
Marco Polo System

National Network

Via Forte Marghera 30 30173 Mestre Venezia
Ca' Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - 30124 Venezia
30173 Mestre Venezia

041 5318227
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 335 7294845
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Marco Polo System EEIG plays a pivotal role in cultural management and territorial cooperation on the Euro-mediterranean area. MPS, founded on 2000, is an EEIG (European Economic Interest Group), its members are Municipality of Venice and KEDE-Central Union of Municipalities of Greece, employed staff  is composed of 4 fix persons and there are long lasting collaborations with several external experts. More than 50 European and regional projects were developed through studies, research and publications. MPS is associate member of “Europa Nostra”, member of “AMMM – Association of Mediterranean Maritime Museums”, founder and manager  of “Lepanto Network”, founder and general manager of “European Silk Road – Marco Polo Routes”, founder of the Euro-mediterranean network for the valorisation of Fortified Heritage "Forts tha bind - FARO for Forts". Budgetary resources available in a year (2017) are around € 200.000. 
Mission and Objectives

Marco Polo's mission is to research, promote and create opportunities of development through international cooperation in the European and Euro-Mediterranean area, with particular attention to the valorization of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, mainly maritime and fortified one. European planning and cultural diplomacy are tools for dialogue between peoples and opportunities for mutual knowledge, following the objectives of encouraging the exchange of good practices for sustainable development and initiatives for meetings and promotion linked to historical research, the enhancement of territories, cultural promotion.

Main Projects / Activities

Marco Polo System has been either partner or Lead Partner or technical / knowledge provider in more than 50 projects financed from EU funding programmes, such as Interreg Central Europe, IPA Adriatic, South East Europe, Culture 2000, MED or from Veneto Region funds. Networking, EU planning , Cultural Heritage valorisation, youth involvement and communication are the main fields in which we act. MPS also deals with publishing activity, on themes like history research of Veneto area, cultural heritage promotions linked to Venetian footprints in Euro-Mediterranean  basin. Marco Polo System is also Europa Nostra associate member, member of “AMMM – Association of Mediterranean Maritime Museums”, founder and manager of the technical governance in “Lepanto Network – Sulle Rotte di Lepanto”, founder and general manager of “European Silk Road – Marco Polo Routes”, founder of the Euro-mediterranean network for the valorisation of Fortified Heritage "Forts that bind - FARO for Forts".

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Marco Polo System is fully willing to contribute to the national network by providing more than 20 years of experience in the protection, enhancement and promotion of cultural heritage. The continuous networking and co-creation activities with different bodies, organizations and associations within and outside the national borders, at the level, both European and other, can be useful elements for the growth of each member of the network, with which to activate synergies on various fields, in order to strengthen the whole network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The pivotal role the ALF gives to inclusion, dialogue and cultural and social represent a role model for our organization. In similar fields, through cultural diplomacy and national, transnational and international cooperation, Marco Polo System has been acting since its foundation. To be part of ALF would represent the opportunity to boost possibilities of exchange of ideas and practice, to offer our know-how and to grow up together

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Pietrangelo Pettenò
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pietrangelo Pettenò
Contact (2) Full Name
Alberto Cotrona
Job Title (2)
communication manager


National Network

Via Ruspoli 1/5

+39 010 822572
Telephone (other)
+39 010 8600385
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
Marea is a non profit cultural and feminist association incorporated in Genoa in 1995 and formed by seven voluntary members and several collaborators. The budgetary resources available every year depend on the projects launched; from 1995 to 2007 we obtained from 2000 € to 30000 € from Local Public Authorities, Department of Equal Opportunities and private donors. Marea publishes a quarterly review, called MAREA, web site and organizes several public debates, seminaries, workshops on gender issues. In recent years Marea cooperated with many partners: International Network of Women in Black and Wluml (women living under muslim laws), Hawca (Afghanistan), Rant (USA) and Awakened Women (USA).
Mission and Objectives

Through the quarterly review and other projects (video, tv productions in cooperation with satellitar tv Arcoiris, cd-rom) Marea wants to circulate feminist and gender issues and in particular to share knowledge and resources on women rights, feminism history and culture with young generations and migrant women. In 2007 Marea is going to publish a new cd-rom called “Tutte in rete” with a wide selection of the main gender oriented websites divided according to different subject-matters.

