
Le barbe della Gioconda

National Network

Via del Mandrione 22. 00181 Roma - Italy

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The association has a Directive Council elected by the associates assembly; there is not staff employed, all association work is given at volunteer level. The association has, as partners, all association of the member reference association of the "Latin América Network of Game" - Red Latinoamericana de Juego - ReLaJo - and is the referent association of this network, in Italy, for the promotion of Ludopedagogy, as recognized by the Centre for Training and Investigation La Mancha. Being recently founded (after 4 years of voluntary work for the network) the association as a little budget, that in the 2009 was around 12.000 euro. The sources of funding are private and public donations, the members fees and the gains of seminars given. The main objectives of projects and activities are: 1. To strengthen the capacities of public institutions and local associations working on social issues and dedicated to youth participation by training their staff and volunteers (trainers, teachers, youth promoters) on the basis of "Ludopedagogy as a strategic tool for social work and youth participation". 2. To promote the exchange of best practices and the cooperation between youth organisations of different countries which are working with or are willing to implement participative methodologies in order to better involve and train young people as promoters of intercultural dialogue and peaceful transformation of conflicts with a human rights perspective. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are: Members at national and international level of the "Latin América Network of Game" - Red Latinoamericana de Juego - ReLaJo. Women's shelters and women associations in Italy, Egypt, Palestine, Russia. Youth associations, organizations and institutions working for children, adolescents and youth people, above all related to youth people with handicap or street children or youth in jail.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the association is to import in Europe and in the Mediterranean area the “Ludopedagogy”, a non formal education methodology which did develop to fight against Latin America dictatorships summing the strategic element of "playing" to the experience of Freire's Popular Education to advocate and promote a society based on the respect of human dignity and freedom, building awareness for Human Rights and the capacity to work for a human scale development, that is sustainable and based on participation. This method facilitates the educational work, by involving the participants and encourages the opening towards a different attitude, different from the usual one, stimulates the curiosity and the necessity to recognize the different, the “other”. The “game” manages to develop the willing to get in to it, to actively participate, to risk, to discover yourself and the world around you, to discover the power to build another possible and necessary world.

Main Projects / Activities

To pursue its aims, the Association did (in the past being the Italian branch of the "Latin América Network of Game" - Red Latinoamericana de Juego - ReLaJo) and will now carry on, among others, the following activities: to organize seminars, conferences, pedagogical courses and trainings; to establish relations of collaboration with other Italian and foreign organizations, having local, national and international nature, with similar aims, to mutually exchange best practices and facilitate contacts among the organizations themselves.
Finally, "Le barbe della Gioconda" is willing to set up a multi-country project to promote the power of playing in order to build a different kind of participation: from youths to the adult's institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Pescetti
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristina Cecchini

Le Barbe della Gioconda - Red Latinoamericada de Juejo - ReLaJo

National Network

Via del Mandrione 22 - 00181 Roma

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
"Barbe della Gioconda" Association was born n 2009 and it is the Italian reference association of ReLaJo (Red Latinoamericana de Juego - "Latin América Network of Game") - for the promotion of Ludopedagogy, as recognized by the Centre for Training and Investigation “La Mancha” ( Active people working on a volunteers basis for the association are 8 people located in Rome, Bologna and Florence. In 2011 the budgetary resource available were 3.000,00 euro. Sources of funding are private and public sources and individual donations. Modalities of actions are: workshops, training corses, international exchanges, summer schools. Main partners are: pubblic institutions as: Rome Province, Naples Town administration, European Union, etc. and volunteers local associations as women associations and ASGI (Associazione Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione).
Mission and Objectives

ince 2005 the association "Barbe della Gioconda" is working to promote Ludopedagogy, a non formal education and participative method used as a tool to strength the participation and the change of unequal power relationships. It has been imported from Latin America in Italy, with great success. It has been developed to fight against Latin America dictatorships, summing the strategic element of "playing" to the experience of Freire's Popular Education. Through “the game” this method facilitates the educational work, by involving the participants and encouraging the opening towards a different attitude from the usual one. Moreover, it stimulates the curiosity and the necessity to recognize the “other”, to develop the willing to actively participate and to risk. The method of Ludopedagogy allows people to recognize the value of emotions, body and affectivity to better understand ourselves, the relationships and the reality.
Based on the potentialities of playing as a metaphor and vehicle of knowledge, this educative method sums the individual and the collective experience, opening the possibilities to try and to develop different and unusual solutions to social issues in a protected space - the playing space.

