IOM - International Organization for Migration/OIM - Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni

National Network

Via Nomentana 62, Rome

+39 06 44231428
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
IOM is composed, at a global level, by 127 Member states and 93 observers including 17 States and 76 global and regional IGOs and NGO. Operational staff worldwide: at present approximately 5,600 , almost entirely in the field. Total Funding: in 2008, more than 96 per cent of IOM’s funding was in the form of voluntary contributions for projects. The remainder represents the administrative budget, funded from Member State contributions. Total Expenditure exceeded US$ 1 billion in 2008. IOM Office in Rome serves as the regional office for the Mediterranean area, and Countries under its purview include Italy, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Cyprus, Greece, Holy See, Libya, Malta, Mauretania, Morocco, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey. IOM cooperates with Governments, International Organizations, Migrants' Diasporas, local institutions, and not for profit organizations.
Mission and Objectives

IOM is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. IOM acts with its partners in the international community to:
• support economic and social development through migration;
• uphold the dignity and well being of migrants;
• support international solidarity through humanitarian assistance to people in conditions need;
• improve the understanding of issues related to migration;
• facilitate international dialogue on migration issues.
• offer operational advice in the field of migration management

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of the office in Rome cover different areas of intervention, such as technical co-operation, labour migration and social integration, migration and development, counter trafficking and assistance to victims, psychosocial training and support, return migration, reinsertion in the countries of origin, family reunification through DNA tests, information services on migrations related issues, and activities to promote the prevention of the spread of HIV/Aids and sexually transmitted infections. IOM works alongside UNHCR, the Italian Red Cross and Save the Children in the Reception Centres in Sicily and Apulia - providing information and legal counselling to irregular migrants who reach Italy by boat - and as of 2010 in Castel Volturno (Campania Region).

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmela Godeau
Head of the organisation
Peter Schatzer
Contact (2) Full Name
Flavio Di Giacomo