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IMAP ‐ Intercultural MAP of your city

L’ IMAP - Carte interculturel de votre ville visait à lutter contre l'intolérance, les stéréotypes et d'autres problèmes socioculturels clés en promouvant le respect mutuel au sein et entre les communautés locales du sud de l'Italie. Afin d'atteindre ces objectifs...

IMED - Istituto italiano per il Mediterraneo

National Network

Via Dalmazia 31
00198 Roma

+39 6 8419428
Telephone (other)
+39 6 8419428
+39 6 8419538
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1) The IMED is organized in 3 departments: - Department of culture and Euromed. - Department of rights and employment. - Department of administration and organization. The IMED staff is trained by 20 members. 2)Approx. 1.500.000 € 3) European Commission, the World Bank, UNDP, Italian Government . 4) Concrete projects, conferences and seminars . 5) The principal partners are institutions and organizations from the Euro-Mediterranean region , such as: - Ministries of culture , of tourism , of labor , of the training , the education , the communication for the equal opportunities. - Local and regional communities. - Syndicates , organizations of employers and professional organizations. - Associative world : associations of women , youth , culture , NGOs , etc. - Universities and institutes of studies , research and training. - Counsel and expertise companies.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Principal Projects:
- Technical assistance in the field of audio-visual legislation/Monitoring of the Euromed Audio-visual II projects, put in contact the beneficiaries and diffusion of the results of the program in the Mediterranean region (2005-2008) European Commission, Audio-visual Euromed II Program
- AIDA- Actions for the physical Integrity, the human Rights and the Autonomy of the women (2005-2008) European Commission, IEDDH - Activities of marketing for the promotion of the Syrian Cultural heritage (2006) European Commission, Program MEDA - MEDINA - MEDiterranean by Internet Access (2002-2006) European Commission, Program EUMEDIS - DELTA - Developement of Territorial cultural systems (2001-2005) European Commission, Program Euromed Heritage - Positive Actions for the rights of citizenship of the women and the equal opportunity in the Maghreb (2001-2004) European Commission, IEDDH .

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Luigia Calia
Head of the organisation
Andrea Amato
Contact (2) Full Name
Zoe De Smet

Impariamo a Imparare

National Network

Via Filippo Fiorentini, 106

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
L'associazione "Impariamo a imparare" promuove la cittadinanza attiva degli abitanti del villaggio globale, lo sviluppo armonico della persona – mente, corpo, sensi, emozioni - a cominciare dai bambini; la conoscenza, produzione e condivisione di conoscenze ed esperienze. Si propone come una rete di riflessioni, progetti, iniziative e di scambi a livello locale e globale. E’ imperniata sulla metacognizione, l'informatica della mente, l'animazione delle risorse personali individuali e collettive, l'utilizzo consapevole e sociale della tecnologia.
Mission and Objectives

L'associazione "Impariamo a imparare" promuove la cittadinanza attiva degli abitanti del villaggio globale, lo sviluppo armonico della persona – mente, corpo, sensi, emozioni - a cominciare dai bambini; la conoscenza, produzione e condivisione di conoscenze ed esperienze.
Si propone come una rete di riflessioni, progetti, iniziative e di scambi a livello locale e globale. E’ imperniata sulla metacognizione, l'informatica della mente, l'animazione delle risorse personali individuali e collettive, l'utilizzo consapevole e sociale della tecnologia.

Main Projects / Activities

I progetti:
        Informatica della mente
        Museo virtuale dei piccoli animali

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Lariccia
Head of the organisation
Giovanni Lariccia

In Diversity Onlus

National Network

corso del popolo 117
30172 Venice

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
In Diversity Onlus is a organisation born in 1999 as a religious   FORT in FEST is a festival and a platform for the expression of cultural diversity and the intercultural dialogue, in a open process of community building. It take places in former military sites surrounding Venice, symbolic places that could help to deconstruct the concept of the enemy and the stranger giving an opportunity to meet and discover the diversity of cultures present in the metropolis of Venice, the causes of migrations, the driving forces of climatic changes and the impacts on local communities and indigenous people, the interdependences of the global-local life styles and system of agriculture and the global struggle for food sovereignty of the grassroots peasant movements La Via Campesina.
Mission and Objectives

