

National Network

Via Giovanni XXIII n 39, 74044 Galatone (Le)


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The staff of the organization is constitute of volunteers from local community. Our budget come from local and international project we make during the year. At the moment the budget is not available. We mainly work with Youth in Action Program. To have more detail information about our project you can look at our website.We have partners in 20 European countries with who we have done several project. Our Main partner are from France, Portugal, Estonia, Malta, Cyprus, Greece and SEE Countries.
Mission and Objectives

Work In Progress -WIP- is a non profit, non governmental, youth organization based in the s, Italy. Wip promotes youth mobility, active participation between young people from different EU countries.

Main Projects / Activities

we promote projects, youth exchanges, meetings and seminars with several European countries trying to promote through volunteering, youth mobility and non-formal education issues more related to the philosophy of our association which aims to make young people in particular an active role within Europe gives them the chance to grow and be a part of Europe itself.
for more info visit our web site.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lara Mastrogiovanni
Head of the organisation
Laura Mastrogiovanni

WWF Mediterranean Programme Office

National Network

via Po, 25/c – 00198 Roma (Italia)

+39 06 84497227
Telephone (other)
+34 933056252
+39 06 8413866
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3355954838
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 630104114
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The work in South and East Mediterranean countries is developed and implemented through an extensive network of partnerships with NGOs and institutions. The WWF Mediterranean Programme includes ongoing or recently completed projects in ten Mediterranean countries (Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Portugal, Turkey). Over the last five years, WWF MedPO managed a project portfolio of over 2 million Euros per year.
Mission and Objectives

The WWF Mediterranean Program’s goal is to conserve and restore the natural wealth of the Mediterranean and promote the sustainable use of natural resources. The Programme focuses primarily on the conservation of forest, freshwater and marine ecosystems, promoting the establishment of protected areas and resource use practices to maintain biodiversity and ecological functions that support human needs and livelihoods. Geographic focus is on the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean ecoregions.

Main Projects / Activities

WWF Mediterranean Programme focuses on the following thematic areas:
• Forests – Landscape level planning, establishment and management of protected areas; forest sustainable management and certification; landscape forest restoration.
• Marine and Coastal – Seascape level planning, establishment and management of multipurpose management areas, including protected areas and no-take-zones; ecosystem based fisheries.
• Freshwater – Integrated river basin management; water resource policies; freshwater conservation capacity building.
• Climate Change – Climate adaptation strategies at land/seascape level.
• Capacity building – for civil society organizations working on sustainable development issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Lombardi
Head of the organisation
Paolo Lombardi
Contact (2) Full Name
Christoph Stein

Xena, centro scambi e dinamiche interculturali

National Network

Via Citolo da Perugia 35
35138 Padova

0039 049 8752322
0039 049 8763786
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
XENA is a non-profit, cultural association set up in 1995. Its staff is done by 7 person and 10 Italians and international volunteers per year,it has about 500 members each year and more than 50 partners all over Europe and in the World. Total budget is around 500.000 every years mainly from European programme grants. Xena work mainly within the frame of European Programmes – such as “Youth in action”, “Leonardo da Vinci”, "gruntvig" and others working in co-operation with other bodies (associations, municipalities, enterprises, schools, trade unions, informal groups, etc.) in Italy and abroad
Mission and Objectives

principal aims: promoting, through its initiatives, intercultural dynamics of learning; preventing and combating racism and prejudices; to offer young people the opportunity to join mobility programmes in the vocational and social-cultural sphere, and in schools to promote comparisons between different cultures and systems; to promote opportunities for meetings between different cultures and for greater knowledge of foreign languages in our local area.

Main Projects / Activities

Xena promotes projects mainly within the frame of European Programmes – such as “Youth in action”, “Leonardo da Vinci”, "Gruntvig" and others, is also local point Eurodesk, and realize activities at international level outside the European grant as for example "solidarity camps" in Latin America and Jordan, and "follow the Wonam - wonam for peace" as Italian partner.
At local level is working to promote intercultural learning and active participation amoung the youngster in the local comunity

Contact (1) Full Name
Emiliano Bon
Head of the organisation
Paola Pertegato
Contact (2) Full Name
Paola Pertegato


