SCOUTISME HASSANIA MAROCAIN "section chtouka ait baha"

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
SCOUTISME HASSANIA MAROCAIN "section chtouka ait baha"
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Transition World

National Network

Humlevænget 3
3250 Gilleleje

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Transition World is co-founded by a group of 7 people who individually represent or have access to large international networks: Bente Milton is an internationally acclaimed media producer. Nelson del Rio is founder of Prosperity of the Commons and advisor to the UN. Ervin Laszlo is founder of The Club of Budapest. Jens Krogh Petersen is partner at the Danish Law firm Lett. Edit Moltke Leth is master of psycology and organization. Lars Lundbye is expert in innovation and business development. Karen Blincoe is chairman of Chora Connection and founder of the International Centre for Innovation and Sustainability (ICIS)   Transition World has received DKK 500.000 in development funding from Gribskov Municipality and the budgetary resources the past year has been around 1,5 million DKK including investments made by the co-founders. Among the main partners involved in the organizations activities are: The Club of Budapest, Chora Connection, 17Goals  and The Goi Peace Foundation. 
Mission and Objectives

Transition world is a powerful new approach to dealing with the profound challenges we face today. It’s a platform that brings together international organizations, civil society groups, business enterprises, and public institutions ready to seize the opportunity for creating a real and sustainable transition towards a more humane, equitable, and flourishing world.
Our approach is to work on 3 different levels simultaneously in order to evoke:
1) Personal transformation – promoting a new worldview that recognizes our basic interconnectedness and interdependence and promotes the flourishing of life on planet Earth in all its magnificent forms.
2) Local transformation – developing successful small-scale, local sustainability projects and new, evolving technologies that can be made into successful mainstream initiatives.
3) Global transformation – catalysing strong and sustainable partnerships among people, communities, governments, NGO’s and businesses on a global scale.
Our collaborating partners are united in the realization that we need to connect, communicate, and collaborate – to share ideas and resources – if we are to be successful in co-creating viable long-term, workable solutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Transition World has in the past year produced one local and two international events -  including our launch event at Kronborg Castle in May last year. Highlights from the launch event can be screened on this link:
The organization is presently involved in the development of several new educational initiatives in collaboration with national and international partners and we are planning a high profile international event in connection with the International Peace Day on 21 September 2016. (See the attached introduction) 
For more information please contact Bente Milton. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through organizing conferences, events and educational initiatives alligned with the vision and mission of The Anna Lindh Foundation. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because there seems to be a lot of synergy potential to explore. Especially in connection with the upcoming September event. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Bente Milton
Job Title
Co-founder and CEO
Head of the organisation
Bente Milton
Contact (2) Full Name
Nelson del Rio
Job Title (2)
Co-founder and Chairman of the board

Helping Hands Graz/Project Anti-Discrimination Office Styria

National Network

Stigergasse 2/3
8020 Graz

+43 316/714137
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Anti-Discrimination Office Styria is a Helping Hands Graz project established in May 2012 and financed by the Styrian government and the city of Graz. The budgetary resources amount to  250,000 Euros per year. It is a single point of contact, clearing, advising and monitoring and has 5 staff member. Each case will be collected, documented and recorded in a database. One main objective beside the case consultations and the documentation is also raising awareness for the issues connected to discrimination in Styria through workshops for affected people or public campaigns. The Office is available to all people living in Styria, institutions and organisations that are active in the non-discrimination work (network partners), as well as responsibility makers in politics and administration. The innovation of such Antidiscrimination Office lies in the variety of grounds, gender, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion, belief, political or other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Anti-Discrimination Office Styria is to strengthen antidiscrimination work and to raise awareness of the Styrian population. People who feel discriminated against have the opportunity to lodge their complaints. The case is then recorded, possibilities of intervention pointed out, and support given by the Antidiscrimination Office and other specialized offices. The objectives are Low threshold: Our goal is that those who visit our office will not have to bother with admission prerequisites. The Antidiscrimination Office should, through its supervision work, serve as a contact point for the public. In that way, its activities, as well as concerns raised by individuals, will become evident. A second goal is searching, not to wait for people to come find us, but to make people aware of our counselling work as a preventative effort. Active contact with institutions, organisations, communities, etc. Extensive discrimination protection for everyone: We are the contact point for all people: for those who experience discrimination, and for those want to defend themselves against it. Regionally represented and also Networking, complementary and co-operational

