ONG El Ghad Essihi pour le Développement et la Protection de l'Environnement en Mauritanie

National Network

SOCOGIM-E²-61 Nouakchott-Mauritanie

Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Fondé en 2004 Aïoun El Atrouss, El Ghad Essihi est une ONG Mauritanienne  regroupant des cadres  pour lutter contre la pauvreté et les inégalités en apportant des réponses durables pour le développement notamment au niveau de la santé , de la sécurité alimentaire, la protection de l’environnement, et de l’éducation. Actif sur le territoire national, El Ghad Essihi  compte 05 antennes permanentes
Mission and Objectives

1. contribuer au développement durable en Mauritanie,
2. Promotion des droits humains,
3. établir un équilibre positif qui lie les communautés et  ressources naturelles dans leurs différents   terroirs  en collaborations avec  les communes  et les partenaires au développement tant nationales qu’internationales.
4. préserver les ressources naturelles, archéologiques, l’architecture et la diversité biologique tant animale que végétale ;
5. contribuer à la création d’un environnement propre et exempt de toutes formes de pollution ;
6. Diffusion de l'information éducative, l'éducation et l'échange d’expériences et d'enseignements sur les meilleures pratiques environnementales ;
7. contribuer à  limiter la propagation des maladies et les IST, notamment le VIH/SIDA ;
8. L’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations pauvres à travers des projets pérennes

Main Projects / Activities

Une expérience en matière de développement rural :
- Gestion durable des ressources naturelles de la tamourt Guounguel(PNUD),
- Appui aux agriculteurs et éleveurs affectées par la hausse de prix au deux Hodh(FAO),
- Appui aux agriculteurs et éleveurs affectés par les inondations de Tintane de 2007 (FAO),
- Approvisionnement en eau potable des habitants de Lekhteitt(PNUD),
- Assainissement et approvisionnement en eau de Tendel(PNUD)
- Réhabilitation et restauration du couvert végétal de Tendel(PNUD)
- Aménagement de la dépression naturelle de Lekhteitt(PNUD) ,
- Restauration de la Forêt de Darelbarka(PNUD)
- Gestion des ressources naturelles (FAO, PAM)
- Vulgarisation des lois foncières(UE)
- Construction et équipement de l’extension centre de santé de Toujounine

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

El Ghad Essihi pour le Développement et la Protection de l’Environnement en Mauritanie(EGEDPEM) croit en la plus-value du travail et renforce ses membres pour optimiser leur travail et mieux coopérer au développement.
Constats : Extrême pauvreté des populations rurales et périurbaines mauritaniennes.
Vision : Bonne gouvernance et Lutte contre la Pauvreté et toutes Formes d’Exclusion socioéconomique.
Perspectives : Emergence d’initiatives et de partenariats, Réalisation efficiente d’actions et d’infrastructures aux profits des populations rurales et périurbaines.
Plus-value pour les populations : Conditions de vie décentes à travers la création de tissu économique, de revenu, d’emploi et l’accès aux services de base.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous voulons être du groupe ALF puisque on est ligne droite avec les objectifs de l’ALF car l’ONG EGEDPEM s´est fixé comme objectif de contribuer au développement de façon générale, en essayant de participer aux objectifs spécifiques suivants :
• Initier et mettre en œuvre des projets axés sur l'innovation technique, économique et sociale, adaptés au contexte Mauritanien,
• Echanger des expériences (traitant la problématique du développement) entre les
ONG du Nord et du Sud,
• Être une structure ouverte aux opérateurs du développement, étudiants, chercheurs qui veulent travailler sur des thèmes relatifs à l'appui aux initiatives de développement à la base
• Pérenniser les dispositifs d'appui au développement local au-delà de la clôture des projets,
• Recueillir, structurer et diffuser l'information (bases de données, publications, animation de réseaux

Contact (1) Full Name
Abidine Cheikh
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Culturim Agency : Arts and cultures

National Network

تيارت - نواكشوط

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
General Information
Culturim is the first mauritanian agency specialized in arts and culture..
Mission and Objectives

- Building a cohesive society where dialogue culture , art and diversity are development tools.
- Bringing together the cultures that are constituting the mauritanian society.
- Enhancing dialogue culture and mutual understanding all over the world.

Main Projects / Activities

- Nouakchott from the other angle (Gallery)
- The monologue (series of reports)
- Exhibitions
- conferences and forums.
- reports and investugations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- We are focusing on creating a harmony in the society by using art, culture and diversity. 
- Diversity is a value that we are working on as contribution in the development process. 
- democracy, development and cultural are the main pillards of culturim. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Lemin RAJEL
Job Title (2)

Albanian Society in Development

National Network

Kashar, Tirana, Albani

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information

ASD Albania was established in March 2000 with the initiative of a group of young activists. Our members are young people 14 – 35 years old. We want to make dreams become reality for the youth of our country. “The youth should have a role in decision making and a definite role of participation in our society” We have been working under Youth in Action program and now Erasmus Plus which is our main focus. We have 5 Board members that are elected from 3/5 of the total number of members. The Board elects the Executive director and Secretary. Right now we have a total of 200 active volunteers. There are mainly high schoolers and students. An important part of our volunteers are young people from rural areas that we try to make active part of civil society . A valuable asset are also the High School students that have been proposing interesting ideas about projects regarding youth empowerment and human rights . Healthy lifestyle and promoting projects especially about women health are the medicine students that have been ready to take part in voluntary projects. Youth Exchanges, Training Courses, Study visits, Workshops are some of our activities.

