

National Network

Via Verona 17

Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ICS Onlus nasce per la volontà e l'iniziativa diretta di volontari, operatori, tecnici, formatori, insegnanti, cittadini stranieri, rappresentanti degli enti che vi hanno prestato attività. Si configura come associazione dal basso, liberamente aperta a chi vuole condividere e decidere insieme nella forma democratica diretta: un socio, un voto. L'associazione considera fondamentale il rapporto di collaborazione con gli enti locali. La cooperazione decentrata moltiplica le risorse economiche, valorizza le comptenze professionali e amplifica le ricadute sulla società civiile. L'ICS Onlus si muove su base esclusivamente volontaria, non ha personale, le sue risorse sono i suoi soci, le quote, le manifestazioni e le donazioni libere.
Mission and Objectives

L'associazione intende rivitalizzare le attività di cooperazione su educazione interculturale, formazione degli insegnanti e degli operatori, mediazione interculturale, percorsi didattici, eventi sportivi, mostre, dibattiti, pubblicazioni, interventi di cooperazione internazionale.

Main Projects / Activities

L'ICS ha realizzato progetti in Afghanistan, Argentina, Bulgaria, Cambogia, Capo verde, Cuba, Marocco, Mozambico, Nicaragua, Palestina, Romania, Turchia, promuovendo l'idea di cooperazione come scambio e arricchimento reciproco tra comunità, in tanti settori, dalla gestione dell'acqua ai diritti umani. allo sviluppo dell'imprenditoria e della condizione femminile

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvio Bottazzo
Head of the organisation
Silvio Bottazzo


National Network

via dei Frentani, 81
66100 Chieti

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
"Identities" is a non-profit and private organization, established in Chieti (Italy) since the February 2014. The board is composed by the president, a vice and a treasurer.Actually the staff counts 9 units (6 males e 3 females), aged within a range of 23 and 40 years. 4 are graduated.  The association draws on economic resources for the functioning and implementation of activities from: 1. contributions from members and individuals, 2. grants from the State, public bodies and institutions or international organizations, 3. donations and legacies, 4. property revenues, 5. revenues generated by agreements or proceeds from the transfer of goods or services to members or third parties, 6. revenues generated by marginal business and productive activities or by promotional initiatives, 7. movable or immovable property howsoever received by the association. "Identities" is an international oriented structure; eager to promote projects of cooperation and educational mobility, based the priorities fixed by the European programmes Erasmus+, EuroMed, Europe for Citizens and the European Youth Foundation. Within these frameworks we also identify our partners; that are organisations that pursue the same aims.
Mission and Objectives

The projects promoted are aimed at:
- multiply competences and skills, for each individual to enhance the own employability at whatever latitude,
- improve the knowledge of languages, by mean of inclusive and flexible educational paths, based on the cooperative learning,
- promote the culture of voluntary work, 
- weld cooperative ties with organizations chasing the same objectives,
- use cooperative learning, educational mobility, photography and multilingualism as tools of information and social inclusion.
“Identities”, with the sole purpose of fostering social solidarity, is based on the firm belief that each individual must seek social welfare and development, knowing that the discovery, the understanding and the acceptance of educational values embodied by the diversity of others represent fundamental steps to improving moral development and social cohesion.

Main Projects / Activities

On the local scale we promote debates, DVD and book showcases, street and theatre performances; on topics such as human rights, environment, information freedom and legality. We also organise language (mainly Chinese, English, Spanish or Italian for foreigners) and photography courses. We also cooperate with the local civil society to support initiativessuch as demostrations, conferences etc. Within this scenario, our purpose is to incresase the use of approaches and methodologies based on the cooperative learning and the informal/non formal education.
The beneficiaries are especially youth aged between 17 and 30 years; as within this range we recognize some crucial choices of life.
Along with this activity, as applicant or partner we attend and organise youth exchanges, outdor excursions, training courses, seminars and partnership building activities; both in Italy and abroad.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide competences about:
- creation of safe didactic environments,
- development of educational materials fitting each kind of approach and attitude,
- interpersonal relationships management and participants attainments,
Moreover, a wide of net of local bodies, media, businesses and associationsin Europe and the MENA countries as well; is ready to devise practical solutions for the unexpected setbacks and for the best dissemination of the project outcomes. Finally, our activity is supervised by the local Voluntary Help Desk, that offers several opportunities and services free of charge, to all the Voluntary organisations operating in our province.
We want work in tight connection with the other members of the network to promote the basic values and policies of the Anna Lindh Foundation, in Italy and beyond its borders. With lots of enthusiasm!

