
borderline-europe Human Rights without Borders e.V.

National Network

Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin

+49 30 23880311
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+49 176 42027655
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Borderline-Europe is a non-profit organization with offices in Berlin and Palermo. In Berlin 3 employees working with the support of 2-3 interns and 20 and 25 volunteers. We are closely connected with other Human Rights Organisations focussing on asylum and migration. We are funded by private donations, applications to Foundations, and to the Europe for Citizens Program. Workshops and panel discussions are often supported by the Heinrich-Böll- respective by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation or the Evangelic Church. Our networking activities towards Northafrica are supported by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen. Other public activities are organized in cooperation with different networks and CSO`s, or self-organized refugees. On average our yearly budget is around 150.000.- Euro. But a high percentage of our work is only possible through the activities and the engagement of our volunteers.

Mission and Objectives

Some of us work full-time while others volunteer. We all have different experiences and expertise and combine these in our work. borderline-europe thrives on the initiative, exchange, and participation of everyone. Our mission and objectives are diverse ○ We research and produce comprehensive and reliable documentation on the events in the border regions. ○ We work in transnational networks, bring different actors together, and support civil society and activist collaborations. ○ We engage in direct humanitarian interventions. ○ We organize and support protests, events, and actions in local and transnational contexts. ○ We provide information online on our website and social media about current developments in the EU migration policy. ○ Our goal here is to present the increasingly complex migration policy and its effects to a broad public. We want to create an active, political, and critical awareness that can counteract the racist structures and the deadly consequences of isolation policy. We are sending a signal of solidarity against the indifference of politics and society because humane solutions can only be found if we have the courage to face reality.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The "Nomade House project" is an international cultural project initiated and supported by the Company Nouveaux Disparus. It is a project carried out under the Europe Creative program in partnership with organizations from six other countries (Belgium, France, Tunisia, Greece, Italy and Germany). The "Nomade House project" is a process of creation and artistic dissemination as well as scientific research on the topic of migration. The project consists of multidisciplinary creative workshops, a theatre performance, and various cultural activities such as a traveling exhibition and conference debates. The aim of the project is to give space and attention to people from both shores of the Mediterranean on the run and activist groups and their demands by disseminating these life stories through this traveling cultural center and enabling a change in consciousness. 2. Criminalization of migration and solidarity, We work transnationally with those affected (e.g. #Paros3 , #Samos2 , Iuventa Crew ) and support them or their family members in networking with relevant actors such as finding lawyers, litigation, fundraising for legal aid costs and through public relations work. Our work focuses on supporting people from third countries, often refugees, who usually have no or very limited financial resources and support structures in Europe and receive little public attention. This is done in close cooperation with local NGOs such as Porco Rosso in Sicily, the Human Rights Legal Project (Samos), Legal Center Lesvos, and Aegean Migrant Solidarity (formerly CPT - Lesvos) in Greece. 3. Central Mediterranean info 2.0: Since January 2021, we have been sharing parts of our collected data from the Central Mediterranean (Central Med) with the public at the end of the month. These contain all the information we have access to on arrivals, rescues and push- and pullbacks in Central Med. In this way, we contrast the figures from the Italian Ministry of the Interior and the UN with a civilian observation. We collect and process all the information that is available to us via various channels and networks in multiple statistics and tables. In addition to arrival and departure locations, nationalities, ages, and gender, we record any characteristics that may enable individual people or groups to be traced. 4. Externalisation of the borders Within the framework of our research and our work on the outside borders of the EU we are focussing since around 5 years on the externalisation of the borders towards North African countries. Since than we have hosted interns from countries like Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Palestine, Sudan and Tunisia in cooperation with the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA). We are interested to get into contact with Human Rights Organisations from these countries to create networks and also to get to know their perspective and view on Europe and it´s migration policy. As one of the results of this networking activities we are running a project in cooperation with the African Center for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) from Sudan to create a database against enforced disappearances. This is a practical result for our intercultural interaction throughout the Mediterranean to confront the eurocentric perspective with the view from the south and to foster greater inclusivity and diversity within the borderline-europe team.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Borderline-Europe can make a valuable contribution to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Germany as we have strong roots and connections to the nonprofit sector here, in particular human rights defenders and experts. By fostering a diverse and inclusive environment to promote freedom of movement and human rights in Germany, we ensure active participation in shaping positive change and decision-making processes. We do this by creating a safe space for intercultural dialogue and sharing perspectives and by aligning our missions and activities with the foundation's goals. Furthermore, we intend to invest in joint activities and campaigns to show how powerful unity is through our presence in the Network and of course set an example for the rest of the German civil society. ALF Network, along with borderline-europe can leverage our resources and expertise to have an insightful exchange as we have experience with EU migration policies, legal defense for people on the move, artistic expression, and culture. Together, this unifying mechanism will allow the network to synchronize, and achieve goals while amplifying the positive impact in our country and have a fruitful outcome, both internally and externally, in terms of learning, skill-sharing, advocacy, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networks often provide access to resources, including funding opportunities, research, and expertise. As borderline-europe, we always seek to establish new partnerships and work collaboratively with different organizations. We believe that joining the ALF Network will allow us to network with a broader range of stakeholders, including cultural, social, and political entities, to advocate for and promote human rights issues. These networks provide a platform to collectively push for policy changes and address systemic challenges. Being part of a larger network will also increase the visibility and reach of human rights initiatives, it allows organizations to amplify their messages and influences, raising awareness about human rights violations and mobilizing more support. Cultural dialogue networks foster understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and backgrounds. By joining the ALF network we believe we can promote intercultural dialogue and bridge gaps between different communities, contributing to a more inclusive and tolerant society. Mutual learning is also a very important layer as inclusive networks encourage the exchange of knowledge and experiences among members. Mutual learning between organizations can increase and enhance the effectiveness and impact of each.