Main Projects / Activities

The Anti-Discrimination Office Styria has set since its establishment several measures and created a sustainable basis for cooperation with consultative institutions. The Office carries out annually about 600 consultations. During the last 4 years the Office led more than 100 workshops, discussions and lectures on anti-discrimination achieving and encouraging so many people as possible to defend theirselves and offering protection and empowerment for those who are involved. The Office initiated also regularly public campaigns and actions in public spaces: 2012 the campaign "Show your face against racism" which aimed at promoting civic courage and a non-discriminatory everyday life in public transport. Around 3000 persons (some celebrities from sport, TV, Music and the large population) joined in the action! In 2014 followed the campaign "How are we doing? Together!“ in cooperation with the public television ORF Styria. 7 TV-spots for 7 discrimination grounds were developped and broadcast during 7 weeks. The goal of the campaign was to show the different grounds of discrimination and make people aware that we can all be affected by discrimination as well as we discriminate against and also to give concret impulses for the equal treatment of all and set an effective stand against discrimination. Actions like „45 ballons with suggestions against racism“ (2013), a video „Styria against racism“ with the song „Happy“ of Pharell Williams (2014) the flashmob „Dance against racism and discrimination“ (2015) or a Facebook action „Start living without racism“ (2016) were performed on the occasion of the International Day against Racism.
Our Homepage and our Facebook page offer central plattforms for all the news about our campaigns and activities, but also provides updated informations on the issue of non-discrimination. Besides developing informationmaterial (leaflets, brochures) and attending to specialized events the Office publishes regularly press releases and statements on various topics around the theme of anti-discrimination.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

One of the four pillars of the Anti-Discrimination Office Styria is Networking Initiator and Engine. In order to address antidiscrimination collectively, as well as to strengthen the partners and build up competences, the Anti-Discrimination Office is establishing since 2012 a wide and sustainable antidiscrimination network with various Institutions in Styria and also other Austrian provinces. It has succeeded to sensitize relevant actors from politics, institutions and organisations but also civil society for the project methodology needed to reach the target groups. It can be considered that the participation of the Office in numerous events and other public relations contributed raising awareness for the topic.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the Anna Lindh Foundation is for the Anti-Discrimination Office Styria a great opportunity to expand its network on an international level, as nationalistic and right wings movements worldwide show the importance to stand up together against racism and discrimination.
The ALF Network offers a platform for sharing information with other civil organisations or wining good practice examples for the work in the own country. Furthermore the Anti-Discrimanation Office Styria can transmit its know-how and expertise about the issues of Integration, intercultural dialog, equal treatment and non-discrimination

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Grabovac
Job Title
Head of the Office
Head of the organisation
Daniela Grabovac

Ri Rock Association

National Network

Delta 5
51000 Rijeka

+38551 211 437
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Ri Rock association is a non-govermental organisation aimed at contributing to the development of alternative culture and economy through various creative events, workshops, and youth-centred educational activities. Since its formation the association has continued the tradition of Ri Rock festival – the oldest regional festival of demo bands, dating from 1979. It also organises numerous activities, programs and projects aimed at informal musical education, music events and festivals, club programs, but also the development of social entrepreneurship. There are 12 members of the association, 4 of which are currently employed. With 32 registered volunteers, Ri Rock has been awarded as the best volunteer program organisation in 2015. Our annual budget is 426.000,00 kn, funded by several institutions, including governmental and music organisations. Our main partners are educational institutions and other non-governmental organisations. Ri Rock is also a part of the Alliance of associations – Molekula and Croatian youth network.
Mission and Objectives

