
CANDID Foundation

National Network

Chausseestraße 11
10115 Berlin

+49 (030) 39835 188 0
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0049 (0) 171 5578121
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The non-profit (gGmbH) CANDID Foundation consists of 12 permanent members based in our offices in Berlin and Paris. In addition, CANDID works in close cooperation with local partners in the MENA region that contribute to our network. In 2016, the CANDID foundation had a financial turnover of approximately €650,000. The Foundation has no permanent institutional funding, therefore concrete statements of the annual budget cannot be made. CANDID obtains its funds from donations, project promotion and third-party funds. Longstanding partners are for instance the BMW Foundation, the Siemens Foundation, the German Office of Foreign Affairs and the Mercator Foundation. In close cooperation with these partners, CANDID established the zenith Photo Award, which just recently celebrated its fourth anniversary. This year’s topic was ‘Islam in Europe’. In addition, CANDID is currently working on several projects in Germany and the MENA region, seeking to find solutions and concepts for common challenges in development.

Mission and Objectives

The CANDID Foundation is an independent non-profit institution based in Berlin, Germany. The Foundation’s activities encompass research and analysis focusing on the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Mediterranean. CANDID implements projects that foster intercultural understanding and creative approaches in international development. The CANDID Foundation is both a privately chartered think-tank and a flexible, rapid-response group in the field. It draws on a global, interdisciplinary network of regional experts, comprising political analysts, economists, journalists, media, lawyers and development practitioners. A substantial part of this network originated in the pool of contributors and partners of zenith, Germany’s leading media brand on the Middle East, North Africa and the Muslim world. Though we represent different crafts and different schools of thought, we all share the conviction that the worlds around the Mediterranean and beyond are moving closer every day. Yet challenges prevail. Candid is engaged in a permanent effort to counter polarization and extremism. To further strengthen ties to the MENA region and around the Mediterranean , but also to reach out to new partners and exchange ideas of communication and cooperation, the CANDID Foundation seeks to become a member of the ALF Network.

Main Projects / Activities

In the years since its establishment in 2014, the CANDID Foundation has been active in many fields, with projects boosting social entrepreneurship, civil society and social innovators throughout the Mediterranean, especially the MENA region. In 2015, the CANDID Foundation assumed editorial responsibility for zenith Magazine in 2015, and implements projects that foster intercultural understanding. In the same year, CANDID initiated zenithTalk, to moderate a cross-sectoral, national debate about economic governance, social justice and innovation in the greater Middle East. To achieve this goal, zenithTalk works in close cooperation with the BMW Foundation and brings together outstanding creative talents from the Middle East and Europe to join forces in finding solutions and concepts for common challenges in development. It does not matter whether they have a background in entrepreneurship, civil activism or law – as long as they represent a creative new approach to current issues in social and economic development, we think their story is worth sharing. There is also a special focus on finding young leaders or those who soon might be. Furthermore, CANDID organises the annual zenith Photo Award. The first three editions were held in German and aimed to show the perspectives of Muslims in Germany on their communities, as well as the views of non-Muslims on their Muslim neighbours. Major German and international media covered the competition and featured the winning photographers. The fourth edition of the competition widened the scope, encouraging participants to take part in the debate on Islam in Europe through their entries. As a result, more than 50 professional and amateur photographers contributed to the project and handed in their photography series. In addition, the CANDID Foundation is currently working in cooperation with the German Office for Foreign Affairs to find new measures of communication and idea exchange in Tunisia. Therefore, CANDID has created a new debating tool, zenithDebate. This innovative tool gives an opportunity for everyone to access the conversation at eye level; users can contribute their own arguments and vote on others. The debate is a unique project where arguments can be contributed and rated by other users. New contributions appear instantly, and site visitors can track the top responses and see the debate unfold in real time. The initiative is currently being tested in Tunisia, but may well be used in other countries afterwards.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Candid Foundation and its media can help connect all concerned actors in Europe serve as platform to create more visibility for them and their projects not only in Germany but across Europe and the Mediterranean Generaly CANDID aims to reconnect peoples to come to a better intercultural understanding. Therefore, we believer that CANDID can be of great value for the German – but also international – ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network would be to the great advantage of both the CANDID Foundation and ALF. By joining the ALF Network, we aim to achieve an even deeper cooperation with initiatives in our main area of interest, the Mediterranean. Becoming a member of the ALF network would also give us a unique opportunity to gain new insights into projects and developments in the region. We in turn as already mentioned could offer the network not only unique media outlet, but also assist with concrete project and help to further connect different initiatives and actors.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jörg Schäffer
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jörg Schäffer
Contact (2) Full Name
Asiem El Difraoui
Job Title (2)

