
Arts for All

National Network

An der Tonkuhle
26131 Oldenburg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Arts for All is a non-profit, artistic and social company.  The staff consists of  volunteer artists (teachers, master students, scientists, artists). The annual budget depends on the support of the governmental or non-governmental organizations and foundations in Germany. Sources of funding are: governmental or non-governmental organizations. The company is founded by well qualified Syrian Artists (PhD in Arts) who live in Germany. The Arts for All  leads activities such as concerts, workshops, research, exhibitions, theatre work, dancing, Multimedia, Music teaching, etc. The project Arts for All  cooperates with many partners and organizations whether governmental or non-governmental.  The main partners for the project  are governmental organizations (Universities, Theatres, exhibitions, refugee camps, camps of people with special needs, etc.) in Europe specially in Germany, and governmental organizations in the Arabic world.
Mission and Objectives

The main mission of Arts for All  is to make music available for all people, in all ages, different cultures, and for people with special needs including refuges, children, etc. The project is conducted by highly professional experts in the musical and the multimedia fields.
Arts for All organizes its activities by participating in developing artistic ideas and then putting them into reality. 
The objectives of the Project are the following:
1- To simplify the ways of teaching and performing arts (music, theatre, multimedia, painting, etc.) to make them available for all people (all ages, different cultures, for people with special needs including refuges, children, etc.)
2- To build  cultural bridges between different cultures by using arts, and exchanging experiences between orient and occident;  mainly between Arabic, Persian, Turkish,  African  and European cultures.
3- Bringing the arts of different cultures together by finding contact points or new comprehension concepts by doing special researches for the property of each culture and society.
4- To organize concerts, workshops, exhibitions, and  human resources  training.
5- To facilitate the understanding of contemporary arts;  and  to compose works for them.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects:
Arts for All organizes non-profit projects for music, theatre, dance and multimedia with other organization for people with handicapped people and also refugees.
in addition to that it organizes teaching training courses.
The present participations in projects are:
1- Arts projects with the refugees.
2- Music, Multimedia and theatre projects with people with special needs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rami Chahin
Head of the organisation
Rami Chahin

artscenico e.V.

National Network

Oesterholzstr. 122
44145 Dortmund

0049 (0) 231-8634113
+49 231 8634201
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 1786626552
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
artscenico e.V. is a non-profit foundation in the field of arts. The staff varies. There are two to four persons working permanently for the foundation (10- 40h /week) and a varying number of artistsand managers who work in the projects. The budget of artscenico also depends on the projects that are realized. The foundation till today has been funded by various organizations such as: the city of Dortmund, the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kunststiftung NRW, Fonds Darstellende Künste, European Cultural Foundation, Europäische Union, and others Every year we realize several projects (performances, exhibitions, the festival/symposium "off-limits"). Some of the projects are international projects or educational projects.
Mission and Objectives

artscenico e.V. is creating diverse cultural productions such as performances, exhibitions and multimedia and intercultural site-specific projects.
We aim to create artistic research that looks at the fringes of our society.
Whenever possible we are looking for international contacts and encounters.

Main Projects / Activities

As a company "without a real home" the artistic work focuses on special spaces and places. Site-specific productions have become the main field of interest for artscenico`s artistic realizations over the last years.
Abandoned industrial wasteland, former factory halls, public parks and other non-theatre places lay the foundations for new and unusual pieces of art derived from the different perspectives of many artists and realms of arts including the artistic work of dancers, actors, authors and singers as well as photographers, film-makers, authors, musicians and even scientists or athletes.
The last projects were “Sanctuary”, “Rituals”, “Heimat surreal/embedded in nature” with partners from Lithuania, Poland, Turkey, Malta.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rolf Dennemann
Head of the organisation
Rolf Dennemann
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Monika Priklbauer

Association for Intercultural Communication and Education for Blind People (Atrium e.V.)