Ri Rock association is aimed at raising awareness about the alternative culture and economy, developing innovative educational activities for youth (various creative events, workshops), creating new channels of communication, developing cooperation of key stakeholders in the cultural sector, and contributing to the development social entrepreneurship.
By developing programs that seek to promote a critical attitude towards the prevailing consumerist culture, Ri Rock provides a unique support to younger generations in need of various forms of creative expression, whether by helding free music lessons or helping the youth to not only consume cultural programs, but (co)create them, taking the role of a proactive individuals. Thus, culture becomes not only means to fill ones leisure activities and free time, but a way to develop various forms of self-organisation while developing ones social and creative skills.
Our vision is a society of solidary and responsible members following the principles of sustainable growth.

Main Projects / Activities

Organization's main activities are: (1). Raising public awareness, level of knowledge and interest for alternative culture and economy by organizing music festivals, concerts and other cultural events; providing spatial, material and technical support to unaffirmed alternative musicians; advocacy and development of support system for social entrepreneurship and initiating these type of initiatives. (2). Providing innovative educational and activistic content, especially for children and youth through music workshops and playgrounds, backstage workshops (sound, light, video, photo); development and implementation of quality volunteer programs for young people; youth forums and public debates; implementation of socially useful learning in educational institutions. (3). Development of new channels for animation and communication with public through social networks and guerilla marketing.
.Main projects in 2015:
1. ‘’Music box music workshops: youth for culture’’ - free music lessons for beginners and intermediate musicians. Includes lessons for guitar, bass guitar, drums, and workshops for cooperation between the band members
2. ‘’Čujemo s(v)e vidimo’’ (We hear, we see) – developing management capacities and sustainable growth for youth organisations and organisations aimed at youth population
3. Music Box; centre for alternative cultural creativity – program for developing creative cultural spaces and capacities of youth population
4. Dark ‘’O’’ Metal festival – unique festival of alternative metal music bringing together artistic groups from countries across the region.
5. Ri Rock festival –the oldest regional festival aimed at demo and unaffirmed bands
6. Yearly club program – organising musical events and providing support for bands and musicians throughout the year
7. Ri Use: recycling centre – campaign for forming a cooperative for recycling various materials based on the principles of social entrepreneurship

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ri Rock has over 10 years of experience in developing various cultural programs aimed at youth population: musical and cultural festivals, club programs, concerts, volunteering activities, workshops, public debates and actions, thus supporting local and regional artists, music bands and initiatives and providing professional support.
There are also several city spaces that our association, as a member of the Molekula alliance, has the right to use on a daily basis for our programs and activities. These include Filodrammatica, a neo-baroque building for performing arts (547m2), Youth cultural centre Palach, the famous alternative club (709m2), Hartera (Marganovo), an abandoned paper factory which hosts various music events (1595m2), and two fully equipped and isolated rehearsal rooms ‘’Music Box’’ (81m2).
With these available spaces, our experience in organising volunteering activities, as well as innovative and creative project aimed at youth population, we believe that we can contribute to your Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since the beginning of the year 2016., our strategic aim has been the development of regional and international partnerships, searching and looking out for associations with similar backgrounds. The main reason for this was to develop quality international projects and diversify possible funding opportunities. Membership in the ALF Network would be a great opportunity to develop these partnerships, whether on a single or multiple projects, because it offers a great platform for exchanging contacts and ideas. Joining the Network would be a first step towards developing quality cooperation and exchange of ideas throughout the region. To sum up, there are two main reasons for joining the Network: new cooperation opportunities, and various funding possibilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
+385 98 167 2047Anja Štefan
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Nikola Jovanović

