
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO

National Network

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39
00186 Rome

0039 06 6920 7627
Telephone (other)
0039 06 6920 7628
0039 06 6994 2065
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 335 351401
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
UNINETTUNO has carried out research projects on the new technologies applied to the teaching and learning processes at national, European and international level. Managing boards: the Board of Directors, the President, the Rector, the Academic Senate, the Evaluation Team, the Board of the Auditors. - Financial resources: from university fees and taxes, institutional activities, from allocations and funds supplied by public agencies, companies, private citizens and from European funding. - UNINETTUNO collaborates with 11 Euro Mediterranean Countries such as Algeria, Egypt, France, Jordan, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. Among partners there are traditional universities, distance universities, vocational training agencies and institutions, specialisation schools and technological partners.
Mission and Objectives

The University carries out research, study and training activities using distance education means. Its initiatives aimed at making the services supporting distance training courses offered to students accessible and at favouring the access of youths into the labour market and enhancing the training of employees taking into account the situation of the national, community and international social and economic system.
The University acts in full scientific, didactic, financial and accounting autonomy and asserts this autonomy in such a way as to grant the efficacy of its activities, transparency and the publicity of the procedures and decision-making process.
In order to carry out international cooperation, the University can enter into agreements with Universities and scientific and cultural institutions; to this end it can promote and encourage the exchange of professors, researchers and students at international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Med Net’U – Mediterranean Network of Universities – Project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the EUMEDIS Programme for the creation of the Euro Mediterranean Distance University.
The Open Sky Europe Project, funded by the Delegation of the European Commission in Jordan in the framework of the Euromed Regional Communication targeted for Youth Programme for the implementation of a Master in European Studies for students of Euro Mediterranean Area.
Project: "e-Learning innovative applications for the knowledge and economical valorisation of the cultural and territorial patrimony of the Mediterranean Sea” funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research in the framework of the FIRB funding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Prof. Maria Amata GARITO
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Francesco PARAVATI


National Network

Via Nuovalucello 136, 95126 Catania (Italie)

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Staff: 3 Sources of funding: Universities, public and private institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, Local, Regional, National Authorities Modalities of action: projects, research, conferences, workshops, educational programmes, exchanges, scholarships Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Universities, public and private institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, Local, Regional and National Authorities
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to promote territorial development through international cooperation, intercultural exchange, education and training and tourist promotion, by an international spirit to foster the promotion of democratic freedoms and the fundamental rights, for global economic progress and social justice.
A. Promotion of activities of study and research on geographic, political, legal, economic and social topics.
B. Planning and support to regional, national and international territorial policies.
C. Organization of cultural events, conventions, seminaries, conferences in order to promote the scientific and cultural debate.
D. Organization and realization of educational and training actions.
E. Creation and management of tourist itineraries and educational paths on territorial development.
F. Scientific advise for the elaboration, the coordination and monitoring of local, national and international projects.
G. Realization of publications on topics dealing with the main aims of the structure

Main Projects / Activities

- Study and research on geographic, political, legal, economic and social topics
- Organization of cultural events, conventions, seminaries, conferences in order to promote the scientific and cultural debate.
- Organization and realization of educational and training actions.
- Creation and management of tourist itineraries and educational paths on territorial development.
- Scientific advise for the elaboration, the coordination and monitoring of local, national and international projects.
- Realization of publications on topics dealing with the main aims of the structure

Contact (1) Full Name
Lorenzo Mari
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo MARI
Contact (2) Full Name
Samantha Desirée Santonocito

Intesa Tra Culture

National Network

Via Antonio Merlino 07
95123 Catania


0039 95 2863369
0039 95 2863369
Mobile Phone
0039 3291282135
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3280150157
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
As a member-run organization,Intesa Tra Culture is composed of and powered by ordinary folks. ITC members come from diverse cultural, ethnic, economic, and religious backgrounds. They are immigrants, refugees, Italy.-born citizens, workers, students, asylees, moms, dads, grandparents and, most importantly, allies in the struggle for social justice. Our members share a common belief in a multi-racial, multicultural democracy inclusive of all—and the passion to put their beliefs into action.
Mission and Objectives

The Center for Intercultural Organizing is a diverse, grassroots organization working to build a multi-racial, multicultural movement for immigrant and refugee rights.
We envision a strong multicultural democracy inclusive of all.
We focus on four program areas that together catalyze systemic change – education, civic engagement, community organizing and mobilization, and intergenerational leadership development.