Contact (1) Full Name
Harald Glöde
Job Title
member of the board
Head of the organisation
Andrea Stäritz, Sara Bellezza, Harald Glöde
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Stäritz
Job Title (2)
member of the board


National Network

Bramfelder Chaussee 265
22177 Hamburg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We have 12 employees and about 40 freelancer. Our Budget is 434170 € (2009), therefrom 246000 € from the culture authority of Hamburg. Our Partners are other NGO'S, Schools and foundations. We organise International Projects with Czech and Senegal (Minexelda) for tolerance and understanding, media and and socio-cultural theatre projects. There are a lot of network-activities like district-conferences and workgroups for youthaffairs.
Mission and Objectives

Brakula promotes a non-profit, neighborhood-based cultural and educational work. We are committed to encourage solidarity and tolerance for non-school children and youth and we foster cultural, political, social and general education. We promote tolerance and respect. We are committed in dealing with one another and for openness in the dialogue of cultures and lifestyles. Brakula is a cultural center, where neighborhood-based projects and cultural events, information and discussion meetings and seminars took place. Therefor we collaborate and network with other NGO’s.

Main Projects / Activities

Beside several concerts, theatre shows and activities we organise youth exchanges and meetings with other countries like Czech and Senegal. There are projects like “connecting neighbours”, “where is your country?” and “Minexelda” for youth and children. In these projects we introduce countries and lifestyles and organise performances with foreigners. People from other countries work together in Brakula doing projects with schools and other groups in trhe area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Britta Sominka
Head of the organisation
Uwe Schmidt

bridgeworks e.V.

National Network

Düsselthaler Str. 1a
40211 Düsseldorf

+49 (0)151 – 191 58 393
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

bridgeworks e.V. is a transnational organization which initiates art collaboration projects and promotes the network of artists and art organizations around the world. Instead of partition, we are driven towards transnational networking. We focus on dialogue between cultural areas and want to break down stereotypes and prejudices. We believe in open societies. We believe diversity and pluralism are leading to added artistic benefit. We are convinced that the mutual view from outside opens up new perspectives and creates new awareness. With the help of theater, dance and music, we want to develop social visions of the future and to build ever new bridges. bridgeworks has 70 active artist participating in different projects, coordinated by the core team of five employees. bridgeworks has experience in producing multicultural art laboratories and interdisciplinary, transcultural productions, moderating intercultural dialog and multicultural programs. The work of bridgeworks is based on it’s three main columns. • Art laboratory (--> Increasing the international Network of artists) • Professional Collaborations (--> Deepen the encounter through fair cooperation) • Talking Heads (--> Transfer and Discussion) The budgetary resource is funding based. For 2020 we have received 84.000,00€ funds for different projects and formats till now. Our main partners in 2020 are the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ, ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), Erasmus+, Goethe Institute Ramallah, Al Kasaba Theatre, Theaterfabrik Düsseldorf. In 2020 we are collaborating with our partner culture Palestine. For 2022/2023 we are focusing on collaborations with our partners in Japan.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: promoting people's understanding and developing the future through cultural bridges. Our Objectives: - bridgeworks contributes to improving political-, social- or cultural issues. - bridgeworks promotes, initiates and implements international art and cultural projects. - bridgeworks makes use of the media of theater, dance and music, as these are connecting and mediating in social contexts. - bridgeworks sees itself as a platform to build a sustainable international artist network. - bridgeworks cooperates fair and promotes intercultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