National Network

Via della Libertà 26/7 B
16129 Genova

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Y.E.A.S.T. (Youth Europe Around Sustainability Tables) was founded on the 15th of october 2012 by Poggi Monica Vanessa (President-me) Alessandro Boretti (vice president) e Stefania Marongiu (treasure). We are the only one association in our region (Liguria) to do the Youth in Action project (actions 1.1 e 4.3 ) and Erasmus+ project. We would like to inform young people from Genoa and Liguria about the great opportunities that EU can offer to them about the youth mobility. We would like also to help young people to vocalize their talents and their creativity sharing the experience of writing the European projects.We are a group of young people that knows each other from different kinds of social and political projects in Genoa, for example via the cultural and sport center UISP . We planning to create national and international young initiatives. We support the project with our experience with youngsters, especially with "special needs"or few opportunities. Also we are used to organize workshops,seminars and exibitions in Genoa and other cities or villages. We develop initiatives in groups, with young people from different cultures (we have more than 12 immigrant ngo as a partner).The leader have a lot experience as partecipant and volunterig in European programmes (YIA, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Grundtvig) and local project. Monica Vanessa Poggi comes from Genoa, she has a master degree in Philosophy from the University of Genoa and Specialization in EU Project Management, she worked as an educator for children and youngsters with special needs, Rom community children, youngsters with mental and phisical disabilities. Also she is an educator for "peace games Uisp".
Mission and Objectives

We are 3 founder Poggi, Marongiu and Boretti.
We work like volounteers, we have 80 members young people from 16 to 35. We have more than 20 NGO like partner for Youth in Action, Erasmus+ project and 10 association in Genoa, Italy.
We have about 3500 Euro in a year but we pay insurence, website, materials, promoting so usually we save just 20% of our budget.
We organize seminars, conference, events to promote Erasmus+ and mobility for youth.
We work on UNITED topic like antiracism antifascism, refugees etc.

Main Projects / Activities

- De GustiBUS about knoledge other cultures by food 
-Bikerevolution promoting using bike in a big city
-Youth in Action Erasmus+ (more than 80 youth travel by YEAST every year)
-Job promoting entrepreneur by EU found
- grant by University of Genoa 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can be a tool ti promote Anna Findh opportunity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we want to give to our youth new network, opportunity to know other people and we trust in a multiculturald world

Contact (1) Full Name
Monica Vanessa Poggi
Job Title
Teacher, Eu project manager, Educator
Head of the organisation
Poggi Monica Vanessa
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefania Marongiu
Job Title (2)


National Network

Via del Timavo 1, 40131

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
General Information
About 50 youngsters, aged between 18-30, cooperate, predominantly a as volunteers, within YouNet. YouNet got two main offices one in Bologna and one in Palermo equipped with part-time staff. YouNet cooperates with individuals, informal groups, foundations, and whichever public or private body aims to achieve a more equal, just and supportive society. YouNet partners with about 30-50 NGOs worldwide plus about 30 more in Italy. YouNet cooperates with local bodies, institutions, social centres and comunnities especially in Emilia-Romagna and Sicily. Due to his recent establishment the yearly budget could be only estimated (from 50.000 up to 120.000 €). The main sources of funding comes from donations, membership fees and contributions, grants from international and local bodies an foundations, private and public co-financing for specific projects. YouNet carries out concrete activities both at local and international level such as: seminars, intercultural exchanges, workshops, laboratories, social interventions, training in school, …
Mission and Objectives

YouNet is a non-governmental organisation established by a group of youths keen to play an active role in the non-profit sector.
- to promote and to boost the development of the non profit and for social sector;
- to foster training, cooperation and partnership between non profit organisations and social workers;
- to encourage youth engagement, learning and mobility with particular regards to youngsters with fewer opportunities;
- to foster active citizenship, social and democratic engagement;
- to promote intercultural dialogue and exchange;
- to support social inclusion and cohesion;
- to promote and to support volunteering at a local, national, European and international level as a tool to achieve a more inclusive and just society;
- to promote European and international dimension;
- to raise awareness and to promote mobilisation among young people around global challenges;
- to encourage local sustainable development in the north and south of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

YouNet promotes and carries out: volunteering activities at local, regional, national and international level and activities of boosting, supporting and coordinating of volunteering itself; intercultural exchanges and meetings; medium and long term volunteering and learning projects; cultural, social, sport, recreational and editorial activities; seminars and training courses aimed to organisations, social workers and youths; formative, promotional and informative initiatives related to specific themes linked with the third sector, the global challenges, etc.
YouNet designs, funds, organises and realises small and big projects partially funded by international and local institutions and private bodies in partnership with local and international NGOs, informal groups, foundations, local and national bodies and institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dario Torregrossa
Head of the organisation
Francesco Tarantino
Contact (2) Full Name
Savino Di Noia

