

National Network

via brusaporcello,8

+39 338 1135656
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
new youth organization working since end of 2007.actually just voluntary people. not much money for activities and salary. funding by Youth in action program,nothing else at the moment youth exchanges, local activities partners from other countries, Austria, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Germany, turkey,
Contact (1) Full Name
mano monica
Head of the organisation
mano monica


National Network

12012 Boves

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Small youth organization based on volunteering and free lancing jobs. Developing Erasmus+ projects, resources amount to 50/70.000 euro per year. Youth exchanges, trainings and local activites Partners are mainly from other countries for Erasmus+ projects
Mission and Objectives

Organization aiming at actively involve young people aged 14-20, both at local than international level.
Using non formal education methods, we organized and develop youth activities and youth exchanges since 2008. The aims are:
 - to allow young people to discover other realities and open their minds to new ideas and opportunities
- to support young people in their personal growth path using different tools and methods from mindfulness to outdoor, sport, art.
Our target mainly include young people from middle class background, with some second generation immigrant and young people with school troubles and LGBT groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth exchanges for 14-18 years old young people,middle class or lower, immigrants tome times and LGBT
Training on emotional intelligence and use of mindfulness as means of getting in touch with self

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mindfulness and emotional intelligence development and support using different tecniques.
Involving young people from different areas
Using creativity as space of grow and connection as well as sport and outdoor

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We were already part in the past, we want to join again!
we feel the mission od ALF is pretty similar to our and we would lie to support it

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
MANO Monica
Job Title
EU project manager - free lance counselor/youth worker
Head of the organisation
Monica Mano

YouTopic 2023: The international festival on conflict


Let's turn on the counter of YouTopic Fest, the international festival on conflict sponsored by Rondine Citadel of Peace, which this year will devote 4 days, June 8-11, to the theme of fragility: "In accelerated time, what space for fragility and pain?" Get ready for 4 disarming days with meetings, debates, music, many guests and especially the year-long work of all the students of Swallow.

An opportunity to investigate conflict as a constant element of life that affects every sphere of society, from economics to education, from politics to communication, from art to the environment.

A four-day journey to the Citadel of Peace to learn how to recognize conflict and transform it through the Swallow Method. To meet the world, to build new and generative relationships, to get involved with the youth of Swallow.

Stay Tuned...

Want to help us realize YouTopic?

Sign up already now for the online meeting to discover the activities we have designed for volunteers and help us make the 2023 edition even more memorable.

For further information

Read the concept in English


National Network

Via Terracina 3

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 347 6524450
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Media
General Information
Association for the production and distribution of participatory video and documentary films, based in Rome and Barcelona, with a staff of 5 members. Annual budget: 80.000 euro. Sources of funding: local governments (Regions, local authorities, Municipalities), private foundations, EU. Modalities of action: workshops of participatory video, video productions Main partners: R.A.I. (Spain); Nawafeth Youth Forum (Palestine); UTSS, CRSS, Association Art et Jeunesse (Tunisia); AAMOD (Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio, Italy); ASINITAS (Italian School for immigrants, Italy).
Mission and Objectives

Za is the art name of Zavattini, one of the most famous screenwriter of Italian neorealism, who theorized a new kind of participatory cinema, based on the idea that “everybody is a cinematographer, if there is a conscious will of self-expressing through cinema.”
ZaLab uses the instrument of Participatory Video: a methodology of peer education to audiovisual language through practical workshops in digital filmmaking. Participatory Video, nowadays recognized by UNESCO, is a creative way to make marginal social groups (minorities, youths, women etc) skilled in self-expressing through video and in actively reacting to media stereotypes.
Participatory Video looks for unheared tales and talents, for listening their voice and dreams, for watching the world with their own eyes.
ZaLab, using visual language of cinema of reality, produces and distributes documentary films.

Main Projects / Activities

ZaLab runs participatory video workshops in marginalised areas of the Mediterranean. It has been running award-winning participatory video workshops in Kerchaou (Tunisia), El Jem (Tunisia), Biddu (Palestine), Stromboli (Italy), Rome (Italy), Bologna (Italy), Barcelona (Spain).
ZaLab created ZaLabTV (, the first webTV for participatory video, on-line network of web films written and directed by groups of citizens and communities from different Euro-Mediterranean countries.
ZaLab produced and distributed documentary films, such as Chanson pour Amine (Spain-France 2009, and Come un Uomo sulla Terra (Italy 2008,

Contact (1) Full Name
Sara Zavarise
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefano Collizzolli


National Network

via A.Volta 12
Copparo (Ferrara)

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Zebra Production is an independent film studio located in Ferrara (Italy) composed of 3 branches, one for production, one for realization and one for postproduction of audio-video products. Our partners are 11 (broadcasters for TV production, Universities, Not for profit Organization in Italy and abroad). Our budgetary resources coming from our works with Italians and Internationals partners: municipalitys, regionals or locals autorities and privates companies.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Zebra Production is the creation, the development and the production of audio-visual products, in particular we realize documentaries, animation movies and format tv focused on new languages of communication and the video new styles, based on communities and groups of people out of socials schemes.
We are working in the educational sector too and we realize workshops.