Ta'awon for conflicts Resolution

National Network

رام الله - البيرة
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Taawon has main staff (head , projects coordinator, projects manager, Accounatant) Ta’awon is seeking the support of local community, international organizations, and partnerships with civil society organizations to ensure sustainability of outreach to the target group, and overall aim to achieve our vision to enable Palestinian society to deal with conflict. Our target: Areas of the Occupied Palestinian Territories where conflict and the potential for conflict are highest  Young men and women  CSOs/ CBOs/ Youth Clubs  Governmental institutions we have 24 partners form youth organizations and CBOs, 50  volunteers from several universities anuual budget is : 200,000 dollar sources of fund: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency-Sida- \Olof Palme International centre \USAID\ Canadian International Development Agency\ Euro Med the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty American consulate\  NED \Catholic relief centre\ UNDP  
Mission and Objectives

mission: taawon is an independent, national, palestinian , non profit organization was flund to raise awareness of young people on effective and peaceful ways to deal with conflict and to develope understanding and respect via the integration of concepts of mediation and civic education with CSOs, educational institutions and civic community  
objectives: 1-consequences of conflict are reduced through the promotion of peacefulconflict resolution tools 2- promotingsocial justice , civic peace, human rights , tolerance and participation 3-enhancing its technical and administrative capacity 4-improve financial sustainablity and enhanced ability to cope with financial shocks

Main Projects / Activities

the latest projects we implement during 2014-2016
Increase of Civic-engagement with local councils in cooperation with USAID and Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
form community councils and  to foster confidence and trust between citizens and local councils.  Increase in transparency between citizens and local municipal bodies ,Increase knowledge of local municipal policies among citizens ,Increase in capacity of CSO to deal with community needs
partners for change:in cooperation with USAID and Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
The objective of the project effective civic participation by the targeted communities in identifying community issues and encouraging collaborative positive initiatives to achieve desired social change. Project succeeded in forming groups of leaders in the targeted locations with high awareness, commitment and civic participation knowledge and practice. Those leaders are capable now to lead community work and mobilize resources to tackle community needs independently.
The adoption of the draft on the law of Mediation in Palestinian law:
The objective of the project was to adopt and approve the draft law on mediation for the settlement of disputes in the Palestinian law
Good Governance project funded by olof palme center :
which aims to develop the capacity of civil society organizations and governmental institutions, human rights and the values of good governance, which includes all forms of good governance, transparency, fairness, democracy Elections, accountability, civil rights, justice and equity, and other forms of values and good governance practices. It also aims to make changes in the behavior of organizations and individuals involved in the project to understand and practice the values of good governance within the institutions and try to build partnerships for effective practices for good governance. The target institutions saw a lot of behaviors conflicting with the values of good governance, especially those concerning the exercise of elections within institutions or decision-making, accountability and transparency, and had noted the Foundation's cooperation during project implementation to more missing values within these organizations is the absence of youth participation in management and decision
religious peace makers funded by USIP
Goal: The main goal of the project is to bring a positive change in the minds of the Palestinian population, especially the youth, through implementing values of respect, tolerance, coexistence and peace. To do so, it’s important to rehabilitate the clergy and workers in religious institutions –as they are one of the mainstream opinion influences for the society- through specialized courses abroad to learn from a multicultural world and training courses in religious speech management and life values based on tolerance, respect, diversity and multiculturalism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ta'awon For Conflicts Resolution  has plenty of local and international experiences in the field of dealing with democratic dialogue\ conflict\ women \rights of youth\ education and have large segments of partners from governmental and private institutions, universities and schools.
Ta'awon has many training manuals and reports and important sources that contribute to broadening partnerships and has a lot of ideas that achieve objectives of anna lindh network message

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ta'awon for Conflicts resolution seeks to join the anna lindh network to the belief that the network provide constructive ideas and programms and projects that contribute to community development and political development of the Palestinian society and deepen the Palestinian community orientations toward dialogue, democracy and human rights.
Ta'awon wants sharing her thoughts with the network because Ta'awon has experienced about 12 years in civil action especially in projects and programmes dealing with conflict
Ta'awon believes that working in partnership with international networks, these networks are an opportunity to exchange knowledge and skills with each other .