Main Projects / Activities

Marea would like to work out a new feminist web radio project (starting with a course for women radio journalists and speakers) and a web site with news and reportages on political, social, cultural issues focussing on women living in the Mediterranean area and in the rest of the world. Marea will work on the issue of secularism at the European Feminist Forum which will be held in 2008 and will organize an international meeting in Italy inviting the writer Irshad Manji from Canada, who is an activist against fundamentalism.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Elisabetta Guidetti
Head of the organisation
Laura Elisabetta Guidetti
Contact (2) Full Name
Monica Lanfranco

Maura Di Mauro

National Network

Via Ciceri Visconti 10/2

+39 3403238701
Mobile Phone
+39 3403238701
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
I am a freelance Intercultural Trainer, Coach & Consultant, specialised in Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability & Social Innovation. I work with different kind of organization in Italy and abroad. I collaborate with universities and high education institutions, so as with other institutions in teaching and research activities. I am adjunct lecturer of Intercultural Management at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, of Piacenza campus and of Intercultural Approach at IATH (International Academy of Tourism and Hospitality). I am the former president of SIETAR Italia (Society for Intercultural Training, Education and Research).
Mission and Objectives

I am an entrepreneur, curious and very sensitive woman.
I love working in multicultural and international environments. With my skills and passion I help people, organizations and local territories to deal with and to manage intercultural relationships, to develop and use their wellbeing and potential. 

Main Projects / Activities

As contractor I am collaborating in this moment on a 3 years European project titled WeLearn project with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, on a project about universities' internationalizazion strategies and practices and the development of "neighbourliness" skills (which integrate intercultural and global citizens skills) through the development of training toolkits.
I am also involved as trainer and reseacher on a 3 years project titled DIMICOME with ISMU, aimed at migrants working integration; in this project I mapped some Italian companies who committed themselves with migrants integration, and through the involvement of different stakeholders I am creating tools such as social workers' guidelines, migrants' competences model and training activity for companies, in order to facilitate the working integration process.
I am the co-ordinator of the Feeling Italian project, developed by SIETAR Italia, a project that aim to explore the concept of Italian identity and more braodly about the concept of cultural identity, and to develop a sense of global citizenship. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Designing and giving Training on my specific topics (in Italian, English and Spanish)
Co-design more complex projects that involve different organizations and/or countries
Sharing my network for specific project development 
As project manager or project/activity coordinator
With Reseach and publications 
With creative ideas and innovative methodologies

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I got to know Anna Lindh Foundation many years ago, when I was living in The Nederlands and I went several times to the ALF library in Den Haag. Recently a colleague based in Belgium, who work in collaboration with ALF for many years asked me to collaborate with him on a project founded by ALF and suggested me to become individual member of the Foundation. I am a caring person about social and community issues. And I can contribute with my sensitivity, skills and passion for what I do. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Maura Di Mauro
Job Title
Intercultural Trainer, Coach & Consultant; Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability & Innovation Specialist
Head of the organisation
Maura Di Mauro

MdM - Maison de la Méditerranée (32 Institutions represented)

National Network

Via Depretis, 130

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Maison de la Méditerranée (MdM) is a physical space in which institutions and bodies from the Countries adhering to the Union for the Mediterranean conduct exchanges and partnerships for future peace and development. It constitutes a shared space where the different personalities and attitudes of the Euro-Mediterranean area meet and compare experiences and cultures, reach a greater reciprocal awareness in the examination of their various interests, discuss their differences, and initiate a dialogue directed, in the long term, to achieve agreement based on peace and justice, mutual security and common progress
Mission and Objectives

