
Training and development program: emerging documentary filmmakers


After an incredibly successful four years, Close Up is eagerly looking forward to their fifth cohort of talented filmmakers from Southwest Asia and North Africa! Close Up is an international independent NGO based in Brussels, Belgium that provides annual year-long training and development program for emerging documentary filmmakers from Southwest Asia and North Africa.



Afghanistan • Algeria • Armenia • Azerbaijan • Bahrain • Egypt • Georgia • Iran • Iraq • Israel • Jordan • Kuwait • Lebanon • Libya • Morocco • Oman • Palestine • Qatar • Saudi Arabia • Sudan • Syria • Tunisia  • Turkey • UAE • Yemen

The selected 16 directors will receive:

  • Fully-funded participation grant that covers tuition fee for the entire duration of the program for 9-months as well as flight tickets, accommodation and meals to attend the Close Up workshops
  • Tailor-made mentorship for a period of 9-months from highly acclaimed professionals
  • Consultancy mentorship by internationally award winning editors
  • Networking opportunities with top leaders and experts from the international documentary industry
  • Lectures on financing strategies and co-production opportunities
  • Masterclasses by world-renowned filmmakers and industry experts
  • Close Up Pitching Forum awards including cash prizes, residency fellowships in the US and market badges
  • The opportunity to join our Close Up alumni community of supported filmmakers for further peer support

You can find all the details through following link:

Un film du programme belge 'Close Up' en première américaine !

Hollywoodgate du programme belge Close Up au Telluride Film Festival

Close Up est un programme basé à Bruxelles qui accompagne des réalisateurs indépendants venus d'Afrique du Nord ou d'Asie du Sud-Ouest dans leur démarche de création de documentaire. 2 alumnis de ce programme, Ibrahim Nash’at et Talal Derki, on récemment vu leur film HOLLYWOODGATE être sélectionné au Telluride Film Festival 2023 après une première mondiale au festival de Venise. Le film suit la première année en Afghanistan sous le nouveau régime des Talibans après le retrait des forces américaines et de l'OTAN en 2021.

UNICA, Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe

National Network

UNICA a.i.s.b.l.c/°University Foundationrue d'Egmont, 11B-1000 BrusselsBelgium
1000 Brussels

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

UNICA is a network of 42 comprehensive universities from the capital cities of Europe (further information on the partners are available at: with a combined strength of over 120,000 staff and 1,500,000 students. UNICA members are located in more that 30 European countries. Structure: General Assembly; Steering Committee; International Relations Officers; Working Groups. UNICA Secretariat is located in Brussels. It is composed of the Secretary General, two assistants and 1 or 2 trainees The main source of funding is the annual membership fees: € 250.000 (2009). UNICA is also coordinator of several EC-funded Projects (see document in attachment).

Mission and Objectives

UNICA has developed a goal oriented approach aiming at: - Promoting academic excellence, integration and co-operation between member universities. - Being a driving force in the development of the Bologna process. - Facilitating the integration of universities from Central and Eastern Europe into the European Higher Education Area. - Implementing Diversity and Equality policies. The UNICA Mission Statement on Equal Opportunities that was first signed in 2000 (on the occasion of 10th Anniversary of UNICA, see: All UNICA Universities in the Capital Cities of Europe committed to democratic values pledge themselves to the implementation of policies, procedures and practices which do not discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, age, disability, colour, ethnic origin, religious belief or sexual orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

UNICA organizes seminars, conferences, meetings, develops projects, etc. in the following 5 clusters of activities: - Internationalization an mobility - Education - Research and Development - Policy and Strategy - Mission and Link with Society For further information, visit: UNICA is also coordinator of several EC-funded Projects (see document in attachment and In the field of Equal Opportunities, UNICA organizes workshops for the equal opportunities officers from the member universities to share good practices. Further information on these workshops is available on the UNICA website ( A document on “Minimum Standards for Disable Persons” was presented at the General Assembly in November 2008 and adopted by the UNICA member Universities as a recommendation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kris Dejonckheere, UNICA Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Stavros A. Zenios, UNICA President and Rector of the University of Cyprus
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Brossico

United Voices 4 Peace

National Network

Rue Darwin, 66
1050 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
United Voices 4 Peace (UV4P) is an international NGO in the field of cultural diplomacy. It is devoted to the promotion of the culture of peace through music and the arts.   
Mission and Objectives

UV4P acts as a Community builder allowing for the engagement of different relevant actors necessary for the implementation of projects in the field of Cultural diplomacy (government, academia, artists, etc). 
It operates in 4 strands of action : artistic co-creation, training activities, health related activities and protection of cultural heritage.
UV4P's structure is made of a Board of 4 members and a general assembly made of 10 members adhering on the basis of collaboration agreements allowing the organisation to operate in Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Israel. 
As a recently established NGO, UV4P the budgetary resources are modest (30.000e) coming from private  sources of funding. It is expected that the implementation of the first project will allow UV4P to benefit from  public grants and private donations. 

