
Joel Nafuma Refugee Center

National Network

Via Napoli 58
00184 Rome

06 4883339
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
347 871 6651
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
THE JNRC is a non-profit center for refugees and asylum seekers in the center of Rome. It is an utreach of St Paul's Episcopal Church but is non-faith, non-partisan and seeks to bring together all in a spirit of harmony and human kindness. All are welcome. JNRC offers human services, therapy, language and computer classes and a job clinic.
Mission and Objectives

Staff: 6
Volunteers: 50
Funded by grants, online donors, individuals, churches, and others.
Partners include: Universities in Rome, WFP, Casa Scalabrini, Coreis, Centro Astalli, Medu, Baobab Experience and others.

Main Projects / Activities

Breakfast and non-food item supplies
Therapy (music, art, individual)
Language and computer classes
Job Clinic

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partnering with likeminded organisations to improve service delivery and coordination, or to find funding opportunities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

This will help us to coordinate our services and network for the good of our refugee guests at the center.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annika Milisic-Stanley
Job Title
Program Fundraiser
Head of the organisation
The Rev. Austin K. Rios
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniela Morales
Job Title (2)
Volunteer Coordinator

John Cabot University

National Network

via della Lungara 233
00165 Roma

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
John Cabot University is an American Overseas Liberal Arts University based in Rome Italy. It has 1400 students and more than 200 employees. Most of our funding comes from our student fees. we offer 300 courses a semester at the undergraduate level
Mission and Objectives

please see our website

Main Projects / Activities

please see our website

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

several ways

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

promote international cooperation and dialogue, also in the field of education

Contact (1) Full Name
franco pavoncello
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Franco Pavoncello, President

JumpIn Association

National Network

Via delle Mimose, 23, Poggiardo

+39 3881943327
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
At the moment there are: President, Vice.President, Secretary of Treasure, Councillor full-employed and a lot of volunteers, who are helping us in implementing our activities especially regarding Youth in Action programme and local events. The Budget depends on the grants we recieve from public instititions every year
Mission and Objectives

JumpIn is a non-governmental Association, which delas with:
• cultural events (conference, seminars, cineforum, concerts, art exhibitions);
• intercultural activities (programmes and projects of youth mobility, education on international topics, promotion of different cultures in Italy and abroad, welcome activities of tourists and foreigners, promotion of Youth in Action Programme);
• education activities (education projects in schools and on an extra-schools basis throughout a non- formal education method focused on active citizenship, European conscience, against racism and xenophobia, human rights principles);
• Territorial promotion (promotion of its typical aspects, its artists, tourism, sport activities)

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Exchange (Youth in Action) Action 1,2,3
Local Events regaring tourism and promotion of local gastronomy and tardiotions

Contact (1) Full Name
Karin Eleonora Callipo
Head of the organisation
Valeria Carluccio
Contact (2) Full Name
Valeria Carluccio


National Network

via San Lazzaro 15

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Kallipolis is a nonprofit organization that aims at improving livability in urban contexts through the approach of social urbanism, sharing the objectives of the United Nations Habitat Agenda, which promotes policies for the sustainable development of human settlements and adequate shelter for all. Kallipolis has 14 members and no employed staff. Projects can be developed through public or private funding. In 2011 Kallipolis managed a budget of around € 150.000,00. Kallipolis’ action: field projects, workshops and seminars. Kallipolis’ main partners: Province of Trieste, Province of Gorizia, Municipality of Monfalcone, Informest, Faculty of Architecture of Trieste, Canton of Sarajevo, Municipality of Novi Grad, Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency, French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, Municipio del Districto Metropolitano de Quito, Faculty of Architecure of Sarajevo, Local Democracy Agency – LDA Mostar, Oxfam Italia BiH, GVC Italia NGO onlus, Municipality of Modena.
Mission and Objectives

International cooperation. We are committed to support the principles of urban sustainable development and participatory planning in transition countries and in developing countries.
Urban quality and safety. We support local actors dealing with urban safety and quality issues by designing strategies to strengthen the social fabric of a community and to protect vulnerable groups.
Inclusive decision making process. We promote and organize the participation of citizens in decision making processes that deal with urban policies, supporting the inclusion of the weaker components of the community in the process.
Housing policies. We aim at offering sustainable alternatives for social housing, activating the process of building of new houses or the renewal and reconversion of unused ones, through the methodologies of self-help build.
Research. We promote good planning and government through research and analysis into matters that are of interest to cities.