National Network

Johanneshof 20a
35578 Wetzlar

0049 6441 20 49 347
Telephone (other)
0049 721 1328002
Mobile Phone
0049177 866 4473
Mobile Phone (other)
0049177 7423157
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The “Association for Intercultural Communication and Education for Blind People”, Atrium e.V., is a non-profit association with 11 members and one partner, the Adult Education Centre of Wetzlar. It was founded by Dr Ouertani who as a blind person had to struggle for his place in the Tunisian society. After spending the half of his life in Germany he has become acquainted with a democratic system which involves also disabled individuals. Against the background of these experiences he was decided to enable more people a self-determined life in his country of origin. Due to the fact, that in his opinion open-mindedness for other cultures is a precondition for civil society, the association offers beside education for blind also cross-cultural training, which encompasses workshops, educational journeys and youth exchanges. The association members are all volunteers. The only budgetary resources are an annual 30€ fee, the chair’s small funds and private donations.
Mission and Objectives

The association’s work is based on three pillars: education to blind people, political education and cross-cultural competencies. The first one’s mission is to help blind people to find their place in society, to help them to cope self-confidently with their duties and to give them prospects for a self-determined future and to integrate them into society. Moreover, political education is in the opinion of the chair Mr Ouertani, one of the most important pillars of a democratic society. Political education in combination with intercultural awareness lay the foundations for a-with regards to politics- open-minded civil society and offers the key for socio-economic progress. This should be achieved by debates on norms, ethics and world views and by training for intercultural interaction and communication in form of seminars, presentations, workshops and an exchange between Tunisia and Germany for young persons in particular to prevent future conflicts and establish a sound cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

Education for blind people means we practice exceptional methods for training, like games and other practical approaches in groups which help blind people to manage their everyday life including shopping, chores, personal hygiene and leisure activities like sport and music. Therefore we convey skills like orientation, scan strategies, money identification, meal preparation and body care. Moreover the association offers vocational training as office worker and courses in all operating systems, touch typing, internet research, software tools, phonographs, the Braille-display and in “Job access with speech” a programme which enables blind persons to listen to their incoming written messages or to read them in braille. In the area of political education we host public debates and seminars concerning multiculturalism, religion, philosophy and the current state of politics. These two areas should also be treated under the umbrella of a huge intercultural meeting place in Kairouan, Tunisia which is still under development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We offer expert knowledge of the Muslim culture and are able to build bridges between Europe and the Middle East, in particular between Tunisia and Germany. Our staff -coming from various professional contexts - speaks several languages, in the first place Arabic, French and German and shows intercultural awareness and a capability of adapting to multicultural environments and new frameworks. We are looking forward to share this expertise with our German network-colleagues. Due to our experience in teamwork our work evinces a successful mediation aptitude and a high interest in an interpersonal exchange. We hope to find partners for cooperation and interdisciplinary approaches to actual topics and are willing to work on common conferences and presentations. Beside this we hope to arouse interest on the situation of disabled persons and foster their integration in the euro-Mediterranean policy. For conferences and meetings abroad we provide a huge working space in Tunisia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our association wants to gain further insights into the proceedings of the European Union, especially in the Euromed region and the policy projects implemented there. Thus we see the ALF Network as a common denominator and as a meeting point, where we can contribute together with other organisations and their staff to overarching aims like enabling members of the civil society to participate in politics and thereby preventing and resolving conflict. The ALF offers us the possibility to communicate and to network with a community of like-minded people so that we can exchange our knowledge. Further the ALF provides the chance to learn from the experiences and difficulties of its (inter-)national member networks, so we can gather experiences on an (inter-)national level. Finally, being surrounded by fast-paced activities of politics and working at the core heart of Euro- Mediterranean politics and background debates would greatly benefit our professional future plans.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mustapha Ouertani
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mustapha Ouertani
Contact (2) Full Name
Katharina Sophia Burlafinger

ASSOCIATION MAROCAINE-ALLEMANDE DE LA CULTURE ET DE L'ÉDUCATION (Deutsch-Marokkanische Gesellschaft für Kultur und Bildung e.V.)