Main Projects / Activities

The first project taking place in September will aim at developping a model of artistic co-creation between artists (musicians and dancers ) belonging to different cultural and religious communities I.e. : israel/ Palestine/Turkey and Syria. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Due to my long career and experience in international relations within the EU institutions, I believe I can being an added value to the members of the network,Notably, in the newly developed EU policies in the field of cultural diplomacy. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the network in order to contribute to enhancing the impact of the actions in this field by joining forces with other similar initiatives. I also believe the network will allow us to identify possible partners and opportunities for cooperation. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Veronica Sabbag
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Head of the organisation
Veronica Sabbag

Universite de Mons-Hainaut - Centre d'études et de recherches multimédia

National Network

113 Rue des Postes
B-7020 Nimy

+32 65 84 06 31
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
- 8 -The state -Creation of an interpreter Academy in Damascus. - cooperation convention with several universities. - Third Mediterranean, etc . - Third Mediterranean universities and euro Mediterranean networks like Strademed, etc
Mission and Objectives

Training , research , organisation of university congresses and euro Mediterranean cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Professeur Haythem Safar
Head of the organisation
C. Conti (directeur)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme Hamaoui

University College Ghent (Hogeschool Gent)

National Network

Kortrijksesteenweg 14
B-9000 Gent

0032 9 243 34 82
0032 9 243 33 52
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
With more than 15,000 students and 2,000 staff members, University College Ghent is the largest 'hogeschool' in the country in terms of budget, staff and student population. We offer the widest range of subjects, in fact almost everything from the fine arts to engineering sciences and from music to biotechnology, divided over 22 professional Bachelor programmes, 14 academic Bachelor programmes and 25 Master programmes. Ten of the study programmes on offer are unique in Flanders. Currently, nearly 300 researchers are actively involved in more than 150 research projects, 80 of which are Ph.D. projects.
Mission and Objectives

University College Ghent strives to excel in education, research, service provision and practice of the arts. Through the expertise of its staff and graduates and the valorization of its research, University College Ghent is making a valuable contribution to a critical, creative and open society.

Main Projects / Activities

University College Ghent offers numerous programs in each of the individual study fields. The international dimension of our institution is reflected in its student mobility, the stimulation of active staff mobility, the support of international educational projects and international institutional cooperation through internationalisation of curricula and internationalisation at home.

Contact (1) Full Name
Inez Adriaensen, Staff Officer International Relations
Head of the organisation
Dr. Robert Hoogewijs, Principal

University of Antwerp

National Network

Prinsstraat 13
2000 Antwerpen


+ 32 3 265 46 27
Telephone (other)
+32 3 265 4800
+ 32 3 265 41 42
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Antwerp is a modern university with a student body of 11.077 students (degree students). It is characterised by its high standards in education, internationally competitive research and entrepreneurial approach. It offers 24 Bachelor, 40 Master and 48 Advanced Master degrees organised in 7 faculties, 48 centres and 18 institutes. It boasts several internationally renowned research groups. The University of Antwerp is publicly funded. It counts 2524 academic staff members and 1093 administrative and technical staff members. Its core activities are education, research and service to society.
Mission and Objectives