Main Projects / Activities

People versus Borders: restoration of the environmental quality of the Dobrinja stream, in the Municipality of Novi Grad, Sarajevo (BiH);
mo.starT-V, strategies and activities to realize a training course in video journalism in Mostar (BiH): an indipendent videojournalism project: a way to promote dialogue, and intercultural exchange focused in public spaces of the city of Mostar;
Quality and safety in urban spaces: field study for a project of urban integration and for the renewal of an underground parking, Melun (France) focusing on safety and livability;
Spazio Gretta, inclusive decision-making workshop: a project about inhabitants-driven regeneration of public spaces in the neighborhood of Gretta, Trieste (Italy);
Urban management and safety: a research project about the relationship between spatial configuration, pedestrian movement and safety in five urban areas, belonging to two major cities of northern Italy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Kallipolis can contribute to the Network in Italy with its local projects and through awareness activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share ALF’s mission and values. since 2006 we have been developing strategies and projects trying to bring citizens to the public sphere and to let people being involved into the urban process. To this extent, we believe that joining ALF could be a great opportunity for us to exchange practices and tools, meet new partners and support intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Vedova

Kelidon Association

National Network

Corso Sempione, 221 – 20025
Legnano – MI

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Association is composed by 8 Associates 2. In a year the budgetary resources available are about 20.000 euro 3. public and private source of funding 4. European projects, local courses, conferences, seminars.. 5. Heads Hunters, ACOF, European educational institutions
Mission and Objectives

Kelidòn Association was founded in February 2003 by 7 women.
The Association is committed to verify and to propose– environments,
models and methods of personal/professional grown- promoting the
diffusion of a lifelong learning and culture, basing on the use of
paradigms of modernity and on the respect of ethical procedures.
The Association is composed by professionals expert in different
disciplines who design and carry out both face-to-face and online
training courses as well as cultural activities and consultancy services.
The Association wishes to provide avanguard service for a positive
and deeply development of the human, social and environmental
Kelidon is a registered association and it is going to be Quality
certified ISO.
Kelidon is registered on the Female Local Association Register.

Main Projects / Activities

2004-2007 – IALL – Internet FOR Autonomous Lifelong Learning
2005-2007 – ELBA – Electronic book of philosophy and poetry for
2005-2007 – E-learning for adults –
2005-2008 – tool -
Creation of a common European tool for science teachers education.
2007-2009 – I-Afiel –
European Research on best and innovative pedagogical practices in
the field of
Other projects are related to the diffusion of the Italian culture
abroad in countries such as : Brasil, Romania, Turkey etc…

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucilla Crosta
Head of the organisation
Lucilla Crosta - President
Contact (2) Full Name
MariaGrazia Fiori
default image

Khalid Chaouki

Born in Casablanca and raised in Italy, his mother tongues are Italian and Arabic. Chaouki is a professional journalist and the President of the Cultural Islamic Centre of Italy. He was a Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. He...

Koreja - Società Cooperativa A.R.L.

National Network

VIA GUIDO DORSO, 70 – post code 73100
73100 LECCE

(+39) 0832 242000
Telephone (other)
(+39) 0832 240752
(+39) 0832 242000
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+39) 338 3746581
Mobile Phone (other)
(+39) 339 3249973
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1) Koreja is a “società cooperativa a responsabilità limitata” (limited responsibility cooperative society); it includes n. 15 associates and 17 members of the staff. 2)Budget: 600.000,00 euros 3)Sources of Funding: Ministry of Culture; Puglia Region; Lecce Province; European cooperation programmes 4)Modalities of Action: International cooperation projects, especially with the Bakan area in the last 2 years; artistic exchanges; seminars; conferences; theatre-dance-music reviews (in winter and in summer); artistic residences; training courses; workshops; national and international tours of our own theatre productions 5)Main Partners: Istituto di Culture Mediterranee della Provincia di Lecce; Lecce Province; Puglia Region; Cultural Centre of Smederevo (Serbia)
Mission and Objectives

Koreja is recognized and financed by the Italian Ministry of Culture. Koreja's artistical project is made up of "works", "actions" and "stories" and, above all, from the deep need of building up a "residence for theatre and culture" open to innovation, to the comparison between generations and cultures, a kaleidoscope of arts , genres and experiences in our loved-hated South. Koreja has always paid attention to local traditions as much as to the roots and languages of other cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