The major asset of the Maison de la Méditerranée is represented by a relational area embracing all the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) that has been shaped over the years through the formal adhesion of:
    Outstanding active politicians, including in office Heads of States;
    Representatives of the Euro-Mediterranean culture, in its multiple expressions and notably academicians (including the highest representatives of National Academies) historians, writers, opinion leaders who are renowned in their own countries as well as all over the world, Nobel Prizes;
    In office Governments of Regions, Provinces and Cities, including some of the most important metropolises facing the Mediterranean;
    More than 200 Cultural and Research Institutions working in many different sectors of social, civil and religious life;
    Manifold universities, among which the oldest and most prestigious ones;
Institutions and bodies belonging to the Countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) that can be invited - through telematic infrastructures and through the actions implemented by the Fondazione Mediterraneo - to join an active partnership regarding the concrete transformation processes of the Euro-Mediterranean scenario.
The proposal of such a partnership has turned out to be highly successful not only in the Mediterranean partners countries, but also in the communities of Southern Europe and mainly Southern Italy.
It is intended as a strategic network for the organization and the actual development of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. Each of the convened institutions is in fact a circuit of relations ready to be active, to assemble in a single network men and women, politicians, officials and experts in order to identify , arrange and foresee the implementation of development plans for the common good. This allows all partners of the concerned countries to play an active role in the decision-making and leadership of the process.
The associative methodology of the Euro-partnership proposed by the MdM is strongly inspired by the idea of “ factual democracy” : recognizing (rather than opposing) the right of initiative for each member capable of putting forward new proposals, to the point of promoting the birth, within the network itself, of other leading institutions. These, in turn, can autonomously undertake cultural and institutional initiatives that, later on, will be part of the wider MdM circuit, in order to increase the operational and financial strength of its actions as well as the extent of the enhancement- utilization circuits.

Main Projects / Activities

Besides the principal mission of the "dialogue between societies and cultures" the following are thematic areas for the operations of MdM:
1. Environment and Common Resurces of the Mediterranean: dedicated to defending those environmental resources threatened by pollution: sea, soil, ionosphere, flora and biodiversity. Defines criteria of protection and sustainable exploitation and seeks to ensure their application throughout the Euromediterranean.
2. Ethics and safeguarding of mental and physical health: dedicated to harmonising standards of health care throughout the Euromediterranean region, while recognising and respecting local ethics and concepts of mental and physical well-being. Defines and implements programmes of distribution of health services corresponding to the best practices recognised by the respective communities.
3. Psycho-social well-being and relations among individuals, families and groups: dedicated to studying relations at the micro-social level to promote and support initiatives which favour the quality of life in local communities and migrant groups. Activates projects enhancing relations and solidarity between genders, within the family and in social groupings, to move beyond a view of the individual as autonomous and unrelated and to build democracy and social participation.
4. Methodologies and programmes for urban development: dedicated to reinforcing local authorities, both by studying and generalising appropriate methodologies of participatory democracy and by designing and implementing programmes of infrastructural reinforcement and better management of public and local utilities. Defines methodologies of cooperative and partnership exhanges of professionalism and facilities, both in investment and management phases, in order to minimise costs. Defines benchmark standards for private operators.
5. Qualifying the migratory flow and social policies combating emargination: dedicated to promoting professional qualification of the migratory population, fostering training, entrepreneurial promotion, and introduction of forms of international economic partnership. Studies models of urban and rural settlement of the migratory population which respect ethics and lead to inter-cultural integration. Studies the juridical and administrative measures required to foster integration and promote throughput of income generated by migration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ciro Olisterno
Head of the organisation
Ciro Olisterno

Me.Dia.T.E. (Mediterranean Dialogue Through Empowerment)

National Network

Via Giovanni Devoti 16, 00167, Rome (c/o Associazione ONG Italiane)

+39 06 66019202
Telephone (other)
+39 06 66019202
+39 06 66032774
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 338 9312415
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 347 1536280
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Me.Dia.T.E. is a non-profit organisation of social utility (Onlus). It is a network of 61 NGOs and Associations from 18 Mediterranean Countries, representing more than 1000 aggregations of civil society. Me.Dia.T.E. has an Executive Committee - composed by the President, two Vice presidents, the Treasurer, the Secretary and two Counsellors - and a Board of Directors that is composed of a National Delegate from each Mediterranean country represented in the Association. It works as network of civil society organizations and the modalities of action it follows are seminars, meetings and concrete projects too. The sources of funding are the membership fees as well as the contributions paid by each member. contributions by individuals, private entities, Public Bodies, Institutions or International entities and incomes deriving from conventions can contribute in the budgetary resources of the Association.
Mission and Objectives

