
Be+ train the trainers manual

Be+ Training course on capacity building

The objective of the BE+ “train the trainer manual” is to support those who lead the capacity building process inside the school around international questions. The manual is designed to enhance the capability of their colleagues to plan and implement...

Belarmino & Partners

National Network

Schoenhauser Allee 43A

+491772375295 (Germany)
Telephone (other)
+6591847958 (Singapore)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Belarmino&Partners  collaborates  with  various  institutions,  artists  and  professionals on project basis. The company develops its own projects and raises  funding through income earned in project management consultancy, private and  public grants as well as contributions from individuals. It is run by its Founder and  Managing Director, Vanini Belarmino and works directly with Susa Pop/Public Art  Lab and Truong Ngu/Brunnenstrasse Productions.    There  is  only  one  full‐time eassistant.  When  project funding is available, it works with at least 6-8 people. As it is a very young organisation, it is currently supported by work done by its Managing Director in performing arts research, reports, writing of grants various arts companies totalling to 18,000 Euro.  For details on the projects and partners, please visit
Mission and Objectives

Belarmino&Partners was set‐up with a vision of creating innovative framework for artistic 
exchanges that can change perspectives. 
The company commits itself to the development of process-oriented and interdisciplinary initiatives by working in different parts of the world.
Belarmino&Partners aims to contribute to the continued development of the arts professional projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Working as curators and producers developing interdisciplinary and multi-cultural art projects;
Promoting exchanges and developing artistic processes involving artists from
Asia and Europe;
Professional Artist Management and International Promotion of Matanicola, a Berlin-based company founded by Israeli and Italian choreographers/performers, Matan Zamir and Nicola Mascia;
Independent curatorial consultant for RADIALSYSTEM V, a new space for the arts, Berlin, Germany;
Initiator and Curator ZENSORS, supported by the Japan Foundation, originally presented through the platform of Public Art Lab;
Project Management Consultancy for Walkscreen and Akademie der Kuenste’s Challenging Walls preparatory meeting for the 20th year of the fall of the Berlin Wall, 2009, June 2008, Berlin, Germany
Conference Management and International Press Support for Media Facades Festival Berlin, July-October 2008

Contact (1) Full Name
Vanini Belarmino
Contact (2) Full Name
Truong Ngu

Bertelsmann Stiftung

National Network

Werderscher Markt 6
10117 Berlin

+49 30 275788-125
+49 5241 81-81999
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Private operating foundation; independent, non-partisan organization. As of December 31, 2005, the Bertelsmann Stiftung had a staff of 319 employees. In the 2005 fiscal year, the Bertelsmann Stiftung had total income of approximately €132 million. The Bertelsmann Stiftung finances its project work primarily through income from its holdings in Bertelsmann AG. For further information see below.

Mission and Objectives

The Bertelsmann Stiftung is independent and non-partisan. We design and implement our own projects. As a private operating foundation, our primary goal is to make a meaningful and enduring contribution to society. The Bertelsmann Stiftung encourages social change and strives to contribute to a sustainable society. Working with a wide range of partners, the foundation identifies social problems and challenges at an early stage and then develops exemplary solutions in response. We view ourselves as an initiator and driver of necessary reforms. Our work is guided by our founder Reinhard Mohn’s firm belief that the principles which serve as a foundation for entrepreneurial action can also play a key role when it comes to creating a sustainable society.

Main Projects / Activities

Bertelsmann Stiftung is currently running more than 60 projects. We concentrate in areas where we have established compelling competence through years of experience: higher-quality education, an equitable and efficient economic system, preventative healthcare, a vibrant civil society and greater international understanding. The annual Carl Bertelsmann Prize honours innovative ideas and exemplary responses to pressing social issues. In International Relations Bertelsmann Stiftung publishes the Bertelsmann Transformation Index and hosts among other projects the German-Israeli Dialogue, the Kronberg talks as part of the Europe and the Middle East project and the series of International Carl Bertelsmann Forums. In the field of cultural dialogue Bertelsmann Stiftung is engaged in the Trilogue Salzburg and runs a series of International Cultural Forums. For further details please refer to the website.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christian Hanelt
Job Title
Senior Expert Europe, Neighbourhood and the Middle East Programm Europas Zukunft
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Werner J. Bauer

Between the East and the West

National Network

Schillstraße 11b
22045 Hamburg

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

I am reaching out to partner with your organization in view of our shared values and audience. The podcast series "Between the East and the West" was started in view of the need for one platform of open dialogue in view of fluidity of borders , rapid digitalization and increasing awareness of diversity. However cultural intelligence, global citizenship, etc. are topics which are in exploratory phase by many in the world. In my view, there can be no peace without awareness and understanding of cultures (of nations, communities and individuals). Till now the series has been funded privately by me and I am now reaching out to explore modes of funding to continue this global dialogue with guests whom we judiciously select from different parts of the globe.