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanadi nasrallah
Job Title
projects coordinator
Head of the organisation
Hani Smirat

Northtown Technology Park (NTP)

National Network

J. Galvydžio str. 5
08236 Vilnius

+370 5 274 5411
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Northtown Technology Park (NTP) is a public institution established in 2002 by Vilnius city municipality and the Ministry of Economy to support the redevelopment of the urban area by concentrating skills and knowledge for stimulating economic, social and environmentally friendly life in the area. NTP, as a part of the Lithuania innovation infrastructure, has a direct connection with corporate innovations. NTP not only provides innovation support services, but also contributes to innovation promotion and development in regions. NTP collaborates with innovative, viable enterprises and public sector. Implementing innovation policy in Lithuania, NTP contributes to achievement of sustainable development goals in economic, social and environmental areas of the country.
Mission and Objectives


Innovation support services for SME;

Networking / Clustering Promotion;

Promotion of entrepreneurship;

Technology transfer, commercialization;

Strengthening NTP, science and business partnership.

Main Projects / Activities

NTP stimulates innovative sally of companies by allowing to consult on law, finance, management, sales, marketing and other issues useful to small and medium size business. NTP rents offices and provides “Virtual office” services. “Northtown” business clubs, meetings and seminars are constantly organized for the business community.During the period of 10 years NTP has trained over 200 young people, incubated more than 50 technological start-ups and provided premises for more than 100 of SMEs and non-profit organizations, implemented more than 20 different project in various fields.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Partnership possibilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gintare Agintiene
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Director Gediminas Pauliukevicius

Moroccan Youth initiative association

National Network

Hay el inara bloc 2 n 312 marrakech
40000 Marrakech

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Association of moroccan youth initiative was created in 2013 in marrakech and it have 3 filiale: in sale and tantan. The objectifs are: social culturel activities.the association work with child and youth. We have 80 membres in morocco. 
Mission and Objectives

Culturel, social, environnement, sport,animation ......

Main Projects / Activities

Caravane 2000 sourires
Festival national des jeunes createurs 4 eme edition
Formations infographie et informatique
Formation skills and employability
Formations des moniteurs des colonnies de vaccances

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Help poeple
Change interculturel
Devellepoment  du pays

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Developper nos connaissances, et l'echange culturel

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Social and culturel

Dibeen Association for Environmental Development

National Network

Amman - jabal al husain
Jarash - al kita
Jerash Dibeen

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Dibeen Association for Environmental Development (DIBEEN) is an independent public benefit, non-governmental, non-profit association established in 2010 by a group of environmental activists under the authorization of the Jordanian Ministry of Environment. The association is concerned with protecting the environment and conserving natural resources as well as the development of capacities and skills to improve and upgrade the environmental reality and its work includes all regions of the Kingdom. The Association seeks to achieve its objectives within the available resources and support available, and by developing and providing many environmental projects and work to those organizations and bodies concerned, taking into consideration the recent developments and mechanisms of sustainable environmental development.
Mission and Objectives

Provide consulting, research, education and empowerment services in partnership with the public and private sectors and civil society institutions as well as strengthen the cooperation and coordination of efforts to preserve the environment among these stakeholders, which would contribute to the achievement of sustainable environmental development in accordance with international standards, and this is done through:
• Human resources development; skills and efficiency development.
• Effective communication between the Association and the local community
• Optimal exploitation of natural resources
• diverse research
• The involvement of all citizens to benefit from the development results
Dibeen Association for Environmental Development seeks to introduce a new model in the environmental field, especially with the emergence of recent environmental problems in parallel with the development of modern methods and techniques to protect the environment from such risks. Moreover, to convert these solutions to development projects and activities with social and economic effects, represented in the establishment of innovative environmental projects and launch of an online national environmental network.

Main Projects / Activities

A. Project title: 3Rs in schools
B. Donor: Internal financing.
C. Outputs: A project for the introduction of environmental concepts in schools such as waste reduction, reuse and recycling. “Recycling, Reduce, Re-use” project helps children realize the importance of protecting the environment from solid wastes and managing it, as well as creative methods of waste disposal. This ongoing project has helped four elementary schools to be leaders in environmental work.
A. Project title: Apiary project for the production of honey
B. Donor: Ministry of Social Development.
C. Outputs: The association realized the importance of having a productive income-generating project in order to ensure direct funding for the continuity of the various environmental and developmental activities, so it came up with the idea of having a honey production project especially for the Association. The project is currently implemented, and provides work opportunities for youth, in addition to providing the association staff with the experience of managing income generating projects.