MAIN ACTIVITIES: 1. Production of theatre performances touring both through Italy and abroad 2. promotion of theatrical and cultural events, such as reviews and festivals 3. activity of research, training, theatrical pedagogy through workshops, stages, meetings and exchanges

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Krom srl

National Network

Via Torquato Tasso, 37
San Salvo (CHIETI)

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Ibis has been involved in a series of EU project that focus on training and development of resources to help those with poor literacy skills, including dyslexia. The company has been involved in ten such projects in the past eight years, working with 15 countries across Europe. We seek to find ways to empower those with poor literacy skills who may be in education, seeking employment or in employment, with an emphasis on utilising ICT based solutions that are user friendly, and have a proved ability to help. The company is also involved in the development of software usability metrics that ensure ICT solutions match the needs of the user.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is:
1. to implement and promote a “business-oriented culture” in specific competences related to production, commerce, industries, services.
2. to design and carry out vocational training aimed at the development of business-oriented culture in each learner and at the valorisation of one’s own natural abilities.
3. to valorise diploma-holders and graduates by training them towards a qualified professional performance in the fields of organisation, administration and finance.
4. to valorise professional figures by means of completion and up-dating of one’s own profile through a wide range of specialized training, internships and work experiences.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to meet our mission, senior consultants offer to our customers the following services:
- Education and training
- Counselling
- Project writing and management
- Special services

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabiana Rocchi

Kuamini Srls

National Network

Piazza della Repubblica 19
20124 Milano

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organisation: Kuamini has a President and a board composed by 3 people. There are 3 other people employed. All members are under 40 years old and are mostly women. Budgetary resources available in a year: around 100,000 euros Sources of funding: mainly private, from the not-for-profit sector (Foundations, EU, public funds, etc.) Modalities of action: Kuamini works in partnership with not-for-profit organisations through the implementation of project proposals, which involve young people mainly, or through training courses Main partners: Italian NGOs, Catholic University of Milan, Bocconi University.
Mission and Objectives

Kuamini borns from the union of three non-profit professionals with the desire to put together their own experiences, their creativity and their passion to offer their support: thanks to the diverse background, Kuamini can boast experience in the context of national and international non-profit, corporate internationalization in the sector, in humanitarian emergencies and in development cooperation.
The name Kuamini, which in Swahili means "believe", represents our desire to build not-for-profit partnerships beyond the commitments formally taken, making the promoters and supporters of its ambitions.
MISSION: Kuamini wants to be an interpreter of the needs, ideas and values ​​of non-profit organizations by providing a gradual professionalization of enriching transferring tools and know-how. 
OBJECTIVE: Building a context in which the Non Profit realities are able to choose and adopt the strategies and the most appropriate tools for the promotion of their activities and be able to start an innovative, effective and sustainable design.

Main Projects / Activities

- training courses on project management, development and emergencies;
- exchange international projects with other European and non-European countries;
- development projects in Madagascar, Benin, Perù, Chad, Brazil;
- international conferences.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Kuamini has a network of around 15 Italian NGOs which it constantly collaborates with. Therefore, within the Italian network, Kuamini could be the liaison to put together different realities in order to collaborate together on important projects within the Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Kuamini believes that co-operation and networking are essential values in order to foster mutual understanding, tolerance, solidarity, with the aim of enriching different cultures and experiences.
As a consequence, the ALF Network can be an important instrument in order to reach these goals and promote democratic principles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Farris
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Chiara Maria Léveque

Kunsthistorisches Institute in Florenz (Max-Planck-Institute)

National Network

Via Giusti 44

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
1. The Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence is a Max-Planck-Institute, there are 43 employees (researchers and administration); 40 fellows and temporary contracts. 2. Annual budget ca. 4000 T€ 3. Max Planck Society 4. Long running research projects, library, photographic collection; organization of seminars and congresses. 5. Italian and other international partners in various projects
Mission and Objectives

The KHI is a research institute in art history founded in 1897, it studies Italian art in a Mediterranean and European context. Its library (300.000 voll.) and photographic collection (550.000 items) are among the few best in the field on a global level.

Main Projects / Activities

Recently a research laboratory for the history of Mediterranean cultural and artistic exchange has been founded in Genoa with the Museo del Mare and the University of Genoa (CantiMed). With other partners from different Mediterranean countries a project will be started in autumn 2006, regarding the history, monuments and art of harbour cities. The institute in Florence itself has various projects stimulating the encounter of scholars of Byzantine, Islamic and Western art and cultural history.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerhard Wolf
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wolf
Contact (2) Full Name
Ester Fasino