In Diversity ONLUS operates to sustain and valorise diversity, social justice through cultural activities and innovative services to solve difficult situations of social and psycho physical diseases such as loneliness disabilities and poverty with experimental methods such as paths of art therapy, theatre of the oppressed, intercultural theatre and the promotion of communitarian ecologically sustainable life styles. From 2016 organiser of the Fort in Fest: festival of cultural diversity inclusion through arts for social change
The research in the long run aims to let the cultural minorities  present in Veneto express and have room to carry out their programmation on self organisation principles, letting new indipendent performers to emerge.
*Promotion and sustain the artistic realitiies present on the territory and in the fortresses strenghtening their notority and specificity.
*Activation of processes of care and attention on the nowadays abandoned former military sites starting new processes and youngers protagonism in solidarity.
* Pursuing an idea of open and caring society to the topics of natural biodiversity and welcoming the cultural human and natural diversities.
*Awarness and sensibilisation about the performative culture as an happening and a moment of social intercultural confrontation.
* to favour the access to culture in the most peripheric areas of the metropolitan city.
*to favour the intergenerational trasmission of active citizenship’ competences necessary to guarantee the fruition of historical and artistic places.
* to favour the emersion of indipendent artistic production and social innovation competences as catalysers of processes of societal change.
*to offer the opportunity of augmenting the consciousness and deepen the information about topics of global and local relevance, that causes the change of our society composition.
*to offer the opportunity of augmenting the consciousness and deepen the information about topics of global and local relevance, that causes the change of our society composition. 
• Intervene on the phenomenon of social marginalisation, or the lack of familiar network and assistance networks tht affect the most fragile subjects. To reweave the plot of social bounds at the neighborhood and metropolitan scale.
• Incentivate the access of youngers to the traditional jobs and to the principles and techniques that favour the increase of biodiversity
• Opening of new spaces of sperimentation and cultural production in network, for instance by opening neighborhood’s center where it will be possible to work in multidisciplinar sense to the construction of new meaning of active inclusive citizenship and reflect on the cultural evolution in the contemporary metropolis.
• Participatory planning and programming Pianificazione e programmazione  towards the creation of a solidarity creative cultural district. The network collaboration will help in thelong period to realise the scenario of a evolute cultural district, to valorise the cultural excellence , and lead to the creation of new forms of community entrepreneurships, to valorise territories throughout te promotion of sustainable cultural turism and the realisation of a integrated and shared landscape project between different subject

Main Projects / Activities

FORT in FEST is a festival and a platform for the expression of cultural diversity and the intercultural dialogue, in a open process of community building. It take places in former military sites surrounding Venice, symbolic places that could help to deconstruct the concept of the enemy and the stranger giving an opportunity to meet and discover the diversity of cultures present in the metropolis of Venice, the causes of migrations, the driving forces of climatic changes and the impacts on local communities and indigenous people, the interdependences of the global-local life styles and system of agriculture and the global struggle for food sovereignty of the grassroots peasant movements La Via Campesina.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We like to think globally and act locally promoting process of cultural evolution at the small scale, we are actually dealing with the promotion of social inclusion of cultural diversity in territories that resist to the transformation of our societies in a multicultural way, promoting intercultural dialogue and knowledge of the rich variety of communities present in the metropolitan area of Venice. In this light to develop international ties in between the countries of emigration and immigration and their interdependencies is of extreme relevance

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to work on the Euro Mediterranean relationships in order to develop project of cooperation and intercultural dialogue. We are based in Venice a cities with an acient cultures that was shaped by the contaminations with diverse civilizations in millenia of history, we would like to valorize this heritage of peace and diversity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandra Manzini
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Alessandra Manzini
Contact (2) Full Name
Marianna Biadene
Job Title (2)
Art Director

In Diversity Onlus

National Network

corso del popolo 117
30172 Venice

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
In Diversity Onlus is a organisation born in 1999 as Alif Onlus, a religious organisation that was promoting the making of a Mosque in Venice, once realised the objective the organisation changed its aims to promote the opening of a experimental centre of intercultural dialogue, in 2016 we opened up the range of the organisation aims and we starting the realization of FORT in FEST. FORT in FEST is a festival and a platform for the expression of cultural diversity and the intercultural dialogue, in a open process of community building. It take places in former military sites surrounding Venice, symbolic places that could help to deconstruct the concept of the enemy and the stranger giving an opportunity to meet and discover the diversity of cultures present in the metropolis of Venice, the causes of migrations, the driving forces of climatic changes and the impacts on local communities and indigenous people, the interdependences of the global-local life styles and system of agriculture and the global struggle for food sovereignty of the grassroots peasant movements La Via Campesina.
Mission and Objectives

