Sustainable Development of Communities

Sustainable Development of Communities

The second pre-Forum event took place in Zadar, Croatia from June 11-13, which was the international conference organized by the Croatian Network and National Foundation for Civil Society Development in cooperation with Anna Lindh Foundation. 

The event titled SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES IN THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN focused on social entrepreneurship; sustainable development in the Euro- Mediterranean; the role of women in the development of local communities in the Euro-Mediterranean; gender mainstreaming; Islands - Sustainable living, and concepts of smart cities; renewable energy; successful social projects in Euro-Mediterranean focused on mentioned themes and problems;

HoNs from the following 20 countries attended: Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Finnland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Morocco, Spain, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey; 

The three-day program included several panel discussions of representatives of organizations, who were given the platform to present their successful projects from their countries/organizations on relevant themes discussed at this conference.

This conference had 4 main themes with the following organizations and projects presented: 

Social Entrepreneurship - a guarantee of sustainable development and presentation of successful social entrepreneurship projects in the Euro-Mediterranean:

  • Mozaik Foundation - Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione - Italy
  • Hellenic Foundation for Culture - Greece
  • Palantír Film Visual and Anthropological Foundation - Hungary 
  • SWIDEAS - Sweden

The role of Women and their achievements and successful projects in Development of Local Community in the Euro-Mediterranean:

  • Centre for Women’s Studies - Croatia
  • Rowaida al Maaitah, Member of the Anna Lindh Foundation Advisory Board, Former Senator and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific research - Jordan
  • Women’s NGOs Cooperation Network of Latvia - Latvia
  • Arab Women’s Solidarity Association - Belgium
  • Diversity Development Group - Lithuania

Mediterranean Islands - Sustainable Development, it’s challenges and successful projects:

  • Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds - Croatia
  • Project Rijeka2020 - Croatia
  • The Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC) - Croatia
  • Association Sol - Croatia

Mediterranean Islands - Sustainable Development, it’s challenges and successful projects:

  • Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds - Croatia
  • Project Rijeka2020 - Croatia
  • The Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC) - Croatia
  • Association Sol - Croatia
  • Propositivo, Part of RIDE - Italy
  • Propositivo, Part of RIDE - Italy