Young "enemies-friends" against hatred. Rondine's message of peace starts again from Florence

Young "enemies-friends" against hatred. Rondine's message of peace starts again from Florence

The students and former students of Rondine Cittadella della Pace, from regions including Israel, Palestine, Russia, and Ukraine, gathered in the Salone dei Cinquecento in Florence to deliver a powerful message: "The real enemy is war." This event, supported by the Municipality of Florence, featured speeches highlighting the importance of dialogue, empathy, and understanding to counteract the devastation of war. The participants shared personal stories of transforming pain and hatred into trust and peace, emphasizing that peace is achievable through personal relationships. The event also launched a fundraiser to support scholarships for students at Rondine. This initiative will continue with the YouTopic Fest, an international festival on conflict, scheduled for May 30-31 and June 1.

Young Effect Association

National Network

Via Boffalora 5 20013

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Young Effect is composed by several number of volunteers and professional educator and trainer. The board is made of 6 members most of them under 30 years old. The association functions through membership of the members and local funds. Moreover every year Young Effect is applying for several project under the programme "Youth in Action". Training and seminars are developed through the help of the Magenta municipality that furnishes conference rooms and free transportation of the participants. In 2012 the total members of Young Effect were about 80 young people all between 18 to 30 years old. The association has about 60 worldwide partners, mostly in Europe but as well in Africa, Middle east and Caucaso. Every year the association is involved as sending organization in about 30 European projects and organize about 3-4 projects as hosting organization. Moreover Young Effect organizes local events has meetings, intercultural evenings, sit in against corruption and mafia etc. Almost all the activities organized are made through non-formal education activities.
Mission and Objectives

Young Effect was born with the purpose of giving to young people of the local territory and the rest of Italy the opportunity to discover Europe and the rest of the world through youth exchanges, meetings, events, volunteering and everything that create dialogue between nations. It undertakes to carry out the following prerogatives:
1 Promotion of youth mobility in Europe and the rest of the world.
2 Non-formal education on intercultural youth dialogue and human rights.
3 Inclusion of youth in the civil society independently of their race, religion, gender and level of instruction.
4 Promotion of interest in development of historical, environmental, cultural and economic resources in the local territory.
5 Offer training, seminars or similar activities at local, national and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2012 Young Effect was official partner of the project "Youthmedia" Africa-Europe where young members of the association worked on a media campaign about human rights at local level and as well in Africa through 3 different study visits in Ghana and Zambia. Together with ActionAid International and Municipality of Milan organized a training course about active participation of youth in the political sphere in order to prevent corruptions and mafia. About 100 young people attended the training. Still at the end of 2012 Young Effect was the hosting organization of a project about youth entrepreneurship and innovation together with Junior Chamber International Turkey. In the previous years the association organized several trainings and exchanges through Youth in Action Programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Young Effect can contribute in the Italian network through the organization of national events related to dialogue with euromediterranean countries with the eventual help of the other network partners. Moreover Young Effect can promote ALF and the Italian network thanks to the official web pages, the municipality of Magenta and all the other partner organizations related to Young Effect at local, national and international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Young Effect Association would like to join the network of Anna Lindh Foundation because believes that the intercultural dialogue between nations of the Mediterranean area is essential for the mutual understanding and the prevention of any kind of violence and discrimination. The mission of ALF fit totally with the aims of Young Effect and so we believe that it could be a great potentiality for the organization in order to develop partnerships with MEDA countries and organize workshops and trainings through the funding proposed by ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tiziano Tomassini
Head of the organisation
Tomassini Tiziano
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonio Giacomo Pugliese

Young Women from Minorities - WFM

National Network

C/O Centro ALOUAN Via Reiss Romoli, 45
10137 Torino

0039 011 220 76 91
0039 011 220 69 96
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 347 74 09 462
Mobile Phone (other)
00351 9648 01744
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
WFM a network of Minority young women’s organizations, non Profit Organization based in Torino (Italy). Activities: training courses and education activities; seminars and conferences; information, educational and political support for minority young women; research and publications. WFM is composed of two categories of members: national or local associations or institutions, with the status of ”full members” and individual persons, with the status of ”individual members”. Our budget depends on the projects approved in the year. Our sources of funding are from membership fee and economical support mainly from the Council of Europe and the Youth in Action Programme.
Mission and Objectives

to promote intercultural dialogue and exchange among young women from Minorities in Europe.
- to provide information and training at European level to its members on the issues related to young minority women and foster the co-operation between them.
- to voice out the aspirations and concerns of young minority women as a way to promote their social integration’s, help fighting their discrimination and social exclusion and sensitise the European and national institutions concerned.
- to represent them in the relevant European institutions or platforms.
- to establish links and networks with other minority and women’s organisations