In Diversity ONLUS operates to sustain and valorise diversity, social justice through cultural activities and innovative services to solve difficult situations of social and psycho physical diseases such as loneliness disabilities and poverty with experimental methods such as paths of art therapy, theatre of the oppressed, intercultural theatre and the promotion of communitarian ecologically sustainable life styles. From 2016 organiser of the Fort in Fest: festival of cultural diversity inclusion through arts for social change
The research in the long run aims to let the cultural minorities  present in Veneto express and have room to carry out their programmation on self organisation principles, letting new indipendent performers to emerge.
*Promotion and sustain the artistic realitiies present on the territory and in the fortresses strenghtening their notority and specificity.
*Activation of processes of care and attention on the nowadays abandoned former military sites starting new processes and youngers protagonism in solidarity.
* Pursuing an idea of open and caring society to the topics of natural biodiversity and welcoming the cultural human and natural diversities.
*Awarness and sensibilisation about the performative culture as an happening and a moment of social intercultural confrontation.
* to favour the access to culture in the most peripheric areas of the metropolitan city.
*to favour the intergenerational trasmission of active citizenship’ competences necessary to guarantee the fruition of historical and artistic places.
* to favour the emersion of indipendent artistic production and social innovation competences as catalysers of processes of societal change.
*to offer the opportunity of augmenting the consciousness and deepen the information about topics of global and local relevance, that causes the change of our society composition.
*to offer the opportunity of augmenting the consciousness and deepen the information about topics of global and local relevance, that causes the change of our society composition. 
• Intervene on the phenomenon of social marginalisation, or the lack of familiar network and assistance networks tht affect the most fragile subjects. To reweave the plot of social bounds at the neighborhood and metropolitan scale.
• Incentivate the access of youngers to the traditional jobs and to the principles and techniques that favour the increase of biodiversity
• Opening of new spaces of sperimentation and cultural production in network, for instance by opening neighborhood’s center where it will be possible to work in multidisciplinar sense to the construction of new meaning of active inclusive citizenship and reflect on the cultural evolution in the contemporary metropolis.
• Participatory planning and programming Pianificazione e programmazione  towards the creation of a solidarity creative cultural district. The network collaboration will help in thelong period to realise the scenario of a evolute cultural district, to valorise the cultural excellence , and lead to the creation of new forms of community entrepreneurships, to valorise territories throughout te promotion of sustainable cultural turism and the realisation of a integrated and shared landscape project between different subject

Main Projects / Activities

FORT in FEST is a festival and a platform for the expression of cultural diversity and the intercultural dialogue, in a open process of community building. It take places in former military sites surrounding Venice, symbolic places that could help to deconstruct the concept of the enemy and the stranger giving an opportunity to meet and discover the diversity of cultures present in the metropolis of Venice, the causes of migrations, the driving forces of climatic changes and the impacts on local communities and indigenous people, the interdependences of the global-local life styles and system of agriculture and the global struggle for food sovereignty of the grassroots peasant movements La Via Campesina.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We like to think globally and act locally promoting process of cultural evolution at the small scale, we are actually dealing with the promotion of social inclusion of cultural diversity in territories that resist to the transformation of our societies in a multicultural way, promoting intercultural dialogue and knowledge of the rich variety of communities present in the metropolitan area of Venice. In this light to develop international ties in between the countries of emigration and immigration and their interdependencies is of extreme relevance

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to work on the Euro Mediterranean relationships in order to develop project of cooperation and intercultural dialogue. We are based in Venice a cities with an acient cultures that was shaped by the contaminations with diverse civilizations in millenia of history, we would like to valorize this heritage of peace and diversity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandra Manzini
Job Title
project manager, environmental and cultural planner
Head of the organisation
Alessandra Manzini
Contact (2) Full Name
Marianna Biadene
Job Title (2)
Art Director, artist, India-Italia intercultural dialogue
Publication Illustration

In search of a Mediterranean creativity

The Mediterranean region has been increasingly receiving attention in recent years. This is due to the heterogeneity of the countries composing it, which raises several problems in business collaborations, but also unfolds several cross-national economic opportunities among Mediterranean countries. The...

individual artist

National Network

via degli equi 8
00185 rome

0039 3409258877
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I'm Anahi Angela Mariotti, I'm an artist and I live and work in Rome. I've studied Fine Arts in Rome and in Spain.  I work as a visual artist making paintings, sculptures, video and audio installations, performance and every creative lenguage that I can use. I also work as a artistic teacher in schools with children. I've many pubblications en exhibitions, you can see something about my work in:
Mission and Objectives

I want to continuos in intercultural activities, reaserch and artistic projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2011 I'm working in many projects about Mediterranean.
With my artistic work I realized projects about the role of media in the arabic spring in Egypt, I also make videos about the different cultures ao Mediterranean, another about the actual situation in Lebanon and another about tunisi.
Other kind of projects are those that I bring at school for children: intercultural project of art.
Now I have the objective of realize a project about the changes in contemporary art in Tunisia since 2010.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can realized exhibitions, events or cultural excenges in Rome and others cities and I can promove intercultural educational projects in the schools.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to realize my projects and I know tha for this I need to connecting me with other people, skills and opportunities. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Anahi Angela Mariotti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Anahi Angela Mariotti

Individual member: Roberto Tarantino

National Network

Trav De Gemmis, 5

+39 0802047883
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Individual member
Mission and Objectives

