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المياه المتوسطية، بناء ثقافة مياه مشتركة في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط

انطلق مشروع WATERranean / المياه المتوسطية بهدف تعزيز التعايش والتفاهم المتبادل في جميع أنحاء منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط. من أجل تحقيق هذه الأهداف، طمح منظمو المشروع ببناء رؤية مشتركة حول المصير المشترك للمجتمعات البشرية التي تقطن المنطقة الأورومتوسطية من خلال...

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النساء! - دافني، إيكو، إيو وأخريات

فيما تستعر النزاعات في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط، تركز مبادرة النساء! - دافني، إيكو، إيو وأخريات على ضرورة التغلب على الأحكام المسبقة من خلال العمل الثقافي والمعرفة المتبادلة. قارب منظمو المشروع هذه الأهداف عبر تعزيز أعمال فنانين من 4 بلدان...

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خالد شوقي

ولد في الدار البيضاء وترعرع في إيطاليا، لغته الأم هي كل من الإيطالية والعربية. شوقي صحافي محترف ورئيس المركز الإسلامي الثقافي في إيطاليا. كان عضواً في مجلس النواب الإيطالي وقد كرّس نفسه لإصلاح المواطنة من أجل الاعتراف بالأجيال الثانية في...


ماركو لانييلو

منسق برنامج: الإعلام والاتصالات؛ رئيس تخصص جامعي ومحاضر أقدم: إنتاج الأفلام والسينما. عمل سابقاً في مركز زاك للدراسات الثقافية والعامة في معهد كارلسروه للتكنولوجيا ومقرّه في ألمانيا. ساهم بصفته محرراً وكاتباً في إعداد وإصدار منشورات مختلفة في مجال الهجرة والإعلام...

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مهرجان بيروت وسردينيا

سردينيا من أفقر المناطق في إيطاليا على الرغم من إمكاناتها الكبيرة المتجذرة في التاريخ والثقافة والإرث البيئي. وفي الوقت نفسه، ثمّة أماكن كثيرة في بيروت تحتاج إلى تعزيز من المنظور الثقافي والاقتصادي. ومن هنا، أطلق منظمو مهرجان لبنان وسردينيا LEB-SARD...


ميشال كاباسو

رئيس مؤسسة البحر الأبيض المتوسط (Fondazione Mediterraneo) في إيطاليا. عمل ميشيل كاباسو كمصور ورسام ومهندس معماري ومهندس، وقد أنجز أكثر من 500 مشروع في مختلف بلدان العالم قبل أن يتخذ القرار بتكريس حياته لتعزيز الحوار بين الثقافات والسلام في عام...

“Erasmus+ Training Course "MEANT TO BE" Offers New Opportunity for International Participants in Lithuania”

“Erasmus+ Training Course "MEANT TO BE" Offers New Opportunity for International Participants in Lithuania”

Birštonas, Lithuania - November 11 to November 17, 2023

Erasmus+ Training Course "MEANT TO BE" is set to provide an exciting opportunity for individuals interested in youth development, social projects, and cultural initiatives. This international training course, hosted by Beyond Borders, will take place in the picturesque town of Birštonas, Lithuania, from November 11 to November 17, 2023.

Erasmus+ Training Course "MEANT TO BE" promises an enriching experience for individuals interested in youth development, mentorship, and fostering positive change in remote regions. Participants can look forward to an engaging week of collaboration, learning, and networking in the scenic setting of Birštonas, Lithuania.


“Libriamoci” Associazione Culturale

National Network

Via Satta, 32

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Libriamoci is an association of 6 female that work as volunteers. Libriamoci works with public funds and member fees for the promotion of the reading in the youth world, including school field. Libriamoci cooperates with the Lilith independent bookshop, Umanitaria company, Arci local section and the Sulcis librarian system.
Mission and Objectives

Spread of the book and literature, training to the delight of reading, training to an independent and critical reading.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2006 organised the happening “la città che legge” focused on the themes of autobiography and the important rule of individual and collective memory.
Since 2007 “Libriamoci” has organised the happening “La città che legge. Mediterraneo: navigare fra le letterature”. It regards the promotion of Mediterranean writers in the schools. The happening is the last step of a work that lasts the whole scholastic year. Students read and analyse books of writers that are going to meet on the final happening. Each year Libriamoci suggests to the schools a project focused on literature and writers of a chosen Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Erminia Lai

“News seminars - Cultural heritage in Construction: From Collective Memory to Cultural Heritage”

“News seminars - Cultural heritage in Construction: From Collective Memory to Cultural Heritage”

Naples, Italy - A thought-provoking seminar titled "Cultural Heritage in Construction: From Collective Memory to Cultural Heritage" is set to take place on October 26, 2023, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at CNR-ISMed, Humanities Centre, Naples.

This seminar, part of the COST Action underground4value project, enters its fourth year, promising to delve into diverse perspectives on the preservation and evolution of cultural heritage.

A central theme of the seminar is the role of oral history and new cultural heritages, often resulting from a fusion of influences and experiences. These diverse traditions appear to be constantly nourished by connections to their countries of origin. Rather than treating memory as a static archive to be dusted off, these communities view it as an ever-evolving thread of history—a catalyst for change, solidarity, and cohesion among generations.

This exploration of memory invites a critical revisitation of collective expectations, interpretations, and accomplishments. By shedding light on these rich cultural heritages, the seminar offers fresh perspectives on understanding the past and its relevance to the present and a sustainable future.

Organized by CNR-ISMed, CNR-IRiSS, CNR-ISPC, and supported by COST-European Cooperation in Science and Technology, this seminar promises to be an insightful journey into the transformation of cultural heritage and its impact on diverse communities, with the ultimate goal of driving sustainable development and empowerment for local communities.

Please, follow the link to know more details about the event:

“Youth Exchange Program in Spain Aims to Equip Youth with Essential Life Skills”

“Youth Exchange Program in Spain Aims to Equip Youth with Essential Life Skills”

Arenas de San Pedro, Spain - January 2 to January 10, 2024

A unique opportunity is on the horizon for young individuals between the ages of 13 and 18. In an effort to address the gaps in traditional education, a youth exchange program is being organized in Arenas de San Pedro, Spain, from January 2 to January 10, 2024. The project, titled "Skills for Daily Life," seeks to empower young participants with essential life skills not typically taught in schools.

The "Skills for Daily Life" youth exchange program promises to equip young participants with the valuable life skills they need to thrive in their daily lives. It provides an excellent opportunity for youth to broaden their horizons, learn from different cultures, and end their Christmas holidays with newfound knowledge and experiences.

Interested individuals have the opportunity to be part of this transformative experience. The application deadline is November 12th, and applicants can submit their interest by filling out the provided form. All the necessary information to be provided at the following link: