

National Network

via Verona 17
15121 Alessandria

0131 1826034
Telephone (other)
+39 320 6173150
0131 1826034
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 349 6760914
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
ICS Onlus reborn for the will and direct initiative of many people who in corrent period provided service for various reasons. as volunteers, contractors, operators, technicians, trainers, teachers, foreigners, representatives of the authorities. We work in the field of intercultural issue and cooperation.  ICS Onlus moves on a purely voluntary basis (40 volunteers), has no staff, its resources are its members, events, demonstrations and free donations. Annual budget (2014) is 138.256,78 euros ICS Onlus considers the fundamental relationship with local authorities. Decentralized cooperation multiplies the economic resources, enhances professional skills and amplifies the impact on civil society. An important source of funding is from call for proposals. ICS works in cooperation with local authorities of our province, with region, with the lines of national and European funding,.
Mission and Objectives

international cooperation
cooperation among local authorities
local development for management of sourses (water)
development of relationships among cultures, paticulary in the mediterranean area
face the migrant issue
management of events in order to create popular partecipation in the project 

Main Projects / Activities

- Intercultural education
- Training of teachers and operators
- ntercultural mediation
- Sporting events (StrAlessandria)
- Exhibitions, debates, publications
- Interventions of international cooperation
- artistic creation as instrument of social empowerment

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ICS can contribute actively to the sharing of the principles of self-sustainable development, recognition of culture and conflict management. An active role will be played at the level of activation of community relations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that network is an antidote in order to face conflict today, a useful tool to share objectives and projects and increase the opportunities. Furthermore, the exchange between different national realities can be an added value in terms of expected results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pietro Sacchi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pietro Sacchi
Contact (2) Full Name
Elisa Adorno
Job Title (2)

Istituzione Mu.MA Musei del Mare e delle Migrazioni

National Network

Calata de Mari 1

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Il Mu.MA - Istituzione Musei del Mare e delle Migrazioni, nasce nel 2005 per volontà del sindaco Beppe Pericu e si caratterizza come polo legato ai temi del mare, del viaggio e del dialogo tra popoli saperi e religioni. In un unica struttura riunisce tre realtà museali diverse, e sono Galata Museo del Mare, Commenda di Pré, Museo Navale di Pegli.
Mission and Objectives

In collaborazione con Marina Militare e Fincantieri il Mu.MA recupera un'area portuale dismessa e restituisce alla cittadinanza tutta un' area importante della città.

Main Projects / Activities

Il museo riporta alla memoria le migrazioni passate e presente, europee e non.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pierangelo Campodonico
Head of the organisation
Pierangelo Campodonico

Istur CHT

National Network

Via Maggio,13

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
It is a non profit organization which includes a staff of 10 employes. The annual budget of the society is of euro 100.000. The sources of funding are private projects and public funds. The actions include projects, educational courses, international exchanges and scholarships.
Mission and Objectives

CHT Culture Heritage and Tourism is a non profit association, specialized in tourism and cultural heritage, whose aim is to contribute to the conservation, the valorisation and the fruition of the global touristic, environmental and cultural heritage

Main Projects / Activities

Various projects in the field of educational projects, arts, restoration, environmental and promotional activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Elena Amodei
Head of the organisation
Dr. Emanuele Amodei

Itaka training

National Network

via Omero 30
89900 Vibo Valentia VV

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

- We have 6 members and 3 trainers;
- Budgetary resources p. y. between 30 and 50 thousand euros;
- Sources of funding: Mainly Erasmusplus programme;
- Modalities of action: international trainings and exchange of good practices; events and seminars; scholarships;
- Main partners involved : National and International Universities; NGOs, SMEs

Mission and Objectives

Itaka Training is an organisation which was born following an analysis of the needs of what is happening at present in the areas were the organisation is located, being particularly
sensitive to issues related to sky-high level of youth unemployment in the region (over 40%) and migration, and the problems that migrants face once they arrive in Italy from desperate
situations. In these respect, Itaka training is made up by professionals dedicated to build trust in peoples from different countries and motivates them to fulfil their potential in a
welcoming and stimulating environment.
Itaka Training promotes active citizenship at local, national and international level and the safeguard of moral and civic rights of citizens.
Itaka Training is developing a large network of partner organisations in order to create a synergy to promote more efficient projects at local, national and international level. It has built
links with local authorities, NGOs and local associations promoting innovative initiatives, such as the re-settlement of people in abandoned towns in the South of Italy.
The organisation staff has also experience in the management of EU projects, in providing work experience, training and professional development courses for professionals under the
KA1 project. We organise professional development courses for people involved in education who want to acquire new competences. Courses include digital classrooms, Integration
and Social inclusion, school management, teaching through arts activities and entrepreneurship.
The organisation is also dedicated to the promotion of local traditions and cultures as well as organising intercultural events in order to promote integration.
Finally the organisation provides free IT and language training for disadvantaged people and to fight unemployment among young people. The courses are especially directed how to
use new technologies and in particular social media in a proper way, in order to increase job prospects and spread a good image of oneself online.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Itaka Training has been founded with the aim to promote intercultural dialogue and social inclusion as well as training and employment opportunities in one of the poorest European regions. Since its foundation we have been running tens of courses both locally and internationally as well as organizing and/or joining evens and conferences on: inclusion, sustainability, community engagements; intercultural dialogue and so on.

