Le barbe della Gioconda

National Network

Via del Mandrione 22. 00181 Roma - Italy

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The association has a Directive Council elected by the associates assembly; there is not staff employed, all association work is given at volunteer level. The association has, as partners, all association of the member reference association of the "Latin América Network of Game" - Red Latinoamericana de Juego - ReLaJo - and is the referent association of this network, in Italy, for the promotion of Ludopedagogy, as recognized by the Centre for Training and Investigation La Mancha. Being recently founded (after 4 years of voluntary work for the network) the association as a little budget, that in the 2009 was around 12.000 euro. The sources of funding are private and public donations, the members fees and the gains of seminars given. The main objectives of projects and activities are: 1. To strengthen the capacities of public institutions and local associations working on social issues and dedicated to youth participation by training their staff and volunteers (trainers, teachers, youth promoters) on the basis of "Ludopedagogy as a strategic tool for social work and youth participation". 2. To promote the exchange of best practices and the cooperation between youth organisations of different countries which are working with or are willing to implement participative methodologies in order to better involve and train young people as promoters of intercultural dialogue and peaceful transformation of conflicts with a human rights perspective. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are: Members at national and international level of the "Latin América Network of Game" - Red Latinoamericana de Juego - ReLaJo. Women's shelters and women associations in Italy, Egypt, Palestine, Russia. Youth associations, organizations and institutions working for children, adolescents and youth people, above all related to youth people with handicap or street children or youth in jail.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the association is to import in Europe and in the Mediterranean area the “Ludopedagogy”, a non formal education methodology which did develop to fight against Latin America dictatorships summing the strategic element of "playing" to the experience of Freire's Popular Education to advocate and promote a society based on the respect of human dignity and freedom, building awareness for Human Rights and the capacity to work for a human scale development, that is sustainable and based on participation. This method facilitates the educational work, by involving the participants and encourages the opening towards a different attitude, different from the usual one, stimulates the curiosity and the necessity to recognize the different, the “other”. The “game” manages to develop the willing to get in to it, to actively participate, to risk, to discover yourself and the world around you, to discover the power to build another possible and necessary world.

Main Projects / Activities

To pursue its aims, the Association did (in the past being the Italian branch of the "Latin América Network of Game" - Red Latinoamericana de Juego - ReLaJo) and will now carry on, among others, the following activities: to organize seminars, conferences, pedagogical courses and trainings; to establish relations of collaboration with other Italian and foreign organizations, having local, national and international nature, with similar aims, to mutually exchange best practices and facilitate contacts among the organizations themselves.
Finally, "Le barbe della Gioconda" is willing to set up a multi-country project to promote the power of playing in order to build a different kind of participation: from youths to the adult's institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Pescetti
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristina Cecchini