Main Projects / Activities

To pursue these aims, the Association “Barbe della Gioconda” carry on the following activities:
to organize seminars, conferences, pedagogical courses and trainings;
to establish relations of collaboration with other Italian and foreign organizations, having local, national and international nature, with similar aims;
to mutually exchange best practices and facilitate contacts among the organizations themselves;
to set up a multi-country project to promote the power of playing in order to build a different kind of participation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute offering our experience in running seminars with participative methodologies and our experience of non formal education with young people, adult people, migrants and women rights issues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ince 2005, “Barbe della Gioconda” is working on Adult Education, with the aim to rise awareness and train adult people to actively participate on the issues of democracy, sustainable development, human rights, not only in Italy but also in Russia, Egypt and Sarawi Refugees camps. Moreover, “Barbe della Gioconda” has worked on Non-Formal Youth Education in many Latin America countries, Spain and Italy.
Actually, the association uses Ludopedagogy method to promote exchange of best practices and cooperation between organizations of different European countries and, in Italy, to promote migrant and refugees rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Nastasi
Head of the organisation
Pescetti Valentina
Contact (2) Full Name
Isadora Bergami

Le Ragunanze Associazione di Promozione Sociale

National Network

via Fabiola 1
00152 Roma

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Association promotes cultural activities and meetings between writers, poets and artists, with the aim to share their own creativity with particular attention on the four main natural elements: water, air, fire, hearth.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to recall the ancient cultural meetings of Christina, the Queen of Sweden, named "Ragunanze". The main objectives is to create a safe environnement for contemporary artists and writers, where they can share their thoughts and feelings in a respectful manner.

Main Projects / Activities

Every year the Association organizes a literary award devoted to Christina, the Queen of Sweden and bestowed to the most important worthy artists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Association wish to contribute to the italian network by organising initiatives and events based on the cooperation between people interested in cultural activities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Association shares the ALF values and mission, devoted to promotes and sustaines the intercultural dialogue between the different mediterranean countries. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Zanarella
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michela Zanarella
Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

LEB-SARD Festival

Sardinia is one of the poorest areas of Italy, despite a great potential rooted in history, culture and environmental heritage. Meanwhile, Beirut has a lot of places that need to be enhanced from a cultural and economic point of view...

Legambiente Circolo Valle Jato « Chico Mendes » Onlus Partinico

National Network

Via Piave 3
Partinico (PA)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
This is a local headquarter of a national environmetal association "Legambiente". We have 120 associates, 60 adults and 60 youths of the High School, of the technical Institute and academic students with a directive council of 9 members. Our financial ressources are inscription's rights, activities concerning with the town hall of our town or with the region Scile. The last year, we had 3 000 euros.The action's modilities are environmental voluntary participation which associate schools or our town or for the defense of cultural heritage or participation to exchanges and meetings for the youth inside of the programm "Youth for Europe". Now, we have presented to our national agency an exchange project concernig environmental education.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

- Activities of environmental voluntary (Puliamo il mundo, Salvalarte, Spiagge pulite)
- Project of environmental education with schools and local institutions
- Participation to juvenile exchange projects and to meetings in Euromed's countries.
- Presentation of a project conerning environmental education with France, Portugal and Germany
- Preparation of sociologic inquest for the youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pietro Marabeti
Head of the organisation
Gioacchino Scasso
Contact (2) Full Name
Siro Maria Rinaudo


National Network


0039080 5212083
Telephone (other)
0039 3476214370
0039 080 5212083
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Regional directive (25 members)/ 1 president 1 director 3 employed 25 volunteers Annual budget 60.000,00 euro Public and private sponsor / public projects concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships international activities Europe/ Regione Puglia
Mission and Objectives

Legambiente have as slogan “think globally, act locally” because we felt the need of creating a strong rootedness to the territory and to the country, while rousing awareness that environmental issues could only be considered in their global implications. By attending to all the important international problems , i Legambiente has confronted itself with different cultures and realities, all of them open to discussing and working on important themes as justice, human rights, environment and poverty, and to face them by proposing alternatives to the current globalization models based exclusively on profit and economic power. These issues are closely connected with Legambiente’s true nature: an environmentalism united with the social aspects that our association has always tended to. The world is witnessing an awakening of the civil society and a new trend towards participation and mobilization, spurred by the hope of peace, justice, democracy and solidarity, by the will to carry out concrete actions for a different kind of solidarity. Legambiente must use the experience achieved inside Italy to express itself in situations different from ours and to gain new vital nourishment.