A. Project title: Use of solar energy for water heating in houses, a project of solar heaters.
B. Donor: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
C. Outputs: The project aims to make people aware of the importance of clean solar energy use in order to protect the environment from carbon emissions, in order to save on electricity and oil, as they are types of non-renewable energy. In addition to the importance of the use of solar energy in homes to reduce public expenditure where the electricity depletes about one third of the household income. The project is ongoing and includes the following activities: 45 solar heaters were distributed to families using a loan interest-free system, several workshops were held, and publications were distributed to emphasize the importance of clean energy use.
A. Project title: Green Snowball Initiative.
B. Donor: The Bibliotheca of Alexandrina, with the associate with Taking It Global (TIG)
C. Outputs: a youth project carried out by a group of young volunteers to spread awareness on the subject of climate change, in order to increase green space and our partners and volunteers carry out the project activities, a volunteer project primarily, and the most important awareness Society programs of the 2011-till now.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To learn and exchange experiences in using the related art in the areas of development

Contact (1) Full Name
Hala Murad
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hala Murad
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad Rawashdeh
Job Title (2)
Program manger

Danish Center for Conflict Resolution

National Network

Fællesvej 12
2200 København N

0045 35200550
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution (DCCR) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization founded in 1994 on the initiative of Ms. Else Hammerich, a former member of the European Parliament. Since then, the Centre has been a forum for courses, educations, counselling and projects on and about conflict resolution and mediation. Besides courses for private and public organizations the Center hosts a variety of voluntary activities including free conflict counseling and a youth department named CfK Youth. CfK-Youth is an initiative started in 2010 as the Centre needed a younger generation to work with its methods and applied conflict resolution skills. This youth group, aging from around 20-35, has now increased to a number of 15 people. The work we do mainly involves facilitating free courses and workshops for other volunteer-based organisations throughout the country. This year alone we have been facilitating workshops for around 400-500 volunteers coming from different danish organisations. Further we are engaged in international work and in 2015 and further in 2016 we have been arranging workshops with a syrian civil society network. We are based in Aarhus and Copenhagen but we travel to other cities as well to facilitate workshops. Besides facilitating workshops, we offer free counselling to any youth who is in conflict and in need of supervising and guidance. The DCCR is run by 4-6 temporarily employees and partners with a variety of organizations such as the Red Croos and municipalities. THe DCCR has a gross revenue amounting to approximately 800.000 euros a year. Funding is recieved from among other the danish Research Fund, Action Aid, Kvinfo, and Danmission.
Mission and Objectives

To promote knowledge of, and to work for, peaceful conflict resolution in Denmark and internationally.
To provide education in conflict resolution for individuals and organisations.
To assist organisations and groups in solving collaborative difficulties.
To develop and disseminate theories and methods of conflict resolution.
Our view of conflicts
Conflicts are disagreements that lead to tensions within and between people. They are an integral part of life, they are inevitable and they are dynamic.
Conflict and change are inextricably linked, and conflicts thus possess a positive potential. They can lead to social  development and to more honesty and understanding, but they can also lead to hostility, stagnation and crippled relationships - depending on how they are handled and experienced.
Peaceful conflict resolution
The Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution exists to promote peaceful conflict resolution. This involves the dissemination of tools that can get people in difficult situations back on speaking terms, and the dissemination of techniques to enhance constructive communication.
The Centre is occupied with conflicts on many levels and exists in an historical and political reality that influences us, and which we want to influence. Conflict resolution is a conscious, active and peaceful effort to create conditions where
the basic needs of everyone involved can be met. Thus, our work may be characterised as peace politics and remains independent of party politics.