The Association's aim is the promotion of social justice and solidarity, social and cultural development, human rights and democratisation, peace, non discrimination and gender equality, decentralized cooperation in the Mediterranean countries, through the dialogue and the empowerment of civil society.
In order to reach these goals, the Association implements activities which aim at:
-Promoting the dialogue and networking of civil society organisations in the Mediterranean countries through institutional capacity building, education, research and training;
-Strengthening multicultural dialogue among the populations and the institutions in the Mediterranean countries, by sharing experiences, instruments and resources;
-Facilitating participation, advocacy and lobbying towards the European and international institutions;
-Promoting strategies for democracy and peace in the Mediterranean countries at a local, national and international level;
-Promoting strategies for the developm

Main Projects / Activities

In order to reach its aims, Me.Dia.T.E. organizes and participates in meetings and seminars which main objectives are the empowerment of civil society’s role as well as the promotion of social and cultural development and the decentralized cooperation in the Mediterranean Countries. The concrete participation and involvement of all its members, due to the different specializations and field of action of each of them, can assure a wide dissemination of all the activities and the proposals concerning the association’s aims. Since it was established in December 2004, Me.Dia.T.E. has organized some meetings and seminaries at international level, involving all its associates and offering to other associations too the possibility of attending them. After the first meeting in Malta in December 2004, a series of international seminaries and thematic workshops focused on the theme “Empowering instruments for local communities in the Mediterranean Area”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Guido Barbera
Head of the organisation
Mr. Guido Barbera
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristina Sonzogni

Media International Communication Club

National Network

Via Giovanni Paisiello 55
00198 Roma

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Media International Communication Club è un organo professionale nato dall’impegno di professionisti con un’esperienza trentennale nel settore della comunicazione tradizionale, con una specializzata preparazione nel settore della comunicazione istituzionale e della nuova era della comunicazione editoriale e digitale.
Mission and Objectives

riunisce un team di professionisti e strutture operanti nella comunicazione, esperti nei settori dei rapporti istituzionali, dell’editoria, dell’economia, della cultura su scala europea ed internazionale. 

Main Projects / Activities
Il nostro progetto mira a rafforzare l’identità del nostro Continente e delle Sue Regioni, Province e Comuni, promuovendone allo stesso tempo le risorse e l’immagine a 360°, grazie alla nostra Rivista Kmetro0 e al suo Portale Europeo multilingua.
Si tratta di uno strumento innovativo che permette di interagire con i lettori e con i visitatori di tutto il mondo, per offrire ai fruitori della nostra gamma di servizi la più capillare ed ampia visibilità, su scala nazionale, comunitaria e mondiale.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L’Italia e l’Europa tracciano un percorso fittissimo di opere, che vivono in una straordinaria comunione tra paesaggio e cultura, storia e arte, economia e politica, architettura e urbanistica.
Interfacciarsi con il mondo aiuta a ridurre le distanze geografiche e culturali, attraverso la partecipazione, non soltanto della notizia, ma di una serie di informazioni relative agli aspetti artistici, culturali e organizzativi delle varie dimensioni locali.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I nostri servizi puntano ad offrire la più vasta visibilità possibile a tutte queste realtà, inserendole efficacemente in una rete adeguata alle tendenze, alle dinamiche ed agli interessi di generazioni in costante movimento.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nizar Issam Ramadan
Job Title
Segretario Generale
Head of the organisation
Nizar Ramadan


National Network

via Derganino 20

0039 3280738131
0039 0236510809
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3771722706
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
MEDInaTERRANEA is an italian-arabic association based in Milano, Italy. The members come form different mediterranean countryes. The work of the association is mostly made by volunteers with the inclusion of the arab communities existing in Italy and immigrants. We work in partnership with many associations working in immigration and cultural medition field and we are in the net of Lombardia's Ngos (CoLomba). We are found by local authorieites, EU and private italian foundations and by services linked to advartising of products and services linked to the arab-italian cooperation. The association works mostly on communication through bilingual material. The mail project is an arabic-italian free press in Milano, Wa also organise international training courses about conflict management and intercultural dialogue.
Mission and Objectives

The mail objectives of MEDInaTERRANEA are:
- promotion of reciprocal understanding and knowledge between different communities, with a particular attention for EU countries, SOuth Oriental Europe and Mediterranean countries
- promotion of exchange of informations and competences between people coming from different communities and to create arenas for dialogue and confrontation
- Increasing the knowledge about musica, literary and artistic cultures through contact between people, groups, communities and associations
- To promote the approaching between cultures through movement of young people between mediterranean coasts
-Cultural and linguistical mediation

Main Projects / Activities

- Increasing the number of arabic books in Milano's libraries and cataloguing of arabic titles translitterated in latin letters
- EU exchanges about intercultural dialogue (promoters and participants)
- Creation of web sites in arabic and italian for language/cultural learning through medias
- Creation of an italian-arabic free press about immigration topics and with the involvement of mediterranean institutions, boards, companies, associations, journalists, students...