Main Projects / Activities

Intereg/ENPI/international campaign (clean up the med)/ peace development cooperation in Middle east and Balkan area sustainable development project in Mediterranean countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Legambiente Onlus

National Network
+39 06/862681
+39 06/86218474
Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Roberto della Seta


National Network

TRANI 70059

0039 0883589089
Telephone (other)
0039 0803924029
0039 0883589089
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3476214370
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3334142890
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1.local brange of legambiente italy ( 100.000 members) with 100 members and local partners staff employed: 5 persons partners: Legambiente works in cooperation with local and international partners to organized intercultural exchanges, seminars, peace schools, artistic performances, workcamps 2. €. 35.000,00 3. institution – gadgets- E.U. projects –self funds, workshops with schools and University 5. Regione Puglia Assessorato alla Pace e Mediteraneo- Provincia di Bari Assessorato al Turismo- Citta’ di Bari Assessorato alla Pace- Amnesty Inernational- S.C.I.Puglia –S.C.I. Poland- international partners: Baladna, C.E.G.A.S. ; C.I.R.P.E., .... 6. Legambinte have numerous logistic structures for hospitality for meetings, seminars and peace/ conflict schools
Mission and Objectives

Legambiente is active for the protection of the artistic and natural patrimony, collaborate with the local institutions and with international partners; it promotes the guardianship of the human rights and the intercultural dialogue using as privileged channel of communication the artistic expression, particularly theatrical, to sensitize above all the young people about problems as racism, xenophobia, intolerance and social exclusion.
As primary objectives work for the guardianship of the ethnic and religious minorities through Techniques for promote a management of the conflicts.
One of future objectives is to organize a permanent center of searches on the peace, through the creation of a network of European-Mediterranean artists that can bring their contribution for the creation of performances and permanent workshops.

Main Projects / Activities

August 2006: Project financed by the European union (Project Youth-Action 1) from the title migratory Experiences: the Mediterranean as theater of peace, promoted and coordinated by Legambiente-Trani, directs to analyze the tied up problems to the racism, xenophobia and social exclusion through the dynamics of the theater of the oppressed.
December 2005 - May 2006: theatrical Laboratory promoted by the Arcilesbica Bari finalized to the realization of a theatrical performance by the title Labyrinths, directs to investigate the conflicts social and cultural legacies to the identity.
March 2004: European Project (Action 3) from the title: Step in to the Europe,
Involved countries: Ireland, Germany, Italy, Sweden
Subject leader: Boomerang Theatre Company, Cork - Ireland.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Legambiente Trani

National Network
Address Imbriani 119/b
76125 Trani BT

0039 3476214370
Telephone (other)
0039 0883589089
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3487508703
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Legambiente Trani is a non-profit ASSOCIATION working to improve the promotion of sustainable development at local, regional and international level and it has engaged in guarantying the respect of human rights against any form of prejudice and social exclusion. Using art (theatre dance human library..) as a tool in projects of dialogue between cultures and sustainable development with partners in the Balkans and the Middle East. It is structured on a voluntary basis and it benefits from the constant collaboration of 40 voluntary members and trainers, besides the numerous activities of young people, students and citizens actively engaged with Legambiente projects. Permanent partner of Trani municipality and local schools and universities and of migrant reception centres and the health care service. Year Budget around €. 35.000 from Europen Project -Erasmus ESC program-Municipality _local Foundation. Concrete projects, from training, exchanges, seminars, study visit,scholarships, peacekeping, rolepay,wokcamp, refuge camp activity (as in the linked “portfolio”).

