
Kyoto Club

National Network

Via Genova, 23

+39 06 45439791
+39 06 45439795
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Structure of the association : President: Ms. Catia Bastioli, Vice-presidents: Mr. Gianluigi Angelantoni and Mr. Francesco Ferrante, Honorary Chairman: Mr. Pasquale Pistorio, Scientific Director: Mr. Giovanni Silvestrini, Director: Mr. Sergio Andreis. Number of employees: 18. Annual turnover € 616,242.00. Sources of funding: subscription dues, training courses, Sponsorships, public administration found for sustainable energy projects. Modalities of action: Activities of information, dissemination and training. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: private companies and Local governments, .
Mission and Objectives

Kyoto Club is a non-profit Italian organisation founded in February 1999. Its members are business companies, associations and local municipalities and governments engaged in reaching the greenhouse gases reduction targets set by the Kyoto Protocol.
To reach its goals Kyoto Club promotes awareness-raising initiatives, information and training to foster energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and sustainable mobility.
Towards public decision-makers Kyoto Club puts forward policy proposals to make decisions in the energy field more and more environmentally friendly.
Kyoto Club bases its activities on some key strategies: the increase of the environmental dimension in business culture and dissemination of best practices, promotion of eco-efficiency policies and the use of renewable energy sources, reduction of greenhouse gases emissions in Italian urban areas, the development of new eco-compatible productions and the investments in technological innovation, mainstreaming of environmental management systems, eco and energy labeling, the dialogue and networking among institutions and companies.

Main Projects / Activities

Training courses for professionals, public administrators and students who are interested in deepening their knowledge about specific energy and environmental fields – energy efficiency in buildings, small size wind energy installations, photovoltaic systems.
Legislative and technological workshops to get updated, with experts of the sectors dealt with, about the latest developments.
Organization of conferences and seminars within the framework of specialized fairs and exhibitions.
Support provided for environmental certification processes.
Information through the Kyoto Club web site and QualEnergia, the bimonthly magazine and Internet portal that provide updated information on the evolution of the sustainable energy debate.
Writing of documents and position papers on the various technological and market issues monitored by Kyoto Club, with targeted contributions by the organisation’s Working Groups.
Analysis and visibility to the best practices developed by Kyoto Club members.
Current Kyoto Club’s campaigns and projects include Schools for Kyoto, Parks for Kyoto, Local governments for Kyoto.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iliana Pinardi
Head of the organisation
Catia Bastioli

L'accademia del Tempo

National Network

Via Sottotenente Bellia 5
San Giovanni la Punta (CT)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
association no-profit of cultural promotion and social solidarity. Four components, inclusive president; Annual Budget around 5.000 Euro. self tax. plan particular, seminars, initiatives on the territory. Assessorato to the culture comune of Catania
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the needs of the contemporary society and to favor the change process; to intervene on the territory to improve the quality of the life, through initiatives contemplated to the exploitation of the local culture, to the intercultural exchanges, to the rediscovery of the resources of the territory.

Main Projects / Activities

Formation of operators technical underwater archaeology. Project of relationships generational between young people and old men. Project of searches of ancient Sicilian culinary traditions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Aliotta
Head of the organisation
Angelica Chillemi
Contact (2) Full Name
Silvana Maniscalco

La casa del circo sull'albero

National Network

Via San Vittore 25/3
40136 Bologna


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
“La casa del circo sull'albero”-A.S.D. (The House of Circus on the Tree) is a non profit CONI-ENDAS affiliated association with 10 people employed on a demand driven basis (a director/circus artist and trainer, a communication and fund raising officer, an expert in education, a yoga trainer, a speech pathologist and a musician). It provides educational and recreational services, workshops and seminars for children and runs a camping for artists to stay, meet and exchange. Previous partners are 6 schools and 8 associations active in the fields of sport, theatre, culture and education in the metropolitan area of Bologna city. The first yearly budget amounts until now to approximately 6000 € (to be closed in November 2010) collected through service fees and donations of private citizens, associations and local authorities.
Mission and Objectives