Mission and Objectives

The aims and purposes of ASD Albania are to develop the civil society in Albania; make awareness to maintain human, national, democratic and cultural values. Promote human rights giving special emphasis to youth and children. Encourage youth participation in decision making processes and in local and regional life. Cooperate and coordinate the activity with international organizations with similar nature on local and center levels, which take part or propose national and international projects in the field of human rights and freedom. Stimulate the gender equality (sensibilization of the society for the role of everyone in the society, empowering of the individuals rights in particular, the questions of minority group, social inclusions and woman rights are issues that we are keenly aware of, and seek to promote in our work.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our recent activities in the last 5years are:

✓Food and exercise for a healthy life (FEEL) - Cyprus 2020,

✓ Silence is not Gold - Georgia 2019,

✓ Silence is not Gold - Bulgaria 2019,

✓ Make me Technopreuner -Turkey 2018,

✓ Draw to Change Reality - Georgia 2018,

✓ Eat Cook and Love - Poland 2017,

✓ Erasmus and Youth - Albania 2017,

✓ Achieving Communication Excellence (ACE) - Malta 2017

✓ Bringing Bigger Smiles to Albania - Albania 2017

✓ Social Entrepreneurship for Youth Lifestyle - Romania 2016

✓ Peace Building Initiatives - Georgia 2016

✓ Youth on the Radio - UK 2015

✓ We are not victim of modern Technology - Slovakia 2015

✓ Social Entrepreneurship for Youth Lifestyle-Rumania 2015

✓ Our Common Heritage: Traditional Clothes-Turkey 2015

✓Youth Voice - Turkey 2015

✓ ICL-it - Georgia 2015

✓ Youth in Migration - Malta 2015

✓ Youth and Non Formal Education - Albania 2015 We have also realized WomenvsBreastCancer, a national campaign aiming women empowerment. Earlier in time we have organized study visits, meetings with local authorithies, establishing of a community center in collaboration with 'Association for Youth Socio-Cultural Development' for rural youth, Vocational training for unemployed rural youth (computers courses, English courses, sewing courses etc.), EVS projects etc. Some of them are:

✓Round table with local authorities, religious, political and NGO representatives on the risk of trafficking of human beings, Albania 2000

✓Organising of the Short Study Visit: “Raising awareness on gender balance amongst youngsters in Europe” in collaboration with youth organizations from France, Portugal, Macedonia and Albania 2001

✓Training Course on Youth Partnership–Building and Project Management, 2004 ✓Short Study Visit: “South Balkan YOUTH Dialogue” in collaboration with ICYE International Participants 2005

✓ 1 EUROPE - 1000 IDENTITIES, Spain/EYCI, 2005

✓Workshop “The European YOUTH programme: Possibilities for participation and future perspectives” in Tirana, Albania. 2005

✓Information Day on YOUTH Program, in collaboration with the MTCYS- 2006

✓Mid-term Evaluation Joint mid-term meeting and issue seminar titled “Young people as agents of change in Civil Society” for EU EVS in SEE - 2006

✓Exploring the Potential of Volunteers in HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention, Birmingham, UK 2006

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ASD Albania was funded in 2000. We have a rich background of projects in Human rights, Youth projects etc. Within Youth in Action and now Erasmus + we have realized several activities. We have served as Contact point for Youth in Action from 2006-2009 and had different accreditations. Right now, after the reorganization of our structures we have started working with the same enthusiasm as before, Volunteering is being accepted widely in Albania so it is easy to find volunteer that make true all project ideas or even give new ideas. Being part of ALF would be a great opportunity to share all our experience and also learn from others. I think that the mos important are to let people know about it. It is important to have a register of Albanian NGO that are working within the field of mutual cooperation and one of our contributes can be by promoting ALF to them. Promoting your projects as well as contributing in new ones is of mutual benefit. We share the same values as ALF does and therefore promoting ALF is also promoting our shared values. If NGO or individuals unite and try to make wide cooperation’s by sharing their best practices, we can be more able to succeed in our projects within our countries and in the same tine in our region as a whole. ASD right now has more than 200 volunteers and has demonstrated during her existence with all the successful projects that can be reliable and worthy to work with. We really hope that our application will be considered appropriate for ALF