Main Projects / Activities

Community Outreach,Intercultural & Diversity Awareness, Conversation Partner Programs,Orientation Activity,Cultural Exchange Program ,Inter Cultural Festival

Contact (1) Full Name
Monia Natalia Cipro
Head of the organisation
Mannapperuma Mudalige Don Chula Charitha Jayandimal Hasapathiratna
Contact (2) Full Name
Mahesh Randika


National Network

via Lionello,8

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
The organizational structure is composed by 4 people with 4-8 collaborators in staff; teh number depends on projects we are managing. Financial resources are mainly composed by resources coming from public authorities, as Region Friuli VG; we have a total annual budget for 2009 of 60.000 €. Main activities are projects on Family and work balance, training, research and international seminars. Main partners are the Region Fvg, City Councils as S.Daniele del Friuli, Cervignano, Cividale and others.
Mission and Objectives

Intramoenia is a private no-profit agency which associates professionals in the economic, psychology, computer science and training area.It sprang from the need of working professionally in order to promote community development.Intramoenia is “ a tool for the development and the welfare of defined contexts” where people, who join unique and individual competences, work together.We can promote empowerment within the community we live in, both by accepting laws and customs and by throwing little seeds of creative thought.In 2003 we started working with and for young people, women ,citizen service organizations, voluntary service associations, enterprises with socio- economic responsibilities towards the territory. Our purpose is to sustain and help them to find their way in the complex reality of potentiality, skill and resource development.We want to grow, together with all those who share our view, towards a sympathetic and ecology caring society , which is future oriented and which uses the best knowledge and competences in order to advance personal and other people’s harmonious development.
We work within the local area since it is there we can find big starting points of growth if we can spot the points to bring out the chances to take and the waste to avoid.We act by following net logic, listening to the wishes of those people who carry out changes inside themselves or within the organization they are members of and favouring contacts, relationships, experience exchanges.

Main Projects / Activities

The municipality of Monfalcone has so far taken action in promoting equal opportunities aimed to:
* make the work-time compatible with the life-time;
* harmonize professional life with family-life;
* share the care-taking work between genders and generations.
In the last few years the encouragement of the quantitative and qualitative presence of women in the labour market has been regarded as a prior issue. The focus has been on the promotion of equal opportunities policies by supporting actions aimed to develop gender culture.
The Northern Europe countries show how it is possible to have a high birth rate (to be considered especially high if compared to the Italian one) as well as a considerable female occupation rate. Such countries set an example of how the career can be compatible with having a family when all the different aspects (personal, social, psycological, organizational, etc.) are considered.
In accordance with such aims, a communication campaign called “Champion in opportunities” has been launched. At the end a prize will be given to the company that in the last few years has best tried to reconcile the work-time and the caring time of the female workers by adopting family friendly policies improving the quality of the professional and personal life of everybody (both men and women).
Consequently the Municipality of Monfalcone has issued an announcement to collect the best local experiences of good practice in order to identify companies that have so far adopted or are adopting personnel policies aimed to protect family without marginalizing women in their job: i.e. new work time solutions that can be alternative to the full time job (chosen part-time, new turnovers, flextime, multiperiodization, etc.) and spatial flexibility (i.e. telecommute, etc.) or any other form that can help women at home and at work.
V.I.C.I.N.I. It’s a project aimed to improve the relationship between no profit associations, education and institutions.How: by developing project patnership capabilitity, local communities exchange, successful communication, team cooperation and negotiability between institutions and associations.
When: the V.i.c.i.n.i. project is able to give solutions in complex situations, when the managment of the undertaking is conflictual and stressing and the economical and human resources are insufficient.