“La casa del circo sull'albero” aims to foster solidarity and mutual understanding among people across culture, religion, physical ability, gender, class, ethnicity and citizenship, to raise their awareness about healthy and environmental friendly practices, and to support children and youth to develop comprehensive life skills at the individual, social and environmental level.
Our objectives are:
_to promote a culture of circus as a multi-cultural universal language, with its tradition of travel and cross-cultural community building, and its capacity to include different abilities and attitudes as a kaleidoscope of different forms of artistic expression.
_to develop the children's self confidence, creativity, social skills and environmental awareness through physical training, performing arts, travel, team building and cooperative work.
_to multiply contacts and exchange among artists in a "glocal" perspective.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are the “Children Summer Camp at the Circus House on the Tree” and “Camping for Artists”, in addition to out-door and in-door public performances, trainings and seminars.
The Summer Camp is organized, along with trainings in acrobatics and circus, as a comprehensive experience encompassing cooking together, collecting waste lost in public green areas, sorting and recycling, benefiting from cooperative work as a form of peer to peer education.
The Camping for Artists offers hospitality at the venue of the association, surrounded by woods, as a logistic support for artists on travel and a space of interaction and exchange.
Other activities encompass yoga for children (3-5 years) and adults, acrobatics for children (6-14 years) and aerial acrobatics for youth and adults, dance, handicraft, music, walks in areas of socio-environmental and historical interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Erica Fierro
Head of the organisation
Erica Fierro
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulia Guadagnoli

La Fabbrica delle favole - Associazione culturale

National Network

Largo Affede, 5
62100 Macerata

+39 0733 231740
+39 0733 231740
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3472762464
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3886560203
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Officially established in Macerata in 2002, fabbricadelleFavole is a cultural association engaged in publishing for children, by organizing illustration and writing courses, exhibitions and events aimed at promoting reading and books, arts and culture. The staff is composed by Eleonora Sarti (President); Mauro Evangelista (Secretary); Michela Avi (Treasurer); Alessandra Sconosciuto (collaborator). The average annual budget for the activities is around 80.000,00 euros, obtained by local Municipality; Culture Institution, registered members contributions. The Main partners in the activities are Macerata Municipality; Macerata Culture Institution; Public Organization for the Province of Macerata
Mission and Objectives

fabbricadelleFavole is a cultural association engaged in publishing for children, by organizing illustration and writing courses, exhibitions and events aimed at promoting reading and books, arts and culture creating an intercommunication with other European and extra-European countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1994 fabbricadelleFavole is in charge of "Libriamoci: International Exhibition of Illustration", in cooperation with the local Municipality, presenting in Macerata the main Italian and foreign illustrators’ works, through an exhibition dedicated each year to a great master of illustration (e.g. Luzzati, Zavrel, Innocenti, Capek, Wilkon, Kallay, Cneut, Cantone).
In 2008 fabbricadelleFavole created ARS IN FABULA, an artistic training project for publishing, which includes Postgraduate Certificate in Illustration for Publishing (first training course of a higher education granted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research), Illustration courses and Seminars in Publishing.All the above activities can count on the partecipation of Italian and foreign students and teachers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleonora Sarti
Head of the organisation
Eleonora Sarti
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandra Sconosciuto

Labmed (182 civil society organizations represented)

National Network

Via Crispi 51

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Labmed è una rete orizzontale e partecipata, attivata dalla Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo. Essa intende rendere più efficace la comunicazione tra i partner delle Regioni mediterranee e quindi farsi strumento operativo per la Comunità Europea nell'ambito del programma Euromediterraneo. Labmed vuole essere una grande Banca Dati a disposizione del partenariato intermediterraneo per raccogliere la descrizione e l'aggiornamento continuo di progetti, ricerche e iniziative per lo sviluppo dell'area mediterranea.
Mission and Objectives