Capacity Building Workshop for Upcycling Artists and Designers


In cooperation with our network member Comparative Research Network, the European Circular Museum is delighted to organize a Capacity Building Workshop for Upcycling Artists and Designers in Berlin on 22nd February 2024.

Our workshop will take place at the “Haus der Materialisierung”, a Berlin-based center dedicated to sustainable resource utilization with a focus on climate-friendly practices.

Here, the public can enthusiastically explore a diversity of workshops and facilities, including woodworking textiles, electronics and bicycle repairs, as well as contribute to promoting material reuse and upcycling !

If you are passionate about making art more sustainable and are eager to connect with other engaged upcycling artists, this workshop in Berlin at the Haus der Materialisierung is tailored for you !

Check the Haus der Materialisierung’s website:



Caroline y. Robertson-Von Trotha

Director of the ZAK Centre for Cultural and General Studies at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany, and professor of sociology and cultural studies. Robertson-Von Trotha is coordinator of the German network of the Anna Lindh Foundation, member...


Caroline y.Robertson-Von Trotha

Directrice du Centre ZAK pour les études culturelles et générales de l'Institut de technologie de Karlsruhe (KIT) en Allemagne, et professeure de sociologie et d'études culturelles. Caroline Robertson-Von Trotha est coordinatrice du réseau allemand de la Fondation Anna Lindh, membre...

Celebrating Our Diversity Forum: German network as a partner

Screenshot Participants Forum Celebrating Our Diversity

For the third year, the Swedish network organised Celebrating Our Diversity forum on 24-25 November 2020 (via Zoom). The Forum brought together more than 60 members and alumni of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the 42 Euro-Med countries. The German network as well as the Finnish and the Lebanese networks were partners in this initiative of the Swedish network. 13 members of the German network participated actively in the inspiring online event that was facilitated by Maria Scordialos and Rasha Shaaban.

The programme included a world cafe round and reflections on "what did I learn about myself and my work during the pandemic?". We shared opportunities and challenges of our intercultural dialogue working during the pandemic times, and we concluded with sharing our dreams for the Euro-Med region in 2045 (Barcelona+50). Participants exchanged good practices on how to build inclusive, sustainable and intercultural cities especially in post pandemic societies. Dimitrios Cavouras from the Anna Lindh Foundation gave a presentation on the ALF networks work. 

The next edition of the forum is scheduled to take place in Germany in 2021.

Center for Applied Policy Research – University of Munich (Zentrum für angewandte Politikforschung (C•A•P) Universität München)

National Network

Maria-Theresia-Str. 21

Telephone (other)
+ 49-89-2180-1300
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Michael Bauer
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Weidenfeld
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Edmund Ratka

Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW) - University of Mainz

National Network

University of Mainz

+49 6131 3922701
+49 6131 3924736
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Research Centre on the social, political and economic development in the Arab world; 15 scholars 150,000 Euro Public funding, fees of associated members Various research projects; global information centre on Middle Eastern Studies; organisation of at least three conferences per year on Middle Eastern Studies The head quarters of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES), International Association for Middle Eastern Studies (IAMES) and the International Council of the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) are based at CERAW.
Mission and Objectives

CERAW coordinates a global network on Middle Eastern studies, forwards the latest information on Middle Eastern studies to some 3000 scholars via email-lists on a weekly basis, and carries out research on current development in the Middle East in the field of social sciences and humanity .