every year bridgeworks chooses a new partner culture and builds cultural bridges through three project formats: art-lab The art laboratory is a cultural and artistic encounter project, a "crossover" of cultures and art genres. This cultural "two-way street" consists of both respective partner culture visiting each other. Over a period of two times 14 days, cultural "interim-places" are created. copro The collaboration professional promotes cooperation projects that involve professional artists from at least two cultural areas and present the artistic result in the partner culture as well as in Germany. Selected persons or groups are supported by bridgeworks as a partner and co-producer. talking heads The platform talking heads creates dialogue spaces. A digital and real place to share, discuss and ask, argue constructively and seek common answers. Through essays, blogs, lectures and discussion rounds, a visible culture of dialogue is promoted in a sustainable manner.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a network by and for artists, we have contacts to artists from all disciplines and a broad network of venues and partners for artistic implementation. The added value for the network is our partners, which consist of artists and creatives, whose basic way of thinking is shaped by cosmopolitanism, as well as our knowledge of project implementation in the sense of "fair cooperation". We understand art as a key for dialogue and understanding and would like to contribute with our knowledge, our network and our attitude to the network of the Anna Lindh Foundation and create synergies with other committed people who pursue similar goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Considering global issues such as migration, global warming, exclusionary tendencies, distribution- and trade wars, it should be clear that values such as respect, tolerance, equality and freedom of all, have become more important than ever. They are not a question of political taste but a matter of civilized survival. In our opinion, in the current sociopolitical and global developments, we must build on one another with our actions and the will of democratic societies and work synergistically in order to contribute as best as possible to an equal and tolerant society. We always understand the idea of a network and cooperation under the premise of "fair cooperation". In connection with this, we see an equal participation of the cooperation participants in all phases of the cooperation as well as a culture of cooperation that aims at a fair distribution of resources, workload and profit as well as open dialogue and transparency as an essential part of our work, which the chances of success for a successful project increase. The ALF network would support us to do our work better and more networked.

Contact (1) Full Name
Felix Banholzer
Job Title
2nd chairman of the board
Head of the organisation
Simon Eifeler, Felix Banholzer
Contact (2) Full Name
Simon Eifeler
Job Title (2)
1st chairman of the board

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Spiel & Theater

National Network

Simrockstr. 8, 30171 Hannover

+49 511 61 41 06
Telephone (other)
+49 511 458 17 99
+49 511 260 1362
Mobile Phone
+49 1704150896
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Umbrella organisation with 17 federation wide acting cultural organisations for theatre and theatrepedagogique, 2 employers: secretary and administration, the others are voluntary; about 250.000 € project subventions; Ministry of Youth/Foundations; projects about children theatre/ migrants/ development; exchanges with Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Israel, Ghana, Russia etc., Seminars about Theatre pedagogique; Partners form Universities, schools, youth work, festivals projekt su
Mission and Objectives

Political representation of Art Education/Theatre
Dialogue between theory and practice in theatrepedagogique
International theatre exchanges
theatre work focusing development
theatre and migrants
theatre and children
theatre politics in Council of theatre and dance and German council of Arts, Member in Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung

Main Projects / Activities

Establishing a Mediterranean Theatre project with Belgium, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey.
Festival projects in Casablanca, Marrakech
Brecht-Project in Turkey
Theatre and Religion in Russia
Symposia about "Art as Gift"

Contact (1) Full Name
Klaus Hoffmann
Head of the organisation
Claudia Michelfeit
Contact (2) Full Name
Ute Handwerg

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Spiel & Theater e.V.

National Network

Simrockstr. 8
30171 Hannover

+49 (0)511 458 17 99
+49 (0)511 4583105
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Federal Association of Drama & Theatre (BAG) is the umbrella organization for amateur theatre, theatre and drama inside and out of schools, for theatre education in theatres and culture centers as well as universities. 20 associations and organisations are affiliated to the BAG. The BAG is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youths (BMFSFJ).

Mission and Objectives

• Multiplier conferences • Qualified programmes for education and further training • National and international programmes aimed at a special target group (e.g. theatre activities for and with children and youths with migration background) • Inter-cultural encounter programmes with focus on development(e.g. programmes with Turkey, Morocco, Ghana) • Festivals • Professional advice in questions of sponsorship, project organisation and network establishment amongst experts • Work on cultural- and educational board level (e.g. expert committee „Europe“, expert committee „Cultural Education” as well as the Standing Working Group for International affairs) • Publication Multiplier conferences • Qualified programmes for education and further training • National and international programmes aimed at a special target group (e.g. theatre activities for and with children and youths with migration background) • Inter-cultural encounter programmes with focus on development(e.g. programmes with Turkey, Morocco, Ghana) • Festivals • Professional advice in questions of sponsorship, project organisation and network establishment amongst experts • Work on cultural- and educational board level (e.g. expert committee „Europe“, expert committee „Cultural Education” as well as the Standing Working Group for International affairs) • Publication

Main Projects / Activities

Multiplier conferences • Qualified programmes for education and further training • National and international programmes aimed at a special target group (e.g. theatre activities for and with children and youths with migration background) • Inter-cultural encounter programmes with focus on development(e.g. programmes with Turkey, Morocco, Ghana) • Festivals • Professional advice in questions of sponsorship, project organisation and network establishment amongst experts • Work on cultural- and educational board level (e.g. expert committee „Europe“, expert committee „Cultural Education” as well as the Standing Working Group for International affairs) • Publication

Contact (1) Full Name
Ute Handwerg
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Norma Köhler

Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung (BKJ) e. V.