Mission and Objectives

As mentioned above, this is a global podcast series which showcases the journeys of people who have straddled continents in their work and relationships. Who have taken the road less travelled and gathered enough moss to share some. Storytelling is a powerful and inspiring medium. The podcast brings true stories from people themselves who are global leaders in their fields or Ambassadors or have chartered their own unique paths and know themselves as human beings beyond labels and roles. While showing oneness in the world, the series brings out the mosaic of diversity and its interconnectedness.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Podcast series - 2. Other projects-

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Increase the depth and coverage of global cultural dialogue on the topics mentioned above.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see synergy in the topics covered as well as the possibility of funding to keep the dialogue rolling.

Contact (1) Full Name
Meenu Gupta
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Meenu Gupta


National Network

Malmöerstr 25
10439 Berlin

0178 2854786
Mobile Phone
0178 2854786
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
bi’bak* („Have a Look!“ in Turkish) bi’bak is a non-profit association for contemporary art and community-based projects and runs an independent project space in Berlin-Wedding. bi’bak’s program intersects the diverse disciplines of art, science and community development, and includes exhibitions, film screenings, workshops as well as leisurely music events and entertaining culinary excursions. bi’bak is very much interested in the development of innovative and locally grounded concepts of communicating and imparting, which equal participation and the exchange of ideas, knowledge and creativity. Our sources of funding are mainly from the public field als the Berliner Porjektfonds Kultuelle Bildung, Goethe Institut, Fonds Soziokultur, QM Soldiner Kiez etc. but we have also suppurt from Aktion Mensch or other foundations. Our budjet is always projectbound and summs up to around 30.000.- EUR We work with diffrent local bat also interantional projectpartners. For more details about our projects please vitsit our website
Mission and Objectives

bi’bak engages itself in a variety of sociopolitical issues like migration, discourses on mobility, constructions of identities, consumerism, labor and cultural memories. A special focus is laid thereby on the aesthetic dimension. Interdisciplinary projects shall offer alternative perspectives and initiate new discourses in current debates that more than often seem to be repetitive and gridlocked. The critical intercourse with media, globalization and neoliberalism means a key aspect of this engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

bi’bak’s program intersects the diverse disciplines of art, science and community development, and includes exhibitions, film screenings, workshops as well as leisurely music events and entertaining culinary excursions.
bi’bak is very much interested in the development of innovative and locally grounded concepts of communicating and imparting, which equal participation and the exchange of ideas, knowledge and creativity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

bi’bak aims at transnational collaborations with cultural actors, project spaces and initiatives. Starting from interdisciplinary collaborations between Berlin and Istanbul we want to tie an international network in order to exchange, ideas, experiences and know-how. We believe in a decentralised and rhizomatic connection between art, design, sciences, participation, urban/ public space and local activism.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have several projects which intersect with the the values of the Foundation. We aim to devellop intercultural dialogue across Europe and mainly with turkey to realize our mainly interdisciplinary projects. Our projects in the fields of education for intercultural citizenship and  our intercultural artistic co-productions with our turkish partner organisations would coresspond very well with the aims of ALF networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Malve Lippmann
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Malve Lippmann, Can Sungu
Contact (2) Full Name
Can Sungu
Job Title (2)

Bibliothek & Information Deutschland (BID)

National Network

Fritschestraße 27-28
10585 Berlin

(0 30) 6 44 98 99-20
(0 30) 6 44 98 99-27
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The Federal Union of German Library and Information Associations (BID) is the umbrella organization of library and related institutions and personnel federations The main goals of BID are to promote the development of and co-operation among libraries and related organizations and to speak for libraries in bodies of politics, economy and culture - in Germany as well as on the international level. The advancement of librarianship - providing information and knowledge as a warranty of democratic literacy - is accomplished by the purposes laid down in the statutes of BID. BID is only working on voluntary basis. The budget consists of member fees (about 50.000 €) and some project means for international activities. Study trips and working stay for German librarians in other countries, study trips for foreign librarians to Germany, every 3 years a Congress on Library and Information, seminars and publications.