We believe that the skills we have gained jointly with the wide and strong network we have developed could actively contribute to the ALF core values and aims. We could contribute to many aspects from dissemination and communication to design and implementation of training activities, measuring impact; campaining.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join your network because it perfectly matches our values and goals . Moreover we believe that by joining the network we will have the chance to meet like-minded people and work together to the realization of our common goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fiorillo Amelia
Job Title
Senior Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Fiorillo Domenico



Fondé à Rome en juin 2017, et enregistré à l’Agence nationale de collecte des recettes en août 2017, le Réseau italien pour le Dialogue euro-méditerranéen (RIDE-APS) promeut le dialogue entre les identités collectives euro-méditerranéennes, en améliorant leur communication directe, leur compréhension profonde et leur respect mutuel.

Depuis qu’il a été nommé Chef de file du Réseau Anna Lindh par le ministère des Affaires étrangères italien, le RIDE-APS œuvre à la valorisation des identités collectives religieuses, culturelles et sociales de l’Euroméditerranée, de l’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient, il encourage une interaction plus étroite, le respect des droits fondamentaux de l’homme et de l’égalité des genres, tout en soulignant des intérêts communs. En particulier, le RIDE-APS encourage les recherches multidisciplinaires (« Think tank of the thinks thanks », littéralement « Groupe de réflexion des groupes de réflexion ») et la coopération opérationnelle dans trois domaines principaux : 1. les identités religieuses, plus particulièrement l’inclusion des diasporas ; 2. la relation entre identité et environnement dans la zone méditerranéenne, y compris les énergies renouvelables et l’eau ; 3. la cuisine identitaire et la sécurité alimentaire, en portant une attention particulière à la relation entre la nutrition et le bien-être, et l’agriculture biologique.



Rete Italiana per il Dialogo Euromediterraneo (R.I.D.E – A.P.S.) Rome, Italy (24, Tamassia  Rome, 00167) 

Established in Rome in June 2017, and registered at the National Revenue Agency in August 2017, the Italian Network for the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue (RIDE-APS), promotes dialogue among Euro-Mediterranean collective identities, enhancing their direct communication, deep understanding, and mutual respect.

Since its appointment by the Italian Foreign Ministry, as the Head of the Anna Lindh Network, the RIDE-APS has been working to foster the value of the Euro-Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern national, religious, cultural and social collective identities, encouraging closer interaction and respect for fundamental human rights and equality between genders, while highlighting shared interests. In particular, the RIDE-APS encourages multidisciplinary research ("Think Tank of the think tanks") and operative cooperation in three main fields: 1. Religious identities, especially the inclusion of immigrant diasporas; 2. Relationship between identity and environment in the Mediterranean area, including renewable energy and water; 3. Identitary cuisine and food security, with special attention to the relationship between nutrition and wellness, and organic agriculture.


Italy Punches Below Its Weight on the European Defence Fund

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National Network

Gioia Tauro Di Reggio Calabria

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3474081752
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
General Information
La volonté de l'Association ce de contribuer au développement culturel et civil des citoyens et à la toujours plus vaste diffusion de la démocratie et de la solidarieté dans les rapports humains, à la pratique et à la défense des libertés civiles, individuelles et collectives. Favoriser l'étendue d'activités culturels, formatifs, récréatifs, sociaux ainsi que la collaboration entre des associations. Collaborer avec des Organismes Publics et Privés pour le développement de projets d’ interesse culturel, et pour le développement de l'industrie culturelle. Promouvoir et gérer des initiatives, services, activités culturels, formatifs, récréatifs, sociaux qui conferment les buts associatives. Le président est Anne Luana Tallarita, l'association est ONLUS née en 2007.
Mission and Objectives

Le finalitè de l'Association Artistique Culturel Comité Provincial pour l'Itercultura JAZZITUDE concernent la promotion de la culture et de l'art et du spectacle. Ainsi que la valorisation de biens artistiques, historiques, culturels, traditionnels, du paysage. Multiples ces secteurs culturels qui l'association on posent de vouloir traiter en différentes ses formes de la culture de l'autre, à l'éducation à travers l'Art des diversités. Et par conséquent aux membres formatives en genre en prechérissant la Musique et ensuite la Littérature, la Dance, le Théatre le Cinéma. En direction de tout ce qui peut être entendu comme culturel.

Main Projects / Activities

Préparation de conférences, débats, dialogues et cours de formation. De formation musicale à artistique, ainsi que à de produits editoriaux cartacei et informés nous et multimédiaux. Je développe d'activité de création en champ artistique et culturel, pour ses associés ou pour le publique, donc: recherche, élaboration culturelle, organisation d'archives, musées, expositions; séminaires ; rencontres ; cours de formation; activités editoriales; audio-visuels et créations cinématographiques et multimédiales; activité de croissance culturelle et professionnelle; organisation de spectacles des teatrali et musicaux et de dance et des rievocazioni historiques ou liées à la tradition; tourisme social et rural. L'association en outre on propose de créer des collaborations avec autres Associations et des mouvements nationaux et internationaux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott.ssa Anna Luana Tallarita
Head of the organisation
Dott.ssa Anna Luana Tallarita , Artist Anthropologist
Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Jeu pour Euro-Med

GEM - Game for EuroMed (Jeu pour Euro-Med) était un projet de douze mois visant à promouvoir l'éducation à la citoyenneté interculturelle par le jeu. Le projet impliquait quatre organisations de quatre pays: CESIE d'Italie, ADICE de France, WASEELA un...