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We as an organization would appreciate very much the possibility to be part of the network; the idea of being part of a common space for NGO across Mediterranean is very attractive. It looks as a great way to get to know NGO working within the Region. Civil Society is facing almost the same struggles in all our countries so it is very important to share our work with each other. This network offers the possibility to get in touch with NGO with the same profile and can give links for future cooperation. We have been collaborating with some NGO that are already part of ALF; this was the way how we found out about it. They all recommended this network since for them has resulted very useful. ASD Albania is going to launch several peace building capacities projects for which we need NGO partners especially from Balkans. It is not easy to find reliable partners but within this network is much more easy to find them. Reading about ALF has strengthened our aim to join it since we have realised to share same values. Bringing people together, as well as respecting each other cultures or differencies is a fundamental part of our work. Human rights and fighting against any kind of discremination its what our projects aim. From experience we now that taking advices from people doing the same as you do and especially with ones who share the same environment and problems can be much more productive than working alone. The network unite NGO, Civil Society and people together and being part of it can only bring positive results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Blerta Guxha
Job Title
Head of the Organization
Head of the organisation
Blerta Guxha
Contact (2) Full Name
Ornela Nela
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

NGO law institute

National Network

Sauletekio al. 9, I korp. 904 k.
10222 Vilnius

+370 696 87335
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
Organization is governed by the board (3 persons) and director. It is supported by 5 volunteers and collaborates with partners from NGO sector, academia and governmental institutions. On average annual budget of the year is circa 30 000 eur. Sources of funding contain grants funded by European Commission, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Social security and labor, Embassy of The United States of America, fees for consultations and seminars. The organization activities include research projects, cusultations, seminars and advocacy for NGO friendly legislative system. Main partners are civil society organizations from Belarus, European Center for not-for-profit law, Vilnius University Faculty of Law, other NGOs from Lithuania, such as The Non-Governmental Organisation Information and Support Centre.
Mission and Objectives

The institute's vision is the legislative environment capable of ensuring development of civil society and NGOs.
To employ legal knowledge and experience to strengthen  NGO sector.
To encourage NGO professionalism, responsibility and transparency of activities.
Enable proper participation of NGOs in the public sector's decision-making.
To make positive influence on the development of non-profit law.

Main Projects / Activities

2006 – 2007 Study “Legal environment for foundations in Lithuania and The USA”
2007 – 2010 “Legal analysis of the concept of endowment” and legislative initiative that resulted in amending Law on foundations of the Republic of Lithuania.
2009 – 2011 “Improvement of legal environment for NGOs in Lithuania”.
2013 – 2015 “Legal environment of collaboration and partnership of Government and NGO”.
2014 – 2016 “Improvement of legal environment for freedom of association in Belarus”.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NGO law institute will contribute to the Network through legal knowledge and experience in NGO law field. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NGO law institute would like to become a part of the Network that promotes multicultural values and mutual understanding across the Mediterranean.
We are looking forward to become a part of activities of the Network in Lithuania and beyond. We wish to become an active member and we believe we can bring valuable knowledge and experience.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aurelija Olendraite
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aurelija Olendraite

Verein Start Stipendien Österreich

National Network

Baumannstrasse 11 - 15
1030 Vienna

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
START-Stipendium START ist ein Stipendienprogramm, das engagierten Jugendlichen mit Migrationsgeschichte den Maturaabschluss ermöglichen will. Wir fördern unabhängig von Nationalität und Aufenthaltsstatus Schülerinnen und Schüler, die:     die Oberstufe einer allgemeinbildenden höheren Schule oder eine berufsbildende höhere/mittlere Schule, Abendschule oder das Modell Lehre mit Matura besuchen und die Matura anstreben,     entweder selbst nicht Deutsch als Muttersprache oder einen Elternteil mit anderer Muttersprache als Deutsch haben,     sich gesellschaftlich bzw. sozial engagieren,     gute schulische Leistungen haben und     mangelnde finanzielle bzw. persönliche Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten durch ihre Eltern haben (z.B. geringes Familieneinkommen, schwierige/beengte Wohnverhältnisse, Mehrfachbelastungen wie notwendiger Nebenjob oder Betreuung von Geschwistern). START-StipendiatInnen sind:     engagiert – sie setzen sich z.B. in politischen, gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Bereichen für andere Menschen und Gruppen ein und teilen ihre Fähigkeiten.     teamfähig –  sie wollen und können also ihre eigenen Fähigkeiten auch gemeinsam mit anderen einsetzen.     aktiv – sie wollen die Gesellschaft in der sie leben mitgestalten und auch andere dabei unterstützen.     motiviert und interessiert – sie sind neugierig, haben Spaß an Bildung und neuen Sichtweisen und wollen dafür auch etwas tun.     kompetent – sie sehen Herausforderungen und können bzw. wollen, sich mit ihnen auseinandersetzen. Kurz: START-StipendiatInnen wollen mehr als das Mindestmaß … und wir wollen euch dabei unterstützen!
Mission and Objectives