Contact (1) Full Name
giovanna roiatti
Head of the organisation
Giovanna Roiatti
Contact (2) Full Name
claudia pollano

IOM - International Organization for Migration/OIM - Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni

National Network

Via Nomentana 62, Rome

+39 06 44231428
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
IOM is composed, at a global level, by 127 Member states and 93 observers including 17 States and 76 global and regional IGOs and NGO. Operational staff worldwide: at present approximately 5,600 , almost entirely in the field. Total Funding: in 2008, more than 96 per cent of IOM’s funding was in the form of voluntary contributions for projects. The remainder represents the administrative budget, funded from Member State contributions. Total Expenditure exceeded US$ 1 billion in 2008. IOM Office in Rome serves as the regional office for the Mediterranean area, and Countries under its purview include Italy, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Cyprus, Greece, Holy See, Libya, Malta, Mauretania, Morocco, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey. IOM cooperates with Governments, International Organizations, Migrants' Diasporas, local institutions, and not for profit organizations.
Mission and Objectives

IOM is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. IOM acts with its partners in the international community to:
• support economic and social development through migration;
• uphold the dignity and well being of migrants;
• support international solidarity through humanitarian assistance to people in conditions need;
• improve the understanding of issues related to migration;
• facilitate international dialogue on migration issues.
• offer operational advice in the field of migration management

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of the office in Rome cover different areas of intervention, such as technical co-operation, labour migration and social integration, migration and development, counter trafficking and assistance to victims, psychosocial training and support, return migration, reinsertion in the countries of origin, family reunification through DNA tests, information services on migrations related issues, and activities to promote the prevention of the spread of HIV/Aids and sexually transmitted infections. IOM works alongside UNHCR, the Italian Red Cross and Save the Children in the Reception Centres in Sicily and Apulia - providing information and legal counselling to irregular migrants who reach Italy by boat - and as of 2010 in Castel Volturno (Campania Region).

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmela Godeau
Head of the organisation
Peter Schatzer
Contact (2) Full Name
Flavio Di Giacomo

IRIS Istituto di ricerca ed interventi socio-educativi

National Network

Piazza Italia, n. 30, 65100

0039 (0) 85 4222926
Telephone (other)
0039 (0) 85 3724271
0039 (0) 85 4222926
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
335 8263076
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
The Institute is a public organization of the Provincial Administration of Pescara, but it is autonomous in terms of management of the organization and realization of the assessment , within the limits imposed by the laws and the Statute of the Province of Pescara. The instiute is composed by a president , a director, five advisers and it disposes of 250.000 Euros , its sources of funding come from the Province of Pescara . The activities which is currently realizing are mainstreaming and the coordination of the Equal community initiative , Ode-on E-G2-ABR-006 project of the Social European Fund , training and project activities with the POR Abruzzo funds.
Mission and Objectives

The institute is a non-profit organization which acts for cultural , educational and social purposes.
It is a subject instituted by the Province. It's principal goals are:
-To promote the training courses for the actif operators within the frame of the public and private structures of provincial importance;
- To support the comprehension of the social and cultural reality of the Province of Pescara through studies , researches and analyses.
- To promote the international cooperation through the participation in the European projects with social and cultural purposes .

Main Projects / Activities

Within the frame of the international co-operation, the IRIS collaborated with the UNOPS - UNO - UNDP for the project “Città-Città” in Serbia, it realized , incollaboration with the UNDP , a joint mission in Macedonia near to the Skopje city , finally , it took part in the Gold-Maghreb Program in 2004-2005. Moreover, the IRIS promoted various projects within the frame of the Interreg programs , such as “Adriatic Parks Network”, of the VI Outline programmes SSA, “European Balkan” and of the regional international Co-operation “Dora Distria, Corrispondenze dal carcere”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Isabelle Rigoni

Associate professor in sociology at INSHEA/Grhapes, associate member of the Emile Durkheim Center and MIGRINTER. Previously Rigoni has been Team leader of the EU Marie Curie Excellence Team 'Minority Media' hosted at Migrinter, University of Poitiers in France. She holds...


Isabelle Rigoni

Professeure associée en sociologie à l'INSHEA / Grhapes, membre associé du Centre Emile Durkheim et du MIGRINTER. Auparavant, Isabelle Rigoni était chef d'équipe du groupe d'excellence de l'UE Marie Curie «Minority Media» du laboratoire MIGRINTER de l’Université de Poitiers en...