Main Projects / Activities

Course activities (commisioned work) and open courses. Voluntary activities such as facilitating free courses and workshops for other volunteer-based organisations throughout the country. Seminars about different topics within our main objectives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The ALF Network is interesting for us because it provides a platform for sharing, developing and diversify the approach about peaceful conflict management. Hence, we think that valuable projects could be made nationally as well as transnationally with regards to conflict resolution, active citizenship and dialogue - important themes to be developed, explored and promoted around especially youth in europe and in the MENA region and specifically in crossnational projects. Already now we have the possibility to invite people from the ALF network to our open Dialogue Zones: short seminars about different areas of conflit management.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network is interesting for us because it provides a platform for sharing, developing and diversify the approach about peaceful conflict management. Hence, we think that valuable projects could be made nationally as well as transnationally with regards to conflict resolution, active citizenship and dialogue. Already now we have the possibility to invite people from the ALF network to our open Dialogue Zones: short seminars about different areas of conflit management.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ane Marie Nord
Job Title
Association coordinator
Head of the organisation
The Board

Association for civil society development Bonsai

National Network

Svetoga Kriza 3

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Founded on 2008 with   two basic programmes: running a local voluntary centre and having an educational programme, Bonsai is beneficiary of institutional support of National Foundation for Civil Society Development. Centre is financed by City of Dubrovnik, Ministry of social politics and youth. Structure:  Assembly (members), Board of Governors (5 volunteers), Executive director, and executive team (3 employed), volunteers. Projects: -educational support   for children from socially vulnerable families („Faktor V“) -a project VOLCAR (guidance to raise employability for volunteers) -other projects run by Bonsai (Generacija A, Volonterski program po mjeri) have a goal to empower local community through work with young and socially vulnerable groups. Partners: Centre for social care Dubrovnik, City of Dubrovnik Development Agency, Erasmus Student Network Dubrovnik, City of Dubrovnik, European Volunteer Centre, Desa-Dubrovnik, Unidu radio, Association Mi-Split, Association Lukjernica, Association DUSAB, EDOS Foundation Netherland Budgetary in a year 2015:  app.315 000 HRK  

Mission and Objectives

Bonsai's mission is a society in which all of the individuals use their creative strength in the making of an open, compassionate and active community. Bonsai is a volunteer centre which, through the connecting of the community, raising of awareness of active participation and the informal education, builds a society of equal opportunities and encourages personal and social development. Objectives: -Contribute on building an active and open society through building awareness public about the importance of volunteering -Enhance availability of well organised voluntary programmes for citizens of Dubrovnik and surroundings -Promote creativity, permanent learning and acceptance of diversity as a virtue for active, open community especially among youth -Secure stability of organisation through self-financing  

Main Projects / Activities

Volunteer Centre Dubrovnik, a main programme of organisation Bonsai -was founded in April 2010. With membership in Croatian   Volunteer Centre Network and according to the quality standard Bonsai leads local voluntary centre promoting volunteering, building the capacities throughout on line voluntary base and education in management of volunteering. Promoting the value of volunteering, informing, educating and supporting volunteers and volunteer organizations, providing volunteer exchange service for local community as well as undertaking researches of subjects relevant for volunteer development on local but as well also on national and international level Educational programme is being held from 2011. Integral part of this programme is Festival Trece uho (Third Ear Festival)- festival of foreign culture in Dubrovnik. Festival Trece uho is completely run on volunteering power (we include long term and short term volunteers, staff and guests are volunteers).  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Considering the activities of Bonsai; being voluntary centre and having educational programme we can provide civil society support, knowledge and our experience together with network of partners for the future actions. Also, according to our mission and objectives we can contribute to enhance a civil participation through voluntary, education, creative development and work for public interest in Dubrovnik-Neretva county.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Becoming a member of ALF Network, association Bonsai will experience new perspective of coexistence and diversity cultures among Mediterranean countries. Objectives and tasks of Anna Lindh Foundation are in alignment of our organisation values and the ones that can contribute to intercultural development in Dubrovnik in which Bonsai would be mechanism of facilitation on subjects of   tolerance, cultural understanding, dialog between religions and avoiding stereotypes, xenophobia and racism and in public domain. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Anja Markovic
Job Title
Executive directress
Head of the organisation
Anja Marković