Mission and Objectives

The advancement of librarianship - providing information and knowledge as a warranty of democratic literacy - is accomplished by the purposes laid down in the statutes of the BID, i.e. by - supporting libraries, their users and their staff, by e.g. encouraging international contacts, continuing education and the exchange of experiences, - advocating the common interests of libraries, their users and the librarian associations in Germany, - organizing conferences, lectures and vocational training courses, - coordinating public relations in librarianship and transmitting arguments and issues to the political decision makers, - planning, coordinating and clustering common activities, - drafting experts' reports to developments in librarianship, - promoting the contacts to European and international federations in the field of library and information.

Main Projects / Activities

Bibliothek 2007 - Library Development in Germany Which achievement potential do libraries have for the knowledge society in Germany? How can all libraries contribute to an optimized infrastructure for education and culture in the future? With their joint project "Bibliothek 2007", the Federal Union of German Library and Information Associations (BID) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung initiated a public, professional and political discussion about future concepts for and improvements in German librarianship. [] International Co-operation: A salient aspect of the work of the BID is the international co-operation and transfer of know-how in librarianship and information science. The responsible organization for this task is Bibliothek & Information International, based in Hamburg. Conferences: IFLA 2003: The BID was the organizer of the World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA Conference: "Access Point Library: Media - Information - Culture

Contact (1) Full Name
Jacqueline Banford
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Jacqueline Banford
Contact (2) Full Name
Hella Klauser

Bildungsstätte Anne Frank e.V.

National Network

Hansaallee 150
Frankfurt am Main

+49-69 56000234
+49-69 56000250
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49-175 5725561
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Anne Frank Jugendbegegnungsstätte (educational Center)is non profit organisation with 227 members and 8 staff members. Our yearly budget was in 2011 486,662 Euro. Our major sponsors are city of Frankfurt, Anne Frank Fond (Basel) and donation. We offer seminars and workshops for teenagers and educators. Main Partners: Fritz-Bauer Institut (Frankfurt), Anne Frank Center (Berlin) and Anne Frank Hause (Amsterdam).
Mission and Objectives

The Anne Frank Jugendbegegnungsstätte (educational Center) is a place where both young people and adults can learn about the history of National Socialism and discuss its relevance to today. In our work we draws on the power of Anne Frank’s life and diary to challenge prejudice and reduce hatred, encouraging people to embrace positive attitudes, responsibility and respect for others. Our focal point of our work is human rights education and the dialogue between people from different backgrounds, social status and lifestyles. The educational Center fulfills its mission through multimedia exhibition “Anne Frank: A girl from Germany” and through the development of educational projects and materials and through operating in communities, schools and youth organizations. We offer seminars, training courses and international programs on these topics.

Main Projects / Activities

Last year we started the project “Human Rights and Alternative Education- a teacher network” with Masar Institute of Education. The project aims at fostering a bilateral exchange of concepts, methods and gained experience between third sector educational organizations. In addition, it aims at facilitating cross-cultural learning, sharing of practices and joint inquiry into the creation and improvement of educational environments which respect and implement human rights by creating a network of teachers in alternative schools in Israel and Germany. Another project is our Exhibition about human rights in Iran: "Omid is my name - and it means hope". This exhibition will be presented in our center until October 2012.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since Frankfurt is an international city we have significant experience with heterogeneous groups from many cultural and religious backgrounds. In addition we developed methods based on “peer education” for working on historical issues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to be part of an international network, to intensify or international contacts in and outside Europe and cooperate with other organizations in the field of human rights and democracy education

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Meron Mendel
Head of the organisation
Dr. Meron Mendel
Contact (2) Full Name
Deborah Krieg

Bildungsstätte Einschlingen

National Network

Schlingenstr. 65
33649 Bielefeld

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are an institution of adult education organizing seminars for apprentices (future educators and caregivers) and individuals (in the domains music, health, creativity). Our focus lays on education for sustainable development, which is a theme of our seminars and a cross-sectional-task for our organization. We own a congress house where most of our seminars take place. Our work and our congress house is certified by the land North-Rhine-Westphalia also with the focus on sustainable development. We have a team of 19 employees and many free-lancers. Our budget is about 1.000.000 Euros, about half of it is funded by the land North-Rhine Westphalia (law of adult education). We are part of several EU-projects in the fields of inclusion and sustainable development. Our main partners are schools, vocational colleges and social organizations.

Mission and Objectives

We initiate and accompany transformative educational processes, aiming the emancipation of people through collective learning processes. The unfolding of the own personality and the development of social skills are central issues in our seminars. We see the strengthening of inidividual self worth as the basis for socio-political changes including more soidarity, tolerance and social justice.