Main Projects / Activities

Zebra Production has realized 9 documentaries on the main national and international themes.
2008. Stelle, Documentary, 20’, directed by C. Mazza, sponsorized by Emilia Romagna Film Commission
2005. Choix de vie, Documentary, 9’, directed by C. Mazza, Winner of PREMIO DAMS 2005, Bologna (Italy)
2004. Donne in viaggio, Documentary, 30’, directed by C. Mazza, a production by U.D.I. and Comune di Ferrara
2002. Lo Sguardo libero, Documentary, 32’, directed by C. Mazza, Winner of Hèviya Azadiyè Film Festival, Rome 2004
1999. Acciaio Invisibile, Documentary 14’, directed by C. Mazza, a production by FILMAKER and Provincia di Milano.
1999. Il bello del niente, Documentario, 52' directed by C. Mazza
1998. Ma chi è questo Grifi? Documentario, 26', directed by C. Mazza
1998. Giampiero-VIP, Documentario, 14'. directed by C. Mazza
1997. Grazie Marco, Documentario, 6'. directed by C. Mazza

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisa Bucchi
Head of the organisation
Cristina Mazza


National Network

Via Germanico 107

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+393484426201 (Giulia Tornari)
Mobile Phone (other)
+393381425588 (Valeria De Berardinis)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Zona is a non profit civil society organisation with legal status It is an association created in 2012 by a group of professionals with an extensive experience in the field of photography, video and journalism. Inspired on values based on ethics and knowledge, ZONA is open to traditional photographic and audio-visual material, to resources obtained through the research and study of well known and lesser-known photographic material, as well as to experimental creative languages. The association develops projects to boost social awareness in collaboration with NGOs, international organizations, public and private institutions, universities, and foundations. It supports the creation, development and production of long-term projects dedicated to a deeper understanding of present-day issues. The staff consists of a director and three employees, and the Budgetary resources available in a year are about of 20-30.000 euros
Mission and Objectives

Zona supports the creation, development and production of long-term projects dedicated to a deeper understanding of present-day issues. It helps and supports professionals who interpret the realities that surround us. The project activities will involve different type of target group . It involves the general public in themes relating to current events through exhibitions, publications, conferences, Internet and new media.

Main Projects / Activities

During the first months of his activities Zona has successfully implemented several projects like a documentary about violence against Sahrawi women, a diary of minors living in a foster home, a documentary on the Arab revolution and a project about the mafia phenomena.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulia Tornari
Head of the organisation
Giulia Tornari
Contact (2) Full Name
Valeria De Berardinis

إليسا أدورنو

مدربة في مجال التخطيط الاجتماعي والأوروبي بالنيابة عن منظمات إيطالية متعددة. تدير أدورنو عدة مشاريع بالتعاون مع المعهد الأوروبي - المتوسطي للشمال الغربي – باراليلي (Paralleli ). مع شهادة في علم الآثار وماجستير في إدارة المشاريع الثقافية، أدورنو خبيرة في...


إيزابيل ريجوني

أستاذة مشاركة في علم الاجتماع في فريق البحوث المعني بالإعاقات والوصول والممارسات التربوية والمدرسية (Grhapes) في المعهد الوطني الأعلى للتدريب والبحوث من أجل تعليم الشباب ذوي الإعاقات والتعليم المتكيّف (INSHEA)، وعضو مشارك في مركز إميل دوركهايم ومختبر البحوث Migrinter. سابقاً...



تأسست الشبكة الإيطالية للحوار الأورومتوسطي (RIDE-APS) في روما في حزيران/يونيو 2017، وتسجلت في وكالة الإيرادات الوطنية في آب/أغسطس 2017. تعمل الشبكة على تعزيز الحوار بين الهويات الجماعية الأورومتوسطية، وتعزيز التواصل المباشر والتفاهم العميق والاحترام المتبادل.

منذ تعيينها من قبل وزارة الخارجية الإيطالية رئيساً لشبكة آنا ليند، تعمل الشبكة الإيطالية على تعزيز قيمة الهويات الجماعية القومية والدينية والثقافية والاجتماعية الأورومتوسطية والأفريقية والشرق أوسطية، وتشجيع التفاعل الأوثق واحترام حقوق الإنسان الأساسية والمساواة بين الجنسين، مع تسليط الضوء على المصالح المشتركة. وعلى وجه الخصوص، تشجع الشبكة الإيطالية البحث المتعدد الاختصاصات ("مركز الفكر لمراكز الفكر") والتعاون العملي في مجالات رئيسية ثلاثة: 1. الهويات الدينية، وخاصة إشراك مجتمعات المهاجرين؛ 2. العلاقة بين الهوية والبيئة في منطقة المتوسط، بما في ذلك الطاقة المتجدّدة والمياه؛ 3. المطبخ الخاص بالهوية والأمن الغذائي، مع إيلاء اهتمام خاص للعلاقة بين التغذية والرفاه، والزراعة العضوية.

Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

اللعب من أجل المنطقة الأورومتوسطية

GEM - Game for EuroMed was a 12-month project that aimed to promote education for intercultural citizenship through playing. The project involved 4 organizations from 4 countries: CESIE from Italy, ADICE from France, WASEELA a Thinktank from Egypt and “JOHOUD”...