National Network

Postfach 73 02 52
60504 Frankfurt/Main

+49 (0) 69 - 67 700-829
+49 (0) 69 - 59771-911
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 (0) 157- 8037 3174
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
11 membres élus pour l‘administration exécutive 312 membres en générale 13 Partenariat avec des universités et avec des organisations politiques et sociales financement par projets et des dons Projets actuelles: 1. L'école marocco-allemande. 2. Centre d’études et de recherche 3. Bureau de consultation académique pour les étudiants marocains et arabe. 4. Services de Conseil Financier 5. Services de conseil social 6. Services de conseil juridique 7. Centre de services pour la Jeunesse Partenaires: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mission and Objectives

Die Deutsch-Marokkanische Gesellschaft für Bildung und Kultur e.V. (DMGKB) wurde am 9. Dezember 2006 als gemeinnütziger Verein in Frankfurt/Main gegründet. Anerkennung der Gemeinnützigkeit und Eintragung in das Vereinsregister erfolgten am 3. April 2007. Der Verein möchte zur Verbesserung der deutsch-marokkanischen Beziehungen beitragen. Er fördert u.a. den interkulturellen Dialog in der marokkanischen bzw. arabischen, sowie in der westlichen Welt. Hosseine Taytay Vorsitzender der "Deutsch-Marokkanische Gesellschaft für Kultur und Bildung e.V."

Main Projects / Activities

Die DMGKB beabsichtigt u.a. die Bildung von Forschungs- und Studienkreisen; die Kontaktpflege zwischen Personen, Institutionen, Hochschulen und Organisationen in Marokko und in Deutschland sowie die Förderung der Integration und Verbesserung der sozialen, kulturellen sowie wirtschaftlichen Situation und Stellung der in Deutschland lebenden Marokkaner; insbesondere die Situation für Kinder, Jugendliche und Frauen bei der Bildung und Berufsausbildung. Der Verein verfolgt vorrangig Zwecke im Bereich des kulturellen, akademischen und sozialen Dialogs (= Wohlfahrtspflege) zwischen Deutschland und Marokko. Die DMGKB ist derzeit insbesondere im Land Hessen und speziell in der Rhein-Main-Region aktiv; der Region, in welcher die meisten Mitbürger Marokkanischer Abstammung leben. Die Ausweitung unserer Aktivitäten auf das gesamte Bundesgebiet ist beabsichtigt. Der Verein freut sich über Ihre Bereitschaft zur Mitgliedschaft oder tatkräftigen Unterstützung.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. El Hosseine Taytay
Head of the organisation
Dr. El Hosseine Taytay


National Network

10179 Berlin

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Project based orchestra of 15 musicians Administrative and artistic team of 4 people Funded by the City of Berlin/Senate of Berlin/additional funding is secured by different music related organizations Music projects with orchestra members and guest musicians - focus on the MENA region Workshops given to children/teenagers in music composition, notation of different music styles Partners: Conservatory for Turkish Music Berlin (BTMK)

Mission and Objectives

Babylon ORCHESTRA, founded in 2016, is an urban Berlin fusion ensemble that combines European and Middle Eastern music with the sound of a big band and a contemporary orchestra. Our aim is to promote intercultural artistic cooperation and thus to give different musical traditions and cultures a place in a common, new and unique sound world of the present. To this end, the ensemble develops a repertoire that brings the traditional music of the Near and Middle East into dialogue with the musical cultures of Europe, and especially urban elements of the Berlin music scene. In this way, we bring people with their stories, traditions, instruments, rhythms and sounds into a creative inter action and believe that this contribution is also important for a deeper understanding of cultural values - more than that: that it can also create dialogues of tolerance and respectful interaction in the future. Because this is our second major concern: to find our own answer to a changing world with immense social challenges.