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There's a constant ferment inside the Mediterranean area and several challenges shall be undertaken: to reduce the high rates of unemployment, fill the gap between the competences gained at school and those requested by the labour market, resolve the new conflicts emerging in the MENA countries and reduce migration. In order to trigger positive changes within their communities, organisations have to supply knowledges, stimulate the critical thinking, foster active citizenship as well as democracy. For this process to be successful there must be a dialogue and to be part of a network is the first step for a dialogue to be established. We have similar objectives and let's start speaking.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luca De Stefanis
Job Title
NGO director
Head of the organisation
Luca De Stefanis

IIDAC Europe

National Network

via sabbioni n. 11, 38050
Povo (TN)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
IIDAC-Europe is a social promotion association created in Italy and with primary influence in the European Community, with an international character and disposition, which works to support and assist the principle human development agencies around the world, particularly the United Nations, in the realization of their mandates globally. IIDAC Europe is the european department of the International Institute for the Development of Citizenship, established in Brazil in 1998 and that will become ECOSOC member in may 2009. IIDAC Europe has its headquarter in Italy and another office in Portugal, with a staff of 10 officers and several volunteers. In partnership with IIDAC International, AMURT Portugal, CINTEAGRO Brasil, with the support of UNV Program and UNICEF Brasil, IIDAC Europe implements projects of youth protagonism, training of volunteers, neo-huministic education, ICT4D, and research and experimentation on new life styles.
Mission and Objectives

IIDAC-Europe's mission is to promote sustainable human development and to create social technologies, transfer knowledge, and share experiences with governments, companies, the non-profit sector, universities, and strategic divisions of national and international networks in the development of democracy.
A special attention is given to education, in order to implement in the work and through the work in the communities the four pillars of the Education of the UNESCO (learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be) for the complete and integral development of the people and the communities.
IIDAC concentrates its energies in the scope at citizen formation and the entrepreneurship of the populations, having it in the social protagonism methodology the transversal source to the different initiatives that carries through and supports in national and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

The executive operations of IIDAC-Europe take place through its programs and projects. These endeavours occur in cooperation with the technical participation of the Institute in the elaboration and implementation of solutions for the challenges in the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), with local partners and with international cooperation entities, in particular in the UN system.
The MDG Universities Program reinforces practices of volunteerism, protagonism, and youth entrepreneurialism, investing in the development of capacities in the creation and the innovation of youth social technologies in the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The program “Adolescents and Citizenship” reinforces the practices of volunteerism, youth protagonism and the education peer-to-peer developed by youth between the ages of 12 and 18 for the realization of fundamental rights and responsibilities.
The Program Cooperation for Development integrates experiences, knowledge, and abilities of individuals and global social management structures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulio Vanzan
Head of the organisation
Giulio Vanzan

IIS Albert Einstein

National Network

Via Pacini, 28

+39 011 2476103
+39 011 2476105
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335337993
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
High School, three man course, Lyceum: scientific, language, socioPsicopedagog; total 1100 students, 140 teachrs, 40 staff members. Finance contribution by the State; Intl. Project like Comenius; Region Government
Mission and Objectives

High School diploma, in scientific subjects; foreing languages; primary education.
all courses are finalised to prepare students for Higher Education

Main Projects / Activities

Special courses in Phisics, Sciences, Computer Sciences,Foreing Languages,

Contact (1) Full Name
Ferdinando Cabrini
Head of the organisation
Emanuela Ainardi
Contact (2) Full Name
Rossana AImo

Il Cerchio dell'Amicizia ONLUS

National Network

Via Emilio Nazzani 9

0039 3406934385
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3406934385
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The association "Il cerchio Dell'Amicizia" (friendships' circle), born in 2000 to present shows of ethnical dance from all over the world. Particularly, the dances coming from the South-Eastern Mediterranean part, as Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Siria, Yemen, that inspired to the typical cultures of these nations, are very easy to keep people together in overcoming barriers Since 2000 the association Il Cerchio Dell’amicizia undertook an intense activity of promotion and dissemination of the international traditional dances. The action of the organisation has been ruled through local workshops in the schools and in the social centre of every district reached, with the aim to involve more person as possible, of every cultures and every conditions. Il Cerchio Dell’amicizia involve mainly children, their families and persons with disabilities in order to make dances really without borders! The main source of income of the association are public micro-grant and private donations and associative quotes.
Mission and Objectives