National Network

Küppelstein 34
42857 Remscheid

+492191 9348258
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Fifty-six regional and national organisations and institutions active in cultural education for children and youth in Germany have joined forces under the umbrella of the Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung (BKJ), the German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning. BKJ is mostly financed by resources of the German Youth Ministry. The regular annual budget is at a level of appr. 800.000 Euros a year. In three offices at Remscheid and Berlin, 35 staff members are working in different areas: advocacy for cultural youth education, quality development, volunteer involvement in cultural institutions, cooperation between schools and the non-formal cultural education sector, international exchange.

Mission and Objectives

BKJ and its members work towards a common goal: the promotion and advancement of in-school and out-of-school arts education and cultural learning for children and youth. Their specialised knowledge and experience in the cultural education sector enable them to make an important contribution to successful representation of youth, education and culture policy interests and to a diversification of cultural education for children and young people on both national and international levels. Each year more than ten million young people participate in the seminars, projects, competitions and events organised by the BKJ member organisations. These activities cover all areas of culture such as visual art, music, drama, theatre, circus, dance, literature, photography, film, video and multimedia.

Main Projects / Activities

The main tasks of the German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning are: · representation of youth, education and culture policy interests on national, European and international level; · participation in international networks and extending European and international exchanges; · exchange of information and ideas relating to all issues relating to arts and cultural education; · organisation of conferences; · publication of educational materials, case studies, concepts and best practice; · development of pilot projects; · mobility programs for experts in the field of cultural learning and international cultural youth exchange programs with European and other partner countries all over the world; · conceptual development of arts education and cultural learning to promote the aims of cultural diversity and sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rolf Witte
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Susanne Keuchel

Büro für Kultur- und Medienprojekte gGmbH

National Network

Gaußstr. 25a
22765 Hamburg

0049 40 39900060
040 40 3902564
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0049 171 7472961
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
We are a non-profit organization with 2 staff-members and 11 part-time employees. For our projects we have budgetary ressources of around 350.000 EUR a year. Half of that ressources are contributed by local partners. The other half is given by Ministry for Foreign Affaires, Ministry for Development Cooperation, Protestant Church, Goethe Institut, regional foundations. Main project is "Children's Cultural Caravan" (KinderKulturKarawane) with 5 -7 cultural groups (theatre, music, circus, dance) built by very disadvantaged young children and youth from Africa, Asia and Latinamerica. Those groups present their arts mainly to young people, givve workshop and have a lot of cultural and personal exchange. Some of those groups are involved in projects of about 10 - 12 days in creative production with young German pupils. In Europe we closely cooperate with "moving cultures", Austria and "Spor-Media", Denmark. On the local level we are cooperating with NGO and local authorities.
Mission and Objectives

Promote cultural diversity of the world as an important resspurce for mankind. Promote creativity of young disadvantaged people from Africa, Asia and Latinamerica as a ressource of personal and social development. We bring young people of different cultures together to start an equal dialogue and a creative cooperation. We integrate culture(s) into "global education". We promote a young global dialogue and create a network within the projects in the “south”. We support the social and cultural projects in socalled "Third World".

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects is the above mentioned "Children's Cultural Caravan" with 5 -7 cultural groups of 3 continents per year. That project includes about 300 performances and workshops a year all over Germany, in Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Czech Republik and the Netherlands. Our project is awarded as "Oficial project of the UN-Decade 2009/2010 Education for Sustainable Development"

Contact (1) Full Name
Ralf Classen
Head of the organisation
Ralf Classen
Contact (2) Full Name
Bettina Kocher

Call for CCP Fellowships


The Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) is looking for professionals and committed volunteers in the fields of policy and society, media and culture, human rights and peace, sustainable development and circular economy!

Apply now for a 2-3 month funded stay at a host organisation in Germany or CCP partner countries that is suited to expand your specific skills and expertise related to your field. You have the chance to establish new contacts and acquire intercultural skills during your work and exclusive formats hosted by CCP, such as transcultural workshops, networking and professional events.

Apply here until 18 December 2023!

The Cross Culture Programme Fellowships include:

  • 2-3 month collaboration with a host organisation from the CCP network
  • Workshops and trainings on various topics
  • Networking with other CCP Fellows and inclusion in the alumni network
  • Expenses for the flight, visa, accommodation and a monthly stipend 

Illustration by @tafkeekstudio