Mission and Objectives

Linked with the net of National Legambiente a pacifist and independent movement supported by more than 115,000 members, donors and by projects and businesses that are in line with the organization’s principles. LegambienteTRANI is full engaged in training and community involvement activities on sustainable development and climate change and the diffusion of alternative energies and the reuse of resources. Legambiente Trani’ projects implement cultural activity, for safeguard of nature and dialogue and the co-operation between individuals and people without limits o borders. And it collaborates with other associations to develop cultural dynamics involvement local culture with diffusion of environmental pacifist and social culture against any exclusion.thinkung globaly and acting localy to engage communities, stakeholders and people and enable them be the leading actors of change

Main Projects / Activities

Is currently active in good practice dissemination campaignsi. Is engaged in an activity, with European funds, for the promotion of Green Jobs. Climate change and educational campaigns for the reduction of waste and pollution in Lebanon, Tunisia and Albania.Legambiente Trani gives advices and provides help to private citizens and institutions also thanks to the strict and daily interaction with schools and local institutions by non formal activity ad Forum Theatre. So Legambiente Trani, with its voluntary members, identifies as its target urban and rural environments, all the citizens, migrants, prisoners and schools (from primary schools to high schools) with which it has been collaborating. Now Legambiente Trani, besides the habitual yearly campaigns, is involved refuges and ucrainian in monitoring waste dumps and in protection of an humid area situated at the north of urban perimeter. It is also involved in monitoring the coastal and rural pollution, in the safeguard of artistic and cultural heritage, also through public events. Other activities carried out by Legambiente are concerning with door to door activities, waste sorting, sustainable mobility, activities of sensitization in schools, in which students are actively involved, such as protection and cleanliness of the territory with the help of prisoners( even migrants) of local penitentiaries. Organize together with local municipalities and associations the festival of peoples in the squares involving the resident communities (Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, Christian)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Actively interacting for the promotion of dialogue between cultures, fostering the visibility and action of the Euro-Mediterranean Involving in Partnership the municipality of Trani and working in the Region of Apulia for twinning projects in middle east and promoting schools activity and seminars for peace and dialogue also activating eco-pacifist events and artistic festivals. Also provide expertise as European environmental law experts, environmental educators, environmental tutors, intercultural workers, migrant educators. Competences in international environmental law and national and international environmental education activities and campaigns

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Having already taken part in activities such as “ALF 1001 actions for dialogue” and having carried out activities in Palestine Lebanon Syria Israel, Tunisia Kosovo Albania and Bosnia we need a peace network to channel energies and especially the enthusiasm and artistic expression of our young volunteers to collaborate in a bigger network to alternative narratives to fight extremist and promote more inclusive and empathetic societies build a culture based on dialogue and cultural exchange

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
lawyer ( international low)
Head of the organisation
Claudio di Cugno
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Lelio Basso Foundation -internationale section-

National Network

VIa Dogana Vecchia 5

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
Structure of the organization: Dr.Linda Bimbi Responsible of Lelio Basso Foundation -international section- Dr.Gianni Tognoni General Secretary of Permanent People's Tribunal Dr. Maurizio Torrealta, journalist of Rai News 24 and Director of School of Journalism of Lelio Basso Foundation staff employed: 4 full time; 2 part-time; 4 volunteer Finance: founded by a network of private supporters; pubblic support for specific projects. Modalities of action:organize course in human right and rights of people; international meetings; workshop; roundtable. Run research proframmes and award research scholarship. Instrumental creating: Permanent People's Tribunal and School of Journalism. Main partners: Italian Foreing Affair; Human Right Watch; Parsec; Libera; ICEI; Cedetim
Mission and Objectives

Promote universal and effective respect for the fondamental rights of peoples by determining whether these rignts have been violated. For this objective the Basso Foundation created in 1976 the Russel Opinion Tribunal (about the violation of people's rights during the Vietnam war). Since 1979 created the Permanent Peolple's Tribunal that in 30 years of activity to be interested, call by local people and local social organization, about South America, Africa, Europe, Asia. Since 1995 Basso foundation has create two post graduate course about the people right.
Promote an indipendent and free international information like a rights of people. For this objective since 2004 created a School of Journalism.

Main Projects / Activities

Main and permanent activities and project: Permanent People's Tribunal; School of Journalism; Neapolitan School of study on the rights people; International course for peoples right.

Contact (1) Full Name
Linda Bimbi
Head of the organisation
Linda Bimbi
Contact (2) Full Name
Davide Conti