Capacity Building on Intercultural Citizenship

Citizenship Handbook

In 2017 the ALF the ALF launched its regional capacity-building for intercultural citizenship education addressed to educators in the formal and non formal sector, affiliated to the ALF civil society Network. 

In May-June 2021, the ALF piloted the first Virtual Regional Training for Trainers on Intercultural Citizenship Education in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The aim of the activities is to prepare people of the region to live and be active within multicultural societies by using the capacity-building methodology on intercultural dialogue developed by a team of experts coordinated by the Anna Lindh Foundation for the ALF Education Handbook on Intercultural Citizenship in the Euro-Med region. Following the regional training, trained educators organise education activities within their communities to multiply the impact and are supported through a mentorship scheme to then exchange experiences during a final evaluation meeting. 

In 2021, the ALF supports a consortium of ALF trained educators to organise a joint training programme on Intercultural citizenship education and produce audiovisual on the creation of the joint programme, implementation and evaluation.


Download the Anna Lindh Education Handbook on Intercultural Citizenship in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