Unsere Ziele
START ist ein Schülerstipendium für engagierte Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund, die die Oberstufe einer AHS oder BHS besuchen und die Matura anstreben.
Mit dem Stipendienprogramm START wollen die Projektpartner engagierten Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund verstärkt die Möglichkeit zu einer höheren Schulbildung und damit bessere Chancen für eine gelungene Integration bieten.
Mit START möchten Projektpartner  folgende Ziele erreichen:
    die Entwicklungschancen befähigter und zielstrebiger SchülerInnen mit Migrationshintergrund verbessern
    begabte SchülerInnen zur Wahl eines höheren Bildungsweges ermutigen
    die Konzentration auf die Schule ermöglichen
    die Voraussetzung für eine akademische Laufbahn verbessern
    Wege in berufliche Leitungsfunktionen eröffnen
    die erfolgreiche und beispielhafte Integration der StipendiatInnen in die Gesellschaft ermöglichen
    die Vorbildfunktion der StipendiatInnen für andere stärken
    die StipendiatInnen zur Vermittlung zwischen MigrantInnen und österreichischer Bevölkerung qualifizieren
    das interkulturelle Potenzial der Zuwandererkinder für die gesamte Gesellschaft fruchtbar machen
Entstehung des START-Stipendienprogramms
Die START-Stiftung gGmbH wurde 2007 von der gemeinnützigen Hertie-Stiftung als Tochtergesellschaft gegründet. Das START Stipendienprogramm hatte die Stiftung bereits 2002 in Hessen ins Leben gerufen; es wird mittlerweile von rund 120 Kooperationspartner – Stiftungen, Ministerien, Unternehmen, Privatpersonen und Vereine – in 14 deutschen Bundesländern unterstützt, die so die Förderung von rund 700 StipendiatInnen aus über 65 Herkunftsländern ermöglichen.
In Österreich wurde START 2006 von der Crespo Foundation in Wien initiiert:
Heute fördert die Stiftung gemeinsam mit Partnern und Paten  39 Stipendien in Wien.
55 AbsolventInnen haben die Matura erfolgreich absolviert und engagieren sich weiterhin im  START-Alumni Verein.
2009 kam das START-Stipendienprogramm dank der Initiative des Ehepaars Dearstyne mit ihrer Piz Buin Ausbildungsstiftung nach Vorarlberg. Mittlerweile werden 29 StipendiatInnen pro Schuljahr im Programm gefördert, bereits 16 StipendiatInnen haben das Programm erfolgreich in Richtung Universität oder Fachhochschule verlassen.
2010 legte das Land Salzburg, die Katharina Turnauer Stiftung und das Bundesministerium für Inneres den Grundstein, um das Programm in Salzburg zu starten. Derzeit werden 21 StipendiatInnen unterstützt,  es gibt bereits 7 erfolgreiche AbsolventInnen des Programms.
2013 begann das START-Stipendienprogramm auch in Oberösterreich mit Unterstützung der Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich und des Landes Oberösterreich angeboten werden können.
Der erste Jahrgang startete im Herbst 2013 mit derzeit 9 TeilnehmerInnen.
Weitere Bundesländer sind in Planung.
Träger des START-Stipendienprogramms in Österreich
Um die bestehenden Bundesländerprogramme zu vereinen und den Unterstützern die Spendenabsetzbarkeit zu ermöglichen, wurde von der Crespo Foundation und der Piz Buin Stiftung im Sommer 2012 ein gemeinnütziger, mildtätiger Verein gegründet.
Der Verein “START-Stipendien Österreich” (ZVR.392068267) hat mit 1.1.2013 die Trägerschaft des Stipendienprogramms inne. Die bisherigen MitarbeiterInnen wurden vom Verein übernommen und stehen weiterhin professionell zur Verfügung. Als „social Franchise“-Nehmer hält sich START-Österreich bei der Umsetzung des Programms an die von der START-Stiftung gGmbH erarbeiteten Richtlinien.
Am 17.1.2013 wurde dem Verein START-Stipendien Österreich vom Finanzamt die Aufnahme in die Liste der spendenabsetzbaren Einrichtungen bestätigt. (Registrierungsnummer: SO 2354)
  „Wir haben in Österreich viele Talente, viele Begabungen, viele engagierte junge Menschen – und immer mehr davon haben Migrationshintergrund. Es ist unsere Aufgabe und Chance, diese Talente zu erkennen und auch weiter unterstützen. START macht das großartig! Wir unterstützen das Projekt gerne und aus Überzeugung: Weil wir junge Menschen am Beginn fördern wollen, damit sie später Erfolg haben können, und weil wir überzeugt sind, dass es für Österreich entscheidend ist, dass unsere jungen Menschen gut ausgebildet und qualifiziert sind.“
START-Österreich Schirmherr Sebastian Kurz – Integrationsminister