Main Projects / Activities

Babylon ORCHESTRA stands for a lively and contemporary exchange between cultures. Our artistic vision also matches our values: our project aims to be the best example of dialogue between cultures and to show that joint artistic creation forms a bridge that enables harmonious, respectful and peaceful intercultural exchange, in which all participants learn from each other and at the same time create unique artistic forms. Together with our cooperative partner, the Conservatory of Turkish Music in Berlin (BTMK), we organized the concert series "Between the Euphrates and Elbe. New songs between the rivers". Thanks to a generous grant from the Capital Cultural Fund we had the opportunity to invite a special selection of high-quality artists from around the world and to make the intercultural musical and literary exchange with them accessible to a broad audience of the Berlin music scene. This special collaboration has resulted in a musical repertoire that also shaped our debut album, which was released in mid-2020. Featuring on the album, among others, are the Kurdish- Persian singer Hani Mojtahedy, the Syrian singer Rebal Alkhodari and exceptional soloists such as Osama Abdulrasol (Qanoon), Alaa Zouiten (Oud) as well as Layale Chaker and Maias Alyamani (both violin). In June 2019 the starting shot was fired for our current series "Babylon ORCHESTRA unVEILed" in which we will play seven concerts at both established and alternative venues in Berlin until the end of 2020, thanks to the support of an open-species funding program of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. The main focus will be on cross- genre collaboration with international visual and acoustic artists, during the course of which the orchestra's ensemble will now also test alternative stage concepts in various locations of the Berlin cultural scene with composer performers, visual artists and other multimedia artists. In the past we have performed in such renowned Berlin venues as the Komische Oper, HAU (Hebbel am Ufer), Deutsche Oper, Volksbühne and Heimathafen. Together with the Grand Brothers, we performed at the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn as well as at the Festival Mozaique and De Doelen in Rotterdam.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could make the network more known via our different networks and cooperation partners and we could offer to start projects in Germany/Berlin which could travel abroad to make the common goals more present and stronger allover. We believe in exchange and connections, discussions and conflict solving.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would love to connect to like-minded people and organizations also of other domains to build a stronger awareness for the marginalized communities to make sure we do everything in our power to make this world a little better. The more we are the better we are heard. We find it important to connect with organizations from different countries and exchange our experiences and create new ones together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sofia Surgutschowa
Job Title
Orchestra manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mischa Tangian
Job Title (2)
artistic director

BAPOB - Berliner Arbeitskreis für politische Bildung e.V.

National Network

Greifswalder Str. 4, Briefkasten 50,
10405 Berlin

+49 30 392 92 62
+49 30 398 492 11
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Nous sommes depuis 1980 une association d'éducation à la citoyenneté ("politische Bildung"), reconnue d'utilité publique, indépendante et autogérée. Avec nos partenaires locaux et internationaux, nous élaborons et organisons des projets internationaux et locaux de jeunes ainsi que des formations pour multiplicateurs. Ces projets sont notamment soutenus par l'Office Franco-Allemand pour la Jeunesse (OFAJ), l'Office Germano-Polonais pour la Jeunesse (DPJW) et le programme européen Jeunesse en Action.
Mission and Objectives

Nous voulons (dé)montrer le lien entre structures sociales et réalités de vie personelles, rendre visible et mettre en question la propre position, favoriser le dialogue ainsi que encourager et promouvoir la participation à la vie sociale et politique. Des thèmes actuels de ces rencontres sont entre autres: droits de l´Homme, migration, apprentissage interculturel, participation, discrimination et genre. Un pilier de nos action est le travail avec les jeunes dits "défavoriséEs".

