities of our work and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alexander Wuertz
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Alexander Wuertz
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Farida Mellaoui
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

al wadi university

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
I am a civil engineer working for government agency called Department Water Resources, where I do the planning and design a number of development projects in cities such as "dams and irrigation channels, drinking and other" to help citizens in addition to my work as a faculty member in the Wadi International University and supervising academic students in addition to teaching many of the materials at the university
Mission and Objectives

Objectives : to work on improving my skills in my work and in life and
communicate with others and experience new jobs increase my experience and my studies in the field of my development process .

Main Projects / Activities

Business that I've made as responsible for topography in my work in the Division of Water Resources Department
Modernization of  irrigation networks
Study and design a group of small hydro dams on the agenda of the proposed committee for the implementation of these dams in areas with waterways, which need water .. and have been implemented two dams in beer algrd and  in Alsameehiqh .. and the completion of the geological studies of the area Dwyer Almluah  and area Kaff al-Jaa so as to direct implementation.
Periodic and monthly monitoring of the horizontal and vertical deformation of dams built in Tartous
The study of pollution caused by remnants of olive presses and sanitation and processed in the al-Abrash River area in Tartous and propose the best solution using the GIS program
The environmental impact of dams to be designed and irrigation systems evaluation
prepare an emergency plan in case of a possible flood of the River Abrash in safita district in Tartous. And that after conducting a detailed survey of each of the flood-affected areas is expected. And put  a possible scenario to avoid the disaster.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In my field and communicate within different age groups and being that I am supervising academic, I think you can benefit from my experience in engineering and in education and I hope to develop my knowledge and my abilities by subscribing to your network

Contact (1) Full Name
rasha ibraheem
Job Title
Head of the organisation
dr. bassam hanna

Individuell Människohjälp - IM Göteborg lokalförening

National Network

Södra Hamngatan 29
C/O Sensus
41114 Göteborg

031-381 27 21
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information

IM is an independent, member based development organisation fighting and exposing poverty and exclusion. The organisation was founded in 1938.

We work globally in collaboration with local partners to enable people to lift themselves out of poverty and exclusion through their own efforts.

We strive for a sustainable world, based on international human rights standards, and we reject all forms of discrimination.

IM also works in Sweden, focusing on integration and inclusion into society. The strengthening of civil society is both a means and an objective in all activities.

Mission and Objectives

OUR VISION = A just and compassionate world

OUR MISSION = Fighting poverty and exclusion


Main Projects / Activities


What we do - IM (

IM is a development organisation that fights for a humane world free from poverty and exclusion. Together with partners, we work for equal and democratic societies where everyone can enjoy their rights and where no one is left behind.

We are convinced that people can create change on their own if they have the right conditions. Our work takes place at all levels in society to create socially, economically and climate-sustainable solutions. The work also aims to meet several of the Global Goals for sustainable development.

Development cooperation

At the global level, IM works with long-term development cooperation with the aim of combating poverty and exclusion. This is done, among other things, by strengthening people both economically and socially, but also by working for strong civil societies where people can make their voices heard.


In Sweden, IM works for human rights with a special focus on integration. Our goal is for people who are new to Sweden to be able to be included in society, both socially and economically and without being met by racism or discrimination. We also work for a more friendly social climate based on understanding and respect.


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to broaden our network with local, national och international actors working with similar issues that we do in Gothenburg; integration, participation (local democracy) and human rights in order to exchange experience and knowledge. Depending on the outcome of our membership (as IM Lokalföreningen Göteborg), Individuell Människohjälp (national organisation) will consider a full membership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Ljunggren
Job Title
Engagement officer
Head of the organisation
Saga Cambon, chair of local IM association in Göteborg