A Network of Networks

A Network of Networks

From its very beginning, the Foundation was conceived as a Network of National Networks, established in each of the 42 countries of the of the Euro-Mediterranean region and bringing together around 4,500+ civil society organisations who share the values of the institution. The members of the Foundation’s Network are of very diverse nature, including NGOs, public institutions, foundations, local and regional authorities, individuals and private organisations. As set out in the founding document (High-level Advisory Group), the Foundation manages activities and networks of participants from civil society, either directly or via national networks that it coordinates, providing the required intellectual support, organising cultural meetings and events, and bringing together existing skills and expertise. The Foundation’s networking platforms and resources are central to multiply the impact and reach of our programmes, and support civil society and youth-led dialogue initiatives.

The Foundation has also established regional alumni networks through its flag-ships programmes, including Young Mediterranean Voices - the largest Euro-Med youth platform of its kind - and the Mediterranean Journalist Awards, the leading regional prize and recognition programme for cross-cultural reporting, with a consolidated network of 1,000+ journalists reporting on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Med region.

Find out more about our Network of Networks