

National Network

Nijverheidsstraat 10
1000 Brussel

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are a non-profit organization at the intersection of youth work, development cooperation and education. We have 7 staff for 5.4 FTE. We have an annual turnover of +- 700.000 €. We raise funds from corporate sponsorships, grants and our own income from the YOUCA Action Day.

Mission and Objectives

YOUCA, YOUth for Change and Action, is an organization for and by young people that encourages them to work together for a sustainable and just society. We do this by making them aware of important social challenges and by supporting them in their engagement. We also provide unique encounters with impact on cultural, business and public life.

Main Projects / Activities

Every year we organize the YOUCA Action Day. More than 15,000 young people from Flanders and Brussels commit themselves to spend a day working for a company, an organization, a government or a private individual. The wages they earn on that school day go to projects of committed young people worldwide. Each year, one project from a certain country takes center stage, choosing a theme that becomes that year's focus. In 2024, it's about a healthy environment in Burundi and last year about sexual violence in Senegal. But throughout the rest of the year, YOUCA is also the place where young people make their voices heard. We do this through, among other things: - An ambassador program: Each year, 5 ambassadors are selected to be the focal point of the campaign and represent YOUCA. They completely immerse themselves in the theme we are focusing on that year and engage in conversations with all activists, organizations and young people. They will also go on an exchange to the project country, to Burundi in 2024. - Community Connectors: Together, interested young people immerse themselves throughout the year in the annual theme in Belgium and figure out how to bring about change through action. - School Ambassadorship: In the 200 schools where YOUCA is active there are school ambassadors everywhere who represent YOUCA in their school and motivate the other students to get involved, for example for the YOUCA Action Day. - European exchange: we believe in bringing like-minded young people together at the European level, through our umbrella SAME or in 2025 also around influencing climate policy with the European Development Institute. - Participation behind the scenes: board, working groups,.... Without young people there is no YOUCA. Everywhere and at every level, young people are involved in the work. For a lot of activities, young people help organize and work groups are created. The board consists of 90% young people. - Loose activities such as an action weekend, volunteer boot camp, demonstrations, election event, fun moments,.... At YOUCA all young people between 15 and 25 are welcome.We focus on Flanders and Brussels.Every year about 300 young people take part in one or more of our activities. A group of 50 young people are involved close to our operation at all levels and in decisions. All these young people share that they are touched by what is happening in the world, locally or globally, and want to contribute to change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

YOUCA Action Day. This is always a youth project in the Global South linked to a Belgian NGO. We would like to transform this from 2025 to funding 3 smaller projects on an annual basis: one outside Europe, one outside Belgium in Europe and one in Belgium. We do not currently have a European network to find projects to fund so hope to reach out to organizations through you.

Contact (1) Full Name
Loes Verhaeghe
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Loes Verhaeghe

Young Arab Theatre Fund

National Network

19 Square Sainctelette, Brussels 1000

+32 2 203 12 95
+32 2 203 02 26
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+32 472391172
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Board of directors composed of five people representing the artistic and media sectors from Euro Mediterranean region. Board members are from The Netherlands, Tunis, Lebanon, Palestine and Morocco. • Seven staff members. • Selection committee for the productions, touring and art spaces program consists of seven members from Tunis, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Germany. A- Grant making: Support of production, touring, and cultural spaces in the South Mediterranean countries. YATF announced three calls for proposals per year. Artists can present their project by filling in a standard application form that can be downloaded from YATF web-site. B –Meeting Points: The International biannual touring program of contemporary art in Euro Med region, C. The Informal annual meetings for cultural operators and programmers from the Euro-Med region. The Garage (Alexandria), Town House Gallery (Cairo), Makan (Jordan), Ashkal Alwan (Lebanon), Ness El Fen (Tunisia), IETM (Belgium)…
Mission and Objectives

YATF is an international organization designed to serve independent young artists and emerging organizations from the South Med.
The long term goal of the fund is to encourage the sustainability of the independent artistic scene in the region and to nurture and sustain its development.
Through its different program YATF aims to :
Expand areas of freedom of artistic expression;
Encourage interaction among young artists;
Open windows on contemporary arts in the region.

Main Projects / Activities

Grant making:
YATF announces three open calls for proposals every year offering financial support for South Med artists to realize their creations or to tour within the region. Recently YATF has launched a new program that offers financial and technical support for emerging arts and culture organizations in the South Med.
-Information: YATF is creating a new section in its web site called “Mobility Hub”, a virtual diffusion platform, which will provide information on productions and artistic creations available for touring.
-Networking: organization of an annual informal meeting for the programmers and directors of independent spaces in the South Med to exchange experiences as well as information on their programs.
Meeting Points: international touring Biennial for contemporary art in the Euro Med.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Tarek Abou el Fetouh
Head of the organisation
Mr. Tarek Abou el Fetouh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Khadija el Bennaoui