Main Projects / Activities

Wie wir fördern
Unser Ziel ist es, dich in deiner persönlichen Entwicklung zu fördern, deine Talente zu stärken und dir Wege für die Gestaltung deiner Zukunft aufzuzeigen. Wir wollen dir Schlüsselqualifikationen für die schulische und berufliche Laufbahn vermitteln sowie dich für eine aktive Mitwirkung am gesellschaftlichen Leben stark machen.
Neben der materiellen Unterstützung als Basis des Stipendiums legen wir daher besonders großes Gewicht auf die ideelle Förderung, also Weiterbildung, Beratung uvm.
Als Unterstützung für dein Engagement und um dir den Weg zur Matura und den anschließenden weiteren Bildungsabschlüssen zu erleichtern bieten wir dir:
    monatlich 100 Euro Bildungsgeld für bildungsrelevante Anschaffungen und Aktivitäten (u.a. Lernmaterialien, gezielter Förderunterricht, Kulturausgaben)
    eine PC-Grundausstattung (Laptop, Multifunktionsdrucker)
    ein Jahrestreffen aller StipendiatInnen und START-Kooperationspartner
    zwei Bildungsseminarwochenenden zur schulischen und beruflichen Qualifikation, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Stärkung der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung
    ein breites Programm an Workshops und Exkursionen aus den Bereichen Kommunikation, Persönlichkeitsbildung, Natur und Technik, Politik, Sport, Kunst und Musik, …
    gesonderte Seminare und Beratungsangebote zur Studien- und Berufswahl
    individuelle Beratung und Unterstützung
    Vermittlung kultureller Kompetenz, u.a. durch ein jährliches Kunstprojekt (bei START-Wien)
Bei Bedarf können weitere Fördermittel bis zu einer Höhe von 700 Euro pro Jahr beantragt werden, z.B. für Deutsch- oder Fremdsprachenkurse, Computerkurse, Studienfahrten oder Praktika. In Ausnahmefällen kann weitere Unterstützung gewährt werden, wenn die StipendiatInnen während schulischer Ausbildung, Praktikum oder Weiterbildungskursen nicht bei ihren Eltern wohnen können.
Damit das Netzwerk der StipendiatInnen über den Schulabschluss hinaus besteht, gehört auch die Betreuung der ehemaligen START-StipendiatInnen zum Programm.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through active participation in the activities.
Connecting our Scholarship holders to network member organisations that deal with topics of interest to them, such as migration, integration, and intercultural learning.
Invite other organisations to participate in our activities.
Cooperate with network member in developing common projects and interventions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For all the above mentioned reasons, and because we feel it could add to our work and we could add to the network too.

Contact (1) Full Name
DSA Katrin Bernd
Job Title
Head of the organisation
DSA Katrin Bernd
Contact (2) Full Name
Mag.a Nadia Arouri
Job Title (2)

European Civil Resource Center Denmark

National Network

Gottrupvej 92
9690 Fjerritslev

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The European Civil Resource Center Denmark is an independent resource center for European questions aiming at and functioning based on “partnerships” as instruments for establishment of trust and self-confidence within the citizens; that will help with the solving of concrete problems; that will educate, connect organizations with similar activities and serve as an “information portal”. The European Civil Resource Center is an independent virtual and real center for citizens and NGOs that presents information and expert reports on European issues with stress on the “Europe for citizens” program and help with the building of partnerships for joint realization of campaigns of common interest.
Mission and Objectives

The European Civil Resource Center Denmark is an independent resource center for European questions aiming at and functioning based on “partnerships” as instruments for establishment of trust and self-confidence within the citizens; that will help with the solving of concrete problems; that will educate, connect organizations with similar activities and serve as an “information portal”. The European Civil Resource Center Denmark is an independent virtual and real center for citizens and NGOs that presents information and expert reports on European issues with stress on the “Europe for Citizens” Programme and helps with the building of partnerships for joint realization of campaigns of common interest.
Supports the development of a civil sphere by stimulating the dialogue in the society for finding mutual solutions of important problems;
Helps the citizens to use the instruments for civil participation on European level and overcome the information deficit;
Helps the citizens and NGOs to effectively participate in the processes of policy-making and application of their own rights as European citizens by addressing the information deficit and building partnerships on local and European level.
The center motivates and supports civil participation in European issues, builds a capacity (skills and knowledge) in that direction, and works for the improvement of the conditions for civil participation in the country and on European level through the methods and techniques of the “Europe for Citizens” Programme and other related programs and initiatives:
Supports the development of the civil sphere by stimulating dialogue in the society for finding mutual solutions of important problems;
Helps the citizens to use the instruments for civil participation on European level and overcomes the information deficit;
Helps the citizens and NGOs to effectively participate in the processes of policy-making and application of their own rights as European citizens by addressing the information deficit and building partnerships on local and European level.
The goal of the center is to foster the development of an environment that will stimulate the increase of civil participation on national and European level by increasing the civil organizations’ capacities and establishing effective civil society infrastructures. The specific aim of the center is to create Civil Resource Center networks that will gradually develop into a common European Civil Resource Center. They will have the characteristics of a civil resource center on European matters, assisting the processes of civil capacity building for effective participation in the European policy-making processes.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects of ECRC DK a related to developing european projects, based on intercultural exchanges, intercultural dialogue and communication, promotion of human rights and promotion of quality standards in education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