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Sergi
Head of the organisation
Marco Sergi


National Network

Via Borsieri 6

+39 328 0975210
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
MEDIONAUTA is a very young organization, based on the voluntary work of it's associates. The president is responsible for the coordination of the directive board, for the supervision of all activity areas, for the project-writing and research of institutional funds and for the relations with institutional partners and funders. The activity areas, each led by one of the association's founders (all women), are: cultural production projects, cultural events, arts and media workshops, participated mediateque, opportunity desk, international projects, web-based projects. MEDIONAUTA disposes of budgetary resources for an amount of about 10.000 € per year. Sources of funding are: grants by institutional funders, grants by cultural fundations, income from institutional activities of the association. MEDIONAUTA's modalities of action are: supporting youth-led cultural and media projects by offering it's space and facilities to young artists and media-makers; hosting cultural events that give visibility to artistic and media projects by young artists and media-makers; hosting and promoting arts and media workshops; creating a participated mediateque by collecting the contributions of its associates and network; offering information about local and international funding, training and networking opportunities in the field of arts and media production.
Mission and Objectives

Main aims of MEDIONAUTA are: 1) the promotion of arts and the media as tools for creativity, education and communication; 2) supporting and promoting young artists and media-makers, especially those whose scope is researching and communicating social issues; 3) the development of a network of socially aware young artists and media-makers at a local and an international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities, primarly targeted to youth from 15 to 30, include: 1) the support of young individuals and groups in the development of cultural projects, especially those that involve the use of arts and the media to build campaigns of social communication; 2) cultural events presenting artistic and multimedia projects by youth, especially those aimed at a socially aware communication; 3) courses and workshops using arts and the media as expressive means; 4) the development of a participated mediateque on youth arts and media, as well as on social and geopolitical issues 5) a desk for the search of funding, training and networking opportunities for youth-led cultural projects at a local and an international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Camilla Notarbartolo


National Network

Via Dei Conversi, 70 09129 Cagliari (Italy)

070 2335449
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
329 1233109
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create a network among the countries of the Mediterranean, a place to discuss and disseminate the views of all countries, freely and with the aim of spreading the dialogue between young people and among all those who can use internet. The magazine will be translated into English and French in the future in Arabic. The importance of the initiative is recognized by all the visitors from all over the world read our articles. Less than Arab countries because it is written only in Italian, but translations are counting arriving in the countries of the southern Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

The spread of cultural activities: concerts, plays, books, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and so on. taking place in all countries of the Mediterranean. Besides the dissemination of culture and information for newspapers of all countries using the media reviews of the various newspapers, the spread of job opportunities for young people and businesses operating in the Mediterranean with the section International Economics. But above all information on the situation of some critical situations for human rights in some Mediterranean countries, such as advertising the project Mediterraid.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianmarco Murru

Mediterranee pour le Développement en Tunisie (AMDT)

National Network

Via Russia 5

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
L'associazione nasce nel 2011 a Tunisi al fine di promuovere la cittadinanza attiva, i diritti delle donne e dei giovani soprattutto nelle regioni interne e più svantaggiate della Tunisia. Si adopera per la diffusione e l'incremento del turismo sostenibile e accessibile a tutti. Ai fini di raggiungere i suddetti scopi, collabora con organismi e associazioni nazionali e internazionali.
Mission and Objectives

Partecipa ad eventi culturali, educativi, ambientali e eventi inerenti  politiche ambientali e turismo sostenibile.
Partecipa inoltre ad eventi legati alla salvaguardia e promozione del patrimonio culturale tunisino.

Main Projects / Activities

L'organizzazione porta avanti diversi progetti miranti alla costruzione di una cultura inclusiva volte a diminuire le differenze di genere e differenze sociali, soprattutto nelle aree più svantaggiate del paese.

Contact (1) Full Name
Salah Moez
Head of the organisation
Salah Moez