Main Projects / Activities

As a European organisation, WFM’s role is to organise training and education activities which can serve as example and support to the national and local projects.
These include:
- Leadership training courses;
- Seminars on specific issues of relevance to Minority women;
- Providing information about and access to the European institutions and structures of relevance for young women’s projects;
- Supporting network possibilities and contacts to local partners and encouraging to the development of youth work projects with young women.
- Research on the situation and perspectives of young women from Minorities in Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariam Yassin Hagi Yussuf
Head of the organisation
Mariam Yassin Hagi Yussuf
Contact (2) Full Name
Manuela Filipa Tavares da Cruz

Yourope Sardinia Association

National Network

Via Alghero, 24

+39 3206850386
Telephone (other)
+39 3406301826
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Yourope Sardinia (YOUSARDINIA) is a cultural NGO, founded by a group of young experts on the promotion, development and management of local and international projects and events. The board is composed of 4 members all of them under 30 years old. The association has several volunteers belonging from different educational paths who contribute to the association work acording to their skills. YOUSARDINIA works at projects and events funded by local and European insitutions and by membership fees. We organize different kind of local and international events (e.g. seminars, conferences, training courses) mainly in collaboration with other youth organizations. Our activites are run with non formal education tools. The YOUSARDINIA has several partners (e.g.: University of Cagliari, ERSU Cagliari, Agenzia nazionale giovani, Regione autonoma della Sardegna, AEGEE Caglliari, ELSA Cagliari, AEGEE Maribor,etc.)
Mission and Objectives

YOUSARDINA main goal is to promote the sardinian youngsters integration in the international setting.
Our objectives are:
- to make Sardinian youngsters aware of they role in a multicultural and international community as the European Union is;
- to promote youth mobility;
- to promote the importance of youth active citizenship;
- to enhance personal and professional education.

Main Projects / Activities

YOUSARDINIA organizes several conferences and events in Cagliari (e.g. conferences on education, work and mobility opportunities, cultural events as literary festivals, etc.). YOUSARDINIA works with AEGEE Cagliari and ELSA Cagliari at the implementation of several projects funded by European and local institution (e.g. Youth in Action, regional and national funds).
The NGO offers vocational guidance and mobility information. Moreover we offer legal support to commuter students in the reading and submission of rental agreements.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Join the Anna Lindh Network would be a great opportunity to spread YOUSARDINIA operational field to the other Mediterranean countries. We have a new board now and we would like to enlarge our activity behind European Union borders. We think that it would be a great opportunity of growth for Sardinia youngsters to compare themselves and their culture to the youngsters who live on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pamela Baccoli
Head of the organisation
Pamela Baccoli
Contact (2) Full Name
Federica Stara

Youth Action for Change

National Network

via Curiel 63
20050 Mezzago (Mi)

+39 348 7407314
Telephone (other)
+39 039 622329
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
YAC is a global organisation with a flat structuring, having an Executive Director, a Board of asdviser and a newly-created Programs Committee. We have almost 900 members in 120 countries worldwide (95% of which are developing countries). We are totally youth-led, and have empowered some 1,000 young people and youth organisations to date, even running on a limited budget (less than Euro 5,000 per year, to date). We have partnerships with ICCHRA (Ghana) and PNYV! (Germany).
Mission and Objectives

Youth Action for Change is a global, youth-led organisation harnessing the power of ICTs to inspire and empower young people to become active change makers in their own communities.
Through our work we want to develop a global network of conscious-minded and self-reliant youths who are committed to bring about positive changes in their community and the world at large.

Main Projects / Activities

YAC has been the first organisation ever to get the peer-to-peer methodology online to offer young people free training activities in a number of issues – Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Social Leadership and many more – to help them tackle the matters affecting them and the world at large.
Because of its groundbreaking programs, YAC has received several praises and awards from organisations the likes of the UN, the World Bank, Oxfam, Ashoka Foundation, IYF/Nokia, the Council of Europe and many others.
Our programs, provided online and free of charge to participants, reach young people in some 120 countries and consist of: Courses, Mentors, Dialogues with Experts, Forums, Speakers for youth events, Consulting Services

Contact (1) Full Name
Selene Biffi
Head of the organisation
Selene Biffi