1. The Universiteit Antwerpen is an open, student-oriented, democratic and pluralistic university. It aims for high quality and stimulates innovation in education, research and service.
2. With its scientific research, its academic education and its scientific and social service, the Universiteit Antwerpen wants to play a significant role in the realization of an open, democratic and multicultural society. It is a modern learning organization with continuous attention for the evolving needs of the students, for the developments in scientific research and for the ever changing social needs and developments.
3. It is the ambition of the Universiteit Antwerpen to find answers for actual and relevant scientific, social and policy problems. Starting from a solid tradition, it continuously aims for a renewing, original and multidisciplinary approach. Its profile as a pluralistic university that encourages a real dialogue in mutual respect for all ideological views, where the ideological discourse and ethical reflection are actively and institutionally given shape, forms an ideal environment for the prospering development of high-quality education and scientific research.
4. Academic freedom is a fundamental condition for the realization of the disinterested, democratic and pluralistic mission of the Universiteit Antwerpen, for the university as an organization with respect to the authorities, clients and interest groups, as well as for the co-workers within the university.
Core tasks
5. At the Universiteit Antwerpen, research and education go hand in hand and reinforce each other. The Universiteit Antwerpen wants to be a knowledge-centre for conducting pioneering and innovative research that passes the quality test of the national and international scientific and academic world.
6. As a privileged actor in the contemporary knowledge society, the Universiteit Antwerpen considers itself predestined to play a pioneering role in the context of a number of pillars of research of national and international renown. It thinks of multidisciplinary collaboration as an important stimulator of innovative research and supports the development of initiatives in virgin paths and territories of research that might lead to innovating insights.
7. The Universiteit Antwerpen wants to offer everybody with the appropriate competences the opportunity to acquire scientific knowledge, attitudes and skills to realise his or her role in society. In the light of the need for life-long learning, the Universiteit Antwerpen organises an educational offer in initial, advanced and continuing studies, accessible for specific target groups of all generations.
8. The Universiteit Antwerpen, in collaboration with its alumni, is in direct contact with the field of action through its initiatives for refresher and continuing education and through an institutionalised feedback on its programmes.
9. The Universiteit Antwerpen wants to disseminate the philosophy of sustainable development in all layers of society.
10. Scientific service partly functions as a test for social relevance of its research and education, with special attention for social needs in society and the problems of global imparity.
11. With its knowledge and expertise the University Antwerpen wants to actively contribute to the sustainable development and expansion of the large Antwerp region, in collaboration with all actors involved. They want to participate in a pluralistic association of higher educational institutions and contribute to the development of a full offer of tertiary education in the region.
12. The Universiteit Antwerpen wants to embed itself in the urban fabric, with special attention for the spatial integration of its campuses and the quality of life round them. It also wants to reach for the social, economical, cultural and artistic worlds.
13. The Universiteit Antwerpen recognises the student as a full partner. It wants to form its students as critical and autonomously reflecting individuals, well equipped to find their own way in society. This is guaranteed by an ongoing attention for educational motivation, the improvement of the ability to cope for themselves and the educational professionalization of its academic staff. Together with the academic training, the Universiteit Antwerpen wants to contribute to the students’ individuation by means of an integrated approach of their reception and guidance, in view of academic, as well as social and material aspects.
14. The Universiteit Antwerpen wants to participate maximally in international exchange and collaboration programmes to offer its students an open and global view. It especially takes care over the reception and guidance of first-year students, students with a migrant background, students with restricted social-economical support and students from developing countries.
15. The Universiteit Antwerpen takes special care over all employees, as the quality of education, research and service also depends on them. Every member of staff as an individual can count on the recognition of his/her dignity and of his/her contribution to the realization of the tasks of the university. All members of staff are expected to treat each other on equal terms and in a spirit of mutual respect and trust. Staff policy is oriented at bringing about sustainable staff relations by means of e.g. aiming for maximal opportunities for development and promotion for those who have the appropriate qualifications and capacities, aiming for maximal job security, with a strong social concern, in particular for the family duties of the members of staff, and aiming for equal opportunities for women and members of staff with a migrant background.
16. The Universiteit Antwerpen is founded on the actual participation of all layers of staff in policymaking. The principle of subsidiarity is a basic principle for granting authority to the different levels of management. The managerial structure is simple and transparent, and is also widely anchored in society. The various staff layers and the students are represented on all managerial levels. The Universiteit Antwerpen is run in a spirit of tolerance and pluralism, without any ideological or political dominance. The policy of the Universiteit Antwerpen is developed in all openness and in a direct communication with all those involved.

Main Projects / Activities

The core activities are: education, research and service to the community. Education: The University of Antwerp offers programmes at all levels (Bachelor, Master, PHD). It offers 24 Bachelor, 40 Master and 48 Advanced Master degrees. Education is student-centred and competency based. Research: A great variety of research programmes are carried out by the 2200 members of the academic staff, including 700 researchers employed on externally financed projects. In addition to fundamental scientific research,a great deal of applied and policy-oriented research is carried out for supranational, federal and regional governments as well as for the private sector. The University of Antwerp houses 5 research centres of excellence and several autonomous and interfaculty institutes. Service to society: The University of Antwerp is committed to establishing strong relations with the regional, national and international communities. Particular attention is given to topics like equal opportunities, multiculturalism, and equal access to HE.