First, we want to develop several national campaigns / projects, related to human rights and related to intercultural dialogue. Trough developing this campaigns / projects within the network, we consider it will increase the level of awareness related to human rights and intercultural dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network because we share the same vision related to human rights, related to the importance of intercultural dialogue and intercultural communication and we want to be part of a process and structure that is already developed in order to strenghten our vision and mission and in order to develop our organisation in the field of intercultural communication and human rights promotion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gheorghe Petrus
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Gheorghe Petrus

Association of Consultants and Experts on Social Economy Romania

National Network

Aleea Valea Viilor Street no. 2, district 6

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Association of Consultants and Experts on Social Economy Romania (ACE-ES RO) is an association (NGO, non-profit organization) founded in 201. The members of association are active in development innovative instruments of social economy – a social brand of inclusion, training on social entrepreneurship, professional standards pertaining to the domain’s jobs etc. In 2013 ACE-ES Romania became a formal member of FAR - Federation for the Accessibility of Romania. In 2014 the association has been accredited as private training provider according to the VET national legislation for the certified training program ”Manager of Social Enterprise”. The Association works with different sort of experts on volunteering basis: psychologists; sociologists; marketing experts; trainers; financial experts; ITC experts, business consultants etc. (15 volunteers). They have extended experience and skills in implementing projects for vulnerable groups mainly on LLL and employability supported by ESF funds (especially within the Human Resources Development Operational Program 2007-2013 (HRDOP), PHARE Program, ERASMUS+ and World Bank.
Mission and Objectives

ACE-ES Romania aims to support and promote social economy (social entrepreneurship) seen as viable tool for innovation and flexibility within the economic and social environment, for sustainable development and active citizenship, for cooperation, solidarity and social inclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects of ACE-ES Romania are:
1. Free Support Program for Sustainable NGOs – so far we are providing free consulting services for 8 NGOs, located in Bucharest, Arges, Ilfov county, Constanta and Neamt. Areas covered: structural funds (writing grant applications), social economy, organizational development, fund raising and development programs for vulnerable groups.
2. "Social Economy, which way?" – ACE-ES Romania has launched an online Working Group in order to bring together specialists and organizations interested in developing the field of social economy in Romania. Main topics are the following: Certification Models of social economy structures; Social impact assessment; Non-traditional businesses as a tool for employability; Human Resources/Training; Support structures in social economy.
3. ”YES for Entrepreneurial Youth NGOs, YES for Millennials Changers” – ERASMUS + Strategic Partnerships for Youth - The general aim is to stimulate transnational exchange of good practices and relevant experiences in developing modern and challenging action-based learning contexts for professional people of the youth NGOs (with a focus on youth workers) based on social enterpreneurship so that they could stimulate sustainable development of their organisations and their target groups.
This project is implemented with bbw gGmbH from Germany and CESUR - CENTRO SUPERIOR DE FORMACION EUROPA SUR from Spain (September 2015-November 2016).
4. FUN Studio – is a complex project for children, youth and adults/parents in order to develop practical transversal skills for a positive life based on self-esteem, laughing/personal development and positive thinking.
5. ”START Social Entrepreneurship for Women!” - To increase awareness about social entrepreneurship as a tool of economic empowerment and to support educated young women with a precarious status on market labour to become financially independent. It has 2 components: A. a complex support program for women (psychological and vocational counseling; training in social entrepreneurship) B. free consultancy for starting their own social business. (June 2016-may 2017). The project is supported by VGIF Foundation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACE-ES Romania could contribute to the Network by exchanges of experience, collaborations, developing partnerships and promoting sustainability of non-governamental organizations through social business.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF network is a very large network having different sort of members from many countries and it could be an important resource for international collaboration, transnational projects and organizational development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Viorica Ghinea
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Viorica Ghinea

Centar za helenske studije - Center for Hellenic Studies

National Network

Ivana Vujosevica 19
81000 Podgorica

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Center for Hellenic Studies is a non-profit organization, established at the end of 2015, and based in Podgorica, Montenegro. It is the first organization/institution in Montenegro dedicated to the study and promotion of Hellenic culture from antiquity to the present. The Center is represented by Dr. Filip Ivanovic, executive director, and Dr. Mikonja Knezevic, general secretary. It also gathers a number of scholars who serve as the Center's associates. Currently, the Center has no employees, but the management and the associates work on volunteering basis. As a rather young organization, the Center has already realized a number of activities (book presentations, series, of lectures, etc) and plans on expanding the range of projects such as journal publication, round tables, conferences, etc. So far, all of the activities have been funded personally by the Center's management. As a non-profit organization, the Center depends on donations and sponsorships.
Mission and Objectives

Center for Hellenic Studies is a non-profit organization founded in 2015 and based in Podgorica. The Center is the first institution in Montenegro dedicated to the study and promotion of Hellenic culture and civilization. The main goal of the Center is the study of Greek cultural and intellectual heritage from antiquity to the present. Some of the specific goals of the Center are research in the fields of philosophy, literature, archaeology, philology, theology, history, art and other areas significant for the exploration of the Hellenic world; investigation into the influence of Hellenic culture on the formation of European identity, as well as fostering and stimulating the humanistic ideals founded on the universal values of the Hellenic culture.
The Center honors its mission through a variety of activities, such as organizing conferences, round tables, lectures, summer schools and workshops; establishing and strengthening connections with the Hellenic Republic and with Greek academic and educational institutions and associations, along with conducting public campaigns with the aim of popularization and promotion of Hellenic culture and civilization.

