La casa del circo sull'albero

National Network

Via San Vittore 25/3
40136 Bologna


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
“La casa del circo sull'albero”-A.S.D. (The House of Circus on the Tree) is a non profit CONI-ENDAS affiliated association with 10 people employed on a demand driven basis (a director/circus artist and trainer, a communication and fund raising officer, an expert in education, a yoga trainer, a speech pathologist and a musician). It provides educational and recreational services, workshops and seminars for children and runs a camping for artists to stay, meet and exchange. Previous partners are 6 schools and 8 associations active in the fields of sport, theatre, culture and education in the metropolitan area of Bologna city. The first yearly budget amounts until now to approximately 6000 € (to be closed in November 2010) collected through service fees and donations of private citizens, associations and local authorities.
Mission and Objectives

“La casa del circo sull'albero” aims to foster solidarity and mutual understanding among people across culture, religion, physical ability, gender, class, ethnicity and citizenship, to raise their awareness about healthy and environmental friendly practices, and to support children and youth to develop comprehensive life skills at the individual, social and environmental level.
Our objectives are:
_to promote a culture of circus as a multi-cultural universal language, with its tradition of travel and cross-cultural community building, and its capacity to include different abilities and attitudes as a kaleidoscope of different forms of artistic expression.
_to develop the children's self confidence, creativity, social skills and environmental awareness through physical training, performing arts, travel, team building and cooperative work.
_to multiply contacts and exchange among artists in a "glocal" perspective.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are the “Children Summer Camp at the Circus House on the Tree” and “Camping for Artists”, in addition to out-door and in-door public performances, trainings and seminars.
The Summer Camp is organized, along with trainings in acrobatics and circus, as a comprehensive experience encompassing cooking together, collecting waste lost in public green areas, sorting and recycling, benefiting from cooperative work as a form of peer to peer education.
The Camping for Artists offers hospitality at the venue of the association, surrounded by woods, as a logistic support for artists on travel and a space of interaction and exchange.
Other activities encompass yoga for children (3-5 years) and adults, acrobatics for children (6-14 years) and aerial acrobatics for youth and adults, dance, handicraft, music, walks in areas of socio-environmental and historical interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Erica Fierro
Head of the organisation
Erica Fierro
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulia Guadagnoli