Il Cerchio Dell’amicizia involve mainly children, their families and persons with disabilities in order to make dances really without borders!
Main aims of the association are to reach people with less opportunities and to involve them in an active social life through the tools offered by the traditional dances.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2000 the association Il Cerchio Dell’amicizia undertook an intense activity of promotion and dissemination of the international traditional dances.
Every yeaar the association organize the following events:
continuative local workshops and meetings to spread the knowledge of the traditional popular dances throughout the different reached local communities;
DanzeSenzaFrontiere, International dance Festival;
RomaScuoleInFolk also in collaboration with the associations Pegaso and Agape;

Contact (1) Full Name
Luciana Battaglioni
Head of the organisation
Paola Pagliani

Il Denaro

National Network
+39 081/421900
Telephone (other)
+39 081/425551
+39 081/422212
Contact (1) Full Name
Alfonso Ruffo

Il Nostro Pianeta

National Network

Via Bligny 11, 10122 Turin, Italy

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
“Il Nostro Pianeta” is a non-profit cultural association with a staff of 6 persons employed. Budgetary resources available in a year it's around 150.000 euros. The sources of funding and the main partners involved in the organization's projects and activities are private companies and public institutions. In order to reach its goal, the Association is promoting in and out of Italy: - educational and training activities; - activities in order to enhance concern and information; - meetings, conferences, debates and seminars; - intercultural exchanges and responsible tourism journeys; - study and research activities - editorial activities (magazine publishing, books, catalogues: all both in traditional and electronic form); - cooperation activities.
Mission and Objectives

Its purpose is to promote intercultural dialogue with cultural and training activities, in and out of Italy.
It promotes education, active citizen hood and social cohesion, the culture of cooperation, exchange and peace.
“Il Nostro Pianeta” is focused on the migration phenomenon and on a fair, democratic, participative and sustainable European development.
Its main concerns are sociocultural transformations, educational processes and the promotion of personal and social rights on all levels (local and international).

Main Projects / Activities

The project "Orientamento e successo formativo" ("Orientation and training success") has been realized within the “Immigrati nuovi cittadini” ban (“Immigrants, new citizens”) – Compagnia di San Paolo. Agreement Protocol of the Compagnia di San Paolo – City of Turin involving immigration, integration and interculturality.
Specific service that helps the orientation of teachers and families of Turin’s secondary schools, led putting non Italian speaking students next to successfully included young immigrants, who are now capable to work for them. This project acknowledges the necessity to operate on behalf of the young, so that they can become active citizens with training success and well inserted in our social life. The collaboration of young immigrants is innovative and represents a challenge too: we want to work with them, not for them.
The project’s goal is to search for, collect and help good experiences grow, so that they’ll be available to everyone in order to optimize resources and promote growth, dialogue, exchange and release from a localistic and individualist point of view that makes each school, when faced by a social transformation, to start al lover again. New technologies allow to reach this goal: just one year of “Area Scuola” started interactions and thought Exchange between several referent teachers for the inclusion of immigrant students of Turin’s high schools.
“Orientamento e successo formativo” makes the schools’ net stronger by meeting and experiencing things together: the interpersonal relation - launched in a wider context that Area Scuola has given in its meetings, seminars and activities promoted during the school year – allowed exchanges and the creation of alliances, so that common goals could be achieved.
The project includes:
• amortizing of some emergencies, such as the upgrade to high school for an immigrant student, during the school year, by creating a temporary centralized service that can include and not exclude, that way avoiding disorientation for the families and loss of precious school weeks for the young.
• helping – with a spirit of co-operation and ait – the COSP service (Professional Scholastic Center for the Orientation of Turin) to support the new generation of immigrants, enhancing the service’s utilities, because orientation is crucial for the evolution of work in our city.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Giani
Head of the organisation
Paola Giani