Main Projects / Activities

In January 2016  the Center organized a presentation of the volume "The Ways of Byzantine Philosophy", published in 2015 in the USA, edited by Dr. Mikonja Knezevic, the Center's general secretary. In February 2016 the Center has launched a series of lectures "Hellenism and the Contemporary world", within which ten scholars will give lectures on different aspects of Hellenic culture and thought - it is expected to conclude the series in June 2016. These lectures are also being posted on the Center's YouTube channel.
The Center's plans are to organize a round table "Notable Serbian Hellenists of the 20th Century" in September 2016, as well as the publication of the first issue of a journal of Hellenic studies under the Center's direction. In addition, Dr. Filip Ivanovic, executive director, and Dr. Mikonja Knezevic, general secretary, gave a number of interviews to Montenegrin TV stations and newspapers, promoting the aims and mission of the Center for Hellenic Studies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Some of the aims of the Center for Hellenic Studies are shedding light on historic and cultural ties between Montenegro and Greece; establishing cooperation with similar organizations and institutions in Greece and abroad; providing insight into the formation of the European identity under the influence of Hellenic heritage; fostering and promoting universal humanistic values grounded in Hellenic culture and civilization. Thus, the Center will do its best to promote inter-national and inter-organizational cooperation, civil engagement, critical thinking, and exchange of ideas. It will also contribute to the general education and cultural awarness of the Montenegrin society, especially of the youth, through offering lectures, courses, summer schools, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Main reasons for Center for Hellenic Studies's application to join the ALF Network are cooperation, exchange of ideas and funding.
Anna Lindh Foundation aims at connecting people from different countries of the Euro-Mediterranean, to which Montenegro too belongs, and improve inter-cultural understanding and cooperation. In this sense, the Center for Hellenic Studies is eager to engage in exchange with other similar organizations in the region greatly shaped by the shared values rooted in Hellenic culture, which is exactly the Center's main focus. ALF already gathers certain institutions from Montenegro (such as Faculty of Arts and the Ministry of Culture) with which the Center would like to cooperate. In addition, there are a number of foreign organizations/institutions, members of the ALF Network, which deal with Hellenic culture and civilization, so the membership to the ALF would facilitate the Center's connection with them.
Besides that, the ALF's goal is also to provide help with funding and capacity building, which is another of the Center's needs and it would facilitate the establishment of the Center for Hellenic Studies as a significant research and cultural institution in Montenegro.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Filip Ivanovic
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Filip Ivanovic

Oxígeno Laboratorio Cultural

National Network

Calle Carlos Ramírez de Arellano 28, 2D
52003 Melilla

+34 692433390
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Oxígeno Laboratorio Cultural (Cultural Lab) is a cultural association that promote cultural activities in the suburbs of the city of Melilla (Spain). We develop social action projects that mix art and education as tools for social transformation and integration of the suburb to the rest of the city. We work specially with youth and people on risk of social exclusion.  Our team is formed by an anthropologist, an audiovisual technician, and social educators. We count with a budget of aprox. 40.000 Euro a year, funded principally by the Local Council of Culture. We develop various projects based on: workshops and courses, artistic interventions and performance, exhibitions, lectures and debates. We collaborate with other NGO's such as Accem  and with local institutions. We work in particular with youth from berber-imazighen origin, with migrants and detainees from the local jail.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote cultural activities in the suburbs of Melilla, a border town between Spain and Morocco. The aim of our actions is to seek a possible integration between different parts of the city: the center and the suburb. Our mission is to search for an encounter between cultures and groups living in this place. We work to promote mutual respect between cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is called “Kahina”. Since 2013, the project is working using Art and audiovisual to ameliorate the suburbs of the city. On the other hand, the project aims to create visibility and break down stereotypes regarding the suburbs of Melilla. We work in particular with youth from berber-imazighen origin. We organize artistic workshops, we produce local radio programs in an institute, we organize performance, parties in the suburbs, exhibitions etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work in a peculiar space, a border city where people from diverse ethnic groups coexist. Our work promote intercultural coexistence between people living in the Mediterranean area and we would like to share our experience with the Network. On the other side, being part of the Network means to us the chance to learn from other experiences and build bridges of collaboration. Through our social networks we can promote this exchange and promote the work of the ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share our experience with other associations and to find partners and similar experiences so to build together collaborations. The ALF is a wonderful institution that bring people together from across the Mediterranean and improve mutual respect between cultures. We work locally on the same mission, and so this is why we would love to be part of their Networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Bruno Bondanini
Job Title
President of the Association, Anthropologist
Head of the organisation
Francesco Bruno Bondanini