Contact (1) Full Name
Piet Van Hove
Head of the organisation
Rector Alain Verschoren
Contact (2) Full Name
Nina Mangelschots

University of Antwerp - Cultural Management

National Network

University of Antwerp
Dept. Management - Cultural Management
Prinsstraat 13
B - 2000 Antwerp


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Within the Management department of the UA the Cultural Management Group foresees in a master and postgraduate program. In addition, it establishes a research track. The Cultural Management Group consists of a coordinator and two assistants. There is a fixed team of 10 professors involved that foresees in specialist training courses into the diverse functional management dimensions and other classes such as cultural policy and art & law. In addition, a series of guest lectures by experienced and/or innovative cultural actors is being organized. Our main partner is the Foundation for Cultural Management R. Bilsen, with whom a yearly seminar on an actual topic in the broad field is being organized. The staff and regular activities are being financed through the generic academic budgets; for special projects such as research activities extra funding (by e.g. Flemish scientific foundations and private or public constituents) is being attracted.
Mission and Objectives

Within the Management department of the University of Antwerp the Cultural Management Group wishes to establish a contemporary and specialist education for those already working and those willing to work in the broad cultural and creative field. Hereby it aims at stimulating the professionalization of the cultural and creative sectors in Flanders, Belgium and abroad, this in order to optimize the cultural offer and climate. Therefore, it develops different learning activities, such as a master program, a postgraduate program, seminars and guest lectures. By integrating a practical component (training period) in its master program and by involving many cultural workers and policy makers in its activities, the Cultural Management Group wishes to increase the access to the field of action, relevant interaction and vivid debate.

Main Projects / Activities

Within the Management department of the University of Antwerp the Cultural Management Group foresees in a master and postgraduate education. These consist of specialist training courses into the diverse functional management dimensions (strategic, financial, marketing, HRM) and other classes such as cultural policy, art & law, cultural entrepreneurship & the creative industries and international cultural policy. Every year a series of guest lectures by experienced and/or innovative cultural actors and a seminar is being organized. In addition, it establishes a research track, on different topics related to the management, marketing and financing of cultural organizations, on (governmental) policy and tendencies within the cultural and creative fields such as internationalization. At the moment plans for the organization of a summer school and an international network are being elaborated.

Contact (1) Full Name
dr. Annick Schramme
Head of the organisation
dr. Annick Schramme
Contact (2) Full Name
Ellen Loots

University of Gent

National Network

Sint Pietersnieuwstraat 25
9000 Gent

+32 9 264 98 98
0032 9 264 83 99
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Today Ghent University provides teaching and carries out scientific research in all main fields of study (except for theology), spread over 11 faculties and about 134 departments. Almost 28.000 students, including more than 1000 foreign students from 100 countries and 800 exchange students are taught and supervised by almost 6400 members of academic and administrative staff. At the end of 2005, Ghent University employed 6,400 collaborators. This workforce encompasses 4,762 personnel members sensu stricto, while 1,638 collaborators are externally financed. Total Revenues (2005) 377.514.000 Euro >> 76,3 % Government funding; 4,2 % International organizations; 11,4 % Private sector; 2,7 % Rights, royalties, overhead; 2,5 % enrolment, examinations; 0,2 % Finacial revenues; 1,5 % Real estates; 1 % miscellaneous.

Mission and Objectives

1. University education: Ghent University wishes to concentrate its educational activities primarily at the level of academic and continued academic educational programmes. By means of ongoing evaluation of the objectives and quality of the different academic education programmes and by gearing these programmes to the latest scientific and scholarly developments, the university aims to impart a high level of knowledge and skills to its students. 2. Research policy: Ghent University emphasizes high quality fundamental independent research in an international context. This implies that the results of such research will be published in internationally recognized journals and presented at international scientific and academic conference. The academic freedom of the researcher is naturally protected at Ghent University. 3. Technical-scientific service: scientific services must be self-financing and should preferably also produce 'added value' for education and/or basic research

Main Projects / Activities

Ghent University offers numerous programs in each of the individual study fields. In 2004, Ghent University granted 8,850 diplomas: 3,266 for the first cycle, 3,478 for the second cycle, 1,092 for a post-graduate academic program, 605 for a teacher training program, 271 doctoral diplomas, and 138 certificates of predoctoral training. The results of the research-promotional policy are translated on various planes. E.g. numerous research projects, the presence of Ghent researchers in scientific journals of high international repute... Also the promotion and support of the valorisation of the research results is one of the policy priorities at the university. At the end of 2004, the patent portfolio of Ghent University contained 137 patent families owned or co-owned by Ghent University. Validation of this intellectual property was achieved through various channels. In total, there are 31 active validation agreements for the commercial use of patent and software rights, and copyright.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Delfien Cloet, Liaison Officer
Head of the organisation
Professor Luc François