1) Dialogo interculturale
Le iniziative in questo ambito sono finalizzate a favorire l'incontro e il confronto tra le diverse culture, religioni, tradizioni e differenti modelli di organizzazione sociale dei Paesi delle due rive del Mediterraneo.
La costruzione di occasioni di incontro, dibattito ed elaborazione nella più ampia e articolata partecipazione costituiscono l'obiettivo di lavoro di quest'area attraverso il progetto Labmed interculture.
2) Valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale (artistico, architettonico, archeologico, ambientale) del Mediterraneo attraverso la catalogazione e il monitoraggio con l'uso di nuove tecnologie e strumentazioni telematiche.
La spiegazione dell'unità culturale mediterranea che sottostà a tante diversità di culture nel corso dei millenni costituisce uno degli obiettivi prioritari.
La ricognizione delle memorie del passato fa superare il valore di repertorio all'attività di catalogazione dei beni culturali.
In tale ambito è stato attivato il progetto Labmed patrimonio culturale che intende catalogare e valorizzare i beni culturali su scala mediterranea per incrementare l'occupazione e lo sviluppo legati all'uso di tale patrimonio.
3) Giovani
I giovani costituiscono il gruppo emergente dell'area mediterranea.
Favorire tra essi dialogo e confronto costruttivo e permanente è scopo prioritario che si esplica attraverso il progetto Labmed giovani.
Obiettivo immediato è lavorare alla costruzione di un Forum permanente dei giovani dei Paesi del Mediterraneo per lo scambio di esperienze e conoscenze su tematiche quali la scuola, il lavoro, la formazione e l'occupazione all'alba del terzo millennio oltreché sui reciproci valori culturali.
4) Donne, democrazia e diritti
I diritti di cittadinanza delle donne rischiano di essere enunciazione di principio formale se l'intera Società Civile non si attiva per la loro attuazione. Si vuole, in collaborazione con le molte associazioni e network di reti di donne esistenti nell'intera area mediterranea, costruire strumenti che ne promuovano lo sviluppo.
Il progetto Labmed donne, democrazia, diritti ne è l'espressione.
5) Interazione individuo-ambiente: sviluppo, educazione e formazione
La costruzione degli assetti sociali avviene nell'interazione tra le storie individuali (affetti, credenze, memorie, sentimenti e i progetti) e processi sociali collettivi; pertanto si ritiene opportuno favorire il benessere individuale e sociale individuando gli aspetti che facilitano la costruzione di sinergie positive tra i diversi Paesi e gruppi etnico religiosi. Azioni di promozione dello sviluppo, educazione e formazione vengono co-attivate in relazione alle tematiche e problematiche individuate.
Specificità del progetto è di agire in una prospettiva di promozione della partecipazione e attivazione delle risorse di cui i gruppi e i Paesi dispongono. Tale ambito di attività si esplica nel progetto Labmed empowerment: educazione, formazione, lavoro.
6) Città
Dinanzi alle trasformazioni economiche, politiche e sociali determinate dall'affermarsi del mercato globale, la rete Labmed e la Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo vogliono riaffermare l'identità delle città mediterranee e agire attraverso progetti, provvedimenti e azioni che riqualifichino il contesto urbano e la sua vivibilità. Ciò si esplica nel progetto Euromedcity.
7) Centro di documentazione
Gli studi e le ricerche nonché la raccolta di materiali scientifici e culturali realizzati dalla Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo costituiscono un centro di documentazione e di supporto tecnico e scientifico ai progetti e alle attività realizzati nell'ambito della rete Labmed.

Main Projects / Activities

Labmed intende riunire quanti lavorano per il Mediterraneo, fornire loro l'accesso ai mezzi necessari, sostenere via via i progetti, è necessario costruire occasioni e luoghi di incontro permanente delle Società Civili.
Infatti il ruolo di associazioni, sindacati, università, collettività locali, fondazioni ed organismi sociali, risulta indispensabile per intraprendere una politica globale e articolata del Mediterraneo.
Dalla loro partecipazione e dal loro impegno dipenderà il diffondersi del progresso e di una pacifica integrazione nelle Regioni delle due rive.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Treppo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Paolo Treppo

Laboratorio Europa: Advancing EU Engagement and Addressing Contemporary Challenges

The picture shows a platea

Laboratorio Europa is an organization devoted to analyze and to study EU matters. It operates within EURISPES and brings together experts, representatives, and practitioners from both academia and civil society. The initiative was founded bby Mr. Carmelo Cedrone, former coordinator and trade unionist. Following his passing in September 2022, the position was taken up by Prof. Umberto Triulzi, an economist and European Political Economy Professor at the Sapienza University of Rome.