Be Equal

National Network

Via Argento, n. 16
Via De Cardona
87100 Cosenza

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Be Equal è una organizzazione di volontariato, con quattro soci fondatori e otto volontari. Il suo budget per l'anno 2015 è stato di circa Euro 25.000 e cerca i fondi attraverso le call aperte nazionali ed europee. Nell'anno 2015/2016 ha realizzato molti progetti Erasmus+ e molti progetti nazionali dedicati ai giovani, alle donne e ai temi della  cittadinanza attiva. I suoi partner sono le Istituzioni locali e associazioni del territorio.
Mission and Objectives

BE EQUAL odv is a non-profit, non-political, non-party, free and voluntary and seeks solely to achieve social solidarity with the aim of supporting the socially weak with special attention to people with uncomfortable issues. It promotes activities related to the principles of solidarity and targeted the involvement of social and cultural realities. Fight against all forms of exploitation, ignorance, injustice, discrimination and marginalization. It promotes and organizes all forms of active citizen volunteers, members or not, in order to safeguard and recover the social and community spirit among them, also through collaboration with other institutions or associations. The association is apolitical and nonpartisan and adheres to the following principles: the absence of profit motive, democratic structure, elective, gratuity of associative charges, gratuity of the services provided by their members, who carry out their activities in a personal and spontaneous. Fight against all forms of exploitation, ignorance, injustice, discrimination and marginalization. It promotes and organizes all forms of active citizen volunteers, members or not, in order to safeguard and recover the social and community spirit among them, also through collaboration with other institutions or associations. The odv is recorded at Registrio of volunteering in the province of Cosenza at no. 401; CSV Cosenza and 12.06.2013 has signed the training agreement with curricular UNICAL Cosenza - Department of Political and Social Sciences

Main Projects / Activities

Be Equal organizes and manages national projects aimed at social networks through partnerships and other associations in the area and at national and regional level. One of the main activities is training for disadvantaged and vulnerable people, such as women and unemployed youth. Those responsible for Be Equal such as those involved in the project will bring their expertise and their experience in the organization, explication of the content and focus of the project themes. In particular, previous experience of some components of the combination (several members participated: ACE project for youths Youth in Action Programme Action 1.1; YET. Europe! 2014 Erasmus + KA1; Appetiser Sweden in Sweden - Kalmar from ' 8 to 12 October 2014 where the Well eqaul volunteers who knew the members of the Foundation European Meeting Centre-Nowy Staw Foundation.) will provide opportunities to repeat what has been acquired and learned during the activities realized in projects overseas and in international trade. The same stakeholders also have acquired skills in the organization and management of the Civil Service projects (design, implementation and training) and ATM Informastudenti Dam Unical. The design staff involved will bring its expertise in the groups run by the management, discussion, listening, stimulation and orientation of the participants, although not beyond an imaginary line, the potential invasion of the territory by the expression its own opinion on the merits of the contents; skills in the organization / coordination of technical and managerial resources (catalyst); in the translation of languages, in support of the person and of the group (mediator); skills in the reception capacity of the emotions, accompanying the new behaviors and attitudes (help Agent); Finally, the creation of a right climate for knowledge, learning in the action, in special groups and project (motivator). Previous works: Youth in action: ACE; Erasmus + "Witty"; "Well done!"; Get in the game "; national projects 2015/2016:" Crazy for the Radio "supported by the Foundation with the South;" A woman measures "supported by OPM Tavola Valdese.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

BE EQUAL will contribute to their country network through constant activities to protect and safeguard the civil rights and working to prevent and fight against gender violence. The association also provide its know-how in the field of national and European projects to help empower non-profit agencies and organizations in the collection of funds. His important research of social innovation and the continuous interaction with the social and the nonprofit world stands as a key component in the interaction between a poor and disadvantaged area (such as Calabria) and the rest of Italy. It Is Equal, finally, in view of its geographical position, Calabria, on the border of southern Europe, will be an antenna on the social context and the interaction with the Mediterranean world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Be Equal wants to participate in the ALF Network because it believes that it can help you meet and communicate better with other Mediterranean countries but also to acquire models of good practice can be transferred on their territory. The association also thinks that joining a large network can be an advantage for Calabria and the province of Cosenza, areas in which it operates Be Equal.
The opportunity to be a part of this network will be an example for the nonprofit Calabrian to open up and integrate with the European world to the north and south with the Mediterranean world. Be Equal believes strongly in the interaction of cultures and exchanges between peoples.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragani Gabriella
Job Title
Eu Project
Head of the organisation
Luigi Marrazzo
Contact (2) Full Name
Luigi Marrazzo
Job Title (2)