Lelio Basso Foundation -internationale section-

National Network

VIa Dogana Vecchia 5

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
Structure of the organization: Dr.Linda Bimbi Responsible of Lelio Basso Foundation -international section- Dr.Gianni Tognoni General Secretary of Permanent People's Tribunal Dr. Maurizio Torrealta, journalist of Rai News 24 and Director of School of Journalism of Lelio Basso Foundation staff employed: 4 full time; 2 part-time; 4 volunteer Finance: founded by a network of private supporters; pubblic support for specific projects. Modalities of action:organize course in human right and rights of people; international meetings; workshop; roundtable. Run research proframmes and award research scholarship. Instrumental creating: Permanent People's Tribunal and School of Journalism. Main partners: Italian Foreing Affair; Human Right Watch; Parsec; Libera; ICEI; Cedetim
Mission and Objectives

Promote universal and effective respect for the fondamental rights of peoples by determining whether these rignts have been violated. For this objective the Basso Foundation created in 1976 the Russel Opinion Tribunal (about the violation of people's rights during the Vietnam war). Since 1979 created the Permanent Peolple's Tribunal that in 30 years of activity to be interested, call by local people and local social organization, about South America, Africa, Europe, Asia. Since 1995 Basso foundation has create two post graduate course about the people right.
Promote an indipendent and free international information like a rights of people. For this objective since 2004 created a School of Journalism.

Main Projects / Activities

Main and permanent activities and project: Permanent People's Tribunal; School of Journalism; Neapolitan School of study on the rights people; International course for peoples right.

Contact (1) Full Name
Linda Bimbi
Head of the organisation
Linda Bimbi
Contact (2) Full Name
Davide Conti