The main goal of Laboratorio Europa is to actively engage European citizens and institutions by sharing valuable ideas to address the challenges faced by the European Union in the modern era, particularly concerning issues such as the climate crisis. By highlighting EU problems that could potentially threaten the Union's future stability and erode citizens' confidence, the organization advocates for a "European Renaissance" as a response to existing challenges and as a way to ensure that EU institutions are prepared for any future crises.

Currently, Laboratorio Europa is organizing a series of five thematic meetings, which aim to strengthen its community presence within the EU arena. The first meeting, held on 13 April 2022, centred on the EU's role in the energy sector, with debates focusing on renewable energy, nuclear energy, hydrogen, rare-earth elements, e-fuels, and bi-fuels. The second meeting, held on 16 June 2023, focused on EU efforts to redefine strategies and the content of the European social protection and the welfare state model.

For futher information:

Laboratorio per lo studio della diseguaglianza e delle differenze Anna Lindh

National Network

Università degli Studi di Macerata
Dipartimento di Studi sullo sviluppo economico
Piazza Oberdan 3


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Established on July 16th 2007 by Decreto del Rettore dell'Università degli Studi di Macerata n.946
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Elisabetta Croci Angelini
Head of the organisation
Elisabetta Croci Angelini
Contact (2) Full Name
Ines Corti


National Network

via Mario Angeloni 7
48011 Alfonsine (RA)


0039 3298705250
Telephone (other)
0039 3479922594
0039 05442345044
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3298705250
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3479922594
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
LaDamaSognatrice , born in January 2008 with 10.000 euro of corporation stock, is composed by the two partners Fabrizio Fantini [director, video-operator and editor ] and Chiara Roncagli [author, script-writer and translator] and a range of external collaborators such as light and sound technicians, art directors, photographers, camera operators, songwriters, graphics and speakers. The main partners in our projects are: production companies, such as C.P.A Audiovisual Productions in Rome, local institutions, such as Cervia Municipality, Ravenna Municipality, the Province of Ravenna, cultural and environmentalist associations, such as AltriMenti of Roncalceci and Academia Kronos in Rome; some projects have been developed in collaboration also with ISREC, the Historical Institute of Resistance of Alfonsine [didactic documentary], the nursing home for disabled “La Parolina” in Cernusco sul Naviglio [videoteraphy].
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to produce documentaries in the social field.
With a ten year experience in the audiovisual field, the 2 partners offer to their potential customer a range of services for the planning and the implementation of multimedia products, through a synergic network with their external collaborators.
Besides the main activity of Troupe ENG [Engineering News Gathering] provided with its own technical equipment, and working for the local and national broadcast channels, flanks the more creative one of planning and producing reportages, documentaries, short-films, music videos, commercials, multimedia DVD, tourist videos, video catalogues and programs for the WEBTV.
Our very first goal is however to become pioneers of HD technology in the Bologna area, and to propose the most advanced technologies to our customers.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently the “works in progress” involves those areas that most exemplify the true essence of the society:
- documentary [our project “Il Sale dei Forzati”, about the history of the sea salt of Tarquinia, conceived with Academia Kronos and CPA, has been submitted to Regione Lazio per funding];
- video therapy [therapeutic paths such as “Volti e Risvolti di un Carosello chiamato: DROGA” has been submitted to the Youth Policies Ministry and “ItaliAvista” submitted to local bodies and Social Solidarity Ministry]
- synergic exchange with field experts [our web portal “ ” will foresee the possibility for our collaborators to create their own web page, uploading videos and photos, promoting themselves and exchange ideas].