Il razzismo è una brutta storia

National Network

via Andegari 6

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The association has 5 Founding members that every year give an important subsciptions to the association. Furthermore we have 20 members, two persons in charge of the administration and the project management, one intern and a network of volunteers working in the publishing house Feltrinelli. The standard budget for one year is 25000 euro. Our main partner is Tita, an agency of communication, and we work in collaboration with Scuola Holden, Arci, Comune di Milano, Archivio delle memorie migranti and other social realities.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the association is to undertake every sort of activities, particularly in the cultural field, in order to fight racism and discrimination and to promote dialogue and citizenship. The initiatives are adressed mainly to children and teenager.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects nowadays are: collaboration in the organisation of the Festival del cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina, with a prize to the best movie that deals with anti-racism and movies' screening in schools; workshop in high schools about citizenship and rights; the elaboration of a glossary about migration and new comers for the local administration of Milan; exposition in Feltrinelli library and book presentations, e-books that collects some best practice in the field of intercultural education and we are involved in the national awareness-raising campaign L'Italia sono anch'io, for citizenship's rights, in charge of the communication.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Behind us there is an entire holding supporting us: a publishing house, a network of bookstores, contacts with libraries and with many Italian and international authors that can be involved in projects of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are sure that the only way our job can be efficient is to work in network with all the other associations/institutions working for the same objectives. We also recognize the power and the value of ALF and we believe in the mission of this Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
ludovica piccardo
Head of the organisation
Carlo Feltrinelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulia Maldifassi


National Network

Salita Tarsia 56


+39 081 5646162
Telephone (other)
+39 081 425037
+39 081 415935
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
MEDIA 2007 Euromediterranean Project "MEDITERRANEAN COMPENDIUM" CULTURE 2007-2013: International PROJECT "JAZ" Partners: INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS PROJECT "JAZ": Théâtre Varia (Brussels) Théâtre Les Bambous (la Réunion) Centro cultural de Belèm (Belèm) PROJECT "MEDITERRANEAN COMPENDIUM": TV BROADCASTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS from Spain, Algeria, Syria, France (and others: in contact phase) INTERNATIONAL PROJECT "LE TRAVERSEE" Partner: Compagnie ‘Le silence des Bateleurs’, Marseille (FRANCE) NATIONAL, REGIONAL AND LOCAL PROJECTS: Partners: UNIMED, Euro Mediterranean/Black Sea Observatory, Women in Black Italy, Il Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati, British Institute Naples, Instituto Cervantes de Napolés, Institut Français de Naples le Grenoble, Goethe Institut Naples, L’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, L’Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, L’Università degli Studi di Napoli Suor Orsola Benincasa, Istituto degli Studi Filosofici di Napoli, Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, Regione Campania, Comune di Napoli, IRRE Campania, Regional Institute for Education Research, Consulate of Algeria, ANSAmed, Cineteca di Roma, Cinématèque française, British Film Institut.
Mission and Objectives

Il Teatro r.l., born in 1974, initially focused on research and theatre productions realised in Naples and its surroundings and is since 1997 also active in the audiovisual sector.
In 1991 the “Teatro Stabile d’Innovazione Galleria Toledo” was born, located in the Spanish Quarter of the city of Naples.
This cultural organisation, Galleria Toledo, is an important positive result of the foundation laid by Il Teatro. It’s activities cover the cultural and social sector realising, promoting and distributing events and products within the following fields and contexts: cinema, theatre, contemporary art, dance, music, literature, the social, school, university in a national and international context. Parallel to the activities of Galleria Toledo, Il Teatro coop produzioni covers two separated sectors: 1) the Audiovisual Sector realising, promoting and distributing audiovisual works, in particular creative documentaries and 2) the Theatre Production Sector, realizing, promoting and distributing its own theatre works.

Main Projects / Activities

In cooperation with Belgium, la Réunion and Belèm
in cooperation with FRANCE
ESSERE E NON Mirjana e Graziana
ANNA, la vita inquieta
THEATRE PRODUCTIONS realised by IL TEATRO, directed by Laura Angiulli:
da Luigi Pirandello
da Haute Surveillance di Jean Genet
traslazione Enrico Fiore
da Alfred Jarry
di Jean Genet
di August Strindberg
di Manlio Santanelli
da Sofocle
di Luca Scarlini Massimo Verdastro
di Enrico Fiore
da William Shakespeare
ispirato all’opera Ruho di Semsudin Gegic’

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Angiulli
Head of the organisation
Rosario Squillace
Contact (2) Full Name
Susanna van Citters
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

IMAP ‐ Intercultural MAP of your city

The Intercultural MAP of your city aimed to tackle intolerance, stereotypes and other key sociocultural concerns by promoting mutual respect within and between local communities in the South of Italy. In order to achieve these aims, the organisers concluded that...