National Network

1 boulevard de Nieuwport

0032 2 218 32 02
Mobile Phone
00 32 485 445 418
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
3 membres dans l'équipe Revenus propres par la vente de spectacles et de subventions publiques et privées. ZoArt est une structure sans but lucratif en charge de promouvoir des projets culturels qui prônent le dialogue. Ses missions comprennent l’organisation de tournées de groupes, la production de leurs albums, management, ... . Bref, tout ce qui peut aider un artiste ou un projet artistique.
Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir et diffuser les cultures « plurielles », développer leur attractivité et contribuer à leur pleine reconnaissance dans l’espace européen et international. L’asbl développe les collaborations avec d’autres instances culturelles, locales et régionales, nationales, européennes et internationales. Le but est de construire un réseau pérenne d'acteurs culturels et artistiques, conçu comme un moyen de faire de la musique le support d'un dialogue interculturel, non seulement entre les musiciens partenaires, mais aussi au bénéfice des différents publics.
Notre objectif est de multiplier les aventures artistiques et humaines.

Main Projects / Activities

Alimentation Générale
Ensemble Abid Bahri
GanSan & Tamount Ifassen
Majid Bekkas
Mamia Chérif

Contact (1) Full Name
Bouchra HBALI
Head of the organisation
Bouchra HBALI

أحمد أمينيان

باحث إسلامي ومؤرخ ديني وفيلسوف. أحمد أمينيان وسيط مدرسي في مدينة بروكسيل وباحث في المعهد المتعدد الاختصاصات للدراسات الدينية والعلمانية (CIERL ) في جامعة بروكسيل الحرة (FUB ). مؤسس مشارك ورئيس مركز عمر الخيام الثقافي. عمل سنوات طويلة على الحوار...

default image

بشارة خضر

الدكتور بشارة خضر بلجيكي من أصل فلسطيني. أستاذ فخري في جامعة لوفان الكاثوليكية ومؤسس مركز الدراسات والبحوث حول العالم العربي المعاصر. كان عضواً في مجموعة الخبراء الرفيعي المستوى في السياسة الأوروبية الخارجية والأمن المشترك (المفوضية الأوروبية) وعضواً في مجموعة وايزمن...



تجمع الشبكة البلجيكية لمؤسسة آنا ليند بين المنظمات النشطة في مجالات التعليم والفن والثقافة والهجرة وحقوق الإنسان والإعلام، فضلاً عن الجامعات و"مراكز الفكر". وثمة تركيز قوي على موضوعَي الشباب والثقافة في أنشطة الشبكة الوطنية.

تتولى منظمة "الرابطة الجديدة للمخفيّين الجدد" تنسيق أنشطة الشبكة التي تتألف من 102 جمعية عضو. تعمل الشبكة البلجيكية على إنشاء منصات وإيجاد طرق للمشاركة وإبراز الروابط الدولية. وتتّخذ الأنشطة شكل رحلات مجتمعية، يكون خلالها اجتماع الأعضاء ورئيس الشبكة أمراً ضرورياً. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يُدعى الأعضاء بانتظام للمشاركة في الفعاليات التطوعية. وتتيح المشاركة في الفعاليات التي تنظمها الرابطة فرصة لأي منظمة بتعريف جمهور أوسع بها.

الشبكة ممثلة في جميع أنحاء بلجيكا وهي تفتخر بأعضائها الذين يجمعون بين اللغات الهولندية والفرنسية والإنجليزية والألمانية. وتبرع الشبكة في الجوانب الرقمية والتكنولوجية، ولها روابط ثقافية قوية مع العالم العربي ومختلف المنظمات والمؤسسات الراغبة في إقامة تبادلات دولية ومتعدّدة الثقافات.

Internal Rules

مارجون غوتينك

منسقة الشبكة الوطنية البلجيكية للمجتمع المدني التابعة لمؤسسة آنا ليند، ومديرة المشاريع في المعهد الأوروبي لبحوث التعاون المتوسطي والأوروبي - العربي (MEDEA). تحمل غوتينك شهادة ماجستير في دراسات اللغات والثقافات في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، وقد عملت خلال السنوات الماضية...

Good Practice
النوع الاجتماعي
Awsa-be in the café

نساء في المقهى

نساء في المقهى مبادرة تجمع النساء والرجال من أصول مختلفة في فسحات يقصدها الرجال حصراً بهدف تعزيز التنوع والحوار وصورة أكثر تحرراً للمرأة. خلال جلسات "نساء في المقهى" هذه، يتحادث المشاركون بشأن حقوق المرأة وحرية التنقل، والعنف ضد المرأة والتنوع...

𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝘂𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗿 le 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝘂𝗿 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲́ 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗲𝗻 𝗔𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲

Ghent University: Community Talks

Le changement climatique est décrit comme le plus important défi de santé publique du 21e siècle. La collaboration entre l'Université de Gand et l'Université de Stellenbosch apporte de nouvelles preuves aux décideurs africains sur la manière de développer des soins de santé primaires résistants au climat. Le 27 septembre, un panel d'experts présenteront leurs recherches et les étapes pratiques de la mise en œuvre de ces nouveaux principes dans la région africaine.

Plus d'informations :