Contact (1) Full Name
Chiara Roncagli
Contact (2) Full Name
Fabrizio Fantini
Publication Illustration

Language diversity in a Mediterranean mediascape

The article analyses a particular form of linguistic and cultural diversity performed in two radio magazines, Kantara and Mediterradio, produced as part of transnational media cooperation in the Mediterranean region. The analysis focuses on the interplay between language, discourse and...


National Network

Viale Teracati, 160
96100 Siracusa

+39 0931 1666362
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The European Institute of University Studies is an international community of ideas, people, networks and projects. We believe in the transforming force of competence, passion and courage and in the possibility of making things happen. We are inspired by and draw on the best international examples to offer rigorous, innovative training experiences and in constant dialogue with businesses. The choice of location (e.g. Syracuse) represents a very precise geopolitical and cultural vision. Syracuse and our academic community aims to be a melting pot of ideas and university discussion in the Euro-Mediterranean area. To put it with a motto "Where Europe begins and ends" (i.e. depending on the geographical vision, Syracuse is a frontier land of United Europe). Our academic reality has strong roots in the local area and in comparison with numerous and important international stakeholders. From this we draw the lifeblood and energy that distinguish us and bring us to the confrontation with the excellence of thought, technique and business. We have the privilege of starting from Syracuse, from an academic "boutique" and the responsibility of accompanying the enhancement of our expertise in a globalized world and in a Europe that seeks its own way. We want to train a new ruling class of the company (professionals, entrepreneurs, public officials) who are to be drawn into a path of change and adaptation to new geopolitical and economic scenarios. We support and promote independent, responsible and flexible personal and professional development. We stimulate curiosity and adaptability, we favor the construction of open and effective interpersonal networks and we promote a leadership of value and inspiration. The staff is composed of 4 reseachers. The sources of funding is private funds, The annual budget is 100.000 Euros
Mission and Objectives

We believe in cutting-edge and quality training.
For this reason, we plan our offer with the strategic guidance of the Faculty (interdepartmental community composed of academics, professionals and entrepreneurs) and the work of a heterogeneous team made up of academics, professionals, consultants and protagonists of the world socio-economic panorama.
We believe in continuous and personalized training.
This is why we build our programs according to the needs of our interlocutors:
 young managers who wish to grow on a professional and personal level by strengthening specific functional skills or deepening particular market sectors;
 recent graduates who enter the world of work and have the need to acquire knowledge, techniques and concrete tools to accompany traditional university education;
 executives and professionals ready to challenge themselves, consolidate their position and make a qualitative leap with study paths, updating and access to new networks;
 companies and institutions aware of the complexity of the new glocal horizons and ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that derive from them by focusing on their own human capital.
We believe in plural, accessible and open education.
The working method of our academic reality is that which has as its basis the sharing of different scientific knowledge with the aim of solving problems in the areas of economic, legal, political and communication knowledge.
The comparative and international study aims to focus training both on the connection between different cultures, and on public-private interdependence to prepare a ruling class capable of operating in different systems and countries and within the two areas.

Main Projects / Activities

Our priority assets and the peculiar methodology that we would like to implement are:
Dialogue between different subjects, sharing of practical experiences, experimentation with new areas of comparison and academic and professional dialogue. Our interdisciplinarity is present in the classroom, in the company and on the net and supported by protagonists of every academic and professional sphere.
Global vision, awareness of one's identity, open and collaborative spirit. Our internationality is being and acting globally, having the world as a horizon and an increasingly heterogeneous reference community.
Rooting in the territory, research and development of innovative projects in collaboration with successful national and international companies, dialogue with institutions.
Our integration creates value and opens the door to career.
Ability to adapt to the context, mental flexibility, responsible entrepreneurship. We do not like the term competitiveness, we consider it old, not suitable for enhancing internal energies and the precious human capital of reference.
Our dynamism transforms ideas into action, finds opportunities in the most difficult moments and accompanies the reinvention of oneself and one's career.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our contribution as a research body to the actions that the network wants to carry out. We specialize in company-funded research and European design

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested because we appreciate the Foundation's activity and believe in the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Amato
Job Title
Academic Director
Head of the organisation
Prof. Avv. Daniel Amato