Europlanning consultant-manager, juridical and firm consultant, EU Policies and juridical-environmental studies and research

Main Projects / Activities

Research to EU call for proposals and financial instruments;
Partnership research, business development for companies and no profit corporates, project management; knowledge management, consulting for the drawing up of the application form of projets and practicability project for european call of proposals;
announcement at competition for the funding project partecipate at business meetings with foreign Chambers of Commerce delegation, to suggest at the corporate clients; collaboration with the consulting corporate partner of Romanian Chambers of Commerce;
Pubblication on to consultant expert list at fund European on the Obiettivo Europa portal, and helpfulness to contact for the advice at financing planning with European Fund;
web networking between corporation and firms; EU Policies and juridical-environmental studies and research; referring for Californian para-university no profit consortium Profmex

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Tarantino

Informagiovani a Palermo

National Network

Via della Giraffa, 35

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The association is fully managed by volunteers, budget for 2009 is about 45.000 euro, mainly coming from Youth in Action programme for seminars and youth exchanges dealing with volunteering and social inclusion of disadvantaged youth. Main activities at local level are the management of an online database of projects, programmes, opportunities and info on European programmes ( and awareness raising campaigns addressed to disadvantaged youth. At international level, main activities are workcamps, youth exchanges, seminars. Main partners are the Office for social affairs for youth of the Ministry of Justice, the Youth in Action programme, and 30 organizations from 17 different EU(and EU-Med) countries.
Mission and Objectives

Promote the right to information as a fundamental right and promote social inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalized youth.

Main Projects / Activities

As said, the main projects are the management of the database, at local level, and the implementation of seminars, youth exchanges and information activities at international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pietro Galluccio
Head of the organisation
President: Pietro Galluccio

INN-LINK-S Research Center on Innovation and Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems - University of Florence

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Structure of the organization: INN-LINK-S is a research center of University of Florence leaded by a scientific council open to all researcher operating in different fields (about 20) The budget of 2008 is about 200.000 euro European Commission Regional Institution Concrete projects, on field research projects, training projects The organization is based on a scientific council of the research center as part of the University of Florence. At this moment about 20 senior researcher of different fields are participating to the activities, plus junior researchers and phd students. the annual budget is about 200.000 €. The sources are public, European Union. The modalities of action are: concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, on field research. Ong and public institutions are the main partners
Mission and Objectives

Local and indigenous knowledge refer to the body of knowledge, skills, practices and representations that have been preserved and maintained by local communities through complex interactions with the natural environment. These "technological" cognitive systems are part of knowledge systems more complex for which knowledge, practices and representations are integrated and mutually dependent, and include language, the relationship with the place, beliefs and world views. This knowledge can be defined in different areas by specific terms such as Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), ethnobiology, ethnobotany, ASPPA, ethnology, vernacular architecture, material knowledge, knowledge naturalists anthropology, anthropology museum.
Traditional techniques at the local, cultural, social organization and rituals of the populations highlight the close relationship that has existed over the centuries between human communities, technology and the natural environment.
The Center for Research INN-LINK-S defines its own research on local knowledge systems through the architectural and construction, ecosystems and cultural systems hardware.
The Center for Research Inter-Departmental INN-LINK-S undertakes to integrate these skills and capabilities horizontally in the departments of the University of Florence in order to develop more effectively research activities within national programs and projects and international.
The Center for Research INN-LINK-S promotes a holistic approach of local and indigenous knowledge in the fields of natural ecosystems and human, architecture and cultures as physical as themselves and strategic element in the process of local sustainable progress, able to improve the lives of people, giving them the means to a greater understanding and interpretation of the processes of interaction between man and his environment.

Main Projects / Activities

The INN-LINK-S Research Center aims to develop research, experimentation and higher training in the identified domains. The programme of activities is an open plan, which will be supplemented and amended by the Scientific Council during its implementation.
The activities will develop over three axes:
Axis of research
Axis International cooperation relations
Axis of formation of the Postgraduate and Doctorate:
Axis of research
The main and core activity of INN-LINK-S will be design and manage research projects funded by international, European and Italian
Research and development programmes: in the following fields:
• Documentation and conservation of
o Rural Vernacular Architecture,
o Vernacular and Earthen Architectural Heritage,
o Mechanical Knowledge in Local and Traditional Architectural heritage,
o ecosystems and cultural systems,
o ethnobotany and ethnobiology,
• Local Culture museums,
• Material culture and ecological design,
• Local development and knowledge management,
• Integrated management in an nature and desert context,
• Advanced geomatic methods applied to architectural heritage,
• Advanced informatic methods for modeling and sharing local and indigenous knowledge systems,
• Relationship between integrated conservation and sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saverio Mecca
Head of the organisation
Saverio Mecca, prof. arch.
Contact (2) Full Name
Giuseppe Lotti