Main Projects / Activities

CERAW coordinates a global network on Middle Eastern studies, forwards the latest information on Middle Eastern studies to some 3000 scholars via email-lists on a weekly basis, and carries out research on current development in the Middle East in the field of social sciences and humanity

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Guenter Meyer
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Guenter Meyer

Centre of Mediterranean Studies

National Network

Ruhr Universität Bochum, Zentrum für Mittelmeerstudien, Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

0234 32-201
0234 32-14201
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Supported by the Federal Ministry for Research and Education the Centre for Mediterrranean Studies has created a platform from which to coordinate the activities of all Mediterranean scholars at the Ruhr University in Bochum and to connect them with national and international Mediterranean studies. The focus of research is on the humanities, cultural and social sciences, including geographical, natural and political sciences. The research centre looks at the Mediterranean and the dynamics of the region in a new way; it has thus an important contribution to make to the establishment of Mediterranean Studies in Germany and indeed to the advancement of Area Studies in general. The Centre for Mediterrranean Studies has 15 employee and 48 members
Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Mediterrranean is the first academic institution in Germany which is dedicated to the cross-epochal study of social science and the humanities in this multi-layered contact zone between Africa, Asia and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences and workshops Lecture series Regular symposia (Mediterranean forum) an on-line databank of people involved in Mediterranean Studies in the German-speaking world a calendar of international Mediterranean Studies events university courses and promotion of young researchers/scholars

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Markus Koller
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Markus Koller, Jun.Prof. Dr. Verena Krebs, Prof. Dr. Thomas Feldhoff, Prof. Dr. Cornelia Jöchner, Dr. Kristin Platt
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Andreas Eckl

Cinema Jenin e.V

National Network

Eugenstr. 29
72072 Tuebingen

0049 7071 368163
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
In the light of the principle “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948); Cinema Jenin promotes, at alocal and international level, the values of the aforementioned declaration, and of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. While duly reckoning the importance of traditions and cultural values of each population, for the protection and the harmonic development of human dignity, Reckoning the significance of international cooperation for the improvement of every human being’s living conditions, particularly in the developing countries.
Mission and Objectives

Cinema Jenin is a non-profit organization consisting of filmmakers, cultural advocates and investors dedicated to globally promote cinema culture in such a way that sustainable development and cultural understanding along with free and fair education are encouraged. We are currently engaged in supporting an old cinema located in Jenin, a Palestinian town in Israel's occupied territories.

Main Projects / Activities

The “Cinema Jenin” association is set to: a. To make aware the local community of the reality of social and economical destitutionaffecting the Palestinian Territories, with particular regard to the city of Jenin, its refugeecamp, and the surrounding territories. The association gathers economic resources, means and skills, to be used towards the tonalities of theassociation itself, and that are employed to create and maintain its projects. b. To promote, create and sustain, in collaboration with other associations, initiatives and projects on the provincial territory that are set to the affirmation of the values of peace, tolerance, and cultural integration. c. To relate cultural operators, public institutions, companies and investors, sharing aninterest in “social enterpreunership” in the territory of Jenin and its refugee camp, with the finality of setting up cultural and ludic activities, promoting recreation and development among the local youth. d. To encourage the development of the local economy by enhancing techincal and professional skills. e. To encourage the development of children through the values of sport, focusing on moments of learning and play. f. To sustain cultural activities taking place in the recently rebuilt Cinema Jenin (Azzaytoona Street 1, Mugamma'a Basat Tinin, Jenin), promoting inter-cultural exchange and an humanitarian education. The association is based on core values such as ecology, democracy, equality of opportunities and rights, liberty, and human dignity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marcus Vetter
Head of the organisation
Marcus Vetter
Circular Skills Almost There_SE

Circular Skills training modules

The Circular Skills project seeks to improve the vocational training of so-called circle life skills. Critical design thinking is a key approach to facing such a challenge, which is based on co-creation processes that bring learners to design and implement...