Main Projects / Activities

Or main activities are seminars lasting several days in the fields: education for sustainable development, trainings in pedagogical fields and health-care (working with refugees and youngsters with traumatic experiences, sexual education and prevention of sexual violence, working with children with defiant behaviour, working with persons with disabilities, communication trainings i.e. communication with dying persons and their relatives), outdoor-trainings for strengthening individual and social skills.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our insights in the field of education for sustainable development, including the Whole Institution Approach and know-how in planning seminars in social, pedagogical and creative fields including strenghtening of individual and social skills. We have an own congress house with 27 rooms for up to 56 persons, so we can host seminars with accomodation and catering.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to extend our activity in the field of education for sustainable developmement and work on the SDGs 16 (peace, justice and strong instittions) and 17 (partnerships to achieve the goals). We think the intercultural encounters of people working on issues of sustainablity is very important in order to find common answers for human-caused climate change and global challenges. Working together offers a multiperspective approach and increases tolerance and understanding, which are the basis for freedom.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Adina Stinghe
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Adina Stinghe
Contact (2) Full Name
Ecevit Avci
Job Title (2)

boat people projekt

National Network

Dürrstraße 1
37083 Göttingen

+49 551 7909774
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+49 176 22732901
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The boat people projekt is an award winning theatre company. Since its foundation in 2009 we have written and directed many plays with actors and refugees from African countries as well as from Afghanistan, Syria, Irak, and the Balkan Region. Foundations which support our projectsinclude the Development of Arts and Culture Niedersachsen, Stiftung Niedersachsen, Hanns-Lilje-Stiftung, Landschaftsverband Südniedersachsen, the City of Göttingen, etc. To devise and put on a play we need between 25,000 and 50,000 euros. The boat people projekt is a GBr lead by two women, working with professional artists, refugees and migrants. Our main cooperation partners are the Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, Goethe Institut Göttingen, the Literarisches Zentrum in Göttingen and the Stadt Göttingen. We create theatre productions, we run workshops, and we work together with schools (e.g. with the programm Literatur macht Schule) and academies. We perform plays at unusual locations.

Mission and Objectives

We're concerned about the situation at the European borders. Our production team work with the themes of flight and asylumn, developing productions about and with refugees. We network with musicians, video-artists, with actors and refugees who live in our region and in other European and African countries. We want to make the invisibles visible. Our group is a little community with members coming from Sudan, Ethopia, Eritrea, Kongo, Afganistan, Armenia, Switzerland and Germany. We're connected with a theatre group in Pietermaritzburg / SouthAfrica. We develop plays and performances with people of different cultures and religions. We try to learn about how to accept each other and risk a look beneath the surface. We're ambitious theatre writers and producers who work at the border of arts and politics.

Main Projects / Activities

Lampedusa, realised 2009 in Göttingen. Keinsternhotel, realised 2010. Next representations in Braunschweig, 5. and 6. march 2011. Tariqs Auftrag, realised 2010. Mobile production for schools. Representations every mnonth, 2011. bread and roses, realised 2011. All Inclusive, Premiere June 2011. Mikili, Premiere Octobre 2011. MAHALA DREAMS (2014) – Production with Roma about the situation for Roma people in Europe STEH DEINEN MANN (2014) – Theatre production for young people about homosexuality in football, invited to perform in 2015 at AUGENBLICK MAL Festival and RUHRGAMES Festival and Szene Bunte Wähne in Austria SCHATTENBOXER (2015) – Dance Theatre with Xolani Mdluli (Durban) and Skhumbuzo Dlamini (Umphiti Theatre Project Pietermaritzburg) about Apartheid System in South Africa DAS SCHLOSS (2015) – Theatre with young refugees about the question how Germany looks like for beginners

Contact (1) Full Name
Nina de la Chevallerie
Head of the organisation
Nina de la Chevallerie
Contact (2) Full Name
Luise Rist

Book presentation: Ein Ring aus Feuer by Christian Hanelt

Christian Hanelt Buch

Christian Hanelt, Middle East and North Africa expert at the Bertelsmann Stiftung, member of the German network, published the book "A Ring of Fire" on the history of relations between the Middle East and Europe and on future strategies and chances for the relationship in March 2023.

The momentous military intervention in Iraq 20 years ago set in motion a chain of political upheavals in the Arab world - and shattered Europe. Since then, the EU states have been searching in vain for a strategy to deal with the "ring of fire": the permanent crises in the European neighborhood. Middle East expert and foreign policy advisor Christian-Peter Hanelt takes stock. He reports from the engine rooms of diplomacy on dramatic decisions and missed opportunities, but also looks at new chances.