Main Projects / Activities

Nous organisons des rencontres de jeunes et des formations pour les personnes travaillant dans le domaine socio-éducatif, avec des pays européens et extra-européens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirco Heller
Head of the organisation


National Network

Treffauerstrasse 18
81373 Munich

0049 89 30779202
Telephone (other)
00447837 551090
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
+49 (0) 179 5079562
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Baraza is a registered association which maintains and develops an active international network of renowned academics, leaders and specialists involved in transcultural or interfaith institutions. The founding members, advisors and associates of Baraza come from different countries and many walks of life. They work in various fields, are of diverse nationalities, ethnic groups and religious or belief traditions. The Baraza Executive is currently a team of 5 people. Baraza is a membership association where primary accountability is through our Annual General Meeting. We run events, programmes, webinars and conferences. Our flagship projects include UNITY – a life skills programme for young people, the Tolerance, Understanding & Coexistence exhibition, resources for children e.g. world religions colouring book and we contribute to consultations/ events.


Mission and Objectives

“Baraza“ is a Swahili word meaning “council“ or “meeting place.“ It is simply a place where people get together, share news, ideas and try together to solve common problems. Baraza believes in ideals of acceptance, understanding and coexistence. Supported by our network of knowledgeable experts, we invest in education, create real-world encounters and build thriving partnerships. We are a non-profit organisation established to promote an international mindset based on tolerance in areas of culture, religion and understanding among nations. The founding members come from various countries and walks of life, with many years of involvement in the field.

Main Projects / Activities

Tolerance Understanding & Coexistence - We have run a global exhibition for the Sultanate of Oman which has toured 40 countries across the planet Resources for children - We have produced 5 different versions of a Colouring Book for Kids to promote interfaith which has been translated into 14 languages Conferences - We have organised webinars/ conferences on topical subjects e.g. the importance of education for cohesion Events - We have presented our work and ideas at UNESCO and global regional fora Global Gallery of Generosity - Our newest project is to collect and showcase acts of human kindness by people of one background, culture or faith for people of another background, culture or faith UNITY - A leadership, confidence building, resiliency and critical thinking programme which invests in the talents and abilities of young people

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the sharing of information and opportunities, work with partners to develop bids for work, include the network in our existing activities and offer our expertise. We are based in Germany so have a footprint here including links to other NGOs, governmental bodies and schools. We have a strong presence in the UK where our Secretary General resides. Our global network of Advisors and supporters live in many other countries and this allows us to stretch our reach further e.g. Belgium, Brazil, France, Italy, Jordan, Oman and USA.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are an international organisation. We are ambitious and are guided by our mission to do good and to bring good to everything we do. Since 2017 we have established partnerships e.g. we are members of United Religions Initiative Europe and have made a positive and tangible impact through our work. The ALF Network will allow us to expand, develop and learn from partners. This will be of mutual benefit. Our Executive and Advisor teams are immersed in transnational and cultural cooperation. They bring vast experience and abilities to deliver. Many of them have received high recognition for their efforts. We wish to share that for the benefit of societies across the globe and for us in turn to gain from being part of a wider network of likeminded organisations.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Riaz Ravat
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Georg Popp
Contact (2) Full Name
Georg Popp
Job Title (2)

Baraza e.V.'s participation in the "Deepening Dialogue" in Muscat, Oman


A strong call for deepening dialogue with action was made following an important global conference to coincide with the United Nation’s International Day for Tolerance on 16th November 2022.

The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs (MARA) in the Sultanate of Oman in cooperation with the member of the German network, Baraza, committed themselves to advancing their partnership for peace. The events which were titled “Deepening Dialogue”, ran from 14th - 16th November 2022 in Muscat, Oman.

The context of the symposium was Oman’s flagship exhibition ‘Tolerance, Understanding, Coexistence - Oman’s Message of Islam’ which toured the world for a decade from April 2010. The discussions which took place this time involved the construction of ideas and schemes to advance to the next stage in an increasingly polarised world. Through its network, Baraza gathered 15 global experts who generated a series of educational, cultural and community project proposals to consider.

The Minister of MARA – His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Al Mamari who opened the meeting, declared his support for work to advance to the next level.

Georg Popp, President of Baraza said, “The conference provided us with a set of creative and realistic concepts to advance peace in Oman and beyond 2023. Baraza’s partnership with MARA is long-standing and the conference was further proof that we are mutually ready to progress our relationship.


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